15 Mar


Received this tonight from a friend, Jack at Conservative Insurgent, who asked “Remember this?” I never saw this before. This was my first time and it is excellent.

Do you remember this as an e-mail circulating in 2002 before MSM spread the misleading poison that eventually tainted some of the patriotic enthusiasm of some Americans. That the fervor of patriotism and pride in being an American has been eroded since 2002 is evidenced by the popular emails that circulated then and those that are being forwarded today. I haven’t seen enough of this ethos lately. A revival could begin by forwarding this one to your mailing list.


Your alarm goes off; you hit the snooze and
sleep for another 10 minutes.
He stays up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
He goes days or weeks without running water.

You complain of a "headache", and call in sick.
He gets shot at, as others are hit, and keeps
moving forward.

You put on your anti war/don’t support the
troops shirt, and go meet up with your friends.
He still fights for your right to wear that

You make sure your cell phone is in your pocket.
He clutches the cross hanging on his chain
to his dog tags.

You talk trash on your "buddies" that aren’t with you.
He knows he may not see some of his buddies

You don’t feel like helping out your dad today, so you don’t.
He does what he is told.

You walk down the beach, staring at all the pretty girls.
He walks the streets, searching for insurgents
and terrorists.

You complain about how hot it is.
He wears his heavy gear, not daring to take
off his helmet to
wipe his brow.

You go out to lunch and complain because the restaurant got
your order wrong.
He does not get to eat today.

Your maid makes your bed and washes your clothes.
He wears the same things for months, but makes
sure his
weapons are clean.

You go to the mall and get your hair redone.
He doesn’t have time to brush his teeth today.

You are angry because your class ran 5 minutes over.
He is told he will be held an extra 2 months.
He does as
he is told.

You call your girlfriend and set a date for that night.
He waits for the mail to see if there is a
letter from home.

You hug and kiss your girlfriend, like you do everyday.
He holds his letter close and smells his
love’s perfume.

You ditch class to go to a movie.
He goes where he is told.

You roll your eyes as a baby cries.
He gets a letter with pictures of his new
child, and wonders
if they’ll ever meet.

You criticize your government and say that war never solves
He sees the innocent tortured and killed by
their own
government and remembers why he is fighting.

You hear the jokes about the war and make fun of the
men like him.
He hears the gun fire and bombs.

You see only what the media wants you to see.
He sees the bodies lying around him.

You are asked to go to the store by your parents. You don’t.
He does what he is told.

You stay at home and watch tv.
He takes whatever time he is given to call and
write home,
sleep, and eat.

You crawl into your bed, with down pillows, and try to
get comfortable.
He crawls under a tank for shade and a 5
minute nap,
only to be woken by gun fire.

You sit there and judge him, saying the world is a worse
place because of men like him.

only there were more men like him!

* Conservative Insurgent
* Indigo Insights

14 Mar

Free Turbo Tax Filing For Military

This year, the Department of Defense is providing free access to the popular TurboTax filing program to all active duty guard and reserves (regardless of their activation status) and their family members via the Web site http://www.militaryonesource.com.
This free program serves as an online “tax mentor” and helps in the preparation and filing of both federal and state taxes. Military OneSource can also refer you to certified financial counselors, tax experts and public accountants who can answer questions, also at no charge, by calling toll-free: (800) 342-9647. (To access the numbers for overseas, Spanish language and hearing-imparied tax fliers log unto http://www.militaryonesource.com)
Please pass this information on, thank you.
Thank you Sondra for this.

