The Saudi education is based on the teachings of Sheik Muhammad Ibn Abd-al-Wahhab. The cornerstone of education in Saudi Arabia consists of the most pervasive themes in Islam.
The book, published by the Saudi Cultural Mission to the U.S., quotes a document published by the Higher Committee for Educational policy which contains 236 principles that explain how students should promote loyalty to Islam by denouncing any system or theory that conflicts with Islamic law. The students are also taught to understand Islam in a correct manner, how to plant and spread Islam throughout the world, and how “to fight spiritually and physically for the sake of Allah”, with emphasis on early Islamic glories.
Here’s a sample from 8th, and 9th grade books:
Sharh Kitab Eltawhid, 8th grade, published 2001, PG 43,
Jews and Christians – Cursed by Allah and Turned into Apes and Pigs- a textbook explains why Jews and Christians were cursed by Allah and turned into apes and pigs. Quoting Surat Al-Maida, verse 60, the lesson explains that Jews and Christians have sinned by accepting polytheism and therefore incurred Allah’s wrath. To punish them, Allah has turned them into apes and pigs.
Book of Abed, 9th grade, PG 123,
A schoolbook for the 9th grade on Hadith introduces a famous narration known by the name, “The Promise of the Stone and the tree.” It tells a story about Abu Hurayra, one of the Prophet’s companions who quoted the Prophet as saying: “The hour (the day of Judgement) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and Kill them. A Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will call upon the Muslim: “O Muslim, O slave of Allah! There is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!-except for the gharqad tree, for it is one of the trees of the Jews”. The Hadith is accompanied by a number of statements:
1. “It is Allah’s wisdom that the struggle between Muslims and Jews shall continue until the Day of Judgment.”
2. “The Hadith brings forth the glad tidings about the ultimate victory, with Allah’s help, of Muslims over Jews.”
3. “The Jews and the Christians are the enemies of the believers. They will not be favorably disposed toward Muslims and it is necessary to be cautious (in dealing with them).”
The book offers these questions for class discussion:
1. “Who will be victorious in the day of Judgement?”
2. ” With what types of weapons should Muslims arm themselves against the Jews?”
3. “Name four factors leading to the victory of Muslims over their enemies.”
This is just a small example of what is being taught.
15 out of the 19 hijackers from 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia and taught and raised on such education.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Appx. 80% of all mosques in the United States are funded by the Saudi Arabian government. Saudi Arabia is the chief follower of the most militant, radical, and intolerant form of Islam called Wahhabism.
Here is the Petition you can sign.
Ramsey Clark aka Saddam Groupie

