10 Nov
10 Nov

Communist McGovern to Meet With Congress on War

McGovern to Meet With Congress on War
George McGovern, the former senator and Democratic presidential candidate, said Thursday that he will meet with more than 60 members of Congress next week to recommend a strategy to remove U.S. troops from Iraq by June.

If Democrats don’t take steps to end the war in Iraq soon, they won’t be in power very long, McGovern told reporters before a speech at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

“I think the Democratic leadership is wise enough to know that if they’re going to follow the message that election sent, they’re going to have to take steps to bring the war to a conclusion,” he said.

McGovern will present his recommendations before the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a 62-member group led by Reps. Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee.

“The best way to reduce this insurgency is to get the American forces out of there,” McGovern said. “That’s what’s driving this insurgency.”

McGovern told the audience Thursday that the Iraq and Vietnam wars were equally “foolish enterprises” and that the current threat of terrorism developed because _ not before _ the United States went into Iraq.
McGovern’s plan _ as written in his new book, “Out of Iraq: A Practical Plan for Withdrawal Now” _ also calls for the United States to remove hired mercenaries from the region, push for the removal of British troops and establish a temporary transitional force, similar to police, made up of Muslims from the region.
“I’ve talked with a lot of senior officers _ generals and admirals _ in preparation for this book, that say this war can’t be won, that the problems now are not military problems,” McGovern told reporters. “There isn’t going to be any decisive victory in Iraq.”
It is vital that Republican and Democratic legislators find common ground with one another and President Bush, McGovern said.
“Never let the new class of Democrats forget that they’re there in considerable part because of the war the American public has now turned against,” McGovern said. “That’s going to have to be something that they have to explore with Republicans and with the White House.”
McGovern, a former South Dakota congressman and senator, was a leading opponent of the war in Vietnam. He was the Democratic nominee for president in 1972, losing to Richard Nixon, and was ambassador to the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome from 1998 to 2001.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I thought this senile, old communist had died. Sheesh! They not only vote but now they are coming back from the dead. What’s next, Jane Fonda for Secretary of Defense? They might as well just say it………he is meeting with that bunch of Socialist/Communists buffoons who call themselves the “progressive” party.
I am so sorry to all of you troops that you have to be exposed to any thing even a tiny bit like McGovern. He is pure evil!
Thank you Darleen for adding to this photo of McGovern. I love what you did.

10 Nov

Mehlman To Step Down

Mehlman’s Term Expires in January – Will Step Down When Term Ends
During his tenure, Mehlman, 40, traveled extensively to promote the Republican agenda. When he became chairman in January 2005, he said he hoped to tighten the GOP’s grip on power in Washington.
“Nothing is permanent in politics,” he said then. “The goal is how do you — both in the short term and the long term — do things to make it sustainable?”
Mehlman also said then that he hoped to expand the GOP base and help Bush enact his agenda.
Last year, Mehlman told NAACP members that the Republican Party was wrong for ignoring the black vote for decades and said he hoped the groups could restore their historic bond.
“Some Republicans gave up on winning the African-American vote, looking the other way or trying to benefit politically from racial polarization,” Mehlman said at the NAACP convention. “I come here as Republican chairman to tell you we were wrong.”
RNC asks Steele to replace Mehlman
Washington Times
Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman, whose party just lost both chambers of Congress, will leave his position in January, and the post as party chief has been offered to Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.
Republican officials told The Times that Mr. Steele, who lost his bid for the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, has been sought out to succeed Mr. Mehlman as national party chairman. Those Republican officials said Mr. Steele had not made a decision whether to take the post, as of last night.
Other Republican Party officials said some Republican National Committee (RNC) members, including state party chairmen, have mounted a move to have Mr. Steele succeed Mr. Mehlman.
But they said that President Bush’s political adviser Karl Rove, who is Mr. Mehlman’s mentor, would rather see Mr. Steele serve in the president’s Cabinet, perhaps as secretary of Housing and Urban Development. These officials said no one has actually offered Mr. Steele either the RNC post or a Cabinet post.
Steele spokesman Doug Heye said last night that “I don’t know of any conversations that Lt. Gov. Steele has had on this topic, but I can tell you that there are many people who have said he would be an ideal candidate, based on the race he ran this year.”

“I talked to him very briefly about it today. He has not made any decisions yet about what he will do next. He is still focused on his role as lieutenant governor,” Mr. Heye said.

Mr. Steele is one of the most successful and respected black Republicans in the country. He served as the elected Maryland Republican Party chairman before running for lieutenant governor.

