14 Feb

Words Mean Something You POS Articulate ? and Clean? Obama

Obama criticizes war in Iraq and says soldiers killed in Iraq “wasted” lives
AMES, Iowa
Sioux City Journal
A day after jumping into the presidential race, Democrat Barack Obama began the courting of Iowa party activists Sunday with a blistering critique of the war in Iraq.
More than 6,000 people who came to hear him at the Iowa State University campus saved their biggest cheers for his criticism of the war.

“We ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized, and should have never been waged, and to which we now have spent $400 billion and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted,” Obama said.

Obama Restructures a Remark on Deaths
Then Senator Barack Obama of Illinois said Monday that he had misspoken when he suggested that the lives of more than 3,000 American soldiers killed in Iraq had been “wasted.”
As he arrived in New Hampshire, Mr. Obama said he would “absolutely apologize” to military families if they were offended by a remark he made in Iowa while criticizing the Bush administration’s Iraq policy.

“What I would say — and meant to say — is that their service hasn’t been honored,” Mr. Obama told reporters in Nashua, N.H., “because our civilian strategy has not honored their courage and bravery, and we have put them in a situation in which it is hard for them to succeed.”

A New Hampshire reporter asked Mr. Obama whether he regretted the remark, made at a rally on Sunday that “we ended up launching a war that should have never been authorized and should have never been waged, and to which we now have spent $400 billion and have seen over 3,000 lives of the bravest young Americans wasted.”

“Even as I said it,” Mr. Obama said Monday, “I realized I had misspoken.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Wasted? Only to an unAmerican, socialist chickensh!t like you Obama. Go back to the madrasa where you can be with like minded death cult worshippers.
And oh by the way, I DON’T accept your flimsy apology you freak.

* Something……and Half of Something

13 Feb

Austrian Sniper Rifles From Iran Found In Baghdad Home

US soldiers during a house search for insurgents, in eastern Baghdad found more than a hundred Austrian-made sniper rifles, which were sold to Iran, in a Baghdad raid on insurgents. The .50 calibre weapons, which are capable of penetrating body armour, were part of a shipment of 800 rifles exported by Austrian arms manufacturer Steyr-Mannlicher to Iran last year.

Iraqi insurgents using Austrian rifles from Iran
Austrian sniper rifles that were exported to Iran have been discovered in the hands of Iraqi terrorists. More than 100 of the.50 calibre weapons, capable of penetrating body armour, have been discovered by American troops during raids.
The guns were part of a shipment of 800 rifles that the Austrian company, Steyr-Mannlicher, exported legally to Iran last year.
The sale was condemned in Washington and London because officials were worried that the weapons would be used by insurgents against British and American troops.
Within 45 days of the first HS50 Steyr Mannlicher rifles arriving in Iran, an American officer in an armoured vehicle was shot dead by an Iraqi insurgent using the weapon.
Over the last six months American forces have found small caches of the £10,000 rifles but in the last 24 hours a raid in Baghdad brought the total to more than 100, US defence sources reported.
The find is the latest in a series of discoveries that indicate that Teheran is providing support to Iraq’s Shia insurgents.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, yesterday denied that Iran had supplied weapons to Iraqi insurgents. But on Sunday US officials in Baghdad displayed a range of weapons they claimed had originated in Iran.
They said 170 American and British soldiers had been killed by such weapons.
The Foreign Office expressed “serious concerns” over the sale of the rifles last year and Britain protested to the Austrian government.
A Foreign Office spokesman said last night: “Although we did make our worries known the sale unfortunately went ahead and now the potential that these weapons could fall into the wrong hands appears to have happened.”
The rifle can pierce all body armour from up to a mile and penetrate armoured Humvee troop carriers. It is highly accurate and fires a round called an armour piercing incendiary, a bullet that the Iranians manufacture.
The National Iranian Police Organisation bought the rifles allegedly to use them against drug smugglers in an £8 million order placed with Steyr in 2005.
The company was given permission to export them by the Austrian government, which is not a Nato member.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Well this just ticks me the heck off.
We asked them not to, England asked them not to. So why can’t we demand countries not do such things, yes I know, but these terrorists are the enemy of the entire world, so how stupid or greedy does a person (country) have to be to sell to Iran when the intelligence collectors inform said leaders of these countries like Austria telling them of the desire for these death cult freakazoids wanting them dead as much as us, as much as our troops??!!
Aren’t they privy to the same information we are, heck we learn a ton of things just online. Go figure how much more the leaders of countries find out about then we are able to see.
Something more about this sniper rifle:
Steyr .50HS heavy sniper rifle, with folded bipod
Caliber: .50BMG (12.7x99mm) or .460Steyr
Operation: manually operated rotating bolt action
Barrel: 833 mm (33″)
Weight: 12.4 kg
Length: 1370 mm (54″)
Feed Mechanism: single shot, no magazine
The Steyr .50 HS is the most recent development of the famous Austrian arms manufacturer, the Steyr Mannlicher Gmbh & Co KG. First displayed at the ShotShow-2004 (February 2004, Las-Vegas, USA), this single shot rifle is primary intended for anti-material applications and counter-sniping. The Steyr .50HS is available in two calibers, the old and venerable .50BMG and the apparently new .460Steyr (on which so far no data were obtained).
The Steyr .50 HS is a single shot rifle, with manually operated, rotating bolt with two large locking lugs at the front. The two-stage trigger is factory set to 4lbs (1.8kg). The buttstock is adjustable for length of pull, the cheekpiece is also adjustable. Heavy barrel is partially fluted and fitted with effective muzzle brake. Steyr .50 HS has no iron sights; the MilStd Picatinny rail is standard. Rifle is not intended to be fired off-hand; it is fitted with integral folding adjustable bipods.