* Knowledge Is Power / SondraK

14 Mar

Terrorists Lover Russ Feingold Is A Four Letter Word

Presidential wanna be………..”What the president did by consciously and intentionally violating the Constitution and laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping has to be answered,” Mr. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin, said on the ABC News program “This Week.” “Proper accountability is a censuring of the president, saying: ‘Mr. President, acknowledge that you broke the law, return to the law, return to our system of government.’ ”
White House replys……………

The White House on Monday dismissed as politically motivated a Democratic senator’s attempt to censure President George W. Bush for ordering domestic eavesdropping on U.S. citizens without a warrant.
Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin told ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday that he intends to push for a resolution in the U.S. Congress that would censure the president for what he considers an unlawful wiretapping program authorized by the White House after the September 11 attacks.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Feingold’s move “has more to do with 2008 politics than anything else.”
Bush has come under criticism from Democrats and many of his own Republicans for letting the National Security Agency eavesdrop, without court-ordered warrants, on telephone calls and e-mails to and from overseas contacts with suspected al Qaeda ties.
“I think it does raise the question, how do you fight and win the war on terrorism?” McClellan said. “And if Democrats want to argue that we shouldn’t be listening to al Qaeda communications, it’s their right and we welcome the debate. We are a nation at war.”

Dems object to censure resolution vote: hold off for political purposes

…Democratic Senator Russ Feingold has introduced a resolution that would censor the President of the United States for “eavesdropping” in the wake of 9/11. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, moments ago, made a unanimous consent motion that the Senate vote on the resolution tonight. Maryland Democrat Paul Sarbanes rose to object to the motion. Frist then motioned to vote on the resolution again tomorrow. Sarbanes objected, saying no vote should take place on the resolution until Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid had cleared the timing.
In other words, Democrats know this is a political stunt, without a chance of passage, but want to time it politically for maximum impact.
Later, Harry Reid took the floor to say he was offended that Frist would go to the floor and motion for unanimous consent on such an “important issue” without talking to him first.
Reid’s two-facedness knows no bounds. Does he not remember last year taking the Senate floor and invoking Senate Rule XXI, thereby shutting down the Senate? When he made that parliamentary move to score political points over pre-war intelligence, he broke all Senate precedent by invoking the draconian measure without first seeking the compliance of the Senate Majority Leader as has always been done in the past.

Here is his “Censure Resolution
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Traitor Feingold voted NO on the Patriot Act renewal. Send him to Gitmo.Frist tried to bring it up for a vote, and every time he did DemocRATS objected and wouldn’t let there be a vote.
The Democrats think President Bush has done too much to protect us from additional terrorist attacks. The Democrats are both idiots and traitors.
Kiss My Ass Feingold!

14 Mar

One Of The Left’s Favorite Cowards ~ A Draft Dodger

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I have NO sympathy, NO patience for draft dodgers or deserters.
I don’t care how many years it has been. Punish the hell out of them!!!!

U.S. arrests soldier who fled in 1968
Traveled to U.S. dozens of times since dodging service in Vietnam

Allen Abney, grandfather is languishing in confinement 
at a U.S. military base — 
under arrest for deserting the U.S. Marine Corps 
38 years ago because he didn’t want to fight in Vietnam.

Allen Abney, 56, is in custody at Camp Pendleton near San Diego today.

His family in the East Kootenays is anxiously awaiting word on what’s next 
for the father of three who deserted the marines and fled to Vancouver in 
1968 at the age of 19.

Charges of desertion can result in what’s known as "other-than-honorable" 
discharges, a special court martial and sentences of up to one year in military 
jail or a general court martial where the maximum penalty is five years behind bars.

“I really cannot conceive that that’s a possibility. I really want to stress that,” 
said Lynn Gonzales, who works with the San Diego Military Counseling Project, 
a branch of the GI Rights Hotline. 

Gonzales was to meet with Abney yesterday.

Abney, a Canadian citizen since 1977, was taken into custody Thursday. 
He and his wife, Adrienne, were crossing into Idaho after leaving their home 
south of Cranbrook, bound for a holiday in Reno.

“They stopped us at customs. I handed over our passports and they called us in. 
After 20 minutes of sitting there, they took him,” Adrienne told The Province.

Adrienne said her husband had traveled into the United States dozens, if not 
hundreds of times, with no problem whatsoever.

