House Overwhelmingly Backs Israel In Vote
WASHINGTON – The House, displaying a foreign affairs solidarity lacking on issues like Iraq, voted overwhelmingly Thursday to support Israel in its confrontation with Hezbollah guerrillas.
The resolution, which was passed on a 410-8 vote, also condemns enemies of the Jewish state.
House Republican leader John Boehner cited Israel’s “unique relationship” with the United States as a reason for his colleagues to swiftly go on record supporting Israel in the latest flare-up of violence in the Mideast.
Little of the political divisiveness in Congress on other national security issues was evident as lawmakers embraced the Bush administration’s position.
So strong was the momentum for the resolution that it was steamrolling efforts by a small group of House members who argued that Congress’s pro-Israel stance goes too far.
The nonbinding resolution is similar to one the Senate passed Tuesday. It harshly condemns Israel’s enemies and says Syria and Iran should be held accountable for providing Hezbollah with money and missile technology used to attack Israel.
“I certainly sympathize with the Lebanese people and the Lebanese government,” Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., told CBS’ “The Early Show” on Thursday. But, he said, if Hezbollah is “going to launch attacks from the Lebanese territory, then tragically the Lebanese government and people pay a price for that.”
“I’m just sick in the stomach, to put it mildly,” said Rep. Nick J. Rahall, D-W.Va., who is of Lebanese descent.
Rahall joined other Arab-American lawmakers in drafting an alternative resolution that would have omitted language holding Lebanon responsible for Hezbollah’s actions and called for restraint from all sides. Rahall said that proposal was “politely swept under the rug,” a political reality he and others say reflects the influence Israel has in Congress.
An AIPAC spokeswoman said Congress’s overwhelming support for Israel reflects the support of U.S. voters and not any pressure applied by lobbyists. “The American people overwhelming support Israel’s war on terrorism and understand that we must stand by our closest ally in this time of crisis,” said Jennifer Cannata.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Click here to see who voted YES and who voted NO and those voting “Present” which is just a very wimpy-whiny way of voting “NO” without actually committing to a “NO” vote:
Truly Evil Annan Says Aggressor Israel Must Stop

Kofi Annan is on TV this morning,:
Yes there he was blaming Israel for the war in Lebanon and demanding that aggressor Israel withdraw so that the brave UN troops can bring peace to Lebanon, a country that was at peace before Israel’s dastardly invasion, which has hurt thousands of civilians. Israel’s use of “excessive force” is to be condemned. The International Red Cross (which refuses to recognize the existance of Israel, by the way) must be allowed to come in and take control along side the brave Blue Helmets. And this too…… Hezbollah must be scolded for sending rockets into Israeli cities, but it should not be punished or disarmed.
Kofi Annan Emperor-of-Terrorists, Rapists, Slavers and Murderers:
I never cared when Islamic missiles murdered Israeli women and children. Who cares?
I never cared when Islamic terrorists murdered people in America, England, Spain, France or India. Who cares?
I never cared when UN personel raped little girls in Africa. Who cares?
I never cared when Islamic terrorists enslaved hundreds of thousands of children in Africa or anywhere else. Who cares?
I never cared about slavery, rape by my officers, or any form of corruption.
Why? Because without terrorism, slavery, rape and graft and my trophy wife, I am nothing.
Jihad Pat Buchanan Is Going To Hell

Buchanan doesn’t even try to hide his anti-semitism any longer.
Jihad Pat makes it sound like all the widdle ayrabs did was capture 2 Israeli soldiers. But, what about the withdrawal from Gaza and land for peace? What about the missiles from Lebanon and Gaza when it rained down on civilians? What about the eight soldiers ambushed and killed by Hezbollah coming across the border as a clear act of war? Pat is flying the crescent flag outside his window!!!!
Pat did not reproach Hezbollah for the kidnappings and murder of hundreds of Americans back in the 80s. True Christians as well as Jews, understand that Hezbully Islam is Iran Incorporated.
Hey Pat, the blood is on your hands of the 9th Century knuckledraggers,not the Israelis. But then, I doubt you’re capable of understanding this.
Pat Al-Buchanan ought to defect to Iran so he can be a speech-writer for Ahmadinajad.
Pat you can burn in hell and I would light the match!
Where are the Christians?….Pat’s latest HUG for the terrorists….article Here
Pat defends foreign aid to Hamas…..article
‘Comrade Wolf’ and the mullahs….article Here
In Country With Our Troops

