…..Thank you John 5 ( VN 69/70) for the video
…..Thank you John 5 ( VN 69/70) for the video
CSPAN decided: a) not to cover the Gathering of Eagles rally, and b) to cover the Workers World Party’s rally against America.
02:00 PM EDT
2:30 (est.) LIVE
Anti-War Rally
Act Now to Stop War & End Racism (A.N.S.W.E.R.)
Ramsey Clark , Department of Justice
Cynthia McKinney , D, Georgia (State)
The beginning and end of this live program may be earlier or later than the scheduled times.
With this deplorable decision, CSPAN has spit on the American military veteran. How can CSPAN make such a blatantly biased decision?
And what about the military veterans who support our troops and our country? Doesn’t their voice also deserve to be heard tomorrow?
Every one of us who pays for cable television service pays to fund CSPAN’s “balanced” public interest coverage, and our voices are just as relevant and just as deserving to be heard as those on the radical left who despise our country and our troops.
Our Vietnam veterans were spit on forty years ago. Today, CSPAN is spitting on all of our veterans by giving coverage to the Workers World Party/International ANSWER rally and ignoring the opposing point of view.
If you want to, I am going to call and when you do call on whatever line you can get in on.
Washington Journal begins at 7am on Saturday, and it runs at least two hours, maybe three.
Call-In Numbers
Support Democrats:
(202) 737-0002
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(202) 737-0001
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(202) 628-0205
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(202) 628-0184
Email: journal@c-span.org
Mark thank you for posting this in the comments. It is so good I wanted to put it as a post. Thank you so much.
In honor of St Patricks day, a day early since I won’t be at my terminal. To all the Legal Immigrants who made this country possible.
Briefly this was written, after the Battle of Fredericksburg, in honor of the Brigade that put it on the line for their adopted country. Before the Battle General Maehger ordered all of his Brigade to put sprigs of ‘Boxwood’ in their caps, so that the whole world could see that the Irish died facing the enemy. On that fateful day the made 13 assaults on Maryre’s Heights all were dismal failures.
Softly let thy footprints fall,
Upon this holy ground,
In reverence deep,
For those who sleep,
Beneath each lowly mound
Here hath many a noble son,
Of trodden mother land,
Whose joy thro’ life,
Was hope of strife.
For their love of native land.
They came from Carlow’s fertile plains,
And Wexford’s woody vales,
From Innisbowen,
And green Tyrone,
And Wicklow’s hills and dales.
They came to seek amid the free,
Homes to reward their toil,
In which to see
That liberty
Unknown on Erin’s soil.
And well they loved the chosen land;
When menaced was her might,
Each grsteful heart
A willing part
Took in her cause to fight.
And her they lie in unblessed earth,
No kindred eye to weep,
Far, far away,
From the abbey’s grey.
Where the sires and grandsires sleep.
Oh! Many a matron, many a maid,
Mourn in their native isle,
For the dear ones here,
Who no more shall cheer
Their hearts by their gladsome smile.
In many an ancient chapel there,
Nestled on the green hill side,
Will the good priest pray,
On the Sabbath day,
For his boys who in battle died.
Let us offer too, our orisons,
For each of the mayyr band,
Who nobly gave
Their lives to save
The might of their adopted land.
Kate M. Boylan
Jersey City, New Jersey
St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 1863
Berlin Residents to Protect Monuments (Connecticut Vets Travel to Join Gathering of Eagles)
new britain herald
Berlin, Conn.
In recent years, veterans have felt disrespected as war and recognition monuments in Washington, D.C., have been defaced by individuals who have joined in the Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) annual March, but several residents have said they won’t let it happen again.
This Saturday, a group of individuals led by former Marine and Berlin resident Salvatore Sena will go to Washington to protect the monuments and protest any attempts to deface the property by forming a human wall, joining hand in hand with others from across the nation and even Canada.
