22 Apr

Well Said Oliver North


“All-Star Shame”
By: Oliver North
HANOI, VIETNAM — Here in this former enemy capital, the government of The Socialist Republic of Vietnam operates a museum full of mementoes from the only war America ever fought in which U.S. troops won every battle — but still lost the war. Among displays of captured U.S. military equipment, parts of shot-down aircraft and expended munitions are exhibits devoted to the American anti-war movement. The carping coterie of retired generals now blasting the war effort in Iraq — and demanding Donald Rumsfeld’s head — ought to spend a few hours here before firing another salvo. It might make the tarnished brass hats think twice about whether their words aid and abet America’s adversaries in the Global War on Terror.
We went to war with a flawed plan that didn’t account for the hard work to build the peace after we took down the regime. We also served under a secretary of defense who didn’t understand leadership, who was abusive, who was arrogant, who didn’t build a strong team,” said retired Army Maj. Gen. John Batiste. His sentiments are echoed by two other retired Army two-stars, Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, and Maj. Gen. Charles Swannack.
“My sincere view is that the commitment of our forces to this fight was done with a casualness and swagger that are the special province of those who have never had to execute these missions — or bury the results,” said retired Marine Lt. Gen. Gregory Newbold, perhaps forgetting that the defense secretary served as a Navy fighter pilot. Retired Army Maj. Gen. John Riggs accused the White House and Pentagon of seeking military advice only “when it satisfies their agenda.” Marine Gen. Anthony Zinni, former chief of U.S. Central Command said, “Poor military judgment has been used throughout this mission.”
Set aside for a moment that these are all men who helped plan various aspects of the war they now say was poorly planned. With the exception of Zinni, who served as CENTCOM commander during the Clinton administration, they all accepted promotions to “serve” under Commander in Chief Bush and helped carry out a plan they now claim to be irreparably flawed. If the jawing generals felt then as they say they do now — why didn’t they just quit — before their promotions and pay raises?
It’s been done before. On April 21, 1980, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance tendered his resignation and privately confided to President Jimmy Carter, “I know how deeply you have pondered your decision on Iran. I wish I could support you in it. But for the reasons we have discussed I cannot.” The secretary of state was referring to the mission — three days later — to rescue American hostages — an operation he had steadfastly opposed. Unlike the “six-pack” of generals now castigating the war they helped plan and execute — Vance had the integrity to make his views known during planning for the Iran operation — and the courage to quit when the commander in chief decided to proceed over his objections.
That archaic combination of honor and fortitude is apparently absent from the current crop of retired generals shouting “Dump Don!” into any available microphone. They should be grateful that the Bush-phobic mainstream media is either ignorant of the ethical tradition exemplified by Vance — or too lazy to research the inconsistencies in the generals’ past and present positions on the war.
Zinni, making the round of talk shows to hawk his latest book, should be the most thankful of the bunch. The retired four-star now says, “There was no solid proof, that I ever saw, that Saddam had WMD.” But in 2000, he testified before Congress, “Iraq remains the most significant near-term threat to U.S. interests in the Arabian Gulf region.” He went on to say that “Iraq probably is continuing clandestine nuclear research, [and] retains stocks of chemical and biological munitions … Even if Baghdad reversed its course and surrendered all WMD capabilities, it retains scientific, technical and industrial infrastructure to replace agents and munitions within weeks or months.” Which Zinni are we to believe?
Perhaps it’s unfair to expect equal measures of courage and character from senior officers in this age of political opportunism. After all, the modern “gold standard” for flag-officer fidelity was set back in 1992 by Adm. William J. Crowe. Appointed Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command by Ronald Reagan in 1983, Crowe was subsequently named Chairman of the Joint Chiefs in 1985 — a position he continued to hold under President George H.W. Bush — a fellow naval officer and World War II hero. On retirement however, the admiral demonstrated his appreciation by endorsing and campaigning for William Jefferson Blythe Clinton. Clinton, showing far more gratitude than the admiral had for George H.W. Bush, appointed Crowe to be U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James in 1994.
Tough duty. With a role model like this, Don Rumsfeld has to wonder why more of his “all stars” haven’t piled on. Meanwhile, the al Qaeda clipping service is assembling material for a war museum like the one here in Hanoi. Jane Fonda — call the Pentagon.
Wild Thing’s comment………
All these people in the anti-war groups, all these Generals ( Democrats) attacking Donald Rumsfeld , Dean, Kerry, Kennedy, Pelosi, Dean, Reid, Clinton, Murtha Code Pink etc. everyone of them is aiding and abetting the enemy.
In the United States Senate, Ted Kennedy pontificates and calls the President of the United States a liar. Liberals proclaim to the world that our President is an evil and a deceitful man who led us into an immoral war under false pretenses. They insist that it’s President Bush that’s responsible for the deaths of young Americans in Iraq, overlooking the terrorists.
Perhaps the worst Secretary of State we have ever had, Madeleine Albright, goes on foreign soil and tells a receptive French populous that “US President George W. Bush’s foreign policy is not good for America, not good for the world.”
If you were Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, which one would you cheer? If you belonged to al Qaeda or Hamas or Islamic Jihad, which party would you like to see in the White House. Al-Jazeera broadcast this: “I tell the American people we will continue fighting you and we will continue martyrdom operations inside and outside the United States until you stop your injustice, and you end your foolishness,” he said. “Jihad must continue until an Islamic government is established.” Bin Laden insinuates that if we just leave Iraq to him, all will be well. Give him Iraq and the war is over.
The terrorists want the weak back in office, so they can continue their war without obstruction. They will be able to carry out their attacks without fear. They will overrun Iraq after liberals turn tail and run, as they always do and the entire Middle East will belong to bin Laden. They will turn on Israel. At some point, even liberals will have to take a stand or surrender.


