08 Mar

Democrats Want Gitmo Prisoners Sent to U.S.

Democrats Want Gitmo Prisoners Sent to U.S.
The Politico
Key House Democrats plan to insist the Pentagon shut down the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and are contemplating the relocation of many of the 385 or so remaining terrorist suspects to military brigs along the East Coast — including Quantico, Va., and Charleston, S.C.

“It sets us back in the war on terrorism to be maintaining Guantanamo,” said Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.), who’s heading an investigation of the facility for the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee.

“It will enhance our reputation to close it down and to apply our system of justice to all of these detainees,” he added.

After two trips to Guantanamo, Moran told The Politico that he’s recommending Congress cut funding to the detention center at the end of summer 2008. The men held there should then be released, tried or moved to the United States, he said.
A Democratic official involved in developing the Guantanamo strategy said the Democrats, who control the new Congress, expect Republicans to object to bringing the detainees onto U.S. soil because their attorneys would surely argue they were entitled to myriad new rights.
The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Democrats are planning hearings in April or May to “build a record” that closing Guantanamo would be beneficial and that it would be legal, as well as logistically feasible, to bring its detainees to the United States. The hearings would start with panels of lawyers, some of whom are convinced the plan is workable and some of whom represent detainees now at Guantanamo.
And to make the measure more palatable to Republicans, Moran said he would suggest the detainees be transferred to military bases that would allow them to be tried in federal courts under the Richmond-based 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Republicans certainly could not consider that a mollycoddling, liberal bastion,” Moran said. “The 4th Circuit is as conservative as you get. But the whole world would see that the United States stands for the rule of law. And I think the high-value targets would be shown to be people who undoubtedly should be detained and prosecuted.

“But you’ve got to distinguish among these people,” he said. “We have to prove they actually did something that was designed to hurt American citizens.”

A senior administration official, also speaking on the condition of anonymity, said he was puzzled by the Democrats’ frequent discussion of closing Guantanamo.

“While we want to bring these guys to trial as quickly as possible, where do Democrats believe we should keep Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 9/11 plot?” the official asked. “Which American city will they choose to place America’s most wanted terrorists?”

The Democratic official said the plan would be to relocate the terrorists to military brigs that have suitable courtrooms. In addition to Quantico and Charleston, many could go to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., or to the Norfolk Naval Station, which has four courtrooms.
Still other possibilities include the Marine Corps Air Station in Beaufort, S.C., and Fort Gordon, Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, all in Georgia.
In the flush of taking control of the House in January, Democrats had talked about pushing to close Guantanamo immediately, perhaps as part of the emergency wartime funding bill that is now pending. But they had trouble settling on a strategy for that bill and now are considering a shutdown directive in the overall defense appropriations bill for the 2008 fiscal year that begins Oct. 1.
The prison camp at the U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay has been a constant headache for the Bush administration, which has been accused of holding innocent people there indefinitely. Hunger strikes, suicides and accusations of inappropriate interrogations have plagued the facility, home to what the White House calls some of the world’s most dangerous terrorists.
U.S. allies abroad have complained about Guantanamo as well. And the president has said that he would like to close it down but that there is no other place to hold the detainees.
Asked about the furor that could erupt in local communities chosen to receive the detainees, Moran noted that the brigs were secure and that most of the detainees had not “been involved in any combat.”

“Many of them have never engaged in any act of violence,” Moran said. “Some of them hold beliefs that are anathema to ours, but we have a tradition that we don’t punish people for their beliefs but rather for their actions.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
How about if the Dems board them in their own homes! These SOB Dems know that once they touch US soil, they can find a court someplace to give them access to US civilian courts and trials. Next on their agenda I bet is to give them voting rights.
Moran is a moron and a punk. Moran is a traitor. He’d sell all of us out in a second for a few bucks for his next campaign.

Many of them have never engaged in any act of violence,” Moran said. “Some of them hold beliefs that are anathema to ours, but we have a tradition that we don’t punish people for their beliefs but rather for their actions.”

What a crock of shit. I wish the Republican PR people would record these traitors for commercials next year. Then parade out profiles of these detainees these elected officials were proposing to dump on American soil. It would make the Willie Horton furloughs look like a Sunday School picnic.