Wild Thing’s comment……
This for me is the ONE good thing that has happened out of this horrible election. Mehlman needs to go so I am VERY glad about this. He backed Rhino’s and NOT conservatives for one thing. He is one of the main reasons we got stuck with sooooo many Rhino’s. I may not know everything this man did, but seeing the candidates that have been pushed and funded for the last, say, 10 years with Mehlman around I say GOOD!
I sure hope the GOP stands back and realizes that if they put up a slate of Reagan Republicans–optimistic, but not “compassionate”, people who have real Republican values about taxes, spending, the size of government, the war against Islam–then 2008 will be the real response to the swamp that is DC.
Clean house now that we aren’t in the Majority, now is our chance.

10 Nov

MI5 Chief’s Warning On Terrorism

MI5 chief’s warning on terrorism

MI5 knows of 30 terror plots and is keeping 1,600 individuals under surveillance, the security service’s head has said.
In a speech to academics Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller said the terror threat was “serious” and “growing” and would be “with us for a generation”.
She warned future terrorists could mount chemical or nuclear attacks.
Tory security spokesman Patrick Mercer said the UK needed more “spooks and secret agents” to tackle the problem.
MI5 has increased in size by nearly 50% since 9/11 and now stands at roughly 2,800 staff.
But according to Dame Eliza the concern is that even with this rapid growth it will not be able to investigate nearly enough of the activity that is currently under way in the UK. She said hard choices would have to be made about resources.
Dame Eliza’s warning comes days after a UK man was sentenced to at least 40 years in jail for planning a series of attacks.
Attacks planned by Dhiren Barot, 34, from London, included using a so-called “dirty bomb” using radioactive material.
Dame Eliza, who rarely speaks in public, gave a speech to a small audience on Thursday, detailing what she believes her organisation and the UK is facing.
She said that, since the 7 July bombings, five further major conspiracies in the UK had been thwarted.

“Today, my officers and the police are working to contend with some 200 groupings or networks, totalling over 1,600 identified individuals – and there will be many we don’t know – who are actively engaged in plotting, or facilitating, terrorist acts here and overseas,” she said.

“What we see at the extreme end of the spectrum are resilient networks, some directed from al-Qaeda in Pakistan, some more loosely inspired by it, planning attacks including mass casualty suicide attacks in the UK.

“Today we see the use of home-made improvised explosive devices.

“Tomorrow’s threat may – I suggest will – include the use of chemicals, bacteriological agents, radioactive materials and even nuclear technology.”

Out of the 200 or so groups being watched by MI5, a smaller subset are of the highest priority because its feared that they are plotting actual attacks.

“We are aware of numerous plots to kill people and to damage our economy. What do I mean by numerous? Five? Ten?

“No, nearer 30 that we currently know of.

“These plots often have linked back to al-Qaeda in Pakistan and through those links al-Qaeda gives guidance and training to its largely British foot soldiers here on an extensive and growing scale.”

Of the 30 plots some may turn out to be less credible or advanced but it’s hard to be sure until they are fully investigated. And that takes resources.

“Because of the sheer scale of what we face – my service has seen an 80% increase in casework since January – the task is daunting.

“It is the youth who are being actively targeted, groomed, radicalised and set on a path that frighteningly quickly could end in their involvement in mass murder of their fellow UK citizens,” she warned.

“Young teenagers are being groomed to be suicide bombers.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
So um how will Pelosi, Kerry, Murtha and company tackle this problem? By cutting spending and showing more “compassion”? …..To the terrorist gripes?

10 Nov

~ Happy 231st Birthday Marines! ~

This weekend, the U.S. Marine Corps celebrates 231 years of continuous service to our nation. The celebration will occur everywhere Marines are on duty. Marines will hoist a glass to those who served before them and for those serving on the battlefield today.
From Iwo Jima to Saigon to Baghdad, each Marine generation distinguished itself by sacrificing to preserve a nation.

