04 Jan

Do Not Underestimate Jack or Bloggers That Support Him

Why do I make posts every Wednesday about Jack Idema????

Because I believe that when we send someone in our Military to do a job we should back them up. And we should never leave anyone behind, not ever. We should NEVER use our service members for making deals with other counties as was done in the Vietnam War with American POW’s, nor now in this war on Terror, this war against Islam and it’s terrorists!
Jack Idema has served this country and served it well! He deserves better then he is getting. Proven innocent several times in the court in Afghanistan and yet not free.

His Special Ops and SF background includes more than two dozen SF, Special Ops, police, counter-terrorist and classified courses and schools. He is an expert in counter-terrorism, intelligence asset development, and hostage-rescue, with more than 25 years’ experience in all of these. He’s currently employed by the Counter-Terrorist Group U.S. (CounTerr Group) as a CT Operator in a direct action capacity against international terrorism, specifically, Al Qaeda and related terrorist groups.
CounTerr, aka CounTerr Group, is an organization based in the US that leads counter-terrorism activites in support of US government initiatives. Counter Group conducts training, organization, direct action, HUMINT, and advisory services to foreign and domestic agencies. Counter Group has been in operation , in various forms, in various countries, for approximately 27 years. Counter Group began deploying personnel to Afghanistan and other countries just weeks after 9/11 as part of the effort to combat Osama bin Laden, al Qaeda and other terrorist forces such as the Taliban. Counter Group’s foreign operating group and CONUS personnel worked in conjunction with Commander Massoud’s Northern Alliance, which were primarily responsible for the liberation of Afghanistan with US Army Special Forces and Special Ops units.
For more than 27 years Jack Idema has defended his country in Latin America, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Mid-East, South East Asia, Central America, and finally, South West Asia. For more than a quarter of a century Jack has worked in counter-terrorists projects and activities which may never be known or written about but which have kept America and its allies free from oppressors and terrorists.
In a letter dated January 7, 1976, Colonel Charlie A. Beckwith, School Commandant, who became famous as the Commander of Delta Force, commended Jack on his “perseverance”:

” During that selection course you excelled by meeting every requirement set upon you, whether it be arriving at your objective on schedule, navigating across hazardous terrain, evading detection or leading an ambush. The initiative you took and the motivation you showed in attaining every objective of a course that was designed to be impossible to complete reflects greatly upon yourself and Special Forces.”
[Signed,] Charlie A. Beckwith
Colonel, Infantry
Director, Special Forces School


One of the most galling aspects of the campaign to free U.S. Special Forces soldier Jack Idema and his compatriots, Brent Bennet a journalist Ed Caraballo, from their illegal detention in Afghanistan has been the attitude of big media toward the case. Over the past weeks, I’ve written a great deal about the failure of MSM and human rights groups to shine a spotlight on either the abuses Idema and his men have suffered, or the fact that he is being held illegally, following an appeal that overturned the original guilty verdict against him.
Certainly, the fact that the media has failed to report Jack’s conviction was overturned, or that the ex-judge he detained was, in fact, linked to senior terrorists, or that the witnesses who accused him of torturing them were proved to have lied — Certainly, these are the most serious failures in big media’s reporting of the case. But they’re not the only errors MSM have made.
See, if you do a search for ‘Idema’ over at the BBC, the $6b news organization returns a total of 16 hits all which are filled with references to ‘bounty hunters’, ‘vigilantes’ and ‘secret prisons’. Over at the Guardian it’s the same, with another 16 stories, all concerned with Idema’s arrest and trial. This is a pattern that you’ll find repeated time and again across almost the whole of MSM. It’s as if, prior to his arrest in July 2004, Jack Idema simply didn’t exist.

… But why should this be surprising? After all, didn’t Jack Idema
first come to the media’s attention after his arrest? Wasn’t the trial
in September 2004 the first time anyone outside of the secretive world
of Special Ops had heard of him? Well, in a word, no:

In the dusty courtyard outside, Jack, an American special
adviser to the Afghan military, treated Afghan injuries, stitching a
fresh bullet wound in one man’s lower leg. Even without anesthesia the
soldier was thankful for the treatment. As the Green Beret wiped the
blood splatters from his face a dozen Afghan fighters looked on, they
have never had this kind of support in 23 years of war.

