30 Jan

Hamas Demands Israel Change Its Flag

Hamas Demands Israel Change its Flag, Concede Islamic Ownership of the Land

(IsraelNN.com) Hamas spokesman Mahmoud Zahar issued a demand Sunday evening that Israel remove the stripes from its flag.
“Israel must remove the two blue stripes from its national flag”, Zahar said. “The stripes are symbols of occupation – they signify Israel’s borders, stretching from the River Euphrates to the River Nile.”
The Hamas official’s comments followed Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz’s assessment at the weekly Cabinet meeting that the newly elected terror group was “acting responsibly so far.”
Zahar also told CNN’s Late Edition that the world should not be asking Hamas to recognize Israel, but rather demanding that the Jewish State recognize that Muslims are the “owners of the land.”

Wild Thing comment…….
What is next ? Will they be demanding that all Israelis must undergo surgery to remove the Jewish gene from their DNA? The rag-heads are sure getting uppity!! Keep talking Hamas….tick tick tick
Israel’s national flag is a blue Star of David set between two blue stripes was designed to resemble a Jewish prayer shawl which traditionally has stripes. So even that the terrorists have to lie about what the meaning is of the blue strips.

30 Jan

Can Cindy Sheehan Be Denied Entry Back Into The U.S.?…PLEASE

In this photo released by Venezuela’s Miraflores Press, Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez embraces visiting U.S. peace activist Cindy Sheehan, left, whose son was killed in Iraq, and Elma Beatriz Rosado, the widow of slain Puerto Rican nationalist Filiberto Ojeda Rios during his national broadcast ‘Hello President’ in Caracas, Venezuela, Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006. All three joined in condemning the government of U.S. President George W. Bush


Sheehan’s trip was paid for by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Thousands of international activists have gathered in Caracas for the sixth World Social Forum, to protest against war, U.S. economic policies and of course meet other low lifes!

30 Jan

Hershey, PA Must Just Love Mayor Ray Nagin or Not

Please CLICK
image above to hear the Ray Nagin song


In New Orleans, outside City Hall, Mayor Ray Nagin called for “black people … to come together. It’s time for us to rebuild New Orleans — the one that should be a chocolate New Orleans … a majority African American city.”
Nagin further commented that “It’s the way God wants it to be. You can’t have New Orleans no other way.” While he was in the process of reading the Almighty’s mind, he added, “Surely God is mad at America. He sent us hurricane after hurricane after hurricane, and it’s destroyed and put stress on this country.” And he added, “Surely he doesn’t approve of us being in Iraq under false pretenses.”

29 Jan

Is Dean On Our Payroll Or What?

Howard Dean Implicates Harry Reid in Abramoff Scandal

From NewsMax
Sunday, Jan. 29, 2006 10:56 a.m. EST

Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean said Sunday that Democrats who took money from Indian tribes represented by Jack Abramoff and who did something on behalf of those tribes have “a big problem.”
Dean made the statement apparently unaware that Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid has reportedly done exactly that.
Under questioning by “Fox News Sunday’s” Chris Wallace, Dean claimed that Democrats did no favors for Abramoff’s Indian tribe clients:
“Nobody got anything out of the Democrats from Jack Abramoff,” the top Democrat insisted. “No Democrat delivered anything and there’s no accusation and no investigation that any Democrat ever delivered anything to Jack Abramoff. And that’s not true of the Republicans.”
But Wallace countered: “So if we find that there were some Democrats who wrote letters on behalf of some of the Indian tribes that Abramoff represented, then what do you say, sir?”
Dean’s response: “That’s a big problem. And those Democrats are in trouble. And they should be in trouble.”
In November 2005 the Associated Press reported that Senate Minority Leader Reid had accepted tens of thousands of dollars from an Abramoff client, the Coushatta Indian tribe, after interceding with Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton over a casino dispute with a rival tribe.
Reid “sent a letter to Norton on March 5, 2002,” the AP said. “The next day, the Coushattas issued a $5,000 check to Reid’s tax-exempt political group, the Searchlight Leadership Fund. A second tribe represented by Abramoff sent an additional $5,000 to Reid’s group. Reid ultimately received more than $66,000 in Abramoff-related donations between 2001 and 2004.”
Questioned about the donations in December by “Fox News Sunday’s” Wallace, Reid immediately turned testy.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
ROTFLMAO. Open mouth, insert foot once again. YEEEEEHAAAAAAW
Remember his rant last week…..Not ONE RED DIME went to Democrats!”
It was a classic moment watching Dean back track and try to deny something he said within seconds of making the statement. Please let this loud mouthed cretin appear more often.
Here Howard, Lunch is on me…………… haha