Tun Tavern: (excerpt from Warrior Culture of the U.S. Marines, copyright 2001 Marion F. Sturkey)
Ask any Marine. Just ask. He will tell you that the Marine Corps was born in Tun Tavern on 10 November 1775. But, beyond that the Marine’s recollection for detail will probably get fuzzy. So, here is the straight scoop:
In the year 1685, Samuel Carpenter built a huge “brew house” in Philadelphia. He located this tavern on the waterfront at the corner of Water Street and Tun Alley. The old English word tun means a cask, barrel, or keg of beer. So, with his new beer tavern on Tun Alley, Carpenter elected to christen the new waterfront brewery with a logical name, Tun Tavern.
Tun Tavern quickly gained a reputation for serving fine beer. Beginning 47 years later in 1732, the first meetings of the St. John’s No. 1 Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the Masonic Temple were held in the tavern. An American of note, Benjamin Franklin, was its third Grand Master. Even today the Masonic Temple of Philadelphia recognizes Tun Tavern as the birthplace of Masonic teachings in America.
Roughly ten years later in the early 1740s, the new proprietor expanded Tun Tavern and gave the addition a new name, “Peggy Mullan’s Red Hot Beef Steak Club at Tun Tavern.” The new restaurant became a smashing commercial success and was patronized by notable Americans. In 1747 the St. Andrews Society, a charitable group dedicated to assisting poor immigrants from Scotland, was founded in the tavern.
Nine years later, then Col. Benjamin Franklin organized the Pennsylvania Militia. He used Tun Tavern as a gathering place to recruit a regiment of soldiers to go into battle against the Indian uprisings that were plaguing the American colonies. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the Continental Congress later met in Tun Tavern as the American colonies prepared for independence from the English Crown.
On November 10, 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned Samuel Nicholas to raise two Battalions of Marines. That very day, Nicholas set up shop in Tun Tavern. He appointed Robert Mullan, then the proprietor of the tavern, to the job of chief Marine Recruiter — serving, of course, from his place of business at Tun Tavern. Prospective recruits flocked to the tavern, lured by (1) cold beer and (2) the opportunity to serve in the new Corps of Marines. So, yes, the U.S. Marine Corps was indeed born in Tun Tavern. Needless to say, both the Marine Corps and the tavern thrived during this new relationship.
Tun Tavern still lives today. And, Tun Tavern beer is still readily available throughout the Philadelphia area. Further, through magazines it is advertised to Marines throughout the world.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Happy Birthday Marines! And a huge thank you!

10 Nov

Minnesota Muslim Ellison Rally Has Chants of Allah Akbar

First Muslim Elected to Congress
Keith Ellison [aka Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison Muhammad wins in Minnesota. The Demcorats can now offically add a Muslim to their additions to our government.
CLICK HERE to hear the chants of Allah Akbar as Ellison celebrates his victory.

And here is CAIR’s press release. They will be celebrating with Elllison next week.

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Keith Ellison will join other elected officials at annual banquet
(WASHINGTON, D.C., 11/9/06)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced today that Keith Ellison, the first Muslim in Congress, will join other elected officials as a keynote speaker November 18th at the Washington-based civil rights group’s 12th Annual Banquet in Arlington, Va.
CAIR’s dinner, which in past years had sold-out crowds of more than 1,000, will feature addresses by Representative-elect Ellison (D-MN) and Reps. Elijah Cummings (D-MD), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) and Albert Wynn (D-MD).
Other speakers at the event include a representative of the FBI and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now. Attendees will include many Muslim and interfaith leaders, diplomats from Muslim nations and American Muslim community activists.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I wonder what our Founding Fathers would say about this. You know to be at war with Islam whose followers want to kill us, behead us….. and then to allow one of their own to run for office and now win and be a part of our government. hmmmmm (shaking my head)
It is exactly things like this that make me stronger and more determined to never stop saying the truth, Islam is a Death cult and one day this world we live in better wake up before it is too late.

09 Nov

It is America That Has Lost

Al-Qaida Wins
Posted 11/8/2006
War On Terror: Aside from the Democrats and their media allies, the only people happy about the election results are the terrorists who want to kill us. They got the Congress they were hoping for.
Before the election, which saw the party of John Murtha and Nancy Pelosi return to power, Jihad Jaara, a senior member of the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the man who led the terrorist group’s 2002 seizure of Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity, expressed this wish: “Americans should vote Democratic.”
Jaara could have been channeling Murtha when he added:

“There is an atmosphere in America that encourages those who want to withdraw from Iraq. It is time the American people support those who want to take them out of the Iraqi mud.” Apparently, “quagmire” doesn’t translate well into Arabic.

Joining the Islamofascist chorus was Hamas’ Abu Abdullah, who worried that Democrats might not keep their pre-election promises:

“I am afraid that even after the American people will elect those who promise to leave Iraq, the U.S. will not do so.” Fear not, Abdullah. Pelosi is working on it as we speak.

