13 Nov

Jack Palance was a TRUE AMERICAN

Jack Palance aka Vladimir Ivanovich Palaniuk
February 18 1919 to November 10, 2006
Jack Palance came from a different ERA of the Hollywood star.
Jack Palance, the craggy-faced menace in “Shane,” “Sudden Fear” and other films who turned to comedy at 70 years old, with his Oscar-winning self-parody in ”City Slickers,” died last Friday.
Born in Pennsylvania, of Ukrainian descent and son of a coal miner, Palaniuk worked in the coal mines until the 1930’s when he started a career as a professional boxer.
Jack Palance was a professional heavyweight boxer in the early 1940s. Fighting under the name Jack Brazzo, Palance a product of Lattimer Mines, Pennsylvania, won his first 15 fights, 12 by knockout before losing a 4th round decision to future heavyweight contender Joe Baksi on Dec. 17, 1940.
With the outbreak of World War II, he headed the call to action. So Jack Palance’s ended his boxing career and his military career began. He received the purple heart, good conduct medal, and the World War II Victory Medal. Jack joined the US Navy as a pilot. He was sent to the UK where he participated in bombing runs throughout the European theater. In 1943, his B-17 crashed in England on its way home from a mission. He received injuries when bailing of out a crashing plane and suffering burns over his face that required multiple plastic surgeries.
He was discharged from the US military in 1944.
He then went on with schooling and graduated from Stanford University in 1947 with a B.A. in Drama and pretty much instantly wound up on Broadway.
He spoke Ukrainian, Russian, Italian, Spanish, French and English.
When you compare today’s “leading men” to people like Jack Palance, Robery Ryan, Steve McQueen, William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Henry Fonda, Burt Lancaster (personal favorite),Gregory Peck, James Coburn, Richard Widmark (another personal favorite) and others of their era, the current crop are wussie-boys by comparison.
Cinemaphiles in the 22nd century will no doubt be puzzled by the drop off in testosterone and male star power and cinematic presence after the 1970’s.
And there is this Memorable Oscar momement many will never forget about him as well.

When Jack Palance won the best supporting actor award in 1991 for his role in “City Slickers,” he demonstrated his virility by performing one-armed pushups on stage.
My husband worked with Jack Palance years ago and I got to meet him. He was such a fine man, very easy to talk to and very kind.

13 Nov

Democrats Want Withdrawl in 4 -6 Months

Start U.S. Iraq withdrawal in 4-6 months: Democrats
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrats, who won majorities in the U.S. Congress in last week’s elections, said on Sunday they will push for a phased withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq to begin in four to six months.
“The first order of business is to change the direction of Iraq policy,” said Sen. Carl Levin, a Michigan Democrat who is expected to be chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee in the new Congress.
Levin, on ABC’s “This Week,” said he hoped some Republicans would emerge to join Democrats and press the administration of President George W. Bush to tell the Iraqi government that U.S. presence was “not open-ended.”
Bush has insisted that U.S. troops would not leave Iraq until the Iraqis were able to take over security for their country.
“We need to begin a phased redeployment of forces from Iraq in four to six months,” Levin said.
Speaking on the same program, Sen. Joseph Biden, a Delaware Democrat who is expected to head the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said he supported Levin’s proposal for a withdrawal.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Just thinking about how ironic all of this is……. they are talking about phased withdrawal. Meanwhile, in real life, we have eleven warships steaming to the gulf to counter Iranian bids to form an alliance. And Israeli intelligence says Syria is planning war with rearmed Hezbollah.

13 Nov

Leahy Wans To Restore Habeas Corpus for Terrorists

Leahy aims at restoring habeas corpus
United Press International
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (UPI) — A battle is shaping up between Democrats and the White House over the Military Commissions Act, signed into law last month by President George W. Bush.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., is expected to take over as chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and The (Calif.) Daily Journal reports that Leahy is drafting a bill to undo portions of the new law in an effort to restore habeas corpus rights for enemy combatants.
A spokeswoman for Leahy told the newspaper the bill would be intended to repeal portions of the law that prevent some detainees from pursuing federal court challenges to the government’s authority to hold them indefinitely.
Spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler told the newspaper the goal is to “try and do something to reverse the damage.”
Scott L. Silliman, Director of the Center for Law, Ethics and National Security at Duke University School of Law, told the newspaper an attempt to amend the law could set up a partisan showdown in Congress, and possibly a presidential veto.
Civil rights attorneys filed a constitutional challenge to the act after Bush signed it Oct. 17, the Journal said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
In 1996, Clinton signed the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act which makes it more difficult for murder defendants to have their habeas corpus appeals heard in federal court.
So American citizens (albeit murderers) will have a difficult time having their habeas corpus appeals heard, but terrorists will be granted the RIGHT! God help us!

