28 Jul

Iran Students Leave For Lebanon To Fight Israel

Thursday, 27 July, 2006, 01:08 PM Doha Time
A group of Iranian students left for Lebanon yesterday pledging to help Hezbollah fight Israeli forces there, witnesses said.
Iranian hardliners have made great public show of recruiting volunteers for “martyrdom-seeking operations” in recent years, but there is no record of any of these Iranian volunteers taking part in attacks in Iraq, or against Israel.

“The Prophet Muhammad’s army is on its way to fight against the Zionists,” chanted some 50 volunteers at Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra cemetery, where a large tree-lined area is dedicated to Iran’s ‘martyrs’ killed in the 1980-88 war with Iraq.

“A group of 200 volunteer students will be dispatched to Lebanon via Turkey. We are leaving Tehran today by bus,” said Amir Jalili, a spokesman for the group.

“We hope Turkey will let us pass the border and go to Syria. If not we will come back to Tehran.”

Iran is a sworn enemy of Israel and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the Jewish state to be “wiped off the map”. But while Israel accuses Iran of arming Hezbollah, Tehran says it only gives the Lebanese group moral support.
The volunteers stressed theirs was a private initiative, not backed by state authorities. The group, calling itself the Justice-Seeking Movement of Students, said they had no military training. Some 50 students boarded buses from Tehran, but more were to join them from other cities at the border, they said.
Iranian officials have repeatedly said such groups have no official sanction and say they can operate only “as long as their ideas are limited to theory.”

“We are an independent group. We want to help our Shia brothers,” said Hadi, a 23-year-old French literature student, carrying pictures of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who has vowed to take the war deeper into Israel.

“We want to fulfil our religious duty. If officials ban us from going to Lebanon, we will obey,” said another spokesman Morteza Assadi before getting on the bus to go to the border.

Members of the hardline Basij militia at the cemetery said they had no intention of taking action against Israel without the green light from Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei who has the last word on all matters in Iran.

28 Jul

Iran Mullahs’ Aim

By: Amil Imani
Amil Imani is an Iranian born American citizen and pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America.
The world is presently at its most wicked. It is beyond human help. It requires only a nudge to implode and prepare for the divine ruler, the Saheb-ul-Zaman (the Mahdi, the Lord of the Age) to come and set it aright. It is the sacred duty and privilege of every Muslim to do all he can to hasten the death of the old world and the birth of the global Islamic Ummeh. Thus goes the thinking of Iran’s ruling mullahs and their hand-picked president Mahmood Ahmadinejad.
It seems like the old millennialism thinking, a belief held, in one version or another by major religions. Indeed it is, with one terribly alarming difference. This time around, a group of believers with tremendous resources are intent upon forcing the issue, making the conditions so dire that it leaves the reluctant Saheb-ul-Zaman no choice but to appear and assume his universal reign.
The belief in supernatural intervention to set the world aright is scriptural to major religions, including Islam. The Jews have been earnestly supplicating the Lord for the Messiah to come; the Christians are impatiently awaiting the second coming of Christ; and, the Zoroastrians are convinced that Saoshayant is the one who shall come, defeat the trouble-making Ahriman—Satan—and make the creatures again pure.
Up to this point millennialism was a belief and a hope. No one ever aspired to or had the means of making the anticipated events come about. The matter was in the hands of God. The Muslims’ perennial prayer recited every day, posted in mosques and even on bumpers of vehicles has been, “O, Saheb-ul-Zaman, hasten your coming.” The prayer for the advent, thus far, has been limited to passive supplications of the faithful.
It is a well-established fact that beliefs are potent impetus to action. If you believe your home is about to be burglarized, you secure the house and take other precautions. If you, under the influence of cocaine, believe that a bug is burrowing into your skin, you may take a knife to your own body and try to dig the imaginary bug out.

Hence, it is shortsighted to dismiss the mullahs as a bunch of lunatics who are out of touch with reality and that they have no intention of doing catastrophic mischief to compel the Mahdi’s coming. Maybe some arming of the Iraqi Shiites, a little support for Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine—but no, no major idiocy. After all, they are rational people and in touch with reality. Any large scale troublemaking spells their doom as well. Thus goes the rationalization—the greatest risky tranquilizer of the mind.