Allen, who was born in Kentucky but has lived in Canada since he was 10, 
joined the Marines voluntarily when his brother was drafted, figuring he too 
would be compelled to serve. His brother stayed in Canada as a conscientious 
objector. Allen completed basic training in Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

Before he could be shipped overseas, he took a weekend break in Mexico then a 
bus all the way to Vancouver.

Abney married in 1971 and became a Canadian citizen in 1977, the same 
year then-U.S. president Jimmy Carter offered to pardon deserters if they 
applied through a special discharge review program. Abney did not take 
advantage of the offer.

Though he rarely talked about that time in his life, daughter Jessica said, her father 
was hardly living in secret. He never changed his name and has traveled extensively 
throughout the U.S.

What the marines would want with the “slightly overweight” man who likes hunting, 
fishing and driving ATVs is beyond Adrienne.

“Maybe they’re using him as an example to prevent Iraq-bound Marines from
I don’t think they’d have much use for him in Iraq,” she said.

A Marines spokesman said Abney will be returned to his original unit, where the 
commander will decide what happens next.

The family has called the Canadian consulate in the U.S. and has had sporadic phone 
contact with Allen since his detention.

Foreign Affairs spokesperson Rejean Beaulieu said federal officials are aware of the 
case, but he could not comment further.

The Abneys are also waiting to hear something from the government.

“The Canadian consulate in the U.S. is not being very helpful at all,” said Adrienne.

Meanwhile, U.S. Army deserter Joshua Key said Abney made the same “moral choice” 
to not fight in a war he felt was wrong. Key faces an immigration hearing later this month 
that will determine whether the 27-year-old can remain in Canada or must return to the 
U.S. to face military justice.

“It seems a little weird, crossing the border as many times as he did. I say it’s a damn 
shame. He’s already established himself as a Canadian citizen,” Key said from his home 
on Gabriola Island.


Wild Thing’s comment……….
Look how they are already making excuses for him.
“I really cannot conceive that that’s a possibility. I really want to stress that,”
said Lynn Gonzales, who works with the San Diego Military Counselling Project,
a branch of the GI Rights Hotline.

Shoot him! I could care less that he is a grandfather, a husband, a son or anything.
A Marines spokesman said Abney will be returned to his original unit, where the
commander will decide what happens next.

Good, Sir, please do not let this coward go unpunished. And I blame Canada too for
accepting draft dodgers and deserters.
Our country needs to begin to take a bad ass stand on things like this. And on other
traitors to like Carter, Gore, Bill Clinton, Kerry, Fonda, you name it!
And if that isn’t bad enough that they even have to think about what to do with this jerk.
Look at this! OMG!


Plans for U.S. draft dodger sculpture revived
Activists’ proposal draws fire from conservatives, veterans groups

VANCOUVER, British Columbia – Peace activists have revived plans for a sculpture to commemorate Vietnam War draft resisters who fled to Canada, a proposal that had drawn the ire of U.S. veterans groups and conservatives.
The activists, who are also organizing a reunion for “draft dodgers” in July, said on Tuesday the proposed monument is still needed to warn Americans and Canadians about the dangers of militarism.
“It is very important educationally that we have specific peace monuments,” said Isaac Romano, an American who immigrated to Canada and now lives in British Columbia’s Kootenay region where many U.S. war resisters settled.
The plan for a monument in Nelson, B.C., was originally announced in 2004, but quickly dropped after it was denounced by the U.S. Veterans of Foreign Wars and conservative media commentators.
“It could be that there is a group in the States that sees it as an opportunity to remind Americans that they are not locked into the militarism. That there is an escape valve,” Romano said.
The proposal calls for a sculpture of two Americans, a male and a female, crossing an imaginary border where a Canadian figure is waiting to welcome them.
It has been estimated that 125,000 draft-age Americans fled to Canada to avoid Vietnam and prosecution under U.S. law, although about half returned home after President Jimmy Carter granted amnesty in 1977.

