09 Feb

Iran successfully Fires Test Land to Sea Missile

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards successfully has test-fired a land-to-sea missile with a range of about 350 kilometres (210 miles).(AFP/EPA/File)

Iran successfully test fires land-to-sea missile
The firing came on the second day of war games by the Guards’ air force and naval divisions amid mounting tensions with the West over Iran’s nuclear programme, state television reported.
“We have successfully test fired a cruise missile called SSN4, or Raad, hitting targets 300 kilometres (180 miles) away in the Sea of Oman and northern Indian Ocean,” deputy air force commander, Ali Fadavi was quoted as saying Thursday.

“This missile has the final range of 350 kilometres and can hit all kinds of big warships in all of the Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman and northern Indian Ocean.

“It can carry a 500 kilo (1,100 pounds) warhead and can fly at low altitude, evading radar jammings and immune to electronic measures.”

Iranian television showed footage of the missile being fired and hitting its target.
Iran’s leaders have repeatedly said the country’s armed forces are ready for any eventuality in the current standoff with the West over its nuclear programme.
Although the United States has said it wants the standoff solved through diplomacy, Washington has never ruled out military action to thwart Iran’s atomic drive.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
They just gave our military the chance to monitor every single frequency, datum and radar pulse the missle uses to track to its target. In other words – they blinked first.

08 Feb

Time To Say Goodbye

Anna Nicole Smith Died Today at 39

She made me laugh and we only knew each other slightly, but she could be funny and caring and real. More then associations but not what I would call a close friend. But I knew her and we ran into each other every so often at the Playboy Mansion, and it always left me with a smile.
We met several months before her Playboy’s Playmate of the Year luncheon in 1993 at the Playboy Mansion. And would see each other every so often at other parties that were thrown there. Her life moved on, a lot of things happened in her life to her and because of her. But one thing I do know is the part of life that I knew personally I am fine with and am glad I got to meet and know her in a small way. It was a positive relationship and she will be remembered.
She was many things to many people and her life was lived to survivie. She always wanted to find her father and used to search phone books for him. One day she did find him years later.
Something she said once that describes her very well in a part of her life that was the most important thing……
“The Marlboro man. I just love cowboys. I love all kinds of men. But they’ve got to love my son, because we come as a package.” Anna Nicole Smith.
Goodbye Vickie Lynn thank you for the laughter.

08 Feb

Tensions Rise In U.S. Muslim Communities

DEARBORN, MI, United States (UPI) — Tensions between Shiite and Sunni Muslims in Iraq are echoing in Dearborn, Mich., and other communities.
‘The Shiites were very happy that they killed Saddam (Hussein), but the Sunnis were in tears,’ Aqeel Al-Tamimi, a Shiite Iraqi immigrant in Dearborn, told The New York Times. ‘These people look at us like we sold our country to America.’
Dearborn`s Shiite mosques have had their windows shattered twice recently, the newspaper reported. Members of the Shiite community blamed the Sunni Muslims.
‘A microcosm of what is happening in Iraq happened in New Jersey because people couldn`t put aside their differences,’ said Sami Elmansoury, a Sunni Muslim and former vice president of the Islamic Society at Rutgers University, where there have been major tensions between Muslim students.
Experts told the Times that the growing population as well as the Iraq war has contributed to the tension. Decades ago Sunnis and Shiites had to get along because the Muslim population was so small that most communities had one mosque. The Muslim population has grown in many communities, and many Muslim students don`t meet someone from the other branch until they get to college, the newspaper said.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
So is this the beginning of a sister city (s) to the ones in Iraq? I wonder!??!! They bring their violence with them obviously. The concern for this going on should start now if not sooner. This may or may not be the beginning of a lot worse, will they start in on non Muslims that support our fastastic troops? Will they attack our soldiers as they return on leave? They better not!!!!!!!
I cannot imagine my grandparents behaving like these people because a war was going on back in Switzerland and their leader put to death. Good grief. Civilized discussion sure, even a heated debate, but rock throwing and other things? I think not. But then my grandparents did not come from the land of cave dwellers that followed a moon god and had children suicide bombers as heroes looking to meet their 72 virgins that they were way too young for in the first place. And others whose goal in life was to behead anyone that was not one of them.