“It’s hot again this week. It had cooled down a little to the 107-109 range, but now it’s routinely getting into the 115-117 range. Yes, you can actually tell a difference. I would have thought that once it gets hot enough you stop being able to discern a difference in comfort, but I haven’t found that to be true, yet. Up to 110 is bearable without a lot of discomfort. After 115 walks outside are fairly uncomfortable. The couple times it’s reached 119 it was almost painful when the hot wind would blow against my skin. I can’t comment on any temps greater than that. Sunday it’s supposed to be 119 again.”- soldier ion Baghdad

Flying in Nontraditional Role, F-16 Thwarts Terrorist Activity
SOUTHWEST ASIA, July 19, 2006 – A U.S. Air Force F-16 fighter, providing nontraditional intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support to coalition ground forces, killed a member of an improvised explosive device cell and identified an IED emplacement yesterday near Baqubah, Iraq, U.S. Central Command Air Forces officials reported today.
The F-16 identified three possible IED emplacers and passed the information to ground forces. Ground unit personnel positively identified the terrorists and requested the F-16 engage the hostile forces. The F-16 strafed the terrorists, killing one and ending the engagement.
Coalition aircraft, operationally controlled by U.S. Central Command Air Forces from Southwest Asia bases, provide a constant air umbrella over Iraq, providing for the safety and security of the Iraqi people and coalition ground forces, officials said.
“Our message is clear to those who continue to harm innocent civilians and attack coalition forces: if terrorists continue their activities, we will identify, track and take appropriate action to stop them,” said Air Force Brig. Gen. Anthony Haynes, Combined Air Operations Center director. “More than 30,000 deployed airmen are hard at work, in the air and on the ground, in both Iraq and Afghanistan, striving to improve the safety and quality of life for local citizens,” he said.
UN Loves the Hezbollah

Solana: No sufficient data to include Hizbullah in terror organizations’ list
Yasser Arafat’s old pal Javier Solana, now working for the United Nations, says the UN is unable to determine whether Hizballah is a terrorist organization:
YNet News
The United Nations High Representative of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) Javier Solana said during a press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni that the UN has no sufficient data to determine whether the Hizbullah can be included in the list of terror organizations. He also added that the issue at hand is legal, not ethical. (Ronny Sofer)
Just a few samples of major Hezbollah Acts of Terrorism and Violence:
* Bombing of Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia killing 19 U.S. servicemen (1996)
* Bombing of Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires killing 96 (1994)
* Bombing of Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires killing 29 (1992)
* Abduction, torture and death of CIA Station Chief in Lebanon (1985)
* Hijacking of TWA Flight 847 killing one U.S. Navy diver (1985)
* Bombing outside U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut killing 24 (1984)
* Car bombing of U.S. Marine Barracks in Beirut killing 241 U.S. servicemen (1983)
* Car bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut killing 63 people, including 17 Americans (1983)
* Car bombing of French military barracks in Beirut killing 58 French paratroopers (1983)