14 Mar

Ex-NFL Lineman Trades Jersey For Utilities

Pfc. Jeremy Staat, Platoon 1065, Company B, practices rifle manual in his training barracks. Photo by: Lance Cpl. Dorian Gardner
Giving up the fame of the football field at 29 years old, one B Company recruit Pfc. Jeremy Staat
At age 13, Pfc. Jeremy Staat was 75 inches tall and weighed 230 pounds. It seemed as if he was built for football, according to Staat.

“I really didn’t have to work hard at it,” said Staat.

Starting as an offensive lineman, Staat grew as a football player and saw his first glimpse of the Marine Corps not long after starting at Arizona State University as an offensive lineman.
Fond memories traced back to his first encounter with the Marine Corps.

“I had a buddy who was a combat photographer in the Marine Corps,” said Staat. “He came back from the desert with pictures of these big C-130s and I said, ‘I want to do what you are doing.’”

Playing football began losing its appeal. Seeing other men and women around the world in their service uniforms kept Staat thinking about those “what-ifs.”
Following his time at the university, Staat moved up to the National Football League, playing with the Pittsburgh Steelers, Oakland Raiders, Seattle Seahawks, St. Louis Rams and one year of arena football with the Los Angeles Avengers.
Early thoughts of leaving the league were deflected after college teammate Pat Tillman influenced Staat to stay in until he could get a retirement plan. Staat and Tillman became good friends while sharing a room at ASU. Over time, Tillman decided to leave the NFL to serve in the U.S. Army before he was killed in action in 2004.

“That was the turning point for Jeremy,” said Janet Goodheart, Jeremy Staat’s mother. “After Pat was killed, he began to dwell on things. He visited me at home and we had a real serious talk. He told me that he was through with football.”

He decided to enlist in the military. Because of his larger-than-life exterior, Staat had to pass a few tests before he could enlist.
His mother said he passed tests everyday.

“He called me and said, ‘Mom, you can’t be any more than 78 inches, 29 years old and 261 pounds,’’’ said Goodheart. “He was all three.”

There were certain reasons for joining that went beyond the passing of Pat Tillman, according to Staat.

“The big reason was because I was just really disgusted with the amount of money entertainers get and what they pay troops overseas,” said Staat. “It didn’t seem right that we pay all those entertainers millions to catch a football and we pay our Marines pennies to a dollar to catch a bullet,” said Staat.

Determined to leave, Staat spoke with a recruiter and left as soon as possible.

“I came in two months early, like ‘Let’s get it on,’” said Staat. “I wanted to be a part of something that is going to live forever instead of getting trophies. What are trophies good for – collecting dust? Most trophies get thrown in the garage. Who knows where they go after that?”

Arriving at the depot, Staat did what he could to keep his past under wraps, but within five hours of his landing, his secret was out.
Staat said a drill instructor asked the 77-inch stack of muscle if he played football. “I played a little in college,” said Staat, who enlisted to become a machine gunner.
The drill instructor kept digging and eventually the truth came out.

“From what I knew of Marine Corps training, drill instructors are extremely professional,” said Staat. “With all the attention I’ve drawn to this platoon, they have done an awesome job being professional.”

When he started training, Staat took a different outlook on his environment than most recruits do during the first phase of boot camp. To him, playing for a team was temporary; being part of a legend was something people wouldn’t forget.
Since entering recruit training, Staat realized he wasn’t used to the strenuous environment.

“I’ve run three miles four times in my life, once at (Military Entrance Processing Station), and three times here,” said Staat.

Besides the physical training, boot camp is aimed to place stress on recruits to prepare them for stressful situations they may encounter on the battlefield.
Stepping away from the life of an entertainer to enjoy the priceless experience of Marine Corps boot camp, Staat said he couldn’t feel more at home.

“I would wake up every day and smile,” said Staat. “Recruits look at me like I am crazy, but I am just happy to be here; to be on a practice field as big as Camp Pendleton is crazy.”