This passage, originally written for United Press International during Operation Anaconda, features an early sighting of Idema, hard at work with Northern Alliance troops as they fought the Taliban in 2001. Note that, at this time, the press weren’t questioning Idema’s credentials –He’s correctly identified as an ‘American special adviser’ and ‘Green Beret’. Also bear in mind that most of the stories quoted from today have been quietly disappeared from their original locations — Were it not for the fact that the SuperPatriots have maintained copies of the material, much of it wouldn’t be easy to find on the internet today.
A year later, and another UPI report on the near-capture of none other than Osama bin-Laden again places Jack Idema in the thick of the action:

‘I immediately suspected Bin Laden was one of them’ says
Jack, the American advisor to the Afghan Northern Alliance who was first
informed about the location of the fugitives on December 18 while he was
on a trip to Jalalabad. ‘Only the top of Al Qaida would be protected and
treated in that way.’

And, from the same piece, Idema’s position in the Northern Alliance is detailed:

General Hazrat Ali and Commander Sami Ali worked with Jack
for three years, calling him their greatest ally and friend against
al-Qaida and the Taliban. It was those fiercely independent yet loyal
troops that had followed Jack into the Kut Tangai mountains after
approval from General Mohammed Fahim, Minister of Defense, in search of
bin Laden. This was the last time Osama bin Laden was ever

And again. This time around, UPI are reporting on Idema’s involvement in the rescue of high-ranking Afghan officials from a terrorist attack:

“Jack,” as the special advisor to the Afghan military is
known, managed to rescue the President of Afghanistan’s Ariana Airlines,
Robullah Amain, who had escaped from the mob and was surrounded in a
terminal office. Along with seven Afghan commandos, Jack rescued Amain,
Haji Timor the airport manager and five others and escorted them to safety.
An ISAF spokesmen claimed that a small team of British soldiers
supposedly helped to save the national airline executive from certain death.
Ariana President Robullah Amain confirmed that in reality, it was an
American Green Beret and his Afghan soldiers.

And, finally, a report on the assistance Idema brought to victims of the Nahrin earthquake in 2002:

Wearing a khaki-and-brown, U.S. flag patch on his shoulder,
sporting a beard and carrying an assault rifle, Jack drove through
Nahrin in a local van with a translator asking people if they needed
help. He’d already bandaged more than 30 children by the afternoon and
used up five boxes of field dressings – and quite a few happy-face bandages.
Jack, who began visiting the village late last week, stopped in one tent
Saturday to see a baby who was born while her mother, Sharifa, was
buried under the rubble.
Eight months pregnant when the Monday evening quake hit, Sharifa
crouched for an hour on her hands and knees under the rubble to protect
her newborn until they were rescued. Sharifa asked Jack, who also
treated her back injury, to name the daughter: He chose “Suzzana,” or
“new beginning” in the Dari language [Suzzanaya Viktoria as her full name].
“I thought I was dead and I thought the child was dead for sure,” the
mother said as Jack tenderly examined the infant to check an eye
infection he had treated the day before.

So let’s put all this together. Far from being a ‘mysterious figure’ (as the BBC called him at the time of his trial), Jack Idema is a man who was:
Well known to the media during the course of his work in Afghanistan.
Was repeatedly referred to as an ‘American special advisor’ and an ‘advisor to the Northern Alliance’ by the media who later denied all knowledge of him.
Was known to Generals in the Northern Alliance who described Idema as their ‘greatest ally and friend against al-Qaida and the Taliban’.Led the hunt for bin-Laden.
Led Afghan commandos in a rescue of senior Afghan officials.
Is a hero to the ordinary Afghans he rescued from their earthquake-devastated villages.
So why, when the BBC are called on to write up a profile of Jack Idema, do they introduce him in the following way:

Idema always claimed to be a defender of American values, a
patriotic ex-special forces soldier working on the front-line of the US
war on terror, with the full backing of the Pentagon.
There are plenty of people who never believed him. Others say they did –
and now regret it.