29 Jan

Carter calls for funding Palestinians

From the Jerusalem Post
A day after Hamas swept to an upset victory in the Palestinian parliamentary elections, former US President Jimmy Carter on Thursday said that Wednesday’s voting had been orderly and fair.
“The elections were completely honest, completely fair, completely safe and without violence,” the former president said.
Carter, who led an 85-member international observer team from around the world organized by the ‘National Democratic Institute’ in partnership with ‘The Carter Center,’ urged the international community to directly or indirectly fund the new Palestinian Government even though it will be led by an internationally-declared foreign terror organization.
“The Palestinian Government is destitute, and in desperate financial straits. I hope that support for the new government will be forthcoming,” Carter said at a Jerusalem press conference.
He added that if international law barred donor countries from directly funding a Hamas-led government than the US and the EU should bypass the Palestinian Authority and provide the “much-needed” money to the Palestinians via non-governmental channels such as UN agencies.
“Regardless of the government, I would hope that potential donors find alternative means to be generous to the Palestinian people [even] if the donor decides to bypass the Palestinian government completely,” Carter said, stressing that his main concern was to avert the “suffering” of the Palestinian people, which he said could lead to a new cycle of violence.
He noted that the heavily funded Palestinian Government would run out of money at the end of next month.
Hamas, the largest and most powerful of the Palestinian terror organizations, which advocates Israel’s destruction, has carried out scores of bombings over the last five years of Palestinian violence, attacks which have killed hundreds of Israeli civilians.
Earlier Thursday, Israeli statesman Shimon Peres had opined in a radio interview that international aid to a Hamas-led government would likely be terminated.
The former Democratic president’s comments came as US President Bush said that Hamas cannot be a partner for Middle East peacemaking without renouncing violence, reiterating that the United States will not deal with Palestinian leaders who do not recognize Israel’s right to exist.
Carter, who has long supported the participation of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, voiced the hope that the Islamic terror group would act “responsibly” now that it had won the elections.
“My hope is that as Hamas assumes a major role in the next government, whatever that might be, it will take a position on international standards of responsibility,” he said at the news conference, held at an east Jerusalem hotel.
Wild Thing comment………
Every time Carter or Clinton mouth off, it takes me hours and hours to try to make myself feel this is America, the America I grew up in and LOVE! A draft dodger was actually a President of America the most powerful country in the world. Then add in all the crimes he did. and all the gates. And Carter continues to get away with all he says against America and Israel. They are both a disgrace to being a human being, to being an American.


28 Jan

Colombia Busts Ring Linked to al-Qaida

Colombia Busts Ring Linked to al-Qaida
from Breitbart.com
Jan 26 11:22 PM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
BOGOTA, Colombia

