27 Feb

Lynne Stewart Needs To Get The Maximum Sentence

Yesterday was the 13th anniversary of the bombing of the World Trade Center parking garage on February 26, 1993, in which 6 Americans died (7 including an unborn baby carried by one of the adult victims) and over 1,000 were injured.
The mastermind of the bombing, Ramzi Yousef, was convicted in 1998 and will spend the rest of his life in prison. The spiritual leader of the Islamic Jihad-associated terrorists who conducted the bombing, Sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, was also convicted in connection with the bombings and is also serving a life sentence without parole.
A small stone memorial in honor of the victims of the 1993 bombing was erected in the WTC and was destroyed in the 9/11/01 attacks (pictured). Link
On February 10, 2005, radical leftist attorney Lynne Stewart was convicted of helping the terrorists by smuggling messages of violence from one of her imprisoned clients — the radical Egyptian sheik behind the 1993 WTC Bombing– to his terrorist disciples on the outside.
Lynn Stewart was convicted of providing material support, through a press conference and allowing access by her translator, to a terrorist conspiracy to kill persons outside of the United States and conspiring to defraud the U.S. government when acting as counsel to Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, the blind Egyptian cleric who was convicted in 1996 of plotting terrorist attacks against various sites in the New York City area.

Lynn was recorded bragging about her skills as an actress which she used to fool the prison guards into believing she was a lawyer instead of a terrorist, saying, “I can get an award for it” which was translated to the Sheikh: “She is saying, Your Eminence, that she can get an award for acting (all three laugh).
“The September 11 terrorist attacks on America were an “armed struggle” like Hiroshima and Dresden. I have a lot of trouble figuring out why that is wrong, especially when people are placed in a position of having no other way.” Lynne Stewart
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. This woman is truly an enemy of America. In her own words:
“I don’t have any problem with Mao or Stalin or the Vietnamese leaders or certainly Fidel locking up people they see as dangerous. Because so often, dissidence has been used by the greater powers to undermine a people’s revolution.” Lynne Stewart
and during her trial:
“To rid ourselves of the entrenched, voracious type of capitalism that is in this country that perpetuates sexism and racism, I don’t think that can come nonviolently.” Lynne Stewart
“I don’t believe in anarchistic violence, but in directed violence. That would be violence directed at the institutions which perpetuate capitalism, racism, and sexism, and the people who are the appointed guardians of those institutions, and accompanied by popular support.” Lynne Stewart
Lynne will be sentenced on March 10, 2006. You can help lock Lynne up for life by writing the Judge and asking him to show no leniency to Lynne Stewart for her crimes and asking him to impose the maximum sentence allowed for plotting with terrorists.
The Judge’s address is:
Honorable John G. Koeltl
United States District Judge
Southern District of New York
United States Courthouse
500 Pearl Street
New York, New York 10007
Briefly say who you are – your position in work and in society. State that you are aware that Lynne is to be sentenced following a jury verdict of guilty on charges of crimes against America. Tell the Judge why you believe she should be made an example of, and not given any leniency whatsoever. Feel free to remind the Judge of who she by using the quotes above.
Send a copy of your letter to the lawyers who prosecuted Lynne, so they can present them all to the Judge at sentencing time, they will have the maximum impact as he considers the matter:
Joseph E. Bianco, Esq.
Christopher T. Morvillo, Esq.
Assistant United States Attorneys
Southern District of New York
United States Attorney’s Office
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, NY 10007
I say let Justice be served:

* Something…..and Half of Something
* The Counteterrorism Blog

27 Feb

More Mulsim Propaganda

Muslim Preacher on Temple Mount: Restore Worldwide Islamic Rule

A plan for the “Return of the Khalifate” was published secretly in 2002 by a group called “The Guiding Helper Foundation.” The group explained that it wished to “give direction to the educated Muslim populace in its increasing interest in the establishment of Islam as a practical system of rule.”
This past Friday, Feb. 24, however, the plan went public. Sheikh Nawahda called publicly for the renewal of the Islamic Khalifate, which would “unite all the Moslems in the world against the infidels.”
The Khalifate system features a leader, known as a Khalif, who heads worldwide Islam. Assisted by a ten-man council, his decisions are totally binding on all Moslems…

Wild Thing’s comment….
When/Why did Moslem become Muslim? hahaha I guess it’s kind of like MuhamMAD. How many different ways do you see the bas#ard’s name spelled?