08 Feb

Imprisoned Border Agent Beaten By Fellow Inmates

Monica Ramos embraces her husband, former U.S. Border Patrol agent Ignacio Ramos, two days before he was sentenced to 11 years in prison.


Less than one week after being transfered to a federal prison, Ignacio “Nacho” Ramos was severely beaten by as many as five illegal immigrants who, during that attack shouted, “Death to the Border Agent!”

Nacho was assaulted Saturday night around 2200 by about five illegal immigrants. He has multiple and severe injuries. They put him in isolation for now, he has not been allowed to see a doctor since Saturday. They were yelling at him in Spanish, “Maten a la migra!” which means “Kill the Border Patrol agent.”
Another family member said Nacho was attacked after he fell asleep Saturday night. Assaulters went after him with repeated blows and kicks. Ramos suffered wounds to his back, shoulder, arms and head. There is concern that Agent Ramos was not given medical treatment after the incident and may not have received medical attention for up to 48 hours.
He said he didn’t have a chance to turn around and look at any of the guys attacking him at that time. He just felt a blow to the back of his head. The prisoners were kicking him with steel-toe shoes, the work boots they are issued in prison. They kept kicking and kicking. And they kept calling him in Spanish a **** immigration officer, saying ‘darle, darle,’ which means, ‘give it to him.’ They were cussing him out in Spanish. He couldn’t fight back, he was outnumbered.
Ramos has a concussion and blood coming out of his ears. The illegals want Ramos & Compean dead!! The word is out.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is an update from my other post I did about these two men. I am furious about this and everything about it is just WRONG!
I have been watching this story since it happened the other day. I was hoping and praying these two Border Agents would be freed especially after this beating that was done to one of them. No such luck.
Congressman Duncan Hunter (R), has been on this since it happened, and even after he was personally promised that these guys would never be admitted to the general population and then dumped Ramos in a general population that is 27% illegal aliens. The government has lied about this case every step of the way.

08 Feb

Survey Says Women Want Clothes More then……..

Good News for Apparel Retailers: Women Would Give Up Sex for Clothes
Fox News
For most women, the choice between sex and a new wardrobe is simple — they go for the clothes.
Women on average say they would be willing to give up sex for 15 months for a closet full of new apparel, with 2 percent ready to abstain from sex for three years in exchange for new duds, according to a new survey of about 1,000 women in 10 U.S. cities.
Sixty-one percent of women polled said it would be worse to lose their favorite article of clothing than give up sex for a month. Nearly half of the women, or 48 percent, taking part in the survey by consumer products giant Unilever said their favorite article of clothing was more reliable than their man in giving them confidence and making them feel sexy.
The survey, which was not scientific and was conducted online, also suggested that clothes often wear better than relationships.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Excuse me but….. are these women NUTS? If they are married I sure feel sorry for their husbands. Sheesh! Who wants to guess along with me that these idiot women probably voted for Clinton, Kerry, and think we should “Pull Out Now” when it comes to our troops in the war against Islam. You know the N.O.W. group of hairy lipped, men haters and Code Pink broads.

* And Rightly So….Raven my dear friend is also posting about this.

07 Feb

Soldier’s Mother Told She Cannot Fly American Flag or Blue Star Flag

TERESA RICHARD, whose son, Cpl. Tony Donihee, is serving in Afghanistan, says that when Donihee was leaving her East Windsor home after his last visit, he saluted the flags she had flying. The condo association where Richard lives says she must take down her flags. Her response: No way.

Cpl. Tony Donihee is serving with the Connecticut National Guard in Afghanistan. His mother, Teresa Richard, flies two flags in his honor outside her East Windsor condominum.