And why do so many of the search results for ‘Idema’ only refer to material from the point of his 2004 arrest onwards?
Well, Idema’s arrest and trail made for a good news item; exactly the kind of thing the post-Abu Gharib media were looking for. Here, they had the story of a ‘rogue’ U.S. soldier ‘torturing innocent’ Afghans in a ‘private jail’. To many left-wing journalists, this must have seemed like a gift from heaven.
But here’s the thing: if MSM had told the full story, the one detailing Jack’s hunt bin-Laden, his service with the Northern Alliance during Operation Anaconda, his rescue of government officials, his bandaging injured Afghan children as they cheered his name — If MSM had told that story, well, then, people mightn’t have been so quick to swallow the line they were being fed about Idema hanging prisoners upside down in his (non-existent) basement.
More to the point, people might be more willing to listen to those of us who are pleading for Jack Idema and his men to get a fair hearing today.
So what can we do? Well, anyone reading this with their own blog can sign up for the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst by emailing Cao and tell her you want to join the Free Jack Idema Blogburst or Rottweiler Puppy for details. I’d urge everyone to do this!!

If you want to know more about the story,
has a large section devoted to Jack Idema. There’s also a timeline
, and of course a huge amount of information if available at  SuperPatriots.US,
without whose work done none of us would have learned about Jack’s story.

Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots
and Jack images on this site are useds with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any
use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US.

Big Dog’s Weblog
Cao’s Blog
Rottweiler Puppy

You can also contact the following people and make your feelings known:


03 Jan

Victory Is A Dirty Word To Commie Albright

Madeleine Albright: Bush Talks ‘Victory’ Too Much

In an interview posted on the Democratic National Committee’s web site, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright says she doesn’t like the way President Bush “repeatedly” talks about achieving victory in the Iraq war.

The rest of the story below at ” Continued”………….
Wild Thing’s comment………
BWAHAHA………ole Albright the troll. The stupid comments she makes and from the most unqualified and ineffectual Secretary of State in our entire history. And she gave North Korea the nuclear bomb while toasting champagne with Kim Jong Il a few years back as she said ” Victory”. And let’s not forget how she pushed the UN’s Oil For Food program too.

While Albright served as Secretary of State, the terrorists attacked U.S. interests repeatedly, yet she and President Clinton were totally feckless in dealing with these attacks. September 11, 2001 was the culmination of years of neglect by Albright and Clinton. President Bush has turned the tide toward democracy in the Middle East by liberating approximately 50 million people in Iraq and Afghanistan. The recent free election in Iraq was a positive milestone in world history, and the lesson has not been lost on average citizens of the remaining non-democratic countries of the Middle East and the world. President Bush has been quite successful in rectifying the negligence of Secretary Albright and her former boss.

…”You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.”
Winston Churchill
First Speech as Prime Minister
May 13, 1940
to House of Commons

03 Jan

Sen. “Swimmer” Opens His Trap

Kennedy Touted Anti-Bush Spy Hoax

More than a week after the story was exposed as a hoax, Sen. Ted Kennedy has yet to apologize for touting false claims from a University of Massachusetts student who said officials from the Department of Homeland Security visited his home and repeatedly interrogated him after he tried to obtain a copy of Mao Tse-Tung’s “Little Red Book.”
In mid-December, the unidentified student instigated the hoax by describing the phony grilling to reporters for the New Bedford Standard-Times. The story appeared on Dec. 17, the day after the New York Times reported that the Bush administration was monitoring the phone calls of U.S. residents suspected of communicating with terrorists abroad.
In a Dec. 22 op-ed piece for the Boston Globe, however, Kennedy conflated the Times report along with the U. Mass student’s bogus allegation to blast the Bush administration for what he insisted was an illegal invasion of privacy.
“Just this past week,” Kennedy wrote, “there were public reports that a college student in Massachusetts had two government agents show up at his house because he had gone to the library and asked for the official Chinese version of Mao Tse-tung’s Communist Manifesto. Following his professor’s instructions to use original source material, this young man discovered that he, too, was on the government’s watch list.”
“Incredibly,” the top Democrat fumed, “we are now in an era where reading a controversial book may be evidence of a link to terrorists.” He demanded “a thorough and independent investigation of these activities.”
However, on Dec. 24 the Times-Standard reported:
“The UMass Dartmouth student who claimed to have been visited by Homeland Security agents over his request for ‘The Little Red Book’ by Mao Zedong has admitted to making up the entire story.”
The revelation left Sen. Kennedy uncharacteristically silent.
Asked if he shouldn’t have verified the incendiary account before citing it in print, Kennedy spokeswoman Laura Capps insisted to the Boston Globe: “Even if the assertion was a hoax, it did not detract from Kennedy’s broader point that the Bush administration has gone too far in engaging in surveillance.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Mary Jo Kopechne, was unvailable for comment. This whole thing about the hoax has me laughing! OH it is a hoax but that is OK because it is Kennedy. Good grief!

