25 Jan

Operation Tomahawk Strike II

Blindfolded people are detained at the side of the road after an Iraqi army patrol came under attack in Baqouba, 60 kilometers (35 miles) northeast of Baghdad, Iraq, Wednesday Jan. 24 2007. (AP Photo/Talal. M. al-Dean)

U.S., Iraqi Troops Kill 30 Militants
BAGHDAD, Iraq – U.S. and Iraqi troops battled Sunni insurgents hiding in high-rise buildings on Haifa Street in the heart of Baghdad Wednesday, with snipers on roofs taking aim at gunmen in open windows as Apache attack helicopters hovered overhead.
Iraq said 30 militants were killed and 27 captured.
New details also emerged about the downing of a private U.S. security company helicopter on Tuesday, with U.S. and Iraqi officials saying four of five Americans who died in the incident were shot execution-style. Violence was unrelenting in Iraq on Wednesday, with at least 69 people killed or found dead, including 33 tortured bodies found in separate locations in Baghdad.
Iraqi army and American troops moved into the Sunni stronghold to launch targeted raids in a third bid this month to clear the neighborhood of militants. Armored vehicles massed along Haifa Street, where a median with trees separates four lanes of traffic lined by tall apartment houses built by Saddam Hussein for loyalists and dissidents from other Arab countries, mainly Syria.
The U.S. military said the combined force in the operation, dubbed Tomahawk Strike II, detained seven suspected insurgents and seized heavy weapons, including many rocket-propelled grenades, anti-tank rounds and 155 mm artillery rounds. The Iraqi Defense Ministry said 30 insurgents were killed and 27 captured, including four Egyptians and a Sudanese.

25 Jan

Hanoi Jane to Protest Iraq War at Navy Memorial Sat.



And today
with her bomb vest

10am: Women Say Pull Out! Women’s Convergence for DC Mobilization Join Jane Fonda, Susan Sarandon, Congresswomen Maxine Waters and Lynn Woolsey, Rhea Perlman, Eve Ensler, Mimi Kennedy, Q’orianka Kilcher, the Co-founders of CODEPINK and many other amazing women. Other co-sponsors include: National Organization for Women, V-Day, WAND, Feminist Majority, Feminist Peace Network and WATER. Don’t forget your PINK!
Where: Navy Memorial, 7th and Pennsylvania NW
When: Saturday, January 27, 2007 at 10am
We will rally at 10am then meet up with the UFPJ rally and march!

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Fonda and the others doing this should be arrested, tried and executed for treason.They are traitors to this country.
But they will go on to protest again and again and use our freedom that our Veterans and our Troops today paid the price for……for these under rock dwellers to use and abuse. They are totally aiding the enemy.
My Hanoi Jane Encounter

24 Jan

Delivering The Counterpoint To State of Union Speech

Bin Laden’s No 2 mocks Iraq plan in latest video
Al-Qaeda’s second-in-command has poured scorn on President Bush’s plan to send thousands more troops to Iraq, boasting that even the whole US army would not be a match for insurgents in Iraq.

In an online video address, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who carries a $25m bounty on head, is shown mocking Mr Bush’s fresh strategy to send 21,000 extra troops to quell sectarian violence, challenging him to send “the entire army” into the conflict-torn nation so that they could be destroyed by his charges.

The video came as the US military said that it had detained more than 600 fighters from Moqtada al-Sadr’s Mehdi Army, the feared and powerful militia which a recent US report described as having replaced al-Qaeda as the largest threat to security in Iraq.

“In his latest speech, Bush said in his ramblings that he would send 20,000 of his soldiers to Iraq. I ask him: why send only 20,000 soldiers? Why don’t you send 50,000 or 100,000?” he said.

“Don’t you know that the dogs of Iraq are impatient to devour the carcasses of your soldiers? On the contrary, you must send your entire army to be annihilated at the hands of the mujahedeen so that the whole world will be rid of your wickedness.”

In the tape, al-Zawahiri also mocks the US-led mission to rid Afghanistan of remnants of the extremist Taliban movement.

“Iraq, the country of the caliphate and of jihad, is capable of being a tomb for ten of your armies. It is al-Qaeda and the Taliban, led by the emir of the believers, Mullah Mohammed Omar…who have deprived the Americans of a safe haven in Afghanistan.

“Security must be shared: if we are safe, you will be too… If we are hit and killed, you will inescapably be hit and killed. Today, the duty of every Muslim is to bear arms or to support and serve those who bear the arms.”