Story Here………………Saddam-Era Mass Grave Found in Karbala
Thank you to Cox and Forkum
We Will Never Give UP On Our Support For Jack Idema and His Men
Although we’re getting a little now, Christmas in Britain passed without so
much as a dusting of snow. Not so in Afghanistan, as we can see from this
photograph, taken from inside the Pulacharke prison compound. The mountains,
in particular, give a nice, Christmassy feel to the scene, as do the three or
four inches of white stuff covering the ground.
In fact, the only things that really spoil this vista are the watchtowers,
the prison bars and the knowledge that, behind them, are three American patriots
— Special Forces soldier – Jack
Idema, his right-hand man Brent
Bennet, and journalist Ed
Jack, Brent and Ed were originally sentenced to a decade in prison after a
chaotic show trail in September 2004. Their judges were members of the Taliban
regime who’d crept back into the new Afghan government. More worrying, perhaps,
the bearded crazies were assisted by groups within the FBI and U.S. State
Department, who disappeared evidence and collaborated with the men who tortured
Jack, Brent and Ed. Since the trail, there have been numerous assassination
attempts mounted against Idema and his men by the Taliban and al-Qaeda scumbags
they are being held with.
Most disturbing of all, however, is the fact that all three men were declared
innocent after a retrial almost exactly a year ago. Now, granted, there are
bound to be some differences between our legal systems and the one in
Afghanistan, but we’re pretty sure one thing they do have in common is the
notion that locking up completely innocent people isn’t acceptable …
… So why are Jack and his men still incarcerated? For answers, we
need to look at the way the War On Terror is actually playing out in
Afghanistan, and to understand the extent to which many of the players in the
FBI and U.S. State Department have edged away from killing and capturing
Islamofascists, and back toward policies of appeasement and (false) stability.
This has meant, at least for the State Department and the Karzai government,
that men like Jack Idema became something of an inconvenience, hunting,
arresting and killing the very terrorists they were foolishly attempting to
broker deals with. In an effort to push their flawed agendas, then, sections of
the U.S. government have seen to it that Idema and his men stay behind bars.
In essence, this means that Jack Idema is a political prisoner, who,
bizarrely, is being held by America in order to prevent him hunting
down and killing the very people who masterminded 9/11.
And, yes, you really do need to read that, last sentence over
several times in order for its full implications to sink in. Four years after
that terrible, September day, instead of bringing the sword of justice to the
bearded crazies responsible for 3000 murders, we’re bringing injustice
to the men whose mission it is to hunt down
the bin Ladens of this world and make them pay for what they did.
And, make no mistake, this is exactly what Jack Idema intends to do.
Here he is, in an interview he gave a couple of months ago, laying down
the principles upon which the WOT,
should be fought.
Americans now are saying let’s have this peace and appeasement and all of this
— listen. Remember about this? People forget about the fact that people were
diving out windows on 9/11 to avoid being burned to death. This is a war. War
is a war of attrition –that means you kill the enemy. You don’t make
peace with them, you don’t make nice with them, you don’t take ’em in for a
steak dinner-you kill ’em. And believe me–these people deserve to die. They
are the worst terrorists on the face of the earth. Look what they did on 9/11
and that is only one small part of what they want to do to us.
You can hear the whole thing here.
In the meantime, and while the head-hackers tuck into those steak
dinners courtesy of the State Department, Jack Idema and his men are
subjected to the petty malice of U.S. Consul Adrienne Harchick. Adrienne
(or ‘Addie’ to the friends she doesn’t deserve to have) has denied Jack
and his men access to clean drinking water, refused to allow them to
send hand-made gifts to their families back home, and even went so far
as to seize 21 Christmas packages sent to Jack, Brent and Ed via regular
Afghan post. Adrienne’s lame excuse for this, last, piece of spite was
that Christmas gifts ‘violate the Muslim religion’. (This, even though
Jack’s many Muslim friends in the Northern Alliance have offered to
deliver the presents to him themselves.)
But. This intolerable situation might, finally, be coming to an end.
Last week, the Northern Alliance-backed Yunis Qanooni took the reigns of
power in the Afghan Parliament, and, unlike the appeasing weasel Karzai,
intends to prosecute the war against terrorists hard. We must also hope
that Qanooni resolves to release Jack and his men so they can help in
this endeavour.
Because here’s the thing: someone like Jack Idema is doing no good
looking at the Afghan mountains through the bars of a prison
cell. He needs to be in those mountains, finishing the fight
al-Qaeda started with us back in September, 2001.
Anyone wishing to join the Free Jack Idema Blogburst should email either
or Rottweiler
Puppy for details.
You can also contact the following people:
IDF Smackdown or Dear Terrorist Dogs: Happy Hanukkah!

Israeli Jets Strike Militant Base in Lebanon
JERUSALEM — Israeli jets attacked a Palestinian militant group’s training base in southern Lebanon early Wednesday, hours after an Israeli border town was hit by rocket fire, the military said.
The base located south of Beirut is operated by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a small group that has been waging a decades long fight against the Jewish state.
“This is in response to the firing of projectile rockets last night toward Israeli communities,” the military said.
It said it views such attacks with “extreme severity” and holds Lebanon responsible.
There was no immediate word on casualties or damage in the strike, launched after three rockets landed in a residential area of Kiryat Shemona. The army said the rockets damaged some property but caused no injuries.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. Both Hezbollah guerrillas and Palestinian militants operate in nearby southern Lebanon.
The raid came a month after Israeli jets attacked a command post of the Hezbollah guerrilla group in south Lebanon, responding to Hezbollah rocket and mortar attacks that wounded 11 Israeli soldiers and damaged a house in a border community.
Israel withdrew from an occupied enclave in southern Lebanon in 2000. While fighting in the area has dropped since then, the border remains tense and Hezbollah frequently targets Israeli troops in the disputed Chebaa Farms area.
Lebanon and Syria say Chebaa Farms is Lebanese territory, but U.N. cartographers who surveyed the border after the Israeli withdrawal said it belongs to that part of Syria which Israel has occupied since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Israel says it will discuss control of the area only in future peace talks with Syria.
Both Hezbollah guerrillas and Palestinian militants operate in nearby southern Lebanon.
Rest of article HERE at FOX News
And another article on this at Arutz….Air Force Strikes Terror Target in S. Lebanon