13 Nov

Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader


Pelosi Backs Murtha for Majority Leader
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), “in line to become Speaker in January, is throwing her support to Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) in the race for Majority Leader, a move that will be an early test of her influence and will weigh heavily on Murtha’s contest with Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) for the post,” Roll Call reports.
“Pelosi, in a letter distributed Sunday to newly elected House Democrats, wrote that Murtha’s outspoken opposition to the war in Iraq helped change the electoral campaign for the House this fall.”
The Hill: “Her endorsement has the potential to turn the race, especially if she chooses to campaign on Murtha’s behalf. Pelosi’s decision to back Murtha is the most significant move she has made since Democrats scored a historic victory on Election Day.”
But wait let’s do some looking back…………….
Friday, January 6, 2006 3:40 p.m. EST
Nothing to Fear but Victory Itself
Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania, who became a media darling in November by calling for immediate withdrawal from Iraq (though he voted against his own proposal when Republicans brought it to the House floor), elaborated on his views last night, reports National Review’s Byron York:

Representative John Murtha, the Pennsylvania Democrat who has come to national prominence since his call for a quick withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq, said Thursday night that he worries about “a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there’s a victory.”

Appearing at a town meeting in Arlington, Virginia, with fellow Democratic Rep. James Moran, Murtha said, “A year ago, I said we can’t win this militarily, and I got all kinds of criticism.” Now, Murtha told the strongly antiwar audience, “I worry about a slow withdrawal which makes it look like there’s a victory when I think it should be a redeployment as quickly as possible and let the Iraqis handle the whole thing.”
Does anyone still want to say it is unfair to characterize Murtha as rooting for American defeat?

Wild Thing’s comment…….
After they start feeding America to the terrorists, and march onward to their goal of socialism and moral degradation, maybe the rest of our fellow Americans will finally get their heads out of the sand, or their arse, and realize what the party of Democrats has in mind for their future.
ABSCAM ABSCAM ABSCAM ABSCAM …….. well just a little reminder.

12 Nov

Sing It Frankie

Click image above to hear the song

Strangers on my flight,
turbans they’re packin’.
Wonderin’ if they might,
plan a hijacking.
They could pull a stunt,
before this flight is through.
Something’s on their minds.
I saw them mutter.
What that in their hands?
Looks like box cutters,
I’m gonna kick some ass,
if they make a move.
Strangers on my flight.
Two smelly people,
and they’re not talking right;
and in a moment,
I will grab a baseball bat;
and that will be that.
Swing like Joe DiMaggio,
and rip them both a new a-hole.
And if they pick a fight,
and try to screw us,
I’ll punch out their lights,
just like Joe Louis.
It would feel so right,
for strangers on my flight.
Ratta Tat Tat Tat,
Budda Bing Bang Boom,
Zooma Zooma Zoom.
Send those bastards to the moon…

12 Nov

Iran’s Khamenei All Warm and Fuzzy For Democrats

Iran’s Khamenei says US midterm elections were a victory for Iran
The Republican Party’s losses in the U.S. midterm elections were a victory for Iran and an international defeat for President Bush’s policies, Iran’s supreme leader said Friday.

Speaking to a crowd in the central city of Semnan, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the Republicans’ losing control of both houses of Congress in Tuesday’s elections was not ”a mere domestic event.”

”Rather it marks the failure of the war-mongering policies of Bush worldwide,” Khamenei said, according to the official Islamic Republic News Agency.

As the United States had applied these policies to Iran:

”the defeat is in fact a landmark victory of the Iranian nation,” Khamenei said.

Khamenei, who has the final word on all key decisions in Iran, condemned the killing of 18 Palestinian civilians by Israeli tanks in a bombardment on northern Gaza on Wednesday.
Referring to Israel’s offensive against Hezbollah in Lebanon in July and August, which he called a ”disgraceful defeat” for the Jewish state, Khamenei said:

”It seems the Israelis are trying to take revenge on the poor Palestinians for that failure and shame.”