Woman Flies Flags In Her Son’s Honor, Despite Condo Group’s Rule Against Them
February 6, 2007
EAST WINDSOR — Cpl. Tony Donihee came home from Afghanistan to the sight of the American flag waving outside his mother’s condominium.
And he beamed.
His mother, Teresa Richard, said he was so moved by her gesture that he saluted the flag at the end of his several-week visit in August.
Now back in Afghanistan, Donihee, a member of the Connecticut National Guard, calls his mother about once every two weeks to talk, and to ask if the flag is still there. But since his visit, Richard has received several warnings from her condominium association that the flag, hanging from a pole in her front lawn, is in violation of “common area” rules.
The last letter from the Stoughton Ridge Condominium Association arrived in January, notifying her that the American flag, along with her Blue Star flag hung by mothers of soldiers, will be tolerated until Labor Day weekend. Every day after that, she will be subject to a $25 fine.
But Richard is standing firm and vows not to lower her flags after Labor Day, or any other day.
The flags, an acknowledgement of her son fighting for freedom, will remain just outside her kitchen window, where she leans over to watch them flutter every morning while making coffee and every night before heading to bed.

“I haven’t heard from Tony for a week, and I don’t know when I’ll hear from him again. People don’t know what that’s like,” she said, leaning across her kitchen sink to get a better view of her flags. “Right now, that’s my son. That’s my connection.”

Richard has been trying to gain the support of residents, veterans and politicians, with limited success.

The East Windsor Veterans Commission sent a letter Friday to Richard’s condo association urging it not to destroy an “honorable and long tradition.”

“We feel the American flag should be flown any place, any time, without any restrictions,” commission Chairman Warren Wenz said. “This isn’t Nazi Germany or Japan during World War II. This is America.”

Richard is waiting for other heavy hitters to weigh in, hopefully on her side. Richard has contacted the offices of U.S. Rep. John Larson, D-1st District, U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., and state Rep. Ted Graziani, D-Ellington. They have yet to respond, she said.

“They said they’d get back to me, but I never heard from them,” she said.

Meanwhile, the veterans commission letter has prompted little reaction from the association. Mark Kubera, the complex’s property manager, and Kevin Carson, president of the association’s board of directors, did not return several telephone calls from The Courant seeking comment.
A letter signed by Kubera in late August notifies Richard that “no flags, including the American flag, may be displayed from poles in planting beds or any common or limited common areas.” The rule was adopted into the association’s rules and regulations in October 2004, according to the letter.
Two years before the rule was adopted, the association had a similar run-in with some residents who had pitched and hung flags outside their condos. A few received letters from the property manager at the time, requesting the flags be removed.
One resident, Gene Doering, refused and hired an attorney, threatening to sue. He said he hasn’t heard from the association since.
An American flag still hangs from a pole on his front lawn.

“I was surprised that [the association] even wanted to tackle the issue,” Doering said. “I mean, what is wrong with these people?”

So Richard continues her personal crusade.
Her voice cracks and she takes a minute to wipe away tears as she pulls out a letter she has written to President Bush. She said she’s still relying on her elected officials to step up.
Meanwhile, she said, at least she can enjoy a seven-month reprieve.

Richard received a call from her son last week. He asked: “Mom, are my flags still up?”

She replied: “Yes, they are.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
You know what, Mrs. Richards request to hear from U.S. Rep. John Larson, U.S. Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., and state Rep. Ted Graziani, D-Ellington is a dead end. Because those three are dead ends!
I am so sick of people that do NOT support our troops and their families ( Blue Star flag hung by mothers of soldier) and don’t support our very own country in war time or not …..why should it make any difference. It should be acceptable any time to be able to fly our Flag the American Flag. This kind of shit makes me furious! And to not even be able to fly her BLue Star Flag either after the time limit they gave her. Damn, double damn those not allowing this. I don’t care what BS rule they made, this is WRONG on all counts.