22 Apr

How N.O.W. Red Cow!


When: April 29th
Freaks N.O.W. organization’s website ….HERE

N.O.W. encourages activists, supporters, friends, and family to prepare for a mass mobilization to call for an end to the war and to change the direction of our country. Join with progressives from women’s rights organizations, the peace movement, environmental groups, civil rights, labor, and religious communities on April 29, 2006 to march in New York City.
The march will kick off in Manhattan, just north of Union Square and proceed south along Broadway to Foley Square, where the Peace and Justice Festival will take place.
We cannot continue to allow the security and human rights conditions to further deteriorate in Iraq. We cannot stand by while U.S. corporations like Halliburton and Bechtel continue to receive contracts worth billions of dollars for reconstruction and other activities in Iraq. We cannot let our country continue toward a trillion dollar debt.
Our call, enough is enough.
Now is the time to give peace a chance. Now is the time to make a difference.
Organize to join the march. Organize to make a difference. Organize because our soldiers need to come home and because U.S. and Iraqi lives depend on it.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Gosh do you think they will be speaking out against the insurgents who are bombing schools and mosques and trying to intimidate voters in Iraq? How Saddam and his sons treated women? I am not going to hold my breath.
N.O.W. is a bunch of men hating, hairy lipped, Fonda ass kissing, Bush hating, haters of real women too if you think about it, dried up broads, that probably haven’t gotten laid in years if ever.
OK so you guessed it, I am NOT a fan of N.O.W. or any organization of women’s lib. I am against womens lib.
I always remember how the phony N.O.W. group were asked time and again why they did not speak up about Bill Clinton and his treatment of women ( ” put some ice on it”) and they never did and never will. Why? Because N.O.W. truly does not care about women and protecting them. ONLY if it fits their agenda will they take a stand for battered, raped and abused women etc. If it had not been Clinton doing that crap and instead a Republican then you bet they would have had a reaction.
N.O.W is just another group that is aiding the enemy!

21 Apr

Gitmo Beach Vacation Resort

Is the sound of daisy cutters keeping you up all night?
Are you tired of sleeping in that cold dark cave wondering if and when you will ever eat again?
Did the boss skip town and leave you holding the bag?
Is the Northern Alliance causing you more grief than camel hairs in your milk?


We have just the thing for you!
Gitmo Resorts in collaboration with the US military is proud to offer this once in a lifetime opportunity. If you are or have been a member in good standing with either the Taliban or Al Qaeda then you could be the lucky recipient of a luxurious vacation in beautiful Guantanamo Bay Cuba .
To see if you qualify, simply visit one of the US Marine detachments located conveniently near your cave. If you are selected then you will be whisked away in one of our finest, state of the art, transport planes. Upon arrival at the Gitmo Resort you will be pampered beyond your wildest dreams.
Worried about what to wear? No problem! We will furnish you with a brand new wardrobe at our expense. We will even provide plenty of hot water for showers that were at one time only a dream for you and your buddies.


You can forget about sleeping on the hard ground of that cave with barely a blanket to cover you. All of our guests sleep on top quality mattresses while enjoying the comforts of a modern climate controlled environment.
You will be the envy of all your friends back in Afghanistan as you relax in a tropical paradise and eat three square meals a day.
Worried about security? No need to worry about that. Our armed guards will be with you 24/7.
You can forget about that pesky Northern Alliance and devote all of your attention to Allah. We will even provide signs that point the way to Mecca .
Just listen to what Amhad “The Goat” Rushoubi is saying about his stay at the resort.