Zawahiri also refers to recent events in Somalia in his message, accusing the US of being behind the deployment of Ethiopian troops and vowing that Islamist forces would “break the back” of the Ethiopian forces.
Unlike his leader, Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri frequently speaks for Al-Qaeda in video or audiotapes although his whereabouts remain unknown. He is listed by the US government for being wanted in connections with the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, and was sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian court a year later.
In a previous online message on January 5, Zawahiri called on the Somali Islamists to be use violence in Iraq and Afghanistan as inspiration to fight the Ethiopian forces in Somalia. The Pentagon said last week that US operations in Somalia would continue until key Al-Qaeda targets were eliminated.
The video came as the US forces said that some 600 fighters and 16 leaders of the Mehdi Army – the militia loyal to radical Shia cleric al-Sadr – had been taken into custody.
A military statement said that in the past 45 days, 52 raids had targeted al-Sadr’s militia, but did not reveal when the members who are awaiting prosecution were detained. It added that a further 42 raids had focused on Sunni insurgents.
The Mehdi Army, which is believed to have up to 60,000 members, forms one of Iraq’s most feared and powerful militias and is suspected of being heavily involved in the killing of Sunnis in Baghdad and other parts of the country. The latest quarterly Pentagon report released last month named it as the largest threat to security, saying it “has replaced al-Qaeda in Iraq as the most dangerous accelerant of potentially self-sustaining sectarian violence in Iraq.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I’m so gonna love it when this fleabag’s skull gets renovated with a skylight. Courtesy of a US Army sniper.
The Democrats hate it when Ayman al-Zawahiri releases his stuff prior to President Bush’s State of the Union speech tonight. It forces the Democrat speech writers to change all the portions about Iraq in the Dem response to avoid charges of plagiarism. heh heh
There are SO many “Number Twos” in the Islamofascist hierarchy, it is hard to tell how close to the top Joe Biden or Jack Murtha are.

23 Jan

McCain Says Yep He Will Run for President in 2008

Sen. McCain running for president in 2008
Pittsburgh Tribune
Sen. John McCain didn’t mince words Monday when asked if there is any doubt that he is running for president in 2008.

“There is no doubt,” McCain told the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review in an exclusive interview.

While his presidential exploratory committee still must decide the right time for a formal announcement, the Arizona Republican made his firmest declaration to date that he’s in the race.

“Right now, the Iraq issue … is taking a lot of my attention and effort away, and I think that’s appropriate. I’m still a United States senator. I’ve got to perform my duties,” McCain said.

But his committee is “making all the preparations” for a run, he said.
During a 30-minute interview, McCain touched on a range of issues — the situation in Iraq, the state of affairs in Latin America and Cuba, what he hopes to hear from President Bush in tonight’s State of the Union address and what a McCain presidency would be like.
McCain made stops in Harrisburg and Pittsburgh yesterday to meet with prospective supporters for his presidential bid. Pennsylvania will be a key battleground state in the race for president, just as it was in 2000 and 2004, he said.
You can continue HERE for rest of article and interview.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Just sitting here as they all turn in their names. All the wanna be’s. I will NOT vote for McCain, nope, no way.

23 Jan

Leftie Group Wants Webb to Rebut Bush Before Joint Session

Group Wants Webb to Rebut Bush Before Joint Session
(CNSNews.com) – A left-wing activist group is calling on Democrats to let Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) rebut the president’s State of the Union address before the full joint session of Congress to symbolize the Democrats’ “reclamation of power.”
VelvetRevolution said the Democratic response to President Bush’s address is usually “an embarrassing, limp, pro forma predictable ‘hey, don’t forget about us!’ rejoinder which the TV networks begrudgingly carry which most viewers ignore.”

Now, the Democratic response “can truly carry the message – from a level playing field – of how the Democrats envision their plans bettering the state of our union,” the group said in a press release.

Webb “should deliver his address to that same jam-packed and receptive chamber as the president is granted, demonstrating that Democrats are running Congress as a co-equal branch of government, and laying out their vision for the country,” it added.

“In doing so, the Democrats will finally show what they stand for – and that they will no longer be cowed – instead of merely and meekly serving as bit players and extras in a grand show which George W. Bush no longer leads,” the group said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Congressional members are behaving disgracefully, but they are getting away with it. These are very vile nasty people. I heard Sheila Jackson-Lee on the House floor this evening…saying she recommends and endorses cutting all funding for the Iraq War…now.
They are a cackle of cowards that stab the troops in the back. And Jim Webb make me sick, just hearing his name turns my stomach.
They do NOT have the JOB of giving the State of the Union Address…neither does the Supreme Court have the JOB of making laws…but, hey…we know THEY have been guilty of that lately.
The writers of the Constitution must be spinning in their graves.

22 Jan

Good Grief! ~ Martinez Vows To Use GOP Post For Hispanic Outreach

Martinez Vows To Use GOP Post For Hispanic Outreach
WASHINGTON – Sen. Mel Martinez of Orlando became the new face of the Republican Party on Friday, pledging to attract more Hispanic voters and heal the party’s rift over illegal immigration.