According to Goodheart, the letters Staat sent home during training let her know that her son was doing fine in his training. “He was very happy,” she said.
The only thing that Staat couldn’t grasp about training was the other recruits. He couldn’t understand why 60 recruits would rather to do push-ups in the dirt than sound off when told to by their drill instructors, but Staat never lost his motivation, according to Goodheart.

“If there was something that gave Jeremy any kind of doubt, he would pursue it until he was convinced,” said Goodheart.

“If you change the mindset of what you are doing, you can turn it into a whole new experience,” said Staat. “I looked at field training like I was going camping. They are going to pay me to learn how to train and survive in the field.”

Staat said he found it amusing that people pay for the training that Marines are paid to complete.

“They train you to keep in shape. They put you on a diet,” said Staat. “People pay to do that.”

Staat recalled a day during training when his company ran the obstacle course. There are a number of high walls, logs and bars to get over throughout the course including the rope, which is strung from a high beam of wood to the ground. Staat attempted to climb the rope but failed. He was trained on the proper techniques, he got a second chance.
Staat’s senior drill instructor told him to climb the rope again. One of the many things that are stressed during training is bearing, but when Staat climbed to the top of the rope, he broke his bearing and smiled.

“I asked him what happened the first time and he smiled and said, ‘This recruit didn’t have the technique down, sir,’” said Staff Sgt. Miguel R. Saenz, senior drill instructor, Platoon 1065.

“I was just happy,” said Staat. “I had never climbed a rope before.”

Beyond the training, there were adjustments Staat had to make.

“It was fast,” said Staat. “The sounding off was difficult because I am not used to yelling and screaming.”

Even the combat utility uniforms took some getting used to, according Staat.

“I looked at them as a new uniform,” said Staat. “Instead of having a football helmet, I had a Kevlar. Instead of wearing shoulder pads, I wore a flak jacket.”

Departing the depot as a squad leader, and one of many new Marines graduating from Co. B, Staat plans on leaving a lasting impression in the Marine Corps and maybe watch a few football games on his days off.

* Mighty Righty

14 Mar

Miss USA Visits The Marines

MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. — Miss USA, Chelsea Cooley, wore a Marine desert cover, shared personal stories and laughed with wounded warriors to show her support for Marines at the Injured Support Barracks Monday. Cooley, who is from Charlotte, N.C., said she has always wanted to come back to North Carolina and visit with the troops. Although it is not part of Miss USA obligations, Cooley volunteers regularly with the United Service Organizations and speaks with service members all over the world.
Photo by: Lance Cpl. Ryan M. Blaich
Wild Thing’s comment…..
I am so glad she did this and I hope she does this a lot. Our troops could use a lot of this kind of support and from many others as well.

