28 Sep

Iran Closing Down Newspaper Over Latest Cartoon

Over the last four years, the Iranian authorities have ordered the closure of more than 100 newspapers associated with the country’s reformist camp. This pressure has peaked again in recent weeks, with the issuing of a closure order against the daily Sharq, which is considered the most prominent of the reformist papers remaining in Iran. Sharq was shut down because it published this cartoon on September 7, 2006.
The cartoon shows Iran’s and the West’s moves on the nuclear issue. The white horse represents the West, while the braying black donkey with the halo is a satirical depiction of Iran. The halo is a reference to the remark made by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad following his speech to the U.N. General Assembly in September 2005; Ahmadinejad claimed that during his speech he had felt surrounded by a circle of divine light, symbolizing his messianic message to the world.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This was the post I did about the circle of divine light surrounding Ahmadinejad.

28 Sep

Egypt Bans European Papers ~ No Truth About Islam Allowed

Egypt bans European papers for comments on Islam
Egypt has banned editions of two French and German newspapers, Le Figaro and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, because of articles deemed insulting to Islam, the state news agency MENA said on Sunday.
Under a decree issued by Information Minister Anas el-Feki, the two editions will not be able to enter the country, it said.

“They published articles which disparaged Islam and claimed that the Islamic religion was spread by the sword and that the Prophet … was the prophet of evil,” it added.

The edition of Le Figaro, dated September 19, contains an opinion piece on Islam and the Prophet Mohammad by French philosopher and high school teacher Robert Redeker.

“Merciless warrior, pillager, murderer of Jews and polygamist — that is how Mohammad portrays himself in the Koran … Hatred and violence live in the book by which every Muslim is educated, the Koran,” Redeker wrote.

The edition of the German newspaper, dated September 16, contains an article by German historian Egon Flaig looking at how the Prophet Mohammad was a successful military leader.
Flaig presents other arguments supporting the view that Islam has had a violent history.
The Egyptian agency said:
“The minister of information said that he would not allow any publication that insults the Islamic religion or calls for hatred or contempt of any religion to be distributed inside Egypt.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Telling the truth about the horror which is *islam*, is most definitely frowned upon. Islam can not stand on it’s own merit, so it must prevent it’s followers from the truth.

28 Sep

LOL ~ UN Troops in Lebanon Face Terror Threat ~ DUH!

Belgian U.N. peacekeepers ….note nice little curtains on the windows. Sorry but PLEAZZZZEEEE!

Peacekeeping forces in Lebanon face terror threat
Kuwait Times
UN troops sent to keep the peace in southern Lebanon are taking strong defensive measures against possible suicide attacks – including setting up checkpoints and remote bases – after Al-Qaeda warned they are considered enemies of Islam.

“For us, the protection of the force is the top priority because it could be a target for an attack by Al-Qaeda or another group,” French Col. Olivier de Cevins said recently at his temporary headquarters near this Lebanese town, about 20 km from the Israeli border.

France, which is leading the expanded UN force, pulled out of a peacekeeping mission in Lebanon after a suicide truck bombing in Beirut in October 1983 killed 58 French soldiers.
On the same day, 241 US servicemen also died in a similar attack. This time around, the French are taking no chances. They have picked a remote site for one of their main bases in Baraachit, on a high plateau at an altitude of more than 800 m.
UN troops face a difficult mission to prevent a return to hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah and help the Lebanese army re-establish control over the militant group’s long-time stronghold in southern Lebanon. Yet despite tensions as Hezbollah faces restrictions on its arms shipments, many of the European peacekeepers do not see it as the primary threat.

“I am more concerned about a group that is foreign to the Lebanese, such as Al-Qaeda, than about Hezbollah,” the head of the Spanish military contingent, Col. Luis Melendez, said in an interview last week with the Spanish daily El Pais.

In a video message released on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks, Al-Qaeda’s No. 2, Ayman Al-Zawahiri, condemned the presence of UN peacekeepers in Lebanon “who are hostile to Islam.”

He also singled out the “French crusaders,” announcing a “blessed union” with an Algerian insurgent group to target France. Lebanon’s acting Interior Minister Ahmed Fatfat, who warned in recent months that Al-Qaeda was attempting to establish itself in Lebanon, told AP that Al-Zawahiri was “trying to profit” from the current instability.

“There is always a risk. We are in a difficult part of the world. That is why we are working together to manage the problem and defend the UN forces,” he said.

