Wild Thing’s comment…….Below is something special a Vietnam Veteran friend of mine sent to me. He has been fighting Agent Orange but wanted to share this and thanks each of you for your service to our country.Thank you my dear friend.
“Little Stitches”
by NamVet3 tours
When I was a kid, I used to walk to the movie house. I’d look at the flag in the courthouse square. I always will remember how good it made me feel. My feelings actually went beyond just a good, warm feeling, the sight of that flag made me feel safe, and loved. That flag has always made me feel that way.
The sight of that flag always made me think that I could do anything, and so many times it proved my feeling right. I used to take the flag down at our house when I was a kid. I remember feeling the stitches and thinking that it is a piece of many cloths, sewn together by delicate thread. But, when it was all together it was a symbol of the greatest love, and the greatest strength this world has ever seen.I remember thinking that as long as I could see that flag I would always be home.
When I was a young lad of 19 years I went half way around the world to fight a war for that flag, and all it stood for. I was scared, and I was lonely, till I saw that flag, then I was home. I was eating dinner with my family, I was kissing my girl goodnight, I was looking at the stars in my backyard. As we left base camp for a 3 week patrol I would stand, silent and still, for a moment looking at the flag. A tear would come to my eye, and a prayer on my lips…”God, make me good enough to die for my country if I must, and make me good enough to live for it if I can”.
Well, He must of had a higher purpose for me, because here I am, typing this. Today I raised that flag, just after dawn. I took it in my hands and I looked at those little stitches that hold together those pieces of cloth. I had a shudder of life run up my spine, and a tear came to my eye. A great banner of many cloths held together by those little stitches. That flag protects me, and my family. It makes us feel safe, it brings us home, it gives us comfort, it binds us together and makes us one. Those little stitches holding together those pieces of varied cloth, they bring me home and protect me.
As my flag took it’s first breath of the morning breeze it snapped and started flying, proudly in that breeze. I felt so safe standing there under it. It was shouting it’s defiance against enemies, it was waving it’s call of unity and freedom for all Americans. It reminded me that I was a part of the greatest thing that mankind has ever done. I could almost hear those little stitches say…”We’ll hold these pieces of cloth together, and we’ll do it as long as it takes. When we are done, and we can’t do it anymore there will be more of us to do this thing again, and again, and again”.
These are the little stitches that keep our nation together. They are you and I, they are your neighbor, and your crazy cousin. They are the comments and posters at Theodore’s World , and all the “faithful”. We’re all little stitches that hold together the pieces of cloth that make up our nation. When we see it, we feel safe, and we walk home, unafraid.
I invite you to watch this Video of our troops in Iraq and the Charlie Daniels Band.
Please click
on photo above to watch the very special Video
– Thank you
“Simply by living in their presence
I’ve seen true goodness,
I’ve been in the company of angels.”
– Bruce Kay Brown
Charlie Daniels Band
From Wild Thing
4 July is not just a day to party, cook out,
go to the beach, or recreate in a myriad of ways.
4 July has a much more profound meaning.
4 July is all about: Belleau Woods,
Inchon, Khe Sahn, Guadalcanal, Kuwait,
Tarawa, Chosin Reservoir, Grenada,
Bougainville, Hue City, Panama, Iwo Jima,
Somalia, Beirut, Peleilu, and many
other places where the price of freedom came due.
4 July is a day of celebration in our nation
precisely because of what so many unsung
heroes were willing to do
in order to make it so.
4 July comes and goes every year,
overshadowed often by summer vacations
and busy schedules.
4 July, however, brings to the forefront
in many hearts, the knowledge of what America might be
if not for the courage, sacrifice,
and dedication of the finest of her sons and daughters.
4 July is a day for every Veteran,
and those serving, to receive the recognition
that should come from a people,
who owe the precious gift of freedom to these gallant warriors
and servants of our Constitution..
4 July is a day in which we,
the “protected,” stand and salute you.
Your efforts often go unrewarded and unrecognized
in a manner befitting you.
4 July is a day for at least myself
and those like me to attempt
to honor these men and women properly
and to say, “Thank You.”
What you have done, and continue to do
every day, makes it possible
us to celebrate on 4 July,
and to live in “The Land Of The Free.”
We can never repay you sufficiently for this privilege.
May God bless each of you!
* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* Michelle Malkin
* Mudville Gazette
* Stop the ACLU
Hamdan Wins
The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that President Bush overstepped his authority in ordering military war crimes trials for Guantanamo Bay detainees.
The ruling, a rebuke to the administration and its aggressive anti- terror policies, was written by Justice John Paul Stevens, who said the proposed trials were illegal under U.S. law and Geneva conventions.
