20 Jul

House Overwhelmingly Backs Israel In Vote

House Overwhelmingly Backs Israel In Vote
WASHINGTON – The House, displaying a foreign affairs solidarity lacking on issues like Iraq, voted overwhelmingly Thursday to support Israel in its confrontation with Hezbollah guerrillas.
The resolution, which was passed on a 410-8 vote, also condemns enemies of the Jewish state.
House Republican leader John Boehner cited Israel’s “unique relationship” with the United States as a reason for his colleagues to swiftly go on record supporting Israel in the latest flare-up of violence in the Mideast.
Little of the political divisiveness in Congress on other national security issues was evident as lawmakers embraced the Bush administration’s position.
So strong was the momentum for the resolution that it was steamrolling efforts by a small group of House members who argued that Congress’s pro-Israel stance goes too far.
The nonbinding resolution is similar to one the Senate passed Tuesday. It harshly condemns Israel’s enemies and says Syria and Iran should be held accountable for providing Hezbollah with money and missile technology used to attack Israel.
“I certainly sympathize with the Lebanese people and the Lebanese government,” Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., told CBS’ “The Early Show” on Thursday. But, he said, if Hezbollah is “going to launch attacks from the Lebanese territory, then tragically the Lebanese government and people pay a price for that.”
“I’m just sick in the stomach, to put it mildly,” said Rep. Nick J. Rahall, D-W.Va., who is of Lebanese descent.
Rahall joined other Arab-American lawmakers in drafting an alternative resolution that would have omitted language holding Lebanon responsible for Hezbollah’s actions and called for restraint from all sides. Rahall said that proposal was “politely swept under the rug,” a political reality he and others say reflects the influence Israel has in Congress.
An AIPAC spokeswoman said Congress’s overwhelming support for Israel reflects the support of U.S. voters and not any pressure applied by lobbyists. “The American people overwhelming support Israel’s war on terrorism and understand that we must stand by our closest ally in this time of crisis,” said Jennifer Cannata.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Click here to see who voted YES and who voted NO and those voting “Present” which is just a very wimpy-whiny way of voting “NO” without actually committing to a “NO” vote:

LindaSoG says:

Rahall joined other Arab-American lawmakers in drafting an alternative resolution that would have omitted language holding Lebanon responsible for Hezbollah’s actions and called for restraint from all sides. Rahall said that proposal was “politely swept under the rug,” a political reality he and others say reflects the influence Israel has in Congress.
What a jackass.

Wild Thing says:

That is the perfect name for him.

Jack says:

Thanks WT, duly recorded for posterity and the November Elections every year. As for Rahall he can take himself and his tribe back to Lebanon where his loyalties lie, then he can effectively work for them from there. Sorry Linda, Arab-American? American no, Arab yes, we don’t need his kind in office.

TomR says:

I am glad the vote was so overwhelming. I also don’t like that Arab-American crap. Another damn hyphen. Guess I will call myself American-American and let the other hyphens figure that out.

Wild Thing says:

Tom I agree, I don’t like hyphen’s either.

Wild Thing says:

Jack I agree he sure can, he should be ashamed of himself for starters.

BobF says:

I no longer like or use hyphenated American names anymore after reading what Teddy Roosevelt said. Their comes a time when you have to forget about the “old country” and become an American. If I feel to designate a fellow Americans race, I will identify them by saying a “black person”, “white person”, “oriental” or etc. You’re either an American or a foreigner. There is no such thing as an African American, Italian American, German American, Asian American…it’s time we all became just Americans.

Wild Thing says:

I agree Bob, it sure is time we all became just Americans.