Hezbollah Television:
Hezbollah maintains its own television station, al-Manar (“the beacon”), which broadcasts Hezbollah’s messages of hate and violence worldwide. Hezbollah owns and operates the station, staffing it with members of Hezbollah and directing its programming and communications. Founded in 1991 and funded by Iran, Shi’ite communities abroad, and, reportedly, Muslim communities in Europe, the United States and Canada, the station is now a major satellite network transmitting in Europe, North and South America, Asia and Africa. It broadcasts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Hezbollah in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip
Hezbollah has developed a well-entrenched presence in the West Bank and Gaza. It is believed that Iran and Hezbollah officials in Lebanon began to recruit Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and Israeli Arabs following Israel’s withdrawal from southern Lebanon in May 2000.
Iran and Hezbollah are accomplishing these goals by sending money, weapons, weapons technology and expertise to the area and by providing Palestinian terrorists with access to Hezbollah terrorist training camps in Iran and southern Lebanon.
Hezbollah in South America
established presence in the lawless, corrupt, drug-ridden triple border region of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Hezbollah uses the area as a key locale for raising and laundering money, drug trafficking, weapons and people smuggling and document and currency fraud.
Fundraising for Hezbollah is done through legitimate businesses, charities and shake-downs. U.S. officials believe that at least $100 million is funneled through the tri-border region each year, with Hezbollah receiving a large share of the funds.
Hezbollah in Canada
According to Canadian intelligence, Hezbollah raises money, recruits terrorists, purchases military supplies, and forges travel documents in Canada. Money is raised through credit card scams and counterfeit rings. In two cases, alleged Hezbollah agents wanted for terrorist activities overseas were found hiding in Canada. Hezbollah theft rings have stolen luxury cars in Canada and sent them to Lebanon for use by senior Hezbollah officials.
The North Carolina Hezbollah terror cell was part of a larger Hezbollah network that raised funds and procured dual-use technologies for Hezbollah. The Canadian part of the network was allegedly run by Mohammed Hassan Dbouk and his brother-in-law Ali Adham Amhaz, who allegedly received money from Hezbollah officials in Lebanon and engaged in credit card and banking scams in Canada in order to finance the purchase in Canada and the U.S. of military items which were then smuggled into Lebanon.
Hezbollah in Europe
Hezbollah is known to maintain terror cells and a terror infrastructure throughout Europe. In particular, the organization uses Europe as an operational launching pad for Hezbollah operatives to enter Israel in order to conduct attacks, assist other operatives already there, or conduct surveillance and collect intelligence on Israeli targets. Operationally, traveling from Europe provides Hezbollah operatives with “cover” and a European logistical support cell provides operatives with information and resources for travel, including fraudulent travel documents.
Germany has been identified as Hezbollah’s main fund raising center in Europe.
Hezbollah in the United States
Hezbollah maintains agents and sleeper cells in the U.S. ready to attempt terrorist attacks should this become an objective of the group. The organization is considered to have an operational capacity in the U.S. similar to that of AI Qaeda. Detroit has been cited as the main center of Hezbollah’s fundraising activity in the U.S.
“Hezbollah demonstrated twice in Argentina that it has global reach and can turn so-called support cells into action cells to carry out its trademark catastrophic bombings,” said Tom Diaz, co-author of the forthcoming Lightning Out of Lebanon: Hezbollah Terrorists on American Soil. “It is absolutely clear that Hezbollah has similar cells in the United States right now. It is fully capable of making those cells operational if and when Hezbollah’s or Iran’s leaders decide to flip the switch.”
The U.S. designated Hezbollah as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997 and listed it as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) in 2001. Three members of Hezbollah – Imad Mughniyeh, Hasan Izz-al-Din, and Ali Atwa – are on the FBI’s “Most Wanted Terrorists” list for their role in the 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847 during which a U.S. Navy diver was brutally murdered.