02 Jan

Theodore’s World Predictions For 2006

Nancy Pelosi will elope with Osama Bin Laden. They’ll divorce months later when she discovers that he is too “Pro America.”
Sean Penn will write a new book called “Little Sean and His Friend Abdul.” It will be the first pop up book where bits of Abdul get spread all over the room. Of course, it will become a huge hit. Sean will win an Oscar just for his interviews–but will be embarrassed to learn that the academy thought he was “playing retarded.”
Noam Chomsky will write a new book. It will have 200 pages of the same three sentences: Bush Lied. Screw America. America is Evil. It will become a cult classic.
Nancy Pelosi will marry Noam Chomsky but divorce him a short while later after discovering that he is too “Pro America.”
Cindy Sheehan will draw 10,000 people to a protest when she declares: “If Bush doesn’t withdraw our troops, I’ll set myself on fire.” Unfortunately, 9900 of the visitors will bring gasoline and matches.
Camp Casey visitors will mysteriously disappear due to some unknown substance called “Crawford Quicksand.”
Steven Speilberg inspired by the critical acclaim from his movie, ”Munich,” will make a movie depicting the plight of the poor 9/11 hijackers. He will then go on a campaign defending the hijackers’ families and their right to reclaim the hijackers’ frequent-flier miles.
Hollywood will launch a new film called ”Here’s Christianity.” It will feature three actors defecating on a crucifix for ninety minutes and will be nominated for six Golden Globes. No pork rinds will be served at the theatre for fear of offending Muslims. (side note by Wild Thing…..do any of you remember when there was a work of so called art that many of us wrote letters, made phone calls about that had a crucifix in a glass with urine in it? We were told it was art and I am not sure but nothing was done about getting rid of the so called art work)
After undergoing a lot of scrutiny, U.N. Secretary Kofi Annan will announce that he will forego his salary from the United Nations and live exclusively on bribes.
The New York Times will merge operations with Al Jazeera. Six months later, problems will emerge when the Times finds Al Jazeera to be too “Pro America.”
Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco will write a new book called “Governors Who Cry Too Much.”

Any you want to add to the list?

01 Jan

Bronco’s Win – Nice Start for the New Year- Tah Dah!

Three Tatum Bell touchdowns gave the Broncos a 23-7 New Year’s Eve victory over San Diego. John Lynch contributed with two sacks and two forced fumbles. Denver finished the regular season with a 13-3 record.

31 Dec

Theodore’s World Wishes All Of You A Happy New Year!

I want to say a special Happy New Year to my Blog Mom……. LindaSOG at Something……And Half of Something.
And I wish all of you a VERY Happy New Years! Thank you too for visiting my blog.

Happy New Year to our Military!

Click to hear Ray Charles

31 Dec

Before the Ice Melts or WT Freeze’s Please Vote For SondraK

Sir Chatalot says to hurry and go vote for SondraK before Wild Thing freezes to the ice

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Please go vote for SondraK

30 Dec

N.Y.Times Is Aiding and Abetting The Evil That Did This

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department has opened an investigation into the leak of classified information about President Bush’s secret domestic spying program, Justice officials said Friday.
The officials, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, said the inquiry will focus on disclosures to The New York Times about warrantless surveillance conducted by the National Security Agency since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
These freakin morons don’t give a gnat’s arse what happened. I am sick of the left defending the rights of TERRORISTS.
Kerry and Jane Fonda etc. have escaped jail or death for treason, Kennedy has escaped jail for vehicular homicide, Clinton has escaped jail for perjury (etc.)……….so I am wondering if the leaks might even be :
McCain / Hagel/ Warner……………well I am just wondering.
Then of course there are always the others……Senator Rockefellar seems to be hidig right now so let’s add him to the list on the left that goes on for miles!