13 Mar

Al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier Makes Threats

Purported “Al-Qaeda Undercover Soldier, U.S.A”: Last Warning to American People – Two Operations Will Occur; Your Homeland Security Agency Must Surrender; States Far Away From Washington, D.C. Such as Arizona Will Be Hit; We Await Orders From Our Commander Osama Bin Laden; America Will Be Brought to its Knees
Rakan Ben Williams warns that, unlike after the 9/11, Madrid, and London attacks, which are still being investigated, “after the coming attack there will be no one to analyze and investigate, because the mind and the heart will be unable to comprehend it… This will not be a single operation”, the report added, “but two; one bigger than the other, but we will begin with the big one and postpone the bigger one, in order to see how diligent the American people is in preserving its life. If it chooses life, [it must] carry out the demands of the Muslims, and if it chooses death, then we are its best perpetrators.” The warning appeared in Arabic and in English.
The following are excerpts from the original English version………………
The Last Warning to the American People (Rakan Ben Williams)
“I discern your wonder about this warning in which you do not quite recognize what to make of it. You are probably asking: Why would Al-Qaeda Organization announce its upcoming operations inside the mainland? Why the repeated warnings? Originally by the commander in Chief of Al-Qaeda (the victorious, by the grace of Allah), followed by the same warning through his trusted deputy, and now by Rakan Williams (Al-Qaeda’s under cover soldier in the west).
“What could be the theme?
“What exactly is being planned?
“Could it be another one of Al-Qaeda’s tricks?
“How would anyone in a right mind, while in the preparation stages, discloses the objectives? Let alone before completing the arrangements! Military experts would fully agree that such a disclosure would only come out from an insane.
“However, coming from Al-Qaeda, a disclosure like this reflects one thing and one thing alone: full faith and trust in Allah. Ultimate faith in Allah and His infinite power, He (Allah) is the only true protector and helper. The conviction in our men and their unexpected abilities to prepare and carry out such missions comes second to next in our trust in Allah.
“You ought not to be intolerably upset; for whoever survives this upcoming blow will have a probability to learn an amazing lesson in the art of conducting ‘expeditions.’
There Will Be Two Operations in the U.S.
“Despite the fact that the New York, Washington, Madrid, and Londonexpeditions have been carried out a few years back. The search for clues on how they were conducted in such a successful manner is still going on and reports upon reports are still being written about them. However, the next expedition might not find someone who can provide analysis for. The top intellects, strategists, and analysts, will be totally clueless as to how to explain what occurred. Let me also inform you that we are talking about two operations, not one. The scale of one of them is larger than the other but both are large and significant. However, we will start with the smaller, and temporarily put the larger on hold to see how serious the Americans are about their lives. Should you value your own life and security, accept Muslims’ demands, but if you shall prefer death (over giving in to Muslims’ demands). Then, we, by the grace of Allah, are the best in bringing it (death) to your door steps.
Bush and His Clan are Incapable of Protecting You
“Do not put your hopes on Bush and his clan, they are incapable of protecting you, and if they think they are, let them foil or stop the two upcoming operations, and punish those who are responsible for them. But if they could not identify and foil the devastating events coming your way, you must ask yourselves: How long will we continue allowing ourselves to be slaughtered with full advance knowledge of our fate?
“Let me now inform you why we opted to inform you about the two operations and your inability to stop them before they are carried out. The reason is simple; you cannot uncover or stop them except by letting them be carried out. Furthermore, the best you could do would be to accelerate the day of carrying out the operations. In other words, if we schedule the operation to take place tomorrow, the best you could do is to make it happen today.
Your Homeland Security Agency Must Surrender
“This indeed is a sweet situation to be in. It is a win-win all the way for us. It is the ultimate control and the most stunning way to stop an operation (accelerating it with the same impact). What we are saying is this: You will have a choice of either let us carry it out on our own schedule and with our own hands or allow your own intelligence apparatus to cause it to happen. This second choice will cause a level of dissatisfaction (with your decision makers) to reach its highest level. Therefore, your Homeland Security Agencies would have no choice but to surrender and wait for the inevitable to happen.
“I will not give any more clues; this is enough as a wake up call. Perhaps the American people will start thinking about the magnitude of the danger that is coming their way.
American States Far Away From Washington, D.C. are Helpless
“O’ you helpless Americans, especially those living in States far away from Washington, D.C.! Your country is comprised of many States that should not have anything to do with Muslims. Take the State of Arizona for example; what does this State have to do with killing Muslims in Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq? What interest of theirs serving, helping, and siding with the Jews and Israel?
“If some members of your Congress and Senate are being used as Jewish tools manipulated by Israel, why do you bear the consequences?
“Why do you bring death and destruction to your homes and lives in an apparent sacrifice for a handful of dishonest men and women?
“They took advantage of your state of unawareness to advance their own agenda. They have built and strengthened the State of Israel while bringing adversity and destruction to you in the process. Therefore, the net result for you is death, losses and insecurity. But for them is wealth, fine and secure life. You have sent your loved ones to die in the Hell of Iraq not to bring you security but to bring security to the State of Israel. But the sad thing is that the pain will not stop at the loss of your loved ones in Iraq or Afghanistan, but the pain will even be greater when death and destruction comes once more to you in your own homes, by the grace of Allah.
We are Awaiting Orders from Our Commander Osama Ben Laden
“The operations are ready to go, we are just waiting for orders from the commander in chief, Osama Ben Laden (may Allah preserve him). He will decide whether to strike or to hold. We swear by Allah that there are so many tricks and tactical maneuvers that will make your heads spin, by the grace of Allah. You will be brought to your knees, but not until you lose more loved ones and experience significant destruction.
“Now is the time to wake up and dust off this state of complacency and ineffectiveness to save yourselves and your loved ones from catastrophes sure to come your way. Remove war mongers from positions of power and throw them in prisons, where they belong. Rid yourselves of ‘the Jewish pests’ that brought nothing to you but adversity and loss of lives and wealth. They have deceived you for many years, it is time now you turn the table on them and make an example out of them.
“Rid yourselves of media crafters who deliberately kept you in the dark for so long and made a mockery of you before the rest of the world. Boycott NBC news and dismiss its Jewish CEO, Fred Silverman. Do the same to INC news and fire its Jewish owner, Leonard Goldstein, the same is true for CBS and its owner William Bailey. Find credible media outlets that bring nothing to you but facts. Unfortunately you won’t find any in your country. Do you know why? Because your rogue State fights any media dedicated to the truth, no matter how small it is.
Watch Al-Jazeera and Visit Mujahideen Websites to Get Educated
“Visit Mujahideen web sites to get to know who they are. You will see for yourselves that they are not what your media outlets made you believe they are. If you cannot do that, the least you could do is to watch Al-Jazeera Channel; there you might get 20% or less of the truth about the war zones. Resent the corrupted politicians in Washington, D.C. and demand justice, if they do not give in to your demands, you must declare autonomy so you may live in peace and security.
“This is the last warning you will receive from us. Consequently, if you ignore it, we regret to inform you that we will carry out devastating operations against the States of America and we will not show mercy whatsoever, you would have brought destruction to yourselves. Do not ever forget, you have rejected the truce which was offered to you by Muslims; you have supported the thieves of the white house and blessed their adventures. Therefore, you get nothing from us short of similar treatment; for only blood for blood.
“May Allah facilitate a way for us to spill the blood of the occupiers and cut off the heads of the aggressors. Allah has full power and control over all of His affairs, but most mankind knows not.
“Rakan Ben Williams
“Al-Qaeda under cover soldier