It will enhance our reputation to close it down and to apply our system of justice to all of these detainees,” he added.

To the Marxist Dimocrats it is all about appearances. Wanting every one to love us, and favoring those that want to kill us.
They can build an encampment on the Pelosi Vineyards. There’s also a mansion in Chappaqua where inmates can be housed. Then there is Kerry’s compound on Martha’s Vineyard and the Kennedy Compound at Hyannis Port where these folks can be sequestered. I would just feel badly for the innocent and good people that live in the various areas of these people. So maybe that isn’t such a great idea, but it would stick them on the soil of the actual enemy within like Kerry, Pelosi and Kennedy etc.

08 Mar

Police Arrest Illegal Immigrant In Abduction Of FL. Boy Who Escaped

Illegal immigrant criminal Vicente Ignacio Beltran-Moreno

Police Arrest Mexican National in Abduction of Florida Boy Who Escaped
Fox News
BRADENTON, Fla. — Authorities arrested the man they believe abducted 13-year-old Clay Moore from a bus stop last month and left him tied up in the woods, officials said Wednesday.
Vicente Ignacio Beltran-Moreno, 22, agreed to voluntarily return from his native Mexico after several days of negotiations, Manatee County Sheriff Charlie Wells said.
Beltran-Moreno was arrested in Texas Wednesday morning at the U.S.-Mexico border and extradition proceedings were under way to get him back to Florida.

“We pretty much told him we weren’t going to give up,” sheriff’s Maj. Connie Shingledecker said. She said they convinced him he would be better off in a U.S. prison, close to his girlfriend and two children, than incarcerated in Mexico.

Clay was grabbed Feb. 25 while waiting at his school bus stop in Parrish. The gunman drove off with him in a red pickup truck, then left him tied up in the woods about 20 miles away. The boy’s parents have said he used a safety pin to pick apart the duct tape that held his wrists and then freed himself.
Beltran-Moreno became a suspect after investigators took an artist’s sketch to a migrant worker camps east of Bradenton.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Note that the phrase “illegal alien” is not used once in the coverage! What cowards! And what the heck….. they say….”Mexican National” in the actual headline of the story with the link…….. They make it sound like a diplomat. Good grief! He is an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT.
I guess Vicente Ignacio Beltran-Moreno will become a GUEST WORKER in a few days, start his own business with the no-payback loan he gets from our govt. and live the american dream quite a few actual citizens never see.
This article suggests that the sheriff made a deal with the illegal alien. The real hero was Clay Moore and NOT the sheriff as the article indicates.

07 Mar

The Enemy Within Bringing Spray Paint on March 17th

Well the vile, horrible POS people on the left are talking about brining spray paint to their protest on March 17 at the Vietnam War Memorial….The Wall. Read it here.
Damn them!

On March 17, 2007, the 4th anniversary of the start of the criminal invasion of Iraq, tens of thousands of people from around the country will descend on the Pentagon in a mass demonstration to demand: U.S. Out of Iraq Now! 2007 is the 40th anniversary of the historic 1967 anti-war march to the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. The message of the 1967 march was “From Protest to Resistance,” and marked a turning point in the development of a countrywide mass movement.

