21 Mar

In Country With Our Troops ~ Various Stories

In Iraq, approximately 270 km of village roads have been completed. These projects are directly contracted with local firms and assist in the economic development of smaller communities. The Village Roads program is expected to be completed in July 2007 and will provide 424 km of improved roads.

Tuesday, 20 March 2007
Coalition forces nabbed 18 suspected terrorists, discovered a weapons cache and killed a potential suicide bomber in Iraq over the past few days.
During operations targeting the al Qaeda in Iraq network and foreign fighter facilitators in Baghdad this morning, coalition forces detained 11 suspected terrorists. One detainee is an alleged improvised-explosive-device maker, military officials said.
Elsewhere in Iraq today, coalition forces captured three suspected terrorists in Ramadi, including another alleged IED maker responsible for attacks against coalition forces.

Packing for an Air Drop • Engineers Provide Drinking Water Watch Video

This is a wonderful video and it is not on You Tube and can be seen on your windows media player.

ISKANDARIYAH, Iraq – Paratroopers from Company D, 3rd Battalion, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division discovered a weapons cache March 18 south of Baghdad.
While on patrol, the Paratroopers discovered the cache which consisted of 400 tank rounds, 50 130mm mortars and three 60 mm mortars.
The cache was secured, the site was marked and an explosive ordnance disposal team was notified for the demolition of the cache.

Prayers for our troops and their loved ones. Thank you for all you do.

21 Mar

What Season Are You?

You Belong in Winter

Quiet, calm, and totally at peace…
You’re happy to be at home, wrapped in a blanket, completely snowed in
Whether you’re lighting a fire or having a snowball fight, you always feel best in the winter.

LOL this is so true, I adore winter. My energy soars in the winter months. hahaha
I love all the seasons, but my number one favorite is winter, the smell of a fireplace and all cozy inside. I even turn up the air conditioning in the summer so the fireplace won’t make the room too hot. heh heh

20 Mar

First Day of Spring

In some areas it feels like spring and I know in many others the snow is still deep on the ground. I thought for those of you with snow still at your place you might like to see the first glimpse of spring in the flowers.
Have a great day everyone!
Wild Thing

20 Mar

You Won’t Be Forgotten

CTS won an award from the Congressional Medal Of Honor and Military Writers Society for along with International Picturs FX for this video. It was featured in the “Run For The Wall” video for a biker event every May that ends up at the Vietnam Wall with over 500,000 strong. It is a tribute to all our heroes who have served and are serving and protecting this country’s freedom.

….Thank you John 5 ( VN 69/70) for the video. This is great!

20 Mar

Enemies of the USA and our Military ~ These people are Pure Evil

Vile, monsters in Portland, Oregon, as “anti-war” demonstrators burned not only a US flag, but a US soldier in effigy.

It ended up confronting the police after the “peace” march and, after some arrests, they tried to lay siege to the jail to free their comrades. The police were ready and it ended in a multi hour standoff(the police would charge the anarchists line, discharge some pepper spray, which caused the anarchists to retreat. Disgusting and treasonous behavior in Portland.
It reminds me of Palestinian terrorists burning American and Israeli flags, they are all on the same side.

US soldier burned in effigy

A=Anarchism (total absense of government/authority)
E=Egalitarianism (equality at any price)

Defacing the Abraham Lincoln monument

The website the photos are from and where they comment etc. ( warning:vulgar language and vulgar thinking are present)

Wild Thing’s comment…….
The jihadis and these anti-soldier weaklings all cover their faces. They are all cowards every one of them. Hate filled cowards! These photos make me sick! They don’t deserve to live in America.
This all crosses the line and yet they walk free in our land!! GRrrrrrrr!