27 Feb

Al Qaeda Riot At Pulacharke Prison

Pulacharke Prison riot!
This is the prison in Afghanistan where Jack Idema, two other Americans and Task Force Saber.


After a night of gunfire there are a dozen dead, more than 50 wounded, 80 women held hostage and raped.
How did this happen?
Hundreds of Taliban and al-Qaida Prisoners have revolted at Pulacharke Prison Compound in the wake of tighter security measures by Northern Alliance Commanders after last month’s escape of 7 top Taliban prisoners during Sunday visiting. The Taliban prisoners had exchanged clothes with visitors, falsified arm IDs for visitors, and slipped out as 750 visitors left. Who was the man responsible for the escape? None other than a US State Department “agent.” An Afghan Pashtun General who was on the US Embassy’s payroll, had been sent on all expense paid trip to America by Jack Idema’s enemies in the US Embassy, and had been paid bribes to inform on Afghan political and military meetings with Jack. The general was fired just one week ago. To impose tighter security all terrorist prisoners were to be issued prison gray clothes today. The revolt had allegedly been planned more than two weeks ago. It started sometime around 8pm Saturday according to Afghan CIA sources.
New intelligence from MOJ Command indicates that TF SABER FORCE is not a primary target of al-Qaida during revolt. Afghan intelligence believes that the prison revolt was planned and organized after President Hamid Karzai ordered amnesty given to 500 Taliban insurgents last week. Taliban terrorists, who had bombed, murdered, assassinated, and beheaded both innocent Afghans and foreign soldiers and aid workers, were given complete amnesty, $100, a certificate of welcome into the government, and a PAKOL to replace their black turbans before having their royal terrorist asses kissed by Karzai.
To read the entire story please go to the SuperPatriots.US site for updates. Also there is more infomation at Cao’s blog.
The SuperPatriots and Jack Idema images on this site are used with written copyright permission and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US

* Cao’s blog
* The Wide Awakes

26 Feb

UAE Test Run?


Wild Thing’s comment…..
Maybe we could do a trial run, and see how UAE handles this first shipment.
UAE bad idea like I said before.

26 Feb

Costello To Muslims ~ Accept Our Values Or Leave Aussie Land


Australian treasurer calls for Muslim hardliners to lose citizenship


Australian Treasurer Peter Costello, favourite to become the country’s next leader, has called for Muslim extremists to be stripped of their citizenship while denouncing multiculturalism as “mushy and misguided”.
Costello demanded new citizens accept Australian laws rather than attempt to live by alternative codes such as sharia (Islamic) law, saying it was a sign of respect in the same way that taking off one’s shoes before entering a mosque showed deference towards Islam.
“If you have strong objections to walking in your socks, don’t enter the mosque,” Costello told a function in Sydney late Thursday. “If you have strong objections to (Australian) values, don’t come to Australia.”
Government backbencher Danna Vale also said last week that Australians were aborting themselves “almost out of existence” and the country could become a Muslim nation within 50 years as a result.

This is a GREAT article. You can read the article here and also the Muslims reaction to this.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Just let ONE American politician grow a set of stones and say the same thing, and the liberals would be foaming at the mouth.