Democratic talk about “redeployment” of American forces out of Iraq encouraged Islamic jihad’s Muhammed Saadi. “As Arabs and Muslims, we feel proud of this talk,” he said, because it meant the violence in Iraq had “brought the big superpower of the world to discuss a possible withdrawal.”

Al-Qaida seems to have quite a working knowledge of our electoral system and the difference between a red state and blue state. In a videotape broadcast on al-Jazeera on Oct. 29, 2004, it said:

“Any U.S. state that does not toy with our security automatically guarantees its own security.”

In case the message wasn’t clear, the Muslim extremist Web site Al-Qala provided this interpretation:
“It means that any U.S. state that will choose to vote for the white thug Bush as president has chosen to fight us, and we will consider it our enemy. Any state that will vote against Bush has chosen to make peace with us, and we will not characterize it as an enemy.” Presumably this applies to congressional as well as presidential elections.
So it may be wise to get thee to a blue state, as we turn over the reins of congressional power to a party that has opposed the Patriot Act, the NSA surveillance monitoring of terrorist communications, the tracking of terrorist finances and the war in Iraq.

And as we ensconce as speaker of the House one Nancy Pelosi, who said on the House floor Sept. 13: “The war in Iraq is the wrong war. No matter how many times the president wants to say it, the war in Iraq is not the war on terror. The war in Afghanistan was.”

Not according to al-Qaida’s No. 2, Ayman al-Zawahiri. In a letter to leaders of al-Qaida in Iraq, he said:

“Victory of Islam will never take place until a Muslim state is established in the manner of the Prophet in the heart of the Islamic world” — a description that Iraq fits nicely.

“The jihad movement is growing and rising,” Zawahiri wrote in October 2005 to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who is now dead. “Now it is waging a great historic battle in Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and even within the Crusader’s own homes.”

Zawahiri’s plan:

“The first stage: Expel the Americans from Iraq. The second stage: Establish an Islamic authority . . . over as much territory as you can spread its power in Iraq . . . in order to fill the void stemming from the departure of the Americans.” For Zawahiri, Iraq is indeed the central front.

As Georgia Rep. Jack Kingston recently wrote in the Washington Times:

“Zawahiri seems to have found his ‘useful idiot’ in Nancy Pelosi,” adding: “Tourists in Indonesia, embassy workers in Africa, commuters in Spain and London, schoolchildren in Russia, office workers in New York and Washington, and 40 Americans on a plane over Pennsylvania could all tell Nancy Pelosi where the war on terror is, if their voices had not been silenced.”

Under her al-Qaida-endorsed plan, not even the blue states will be safe.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Here is my complaint and it directed at the enemy within and their party member…..the Media in all forms.
OK so both Houses now are theirs, the enemy within. There are many reasons why this has happened but there is one I will say something about.
Never in my life have I seen such a concentrated effort to attack, slander and control every conversation, news and the press against a political party and the Commander in Chief.
It began when Bush became President his first term with the chad BS and continued even up to today. It won’t stop either with their controlling the two Houses but now they will take on a different kind of attack.
CNN with their screen filled with slogans of “Broken Government” and showing the terrorist film of one of our soldiers being killed. MSNBC with their week long 24/7 attack on the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. A debate with Katherine Harris and Nelson that supposedly was to be led by Tim Russert as a moderator and yet Russert behaved more as one of the debaters then a moderator. He took complete control of the debate and Nelson was just a stupid bump on a log as he sat there. Harris, doing a brilliant job in the debate against TWO evil humans, from the enemy within party. But of course she would never win when the time came to vote, she is a conservative and even the RNC did not want her to run.
Newspapers doing their part in the slander and lies of our troops, of the war, and God forbid they say one thing good about all the many things our troops are doing. The wording for headlines on the front pages for months, weeks, years picked carefully to give their slant in favor of the left.
Repeating how many deaths of our service men and women over and over but if you were to ask them how many deaths of babies from abortions well over 40 million, their response is to scream of how women should be allowed to do what they want to with their freakin bodies. What a bunch of sick distortion is that! They already did what they wanted to with their bodies and that’s how they got pregnant. Give me a break! But they want to kill a baby and 40 Million dead babies speaks a hell of a lot more that it is used as a form of birth control then anything else.
So we lost, and we lost big time. And worse yet America lost, our troops lost and the future of the children of America have lost. But no they did not win these humans with their sick souls and leftist minds. They may think they won and in their minds they did. But winning means something about being better then the other person doesn’t it? In a sport it does, in a game it does, and in running a race. Yes the better athlete wins, the person with more stamina wins, the player with better skills in a chess game wins. The game or competition has rules of play but in the game of politics the rules are thrown to the wind, and when we have the media taking part as a large member of one political party with it’s never ending rhetoric day in and day out to the masses…………well it leaves little chance to allow the slandered side to stand up for itself.
I watch a ton of political talk shows and I have yet to see an even number from each party on any show. It is always 3 to 1, 4 to 1, 5 to 1….yep that is how it is done and the ONE is the Republican. And not a strong debater Republican either, but one that can only wish they do as good a job as Mrs. Cheney did with Wolf Blitzer last week.
OH we will survive I believe in us, I believe in America and our spirit of will and doing what has to be done. We are the country of pioneers and covered wagons and inventors, scientists and a powerful military. Our country has taken hard hits since it’s birth and we have always stood back up again ready to meet the next foe. The only difference is this enemy is a part of the DNA of this land and we need to realize that and call it what it is…..the enemy within.
When we put our hand on our heart and sing our Anthem, sing it louder then ever as our tears form in our eyes and gratitude fills our hearts for the cost of our freedom. When we see Parades on Veterans Day, July 4th and Memorial Day applaud those who served, thank them. If you see a soldier when you are out and about go up to him or her and thank them. Let them know that you know and appreciate their sacrifice. Remember they hear the filthy slanderous news too and they deserve to hear how the good guys feel about them.
And just one more thing, remember that it is America that has lost in this election. And if we love her, and we do, she is worth fighting for and we must never give up.