Rationalization, compounded by complacency and denial, can be deadly, particularly when the adversaries have different realities. To the fanatic mullahs ruling Iran Sahaeb-ul-Zaman is an absolute reality and his promised advent is irrevocably ordained. This is their reality and their belief and they have every intention of leading their life according to them.

It is foolish for the non-Muslims to dismiss the mullahs and the Bin Ladens as a bunch of fringe lunatics who are going to go away simply by wishing it. The Islamist reality is that the non-Muslims are the ones who deserve to be done away with; they are the ones who have refused to submit to the summons of Allah for much too long; and, it is time for the faithful to get rid of them. This makes for a lopsided contest. The non-Muslims are passively wishing that the nightmarish surge of Islamism is only a temporary fringe phenomenon doomed to die on its own, while the other side is marshalling its huge destructive power to accomplish its aim by eradicating the non-Muslims.

The cabal of fanatical mullahs ruling Iran has lost its patience, not only with the unbelievers, but also with the Mahdi as well. They aim to force his arrival. The mullahs believe they have the means to make it impossible for the Mahdi to tarry any longer by causing unprecedented death and destruction—conditions deemed essential for his coming. The world must hit the very bottom, before the Savior of the world comes to the rescue, so they firmly believe.
The question is: What does prudence demand? Clearly wishing the problem to go away is not a very effective solution in the same way that wishing for the Saheb-ul-Zaman to come has not been. Reasoning and negotiating with the mullahs and their ilk hold very little, if any, lasting promise. There are always the easy ways of denial and appeasement. We are very good at both practices. No, the Muslims have been around for ages. They make some troubles from time to time. But they really are not all that bad and dangerous. We’ll get along. If we have too, we’ll even let them live by the Sharia—their stone-age laws— in our midst. We’ll be reasonable and they will come around. We’ll just have to get along. So goes the line.

One problem: The other side doesn’t think this way. The Islamofascists don’t believe in the notion of “Live and let live.” They believe that the earth is Allah’s and it has been sullied by the heathens, the unbelievers and the kafir for far too long. Now that they have the means, they aim to make the world to their design and bring about the final solution—a nasty reminder of not too long ago Nazism.

Is this alarmist, or even hatemongering? You don’t believe Muslims can be that intolerant and hostile toward non-Muslims and that they’ll never go to the extremes? You know Muslims personally in your neighborhood or your work place and they are nice people? The nice Muslims you personally know are presently small minorities in alien lands. They have to be nice, and they may indeed be nice. Yet, when the main force of Islam surges forward, these nice folks will either have to join it or be swept aside like the rest of the resisters.
The concern is not with individual Muslims who live as solid citizens in democratic societies. They may have developed a taste for the freedom democracy bestows or have simply learned to tolerate it.

Our concern is with the gathering Islamic storm from the heart of Islamdom. To truly appreciate Islam, you must experience firsthand Islam in power. Take a quick trip to the lands of the Muslims and find out for yourself how horribly they treat the non-Muslims, even the, “People of the book,” Jews and Christians. Try to have a Bible study group or build a church in Saudi Arabia and discover the benevolence of Islamic rule.

The world is a laboratory where the experiment with Islam shows irrefutable results. To the extent that Islam rules any society, that society is stagnant, backward thinking, repressive and violent. The Islamic Republic of Iran represents the cutting edge for the newly petrodollar invigorated Islam. It is determined to complete its task of ending the world of “Dar-ul-Harb”—the non-Muslim world to be warred upon—and establishing the “Dar-ul-Solh,” or “Dar-ul-Salam”—the Muslim world of the Ummeh under the rule of the Mahdi. If achieving this aim hinges on the conflagration of the Third World War, the mullahs are happy to make it happen.

28 Jul

Hezbollah Flag Installation in Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Distribution and installation of Hezbollah flag in the Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Iran Press News
Wild Thing’s comment……
I find this interesting, the fact that it is new for this to happen. I had thought that their representation would have already been prominent.