20 Mar

Saddam’s Former Deputy Hanged in Iraq

The former deputy in Saddam Hussein’s government was hanged before dawn Tuesday for the killings of 148 Shiites, an official with the prime minister’s office said. Taha Yassin Ramadan, who was Saddam’s vice president when the regime was ousted by the U.S.-led invasion that began four years ago Tuesday in Iraq, was the fourth man to be executed in the killings of 148 Shiites following a 1982 assassination attempt against the former leader in the town of Dujail north of Baghdad.
The official, who witnessed the hanging but spoke on condition of anonymity because an official announcement had not been made, said precautions had been taken to prevent a repeat of what happened to Saddam’s half brother and co-defendant Barzan Ibrahim, who was inadvertently decapitated on the gallows.
Ramadan, who was nearly 70, was weighed before the hanging and the length of the rope was chosen accordingly, the official said.
The execution took place at an Iraqi army and police base, which had been the headquarters of Saddam’s military intelligence, in a predominantly Shiite district in northern Baghdad. Ramadan had been in U.S. custody but was handed over to the Iraqis before the hanging, the official said.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
They hanged him on the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. This is symbolic – a reminder of who is in charge. God bless our troops!

19 Mar

Miracle in Washington ~ GOE Part Two Photos and Article

Miracle in Washington
Gathering of Eagles warm graves of fallen soldiers:

Canada Free Press
By Judi McLeod ( founder of Canada Free Press)
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Yesterday, St. Patrick’s Day 2007, a group of ordinary patriots, known nobly as The Gathering of Eagles, achieved something no one else ever could.
Ragtag by nature, Gathering of Eagles’ membership includes the wounded, both walking and in wheelchairs, the gratefully and proudly ageing and the living-with-the-memory-of-lost- loved ones, brokenhearted. Some lie awake nights worrying about loved ones still in harm’s way, but the one human emotion missing from Gathering of Eagle members is disillusion. All because if there was any chance the touted anti-war protesters were going to desecrate war memorials, then The Gathering of Eagles members were going to be there–no matter from how far away they had to come, no matter in what shape March 17 was to find them in.
When they came to the call of Move America Forward, they knew in their hearts that they would be up against it. March 17 was not only the 40th anniversary of the Mother of all anti-war protests, when a decades-ago massive march to the Pentagon demanded an end to the war in Vietnam, it was also being marked as the 4th Anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Capitalizing on the past, and gathering at a time when the Nancy Pelosi Democrats control the White House, the anti-war movement was flooding Washington, D.C. this weekend with a once-and-for-all demand for America to surrender the War on Terrorism.
Veterans joining up with the Gathering of Eagles from as far away as Hawaii, knew from the outstart they could be vastly outnumbered in body, but never in spirit.
From a heralding media, hundreds of thousands were said to be descending upon Washington. Jane Fonda would be there to meet them. The mainstream media, so many sadly in sync with the “U.S. Out of Iraq Now” crowd, would ensure that the other side would get little network attention.
Mother Nature brought the dawning of a cold day with proof from the age-old adage that “March wind (is) colder than snow.”
Even though the counter protest was to be resoundingly successful, only snippets of what took place in Washington was to flicker briefly from yesterday’s suppertime news.
But ‘These Colors Don’t Run’, and this is what the troop-loving Move America Forward and the Gathering of Eagles accomplished against all odds.
The hundreds of thousands the anti-war movement promised did not descend on the nation’s capital to mark a 40th anniversary destined never be forgotten. They numbered only in the thousands–and part of those thousands included the less protest savvy Other Side! Indeed, Fox News reported that the crowd totaled several thousand with as many from The Gathering of Eagles as from the anti-war crowd.
Jane Fonda was a no show. Not being able to count on Al Gore’s global warming, perhaps she thought she’d get her tinted feathers wet.
Big-talking Hollywood celebrities left Cindy Sheehan out in the cold on her own.
Yesterday’s sea change was bound to usher in a new chapter in history. The anti-war protesters were in Washington trying to sustain a 40-year-old memory with tired, old chants like the standby “Impeach Bush” one.
The Gathering of Eagles was in Washington to protect war memorials erected to honor the fallen and in a symbolic show of love for all living troops in harm’s way.
One thing for anti-war protesters to hint at desecrating war memorials. One thing for a media to remain silent when soldiers are spit upon. Quite another to meet from the distance of right across the street, the steely-eyed glint of the veterans of real wars.
Yesterday was a televised pageant of play soldiers fighting war from the safety of a world away, meeting face on, the real McCoys, a sort of underplayed Gathering of Eagles vs. the Moonbats.
As the event played out, not all of the teared over eyes from the faces in the crowd were the result of whipping Washington winds.
There was an unforgettable reason.
For the week leading up to yesterday’s anniversary protest, a caravan of families who lost children in the war on terrorism, families who still have loved ones serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and veterans of Vietnam, Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom had crossed the nation hoping to get a single message across: “Surrender is not an option.”
Melanie Morgan’s Move America Forward caravan must have hit the road with niggling worry laced in with hope as it left San Francisco.
Anyone following the progress of the Caravan of Hope must have been misty eyed when reading about what happened within only hours of that departure. The caravan with its 10,000 flags to be sent as proof to troops fighting for freedom was mobbed along the way! Patient school children, holding homemade flags waited curbside for the caravan to pass by. Veterans wearing medals, school choirs sounding like singing angels and Americans from all walks of life left their kitchens to be there when the Move America Forward caravan was passing through Small Town America. By Texas, enthused crowds were so large, a police escort led the caravan along its way.
Little wonder why Washington winds couldn’t extinguish heart warmth the caravan reached its final destination.
When history is written, March 17th, 2007 will at long last eclipse March 17, 1967, as the day when soldiers in faraway Iraq and Afghanistan knew for certain, no matter what real time saw them doing, love and respect await their safe return. The day when it was proven to a watching world that Washington war memorials stand for what they always stood for, time immemorial, the day when the graves of fallen American soldiers the world were warmer.
God Blessed The Gathering of Eagles. They did it!