13 Feb

EU Land Says Too Late To Halt Iran’s Nuclear Bomb

EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana

Too late to halt Iran’s nuclear bomb, EU is told
By Daniel Dombey and Fidelius Schmid in Brussels
Published: February 12 2007 22:18
Financial Times..complete article
Iran will be able to develop enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear bomb and there is little that can be done to prevent it, an internal European Union document has concluded.
In an admission of the international community’s failure to hold back Iran’s nuclear ambitions, the document – compiled by the staff of Javier Solana, EU foreign policy chief – says the atomic programme has been delayed only by technical limitations rather than diplomatic pressure. “Attempts to engage the Iranian administration in a negotiating process have not so far succeeded,” it states.

“At some stage we must expect that Iran will acquire the capacity to enrich uranium on the scale required for a weapons programme,” says the paper, dated February 7 and circulated to the EU’s 27 national governments ahead of a foreign ministers meeting yesterday.

“In practice . . . the Iranians have pursued their programme at their own pace, the limiting factor being technical difficulties rather than resolutions by the UN or the International Atomic Energy Agency.

“The problems with Iran will not be resolved through economic sanctions alone.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Well, they can’t say Iran wasn’t warned. EU land where stopping global warming, free healthcare, and 30 hour work weeks are more important than national security, fiscal sanity, and the future. Europe is sick.
There is little that Europe can and will do to prevent the Iranians from developing the bomb. The reason these clowns bring this up is that they expect the US to step in to save their worthless asses again. There’s basically an anti-survival movement that’s taken over western civilization. Especially Europe. Even if they knew the date and time for sure when islamic nukes would go off, I doubt even their leaders would bother to evacuate.

13 Feb

Want A License? You Need To Speak English!

Mont. Drivers Would Have to Know English
State lawmakers are considering a proposal that would require drivers to prove proficiency in English before receiving a license.
Republican Rep. Dennis Himmelberger said the state has an interest in making sure everyone can read road signs and communicate with police.

“I think this is going to become almost inevitable, some type of bill like this,” he said.

Himmelberger said his proposal would require examiners to determine if an applicant needs a proficiency test. Examiners would also determine applicants’ citizenship and note their home country on the license.
A House committee took no immediate action on the measure Monday.

Jim Reed of the National Conference of State Legislatures said he was unaware of any other state that requires an English proficiency test. “Some states require that drivers’ tests be given only in English”, he said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
If I moved to another country and planned to live there, any country that does not have English as their primary language. France, Italy, whatever just for my own sake I would want to learn the language of that country.