“Word has come around that a group of extremists has plans to exercise their freedom of speech and protest the war by defacing national monuments,” Sena said in an e-mail correspondence with The Herald. “I feel that enough is enough and that’s why I will be joining my fellow Americans in guarding and protecting our national monuments in D.C.”
The decision to provide a protective human shield around the monuments came after several individuals who had marched in the anti-war protests held in March 2006 turned to vandalism during the event, causing damage to the Vietnam Memorial through what they have said was “an act of freedom of speech” in opposition to war efforts.
Sena said he and other participants from the Berlin area, several being members of the Marine Corps League, are traveling to the site to take part in a peaceful protest of their march with a group known as the Gathering of Eagles.
The group will include individuals from across the United States and veteran soldiers currently residing in Canada. These participants come from all walks of life including organizations such as the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Riders, Patriot Guard Riders, National Order of the Purple Heart, Gold Star and Blue Star Mothers, and various veterans’ groups and POW organizations.
According to Sena, the extremists involved with ANSWER and Code Pink, a second group that will join in the march, represent only 17 percent of society. He said with a joint effort from many in the other 83 percent, he is confident they can protect the monument from a destructive fate in 2007.
Once ANSWER was made aware that there would be a peaceful standoff at the Vietnam Memorial in Constitution Park, it rescheduled its rally to be held at the Henry Beacon Drive Park. This was later named a starting point for its march toward the Pentagon.
The Gathering of Eagles will use Constitution Park as its gathering point and Sena said they will protect several area monuments, not just the Vietnam Memorial. Leaders also encourage participants to arrive early and stay aware as they believe extremists may still attempt to sneak through lines to deface the property.
“As an American veteran, I cannot and will not stand for this type of behavior from any extremist,” said Sena in the e-mail. “I hold too much respect for the soldier who gave up his or her life for our country.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
God and the spirits of American patriots walk with the Gathering of Eagles.
I got this article from a cousin of mine that lives in Conn. So I wanted to share it with all of you.
Also a BIG thank you to Old War Dogs blogfor all the awesome things they have done to get the word out.
Senate GOP turns back Iraq pullout plan
Democrats aggressively challenged President Bush’s Iraq policy at both ends of the Capitol on Thursday, gaining House committee approval for a troop withdrawal deadline of Sept. 1, 2008, but suffering defeat in the Senate on a less sweeping plan to end U.S. participation in the war.
In the House, only one committee Democrat, liberal Rep. Barbara Lee of California, voted against her party’s plan, saying it did not go far enough. “I believe the American people sent a mandate to us to bring home our men and women before the end of the year,” she said.
Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky led the opposition to the measure.
“This is a dangerous piece of legislation. It is constitutionally dubious and it would authorize a scattered band of United States senators to tie the hand” of the commander in chief, he said. McConnell said it would be “absolutely fatal” to the mission of U.S. troops in Iraq.
For their part, Republicans sought to create a political dilemma for Democrats, countering with an alternative measure that said “no funds should be cut off or reduced for American troops in the field” that would undermine their safety.
GOP leaders hoped the proposal, advanced by Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire, would prove difficult for Democrats to oppose and complicate any future effort to reduce funds for the war.
Gregg’s amendment passed 82-16.
Democrats tried still another proposal, this one saying that Congress would provide “necessary funds for training equipment and other support for troops in the field.” It passed easily, 96-2.
The House timetable was part of a spending bill that totals $124 billion, $95.5 billion of which is targeted for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Wild Thing’s comment………
The Reid Amendment has failed. It was the one which would restrict the President’s ability to direct the use of force, and set a deadline for withdrawal of March 31, 2008. The Democrats didn’t even get a plurality – the Reid Amendment lost 50-48.
The Gregg Amendment – i.e., Congress should not eliminate/reduce funds for troops in the field – has passed 82–16.
The Murray Amendment – i.e., Congress should provide funds for training, equipment and other support for troops in the field; and health care to those who have served – has passed 96-2
The message that has been sent is that the Senate has thoroughly rejected defunding the mission!! This ia a huge rejection of the enemy within’s agenda and demand that Democrats vote to defund and withdraw immediately.