The supreme leader was visiting Semnan, 155 miles east of Tehran, on a provincial tour.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
It is just so fitting, a Democrat win is an Iranian (and also an Al-Qaeda) win. Not much of an advertisement for the Rats. hahahaha

11 Nov

Thank You Veterans

If you know a Veteran, someone in your family, friend of the family, neighbor, who served their country, take a brief moment of your day to thank them. Thank them for the sacrifice they made for the better good of their country.
I am so very thankful for every service member in our military who has served our great nation .So, to the men and women who answered the call in both times of war and peace, I thank you. —- Wild Thing

Our Veterans took a thousand towns and villages……
Snow fields and empty stretches of Ocean……..
The jungles hot and deep,
and fought the fight for FREEDOM,
and turned then into sacred places
with their courage in the face of unimaginable horror



When they fought their way ashore at Normandy….
Dodged their bombers through a deadly maze of antiaircraft fire…….
Went weeks without sleep in a mad race to break the German Code…

They KNEW what was at stake…….
it was the United States of America.
Their children and grandchild and their homeland…….
it was about our FREEDOM

And away He went to war…….

Young, full of dreams and hope for a future…blue eyes shining bright.
He stepped on the bus that would carry him away from us.
We waved until we could see the bus no more and then
we waved once more…as if to insure all our love went with him.
We could not imagine our baby boy going off to
fight a war in a place we had never even heard of…
Days came and went. The letters were full of wonderful
memories of his childhood and telling me to be sure and
cook his favorite foods and think of him…He wrote about the
endless rain that kept them walking in soggy field of rice …
and the heat that was relentless … and of the people who
were so distrustful because of the Americans.
He also wrote of his pride in our country…
of believing in what he was doing.
And once he wrote a letter that ripped my heart into…he wrote
“Mom…there are times when I am in the foxholes and
I feel like I am not going to come out. I don’t want you
to worry though, Mom because I believe I am going
to come home…deep inside of me. I am coming home, Mom.”
Never before had I thought much about soldiers until
my son put on his uniform. And then I began to pray for them all…
and when I would see one my heart would fill with love for them.
I did not know all the horrors they saw or the pain they felt
but I knew they were laying down their very lives for the country we live in.
I knew there was no greater love.
Soon the calendar in our kitchen was filled with marks.
We were counting the days …
and then the letters which had been coming stopped.
A couple of weeks after the letters had stopped and
my heart was growing so heavy…
it hurt to breathe. A mother knows. I gave him life.
He grew inside my body…and I knew. A part of my soul had died…
I knew before the two men knocked on our door that morning.
I did not hear much of their words…
all I knew was my baby boy was gone.
And I knew that my world would never be the same.
Many years have come and gone since that day in ’69.
But whenever I pass a soldier on the street or see one on TV,
I stop and pray…
“Dear God…bless that young man…
protect him and let him know how grateful we are
for what he does. For what he is doing for this nation…
bless His life, dear God. Please keep him safe and
let him return home safe and sound…”
Today I laid a wreath and a flag on my son’s grave.
I could hear his words still even after all these years…
“Mama, I am coming home.”
And he did … not the way I had prayed but my son is
home-in a place where there is no more death or sadness.
And He is home in his mother’s heart…with every breath I breathe.
Each time I sing, “Our Country ’tis of Thee…Sweet Land of Liberty,”
I see my son, I see mothers and fathers who have lost their children…
I see wives who lost their husbands…
I see children who lost their Dads …
and I see a flag waving in the wind over a land that is free.
And I know the cost of that freedom…
God bless our veterans … each and everyday.
May they always know the price they paid is not forgotten …
and the land they fought to save …
may freedom always ring!