Wild Thing’s comment…….
Don’t you just love how they announce their attacks first. The only thing I know is they NEVER announced what they did on 9-11, or the first World Trade Center bombing either. Heck , none of other attacks either like the USS Cole etc. did we have warnings. At least that I can remember, so why this time.

* Clarity & Resolve

13 Mar

Russia Says No To Iran

Iran loses Russian backing after rejecting nuclear deal
Published: 13 March 2006
Iran has lost crucial support from its powerful ally Russia after the Iranian foreign ministry said Tehran is no longer considering a Russian compromise aimed at resolving the dispute over Iran’s nuclear threat.
A foreign ministry spokesman, Hamid Reza Asefi, flatly told reporters in Tehran that “the Russian proposal is not on our agenda any more”.
Russia’s offer of a joint venture to enrich uranium outside Iran had been seen as Iran’s last chance to avoid UN Security Council action.
The West, concerned that Iran may be working to build a nuclear weapon under cover of a civilian programme, wants to prevent Iran from enriching uranium as the process can lead to production of weapons-grade fuel. Iran continues to insist on its right to uranium enrichment for peaceful purposes.
Russia warned that Iran’s tough position could “radicalise the nature of the UN Security Council debate”. The five permanent members – Britain, the US, France, Russia and China – have been struggling to agree on a unified position before talks widen to include the full 15-member council later this week. The dispute was referred to the UN by the International Atomic Energy Agency last week after Tehran refused to comply with demands made by the IAEA.
Konstantin Kosachev, the head of the international affairs committee of Russia’s lower house of parliament, said Iran’s move had destroyed the only chance for a compromise.
Mr Asefi said: “Circumstances have changed. We have to wait and see how things go with the five veto-holding countries” on the Security Council.