28 Jul

U.S. Could Face A Showdown With al-Sadr

The Mahdi Army, a Shiite militia led by Iraqi radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has re-emerged as a key force in Iraqi politics. Sunnis believe his militia is responsible for the kidnapping and killing of thousands of Sunnis over the past few months. Now a plan to shift more U.S. troops to Baghdad to deal with the worsening violence there is seen as putting the American military on a crash course with al-Sadr, shown here in an Aug. 9, 2004, file photo. (AP Photo/Hadi Mizban, File)

Montery Herald

Al-Sadr’s black-clad followers insist they simply protect Shiite communities that have suffered horrific losses at the hands of Sunni insurgents and religious extremists such as al-Qaida in Iraq since the collapse of Saddam Hussein’s Sunni-dominated regime in 2003.

To put an end to the sectarian killings, President Bush on Tuesday approved a new plan to increase U.S. and Iraqi forces in Baghdad.

“Obviously the violence in Baghdad is still terrible and therefore there needs to be more troops,” Bush said at a White House press conference with al-Maliki.

That will inevitably mean a showdown with al-Sadr and his followers – believed to be the largest and most active Shiite militia in Iraq.

“If you don’t do this, you end up with a situation like you have in Lebanon, where the militia becomes a state within a state,” the top U.S. commander in the Middle East, Gen. John Abizaid, said in an interview this week with National Public Radio.

“It makes the state impotent to be able to deal with security challenges,” he said.

Coalition forces already have begun moving against the Mahdi Army. In the last month, British troops have arrested the Mahdi commander in the southern city of Basra. And American soldiers killed 15 militiamen in a gunfight 40 miles south of the capital last weekend.

U.S. and Iraqi forces have staged at least two major raids this month in Sadr City, the Mahdi Army’s Baghdad stronghold.

Like Hezbollah in Lebanon, the al-Sadr movement runs social services ranging from caring for widows and orphans to burying unclaimed bodies in Baghdad and other cities.

The parallels with Hezbollah reflect the network of clerical-led Shiite groups throughout the Middle East, which have been gaining strength due to the rise of both Iran and the Shiite community in Iraq.

Al-Maliki’s opposition to Israel’s attacks against Hezbollah in Lebanon is a sign of the network’s influence in a changing Middle East.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I think the US forces would welcome a showdown with al-Sadr since every time they take on a group of his terrorists, they crush them.
Sadr runs an insurgency out of a Mosque. It’s time to obliterate this citadel with a MOAB. Why waste American deaths on this animal by assaulting with foot soldiers in the false belief that we don’t want to offend Shia Muslims. We should offend them with unbelievable force.