And HERE is their list of Anti-American PRO Terrorists LOVERS AND haters of our Veterans and Troops
Initial endorsers include:
Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General
Maxine Waters, Congresswoman
Alice Walker, Pulitzer prize winning author
Cynthia McKinney, Congresswoman
Cindy Sheehan, co-founder Gold Star Families for Peace, author
Ron Kovic, Vietnam Veteran, author, Born on the 4th of July
Malik Rahim, Founder, Common Ground Collective, New Orleans
Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit
Paul Haggis, Director of Crash, 2005 Academy Award for Best Picture
Elias Rashmawi, National Coordinator, National Council of Arab Americans (NCA)
Howard Zinn, Author, A People’s History of the United States
Rev. Luis Barrios, Iglesia de San Romero de las Americas, UCC
Heidi Boghosian, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild
Chaplain James Yee, former Army chaplain, Guantánamo Detention Center
Mahdi Bray, Executive Director, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation
Father Roy Bourgeois, Founder, School of the Americas Watch
Leonard Weinglass, Attorney for the Cuban Five
Eric LeCompte, National Office, School of the Americas Watch
Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, Co-founder, Partnership for Civil Justice
Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition
Mounzer Sleiman, TV commentator and Vice Chair, National Council of Arab Americans
Waleed Bader, Vice chair of the National Council of Arab American, Chair of NCA NY/NJ Chapter, Former President of Arab Muslim American Federation – NY
Ben Dupuy, Co-Director, Haiti Progres
Juan Jose Gutierrez, Executive Director, Latino Movement USA
Calvin Gipson, Former President, San Francisco LGBT Pride Committee
Rev. Graylan Hagler, Senior Pastor, Plymouth Congregational Church, Washington D.C
Kay Lucas, Director, Crawford Peace House, Crawford, TX
Iglesia de San Romero – United Church of Christ
Claudia de la Cruz, Director, Dominican Women’s Youth Development Center
Chuck Kaufman, Co-coordinator of the Nicaragua Network
Al Garcia, Alliance for a Just & Lasting Peace in the Philippines
Macrina Cardenas, Mexico Solidarity Network
Eugene Puryear, Howard University, student leader
Gloria La Riva, Coordinator, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five
CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
Nodutdol for Korean Community Development
Iglesia de San Romero – United Church of Christ
Da Urban Butterflies
KAWAN: Korean Americans Against War and Neoliberalism
Justice Committee
Ed Asner, Actor
Shirley Knight, Actor
Debra Sweet, National Coordinator, World Can’t Wait — Drive Out the Bush Regime
Jennifer Harbury, Human Rights Lawyer, author
United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)
Jim Lafferty, Director, National Lawyers Guild – Los Angeles
James Petras, Professor Emeritus, SUNY Binghamton (State University of New York)
Mimi Kennedy, Actor (Dharma & Greg)
They have 1,500+ endorsers on their complete list HERE


Our Response, America’s response to these traitors to our country.

Please go to GATHERING OF EAGLES to read more about March 17th. And also they have buses and links there to get people together to be able to attend. This is such an important day to try and be there if a person can in any way attend.
We owe EVERYTHING to our Veterans and our troops, we cannot let them down, not ever.

Wild Thing’s comment……
“>……Thank you Mark for the heads up on the lastest on this.

I don’t think I have ever been this angry in many years.Actually I think the last time I was this angry it was also about war and what they did during the Vietnam War to our troops.

07 Mar

Wired Iraqi Man Triggers Scare At L.A. Airport

I wonder if when he was handcuffed, and asked for a comment he replied “Allah Fubar, kiss my magnetized rear end, you zionist dogs!”

HERE is the VIDEO showing Maliki, the man being discussed.

Wired Iraqi man triggers scare at L.A. airport
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.
The man, identified by law enforcement officials as Fadhel al-Maliki, 35, set off an alarm during passenger screening at the airport early on Tuesday morning.
A police bomb squad was called to examine what was deemed a suspicious item found during a body cavity search of the man. Local media reports said a magnet was found in his rectum.

“He was secreting these items in a body cavity and that was a great concern because there were also some electric wires associated with that body cavity,” Larry Fetters, security director for the Transportation Security Administration at the airport, told reporters.

Maliki, 35, who lives in Atlantic City, New Jersey, was preparing to board a US Airways flight from Los Angeles to Philadelphia.
The flight left without Maliki but with his luggage aboard. It made an unscheduled landing in Las Vegas, where the plane was thoroughly searched but nothing was found, officials said.
Passengers were not evacuated and no flights were disrupted by the incident at Terminal One at Los Angeles airport.

“There never was a threat,” Fetter said.