“I joined Al Qaeda after a blind date in Kabul went terribly wrong. I thought the Al Qaeda would give me a sense of fulfillment. After many months of living in the cold with very little to eat, I decided to try the Gitmo Getaway package.”

“It was more than a pleasant surprise to see real Fruit Loops for the first time. They taste so much better than month old goat cheese.”

“The people here think of everything. Some of the security people are women who do not cover their faces! I got very excited when I saw them.”

Need we say more?
If you think you might qualify for this incredible opportunity then walk, don’t run, to the nearest American military unit near your cave. Be sure to specify the American plan as other offers might leave you eating grass in a wooden cage.
Sign up today before this offer expires. Some restrictions apply.
(Offer good for a limited time only to members of Al Qaeda or the Taliban. You must be actively engaged in military actions or conspiracies against the United States . Some recipients of this offer may be required to wear shackles at the discretion of the military hosts. Length of stay subject to immediate termination by military tribunal, legalaction, repatriation or firing squad.)

21 Apr

Dean Plans Democrat Attack on House


Deans Plans
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean hopes to mount a coordinated attack on Republicans this year that will enable his party to capture the 15 seats needed to control the House.

“We’re going to position ourselves as the vehicle for change,” Dean said Wednesday.

The Republicans can’t do that because “they’ve been there for five years, and they can’t get out of the responsibilities they have,” he maintained.

But some political experts have warned that the Democrats still must overcome obstacles, including redistricting that protects House incumbents, the Houston Chronicle reports.
“The Democrats need more than a strong breeze to pick up 15 seats,” said Amy Walter of the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. “They need gale-force winds.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Howard Dean couldnt plan a trip to his mailbox. Dean is a nut case and is a great gift to the Republicans.

21 Apr

I Will Match You Madeleine and Raise You 450 Pounds

‘NYT’ Sunday Preview: Madeleine Albright Can Leg-Press 400 Pounds
Published: April 20, 2006 1:35 PM ET
NEW YORK In an interview in the The New York Times Magazine that will appear this coming Sunday, Madeleine Albright reveals, among other things, that even at 68, she works out three times a week “and I can leg-press up to 400 pounds.” This follows a discussion of how she does not expect to re-marry, partly because, as she says, “I’m intimidating, don’t you think?”
Another highlight of the Q & A is her commentary on the fact that her father, Josef Korbel, a Czech diplomat who became dean of the school of international relations at the University of Denver, happened to train two future secretaries of state. The other was Condoleezza Rice. “What I like about her,” Albright says, “is that she continues to give credit to the fact that my father had a big influence on her.”
When Korbel died in 1977, Rice sent a pot of flowers in the shape of a piano, and Albright’s mother referred to her as “your father’s favorite student.”
Nowadays Albright is not a fan of certain aspects of Rice’s work. She declares that the Iraq invasion “may end up being one of the worst disasters in American foreign policy.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Sorry Madeline, years ago when I was doing the bodybuilding thing leg presses were a favorite of mine. Leg day at the gym was my favorite day of the week. haha all true
The last year of bodybuilding for me I was up to 850 pound leg presses. It really isn’t that huge a deal, women naturally have strong legs, not so much upper body but legs can handle a lot. It just takes being consistent week after week and eating steak the night before. It worked for me anyway.
She says …”I’m intimidating, don’t you think?”……good grief! Not unless you are a steriod freak and then you are just asking for trouble. I can see it now, Madeline Albright on steroids doing a Sunday morning political talk show and having roid rage. YIKES!
Hey Madeline………”Iraq invasioni may end up being one of the worst disasters in American foreign policy.” I think NOT Madeline, now go sit in the corner.

21 Apr

Chinese Man Tries to Import 200 Shoulder-fired Missiles to U.S.

Chinese man admits plot to import missiles to U.S.
LOS ANGELES, April 19 (Reuters) – A Chinese national living in Southern California admitted on Wednesday trying to arrange the sale from China to the United States of 200 shoulder-fired missiles that can be used to bring down airplanes.
Chao Tung Wu, 51, pleaded guilty in Los Angeles federal court to conspiring to import the missiles for a buyer who turned out to be an undercover FBI agent.
When Wu was indicted in November along with another man, Yi Qing Chen, they became the first people charged under a 2004 U.S. law forbidding the import of aircraft-destroying missile systems into the United States, officials said.
Wu, who also admitted to trafficking methamphetamine, counterfeit bills, cigarettes and Ecstasy tablets into the United States, made a plea bargain with U.S. prosecutors in hopes of reducing a possible 25-year prison term.
The indictment identifies the missiles as the QW-2 shoulder-fired type used by the Chinese military since the late 1990s. According to court papers, the undercover FBI agent was told the missiles would be shipped from China to Cambodia and then to the United States with the help of bribed officials.
However, the third-party country was later switched to Paraguay. The missiles were never delivered.
Wu is scheduled to be sentenced on July 31. Chen is awaiting trial.