Although Al-Qaeda has rarely carried out attacks in Lebanon, it is believed to have sympathisers among extremist factions in Palestinian refugee camps. In December, Al-Qaeda in Iraq claimed responsibility for a rocket attack into northern Israel apparently carried out by a radical Palestinian group, and Fatfat said Lebanese authorities had broken up four Al-Qaeda cells this year.
The biggest bust happened in January when police arrested 13 people believed linked to Al-Qaeda – seven Syrians, three Lebanese, one Saudi, a Jordanian and one Palestinian – on suspicion of planning terror attacks. But Lebanese authorities are reluctant to intervene inside the largest Palestinian refugee camp, Ein El-Hilweh, in the south, where Asbat Al-Ansar, an Al-Qaeda affiliate, is believed to have people.
The 15,000 foreign troops who will be deployed in a 30-km-wide strip of territory on Lebanon’s southern border with Israel represent a potentially soft target. At the entrance to an access road leading toward the camp housing Spain’s 500-strong contingent in Taibe, five Spanish marines with automatic weapons backed up by an armoured personnel carrier stood guard watchfully on one recent day. At a second checkpoint about 500 m away, soldiers gestured urgently for a vehicle to slow down. After radioing headquarters and a 15-minute wait, they took down ID details and the vehicle registration, and allowed the car to proceed with an escort inside. But the UN troops don’t want to be seen as occupying forces, so some Spanish troops carry out patrols on foot wearing no body armour or helmets.
The French rear base near Deir Kifa that will house off-duty soldiers lies just off a public road. But French military officials say they don’t want to set up checkpoints on the road because that would alienate local people. Rohan Gunaratna, a leading terrorism expert at Singapore’s Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, said the UN force faces a significant terror risk.

“I think that the peacekeeping forces must be prepared to suffer casualties. It is the most challenging peacekeeping mission that the international community has embarked on for a long time,” he told the AP by telephone from Singapore.

On the other hand, the Shiite Muslim Hezbollah, which was blamed for the 1983 suicide attacks, may not welcome any Sunni Muslim Al-Qaeda incursion into its stronghold. But Gunaratna said it’s not inconceivable that Hezbollah’s patrons – Syria and Iran – might allow terror strikes by Sunni radicals to pressure the contributing nations to withdraw their peacekeeping soldiers. De Cevins, the French officer, said all possible measures will be taken to minimise risks – in particular, troops will be dispersed rather than housed in a single building as was the case with the Beirut barracks targeted in 1983.

“You will never 100 per cent avoid an attack. But we expect that we wouldn’t suffer such big losses if one did happen,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Anyone with half a brain knows that terrorists trying to kill Israelis will not be prevented by UN staff with no authority to kill terrorists. Olmert ( maybe with half a brain to go for this BS ) is an idiot for bowing to this arrangement. I hope Israelis dump him.

27 Sep

“Moderate” Muslims the Hamas LOL Insult and Threaten Non-Muslim Pope

Text: “The Pope and those who live under his cloak”
[Al-Risala, September 18, 2006]

Hamas: Pope is Nazi, arrogant, stupid and criminal; Allah will punish Pope in due time
by Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook- Sept. 25, 2006
A cartoon in the current issue of the official Hamas weekly “Al Risala” features Pope Benedict holding a Swastika while wearing a scarf of US and Danish flags. Meanwhile, on Fatah-controlled PA TV, a Hamas religious leader called the Pope “criminal and arrogant,” “ignorant and stupid,” and then warned the Pope to await his punishment. Allah doesn’t necessarily punish the wicked immediately, but waits “until a day when eyes will stare (in terror).”
From the Friday sermon by Hamas religious leader, Dr. Osama Al-Mazini:

“The second message is for the criminal Benedict the 16th, the Vatican Pope. For this ignorant and stupid Pope, who has no one to attack besides Islam and the Prophet [Muhammad], may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him. He [the Pope] characterized Islam as a cruel religion, and characterized Muhammad, may the Creator have mercy on him and protect him, as a cruel man, spilling blood, who strove to kill. This hostile Pope refuses to apologize to Muslims; and, instead of apologizing he blames the Muslims for not understanding, thereby adding crime upon crime. This arrogant Pope sees the Muslims as too inferior that he should apologize to them. To this arrogant Pope – criminal and arrogant – this message is from Allah the Elevated and the Exalted, as it was said: ‘Think not that Allah is unaware of what the wicked do. He but gives them a respite until a day when eyes will stare (in terror).’ [Sura14:42]”

[Palestinian Authority TV, September 22, 2006]

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Since there is so little difference in terrorists and the so called Moderate Muslims and their silence about the terrorists attacks and verbal threats……….so be it then I say Hamas aka Moderate Muslims.
Islam really doesn’t seem to “get” irony. They make an offensive cartoon after they were so upset over an offensive cartoon, they violently react because they are upset at being called violent. Allah is a figment of Mad Mo’s frenzied imagination. Wonder if he ever thought of a higher power when he killed innocents and raped 6-yr.old Ayesha (after he killed her parents in front of her).
It always amazes me how the so-called “moderate muslims” are always missing in action when their fellow religious scum indulge in lies, slander, murder, rape, and mayhem.