NBC Helps Taliban Commander Promote His Bashing Of U.S. Military

Behind some of the most deadly attacks against U.S. troops is one man: a 35-year-old Afghan who calls himself ‘Commander Ismail’
WASHINGTON – Four years after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, Taliban and al Qaeda fighters are showing renewed strength, using suicide bombs and rocket-propelled grenades. They are even training the next generation.
Since June 2005, 54 Americans have been killed in Afghanistan, by far the most lethal period since the U.S. invaded.
Behind some of the most deadly attacks is one man, a 35-year-old Afghan who calls himself “Commander Ismail.”
In his first interviews with Western media, Ismail brags about killing three Navy Seals this summer, then downing a Chinook helicopter that came to rescue them, killing another 16 Americans.
Commander Ismail says ousted Taliban leader Mullah Omar is alive and well and that the Mujahaddin are fighting under his command and control.
NBC News interviewed Ismail in August and again this month.
Ismail boasts that in June, he deliberately laid a trap for American forces.
Ismail: We certainly know that when the American army comes under pressure and they get hit, they will try to help their friends. It is the law of the battlefield.
A tape obtained by NBC News showed what appears to be some of the battle, and the terrorists’ unsuccessful attempt to coax a Navy Seal to surrender. When the U.S. military sent in a rescue team, Ismail’s men were waiting with a rocket-propelled grenade, downing the helicopter, and then spreading out recovered weapons and hi-tech equipment. Later, they displayed captured communications equipment and weapons.
For the rest of the article go HERE
Hey Commander Ismail ! This is our troops reply to you!

Wild Thing’s comment…….
OK I realize it is important to get the word out and I have complained before about how one sided the alphabet media is on the war and concerning our troops. I will say then that I am glad they say they turned over this video interview etc. to our Government and I hope it helps.
I guess it is just that when I see the name Lisa Myers connected to something I have instant feedback to the Clinton regime and Lisa Myers …….UGH and it is not pleasant to say the least.
The fact that NBC needs to mention once again how many soldiers we have lost in Afghanistan in 2005 to promote their article is a dig they do not need to use and yet they do. That was NOT a part of the interview and yet they just had to bring it up. If I was looking for subliminal things this one would not even be that hidden to find.
What I mean is this, here is the interview and leave it at that. That would still be giving us the news and letting us decide how we feel about it. But once again NBC has to slant it with a negative tone regarding our troops. By saying what they did in the article that were words NOT said by the terrorist they are promoting the terrorists and their efforts. Making them look victorious. If NBC spent as much time showing us what the troops are doing on the positive side and the tremendous efforts that have been made in Iraq and Afghanistan than I would lighten up a little on them. But alas my gavel comes down heavy on traitors in the media, in government or civilians that in any way promote the deaths of our troops when it is not necessary.
It is like, hey look listen to this terrorist because he with his other comrades has taken out a lot of American’s so he is stronger then we are ……………and as for me he can BITE ME! Our troops rock and this Commander Ismail is a mouth piece much like Howard Dean.
What I saw in this video and read in the article is this………………..
“we’re just freedom fighters attacking only those who attack us”; “we tried to get the Navy Seal to surrender to our tender mercies, but the stubborn galoot wouldn’t quit”; “here we are training our army of workers and peasants who want to give their all for Islam and Afghanistan”. Where was the message: “we’re a bunch of murdering thugs right out of the seventh century”? I missed that part. This is a “Taliban is back, with a vengeance” message, and it very much was US Military and Bush bashing.

So What’s a Blog Mom to Do?
I have just been speaking with Ms. Wild Thing and I’m sorry to report that she is feeling rather poorly. Judging from the symptoms, it must be something she ate. Hopefully, Wild Thing will back tomorrow, but in the meantime… I thought I would post a little poem in her honor…
and of course, bear hugs and kisses
To cheer you up while you’re ill;
But the best part of this letter
is saying, “Hope you feel better!”
And, knowing before long, you will!
Ms. Thing, you best get well fast, cause if you don’t, I’m gonna have to bring you some medicine.
Don’t make me get on a plane….
Sending Warm Wishes For Hanukkah

Song of Hanukkah
….by Eva Grant
Come and sing a Hanukkah song.
Sing of heroes, brave and strong –
Maccabeus and his band,
Who rescued Israel’s ancient land.
Sing a song of candles burning,
Dreidel spinning, pancakes turning,
Hanukkah presents tucked away
To open on the holiday.
( from Arutz…..
Jews Expelled From Gaza Light Menorah Made From Mortar Shells Fired at ThemGush Katif refugees, many of whom are still dwelling in hotels awaiting permanent housing, lit a unique menorah tonight, one made of mortar shells fired by Arab terrorists into the heart of N’vei Dekalim, the largest community of Gush Katif.
That special menorah commemorates the miracle of Jewish survival throughout the ages, and reminds us of the symbolic role Gush Katif has played in the saga of Jewish history: a community standing victorious despite constant attempts by Arab terrorists to wipe it out.
5000 mortars rained down on Gush Katif, from the onset of the Oslo War in September 2000, to August 2005. Miraculously, they succeeded in causing only minor damage and minimal casualties. Not only did they fail to harm the community physically, they failed to impact the Jewish spirit burning in the hearts of its residents. They call the menorah of mortars the “al hanissim,” menorah of miracles.
A Very Merry Christmas To One And All from Theodore’s World
This post will stay at the top till Christmas Day
Please check below for newest post that is currant. Thank you.