* Blue Star Chronicles
* Argghhh!

09 Nov

Marines Think of Everything in War! Support Project Valour IT

If a Muslim sees a naked woman — 

they are supposed to kill themselves !!

Ya got to love the Marines!

Project Valour IT is a charity that purchases laptops with microphones and speakers for our injured troops. The voice controlled software would help the injured troops still write letters/emails to family as well as read email and surf the web while recuperating.
From their site:

Every cent raised for Project Valour-IT goes directly to the purchase and shipment of voice-activated laptops for wounded servicemembers. As of October 2006, Valour-IT has distributed nearly 600 laptops to severely wounded Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines across the country.
During its initial phase, Valour-IT created “libraries” of laptops equipped with voice-controlled software for the severely wounded staying at major military medical centers. In many cases a laptop was provided to a wounded hero for permanent use.

Because some of you have sons and daughters serving now, I want to give you an opportunity as well to donate to their branch with Project Valour IT.
Dates: From October 30th until November 10th (a day rich with significance for many reasons, not the least of which is that on that day in 1775 the United States Marine Corps was founded by the Continental Congress) Theodore’s World or also known as PC Free Zone will carry the battle colors for the Project Valour IT Marine Corps fundraising team.
If you’re a blogger, you can sign up and join a team here. You will get button code so your readers can make a donation (see below) that will be credited to your team.
If you wish to donate, you can use the button below or the one in my sidebar, or send a check (with MARINES in all caps on it!) to:
Soldiers’ Angels
1150 N Loop 1604 W, Suite 108-493
San Antonio, TX 78248
Other ways to promote:
* Blog and email your friends about Valour-IT and the competition
* Tell your friends, family and neighbors about Valour-IT
* Challenge your co-workers or employer to match donations
* Consider involving clubs, churches, or charitable organizations you are involved with. Maybe your church would designate all or part of a Sunday collection. How about Scouts?
* Post flyers around your neighborhood
* If you have any contacts in the media (local or national newspapers, radio, TV, PLEASE spread the word! Point them to the Project Valour IT site
Project Valour IT offers a way for us to tell them we have not forgotten their sacrifices, and that is truly priceless.

09 Nov

Hamas Urges Attacks on U.S. Targets

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Hamas’ military wing called Wednesday on Muslims around the world to attack American targets following reports that an Israeli tank strike killed 18 people in the Gaza Strip.
The threat signaled a possible change in tactics by Hamas militants, who have historically directed their suicide bombings and rocket attacks only against Israeli targets.

“America is offering political, financial and logistic cover for the Zionist occupation crimes, and it is responsible for the Beit Hanoun massacre. Therefore, the people and the nation all over the globe are required to teach the American enemy tough lessons,” Hamas said in a statement sent to The Associated Press

Wild Thing’s comment……
Well all I can say it didn’t take long for them to put this statement out after our elections.