RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas, which has said it favors the destruction of Israel, won an victory in Palestinian legislative elections.
Hamas chief Abdel al-Aziz Rantisi – who was killed by Israeli defense forces in Apri 2004l – took part in a Gaza rally in support of the Iraqi insurgency. Amid chants of “Death to America” and the burning of American flags by onlookers, Rantisi called on Iraqis to “strike and burn” U.S. troops, and “teach them the lessons of suicide actions.”
Rantisi also wrote a 2003 article, published on a Hamas Web site, titled “Why Shouldn’t We Attack the United States?” In the piece, Rantisi stated that, for Hamas, attacking America was not only “a moral and national duty – but above all, a religious one.”
“There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiative, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.” -from Article 13, Peaceful Solutions
“Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Quran its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah it most sublime belief.” -Article 8, the Motto of Hamas
Senior Hamas official Mushir al-Masri has said that Hamas will not negotiate with Israel — nor will it recognize Israel.
From the Jerusalem Post….Hamas’s charter: The martyrs’ oath:
“Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious…The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised…
The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times…
The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…’
The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…’
Hamas attacks Israel, it is the official government of the Palestinian people. It is no longer some rogue element hiding among the people. It is the people. Governments physically attacking other governments is an act of war. Israel will be justified in treating it as such.
President George W. Bush says the United States will not deal with Palestinian leaders who dispute Israel’s right to exist. U.S. President George W. Bush said Wednesday that the United States would not deal with Hamas until the radical Palestinian Islamist group renounces its position for calling for the destruction of Israel.
Hamas: Bush won’t dictate to us
Group spokesman tells Ynet Palestinians back Hamas positions on resistance to occupation, says group does not accept dictates from America. United State President George W. Bush’s insistence on disarming Hamas constitutes a “blatant interference in Palestinian affairs,” Hamas spokesman Sheikh Yasser Mansour told Ynet in an interview Thursday morning.
“We completely reject and do not accept Bush’s remarks regarding disarming us,” Mansour said. “Nobody can force us to disarm.”
Q: Will you disarm, as is expected of a governing party and as President Bush demanded tonight?
“The question of arms is related to the occupation and we do not accept dictates from Bush or from anyone else. The arms, like everything else, are at the service of the Palestinian people and we won’t give in to this blatant interference from Bush, whose remarks are not new, and were always against the Palestinians and their interests.”
Canada’s Prime minister-designate Stephen Harper , who is to be sworn in Feb. 6, suggested today that his Conservative government won’t accept Hamas as long as it continues to support terrorism and call for the destruction of Israel.
Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, said that the victory of the Islamic militant group Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections was a “very, very, very bad result.”
Condi Rice,Well, there is an election to take place. And we have a policy that comes from a reality of what Hamas is and Hamas has done. The election will take place. It is going to be a Palestinian election with the Palestinians setting the rules for how that election takes place. And we’ll respect that.”………………….HUH? Respect and Hamas in the same sentence????
More from Condi…………”The Palestinian people have apparently voted for change but we believe that their aspirations for peace and a peaceful life remain unchanged.”…………..Condi can we talk? The Palestinian people” voted for Hamas. That’s not a vote for “peace.”
Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu told the Likud faction in the Knesset Thursday,
“Before our very eyes, Hamastan has been established, the step-child of Iran and the Taliban. It’s in firing range of our airport, our highways and cities. This has to be a day of soul searching because the writing was on the wall. The policy of giving land for free gave a prize to terror and a winning card for Hamas.
“How are Olmert and Peres getting ready for this challenge? They are moving the fence 500 meters closer to the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway (Beit Iksa). They gave more land to the Hamas state. Any land given to Hamas will give more of a front to fire upon us.
“This is a new and dangerous situation. Sharon said he wouldn’t let Palestinians in Jerusalem vote. Olmert let them.”
Daniel Pipes has an excellent article…”Don’t deal with terrorists”

In this undated but recent image released Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, by the Hamas group in the Gaza Strip, female suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi, holds her son Obida, 3, as they pose with weapons. Raiyshi blew herself up at the major border crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, on Jan. 14, 2004, killing herself and four Israelis. (AP Photo/Hamas)
Jerusalem Post’s editor David Horovitz has written:
Some may seek comfort in the belief that an ascent to government could prompt a greater sense of responsibility, a move to moderation. But Hamas’s intolerance is based on a perceived religious imperative. No believing Muslim, in the Hamas conception, can be reconciled to Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East. To deny that, for Hamas, is blasphemy. And that is the ideology to which the Palestinian people, for whatever reason and by their own free hand, have just tied their fate. That is the guiding ideology with which Israel and the West will now have to grapple.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
This tip toeing around the world’s worst terrorist organization winning an election next door to our ally has got to stop. Palestinian’s voted for terror not peace. Should al Qaida and the Taliban be given the freedom to campaign?
Hell no!
The words “Democracy” and “Hamas” should not be used in the same sentence…ever. If we have to resort to using the word “Democracy” when referring to these recent elections, that’s just sad — it’s not Democracy; it’s Tyranny, it’s Terrorism.
What is next now from the terrorists huggers……….Jimmy Carter’s “Habitat for Hamas” project perhaps? The victory of Hamas is an absolute endorsement of terrorism, it cannot be explained otherwise.
The hate runs deep, it is in their DNA and it is passed down to their children and their grandchildren.
Prayers for Israel and Prayers for America

…Please visit these blogs on the subject as well:
* AbbaGav
* Anti-Idiotarian
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Something….And Half of Something
* One Jerusalem
If you like please continue on to read President Bush’s Press Conference…………………..
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