27 Sep

Wictory Wednesday-Max Burns Of Georgia

This week Wictory Wednesday presents Max Burns for the US Congress for the 12th District of Georgia. He is running a tight race against Democratic incumbent John Barrow.
The Israeli war in Lebanon has shown what will happen if we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will claim victory and emerge even stronger and more emboldened. Max Burns understands this and supports the troops to complete their mission. We should live in a society that respects and supports those who risk their lives for our benefit. Sadly, we don’t live in that society.
Max Burns understands that immigration doesn’t require reform; it requires actually enforcing the laws on the books. Not enforcing the law has led to lawlessness and before any question of guest workers can be introduced, law and order needs to return to that segment of society.
The infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” has shown us that even a GOP lead Congress can still waste money. That is why earmark reform and a line item veto is all the more necessary. When pork can be put into budgets without debate (earmarks), the line item veto allows voters to put the heat on the President to bring sense back to Congressional spending. The GOP has gotten half of the equation right in lowering taxes now they need to cut spending. Max Burns supports this in the form of a balanced budget.
Families waste days and weeks each year trying to figure out their “fair share” of taxes. Not even the IRS can figure out the tax code a book that is over 12 times larger than the Bible! Max Burns supports cleaning up the tax code so that families can clearly understand what the owe and the IRS can even figure it out too.
Please consider donating or volunteering to the Max Burns campaign. Help turn this blue seat red!
This has been a production of the Wictory Wednesday blogburst. If you would like to join Wictory Wednesday, please see this post or contact John Bambenek at jcb (dot) blog [at] gmail {dot} com. The following sites are members of the Wictory Wednesday team:

27 Sep
27 Sep

Ellis Island: The Dream of America

You may also CLICK HERE for something special. ( need volume)
The other day Nick asked if there was a way to find out about his Father and Grandfathers arrival to America at Ellis Island. I told him I bet there was since the Internet is a vast library. I looked it up and this is so cool!
You can go HERE to Ellis Island.org
Here is what I did. I typed in the first and last name of each person one at a time. Then the year of birth. Also because I wanted to have a certificate of it and other things I also registered. To register it is FREE so that is great. But you don’t have to register to get the information.
They not only give you the day and year of the arrival, but also a ship log, the photo and stats on the ship and other things. I thought it was totally cool. If Nick parents and or my parents were still alive I would get this for them and frame it. Kind of a neat gift for Christmas time.

27 Sep


Now how should an infidel like myself look upon Ramadan, the death seekers holiday of the Muslims? Today in observance of Ramadan it is Ramadan-Bomob’athon!

RAMADAMADINGDONG! you freakazoids!

Shall we look at just a few of your Quran verses?

Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their
bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”

Ishaq:580 “Our strong warriors obey his orders to the letter.
By us Allah’s religion is undeniably strong. You would think when
our horses gallop with bits in their mouths that the sounds of demons
are among them. The day we trod down the unbelievers there was no
deviation or turning from the Apostle’s order. During the battle the
people heard our exhortations to fight and the smashing of skulls by
swords that sent heads flying. We severed necks with a warrior’s blow.
Often we have left the slain cut to pieces and a widow crying alas
over her mutilated husband. ’Tis Allah, not man we seek to please.”

Tabari IX:69 “He who believes in Allah and His Messenger
has protected his life and possessions from us. As for those
who disbelieve, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah.
Killing them is a small matter to us.”

Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels.
So wound their bodies and incapacitate them
because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”

27 Sep

Car Dealership Pulls Ad

Before CAIR complained

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) – A car dealership’s tongue-in-cheek radio advertisement declaring “a jihad on the automotive market,” will not be changed, the company said, despite drawing sharp criticism that the ad’s content is offensive to Muslims.
Several stations rejected the spot from Dennis Mitsubishi, which boasts that sales representatives wearing “burqas” – the head-to-toe traditional dress for some Islamic women – will sell vehicles that can “comfortably seat 12 jihadists in the back.”
Jihad is a holy war waged by Muslims in defence of Islam.

“We firmly believe the ad does not in any way disrespect any religion or culture, but we feel, I guess, that maybe poking a little fun at radical extremists is fair game,” dealership president Keith Dennis said on Saturday. “It was our intention to craft something around some of the buzzwords of the day and give everyone a good chuckle and be a little bit of a tension reliever.”

While Dennis defended the ad as a harmless attempt to bring levity to a serious situation, the Columbus chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called it disrespectful.