He said police and the FBI were called in from “an abundance of caution” because Maliki was “so bizarre in his behavior.”
Maliki, who had a U.S. green card, was being questioned by immigration officials about his immigration status.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum…
Wow, talk about a “What did I just read?” moment. Oh my gosh!
First I have to mention this because all of us here have seen a person comment that has used the named Maliki. LOL I wonder if it is the same person. Probably not, maybe that is a common name amoung Iraqi men. But ole Maliki that has commented on here has been a perfect example of hate for the USA, and our troops among other things.
OK, now to the Maliki in the story, was he just testing the system? I wonder why his baggage was left aboard? Only Muslims would walk around with wires and a magnet in their butts. LOL
An Iraqi national wearing wires and concealing a magnet inside his rectum triggered a security scare at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday but officials said he posed no apparent threat.”
If he posed no threat then why’d they call the FBI? Yes that is absolutely ridiculous. They guy had a potential bomb up his ***, or was testing to see how much of one he could pass thru the detection system. And they caught that ‘one’ and its not a threat?
Now here is something odd….this story says TWO men not just one……weird. Why can’t they get trhe story straight or did they have TWO and not want everyone to know about it. And it is from China about this incident.
China View

A “suspicious item” caused alarm at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) on Tuesday, prompting investigation by a bomb squad.
Security authorities said they had sent the bomb squad to Terminal One at LAX to examine the “suspicious item”.
The incident began shortly before 6:00 a.m. (local time), said Marshall Lowe of Los Angeles World Airports, the Los Angeles city agency that operates LAX.
“About 5:40 a.m., a suspicious item was found during passenger screening,” Lowe said. The item was seized and a Los Angeles Police Department bomb squad was sent to examine it, Lowe said.
Securities officials reported that two men with electrical cords “either wrapped around or coming out of their bodies” were being questioned. The men also were in possession of “magnets,” Los Angeles TV Channel 5 reported.

China must have lied, because here is the report from The Aviation Nation that states it was one man.
Thank God nothing happened to injure the passengers, but it is funny nonetheless. I’m telling you, there are some proctologist jokes in this.

07 Mar

Can you say JURY SHOPPING???

Following are the individual charges and their corresponding verdicts:
* Obstruction of Justice: GUILTY
* False statements to FBI investigators (about Russert conversation): GUILTY
* False statement to FBI investigators (about Cooper conversation): NOT GUILTY
* Perjury to the Grand Jury (about Tim Russert conversation): GUILTY
* Perjury to the Grand Jury (about the Matt Cooper conversation): GUILTY

Wild Thing’s comment……
A kangaroo verdict from a kangaroo’ kourt’. Guilty of obstructing justice when there was NO crime! Justice in America is dead. The liberal courts killed it a long, long time ago.
Question to jurors:
What is your political affiliation?
How much you want to bet each member of the jury is an ACTIVIST in the DNC…follow the money. Now they will go after Cheney hard now. Watch.
It never ceases to amaze me how moonbats can accuse the CIA of all kinds of nefarious conspiracies over the years, and yet in this case they believe infallibly in what they consider to be the CIA’s assertion in this complaint that Plame was covert.
Its okay for Sandy Burglar to STEAL documents, because William Jefferson Clinton told him to, and he gets a slap on the wrists. The media even ignores the whole story about Berger. Natch that is what they always do with their pals on the left.
ABC News | March 6, 2007 | Paul Fidalgo
Moments after the guilty verdict handed to I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby was made public Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., called on President Bush to promise not to let Libby off the hook with a presidential pardon.

“I welcome the jury’s verdict. It’s about time someone in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for the campaign to manipulate intelligence and discredit war critics,” said Reid in a press statement. “Lewis Libby has been convicted of perjury, but his trial revealed deeper truths about Vice President Cheney’s role in this sordid affair. Now President Bush must pledge not to…

Etc…liberal BS…
Pelosi: Libby Guilty Verdicts Not Solely About Acts of One Individual Washington, D.C. –Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today on the guilty verdicts in the CIA leak trial of former White House aide Lewis Libby:

“Today’s guilty verdicts are not solely about the acts of one individual.
“This trial provided a troubling picture of the inner workings of the Bush Administration. The testimony unmistakably revealed – at the highest levels of the Bush Administration – a callous disregard in handling sensitive national security information and a disposition to smear critics of the war in Iraq.”

Cough cough spit spit!
WASHINGTON DC – Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) today offered the following statement on the CIA Leak case, which reached a verdict in Washington today.

“This verdict brings accountability at last for official deception and the politics of smear and fear,” Kerry said. “This trial revealed a no-holds barred White House attack machine aimed at anyone who stood in the way of their march to war with Iraq. It is time for President Bush to live up to his own promises and hold accountable anyone else who participated in this smear. It is also well past time for Vice President Cheney, who according to the testimony was protected by Scooter Libby’s lies, to finally acknowledge his role in this sordid episode.
“I also want to thank the jury and the prosecutor for their hard work in this case.”