07 Feb

Kill Americans ~ Praise 9-11 and Osama Is Their Hero

Pupils aged five ‘poisoned’ at Islamic school that ‘teaches hate’
Daily Mail. co.UK
An Islamic school is poisoning the minds of pupils with lessons in hate, a former teacher claims.
Colin Cook, 57, says textbooks used by children as young as five at the King Fahad Academy in Acton describe Jews as “repugnant” and “apes” and Christians as “pigs”.

Pupils have allegedly been heard saying they want to “kill Americans”, praising 9/11 and idolising Osama bin Laden as their “hero”.

There are fears that it could become a breeding ground for terrorists with Mr Cook warning: “The school could produce a dangerous harvest.” Its sister school of the same name in Bonn has been singled out by the German intelligence services as a meeting place for activists linked to terrorism.
Mr Cook, a Muslim convert, taught English at the school for 19 years until he was sacked in December last year. He claims he was fired after blowing the whistle on the school for covering up cheating by children in GCSE exams and is bringing a tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, race discrimination and victimisation.
He also alleges that when he complained to school management about the content of the curriculum and questioned whether it complied with British laws, he was told: “This is not England. It is Saudi Arabia”.
Mr Cook’s lessons formed part of a British curriculum while a second Saudi curriculum was taught in Arabic. Mr Cooks claims that textbooks used on the Saudi curriculum, which are published by the Saudi government’s ministry of education, prove that the academy “is institutionally racist”.

He said: “The textbooks apparently state that the Jews are cursed. Pupils are asked to ‘ mention some repugnant characteristics of Jews’.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
I sure hope someone, our Homeland Security, the FBI someone is checking out the many Saudi schools we have here in our country. My guess is they are teaching the same things here. And why the heck are they here anyway. We have schools, so now we have to have Saudi schools? WTF is that about! I have long been against this thing of Saudi schools on our soil.

06 Feb

Thank You President Reagan ~ We Miss You!

“Terrorist attacks are not caused by the use of strength. They are invited by the perception of weakness.”
-Ronald Reagan
Some people live an entire lifetime and wonder if they’ve ever made a difference in the world. Marines don’t have that problem.”- Reagan
“Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. And recovery is when Jimmy Carter loses his.”- Reagan
“Our enemies may be irrational, even outright insane, driven by nationalism, religion, ethnicity or ideology. They do not fear the United States for its diplomatic skills or the number of automobiles and software programs it produces. They respect only the firepower of our tanks, planes and helicopter gunships.” — Ronald Reagan
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Today would have been President Reagan’s birthday. He would be 96 years old today. Oh how I wish we had more leaders like Reagan, we need them now more then ever. President Reagan was and will be a legend in the hearts of we conservatives forever.

06 Feb

Largest Cache Found in Commando Brigade History

More than 1100 mortar rounds were found by Soldiers of the 1st Battalion, 89th Calvary Regiment, Wolverines, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division

Iraqi troops, Mountain Soldiers find largest cache in Commando Brigade history, more than 1100 mortar rounds
By 2nd BCT, 10th Mtn. Div.
Troops from 3rd Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division and Troop B, 1st Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment “Wolverines,” 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), made the discovery during Operation Wolverine Alesia near Yusufiyah, Iraq, just 10 miles southwest of the capital. 1,129
Acting on a tip from a local resident, the troops conducted an intentional search of the area which resulted in the largest cache find in 2nd “Commando” Brigade’s history. In all, 1,129 mortar rounds were uncovered.
The cache, which was buried in the dirt, was larger than expected. As the Soldiers continued to unearth more mortar rounds, it became evident that this was a major find.

“These mortars rounds are in the configuration to use as improvised explosive devises,” said Lt. Col. Mark Suich, the 1-89th’s commander and native of Redding, Pa. “The mortar rounds in this state cannot be used for indirect fire; they are fabricated and stored to be used against the coalition and sectarian enemies as IEDs.”