School Changes Name of Play to ‘Three Little Puppies’ to Avoid Offending Muslims
Daily mail.co.UK
Little Red Riding Hood … Hansel and Gretel … the Three Little Puppies?
Gill Goodswen, head teacher of Stile Common Junior School, defending the move.
She said: “We have to be sensitive if we want to be multi-cultural. It was felt it would be more responsible not to use the three little pigs.
“We feared that some Muslim children wouldn’t sing along to the words about pigs,’ she said.
“We didn’t want to take that risk. If changing a few words avoids offence then we will do so.”
The story of the Three Little Pigs’ battle with the Big Bad Wolf has delighted children since it was written more than 150 years ago.
But the tale highlighting the merits of hardwork and practicality has become the latest to fall victim to political correctness.
A junior school production of the children’s story has been renamed the Three Little Puppies for fear of offending Muslims.
Organisers of a children’s music festival have altered the popular characters and lyrics because of the multi-cultural nature of the youngsters involved and their parents in the audience.
Children from Honley Church of England Junior School in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, were due to perform in a reworking of the popular tale which features the three little pigs.
The youngsters – aged from seven to 11 – were due to perform at Huddersfield Town Hall in June with 250 children from 63 schools singing along.
But organisers of the Kirklees Primary Music Festival decided to change the script to be ‘sensitive’ to Muslims at a recent committee meeting.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is so absurd ! “Three Little Puppies”? Earth to school, Muslims consider puppies unclean. Why don’t the Brits just hand their country over to the towelheads and get it over with? This slow, drip, drop, drip destruction of British, Anglo-Saxon culture is too painful to witness.
Katherine Kersten: The real target of the 6 imams’ ‘discrimination’ suit
Star Tribune…for complete article
The “flying imams’ ” federal lawsuit, filed this week in Minneapolis, has made headlines around the country. The imams are demanding unspecified damages from US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission, both with deep pockets. But their suit includes other defendants, as yet unnamed. These people, unaffiliated with the airline industry or government, are among the imams’ most vulnerable targets.
Their lawsuit appears to be the latest component in a national campaign to intimidate airlines and government agencies from acting prudently to ensure passenger safety. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is advising the imams, is also calling for congressional hearings and promoting federal legislation to “end racial profiling” in air travel. If the legislation passes, airport personnel who disproportionately question passengers who are Muslim or of Middle Eastern origin could be subject to sanctions.
But the most alarming aspect of the imams’ suit is buried in paragraph 21 of their complaint. It describes “John Doe” defendants whose identity the imams’ attorneys are still investigating. It reads: “Defendants ‘John Does’ were passengers … who contacted U.S. Airways to report the alleged ‘suspicious’ behavior of Plaintiffs’ performing their prayer at the airport terminal.”
Paragraph 22 adds: “Plaintiffs will seek leave to amend this Complaint to allege true names, capacities, and circumstances supporting [these defendants’] liability … at such time as Plaintiffs ascertain the same.”
In plain English, the imams plan to sue the “John Does,” too.
But the most alarming aspect of the imams’ suit is buried in paragraph 21 of their complaint. It describes “John Doe” defendants whose identity the imams’ attorneys are still investigating. It reads: “Defendants ‘John Does’ were passengers … who contacted U.S. Airways to report the alleged ‘suspicious’ behavior of Plaintiffs’ performing their prayer at the airport terminal.”
Paragraph 22 adds: “Plaintiffs will seek leave to amend this Complaint to allege true names, capacities, and circumstances supporting [these defendants’] liability … at such time as Plaintiffs ascertain the same.”
In plain English, the imams plan to sue the “John Does,” too.
Who are these unnamed culprits? The complaint describes them as “an older couple who was sitting [near the imams] and purposely turn[ed] around to watch” as they prayed. “The gentleman (’John Doe’) in the couple … picked up his cellular phone and made a phone call while watching the Plaintiffs pray,” then “moved to a corner” and “kept talking into his cellular phone.”