Yep that;s right, I just don’t get it.
OH I get that the UN and this terrorist lover Javier Solana will stand by their terrorists.
But what I don’t get is……. with all the facts out there for anyone that wants to search for them, and all we know because we might have all our crayons in the box, unlike the Democrats/leftists that are missing almost everyone crayon, how does this Solana even have the nerve for such outrageous lies, blatant lies that others SHOULD laugh him right out of the room and into orbit. How did anyone in the room sit there with a straight face, how did a person here this trash piece of flesh Solana and not meet him out in the parking lot and a-hem set him straight like the boys with no necks and smashed noses might do. You know what about stepping hard on his toes while you tell him he is full of it and why doesn’t he go live with his sand flea infested Hezbollah????? (shaking my head)
Newt Gingrich On Israel and The War
Now isn’t the time for restraint
By Newt Gingrich
Imagine that this morning 50 missiles were launched from Cuba and exploded in Miami. In addition to buildings and homes being destroyed, scores of Americans were being killed. Now imagine our allies responded by saying publicly that we must not be too aggressive in protecting our citizens and that America must use the utmost restraint.
Our history shows us that we, as Americans, would reject such bad advice. After all, we have never reacted to a direct attack on our soil with any restraint. Every time America has been attacked by an enemy, we set about defeating it and ending the threat.
This was true of Pearl Harbor in World War II, after which we replaced the imperial Japanese government. The regimes of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy met the same demise. Without actually being attacked, President Kennedy risked nuclear war to eliminate the threat of Soviet missiles in Cuba. After the 9/11 attacks, we replaced the Taliban in Afghanistan once it became known that they were providing refuge for the al-Qaeda terrorists responsible for the attack. This is our history as Americans. We believe that our government has a duty to protect us.
When compared with U.S. history lessons, the advice of the Group of Eight industrial nations to Israel is wrong. The communiqué says the No. 1 priority is a cease-fire that would effectively leave Hezbollah in possession of all its rockets. We’d never accept such advice for ourselves. The Israelis should not accept it for the same reasons: It would not end the threat.
Israel, a fellow democracy, has the same duty and right to protect its citizens from enemy attack. It is doing so while making every effort to avoid civilian casualties. The Israeli response is wholly justified based on a history where Israeli concessions to the Iran-Syria-Hezbollah-Hamas terrorist alliance have consistently resulted in their enemies preparing for the next attack. The terrorists have been attacking with increased capability, brutality and violence aimed at civilians. This is only the latest cycle in an ongoing 58-year campaign to destroy Israel.
In 2000, the Israelis withdrew from southern Lebanon, creating an opportunity for peace. Instead of peace, for six years Iran, Syria and Hezbollah moved more than 10,000 missiles into the vacated area. More recently, the Israelis withdrew from Gaza to provide another circumstance for peace and an opportunity for a self-governing Palestinian people to work toward creating a place of prosperity, but instead Hamas created a place of terror. Now Israel is the target of more than 1,000 missiles from both Gaza and southern Lebanon in the past week alone.
Iranian involvement is not in question. There are at least 100 Iranian guards in southern Lebanon. Apparently, it was an Iranian missile fired with Iranian know-how that hit an Israeli warship. Because Hezbollah and Hamas are waging war against Israel as proxies for Syria and Iran, the United States should announce that we support Israel’s effort to remove every one of the thousands of missiles in southern Lebanon, and that we will decisively stop any effort by Syria and Iran to intervene.
United Nations Resolution 1559, supported by the European Union, called for Hezbollah to be disarmed. If not now, when? If not by the Israelis, who? The G8 advice, if taken, would only guarantee the cycle of violence. The terrorist alliance must be destroyed or it will be rebuilt with more dangerous capabilities. The appeals for an Israeli cease-fire, if heeded, will enable Israel’s enemies to re-lay the groundwork for yet another violent campaign for what has been a nearly six-decade episode with the sole objective of destroying Israel.
The key steps to ending the violence in Lebanon first requires recognizing that Hezbollah in its military form must be eliminated, that the 100-plus Iranian guard in southern Lebanon must be removed and that the allowing of the Syrian and Iranian dictatorships to supply, train and equip the terrorists must be stopped.
To do that, the United States should offer to help strengthen the Lebanese government so that it has the ability to re-establish itself in all of Lebanon and defeat the military wing of Hezbollah. We should encourage the Israelis to work with the Lebanese government to eliminate the thousands of missiles within its borders that threaten Israel. Finally, Iran and Syria must be forced to cease their support of Hezbollah and Hamas by the United States communicating to them such dire consequences that they could not sustain the relationships. And then we should be prepared, if necessary, to impose those consequences.
Former House speaker Newt Gingrich is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and author of Winning the Future: A 21st Century Contract with America.
Stop The ACLU Blogburst