Suich said the seizure of so many munitions can only hurt terrorist operations.“We put a significant reduction in the enemy’s ability to emplace IEDs in this area today,” Suich said. “We are pretty sure that these are affiliated with al Qaeda in Iraq.”

The area around Yusufiyah has long been identified as an al-Qaeda and former regime safe haven where attacks against Baghdad and coalition and Iraqi security forces originated.

“This is what we refer to as a weapons supermarket-type cache,” said Maj. Mark Aitken, the 1-89th executive officer and a naturalized U.S. citizen from Leicester, England. “The terrorists place a large cache of weapons in one place to draw from. They then pre-position what they draw in many other smaller caches around the countryside.”

During the operation four individuals were detained by the Iraqi Army for suspicious activity in the vicinity of the cache.
At a second cache site located nearby, Troop C, 1-89th found 20 120mm mortar rounds, 26 81mm mortar rounds, four medium machine guns, 8,000 rounds of machine gun ammunition, three rifle scopes, 60 fragmentation hand grenades, 50 pounds of homemade explosives, 27 boxes of 5.56mm rifle ammunition and 10 rocket-propelled grenade projectiles.

Operation Wolverine Alesia is named after a Roman battle led by Julius Caesar against the Gauls in 52 B.C., where the conquering force surrounded the enemy at the fortifications of Alesia in modern-day eastern France and defeated the defenders through siege warfare. The battle of Alesia marked the turning point in the Gallic Wars.

“Today we took over 1,100 IEDs off of the streets of Baghdad,” said Maj. Web Wright, spokesman for the Commando Brigade and a native of Annapolis, Md. “Not only did we take these weapons off of the streets, 3-4-6 IA is fully integrated into this operation. Last night, they found three caches and were actively involved in finding these two.”

The mortar rounds were destroyed during a controlled detonation by the explosive ordnance disposal detachment at approximately 2:35 p.m. The blast could be heard for more than 20 miles.

06 Feb

G.O.P. Blocks War Debate in Senate

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., left, and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., hold a press conference after Republican senators blocked Senate debate on the Iraq buildup resolution on Capitol Hill in Washington, Monday, Feb. 5, 2007

A ‘Robust’ G.O.P. Blocks Senate War Debate
On the Senate floor just a short while ago, a pretty hot debate ensued before any real debate on Iraq resolutions was allowed, or actually not allowed by the vote following the debate about the proposed debate. The Senate went 49-47, the Democrats well shy of the 60 votes needed to moved ahead on one of the war resolutions.
As you may have anticipated through reports during the weekend and today, Republicans in the Senate voted in near unanimity tonight against the Democratic leadership’s intention to bring the Warner-Levin resolution opposing President Bush’s troop buildup to the floor for debate. From watching the roll call on the vote, it would appear that nearly all Republicans, excepting Susan Collins of Maine and Norm Coleman of Minnesota,voted to keep the Warner-Levin measure from being Topic A.
Even senators, like John Warner, Republican of Virginia and premier author of the resolution backed by the Democratic leadership, and Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska and a persistent critic of the administration’s Iraq policies, voted with their party’s senators to block debate on Warner-Levin alone.
As Minority Leader Mitch McConnell explained on and off the floor today, the Republicans want all resolutions debated, including one offered by Senator John McCain in support of the president’s plan (that also includes benchmarks for the Iraqi government to meet), as well as now a separate one offered by Senator Judd Gregg, Republican of New Hampshire.

Reid warned that even if Republicans continued to block debate, “you can run but you can’t hide…. They may stop us temporarily from debating the escalation.” But, he predicted, it will come up again and again in amendments on other legislation going forward.

Wild Thing’s comment……
LOL sorry but they used the word “robust’ to describe how passionate the Republicans are about this. Er ah some of the Republicans are about this. Gosh I wish the word robust had described our Republican leadership when we were in the majority.