Wild Thing’s comment…….
GREAT write up from Canada. I posted the entire article, it deserved it and so do each one of you that attended and those of you too that gave such great support that could not go.
I added more photos of GOE to share with you.
Thank you all, I love our Veterans and our troops so much.

19 Mar

Target Kiss Up To Muslim Workers

Mohamed Muse, 20, was hired six months ago at the St. Louis Park Target, where he works in the produce section so he doesn’t have to handle pork products.

Target Is Transferring Cashiers Who Avoid Pork
Star Tribune
In the wake of community criticism, Target Corp. is reassigning its Muslim cashiers who refuse to ring up pork products for religious reasons to other jobs at the stores. Target received a wave of criticism earlier this week after the Star Tribune reported in a front-page article that some Muslim cashiers at Target declined to scan bacon and other pork products. They would call over another cashier to ring up the products, or in some cases, ask customers to do it themselves.
Some customers called and wrote Target to complain about the practice; a few called for a general boycott of Target on the Star Tribune’s community blog, buzz.mn.
After the story appeared, Target asked Muslim cashiers who refuse to handle pork to wear gloves or transfer to other areas of the stores. In some cases, Muslim cashiers will be given the option of transferring to other stores.

“We are confident that this is a reasonable solution for our guests and team members,” Target spokeswoman Paula Thornton-Greear said in a statement. It remains unclear whether wages would be affected by any job transfers; cashiers are generally entry-level positions at Target.

Each Target store appears to have some leeway in implementing the new policy. At the downtown Minneapolis Target, employees were called into one-on-one meetings Thursday and asked whether they were opposed to handling pork for religious reasons. Those who said yes were told they could no longer work as cashiers during the store’s busiest hours, 12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., according to an employee at the store who requested anonymity.
At the SuperTarget off Hwy. 7 in St. Louis Park, which has a full grocery section, Muslim cashiers who said they refuse to handle pork were transferred Thursday to the sales floor to stock shelves or fold clothes. It remained unclear whether that change is permanent. The store manager declined to be interviewed, and Thornton-Greear said the company wouldn’t discuss the situation at specific stores.