12 Feb

Sunni Arab States Ordering More Weapons

Defence ministers from Sunni Arab states are preparing to spend enormous sums at the Idex arms fair in Abu Dhabi next week

Gulf states load up on weapons of war
Telegraph.co.uk…for complete article
Leaders of Sunni Arab states are embarking on a military spending spree in an attempt to contain the growing threat from Iran.
Alarmed by the progress of Iran’s nuclear programme and the prospect of a military clash between its Shia regime and the United States, Gulf leaders intend to use billions of dollars of oil revenue to purchase a huge array of military hardware.
Many of the deals will be finalised at a massive arms fair due to open in the United Arab Emirates next Sunday.
Saudi Arabia alone has a shopping list that runs to almost $50 billion, including fighter aircraft, cruise missiles, attack helicopters and more than 300 new tanks.
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has earmarked $2 billion for a rapid reaction brigade – possibly to take a lead role in a regional protection force. Another $6 billion will go on missile defence batteries, airborne early warning systems and aircraft.
Both countries are members of the Gulf Co-operation Council, established in 1984 to provide security against the threat posed by Iran. Other members, including Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar, are expected to spend heavily in the coming months.

Many are now convinced that the only way to avoid being sucked into a war between the US and Iran, or being caught up in the turbulence that would follow, is to beef up their own defences.

American plans for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear sites are reported to be well advanced, despite public denials, and many in the Gulf states fear that they could be caught in the backlash.

One highly placed Saudi diplomatic source said that there were concerns about America’s intentions and doubts about the real threat from Iran.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Thanks to the NY Times and other media outlets I guess they know about our shops in the Gulf.

12 Feb

US Hits Back After Putin Tirade

President Vladimir Putin speaking at the Conference on Security Policy in Munich

US Hits Back After Putin Tirade
By Adrian Blomfield in Moscow
The United States and Russia were locked in a bitter war of words yesterday as officials reacted furiously to a speech by Vladimir Putin that represented the most ferocious attack on US policy by a Russian leader since the Cold War.

Although Mr Gates sought to cool some of the angry rhetoric flying between the two former Cold War adversaries by describing Russia as a “partner”, he added: “We wonder too about some Russian policies that seem to work against international stability such as its arms transfers and its temptation to use energy resources for political coercion.”

The comments, echoed by officials across the US political spectrum, came a day after astonished delegates listened to an unprecedented tirade from the Russian leader that was at times reminiscent of Nikita Khrushchev’s shoe-banging rhetoric.

Reflecting the growing chill in relations between the two countries, Mr Putin accused the United States of trying to subjugate the world and termed its policy in the Middle East as “unilateral and frequently illegitimate.”

“Today we are witnessing an almost uncontained hyper-use of military force in international relations that is plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflict,” he said.

“The United States has overstepped its national borders in every way. This is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no-one feels safe because no-one can feel that international law is like a stone wall that can protect them.”

While many of the assembled European politicians may have secretly agreed with Mr Putin’s feelings on America’s invasion of Iraq, fear of Russia’s democratic trajectory and growing energy might united delegates in condemnation of the speech.
Mr Gates, a former CIA officer, tried to put Mr Putin’s comments down to the Russian president’s KGB background.

“I guess old spies have a habit of blunt speaking,” he said. “However I’ve been to re-education camp,” — a jibe that won approving laughter and applause from the audience. “One Cold War was quite enough.”

But western diplomats argued yesterday that Mr Putin’s speech reflected as much weakness as it did strength.
Russia’s military hardware is largely rusting and, even though the Kremlin may be trying to develop new missiles, it has lost the nuclear race.

“Putin’s speech was in part impotent rage,” said a Western diplomat. “He’s a strong believer that the Cold War principle of Mutually Assured Destruction made the world a safer place.” “When he railed against a unipolar world, he was essentially acknowledging that for the first time in 50 years the United States has reached nuclear primacy.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
What did Putin run out of spies to poison?
Putin sounds like he is a member in good standing with the Democrat party and their same talking points. They’ve opened up weakness in the superpower…any other competing power is naturally going to take whatever advantage is there to take when the dominant power has a crisis of confidence, division or disruption. The Democrats, in their obsession for power and control, have given that to both our enemies and our competitors. So Putin takes advantage of it and tries to enhance it by jumping on. We should expect that, everyone’s going to have at us…that’s why the Democrats are so damned destructive to US.
It’s classic: The Democrats would rather rule in hell than serve in heaven.

