14 Apr

Undercover Mosque

Undercover Mosque

Wild Thing’s comment………
I would recommend showing this to anyone that says Islam does not have an agenda to take over and rule all of us.
In the video they mention the word Kafir: It is Arabic for “infidel”—one who refuses to submit to the Islamic God (Allah) and the Islamic faith.

14 Apr

Prayers For Our Friends In Texas

DALLAS – A severe storm dropped nearly a foot of snow on parts of the central Plains Friday and spawned at least one tornado in Texas, where one death was blamed on high winds.
The storm shattered glass at a Forth Worth grocery store, injuring five people, while a man unloading his truck elsewhere was crushed under his load of lumber, fire spokesman Lt. Kent Worley said.
In nearby Haltom City, several homes and businesses were damaged and about a dozen tractor-trailers were pushed onto their sides. The Valley Missionary Baptist Church there was destroyed.
About 23,000 customers were without power Friday because the storms downed trees and power lines, said Gailee Cardwell, a spokeswoman for TXU Electric Delivery.
The storm also forced the cancellation of NASCAR Nextel Cup qualifying races at Texas Motor Speedway. Thousands of fans were advised to move to safety as tornado sirens blared at the speedway in Fort Worth.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Just wanted to say I hope and pray all our friends are ok from the storm in Texas and it now says it is moving toward the Northwest area.
Stay safe everyone.

13 Apr

Democrats Keep Proving They Own Defeat

Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef

Democrats Invite Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader and Muslim Brotherhood MPs to Congress
Al-Masryoon, Egypt, April 12, 2007
The Egyptian opposition daily Al-Masryoon reported that high-level diplomatic sources said that Muslim Brotherhood General Guide Muhammad Mahdi ‘Akef, several members of his office, and Muslim Brotherhood MPs had been invited by U.S. Democrat congressmen to visit the U.S. next month and to speak to Congress.

Wild Thing’s comment………
WTF???? Leader of a terrorist org which may have been involved in the murder of Anwar Sadat? Yeah, the democrats are so enlightened don’tchaknow. Well, if you’re going to surrender, you need to get all of the people you’re going to surrender to on board. Need lots of meetings with your new masters.
Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood:

“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”

Song for the terrorists….Click


( sorry how the photo above is stretched out, but that is how they had it at the site of the news memo. I tried to fix it but it only made it worse. haha)

13 Apr

Democrat Met Muslim Brotherhood Member In Egypt

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md

Democrat met opposition leader in Egypt
CAIRO, Egypt
A top U.S. Democratic congressman met a leading member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, an outlawed opposition group, during a recent visit to the country, the Islamic fundamentalist group and U.S. officials said Saturday.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer met with the Muslim Brotherhood’s parliament leader, Mohammed Saad el-Katatni, twice on Thursday — once at the parliament building and then at the home of the U.S. ambassador to Egypt, said Brotherhood spokesman Hamdi Hassan.
U.S. Embassy spokesman John Berry would only confirm that Hoyer, who represents Maryland, met with el-Katatni at U.S. Ambassador Francis Ricciardone’s home at a reception with other politicians and parliament members.
Though officially banned since 1954, the Brotherhood is tolerated by the government and has become Egypt’s largest opposition group and President Hosni Mubarak’s most powerful rival.
Its members, who run as independents, make up the largest opposition bloc in parliament, holding about one-fifth of its 454 seats.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has refused in the past to meet with the Muslim Brotherhood.
But Berry said U.S. government policy does not bar meetings with Brotherhood members of parliament and Hoyer’s talks with el-Katatni were not a change in U.S. policy toward the group.

“It’s our diplomatic practice around the world to meet with parliamentarians, be they members of political parties or independents,” Berry said. “We haven’t changed our policy with regard to the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization.”

The State Department had no comment Saturday on Hoyer’s meetings with the group.
Berry stressed that Hoyer met with el-Katatni in his capacity as an independent member of Egyptian parliament. He would not say what the two discussed.
Hassan said the two lawmakers discussed developments in the Middle East, the “Brotherhood’s vision” and opposition movements in Egypt. He said the two met privately at the ambassador’s home and with other members of Hoyer’s bipartisan delegation and Egyptian lawmakers at the parliament building.
Hoyer’s meeting came just a day after Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi drew sharp criticism from the Bush administration for meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus.
Pelosi and other Democrats argue the administration needs to engage Syria to resolve some of the most intractable problems in the Middle East, such as Iraq and the Israeli-Arab conflict. But the Bush administration rejects that approach, accusing Syria of exacerbating the troubles in neighboring Iraq and Lebanon.
Jon Alterman, a Mideast specialist at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, said Bush administration officials may have avoided meeting Muslim Brotherhood members because that could strain relations with the secular Egyptian government, one of the closest U.S. allies in the Middle East.

