12 Mar

Zell Miller vs. Rudy on Abortion

Says Zell: Military shortages, Social Security crisis, and illegal immigration all linked to abortion
It hasn’t gotten widespread play yet, but former U.S. Sen. Zell Miller made a little news this week in Macon when he declared that abortion has contributed to the military’s manpower shortage, the Social Security crisis, and the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States.

“How could this great land of plenty produce too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention: We’re too few because too many of our babies have been killed,” Miller said.

“Over 45 million since Roe v. Wade in 1973. If those 45 million children had lived, today they would be defending our country, they would be filling our jobs, they would be paying into Social Security,” the former Georgia governor said. “Still, we watch as 3,700 babies are killed every single day in America. It is unbelievable that a nation under God would allow this.”

Giuliani in 1989 on public funding of abortion

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Amazing that we hear a Democrat saying this and a so called Republican taking the stand FOR abortion. The world is upside down and inside out I think.

12 Mar

Commie Calypso Harry Belafonte Is A Mental Case

Singer Harry Belafonte elaborates on his reference to Condi Rice as a ‘house slave’ and explains why Bush is more of a tyrant than Castro. This communist Belafonte needs to go, far far away to another country. Get the hell out of America you commie freak. To Harry Belafonte, Castro is a freedom fighter.
Speaking in October 1983 at a “World Peace Concert” run by East Germany’s official Communist youth organization, Belafonte gave his blessings to the Soviet-sponsored “peace” campaign pushing unilateral Western disarmament, at a time when the Soviets were putting SS-20 missiles in East Germany.
In June 2000, Belafonte was a featured speaker at a rally in Castro’s Cuba, honoring the American Soviet spies, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg.

11 Mar

Gathering Of Eagles Caravan Heads Out For March 17th Rally

Pictures of Gathering Of Eagles Caravan & Rally Pictures

Caravan Route – “THESE COLORS DON’T RUN”

Map is the route for Move America Forward and also the photos below.

San Francisco, California

Lafayette, California

Vacaville, California

Sacramento, California

Stockton, California

Bakersfield, California

Phoenix, Arizona

Gathering of Eagles website

God bless all our troops, our Veterans and their families and loved ones. I love you all so much.

11 Mar

Caravan For U.S. Troops Shows Colors

Military families and supporters in Move Forward America speak at Griffith Park en route to a rally next weekend in Washington, D.C.

Kyle Crowley, an 18-year-old Marine, died in Iraq nearly three years ago. Stricken by stress and grief, his father, Mark Crowley, suffered a near-fatal heart attack about 17 months later, on the fourth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
The elder Crowley, now 48, a sheet metal worker from the Northern California town of Tracy, wasn’t healthy enough to return to work. He’s been searching for meaning in his life ever since.
The one thing he’s sure of, however, is that he doesn’t want his son’s life to have been lost in vain. That’s why he joined a cross-country caravan of military families and supporters urging the U.S. to support the troops and criticizing politicians and antiwar activists for calling for troop withdrawal from Iraq before the job is done.

“Many have died for these colors,” Crowley told supporters at Griffith Park on Friday as he held a U.S. flag. “If you don’t support these colors, get the hell out.”

The Los Angeles stop was one of two dozen rallies Crowley and others in the Move America Forward caravan will hold as they make their way to Washington, D.C., over the next eight days under the motto “These colors don’t run.”

About 100 supporters — including many veterans — added several dozen flags of all sizes to the caravan’s collection, which the group plans to display in “a giant flag city of red, white and blue patriotism” on the National Mall next weekend.
Move America Forward is protesting the antiwar rallies planned for the fourth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq. The caravan includes two other California parents — Debra Argel Bastian of Lompoc, whose son died in Iraq, and Debbie Johns of Granite Bay, whose son is serving his third tour there.
Crowley in his view, it’s us or them.

“If we don’t finish it, they will. If we pull out or can’t win, [the terrorists] will make Sept. 11 look like a bar fight. They’re radical, and their only meaning is killing innocent people ” said Crowley.

A former Army ranger, Crowley said he could shoot an elk at 600 yards with a single shot. He wishes he could trade his own life for his son’s — or any of the other 3,000-plus troops who have died.

11 Mar

The Great Global Warming Swindle

A convincing video documentary that the idea of man-made global warming is total bunk. The contributors to the documentary have impressive well-know scientific credentials, (including the co-founder of Greenpeace, and the head of the Meteorology Dept. at MIT) and follow the IDEOLOGY (that’s what is is, not science) of Environmental Change from the 1970s to the present. It’s a one hour and 15 minute video, but if you are at all interested in the topic, very well worth your time. Builds a convincing scientific case that our current warming trend is Solar related, not due to greenhouse gases.
Probably the most moving part is in the end, when it shows the price to be paid, primarily by survival-economy persons in the developing world, for the world-wide dogma of man-made global warming. This documentary clearly underlines that the world-wide almost religous devotion to the ideology of global warming has serious moral consequences.
An amazing documentary, very well done, which primarily interviews of leading scientists who dispute the current intolerant dogma of man-made global warming. This does to global warming what the movie Obsession does to Islam.
Al Gore and company are Communists out to “fix” imaginary problems and screw us all in the process.
Running time about 75 minutes. But well worth it.
Just in case there is any problem with opening the above video. Just click this link for a larger size at actual website. Thank you

10 Mar

Gathering of Eagles Petition and Video

Gathering Of Eagles Video. GREAT!