13 Mar

Political Correctness Strikes Out At Mother Goose

Why black sheep are barred and Humpty can’t be cracked
TRADITIONAL nursery rhymes are being rewritten at nursery schools to avoid causing offence to children.
Instead of singing “Baa baa, black sheep” as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing “Baa baa, rainbow sheep”.

The move, which critics will seize on as an example of political correctness, was made after the nurseries decided to re-evaluate their approach to equal opportunities.
In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.

Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Family Centre in Abingdon and the Sure Start centre in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, told the local Courier Journal newspaper: “We have taken the equal opportunities approach to everything we do.
In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children, and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
As you all know there are sort of two names for my blog. It happened because my website is called Theodore’s World and one of the pages at my website is tited PC Free Zone Gazette. I have been so outraged at all the PC crap going on in the world for such long time I had to do an entire page to rant about it. Later it grew to having a blog. I stayed with both names because they are both me. That is why I wanted to keep both are at the top section of this page.
This is exactly the kind of BS that steams me. This changing shit that has nothing wrong with it. The touchie feeling left once again destroying perfectly good things. Then add in the financial cost of their doing this.
Before moving to Florida 3 years ago, we lived in Malibu, California. Due to heavy rains and mudslides one year a bridge went out that made it possible to go from Malibu ( a beach community) into the city of Santa Monica. One could take the bridge along Pacific Coast HWY. instead of the extremely long way around through the canyons and then the long drive in the valley.
For over a year the city of Malibu would not fix the bridge and why????? Because some freakin fish lived there, under the bridge and they did not want to disturb it. BITE Me! How stupid is that for a reason. But this is an example of how these liberal, leftie idiots think and run things.

* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* The Fall of Jericho

13 Mar

In Country With Our Troops

ROCKET FIND — U.S. Marines assigned to India Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment carry a nine-foot rocket with a 122mm warhead that they found while excavating the area for weapons and ammunition storage points in Baghdaddi, Iraq, March 3, 2006. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Michael R. McMaugh)
Zeko is part of the Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 327th Infantry Regiment

Zeko, an explosive detection Canine, takes a breather, after his handler puts his specially made balistic “doggles” on for his daily training at the newly built training course at Forward Operating Base McHenry, Iraq. (U.S. Army Photo By: Spc. Barbara Ospina, 1st BCT Public Affairs)
Zeko’s real workout starts when shouts echo through the air, followed by yelping. Silberman holds Zeko tightly, while a volunteer Soldier wearing a protective sleeve runs. Then, at the right moment Silberman releases the now vicious dog. Zeko sprints after the man, leaping into the air and locking his jaw on the Soldier’s protected arm. Attempts to shake him off fail as Zeko just bites harder. Then with a single command from his handler, Zeko releases the Soldier returning to sit next to Silberman. A few seconds later, Zeko is rewarded with playful hugs and praises.
Not only does this furry four-legged Soldier pull his weight in the fight against terrorism, he has become very protective of his new Bastogne comrades.
“We get to spend a lot of time with [Soldiers], he’s really close, and really protective of them,” Silberman commented. “When we are taking rounds, he’s watching and really alert of his Soldiers, so he’s got a pretty good rapport with those guys.”
It isn’t all work and no play for Zeko though. His kisses may be sloppy, and he has doggy breath, but Zeko has become well-known and loved among the Soldiers at FOB McHenry. During a simple strut down the gravel walk-ways, Zeko receives many playful pettings, and sometimes even a rowdy play session.
With loyalty being an Army Value this fury friend strongly possesses, many consider him the FOB pet, and even part of the 1st Battalion team.