“Using that as a promotional pitch when so many are dying from the criminal activity of suicide bombers, that’s not funny,” chapter president Asma Mobin-Uddin said. “I don’t think it’s appropriate when it causes real pain. It exploits or promotes misunderstanding in terms already misunderstood or misused.”

In the ad, Dennis talks about “launching a jihad on the automotive market.”

“Our prices are lower than the evil-doers’ every day. Just ask the Pope!” the ad says. “Friday is fatwa Friday, with free rubber swords for the kiddies.”

A fatwa is a religious edict.
Some radio stations are balking at the dealership’s attempt to poke fun at extremists.

“With no disrespect to their creativity or their desire to build business, everything we’re about is promoting the values of diversity. To air things of that sort would go against our mission statement,” said Jeff Wilson, general manager of three Radio One stations in Columbus.

The dealership claims nothing in the ad is intended to promote a negative stereotype of Islam. A group that previewed the ad didn’t raise any objections, although no one from the group was Muslim, Dennis said.

After CAIR complained.

Interview by Tucker Carlson with CAIR representative

Wild Thing’s comment…….
CAIR has not protested the murder of the Nun, the threats to the Pope or any of threat made by THEIR people. Whine, whine, whine! You can tell they’re liberals by the frequency of their whine. Muslims are the worst. I’ve never seen anything like it.
These ads were not about disrespect for the victims of the terrorists. It was to make fun of the terrorists themselves and I am all for that. I guess it runs along the same lines as why our troops have to walk on egg shells with the prisoners to get information. AUGH!

26 Sep

Afghan President Thanks U.S. Troops for Liberating Afghanistan

Afghan President Thanks U.S. Troops for Liberating Afghanistan
Karzai says Afghan people must confront narco-trafficking problem
(The Washington File is a product of the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State.)
– Afghan President Hamid Karzai thanked the U.S. military for liberating Afghanistan from the oppressive Taliban regime and for providing security as the country works to rebuild its institutions and infrastructure.
“My message for the American soldiers in Afghanistan is that they have liberated us from tyranny, from terrorism, from oppression, from occupation into a country that is now moving towards prosperity, that is once again the home of all Afghans,” Karzai told reporters September 25 after a meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

Karzai said that Afghanistan has been transformed fundamentally by the U.S. intervention. “Afghanistan was not the home of all Afghans,” he said. “Today it is. Everybody’s back in that country with a parliament, with a constitution, with a market economy, with a free press, with all that.”

He added that the ongoing effort to fight terrorism in Afghanistan is bolstering the security of the entire world.
The Afghan president acknowledged that Afghanistan’s opium trade continues to threaten the country’s development.

“Narcotics is a menace to Afghanistan. It’s also an embarrassment to us as a nation. We are ashamed of that terrible product hurting us and hurting young people around the world,” he said.

Karzai said it is the responsibility of the Afghan people to rid their country of the narcotics trade in the interest of their future prosperity and to ensure their good standing in the international community, but he welcomed foreign assistance in achieving this goal.
Rumsfeld praised Afghanistan’s progress and welcomed NATO’s unprecedented mission to support security operations in Afghanistan. NATO’s International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan is the first major military mission the organization has undertaken outside of Europe.

“The leadership that NATO’s providing is important. It’s valuable, and it reflects a commitment on the part of those 26 countries to your success and to the success of the Afghan people,” he told Karzai.


Later on September 25, the Afghan president told a group at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars that “reliance on religious radicalism as an instrument of policy” must stop. The use of radicalism began in the fight against the Soviets, but it had turned against the Afghan people, he said.

Making a distinction between genuine madrassas, or schools for Islamic studies, and those that taught violent radicalism, Karzai called for the closure of madrassas that turn boys into suicide bombers.

“Going to the sources of terrorism, where they get trained, where they get motivated, where they get financed, where they get deployed, is necessary,” he said. “There will not be an end to terrorism unless we remove the sources of hatred in madrassas.” He said those who run such schools should be arrested and imprisoned.

Karzai expressed optimism that the Afghan economy could grow once opium poppy cultivation is eradicated. He said that infrastructure had improved: new roads have been built and telecommunications have expanded. Recently, an Afghan-owned Coca-Cola plant was established.

“A lot has happened in Afghanistan,” he said, “And a lot more needs to be done in the coming years.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Our troops deserve this said bgy Karzai and a whole lot more. With all the pressure on our troops, not only from the enemy but also from the lefties in our government, the media you name it. …..anytime someone says how grateful they are like this it should be headline news.
But wait……according to CNN we are loosing the war. Hey CNN….STFU! You are on the side of the enemy!