The case focused on Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a Yemeni who worked as a bodyguard and driver for Osama bin Laden. Hamdan, 36, has spent four years in the U.S. prison in Cuba. He faces a single count of conspiring against U.S. citizens from 1996 to November 2001.
Two years ago, the court rejected Bush’s claim to have the authority to seize and detain terrorism suspects and indefinitely deny them access to courts or lawyers. In this followup case, the justices focused solely on the issue of trials for some of the men.
The vote was split 5-3, with moderate Justice Anthony M. Kennedy joining the court’s liberal members in ruling against the Bush administration. Chief Justice John Roberts, named to the lead the court last September by Bush, was sidelined in the case because as an appeals court judge he had backed the government over Hamdan.
Thursday’s ruling overturned that decision.
Wild Thing’s comment…
Oh, the response to this is easy: find the guys on the battlefield; ask them the questions we need to ask; and them shoot the ones who don’t answer. No trials. No fuss, no muss.
Since when does the Geneva convention apply to terrorists, who wear no uniforms, belong to the military of no country, have no authority for their actions, and do not observe the rules of war? Or am I wrong here does anyone know what the true deal is on this?
I am very disappointed in the S.O.B. Kennedy, who is once more showing his true colors. Scalia, Alito and Thomas voted our way. Roberts had to recuse himself because he already had ruled on the case as an appeals court judge. The rest sided with the terrorists. It doesn’t help to have our court system, half of our politicians, and most of the media on the side of the enemy.
Message to soldiers, dead terrorists don’t speak to the ACLU. It is celebration time for the left, as Al Qaeda terrorists now have ‘protections’ via the Geneva Conventions thanks to the US Supreme Court.
In our newspaper today in the Opinion section there was a marvelous letter. Nick saw it and showed it to me. I just had to post it. It is written by a Veteran Paratrooper as he says from the Vietnam era.
Take the handcuffs off our soldiers
I really find it annoying to read in newspapers and to observe on television what one could interpret as hatred of our armed forces by way too many liberal organizations in the country — Amnesty International and the Democratic Party (or at least 50 percent of it).
I can’t believe that so many people want the terrorists held at Guantanamo and other centers released, given that it’s been reported that at least one who was released went back to being a terrorist. And yet, these same organizations are the first to virtually convict our troops, giving them absolutely no benefit of the doubt. When some Iraqi or insurgent files an allegation, it is immediately accepted as fact, to the point that the U.S. media virtually convict our soldiers in the news.
The fathers of a couple of inmates at Gitmo who recently hung themselves in their cells have said that there is absolutely no way their sons would commit suicide, because it’s one of the worst sins a Muslim can commit. Gosh, then what the heck is it when these lowlifes strap on explosives and blow up busloads of children? A polka?
I’m a veteran paratrooper of the Vietnam era and was involved in air assault, so I know that to do nothing means our soldiers will die. If we want victories in the war on terror, we must call our politicos and demand that they let our warriors be warriors. Let them use their training, out from under the media-and-peace-activist microscope, and we’ll see a quick and decisive victory. The vision of defeat will be burned into the memories of every terrorist.
Until then, I would still take up a protective position in front of anyone’s family, even if its members think compassion will stop a rabid fanatic.
Robert V. White
“The IDF will continue to use all means at its disposal against terrorists, the terror leadership, terror infrastructure, and those who provide safe harbor for terrorists, with the aim of returning abducted soldier Corporal Gilad Shalit to Israel quickly and safely.”- IDF
From the IDF site
Security Forces conducted a number of arrests of Hamas terrorist organization leadership members in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria last night, Wednesday 28/06/06. “The Hamas government stands at the head of the Palestinian authority with a very clear objective to destroy the State of Israel,” said Southern Command Commander Major General Yoav Gallant.
The Israeli Security Forces conducted a line of arrests of Hamas leadership in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. Among those arrested are ministers in the Hamas government, members of the Hamas legislative council, and several senior operatives who are active in the terror organization and commit terror acts within its framework.
“The Hamas government stands at the head of the Palestinian authority with a very clear objective to destroy the State of Israel. Recently this organization began launching operations to harm IDF soldiers and the citizens of Israel, while holding the position of control over the Palestinian authorities,” said yesterday Southern Command Commander, Major General Yoav Gallant.
The arrested will be investigated and will be tried by a judge during the following time period in order to lengthen their arrest. With the ending of the investigation, and according to its findings and the evidence collected, indictments will be filed against them.