Colombia has dismantled a false passport ring with links to al-Qaida and Hamas militants, the acting attorney general said Thursday after authorities led dozens of simultaneous raids across five cities.
The gang allegedly supplied an unknown number of citizens from Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt and other countries with false passports and Colombian nationality without them ever stepping foot in the country, the attorney general’s office said in a written statement.
The counterfeited passports were then used to facilitate their entry into the United States and Europe.
Nineteen people were arrested in Thursday’s raids, carried out in collaboration with U.S. authorities, the attorney general’s office said. Officials at the U.S. Embassy in Bogota were not immediately available for contact.
An undisclosed number of those arrested are wanted for working with al-Qaida, the international terrorist organization headed by Osama Bin Laden, and the militant Palestinian group Hamas, said acting Attorney General Jorge Armando Otalora.
“We confirm that some of the arrestees are wanted for extradition for collaborating with terrorist groups al-Qaida and Hamas,” Otalora told RCN television.
Four were Jordanian citizens were among those arrested, said Manuel Saenz, head of foreign immigration for the DAS secret police, on Caracol television. And eight are being sought by the United States for extradition, Otalora said.
The group apparently penetrated Colombia’s federal bureaucracy and secret police. Three DAS officials and an employee of the national registry were among the arrested.
Saenz also said the group provided false passports for Spain, Portugal and Germany and other countries.
Authorities first suspected the existence of a criminal gang in 2002, when three Iraqi citizens were captured entering Colombia on false Israeli passports, the attorney general’s statement said.
Following those arrests, the attorney general ordered wiretaps and an undercover investigation that led to the arrest of two Jordanian nationals, Jamal Abdel Mutte Hassan and Zaben Sultan Othman Yousef, who acquired Colombian citizenship illegally.
Both have since been convicted and are serving prison terms of eight years and 19 months respectively.
In Jan. 2004, two more suspected members, Amin Omar Said Ahmad and Karim Bahige Kharfan, were captured in Bogota and later extradited to the United States, where they were convicted of laundering more than $200 million.
Colombian authorities then went on high alert, and with the help of their U.S. counterparts, began to covertly trail and film suspects to unveil a criminal network.
The eight wanted by a U.S. Federal court in Florida on charges of abetting illegal immigration rings and collaborating with terrorist groups include one Jordanian national, Jalal Saadat Moheisen, and a DAS detective, Edilson Ramirez Gamboa.
The raids were carried out in the Colombian capital of Bogota and four other Colombian cities.
Authorities didn’t say if any Colombian terrorist groups were involved.
There are three illegal, armed groups in Colombia that are on a U.S. list of terrorist organizations, and President Alvaro Uribe has occasionally warned that their existence fosters more violence.
In a speech in late 2004 to the United Nations in New York, Uribe said Colombia needs “the total commitment of the international community against terrorism in Colombia. The terrorism in one country feeds and strengthens terrorist networks throughout the world.”
U.S. officials have long feared al-Qaida could take advantage of corrupt government officials and weak institutions to launch an attack from south of the border.
Much of the focus in South America, however, has fallen on the large Muslim community in Paraguay along the porous border with Argentina and Brazil.
Authorities believe as much as $100 million a year flows out of the region, with large portions diverted to Islamic militants linked to Hezbollah and Hamas.

28 Jan

Sheehan to Feinstein: Filibuster Alito, Or I’ll Run Against You

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (L) greets U.S activist Cindy Sheehan as he arrives at the meeting with World Social Forum Organizations in Caracas, Venezuela January 27, 2006.
REUTERS/Jorge Silva


American anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan, left, greets the crowd while Juana Ferrer, second right, from Dominican Republic and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, right, look on during the 6th World Social Forum in Caracas, Venezuela, Friday, Jan. 27, 2006. Man, second left is unidentified.
(AP Photo/Fernando Llano)


By Melanie Hunter
CNSNews.com Senior Editor
January 27, 2006

(CNSNews.com) – Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan has threatened to run for Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s (D-Calif.) seat unless Feinstein filibusters Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito.
Sheehan, who was in Caracas, Venezuela Friday attending the World Social Forum, heard that several Democrats planned to filibuster Alito but that Feinstein, who is up for re-election in November, announced that she will vote against Alito but would not filibuster the nomination.
“I’m appalled that Diane Feinstein wouldn’t recognize how dangerous Alito’s nomination is to upholding the values of our constitution and restricting the usurpation of presidential powers, for which I’ve already paid the ultimate price,” Sheehan said in a statement.
Sheehan became a national figure representing the anti-war movement after her son Casey was killed in Iraq and she stood vigil outside President Bush’s Crawford, Texas ranch last summer demanding to speak face-to-face with Bush about her son’s death.
Sheehan claimed Alito has “an extensive paper trail documenting the right-wing political agenda that he has actively advanced, not only as a high-ranking official in the Reagan Administration, but also as a judge.”
She accused Alito of trying to restrict Congress’ power and supporting “efforts to curtail privacy rights, including not only privacy from government surveillance and arbitrary arrest, but also other constitutional rights based on privacy, such as reproductive liberty for women.”
Sheehan is scheduled to return from Venezuela on Monday and will travel to the nation’s capital to take part in an alternative State of the Union event.

And what do you suppose is her alternative State of the Union event???

DC – CODEPINK DC and special guests Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright and others will be getting started a little early with a surprise action at the Mott House. Afterwards we’ll head over to Bus Boys & Poets to watch the State of the Union Address. Join us for a fun action and evening – we’ll be out ’til closing.
People’s State of the Union Action
Time: 3pm
Location: Mott House / 122 Maryland Ave., NE
(Equal distance from both Union Station and Capitol South Metro stations).
Confirmed Speakers:
Cindy Sheehan, Malik Rahim, Ann Wright, John Cavanaugh and more!
State of the Union Party
Date: January 31st
Time: 8pm
Location: Bus Boys & Poets


Now wait it gets even better…………
Senator Feinstein to Vote NO on Cloture ( will vote YES on Filibuster)
From her website…….