26 Feb

Marines Focus On Special Ops Work


The Marine Corps formally entered the world of military special operations Friday by establishing a separate command devoted to small-unit tactics and stealthy reconnaissance.
It’s work they’ve done as far back as World War II, but never before as part of the U.S. Special Operations Command. The change means battalions of Marines will be focused on special ops work just as Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets and Rangers are.
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld made the change official after arriving at Camp Lejeune aboard an Osprey tiltrotor aircraft. He said special ops Marines will help “seek new and innovative ways to take the fight to the enemy.”
Demand for highly trained special operations forces has increased as the U.S. war against terrorists continues.
“We face a ruthless enemy that lurks in shadows,” Rumsfeld said. “It has become vital the Department of Defense and armed forces arrange ourselves in new and unconventional ways to succeed in meeting the peril of our age.”
The Marines plan to establish their first special operations company in May and have the command fully staffed with about 2,500 troops by 2010. The command will recruit corporals, sergeants and officers with reconnaissance experience and language training.
As part of the change, the Marine anti-terrorism brigade headquartered at Lejeune will go out of business and shift some of its troops to the special operations command. The command will have combat battalions on both U.S. coasts, along with support units and schools to teach special operations skills to U.S. and foreign troops.
Units to train foreign military officers will deploy within months, Marine Commandant Gen. Michael Hagee said. A special operations company will deploy with an expeditionary unit aboard ships by the end of the year, other military officials said.
The Tampa, Fla.-based U.S. Special Operations Command will control the Marines’ special forces.
Special operations will give the Marines “a role they otherwise would not be able to get, to do counterterrorism,” said military analyst John Pike of Washington-based Globalsecurity.org.
“The struggle against evil doers is a growth industry and the Marines want a piece of that,” Pike said. “The special operations community is getting a lot larger and they need more people.”

25 Feb

News From The Bunker Notebook


This is a new Category at Theodore’s World. 
It will be about the things shared in emails from 
our troops and other Americans that are 
located in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Theodore’s World is very aware of how 
loose lips endanger our troops and other Americans 
working in the hot zones, so at all times great care will be 
taken in how much information is posted. 

Some notes will be directly from the troops 
and other notes from those such
as employees with Halliburton and others.

“Sadr City, on the other hand, is nuts because that idiot Sadr is stirring things up. And the entire city has to suffer because of it. Yeah, it was calm yesterday, but that idiot Mookie Sadr has his goons and his loyal followers all riled up now. Mookie Sadr has caused misery for so many before and a couple of my co-workers were killed in April ’04 because of him. He needs to become metaphysically challenged. Be GONE.”
“So Baghdad is still locked down and will remain so for at least another couple of days. This is really hosing things up for everyone and I can’t imagine the hit the struggling Iraqi economy is going to take with its capital having to be shut down like this.
They extended the %$$! curfew in Baghdad again until Monday. Mookie Sadr’s idiots over in Sadr City are misbehaving. Everyone is obeying the curfew for the most part.”
“This is starting to hose up up. Not that I haven’t been through this before. (weary sigh…)
Fortunately, most Iraqis think he’s an idiot, too. He has his goons in Najaf and around the south, but even the majority of Shiites think he’s too looney for them.
Recently, a man was found dead in a square in Baghdad with a sign around his neck that read “This is a terrorist who killed innocent people.” (Don’t know if the media found that worth reporting.)
There’s been quite a bit of vigilantism going on. The Iraqis have also gotten much bolder about ratting out the terrorists when they become aware of them operating in their neighborhoods.
Some are saying it might have been the Iranians and there is some evidence to support that, but al-Qaeda’s ben awfully busy in the region recently as well. We do feel pretty confident that it wasn’t Iraqi Sunnis. And the Iraqis feel the same way.
The libs are fulla crap, as usual when they say we are ALL hated for being here. There are some people who resent us being here, but they tend to be those who were in favor by Saddam Hussein and we don’t care about them.
Most of the Iraqis are warm, generous people who are glad to be free and they know exactly why they are free. I’ve been blessed to have made several Iraqi friends with whom I believe I’ll stay in touch for the rest of my life. The Iraqis really don’t want a civil war. Only the media and the lefties want that.
The tomb of Salman Pak, also known as Salman al-Farisi, was attacked after sunset with two rockets. They don’t seem to be reacting to it. I listened to a bucnh of the Iraqis listening to the news in Arabic on the radio just about a half hour ago (heard “Ee-rawn” mentioned a couple of times) and now they’re just cutting up and playing around like they always do in the evenings. Everything seems back to normal now and I pray it stays that way.”
This one I got on Thursday, January 23, 2006
“It’s CRAZY out there! We went outside a few minutes ago and we could hear constant gunfire and shouting. We can’t see over our walls, but I’ve never heard such bedlam here.
I suspect that slimeball Sadr is behind a lot of this and I wish that guy would somehow assume room temperature.
I’m thinking about going up on the roof of the building to look at the streets, but I don’t think the security people will let us today.
I couldn’t get out in that even if I were crazy enough to want to. We’re on a very tight lockdown here
In the thick of it. Gunfire, shouting and sirens are going off all around us. It’s been like that since yesterday around noon.
We’re safe in our fortress and they’re not even focused on us.
The Sunnis have far more to lose by a sectarian war than the Shiites, and they know this. al-Qaeda may have scored a short term gain with yet another shocking display of violence, but this could be another miscalculation that further alienates them in the eyes of the Iraqi people.
I’m hoping this is how it ends up. I think they’ll rage for another day or two and then calm down.
Every Iraqi I’ve met wants this democracy to work.
We’re expecting another bad day tomorrow because it’s Friday – the Muslim Holy Day. They tend to get real wound up then. Plus, Iraq is in a three-day mourning period, so everything is shut down.
They’re pretty capitalistic. They’ll settle down just to get those shops and commerce opened again, if nothing else.”
” I still have this I saved in my notes to send you.
According to one analysis, attacks on U.S. soldiers and Iraqi government forces last year increased 29 percent, and recruitment of new insurgents does not appear to be a problem.
This is a good example of how the media scum operates. “One analysis.” Done by whom? ABC themselves? Al Qaeda? Al Gore? Some nine-year-old kid?
The attack ratio has been steadily going DOWN over the last eight months. Oh, they ramp it up once in a while, but less and less frequently. (Unfortuately, they were a little busy today in Baghdad, but it’s been much quieter than it used to be.)
The media distorts and outright lies about Iraq and has been doing so for a long time. And it dishonors the fantastic job our troops are doing here.
Thanks to our Military,all of you for a job well done and just ignore the media scum and their leftist agenda.
It won’t be long before the progress in Iraq is so obvious that the media scum won’t be able to cover it up anymore.
P. S. – The media never did much or any coverage on how they themselves got kicked out of the Green Zone, did they? No, because then they’d have to divulge the reason.
And the reason is clear to most of us.”
Wild Thing’s comment…..
Some of the notes are spacy because I had to seperate some things that I cannot share on here. But it will still give enough information of how it is there.