And sicko hate filled Chris Mathews he was

” DEMANDING a reply from Cheney, saying “this isn’t just like a hunting accident where he can walk away for two days.”

Good grief!
LIBERALS SUCK. Republicans better come out and say something good about Libby. I’m so sick of liberals getting away with stealing, lying and putting down our soldiers and country. This case should never have seen the inside of a courtroom. The witnesses were universally pathetic. The judge was overly restrictive in the testimony he allowed on behalf of the defense. This whole case was political from the beginning to end.
It seems to me the libs are having dreams of impeaching President Bush….if that should happen, what are we, as Republicans, going to do? Sit back and try not to hurt anyone’s feelings and be very PC or are we going to grow a spine and DEMAND that our Reps. and Senators act like they have some balls? And Pelosi is waiting in the wings. I don’t see Bush giving Libby a pardon either, Bush needs Congress rignt now with this war on Islam. But in my heart I think Bush should pardon Libby, Libby didn’t do anything.
An innocent man is going to jail and only President Bush can stop it. And where the heck are the leaders in the GOP? Hiding??
This whole thing will probably go on even after Bush is out of office, if they don’t push on impeaching him first. I think all along IMO this was a pre-emptive strike to take out Cheney. The left hates him and fears him above all possible candidates and wants to make sure he is out of the way.

06 Mar

Thanks Ann For NOT Being A PC Sell Out

First I want to say that I am more then surprised that this whole thing has been made into something sooooo huge. It just shocks me how some silly joke has turned into what it has. I was not even going to post about it because I got the joke, I laughed hard, and to me it was no biggie.
Also with all the things going on in the world and THIS has to be made into the most important thing. I am just amazed and disgusted that it takes this kind of priority over other things. We have traitors in our government, slandering our troops, doing what they can to destroy the troops morale. The enemy within bent on destroying our country, from dumbing down to the lies about our history, and re-writing history to fit their agenda.
People, ok sub-humans wanting to kill us, and take over our country….but this speech that Ann Coulter made is more important to those making a fuss about it. And beyond that even want to punish her.
Conservatives should be shouting from the roof top – Go, Ann, we are behind you! The GOP, also – if there is any backbone left. That would certainly make a distinction between the two parties.
Liberals can say that it is too bad VP Cheney wasn’t killed by a terrorist bomb but Coulter can’t say faggot? That’s ridiculous. “Progressives”, dems, liberals, the terminally PC, and RINOs go balistic over Ann saying the word Faggot. How telling is that!
Whatever happened to the right wing? We used to have a right wing. We used to have people that KNEW the difference in the left and the right and they would admire the courage that people showed when they stood against the left. It seems we on the right are over run with RHINO’s and lib wanna be’s.
The left calling Bush “Hitler” all the time, we have heard it all, but let Ann say Faggot and all hell breaks loose by the weak kneed, PC addict RHINO’s and they want to eat their own. They want to lay into someone that for many years has had the courage to take a stand against PC and the left. How disgusting that is to me.
Burning the flag, protesting ROTC and military recruiters on campus, teaching 5th graders about gay sex, calling infantacide “choice” and yet we are all supposed to be horrified by Annie. She shouldn’t take one step back, just keep going forward with her incisive pronouncements. She is beautiful; she is intelligent if not brilliant. God Bless you Ann.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask that those on “our side”, who are jostling with the left to seek the ‘moral high ground’ by condemning Ann for such “offensive” speech and behavior, should recognize that honesty demands defending Ann’s pointing out the hypocrisy of the left even as they express their disapproval of the way she said it. A general condemnation cedes the moral high ground to hate-filled, less than moral, leftists, who do not deserve it. It also allows the left to reinforce their stereotype of Conservatives by condemning Ann, who does not deserve it.
The American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC released a statement condemning Ann. What a bunch of gutless wonders. CPAC is calling Ann’s remarks “hate speech”? When Dean said he hated republicans was that “hate speech”? Ann did not call Edwards a faggot. She said she could not comment on him because the use of faggot could send you to rehab.
You all know this blog is a PC Free Zone and for good reason. PC is one of the main things that has been destroying America. The enemy within has used PC as a tool of theirs to promote their agenda on many levels. I have referred to them as the enemy within as the left, the liberals as the enemy within. But of course CPAC is all aglow with their Rudy and Mitt and thier outrage at what Ann said. Nothing like having two liberals in the Republican party bashing a conservative like Ann Coulter right? NOT! I’ll pick Ann over 100 Rudy’s and Mitt’s any day.
The best part is she gave so many PC conservatives the vapors. Well done Annie.
Count me solidly in Ann’s corner. Go Ann Coulter!!