11 Feb

ALL 435 House Members To See Classified Iraq Intelligence Papers Tuesday

All 435 House Members Can See Iraq Intelligence — and Talk on Iraq Next Week
The Politico
To the surprise of the Bush administration, the House Intelligence Committee voted unanimously Wednesday night to allow all 435 House members to see the classified version of the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq sent to the White House last week. The report is classified in part because it contains information about sources and methods used in intelligence-gathering.
The document will provide fuel for a House debate, scheduled to begin Tuesday, on a resolution of disapproval of President Bush’s plan to boost U.S. troop strength in Iraq. Remarkably, each House member will be given five minutes to speak. The decision to provide such broad access to the microphones is based on the fact that each member got the chance to speak before the Iraq war began, according to House leadership aides.
In announcing the vote to allow all members access to the classified portion of the NIE, the committee said those examining it “will be required to review the document in the Committee’s secure offices in the Capitol and sign a secrecy oath.” The members will not be allowed to leave with notes, congressional sources said.
The White House was not informed or consulted about the decision. Such access for members is rare but not unprecedented. The document had been made available to members of several committees with jurisdiction over the intelligence community, but other lawmakers would have needed to request permission to read it. The committee had received written requests from one Republican and one Democrat, plus some other informal inquires, and decided it would be better to allow blanket access instead of voting on each request, congressional sources said.
The report, called “Prospects for Iraq’s Stability: A Challenging Road Ahead,” was approved Jan. 29 by the heads of the government’s 16 intelligence agencies. It paints a generally bleak picture of conditions in Iraq and warns that without successful efforts to rein in insurgent violence and political extremism, the overall security situation “will continue to deteriorate” at current rates for the next 12 to 18 months, the period covered by the report.
The decision raised fears among some Republicans that members not used to dealing with classified information might play fast and loose with what they saw. But Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-Texas, chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said in a statement: “It is critical that all Members of Congress understand the consensus view of the Intelligence Community on the gravity of the situation in Iraq and the consequences for U.S. troops and our long-term national security interests.”
Republicans who voted for this:
Peter Hoekstra, Republican — Michigan
Ray LaHood, Republican — Illinois
Terry Everett, Republican — Alabama
Elton Gallegly, Republican — California
Heather Wilson, Republican — New Mexico
Jo Ann Davis, Republican — Virginia
Mac Thornberry, Republican — Texas
John McHugh, Republican — New York
Todd Tiahrt, Republican — Kansas
Mike Rogers, Republican — Michigan
Rick Renzi, Republican — Arizona
Darrell Issa, Republican — California

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Dear God … protect and save us! This is VERY dangerous and a totally insane move! When you think it can’t get worse, well.. IT DOES! This is beyond a slippery slope.
For pete’s sake………LET THE MILITARY RUN THIS WAR!!!! I am so sick of these politicians! And to have it set up for this…..”and sign a secrecy oath” ……Oh yeah an ‘oath” that sure as heck will work…..NOT. Like that means anything to them. These people will be leaking information like crazy and we all know it. Get ready for lots of secrets about our covert activities to get leaked. OMG
God help our troops, God help us all, this will be in the New York Times. NYSlimes Headline, “Hey look what we are doing and who is doing it” And what about the Muslim sympathisers who will see it and pass the sources and methods to our enemies, we do have some in our government.

10 Feb

Palestinian aka Terrorists Toga Party

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (R), Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal (C) and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh (L) walk inside the Grand Mosque in Mecca, early February 9, 2007. REUTERS/Suhaib Salem

Caption away all you like…Hahahaha

10 Feb

President Hillary Maybe? HaHaHa


to see the video.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL too funny, and maybe scary too if Hillary becomes President and if she is one of those women that is like this once a month. Very scary to think about ……Yikes.
Thank you to John 5 for sending this to me.

09 Feb

Air Pelosi ~ I’ll C-20 and Raise You!

