Bill to Ban Regular Light Bulbs Introduced in House
CNSNews.com…for full article
A Democratic lawmaker has introduced a bill that would ban the sale of traditional incandescent light bulbs – which are less energy-efficient, prompting claims that they contribute to “global warming” – one day after a colleague told a press conference that legislating a ban would be a “last choice.”
As Cybercast News Service reported last week, Rep. Don Manzullo (R-Ill.) and Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.) held a news conference Wednesday calling for more efficient lighting options, and Manzullo said “the last thing we want to do is force legislation down people’s throats.”
One day later, Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.) introduced legislation that would set target dates for certain types of light bulbs to be prohibited for sale in the United States.
Democrat Harman calls the bill :
“an important first step toward making every household, business and public building in America more energy-efficient.”
“This legislation, while a small step, could have an enormous impact,” she said in a posting on the liberal Huffington Post blog. “And hopefully, it can help transform America into an energy-efficient and energy-independent nation.”
An average traditional incandescent bulb based on a filament emits 12-15 lumens per watt (a measurement of the bulb’s lighting output.) Harman’s bill would require all bulbs to produce 60 lumens-per-watt by January 2012; 90 lumens-per-watt by January 2016; and 120 lumens-per-watt by January 2020.
On the same topic this is unbelievable! Look at this story……………
Broken light bulb sparks debate
BANGOR – Compact fluorescent lights, those swirly bulbs displacing the old incandescent type in many homes, have become the darlings of the energy-conscious crowd, thanks to their capacity to both fight global warming and lower utility bills.
But with more than a million bulbs sold in Maine, questions are being raised about whether consumers know enough about the special disposal and handling requirements that come with these well-documented energy-savers.
In one unusual case, a Prospect woman was told recently that it could cost $2,000 to clean up the mess left by a single shattered bulb.
Officials with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection have since said that such a costly cleanup is probably unnecessary. Most homeowners can safely dispose of broken bulbs without professional help, and most Maine towns offer bulb recycling options, the DEP said.
Maine law requires homeowners to recycle the bulbs as “universal waste” similar to certain batteries and used thermostats. Most towns accept universal waste at special locations or during specific household hazardous waste collection days.
Bridges’ trust in the new technology literally shattered this week when a minor incident with a loose bulb turned into a major headache. A bulb she was trying to rethread tumbled from her hands and broke on the carpeted floor of her daughter’s bedroom.
Remembering lessons from shop class about fluorescent bulbs, Bridges began calling around for advice on the proper cleanup procedure.
“I was nervous. Something about this gave me a bad feeling,” Bridges said in an interview.
She called The Home Depot, where she bought the bulb, and was referred to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which eventually referred her to the DEP’s environmental response team. A specialist who responded found mercury readings more than six times the state’s acceptable level at the spot of the broken bulb.
Readings a few feet from the spot where the bulb broke were within safe levels.
The specialist referred Bridges to an environmental cleanup company. The estimated cost, according to Bridges, was about $2,000.
“Save 40 cents a month on your electric bill, but it will cost you two grand to clean up?” Bridges said.
State officials, while careful not to downplay the overall threat posed by mercury, said the high levels found in the spot of the broken bulb would only be dangerous from long-term exposure.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
You have GOT to be kidding me! So Harmon the Democrat Pinko-Commie lawmaker has introduced a bill about lightbulbs. Can’t Harmon think of another way to kiss up to Gore, this is unreal.
Like lightbulbs are the biggest danger to the American people. These dems and their wimpy RINO friends are an absolute waste of humanity. Light bulbs are OK, we should have a bill to ban dim bulbs in Congress.
Politicians should be banned from sticking their fingers into the technology pie like this. They’re not qualified to make such decisions, nevermind the fact that they’re grossly overstepping the proper bounds on their power.
My understanding is that Florescent lights wont come on in really cold weather. I might be wrong about this, I am not positive.They would be worthless for outdoor use in the northern states.
Then of course the democrats will complain of the toxic waste from the florescent lightbulbs. And they will pass another bill to add like the cost of throwing them away will be very expensive if they have their way about it. They contain more Mercury than the regular bulbs, thus making them toxic waste and this kind of surcharge will lead to illegal dumping of the used bulbs.
A friend told me that if you put them in poorly ventilated fixtures that are typical for incandescent bulbs, they overheat and fail at a far shorter life than the incandescents they replace and can catch on fire.
Sooooo– we get to pay for them over and over again. Very expensive in the first place, surcharge to dispose of them, and they don’t work in large outdoor applications, especially in cold climates.
If this bill passes then I guess we can look for Light bulb disposal legislation coming.
How many Kennedys does it take to change a light bulb?
One to hold the bulb and two to drink until the room spins around.
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