Crossposted from Stop The ACLU
ACLU Website:
GENEVA, SWITZERLAND — A United Nations human rights body expressed grave concerns today about the record of human rights in the United States. The American Civil Liberties Union with a delegation of 10 and working with a broad coalition of other groups is in Geneva to monitor the examination of the United States the U.N. Human Rights Committee (HRC).
In a two-day session that concluded today, the committee members pressured the United States for answers on the following issues:
The sentencing of children to life without parole and the disproportionate incarceration of minorities;
The militarization of the border;
The failure to prevent human rights violations and respond in a non discriminatory manner to Hurricane Katrina;
The failure to end racial profiling practices, specifically the profiling of South Asian convenience store employees in Georgia;
Warrantless spying on ordinary Americans;
The abuse of women in prison; and
The indefinite detention, rendition and torture of non-citizens.
“The U.S. should be ashamed of itself,” said Ann Beeson, Director of the ACLU’s Human Rights Program. “The review by the Human Rights Committee was a stark and all too accurate condemnation of the state of rights in America.”
No, the ACLU should be ashamed of itself. The review by the Human Rights Committee which includes member states Cuba, Saudi Arabia and China ,and ensures that violaters are included, is a joke and nowhere near accurate.
Religious persecutors, Womens Rights violators, Communist Regimes, and illegal organ harvesters will make up the new UN Human Rights Council.
And this is the organization that the ACLU want to hold the U.S. accountable to? The ACLU, and the U.N. are the two most dangerous organizations in the world. They are both seeking to destroy America’s credibility and soverignty. The U.N. are a corrupt joke when it comes to human rights, and they have absolutely zero credibility to make any judgement on America in that area.
The ACLU, who provided the list called “Dimming the Beacon of Freedom”, to this corrupt organization that can’t even clean up its own human rights violations are an embarrassement to this great nation. It is shameful that their list included our efforts to spy on the enemy, protect our borders, and several other accusations without evidence. I also wonder if their accusation to “abuse” of women in prison would be not providing them with abortions at the expense of taxpayers.
Besides the issues within our own judicial system and its decay, the ACLU is also turning to international sources to undermine our nation’s sovereignty and national security.
For instance, the ACLU filed a formal complaint with the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention against the United States, stating that the United States violated international law when it detained 765 Arab Americans and Muslims for security reasons after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack on our nation. Eventually, 478 were deported. ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero said, “With today’s action, we are sending a strong message of solidarity to advocates in other countries who have decried the impact of U.S. policies on the human rights of their citizens. We are filing this complaint before the United Nations to ensure that U.S. policies and practices reflect not just domestic constitutional standards, but accepted international human rights principles regarding liberty and its deprivations.” Source
Romero, of course, makes the United States sound like some rogue nation with no regard for human rights, not the beacon of liberty that so many have come to escaping from tyranny and the bonds of oppression.
All of this should concern you. You may think that it doesn’t directly affect you in your everyday life, but it will eventually. The ACLU’s embrace of international law seeks to hypocritically do the opposite of what the ACLU claim to protect, and the Constitution forbids; prohibit the free exercise of religion.
In spring 2003, a group from the United Nations Human Rights Commission, of which former ACLU officials Paul Hoffman and John Shattuck are a part, met and discussed a resolution to add “sexual orientation” to the UNHRC’s discrimination list. Homosexual activists at the meeting called for a “showdown with religion,” clearly intending to use international law to silence religious speech that does not affirm homosexual behavior. Source
The ACLU’s actions are a direct threat to our very freedom of speech, religious exercise, security, and soverignity. In some countries, laws are being pushed, and in some cases, enacted that essentially criminalize forms of religious speech and activity that does not affirm homosexual behavior.
If we are going to turn the interpretation of our laws to international jurisprudence, and decisions of foreign courts, judges, and legislatures, the question begs…why did we fight a war of independence? If the ACLU are successful in their agenda for international law, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution will eventually become irrelevant documents. More and more of America’s freedoms, and our very soverignty will be sacrificed for international law. Our freedoms will vanish. The ACLU’s vision of freedom that includes the public sale of child pornography, the silencing of churchs and ministries, and unlimited abortion and euthanasia will replace them. To many Americans, these sound more like human rights violations than anything on the ACLU’s list.
On October 27, 1787, Alexander Hamilton predicted that a “dangerous ambition” would one day tyrannize the gangling young American Republic, all the while lurking “behind the specious mask of zeal for the rights of the people.” It could almost be said that Hamilton had a prophecy of the ACLU.
This was a production of Stop The ACLU Blogburst. If you would like to join us, please email Jay or Gribbit. You will be added to our mailing list and blogroll. Over 200 blogs already on-board.
Fun Facts About Hezbollah