28 Jul

Cheney Re-Enlists Wounded Soldier At Rally For Troops

Vice President Dick Cheney swears Cpl. Jerrod Fields as he re-enlists in the Army Friday, July 21, 2006, at Fort Stewart, Ga., as his wife, Kirra Fields, watches. Fields was wounded by an improvised explosive device in 2005 while he was serving in Iraq with the 3rd Infantry Division. (AP Photo/Stephen Morton)
FORT STEWART, Ga. – During a rally for more than 8,000 Georgia troops, Vice President Dick Cheney administered the re-enlistment oath Friday to a 24-year-old Army gunner determined to remain in the ranks after losing his left leg last year to a bomb blast in Iraq.
Flanked by risers crowded with his fellow 3rd Infantry Division troops, Cpl. Jerrod Fields of Chicago raised his right hand before Cheney and pledged to serve another four years. The Army approved Fields to remain in his cavalry unit after he passed his physical fitness test with flying colors, including running 2 miles in 14 minutes, 9 seconds with a prosthetic leg.
“I wasn’t going to let the bad guys, the enemy, affect a decision I’d already made,” said Fields, who was wounded by a roadside bomb while driving a Bradley armored vehicle near Rustamayah, Iraq, in February 2005.
Fields opted to have his leg amputated below the knee to improve his chances of returning to active duty. He said Cheney offered words of personal praise offstage.
“He just told me job well done,” Fields said. “He was happy that I decided to stay in and said just to keep pushing.”
Cheney traveled to Fort Stewart, about 40 miles southwest of Savannah, to thank Army troops of the 3rd Infantry and the 48th Infantry Brigade of the Georgia National Guard for their service in Iraq.
The 19,000 soldiers of the 3rd Infantry finished their second combat tour in December. The 48th Brigade returned in May after deploying more than 4,500 citizen-soldiers to Iraq for a year. It was the largest deployment of Georgia guardsmen since World War II.
Cheney promised the troops the U.S. will keep fighting in Iraq until it can declare victory, and urged Americans not to become complacent nearly five years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
`We have only two options in Iraq: victory or defeat. And I want you to know, as members of the United States military, the American people do not support a policy of retreat of defeatism,” Cheney said. “We want to complete the mission, get it done right and return with honor.”
The soldiers cheered raucously for Cheney after waiting two hours on the Fort Stewart parade grounds, where the July sun pushed temperatures past 90 degrees. Troops dabbed sweat from brows topped with black berets. And Cheney quickly shed his dark suit coat after taking the outdoor stage.
Fields, who has returned to the field training with his unit, said he was “amazed” to be re-enlisted by the vice president.
But the 3rd Infantry’s commander, Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch, said the young soldier had earned it.
“He’s gone through eight legs because he’s so difficult and demanding on that artificial leg,” Lynch said. “I’ve got to tell you, I’m inspired by him as an individual and I’m inspired by him as a soldier.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you, Cpl. Fields! Prayers for all our troops and keep them all safe.
All the men in my family have served our country. They have represented every branch of the service. One of my Uncles was injured in the Battle of the Bulge and had to have one of his legs amputated. Some of our soldiers have reactions to this in that there is an irritation over the years from the prosthesis they use, my Uncle Ed was one of them. Medicine has changed a lot since back then and when I see a wonderful story like this one about Cpl. Fields I am not only proud of him, and proud to be an American but also grateful to God that he is doing so great.
The courage that all of our soldiers have is something that fills my heart with such pride and gratitude. Letting them know what their service means to us, to America and even to the world. The troops today as in past wars are making history, they are living it every second of the day.
What a wonderful country we have, there is nothing like it on this earth and we owe it to our Veterans and our troops today.

27 Jul

In Country ~ Thank You Troops

Sgt. Antonio Montes and fellow Soldiers from the 506th Regimental Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division, patrol the neighborhood of Adhamiya in east Baghdad. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.

U.S. Marines prepare their small unit riverine watercrafts for a patrol on the Euphrates River near Hadithah, Iraq.

While most U.S. and Iraqi military forces operate in Iraq’s cities and towns, the dozens of U.S. Marines who make up the security unit at Hadithah Dam in Iraq’s Al Anbar Province spend their days patrolling the waterways to search for insurgent activity and keep Iraq’s waterways secure near Hadithah Dam. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Roe F. Seigle

27 Jul

Taliban Goes For Cash

Financial Times (UK) / July 26, 2006
The Taliban has found a way to recruit fighters that is less about winning hearts and minds and more about the enduring appeal of cold hard cash.
They are paying fighters up to $12 (£6.50) a day to fight the fledgling Afghan National Army, which pays only $4 a day to its soldiers in the field, according to military officials.

“The Taliban are supported by Pakistan and they get money from the drugs trade, so they get more pay than our soldiers,” said Colonel Myuddin Ghouri of the national army’s 205 Corp.

While the ANA has the advantage of superior equipment and the same medical treatment as UK troops, its soldiers often have to risk their lives far from home.

“If you were a lad in the hills and you were offered $12 to stay local or you could take $4 and fight miles away from home, which would you do?” said Lieutenant Colonel David Hammond, an officer with 7 Para who is training Afghan officers in the southern province of Helmand as part of a mentoring scheme.