Gathering of Eagles is trying to gage the number of folks who are going to be Showing up in Washington on March 17th.
To all of the bloggers and websites that are listed in our sidebar as Participating Websites, we need your help and support now. Please post the following information on your blogs and websites. It is imperative that we get this word out as quickly as possible.
Security : When you go to sign the petition, it defaults to rendering your e-mail address private, even to the organizers of the petition.
There are two petitions now up online.
One for people to sign only if they WILL be at the Gathering of Eagles on March 17th:
The second petition is for those who will be with us in spirit:
This will be very helpful in giving us some idea of how many Eagles will be in attendance on the 17th and how many will be supporting us from home.
If you plan to be there, sign in. Those who just can’t attend but stand with us in spirit are asked to sign the second petition.
755 so far have signed in as attending.
940 have signed is an with us in spirit.
(as of 1214 CST, March9th)
This number is a fraction of what we know to be true, but we need ALL BLOGGERS and WEBMASTERS to get this word out!!
Gathering of Eagles website

09 Mar

Not This Time

Not This Time (poem about Gathering of Eagles)

written by …….E.M. Cooper, USMC 3/1/07
They gathered in the 60s And Ol’ Glory burned and tore With all their hollow slogans such as “Let’s make love, not war.”
They took for granted freedoms Struggled for in every clime. But as their sequel gathers steam We’re saying “Not this time.”
Peaceniks still don’t grasp the irony As they demand free speech. Atop soapboxes, with bullhorns They curse and mock and preach.
And in our country that’s their right ‘Twas earned in blood and grime. Secured by men they tried to shame But not now, not this time.
Perhaps someone can tell me why When marching on for “peace” These protesters bring cans of paint And beat upon police?
Their anti-war activities Bought and paid by foreign dime, They used to go unchallenged, But we promise – not this time.
They assaulted soldiers coming home With curse words, spit and worse. All done, it’s claimed, in search of peace No matter how perverse.
With Fonda, Kerry, Ramsey Clark, And others past their prime, They hope to relive “glory” days. But hold on, not this time.
Their signs laced with profanity, With swastikas and threats. Parading by with coffins Showing no signs of regret.
Demonstrating outside hospitals With signs like “Maimed for Lies.” Well, free speech is a two-way street You’ve got company this time.
Outside the Capitol, perhaps Is where these types belong. But treading on such sacred ground Is insolent and wrong.
They won’t disturb memorials, Or other spots sublime. They’ve damaged several in the past, But trust me, not this time.
So on March 17th around The Wall we will be lined. Ensuring reverence does prevail, No monuments maligned.
We’ll peacefully assemble, And we’ll tolerate no crime. Forty years ago they marched alone, Forget it – not this time.

09 Mar

Terrorists Groupies The Democrats Want Iraq Pullout By Fall 2008

Democrats want Iraq pullout by fall 2008
ctv.CA ……for complete article
In a direct challenge to President Bush, House Democrats are advancing legislation requiring the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by the fall of next year.
Democratic officials who described the measure said the timetable would be accelerated—to the end of 2007—if the government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki does not meet goals for providing Iraq’s security.
The White House had no immediate reaction, although Bush has repeatedly rejected talk of establishing a deadline for troop withdrawals.
Within an hour of Pelosi’s news conference, House Republican Leader John Boehner attacked the measure. He said Democrats were proposing legislation that amounted to “establishing and telegraphing to our enemy a timetable” that would result in failure of the U.S. military mission in Iraq.

“Gen. (David) Petraeus should be the one making the decisions on what happens on the ground in Iraq, not Nancy Pelosi or John Murtha,” the Ohio Republican added. Murtha, a Pennsylvania Democrat, has been heavily involved in crafting legislation designed to end U.S., participation in the war.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
How about a timetable for Democrats to “pull out” of congress they should WITHDRAWL NOW!
We can “redeploy” all Democrats to countries such as Iran, North Korea or Russia so we can keep the enemies of this country all in one place!
The Dems make the job of our guys on the front line much harder and much more dangerous. We aren’t leaving Iraq any time soon……regardless of what the DEM leadership and MSM wish for. The GOP and WH have done a completely terrible job over the past 3 years of telling our success and setting the record straight about the MSM / DEM lies and spin on a weekly basis.
I saw Maxine Waters today on CNN today and she was asked if the bill even made it out of the Senate ,and got to the Presidents desk , the President has already said he would veto it. To which she responded ”We don’t care if he veto’s it. ”The troops are coming home!”……….Is it just me or are some of these RATS like Murtha and Maxine Waters coming off as crazy or semi delusional?

09 Mar

Young Americans ~ Living With Snipers

This is a preview from the movie “Young Americans” – it’s the chapter from the movie “living with snipers”. This is video from an embeded cameraman.
Please CLICK HERE to be taken to site where the video is located. Thank you.
Filmed by Pat Dollard, I have posted his work here before. He does an excellent job and is a wonderful sujpporter of our awesome troops.