“The fact that a boy at age 15 can come here from another country, with nothing, not even speaking the language of this country, and stand before you today as a leader of our great party and a United States senator is a miracle that could only happen in America,” said Martinez, who immigrated to Florida from Cuba.

He was overwhelmingly elected to a new position, general chairman, by members of the Republican National Committee. A handful of “no” votes came from representatives of border states who oppose his views on illegal immigration.
Martinez and President Bush are among Republicans who favor giving workers in the country illegally a path to citizenship. Opponents dismiss the plan as amnesty.

“I want to make sure we take [the] message to the broader Hispanic community, to the African-American community and to all communities that may never have believed that Republican ideals spoke to them,” Martinez said.

Martinez offered a hint of how he intends to increase minority interest.

In a news conference, he answered a few questions from English-speaking reporters. Then he turned to a Spanish-speaking television reporter and said, “In the interest of diversity, let me take a pregunta en espanol.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I don’t like Martinez! I had a gut feeling if he was in this position it would be just like this with this plan of his. No No No thank you.
OK this is a real life experience. A man that worked in the company I used to work for came here from Peru. He wanted to become a citizen and he did. His wife did not because she said, ” I don’t want to pay taxes and this way I can send more money to our families at home.” Home? Yep, she meant Peru.
Both of them think Bill Clinton is a gift from God. They HATE Bush, and are complete Democrats.
Giving in to the illegal immigrants does NOT lock in a Republican vote. And from what I can tell from the news it only shows how they think the Democratic party is the one they will vote for. So all this kissing up that Bush does for them means nothing. And it shows them that the President of the most powerful country in the entire world does not respect the existing laws of this land so why should they.

22 Jan

Iran’s Leader: U.N. Won’t Stop Nuke Plan

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks to the media after delivering his budget bill to the parliament, in Tehran, Iran, Sunday, Jan. 21, 2007. Ahmadinejad on Sunday defended his economic policies from sharp recent domestic criticism and said U.N. Security Council sanctions imposed in December would never deter the country from pursuing its nuclear program.

Iran’s Leader: U.N. Won’t Stop Nuke Plan
Mideast News
Iran’s hardline president on Sunday defended his economic policies from domestic criticism and said U.N. Security Council sanctions would never deter the country from pursuing its nuclear program.

“The (U.N.) resolution was delivered dead. Ten more similar resolutions will not affect our economy and our policy,” President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a speech broadcast live on state-run television as he delivered a budget for the new year.

“Falsely, they want to imply that we have had costs in this regard,” the president said – an apparent reference to recent news stories in the West that prices of food and other basics have risen in Iran since the U.N. sanctions were imposed in late December.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Little man standing on footstool thinking he makes the final decision about his nuclear program. Ha ha- ho ho- no way. The power of our military is nothing to brush off, and even the UN will have it’s day of silence if Iran messes with us.

22 Jan

In Country With Our Troops

Soldiers use air assets to capture bomb makers in Hawija
Soldiers from B Troop, 5th Squadron, 73rd Cavalry Regiment take inventory of weapons and other items confiscated during a raid on a compound south of Balad Ruz in Diyala province Dec 27. The small village was believed to have been used as a safe haven by anti-coalition forces to traffic people, weapons and money into other regions in Iraq to disrupt security operations by Coalition force members. Photo by Staff Sgt. Samantha Stryker, 5th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.

Soldiers clear village, find weapons
JANABI VILLAGE — Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers have been working hard to get the Iraqi Soldiers trained to enable them to take over Iraq’s security themselves.
So the recent success of the joint operation which put the entire 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division together with Soldiers of the 2nd Battalion, 15th Field Artillery Regiment Military Transition Team and the 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd BCT, was a victory not only against terror, but for the troops themselves.
The operation went smoothly with 600 troops participating.
Some troops air-assaulted into the village under cover of darkness, while the main force convoyed to the village, marching in at first light to search houses and fields, seeking weapons caches and suspected terrorists.

“It went very well for such a large operation,” said Capt. Art Stringer, a native of Dardanelle, Ark., and the field artillery effects trainer, who planned much of the mission.

“It was a complex operation – the joint air assault, and a large ground assault. Once on site, we used Task Force Iron Claw, engineers and explosive ordnance disposal, and they all combined very well,” Stringer said.

“Any time you can let the Iraqis test their boundaries, it’s good,” he said of the Iraqi army involvement. “It’s their battle space, and it helps them build confidence in themselves and in the U.S. forces.”

The operation, netted 87 detainees, 12 of whom were on the Iraqi Army blacklist, and several large caches of weaponry, which included rocket-propelled grenades and launchers. A large cache of improvised explosive device making materials was also recovered, which included cell phones, wire and other hardware.
Some residents directed the troops to the homes of suspicious people.