Among the Hamas leaders arrested are:
– Mahmad Bargoti- born in 1958, a citizen of the village Kover, north of Ramallah. He serves as a minister in the Hamas government, and belongs to the generation of the founders of the organization in the Ramllah area. Bargoti was arrested following updated information collected by GSS investigations which linked him to operations executed by the military branch in Ramallah. At the head of this branch stood until recently Avrahim Hamed, a senior wanted Hamas terrorist in the Judea and Samaria area. Bargoti was discovered to be in contact with Hamed.
– Abad Al Gaber Fukah- born in 1966, a member of the legislative council. He has an extensive past in the Hamas military branch in Judea and Samaria and also collaborated with the Avadalah brothers, Mohi A-Din Sarif and Hassan Salama during the time period in which they executed terror attacks in 1996.
– Naif Rajub- born in 1956, a minister in the Hamas government, and an official of the organization in the area of the villages of Hebron. He has been arrested several times before due to his activities in the Hamas organization. He is known as an extremist Hamas activist who delivered speeches to incite Palestinians against Israel, and to encourage terror attacks and military activity to harm the Israeli state.
– Haled Abu Arfa- born in 1951, a minister of matters concerning the city of Jerusalem in the Palestinian government. He is a resident of Jerusalem, and a senior Hamas organization activist in the city. He was arrested several times due to his activities.
– Adnan Atzpor- born in 1962, a resident of Nablus. He is one of the prominent Hamas activists in the city, and has been arrested several times before; after each arrest Atzpor returned to full activity in the organization. He was appointed the Hamas spokesperson in Nablus, and gave speeches at assemblies in the name of the Hamas organization. He was also responsible for recruiting activists into the organization infrastructure in the city.
– Vagia Nezal- born in 1966, a prominent Hamas operative in Judea and Samaria, who serves as the mayor of Kalkilya. Nazel has been arretsde several times before, and was only released from his latest arrest in April 2006. Nazel was in close contact with imprisoned and Hamas officials inside as well as outside of Kalkilya, and took part in Hamas demonstrations and parades. Nazel was part of the Hamas infrastructure in Kalkilya, which was responsible for deathly terror attacks in Israel and for the execution of the suicide bombing at the dolphinarium in Tel Aviv five years ago.
Security forces will operate against all terror organizations and their members. Those arrested during the night on the grounds of their suspected involvement in terror are not immune, despite their seniority.
The IDF will continue to act with determination and to employ all means at its disposal to combat terrorists and their infrastructure, in order to defend the citizens of Israel.
BBC News
Israel has attacked the Palestinian prime minister’s Gaza City office as it ratchets up the pressure over its captured soldier. The HQ was left in flames by the latest in a string of air raids and incursions carried out by Israel since Wednesday.
Israeli PM Ehud Olmert was meeting his cabinet on Sunday to decide what steps to take next in the crisis.
Israel says the military action will go on until Cpl Gilad Shalit, captured by militants a week ago, is freed.
“We will strike and will continue to strike at [Hamas’s] institutions,” said Interior Minister Roni Bar-On.
“They have to understand that we will not continue to let them run amok.”
Jerusalem Post
The three groups believed to be holding Cpl Shalit have demanded the release of 1,000 prisoners held in Israeli prisons, and an end to the Israeli offensive. Israel has rejected the demands.
Egyptian mediators have so far failed to secure the soldier’s release.
Cpl Shalit, a tank gunner, was seized in a raid on his border post last Sunday in which two other soldiers and two of the attackers died.
Speaking at a news conference in Ramallah, Ziad Abu Aen cited unidentified “mediators” as telling him that Shalit, abducted during a raid last Sunday on his IDF outpost near the Kerem Shalom crossing, was injured during the incident.
“He has three wounds,” Abu Aen said. “I guess shrapnel wounds.” He did not give further details.
Channel 1, citing a senior Israeli security official, reported Friday that a Palestinian doctor treated Shalit for minor shoulder and stomach wounds, and that the soldier was in good condition.
A Palestinian report likewise indicated that Shalit was alive and well, quoting the doctor who visited Shalit as saying that his condition was good and that he was wounded in his stomach and shoulder, Israel Radio reported late Friday.
The doctor’s visit, which apparently took place on Thursday, came after pressure from Egypt led Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal to approve the checkup. The kidnappers had originally refused to allow a visit.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Just being sarcastic for a moment………..This story can not be true. Hamas does not recognize Israel, therefore the assault must be coming from somewhere else. If there is no Israel, then Israel can not possibly be the attackers. Let’s hope that Syria doesn’t attack Israel with their hidden stash of Saddam’s WMDs, which don’t exist, or things are going to get really confusing.
Now no sacrasim………OK Hamas, so now you are saying Israel is recognized?
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