Theodore’s World blog would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. This post will stay at the top till December 26,2005
Here are a couple of Christmas songs I am personally playing for each of you. Yes it is me playing so if you hear any mistakes just giggle about it. haha
on the Holly to hear White Christmas
on the Holly to hear the Christmas Song
Wild Thing’s comment…………..
Christmas is a hard time to be away from home. Whether it’s on a ship at sea, an airbase in Saudi, a foxhole in Kuwait. A soldier’s memory is of home, a room glowing from the fireplace and candles aroma filling the air. The scent from the kitchen, warm from the oven and food in preparation making ones tummy even hungrier. But the memories are also of lost buddies that will never go home again and never see another Christmas. A loss that can never be explained unless you have been there and your life and his depend on each other. The wonderful songs of Christmas exchanged for the sounds of mortar rounds exploding in front and behind their positions. IED’s becoming as important to look for and be aware of as MRE’s are to survival.
The sacrifices the soldier makes not just weekly but every day so that we back home can be safe and secure. To stop radical dictators from meeting our shores, or terrorists feeling they can take us out in one of their deadly so called martyrdoms. The soldier, air men, sailor and all who serve knowing that they are making a difference in the world but still at this time of year the strong pull ….stronger then ever to be in the arms of a loved one, laughing with friends and family is almost too intense.
This time of year is the hardest of all and for the loved ones at home as well. Those that wish—- oh they wish so much to just touch the one they love. To hold each other close through the night and know when morning comes all will be well. Their hearts are filled with loneliness but also a hope that comes from deep within and sent with continued prayer that this will be the last Christmas away from each other. And next year, oh yes next year they will spend Christmas together.
As we celebrate Christmas and are so thankful for so many things. As we think of how our lives have been and think of how this coming year we will be better at this or that. Let us never forget those that make it possible for us to have a Christmas, to live in a free land and feel safe when we sleep at night. Let us never forget those that will never have another Christmas, those that gave their all.
Say a prayer for our Troops and thank them every chance you get. If you meet a Veteran walk right up to that person and thank them. Thank them with all your heart because they are all the reason we live in the greatest country in the world. Those in the Military serving now and our Veterans from every branch are the REAL reason we are free.
I sincerely wish the yuletide spirit of Christmas of love to abide in your heart, hearth and home throughout this festive season and throughout the year.
Wild Thing
We Have A Safer Christmas Because of Our Troops

A ‘Merry Christmas’ sign hangs over an intensive care ward at the Air Force Theater Hospital in Balad, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2005.

U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. April Payne peeks into her stocking a day ahead of Christmas, at the Air Force Theater Hospital where she works in Balad, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Saturday, Dec. 24, 2005.

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld poses for photos with members of Combined Task Force Bayonet at Khandahar Air Base, Afghanistan, on Dec. 22, 2005. Rumsfeld is in Afghanistan to visit and thank the troops for their service.

And then of course Santa is there doing his part too.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
It is true that we sleep better knowing we are safer because of our troops. Thank you everyone that is in the Military that reads this Blog. Thank you Veterans and your families for giving me a wonderful Christmas. Safe and secure because of each one of you.
Helen Thomas – Maniac at Large
Wild Thing comment……….Well, well, well we all know who ole Helen Thomas is and a-hem how she just doesn’t like President Bush. He is not her type. I just don’t think she likes cowboy’s. But we know she likes the terrorists since she wants so badly for us to leave them alone. Why she even thinks we should have left Saddam alone. Now go figure!!! I guess she has a thang’ for mass graves and rapists and murderers.
Here Ladies and Gentlemen we have a little article that Helen has written all about her ‘feelings’. I would say columnist but then that would be using the term loosely. Ann Coulter is a columnist not the creature from the dark lagoon Helen Thomas. And psst Helen……it is not “who” it is whom, Helen, for whom. You call yourself a writer? yikes!
Just follow the link to the liars article to read what she had to say. Now Helen dear, NOT, you are very aware of the schools that have opened, the electricity that now exists, the water that is now running, the 30,000 businesses that now have opened and so much more since our Troops went into Iraq and got rid of Saddam in power and his two totally mad sons. Not to mention the elections, where they just voted for their own government……… tisk tisk, naughty you Helen.
If War Was Right, For Who?…Boston Channel
Poor Helen, poor bitter, lonely, hateful Helen. She’s one person who really needs her stocking stuffed. I bet it’s been years. Maybe that’s why she’s so mean.
I have an idea….Put her in the cell with Saddam. Tell him he has 71 more just like her waiting for him.

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