Senator Feinstein to Vote No on Cloture for the Nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court
Washington, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today announced that she will vote no on cloture regarding the nomination of Judge Samuel A. Alito, Jr. to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
“Based on a very long and thoughtful analysis of the record and transcript, which I tried to indicate in my floor statement yesterday, I’ve decided that I will vote no on cloture.”


This is all just hilarious! I am having way too much fun.

27 Jan

NEW Video from RNC: “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”

Remember when Harry Reid said………..”Senator Harry Reid (D-NV): “We Killed The PATRIOT Act.”

Here’s what Reid is proud of: Trying to kill a vital law that breaks down the wall between intelligence and law enforcement, and makes it easier to prevent and detect attacks on America. Reid’s boast shows how reckless the Democrats have become when it comes to safeguarding America.

Here is The RNC replies! tah dah!

RNC Releases New Television Ad On Senate Democrat Leader Harry Reid’s Obstruction Of The PATRIOT Act Entitled, “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”
WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee today unveiled a new television advertisement targeting the Harry Reid-led Democrat obstruction of the PATRIOT Act. The advertisement, entitled “The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots,” will begin airing on national cable and local Las Vegas television stations this weekend. The ad will also be emailed to Republican grassroots supporters and is available for viewing now at www.GOP.com
Republican National Committee / 60 Advertisement

“The ad will also appear on national cable TV, and in Reid’s home state of Nevada. When Democrats brag about undermining an important part of the War on Terror, we hold them accountable.”

“The PATRIOT Act: Connecting The Dots”……….
….at GOP.com

27 Jan

Great Video’s Of Our Troops


Our Troops ROCK!

Theodore’s World
is happy to bring you
some video’s from and by
the troops.
Just click on the titles
to see each one.





F-18 Ride




The video
titled "Ambush" is from
the front seat on a road in Baghdad
known as "Ambush Alley" where our troops
have come under repeated attacks.

The clip shows grenades
exploding in front of
a private security vehicle and return gunfire is heard
in response to the attack. A still photograph,
taken after the attack, shows the damage to the vehicle,
operated by Blackwater USA, the private security outfit
hired by the State Department for such security detail missions.

SUV damaged in
Baghdad ambush

These private
security teams protect and
escort civilian leaders, such as Secretary of
State  and other members of the
State Department team.

In this case, a military escort is also
provided and leads the civilian car back
to the safety of the Green Zone.

Blackwater USA
uses armored SUVs and
heavily armed bodyguards.

A total of
four grenades explode in this video.
The gunfire heard is largely from U.S. military
forces providing cover for the escape.


special thanks to TomR, Sparks and LindaSOG for some of the Video’s.



27 Jan

Allah FUBAR!

RAMALLAH, West Bank — The Islamic fundamentalist group Hamas, which has said it favors the destruction of Israel, won an victory in Palestinian legislative elections.



Hamas chief Abdel al-Aziz Rantisi – who was killed by Israeli defense forces in Apri 2004l – took part in a Gaza rally in support of the Iraqi insurgency. Amid chants of “Death to America” and the burning of American flags by onlookers, Rantisi called on Iraqis to “strike and burn” U.S. troops, and “teach them the lessons of suicide actions.”
Rantisi also wrote a 2003 article, published on a Hamas Web site, titled “Why Shouldn’t We Attack the United States?” In the piece, Rantisi stated that, for Hamas, attacking America was not only “a moral and national duty – but above all, a religious one.”

“There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by Jihad. The initiative, proposals and International Conferences are but a waste of time, an exercise in futility.” -from Article 13, Peaceful Solutions
“Allah is its goal, the Prophet its model, the Quran its Constitution, Jihad its path and death for the case of Allah it most sublime belief.” -Article 8, the Motto of Hamas


Senior Hamas official Mushir al-Masri has said that Hamas will not negotiate with Israel — nor will it recognize Israel.

From the Jerusalem Post….Hamas’s charter: The martyrs’ oath:

“Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious…The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised…

The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times…

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…’

The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him…’


Hamas attacks Israel, it is the official government of the Palestinian people. It is no longer some rogue element hiding among the people. It is the people. Governments physically attacking other governments is an act of war. Israel will be justified in treating it as such.