The pay difference is making it harder to recruit soldiers to the 38,000-strong ANA, which has faced a much better equipped and funded insurgency sinceJanuary.
Western officials have estimated that the Taliban’s forces have risen from 2,000 last year to 6,000 this year. The Taliban claims to have 12,000 men.
Afghan defence ministry officials believe funds for the insurgency are flowing over the border from Pakistan and possibly from Arab countries.
The multi-ethnic Afghan National Army has been one of the success stories of the post-September 11 era and is hugely popular with most Afghans.
However, Afghan officials in Kabul say the pay of Afghan soldiers will remain a problem.

“Basic pay of $70 a month was a lot of money three years ago, but it’s harder to recruit people to fight in a bitter insurgency now,” said one Afghan official.

27 Jul

UK Company Mr Modchips Takes The Terrorist Side

An Israeli customer had ordered some computer chips from a company in
the UK called MrModChips.……..the following is the true story……………….
Asaf Linden decided to order some computer chips for his games console from a company with a UK web site. He put in his credit card number, got a confirmation e-mail and waited. Little did he know that he was now marked as a war criminal.
After a few days he checked in with the site and found that his transaction was now “VOID”. So he wrote a perfectly reasonable e-mail to ask why.

I’ve ordered a Qoobchip Pro and the order’s status is currently VOID, why is that?

Imagine his surprise to get the following reply:

You are viewed as a fraud risk and it is company policy not to support people whos government kill innocent civilians and children.
Thank You

Asaf didn’t pull his punches with his reply:

1. I never killed anyone in my life.
2. I am a British passport holder (and would be happy to send you a photocopy of my passport).
3. If we are being political, I seem to remember a few children dying in Iraq and the United Kingdom fighting there. Right?
4. Israel was attacked first by Lebanon but I don’t seem to recall when the UK was last attacked by Iraq or am I forgetting something?
Mixing your business with politics is not a good idea, I presume you made a mistake and regret that but if not, tell me about it and I will pass your comments to the British Department of Trade and Industry.

Ma’ariv have tried to contact the company, which is actually in Thailand but to no avail.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Here is their email addres if you would like to email the company.

* Seawitch ……thank you for the heads up on this
* Friends of Micronesia

27 Jul

The Salute That Spoke Volumes

“The photo was taken at the Armed Forces Day Parade in Torrance, California on May 20, 2006. My Father Darron S., Vietnam Veteran, was sitting on the curb enjoying the parade. As the young solider came upon us I noticed him looking at my Father’s Vietnam Veteran hat. He silently stopped in front of my Father and stood there deadlocked on his eyes and stiffened into a salute. My Father immediately jumped up and forwarded this young soldier the same. They both held the salute for what seemed like a solid minute. There were no words spoken when my Father broke the salute.”

Thank you Tom for sending this to me.

26 Jul

“Two Men Go In, One Man Comes Out”

Let’s recall that the British mandate for partition in ’48 sprang from the League of Nations in 1923. The area at that time was populated by indigenous Jews, who were purhasing land from Arabs across the region. Willingly sold, too.
“Palestine” then consisted of Gaza, the place now called Israel, The West Bank and Jordan. The Balfour Declaration contemplated all of it for Israel, but Trans Jordan was taken away.
In short, the Jews accepted, the Arabs didn’t, and they went to war with Israel in ’48, ’56, ’67 and ’73, and continually in various ways since then. I haven’t researched this, but it’s claimed that Israel represents less than 1/500th of Arab territory, a matchbook on an area of 9,400 square feet.
I find it interesting that the Arab view of the necessary cosmic purity of Muslim land is moored to the most barbaric, backward, exploitative and vicious regimes on the planet. The Islamist view of The Law, and its realization in death and martyrdom, is the reverse of the progressive, search for the undisclosed in the Judaeo-Christian world.
In that way, we have found our perfect enemy, the perfect antithesis to The West, which even in its secularism, is convinced of the essential value and possibilities of life as the condition for revelation rather than death.
In my view, this war will be “two men go in, one man come out”. We will tremble at the awfulness of it but we will not be defeated. In their gross ignorance and fury, they are pushing us into a corner. Israel will suffer a great deal, I’m afraid, but she’ll live and her enemies will die.