“We got information on two of the guys on the blacklist,” said Staff Sgt. Michael Myers, a native of Gasport, N.Y., who serves on a MTT, to one of the Iraqi Soldiers. The squad he was with questioned a man who gave them the information.

“The Iraqi Soldiers are very motivated,” Myers said. “They’re doing a lot better than they were at first; they’re doing more complex missions. They need some more experience with map reading and such, but they did an excellent job creating a secure perimeter. They’re doing well.”

Paratroopers detain two suspects in south Baghdad
Multi-National Division – Baghdad PAO
KALSU – Multi-National Division – Baghdad troops detained two suspected insurgents during operations in southern Baghdad Jan. 19.
Paratroopers from the 1st Squadron, 40th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Divisions seized the suspects in a search of vehicles after a tip from an off duty Iraqi Army soldier.
The suspects are being held for further questioning.

21 Jan

The Red Chinese Army is proud ~ Hillary Says “I’m In”

“I’m in. And I’m in to win. Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president.
And I want you to join me not just for the campaign but for a conversation about the future of our country — about the bold but practical changes we need to overcome six years of Bush administration failures.”
Here is her VIDEO

Then she went on with her commie socialist yadda yadda yadda at her website.


Wild Thing’s comment……
Something weird I think. She says “I’m in. And I’m in to win.”………… and then goes on to say “form an exploratory committee to run for president”………Hahahaha …….. ah Hillary make up your mind.
Vince Foster, Ron Brown and rather a huge list of dead, yep DEAD people might have something to say about this POS trying to get back in the White House. List of DEAD people associated with the Clinton’s.
Now the womens’ magazines will go orgasmic, with pictures of the Hill and the words “First Woman President?” all over their covers. She will no longer be acting as senator, but will be appearing on as many media outlets as she possibly can.

21 Jan

Documentary on Fox News:Hezbollah Inside America

Hezbollah Inside America
Does any terrorist organization pose a greater threat to Americans than Al Qaeda?
Fox News Documentary
Saturday, January 20th, at 8 p.m. EST, and repeated at 4:00 a.m. EST early Sunday morning, as FOX News Channel presented a a documentary, “Smokescreen: Hezbollah Inside America.” I just found ouot about it at so I am sorry to have missed the earlier show. But I am taping the 4 a.m time. It may be on again, so please check your Fox News listings if you are interested in seeing it. – Wild Thing
While Americans are still largely focused on Al Qaeda and Usama bin Laden — who’s presumably rotting away in some cave — the terrorist group Hezbollah has been setting up shop right here in America’s heartland. And most Americans don’t know a thing about it. But we should know more about Hezbollah — a lot more.
As tensions with Iran are increasing, it’s important to keep in mind that Hezbollah is largely funded by Iran and has operated as its tool in terror operations around the world. As former Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte recently reminded us:

“Hezbollah’s self-confidence and hostility toward the U.S. as a supporter of Israel could cause the group to increase its contingency planning against U.S. interests.”

Hezbollah operatives have been quietly setting up operations in the U.S. for years. One of those operations is the subject of “Smokescreen: Hezbollah Inside America.” The documentary tells about a Hezbollah cell that was operating for several years in Charlotte, North Carolina. FOX followed the many tentacles of this cell, which extended far beyond Charlotte — to Michigan, to the West Coast, to Canada and to Beirut, Lebanon, where most of the members were from.
At least one member of the Hezbollah cell first came to the U.S. on forged visa picked up in Venezuela. Others overstayed their tourist or student visas. Once here, they began making millions through a combination of tobacco smuggling, credit card schemes, and arranging phony “green-card” marriages. They even succeeded at obtaining a $1.7 million loan from the Small Business Administration.
Even though the team succeeded in gaming our system and making millions of dollars in criminal enterprises, the FBI was on to them almost from the start.
All of this was before 9/11 (and before the Patriot Act) when the FBI was prevented from combining its terrorist surveillance with criminal investigations. A “Chinese Wall” separated criminal investigations from terrorist investigations, so ATF that had launched its own probe into the case, knew nothing of the gang’s terrorist connections.
This is just one of the many hurdles the FBI, ATF, state and local law enforcement needed to overcome in bringing this cell down. We highlight their heroic efforts and the flaws in our own system that allowed this terror network to flourish.
What makes “Smokescreen: Hezbollah Inside America” particularly relevant today is not merely how it connects with the growing conflicts in the Mideast and our growing conflicts with Iran, but the fact that the case in Charlotte is about to be reopened. In February, the leader of the Charlotte cell, who was sentenced to 155 years in jail, is up for re-sentencing. This story will undoubtedly shed more light on the case and help decide whether this man will ever see the light of day outside of a U.S. prison.