President George W. Bush says the United States will not deal with Palestinian leaders who dispute Israel’s right to exist. U.S. President George W. Bush said Wednesday that the United States would not deal with Hamas until the radical Palestinian Islamist group renounces its position for calling for the destruction of Israel.


Hamas: Bush won’t dictate to us
Group spokesman tells Ynet Palestinians back Hamas positions on resistance to occupation, says group does not accept dictates from America. United State President George W. Bush’s insistence on disarming Hamas constitutes a “blatant interference in Palestinian affairs,” Hamas spokesman Sheikh Yasser Mansour told Ynet in an interview Thursday morning.
“We completely reject and do not accept Bush’s remarks regarding disarming us,” Mansour said. “Nobody can force us to disarm.”
Q: Will you disarm, as is expected of a governing party and as President Bush demanded tonight?
“The question of arms is related to the occupation and we do not accept dictates from Bush or from anyone else. The arms, like everything else, are at the service of the Palestinian people and we won’t give in to this blatant interference from Bush, whose remarks are not new, and were always against the Palestinians and their interests.”


Canada’s Prime minister-designate Stephen Harper , who is to be sworn in Feb. 6, suggested today that his Conservative government won’t accept Hamas as long as it continues to support terrorism and call for the destruction of Israel.


Silvio Berlusconi, the Italian Prime Minister, said that the victory of the Islamic militant group Hamas in Palestinian legislative elections was a “very, very, very bad result.”


Condi Rice,Well, there is an election to take place. And we have a policy that comes from a reality of what Hamas is and Hamas has done. The election will take place. It is going to be a Palestinian election with the Palestinians setting the rules for how that election takes place. And we’ll respect that.”………………….HUH? Respect and Hamas in the same sentence????
More from Condi…………”The Palestinian people have apparently voted for change but we believe that their aspirations for peace and a peaceful life remain unchanged.”…………..Condi can we talk? The Palestinian people” voted for Hamas. That’s not a vote for “peace.”


Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu told the Likud faction in the Knesset Thursday,

“Before our very eyes, Hamastan has been established, the step-child of Iran and the Taliban. It’s in firing range of our airport, our highways and cities. This has to be a day of soul searching because the writing was on the wall. The policy of giving land for free gave a prize to terror and a winning card for Hamas.
“How are Olmert and Peres getting ready for this challenge? They are moving the fence 500 meters closer to the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv highway (Beit Iksa). They gave more land to the Hamas state. Any land given to Hamas will give more of a front to fire upon us.
“This is a new and dangerous situation. Sharon said he wouldn’t let Palestinians in Jerusalem vote. Olmert let them.”


Daniel Pipes has an excellent article…”Don’t deal with terrorists”


In this undated but recent image released Monday, Jan. 26, 2004, by the Hamas group in the Gaza Strip, female suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi, holds her son Obida, 3, as they pose with weapons. Raiyshi blew herself up at the major border crossing point between Israel and the Gaza Strip, on Jan. 14, 2004, killing herself and four Israelis. (AP Photo/Hamas)


Jerusalem Post’s editor David Horovitz has written:

Some may seek comfort in the belief that an ascent to government could prompt a greater sense of responsibility, a move to moderation. But Hamas’s intolerance is based on a perceived religious imperative. No believing Muslim, in the Hamas conception, can be reconciled to Jewish sovereignty in the Middle East. To deny that, for Hamas, is blasphemy. And that is the ideology to which the Palestinian people, for whatever reason and by their own free hand, have just tied their fate. That is the guiding ideology with which Israel and the West will now have to grapple.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
This tip toeing around the world’s worst terrorist organization winning an election next door to our ally has got to stop. Palestinian’s voted for terror not peace. Should al Qaida and the Taliban be given the freedom to campaign?
Hell no!
The words “Democracy” and “Hamas” should not be used in the same sentence…ever. If we have to resort to using the word “Democracy” when referring to these recent elections, that’s just sad — it’s not Democracy; it’s Tyranny, it’s Terrorism.
What is next now from the terrorists huggers……….Jimmy Carter’s “Habitat for Hamas” project perhaps? The victory of Hamas is an absolute endorsement of terrorism, it cannot be explained otherwise.
The hate runs deep, it is in their DNA and it is passed down to their children and their grandchildren.



Prayers for Israel and Prayers for America


…Please visit these blogs on the subject as well:
* AbbaGav
* Anti-Idiotarian
* My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy
* Something….And Half of Something
* One Jerusalem


If you like please continue on to read President Bush’s Press Conference…………………..
