15 Mar

The Six Imams Need To Learn Of Our Outrage About This!

Katherine Kersten: The real target of the 6 imams’ ‘discrimination’ suit
Star Tribune…for complete article
The “flying imams’ ” federal lawsuit, filed this week in Minneapolis, has made headlines around the country. The imams are demanding unspecified damages from US Airways and the Metropolitan Airports Commission, both with deep pockets. But their suit includes other defendants, as yet unnamed. These people, unaffiliated with the airline industry or government, are among the imams’ most vulnerable targets.
Their lawsuit appears to be the latest component in a national campaign to intimidate airlines and government agencies from acting prudently to ensure passenger safety. The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which is advising the imams, is also calling for congressional hearings and promoting federal legislation to “end racial profiling” in air travel. If the legislation passes, airport personnel who disproportionately question passengers who are Muslim or of Middle Eastern origin could be subject to sanctions.
But the most alarming aspect of the imams’ suit is buried in paragraph 21 of their complaint. It describes “John Doe” defendants whose identity the imams’ attorneys are still investigating. It reads: “Defendants ‘John Does’ were passengers … who contacted U.S. Airways to report the alleged ‘suspicious’ behavior of Plaintiffs’ performing their prayer at the airport terminal.”
Paragraph 22 adds: “Plaintiffs will seek leave to amend this Complaint to allege true names, capacities, and circumstances supporting [these defendants’] liability … at such time as Plaintiffs ascertain the same.”
In plain English, the imams plan to sue the “John Does,” too.

But the most alarming aspect of the imams’ suit is buried in paragraph 21 of their complaint. It describes “John Doe” defendants whose identity the imams’ attorneys are still investigating. It reads: “Defendants ‘John Does’ were passengers … who contacted U.S. Airways to report the alleged ‘suspicious’ behavior of Plaintiffs’ performing their prayer at the airport terminal.”
Paragraph 22 adds: “Plaintiffs will seek leave to amend this Complaint to allege true names, capacities, and circumstances supporting [these defendants’] liability … at such time as Plaintiffs ascertain the same.”
In plain English, the imams plan to sue the “John Does,” too.
Who are these unnamed culprits? The complaint describes them as “an older couple who was sitting [near the imams] and purposely turn[ed] around to watch” as they prayed. “The gentleman (’John Doe’) in the couple … picked up his cellular phone and made a phone call while watching the Plaintiffs pray,” then “moved to a corner” and “kept talking into his cellular phone.”
In retribution for this action, the unnamed couple probably will be dragged into court soon and face the prospect of hiring a lawyer, enduring hostile questioning and paying huge legal bills. The same fate could await other as-yet-unnamed passengers on the US Airways flight who came forward as witnesses.
The imams’ attempt to bully ordinary passengers marks an alarming new front in the war on airline security.

Wild Thing’s comment……
This has been such an obvious set up and CAIR the terrorists lover organization is a huge part of it as they always are. GRRRRRRRRRRR
I think every passenger on the plane should sue the six imams for harrassment and intentional infliction of emotional distress.
The imans had three objectives:
1) Further inflame Muslims against the USA by portraying America as a country that harasses and bullies them;
2) Test our aviation security arrangements;
3) Use the shopworn “profiling” dodge to intimidate law enforcement and airline personnel from taking reasonable and prudent measures to protect the flying public.
With the help of the MSM,the Imans achieved objective #1. Under a Democratic administration, security and scrutiny will almost certainly be downgraded, achieving objective #3. Pelosi has already said that the imans’ removal from the plane may be a case of “profiling.” God help us if these people ever again hold the Congress and the Executive branch.

Before the imams boarded, they were “praying loudly in the gate area. Some were heard to be making statements against the U.S. involvement in Iraq,” Pat Hogan, spokesman for the airport, said in an interview today.
Some of the six repeatedly said “Allah” as they boarded, then asked to change seats and requested safety-belt extensions that they put under their seats, Hogan said. One was overheard to say he would “go to whatever measures necessary to obey all that is set out in the Koran,” Hogan said. ( source…Bloomberg report)

Freeman says:

Find the passengers delayed by the Imam’s stunt, and have THEM sue the the Imams for the damages THEY caused!

TomR says:

Clean your firearms, buy more ammo and grab your ass and hang on tight. There is much, much more of this islamic harassment, degrading bullshit coming. Just as there are more imans and moslems coming to America because we have leadership that can only concentrate on power and reelection.
What will come first; a second American Revolution, a second American Civil War(between moslems and hispanics over the spoils) or a complete capitulation of American Culture to Third World status??

Jack says:

TomR, you have said it all!!!

Gerry says:

Hold onto your pants….
Next it will be a lawsuit DEMANDING that we join in prayers to Allah before a flight or anything else.

Wild Thing says:

Freeman, good idea!!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, GREAT comment!

Wild Thing says:

Gerry, yes that could happen the way things are going.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Mohamad Atta had a red bandana on when his five Islamomaniacs slaughtered AA 11’s flight crew and, prayed to Allah and screamed “Allah Ackbar” before flying into the WTC North Tower at 08:45 AM on 9-11-01…The same on UF 175 prior to hitting the South Tower at 09:05 AM…The same on AA 77 that hit our Pentagon at 09:35 AM… And praise God their Allah was defeated on UF 93 in Shanksville PA at 10:35 AM by Todd Beamer’s patriots…”Lord, deliver US from evil – Are you ready? LET’S ROLL!” AMEN !! Yeah Chrissie, those bastards are praying to kill us all !!!

Wild Thing says:

Darth, thank you so much for mentioning those things. Thank God for Todd Beamer’s and his patriots.

The entire fiasco with the six praying imams was staged. Everyone I know realizes that. Yet, this matter is going to court? Ugh!

Tincan Sailor says:

One person can file a class action for all
the folks on that plane and while they are at
it bring action against CAIR as a john doe.
I saw an article in our paper last week about
all this Islamic mess is great for the KKK
membership drive,go figure!!!

neil says:

If I was a bit nervous about taking a long flight and I sent up a prayer and was then arrested for it, I’d sue the crap out of everyone involved.

USpace says:

These Imams were faking and goofing on the passengers, and were probably trying to get tossed off the plane just so they could play the victim card and go to court and make a scene. Any judge who allows this is garbage.
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
pretend to be terrorists
scare people on a plane
get thrown off claim racism