The nights were cold in the Korean soil.
But the night’s been cold before.
And it’s not so hard in your own back yard.
To be set for peace or war

But in history there’s a chapter of a place called Valley Forge
Repeated one December on the Chosin Reservoir.
They had us all surrounded I could hear them scream and yell
My feelings at that moment No tongue could ever tell.
I saw the bursting mortar shells And the bullets around me flew
As all my strength had left me And all my courage too.
With the breaking of the morning Just before the dawn
I heard the sounding bugles And the big attack was on.
The cotton quilted uniforms Against our bullet spree
The screaming yelling banzai They called the human sea.
Baby faces bearded And chapped with hardenin’ mud
Parkas that were dirty And stained with frozen blood.
Here a bunch of youngsters Who fought on ’til the end
In the battle of the Chosin Where boys were turned to men.
Twelve long miles of convoy Headed for the sea
Roadblocks at every turning Down through Koto-Ri.
The frost bite and the wounded With their dead and dying too
No matter what the objective be These boys were going through.
The Captain he informed us Perhaps he thought it right
That before we reach the river boys We’re going to have to fight.
We’re going out like Marines
In an organized withdraw
And no matter what the rumors say
It’s no retreat at all.
We fought at least nine hours Before the strife was ore
And the like of the dead and wounded I’ve never seen before.
But the everlasting promise Kept along each bloody yard
No one leaves behind the wounded ‘Cause there ain’t no fight that hard.
The Chaplain collected dog tags In his hands were quite a few
There was Captain Smith’s, McCloskies And Corporal Bryan’s too.
And before we reached the river And fought our way back through
The Sergeant had the dog tags And he had the Chaplains too.
If I made you pause one moment And take a little time
Then I know it wasn’t just in vain That I put these words to rhyme.
For there’s just too many people Who take this all in stride
Who hear these tales of battles Then cast it all aside.
The nights were cold in the Korean soil But the night’s been cold before
And it’s not so hard in your own back yard To be set for peace or war
But in history there’s a chapter of a place called Valley Forge
Repeated one December on the Chosin Reservoir.
Written by Frank Gross
The Ballad of Chosin was composed on December 29th 1950
and it is believed to be among the first ballads
to be composed on the war in Korea .

“To those warriors, who have passed on since and to those who gave their youth, their health and their peace of mind in the fight for freedom, particularly the freedom of speech. We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.”
~ Orwell

10 Nov

More Vows from Al Qaeda ~ White House Is Target

Abu Hamza al-Muhajir, also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri

Al Qaeda vows not to rest until White House is blown up
Fox News

CAIRO, Egypt — Al Qaeda in Iraq’s purported leader vowed on Friday that his fighters would never rest until they have reached Jerusalem and destroy the White House.
In the audio tape made available on a militant web site, a man introduced as Abu Hamza al-Muhajir said Al Qaeda has 12,000 fighters at the ready in Iraq.
“We will not rest from our Jihad until we are under the olive trees of Rumieh and we have destroyed the dirty black house — which is called the White House,” al-Muhajir said.
The “olive trees of Rumieh” appeared to be a reference to the Mount of Olive in Jerusalem, or Christendom in general as a continuation of the Roman empire.
Also known as Abu Ayyub al-Masri, al-Muhajir became the leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq after Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was killed by the U.S. military in June.
Though the voice on the tape identified itself as al-masri, there were no means to independently verify this.

Wild Thing’s comment……
AINOs voted to support them!!!! AINO = American’s in Name Only , you know we have been calling them Democrats.
There hasn’t been a terrorist attack since 9/11/2001 and yet the american people voted for change in direction. God help us. But wait, the new leadership of Barney Frank will ensure our safety. There is though, just pray that Bush and Cheney are never ever in the White House at the same time, or in the White House at all if it is attacked…..cringing at the thought of President Pelosi

10 Nov

Thank You Veterans On This Veterans Day and Everyday!

Veteran’s Day is a time we set aside to remember, to honor and to pay respect to our nation’s uniformed Patriots – American Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coastguardsmen – who have, and continue to stand in harm’s way that we might live in peace.

“Let us solemnly remember the sacrifices of all those who fought so valiantly, on the seas, in the air, and on foreign shores, to preserve our heritage of freedom, and let us re-consecrate ourselves to the task of promoting an enduring peace so that their efforts shall not have been in vain.” –Dwight D. Eisenhower

It is with eternal gratitude that we remember those who have paid the ultimate price in service to our nation. We encourage all our readers to remember those Patriots and their families, and to pray daily for those who continue to serve today.
These are difficult times for military families, particularly in light of those who vigorously attempt undermine our national security, and demean military service. It is worth remembering these timeless words John Stuart Mill: “War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing worth a war, is worse.”
Lex et Libertas — Semper Vigilo, Paratus, et Fidelis!