25 Feb

How To Tell Democrats From Terrorists

Today someone made a comment made to this post I did on December 19, 2005. Yes all the way back to Dec., this person decided commented to an old post. haha That happens often and I usually let it go. This time I thought I would bring it up to the top again.


24 Feb

Cindy Sheehan Can Share A Room In Hell With Hanoi Jane and John Kerry

Landstuhl Army Medical Center

Sheehan to protest at U.S. posts in Germany in March
Cindy Sheehan is going to bring her protest to Germany outside of Landstuhl Army Medical Center. Landstuhl is usually the first stop for our wounded coming back from the war on their way to Walter Reed or Bethesda or Brooke (San Antonio).
“[We’ve already heard] that Cindy Sheehan is like Hanoi Jane [Fonda] coming here,” said Elsa Rassbach, an event organizer with American Voices Abroad, which is supporting Sheehan’s trip.

When asked for comment Wednesday on Sheehan’s upcoming visit, several soldiers in Kaiserslautern asked if they could be quoted anonymously.
One soldier, who recently returned from Iraq, did give his name but didn’t have much to say about Sheehan.
“Anything I would have to say about her, you couldn’t print,” Army Staff Sgt. Mark Genthner said.

March 9: News conference in Frankfurt; panel discussion in Aachen
March 10: Reception of the mayor and news conference in Aachen
March 11-12: “Camp Casey” events at Landstuhl/Ramstein
March 13: Press conference and various events in Paris
March 14: News conference and hearing with European Union parliament in Strasbourg, France
March 15: News conference and various events in Berlin
Stars and Stripes has the rest of the article.
The Landstuhl hospital is for troops with serious injuries or illness requiring surgery and hospitalization. Landstuhl Post is a permanent U.S. Military installation located in the German State of Rheinland-Pfalz, 5K south of Ramstein Air Base.

* Blackfive
* Mudville Gazette
* Soldier’s Angels Germany
Wild Thing’s comment…..
To get to Ramstein the ride is up a winding road through the wooded hills overlooking the picturesque town of Landstuhl and there is the sprawling hospital complex.