Suhara Robla, a 20-year-old employee at the store, said more than a dozen Muslim cashiers were asked Thursday to do other jobs. “They told all of us who don’t touch pork to go to the sales floor,” she said. “They really didn’t say why. They just said it was a new policy.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
They should be transferred out the back door. There is absolutely no reason to accomodate these lunatics.
Islam is a disease trying to destroy us from within.
They learned the value of the “protest” from the left. They want to destroy us bit by bit; protest by protest.

18 Mar

Gathering of Eagles ~ God Bless You !

This is a great video clip.

The National Parks Service notified GOE with their 

official estimate of the Eagle turn-out today…….


Fox News reported today that the anti-war protesters had significantly less than they expected. However, they are erroneously reporting that the Eagles were there in “equal numbers”. The truth is that we outnumbered them by at least three to one!
Consider…ANSWER had a year to plan their well-publicized event and were hoping for around 100,000. They actually drew about 5,000-10,000, according to various news reports today. The Gathering of Eagles, on the other hand, had about six weeks to plan an unprecedented response – and with no advertising, no publicity, no celebrity or political endorsement, no news coverage, and no big money, we had about 30,000 boots on the ground!

And this from the Washington Post……

“This is sacred ground to us,” said Rick De Marco, 62, a Vietnam veteran from Cleveland.
K.C. O’Brien, 65, a Vietnam vet from Fairfield, Calif., said: “We believe in freedom of speech. We’re here to defend the right of people to say whatever they want. But we will not allow any desecration.”
“That was the real catalyst, right there,” said Navy veteran Larry Bailey. “They showed they were willing to desecrate something that’s sacred to the American soul.”

War supporter Bill Carter of North Carolina watches as protesters against the war in Iraq gather to participate
in the March on the Pentagon in Washington, March 17, 2007. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES)

A group of Iraq veterans standing up to the unwashed and drugged up loonies

An Account from a Vietnam Vet that was there……………….

“The GEO folks were continuous all the way down Constitution Avenue from about 19th street to the 21 st street. Down in that region, all the interior walkways toward the Vietnam Wall and the Lincoln Memorial were crammed and slow as the two way stream was greater than the paths could carry.
The primary goal, was the wall. There were at least three very long lines several people wide waiting to pass the electronic machines to enter the wall area. The screening was intense. It apppeared the actual number at the wall was being controlled because the number there was exceedded many, many time by the number patiently waiting. This was a very important event by its self because waiting meant getting aquainted with others near by in the lines. The waiting in very long lines on the cold windy morning will be the stuff stories are made of.
The crowd was positivelyt amazing. There were literally thousands of good guys there in knots of ten ot twelve. They were mostly military and they were in full voice.
There was a bottleneck to the Wall, there were two or three very long and 4 or 5 deeop lines to pass the metal detectors to get in. You can be assured that given the mood of the morning, any one who tried to destroy the good feelings, camaraderie and deface the wall would have been crucified on the spot.
All the sidewalks and paths anywhere near the Lincoln Memorial were packed.
We had permits for the inner circle of the lincoln Memorial. It was solid and 4 or 5 deep on street level and many many more on an elevated wall behind them. There were still more in the grass behind all that. The marchers were presented with jeers and chants from a literal stack of people all the way round the arc of the Lincoln Memorial.
Having attended one or two other moonbat parades where we were truly outnumbered by a very very large margin, I was flabbergasted at the GOE turnout. Awesome is not a term I use, but the Gathering of Eagles was AWRSOME.
I noted above that it seemesd as if people did not know where to go or perhaps what to do. The fact is, it didn’t matter. It was cold, but it was sunny and nice. It didn’t matter where they went because they were there in a massive show of bodies dedicated to sending a message and it was obvious beyond any doubt they were suceeding.
The opportunity to gather with buddies and other groups of like minded knots of people may be with out precedent. The opportuntity to put on the stuff, the black leathers or camo adorned with riotus color of patches and medals and insignia, and to see thousands of others similarly dressed must be an important life time event. This is especiallly true when the individuals in the mass can vocally vent against the miserable yellow sign carrying moonbats.
It is dangerous to overestimate the significance of one day’s events, but today may have been a tipping point. Thousands came out on a blustery day, probably for the very first time, to protest the antiwar types. They had a very good time. They met plenty of likeminded souls. They waved flags, they prayed, they cried.
Next year? Wouldn’t miss it……. that will be the thoughts in thousands of minds. “