Know Thy Enemy: Hezbollah
Written by Frank J
* Hezbollah is a political party in Lebanon. Their main platform: Kill the Jews.
* That may seem like a horrible platform, but at least they’re for something… unlike the Democrats.
* Translated from Arabic, Hezbollah means either “Goat-Enthusiast” or “Goat-Lover” considering the scholar you ask.
* Either way, they have sex with goats. That’s pretty much their whole day: plotting to kill Jews and hot, steamy goat sex.
* Hezbollah is considered a terrorist organization by Israel and the U.S., while the E.U. consider Hezbollah “delightfully eccentric”.
* Come on; if you were going to list every organization that wants to kill Jews as terrorists, then that going to be a pretty big list and I know I ain’t keeping it updated.
* Hezbollah, like many nations in the Middle East, doesn’t recognize Israel due to, I guess, far-sightedness that infects many of the region. I mean, they recognize the U.S. and we’re a couple continents away.
* Many suspect that Syria and Iran support Hezbollah in their terrorist attacks. Those Syrians and Iranians – they’re almost as meddlesome as the Jews!
* Members of Hezbollah tend to be Islamic. Have you noticed that so many terrorists these days are Muslims? Terrorism really is one area that could use more religious diversity.
* Hezbollah is situated in southern Lebanon at the border with Israel. If they hate Jews so much, you’d think they wouldn’t live so close.
* Hey, maybe their attacks on Israel are just Hezbollah’s immature way of showing they have a crush.
* Not that Israel shouldn’t slaughter the lot of them; I’m just suggesting another way of looking at all this.
* If you think you see a member of Hezbollah, contact your nearest shotgun.
* If you are surrounded by Hezbollians, just remember that they are more scared of Jew than Jew are of them.
* The diet of the Hezbollians consists of ham and bacon. If you need to feed someone from Hezbollah, give him lots of ham and bacon.
* No! Still more ham and bacon! Don’t listen to him when he says, “No more!” That’s just him trying to be polite.
* The main weakness of Hezbollah is a deadly allergy to air-to-land missiles.
* Hezbollah, much like the fresh-water carp, does not have a long history of genius and invention.
* In a fight between Aquaman and Hezbollah, Hezbollah would point their guns at Aquaman and Aquaman would just laugh and pull out his sword and cut the heads off some of them. Then he’d start gasping because the current Aquaman can’t stay out of water very long. So he’d head back to the water, and you’d think he’d call sharks to attack Hezbollah, but I haven’t seen that this Aquaman even knows how to talk to fish. So he’d just wait in the water for Hezbollah to follow so he could cut them with his sword… but he could be waiting a while.
* The U.S. Department of State accuses Hezbollah of killing up to 300 American citizens, but Hezbollah denies this. What they don’t realize is it isn’t the murder that makes us so angry, it’s that they just won’t admit to it when we know they did it.
* Wait, the murders do make me angry. Kill Hezbollah!
* The terrorist part of Hezbollah is estimated to be several thousand supporters and a few hundred terrorist operatives. That doesn’t seem like a very large group to take on millions of angry Jews.
* Then again, I’m not a murderous Muslim, so how can I judge? Frankly, if I lived in the Middle East, I’d think I’d spend my time making an internet business to sell gullible Americans sand, but that’s just me.
* IMAO – Frank J
Armed Palestinian Women Paraded At Gaza Strip

Armed Palestinian women, members of the popular resistant committee, protest against Israeli
attacks in Gaza Strip and Lebanon, during a demonstration in Gaza city, July 18, 2006.
The protest on Tuesday was the first time the female TERRORISTS paraded at Gaza strip.
Iran’s Death Seeking Hezbollah Offers More Yadda Yadda
Agents seized at border, while Iranians ID targets to ‘end Anglo-Saxon civilization’

Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah
WASHINGTON – The Iranian-sponsored terrorist organization Hezbollah’ threats to attack U.S. interests around the world are being taken seriously by U.S. law enforcement and intelligence officials who say the group’s agents have attempted illegal entry into the country through the southern border and have staked out 20 potential sensitive targets that Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad boasted could “end Anglo-Saxon civilization”.
We have 2,000 volunteers who have registered since last year,” Hezbollah spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli told Reuters yesterday. “They have been trained and they can become fully armed. We are ready to dispatch them to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America’s interests. We are only waiting for the supreme leader’s green light to take action. If America wants to ignite World War III … we welcome it.”
The “supreme leader” is Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei.
Hezbollah and Iranian officials are known for their hyperbolic rhetoric, but U.S. officials say it would be a mistake to dismiss them categorically.
FBI Director Robert Mueller confirmed earlier this spring that Hezbollah agents were caught trying to enter the country illegally through the Mexican border.
Likewise, James Woolsey, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency, testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in February that “Ahmadinejad who is close to Hezbollah, says that he knows of the 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and the West, which he has spied out and is ready to attack in order to, quote: ‘End Anglo-Saxon civilization.”
In May – long before the recent escalation of conflict with Israel – more than 100 “martyrdom-seeking volunteers” affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps gathered to warn the U.S. they would blow up American interests around the world if their country’s nuclear installations came under attack.
Mohammad-Ali Samadi, spokesman for a government-orchestrated campaign to recruit suicide bombers, said more than 55,000 volunteers had been registered, according to Iran Focus.
The group – called the Headquarters to Commemorate the Martyrs of the Global Islamic Movement – was established in 2004 to carry out suicide attacks against three targets: “The infidels occupying Iraq,” Israel and author Salman Rushdie.
In February, it launched a new recruitment drive to fight “global blasphemy.”
Iran estimated then that Israel would strike Tehran’s nuclear facilities within a year and has been planning retaliatory attacks against Israeli, American and British interests, according to senior Lebanese political sources.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
“We are only waiting. “If America wants to ignite World War Three … we welcome it,” he said.
If WE want to ignite it?!! Oh, baby, it’s already lit. Your wish is our command, oh foolish one. A whopping NAKBA to you oh Islam cult of death and destruction.
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