Others that see the light and appreciate what Ann is about.
* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* Something…and Half of Something

And for those of you that are NOT PC groupies and hate the left as much as I do, continue on to read what Rush Limbaugh had to say about all of this. For those RHINO’s that lurk here you may need to grow up and face the music, because YOU are part of the reason America is in trouble.

Rush Weighs In on the Coulter Kerfuffle

March 5, 2007 …………


06 Mar

Hugo You Better Tighten Your Tin Foil Hat

Chavez: “CIA Out to Kill Me”
CARACAS, Venezuela — President Hugo Chavez on Sunday said he believes enemies including the CIA are out to kill him, and called U.S. diplomat John Negroponte a “professional killer.”
Chavez said Venezuelan officials have intelligence that associates of jailed Cuban anti-communist militant Luis Posada Carriles also are involved in plotting to assassinate him.
He said the death plot idea has “gained weight” due to various factors, including the recent appointment of Negroponte, the former director of national intelligence, as deputy to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“Who did they swear in … there at the White House as deputy secretary of state? A professional killer: John Negroponte,” Chavez said.

Chavez did not elaborate, but his government has previously accused Negroponte of playing a key role in the Contra war against the leftist Sandinista government of Nicaragua when he served as ambassador to Honduras — a haven for clandestine Contra bases — from 1981 to 1985.
U.S. Embassy officials could not immediately be reached for comment, but they have denied Chavez’s repeated accusations that they are plotting to oust him.
Chavez was asked about reports of assassination plots during a televised interview.

“They have assigned special units of the CIA, true assassins, who go around not only here in Venezuela, in Central America, in South America,” Chavez said, without elaborating.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO, Hey Chaves…just keep looking over your shoulder. BANG…BOOM..BANG… Relax Hugo, it was just a car backfiring, now come out from under the table please. Please don’t tell Hugo all his closest friends and advisers have been replaced by CIA doubles.
He’s doomed. heh heh

06 Mar

Is Hillary Auditioning for Amos ‘n’ Andy??

Hillary Adopts Southern Drawl In Church Service
Disgusting pandering. The thing is, that’s not a Southern accent. It is insulting! But it also is hilarious how obvious she is in doing this kind of thing.

“I just want to begin by giving praise to the Lord Almighty,” said Mrs Clinton, 59, with a Southern twang not normally detectable in her speeches, as she announced she had come as “a sister in worship and a grateful friend and beneficiary of what happened in Selma 42 years ago”.

Remember a few years ago when she tried to talk “black” to the NAACP?

“And youse know wha I’ma a talkin ’bout!”

06 Mar

Obama Goes Into the I Have a Dream Mode

I could only stand to listen to a small part of Obama’s speech, but all I could think of was Martin Luther King as Obama spoke. Hahahahaha Could Obama not be original? I guess not.
In Selma, where Hillary was also kissing up, not far away was Sen. Barack Obama who told the congregation of an African-American church that they represented the fulfillment of Dr. Martin Luther King’s prophetic “I Have a Dream” speech.

“Two score and two years ago,” Sen. Obama said, “our fathers and mothers were beaten on a bridge here in Selma so we that might be free at last to judge a political candidate not just by the content of his character, but also by the color of his skin and even by which restroom he uses.”

“I am the fruits of your labour,” he told those gathered to mark the 42nd anniversary. “I am the offspring of the movement. So when people ask me if I’ve been to Selma before, I tell them – I’m coming home.”

America will get what it deserves if they vote for either of these two fakers. I pray they never become President. God help us.