20 Apr

Genocide President Hu Jintao Meets With President Bush


Wild Thing’s comment’s with articles below…………….
As we all know China does not believe in free speech. But this is America so let’s look at what happened with ole Hu Jintao visit so far today. A Falun Gong protester broke through security cordons to heckle Mr Hu during his opening speech, saying that his “days are numbered”.
Hu Jintao is a lover of genocide and running labour camps. Communist China has yet to read the writing on the wall, and is barrelling ahead with atrocities that should be the stuff of history or fiction, not 21st century fact.
In Parade magazine……….Hu Jintao, China #3 worst dictators in the world.
WHAT????? Are there GOOD dictators?
Hu Jintao, China. Age 61. In power since 2002. LAST YEAR’S RANK: DISHONORABLE MENTION.

Hu spent 38 years moving up the Communist Party hierarchy, proving himself efficient and willing to do whatever was necessary to advance himself. Now, as president and general secretary of the party, Hu is the leader of an unusually repressive regime. Apologists point to China’s economic liberalization and say its human-rights situation “is better than it used to be.” However, the party still controls all media and uses 30,000 “Internet security agents” to monitor online use. More than 300,000 Chinese are serving “re-education” sentences in labor camps. China carries out in excess of 4000 executions a year, more than all other nations combined.

Torture and killing of Christians in China:

Jan 14, 2002
Two Christians have been killed in the Chinese government’s crackdown on pastor Gong Shengliang and his South China Church in central Hubei Province, according to a letter from members of the underground church revealing graphic details and new information about the persecution.
Gong was sentenced to death Dec. 5 on charges of operating an “evil cult” and on the seemingly trumped-up charges of rape and assault. The month-long period for deciding his appeal was extended Jan. 5 by a Hubei court following sharp international protest.
The letter, written by two underground Christian women, Li Ailian and Wang Yue, reports that in efforts to find and apprehend Gong and suppress the South China Church, police arrested and severely beat at least 25 Christians, killing two of them, while torturing others with electric prods.

China’s Christians suffer for their faith

“They hung me up across an iron gate, then they yanked open the gate and my whole body lifted until my chest nearly split in two. I hung like that for four hours.”

Mr. Peter Xu Yongze, 61, is not the only Chinese Christian to suffer for his faith. Both Catholics and Protestants have long complained of persecution by the Communist authorities, and human rights groups claim the problem is getting worse.
According to the Jubilee Campaign, an interdenominational lobby group, about 300 Christians are in detention in China at any one time, and that number is set to rise.

“A Christian was praying, so a jailer made other prisoners lift him up to the ceiling and drop him to the ground many times until he died .”—Peter Xu Yongze

Here is the Video of Hu Jintao’s arrival today and the Chinese heckler disrupting HU Jintao’s speech.
There are many things that bother me tremendously about China.Including this fact, I can not beleive that in 2008 the Olympics will be in China. Hu Jintao had 400,000 residents of Beijing FORCIBLY evicted from there homes just to have the Olympic games.

* Michelle Malkin

20 Apr

News Radio Links At Theodore’s World


Just a little announcement that there is a new addition to the Sidebar.
I have added News Radio to the links.
There were some I could not put as they requested a fee and I wanted to offer you free links at not cost to watch or listen to news around the world. This way you can go to them as often as you like 24/7.


Just scroll down the Sidebar till you see the old time radio graphic like you see in this post. Below the radio will be the various links.

20 Apr

Hanging Out With The Boys

One of the Blogs that I go to is called Homemade Sin. It is James Hooker’s and he is a very talented man. He is a song writer and he has written this song. Music has always been a part of my life so it has meant a lot to me when I first got my own blog back in Sept. 2004 and then soon afterward discovered James Hooker’s blog . It is a place one can go to listen as he expresses himself in his Blog with music.
This one is and mp4 song and slideshow. It is very well done, and you might need some kleenex as you watch it.
The name is Hanging Out With The Boys. …. < click to watch it.
Wild Thing’s comment…. Thank you James!

* Homemade Sin
* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

19 Apr

Muhammed Appearing Nightly ~ Where?

Why right over at Aaron’s.cc blog. I wonder if the Dixie Chicks are their opening act. heh heh


I LOVE it! Good one Aaron!

* Aaron’s.cc
* SondraK