“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs who should be arrested, exiled or hanged.”
Abe Lincoln

30 Dec

Victor Davis Hanson – Well Said!

Hollywood’s misunderstood terrorists

Victor Davis Hanson Hits a Bullseye!

When terrorism goes to the movies in the post-Sept. 11 world, we might expect the plots, characters and themes to reflect some sort of believable reality. But in Hollywood, the politically correct impulse now overrides all else. Even the spectacular pyrotechnics, beautiful people and accomplished acting cannot hide it.
Instead, moviegoers can anticipate before the opening credits that those characters who work for the American government or are at war with terrorists will likely be portrayed as criminals, incompetents or people existing on the same moral plane as killers.
Take this fall’s “Flightplan,” in which the U.S. air marshal on board and a flight attendant turn out to be the true terrorists. Meanwhile, four Middle Eastern males are unfairly put under suspicion in the lynch-mob atmosphere on the plane.
The film warns us that the real threat after Sept. 11 is certainly not young Middle Eastern males on planes who might hijack or crash them into iconic American buildings. No, more dangerous in Hollywood’s alternate universe are the flight officials themselves — who in reality on Sept. 11 battled terrorists only to have their throats cut before being blown up with all the passengers.
A slickly filmed “Syriana” is the worst of the recent releases. The film’s problem is not just that it predictably presents the bad, ugly sheik as a puppet of American oil interests while the handsome and good independent crown price is assassinated for championing his oppressed people against Western hegemony. Or that the conniving corporate potentates have big bellies and Southern accents while the good-hearted, sloppily dressed George Clooney is double-crossed by his stylish, pampered CIA bosses safe in the Washington, D.C., suburbs.
“Syriana” also perverts historical reality. Everything connected with the oil industry is portrayed as corrupt and exploitive, with no hint that petroleum fuels civilization. Hollywood producers might not see many oil rigs off the Malibu coast, but someone finds and delivers them gas each morning for their luxury cars.
And who are the really greedy? Do the simple arithmetic of pumping petroleum in the desert: After expenses of typically under $5 a barrel, rigged cartels in the Middle East — run by Iranian mullahs, Gulf royals or Libyan autocrats — sell it on the world market for between $50 to $60. They don’t merely price-gouge Americans in their SUVs, but also third-world struggling economies in places like Africa and Latin America.
Plus, in the real world outside Hollywood, does the United States really assassinate Gulf royalty who wish to liberalize their economies and give women the right to vote?
Contrary to “Syriana”‘s premise, the gripe against contemporary American foreign policy is just the opposite. Realists, isolationists and leftists alike damn the United States as naive or foolish for obsessing over democratic reform in Afghanistan and Iraq, pressuring Saudi Arabia and Egypt to hold valid elections and insisting that the terrorist patron Syria leave the voters of Lebanon alone.
The price of gas skyrocketed after the American invasion of Iraq. And oil companies, especially French and Russian, were furious when Saddam Hussein’s kleptocracy fell —and their sweetheart deals were nullified by a new democratic Iraqi government.
Moral equivalence is perhaps the most troubling of Hollywood’s postmodern pathologies — or the notion that each side that resorts to violence is of the same ethical nature. Steven Spielberg best summed up the theme of his recently released film about the 1972 murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics and the subsequent Israeli hunt of the perpetrators: “A response to a response doesn’t really solve anything. It just creates a perpetual-motion machine.”
Spielberg’s “Munich” assumes just such a false symmetry between the killers who murdered the innocent athletes and the Israeli agents who hunted them down — each in their own way victimized and caught in a cycle of “perpetual” violence.
Lost in this pop moralizing is the reality of 1972, when none of Israel’s neighbors were willing to accept the existence of the Jewish state within even its original borders. Then there was no chance that Israeli agents would storm an Olympic event and murder athletes — but every probability that the Soviet bloc, Western Europeans and Middle East autocracies would never hunt down international terrorists who had done so to Israelis.
Actors, producers, screenwriters and directors of Southern California live in a bubble, where coast, climate and plentiful capital shield the film industry from the harsh world. In their good intentions, these tanned utopians can afford to dream away fascist killers and instead rail at Western bogeymen — even in the midst of a global war against Middle East jihadists who wish to trump what they wrought at the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
If Hollywood wants to know why attendance is down, it is not just the misdemeanor sin of warping reality but the artistic felony that it does so in such a predictable manner.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Hollywood’s hatred for President Bush is so intense, (heck all liberals hate for Bush has the same intensity) that their hate for Bush takes their mental disorder right into wanting Death to America. Oh they may not say it although some do (!) , but their actions, their words, the slant of the films loaded with propaganda against those wanting to go after the terrorists, their visits to the enemy i.e. Sean Penn, Barbara Streisand etc. scream out their hate for America.
If our country does not start to bring back some kind of serious punishment for traitors and those that commit acts of treason there will be hell to pay. I could care less if the hell rains down on the traitors but sadly it will not single them out, it will smack down on the innocent, those that love America and those that have supported the war on terrorists and the innocent will be included right along with the traitors.
You are invited to visit my Traitors To America page at my website.