Pentagon Rejects Speaker Pelosi’s Request for Military Aircraft
abc news
This is a long article, 4 pages, so I am just putting some of it here– Wild Thing…………………

A source close to the controversy over the request made by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., for use of a military plane that can fly to and from her home district in San Francisco, Calif., without having to stop to refuel, tells ABC News that the Pentagon has rebuffed Pelosi’s request.

The source says that Pentagon officials and the Bush administration have instead offered Pelosi use of the same plane made available to former Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Illinois: a C-20, which seats about 12 passengers and five crew members.

A C-20 can make the 700-mile flight to Hastert’s Aurora, Ill., district easily but would generally have to stop to refuel to complete the 2,800-mile trip from Washington D.C. to the San Francisco Bay Area, depending on the headwinds.

Pelosi has expressed concern about having to stop and refuel, primarily for security reasons, her office says. Since 9/11, the Speaker of the House — second in line behind the Vice President in the line of presidential succession — has been able to use a military plane for travel, for security reasons.

Pentagon spokesman Cmdr. J.D. Gordon outlined the rules and restrictions governing Speaker Pelosi’s use of the C-20:
* No more than 10 passengers (C-20’s seat only 12 passengers, not including up to 5 crew members);
* No travel to political events;
* Members of the speaker’s family cannot fly unless the speaker makes a request in writing. The Pelosi family has to reimburse the U.S. Treasury for the cost of a coach ticket per person for the travel, as well as for any food;
* Members of Congress cannot fly on the plane unless their travel has been cleared with the House Committee on Standards (the Ethics Committee);
* Pelosi’s husband can travel for free, but only for official protocol purposes.

In response to the Pentagon offer, Pelosi spokesman Brendan Daly tells ABC News, “We appreciate the Defense Department’s continuing concern for the Speaker’s security. We are reviewing their letter.”

Pelosi responded to Republican critics who have accused her of making unreasonable demands on the Pentagon for a luxurious airplane her Republican predecessor never requested.

“I want an aircraft that will reach California,” Pelosi told reporters Wednesday afternoon, insisting that she doesn’t care what kind of plane it is as long as it can fly nonstop to her home district. “

Because the C-20 generally would need to stop and refuel to make it all the way to the Bay Area, Pelosi requested a plane that could make it to California without having to stop along the way, and asked for clarification from the Pentagon about whether friends and colleagues could accompany her.

Various Republican officials in recent days have claimed that Pelosi has requested a C-32 plane for her travels — a luxurious and specially configured version of the Boeing 757-200 commercial intercontinental airliner.

The plane seats 45 passengers with business-class accommodations and a crew of up to 16, depending on the mission. It features a communications center, a fully enclosed stateroom for the primary passenger, a changing area, a conference facility, an entertainment system, and a convertible divan that seats three and folds out to a bed. The C-32 can cost as much as $22,000 an hour to operate. It’s normally used by the first lady, the vice president, Cabinet officials and members of Congress upon request.

Witchy Woman from the Eagles (1973) ROTFL

Wild Thing’s comment……..
She wanted 42 business class seats, a bedroom with a bed and an entertainment center. The plane she wanted had a crew of 16. $300,000 roundtrip.
The terrorists would think losing her would be tantamount to loosing Zarquawi or Bin Laden. They’ll put out an all point bulletin to stay away from her plane so she propbably doesn’t need too much protection. She doesn’t fight in the trenches, but behind the scenes, she undermines those trying to do the fighting. Maybe that female astronaught could be her personal driver. Just wear those diapers and drive straight through. heh heh
On a serious note, Ben Stein’s article from weeks ago was excellent, he described how the Democrats, unable to impeach Bush, have decided to simply marginalize him by conducting their own National and Foreign Policy agendas. Pelosi and the Dems want their own Air Force One, with their own press corps in tow, hoping all over the globe, meeting with Foreign leaders, making their own deals and treaties, and generally speaking for the nation, as if the President didnt exist. Air Force One is a very powerful symbol of American authority, and the Dems know they wont get their hands on one of the big -47s, so the 757 is their next best hope. The refueling and security issues are just a ruse, something they can use to get a willing media to back them.