In retribution for this action, the unnamed couple probably will be dragged into court soon and face the prospect of hiring a lawyer, enduring hostile questioning and paying huge legal bills. The same fate could await other as-yet-unnamed passengers on the US Airways flight who came forward as witnesses.
The imams’ attempt to bully ordinary passengers marks an alarming new front in the war on airline security.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This has been such an obvious set up and CAIR the terrorists lover organization is a huge part of it as they always are. GRRRRRRRRRRR
I think every passenger on the plane should sue the six imams for harrassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The imans had three objectives:
1) Further inflame Muslims against the USA by portraying America as a country that harasses and bullies them;
2) Test our aviation security arrangements;
3) Use the shopworn “profiling” dodge to intimidate law enforcement and airline personnel from taking reasonable and prudent measures to protect the flying public.
With the help of the MSM,the Imans achieved objective #1. Under a Democratic administration, security and scrutiny will almost certainly be downgraded, achieving objective #3. Pelosi has already said that the imans’ removal from the plane may be a case of “profiling.” God help us if these people ever again hold the Congress and the Executive branch.
Before the imams boarded, they were “praying loudly in the gate area. Some were heard to be making statements against the U.S. involvement in Iraq,” Pat Hogan, spokesman for the airport, said in an interview today.
Some of the six repeatedly said “Allah” as they boarded, then asked to change seats and requested safety-belt extensions that they put under their seats, Hogan said. One was overheard to say he would “go to whatever measures necessary to obey all that is set out in the Koran,” Hogan said. ( source…Bloomberg report)
The All-American Gun
NY Post
John R. Lott Jr. is the author of this article about the book
Did you know that in New York City through 1969 virtually all the public high schools had riflery teams?
Thousands of students carried their rifles on subways, buses and streets on their way to school, when they went to practice in the afternoon and on their way home. And until 1963, all commercial pilots were required to carry guns and were allowed to carry guns until 1987.
Gun laws have certainly changed over time.
Today towns such as Kennesaw, Ga., Greenfeld, Idaho, and Geuda Springs, Kan., which all require residents to own guns, are considered odd. But Clayton Cramer’s terrific new book, “Armed America,” shows that, in fact, gun ownership has been deeply woven into this country’s fabric since the colonial period.
Cramer proves that guns aren’t inherently the problem. In our day, criminals may have replaced Indians as a danger facing most citizens, but it may also shock many readers to learn how comfortable Americans once were with their guns.
In colonial times, as Cramer argues, people didn’t own guns just for hunting. Numerous laws mandated that people have guns for personal defense and defense of the community, at home, while traveling and even in church.
Heads of households, whether men or women, were required to have a gun at home and fines of up to a month’s wages were imposed on those who failed to meet this requirement.
In some states such as Maryland, fines were paid directly to inspectors so that authorities had a strong incentive to check. The only people exempt from these rules were Quakers, some indentured servants or, in the South, blacks.
Fear of attack by Indians and England’s European enemies meant that people were required to own and carry guns when traveling, though sometimes older people were exempted.
At least six colonies required people to have guns with them at church. Church officials were required to check parishioners when they arrived for services to ensure they had a gun. Clergymen were required to have guns, too. Contrast that with the political firestorms that erupt these days when states merely let churches decide whether concealed-handgun permit holders can carry guns on church property.
In our day, only about 45 percent of households own a gun, whereas gun ownership in Colonial America was much higher, as measured by probate records. Guns were bequeathed to the next generation in about 70 percent of cases.
The fascinating firsthand historical accounts that Cramer provides indicate that guns were cheap, readily available and essentially everywhere. Given America’s historical amnesia, Cramer’s book helps to remind us about that part of our history many now find improbable.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Our guns are what let us know we can always protect ourselves if we had to. Sometimes just the knowledge that a person has a gun or guns is enough to stop a crime like the article says about this book. I agree 100% with that. I pray we never see the day that anyone will be coming to get our guns.
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