26 Dec

So What’s a Blog Mom to Do?

I have just been speaking with Ms. Wild Thing and I’m sorry to report that she is feeling rather poorly. Judging from the symptoms, it must be something she ate. Hopefully, Wild Thing will back tomorrow, but in the meantime… I thought I would post a little poem in her honor…

I’m sending sunny-bright wishes
and of course, bear hugs and kisses
To cheer you up while you’re ill;

But the best part of this letter
is saying, “Hope you feel better!”
And, knowing before long, you will!
Ms. Thing, you best get well fast, cause if you don’t, I’m gonna have to bring you some medicine.

Don’t make me get on a plane….

Wild Thing says:

No one has a better Blog Mom than I do, thank you Linda sooo much. What a very special surprise to see this. Thank you for the poem and the post. I love your doll and what a huge needle that is you are holding. yikes.
You are right it had to be something I ate. Yesterday all day I wanted to die, and now I am back to glad I didn’t die.
Everyone, LindaSOG is the owner of the Blog at …..
Half of Something

Wild Thing says:

Whew I am going back to bed now, thank you again so much Linda. I was feeling extra bad that I could not make a post for my blog to let those that come here no I am MIA for a few days.

BobF says:

Hope you get to feeling better. Take care.

LindaSoG says:

Now you got me very worried, I mean, you never get sick!

Wild Thing says:

Hi Bob, thank you so much. I am feeling better tonight. I even ate two pieces of toast.

BobF says:

Glad to hear your doing better.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Bob, thank you so much!