Wild Thing’s comment…….
God bless you! And, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, a million times THANK YOU for ONCE AGAIN defending us and standing up for our great country! Welcome home and please know that you and all veterans and military now serving are appreciated by millions of Americans.
GOE not only protected The Wall, but also other Monuments including the Vietnam Nurses Memorial.

18 Mar

Extremists Signing Up to Be School Bus Drivers

FBI: Extremists Signing Up to Be School Bus Drivers
The FBI has issued an “informational bulletin” to state and local officials saying to watch out for people tied to extremist groups trying to earn licenses to drive school buses.
The Associated Press reports that members of the unnamed extremist groups have succeeded in gaining the drivers licenses, but a Department of Homeland Security official told FOX News that “at this time there is no evidence that any of these individuals have got these jobs, or got hold of school buses.”

“There is no plot. There is no threat. And parents and children can feel perfectly safe,” FBI spokesman Richard Kolko told FOXNews.com.

The Department of Homeland Security official said the bulletin was sent to state and local law enforcement officials, and “some school districts have reported an increased number of foreign nationals seeking school bus driver positions and a number of other unusual events.”
The official said that, out of an abundance of caution, FBI shared the information.
An unnamed counterterrorism official told The Associated Press that the bulletin — sent Friday to state and local law enforcement agencies — did not say how often foreign extremists attempted to get licenses or drive school buses, and did not specify where this might have happened.
The bulletin noted “recent suspicious activity” by foreigners who either drive school buses or are licensed to drive them, the official told The Associated Press.
Foreigners under recent investigation include “some with ties to extremist groups” who have been able to “purchase buses and acquire licenses,” the bulletin says.
But the Homeland Security Department and the FBI “have no information indicating these individuals are involved in a terrorist plot against the homeland,” it says. The memo also notes: “Most attempts by foreign nationals in the United States to acquire school bus licenses to drive them are legitimate.”
It was not immediately clear whether the extremists intended to do with the school buses. One counterterror official, who spoke with The Associated Press on condition of anonymity, said it was likely that the foreigners investigated were merely employed as bus drivers, and did not intend to use them as part of any terror plot.

“I hate to characterize this as a warning,” Kolko said, calling it an “informational bulletin.” He said this was part of routine information sent to local law enforcement agencies that they should use only as background information while doing their normal duties.

“This is just an awareness issue for local law enforcement. … It just makes them smarter,” he said.

Kolko said that if he knew which extremist groups were involved in the report, he would not identify them.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Can you imagine the day when all over America, terrorists blow just ONE bus up in the school bus lines and kill hundreds if not thousands at each school all over the nation? This isn’t just terrorism. This is freaking war!
Members of extremist groups have signed up as school bus drivers in the United States, counterterror officials said Friday, in a cautionary bulletin to police. An FBI spokesman said “parents and children have nothing to fear.”
What the heck?? Nothing to fear?? They say they are from extremists groups but nothing to fear. good grief!
Our government has simply gone mad.
It is one thing that they are signing-up. The more important matter is, are we hiring them? That would be disturbing. Further, if they are dangerous why are we letting them run around free?