29 Dec

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Cruising For A Bruising

I hope we make him shut up!
Iran’s Ahmadinejad wants committee to investigate Holocaust
Tehran, Iran, Dec. 26 – Iran’s hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who recently called for the destruction of Israel and termed the Holocaust a “myth” has asked for a committee to be set up to prove that the massacre of some six million Jews in Nazi Germany never took place.
The Fars news agency, which is close to the office of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that Ahmadinejad had proposed the idea after his comments calling for Israel to be moved to European countries such as Germany and Austria drew international outrage and United Nations Security Council condemnation.
Mohammad-Ali Ramin, who heads the state-run body Society for Defending the Rights of Muslim Minorities in the West, told Fars that Ahmadinejad wanted European governments to permit Western scholars to publish their research on the Holocaust.
Ahmadinejad wanted the committee to clarify the real extent of the Holocaust, according to Ramin, who added that the radical President had the support of hard-liners loyal to the Supreme Leader.
Senior officials inside the clerical establishment including Khamenei himself have backed Ahmadinejad’s threatening remarks against the Jewish state.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Now Look at this
Video: Iranian President Declaring Goal of Destruction of Israel and the Jews, Imminent Return of Islamic Prophet, and divine intervention during his speech.

Listen to what this man has to say! He’s out to destroy Israel and the Jew’s. He’s out to bring the world under Islamic domination. He believes heavenly light surrounds him when he speaks and subdues the leaders of the world before him. He’s doing everything within his power to acquire and/or develop nuclear weapons and long range missiles. He’s instructing his people to prepare for the return of his ancient prophet. He’s 100% serious.

And now for a short news history……………..
Iran’s leader says Jewish state ‘should be wiped from map’ 27 Oct 2005
Bush calls Iran and Syria ‘outlaw regimes’ 28 Oct 2005
Iran ceremony to honour suicide bombers 29 Oct 2005
Tehran ‘bounty’ for attack on Israel 30 Oct 2005
Judiciary Chief says Israel’s destruction is Iran’s policy 1 Nov 2005
Iran’s top brass says destruction of “Zionism” in sight 1 Nov 2005
Iran signs up suicide bombers on Muslim Eid 3 Nov 2005
Senior Iran official praises U.S. embassy seizure 4 Nov 2005
Iran’s Islamic ideology to reach four corners of the globe – military 4 Nov 2005
Teheran ‘providing refuge for al-Qaeda terrorists’ 6 Nov 2005
Suicide bombers on Iran kids’ TV 6 Nov 2005 ( a cartoon how to show kids to be suicide bombers)
Iran body launches national drive to recruit suicide bombers 14 Nov 2005
Iran signs up 50,000 “volunteers” for suicide attacks 17 Nov 2005
“Hezbollah learnt suicide bomb tactics from Iran – commander” 26 Nov 2005
Iran’s Supreme Leader urges Jihad in Middle East 13 Dec 2005
Totally sick, but we already know that about this ” religion” ( CULT) of so called Peace