“The difficulty when it gets to Egypt is that the Brotherhood is not a legal group within Egypt and the U.S. government is wary of violating laws in countries in which it operates,” he told The Associated Press on Saturday.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Wow, the media sure hid this story. This goes right along with the other story about the Democrats inviting members of the Muslim Brotherhood to Congress. Good grief! These Democrats are nuts and VERY dangerous!
We have our troops fighting against the members of the Muslim Brotherhood in Iraq and Afghanistan and other places where our troops have tracked them down around the world. And what do the Democrats do? The go and meet with the enemy. I swear I have had it! If I was a guy I would love to punch out the lights of every Dem I meet from now on.
You can CLICK this link to read a short write up on The Muslim Brotherhood. There are tons of links online that tell all about the horrible Muslim Brotherhood, their helping the Nazi’s, and how dangerous they are.

13 Apr

U.S. man accused of plot to bomb resorts

U.S. man accused of plot to bomb resorts
A federal grand jury indicted an Ohio man on charges of joining al-Qaida and conspiring to bomb European tourist resorts and U.S. government facilities and military bases overseas, officials announced Thursday.
Christopher Paul, 43, of Columbus, trained with al-Qaida in the early 1990s, the indictment issued Wednesday says.

The indictment says he told al-Qaida members in Pakistan and Afghanistan that he was dedicated to committing violent jihad.

Paul is charged with providing material support to terrorists, conspiracy to provide support to terrorists and conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Columbus, said Thursday that he couldn’t comment further on the case.
Paul was in the Franklin County Jail late Wednesday after a U.S. District Court hearing was postponed until his attorney, Don Wolery, could be present. Wolery did not immediately return a message seeking comment Thursday morning.
The indictment says Paul traveled to Germany about April 1999 to train co-conspirators to use explosives to attack European and U.S. targets, including government buildings and vacation spots frequented by American tourists.
It does not address specific resorts or buildings that might have been targeted, but it gives U.S. embassies, military bases and consular premises in Europe as examples.
Paul later sent a wire transfer of $1,760 from a financial institution in the U.S. to an alleged co-conspirator in Germany, prosecutors allege.
A fax machine in him home contained names, phone numbers and contact information for key al-Qaida leadership and associates, according to the indictment.

Paul also is accused of storing material at his father’s house in Columbus, including a book on improvised land mines, money from countries in the Middle East and a letter to his parents explaining that he would be “on the front lines,” according to the indictment.

His sister, Sandra Laws, answered the door at the home and said she and her father live there. She said the family will be speaking to Paul’s attorney later Thursday and declined further comment.
Paul was born Paul Kenyatta Laws. He legally changed his name to Abdulmalek Kenyatta in 1989, then to Christopher Paul in 1994, according to the indictment.
After finishing his al-Qaida training in the early 1990s, he returned to Columbus to teach martial arts at a mosque, the indictment said.
Paul is married to a woman named in the indictment as F. Bashir, investigators said. Paul and Jenhawi, who have known each other about a year, attend the same mosque and their daughters play together, Jenhawi said. Paul’s daughter is about 9 years old and is homeschooled, he said.
Two other Columbus men have been charged in federal investigators’ terrorism investigation. Iyman Faris was sentenced in 2003 to 20 years in prison for a plot to topple the Brooklyn Bridge. Nuradin Abdi, accused of plotting to blow up a Columbus-area shopping mall, is awaiting trial on charges including conspiring to aid terrorists.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
OH my gosh, have Nancy or Harry, heard about this,, they should have investigation into an invasion of his privacy…or abuses of the patriot act, something. Don’t you just know they would want to.

13 Apr


Mexican truck stampede to hit U.S.!
WND ….for complete article
Despite congressional opposition, the Bush administration is fully committed to beginning within weeks a pilot test that will allow Mexican trucks to operate freely across the U.S.
A spokesman for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Ian Grossman, told WND the agency plans to grant the first authority for a Mexican trucking company to operate its long-haul rigs throughout the U.S. as early as the end of this month.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Why don’t they just use Grayhound Buses for all the illegals who no longer have to walk across the border?
On the news awhile back they showed showed Troopers that investigated American trucks and truck drivers and took them off the road for different violations, will they do the same with the mexican drivers and trucks or will they have aclu complain of violations against their civil rights as they go on our highways killing Americans?
Hunter is against this so he is sponsoring HR 1756 to include Mexican transport vehicles in the rules and regs domestic transport vehicles must abide by. Thus ensuring protection for American motorists and pedestrians, and less drug and illegal alien smuggling.
Contact your Congressmen and urge them to support HR 1756.

12 Apr

Mystery Cat Takes Regular Bus To The Shops

Mystery cat takes regular bus to the shops
Daily Mail.co.UK
Bus drivers have nicknamed a white cat Macavity after it has started using the No 331 several mornings a week.
The feline, which has a purple collar, gets onto the busy Walsall to Wolverhampton bus at the same stop most mornings – he then jumps off at the next stop 400m down the road, near a fish and chip shop.
The cat was nicknamed Macavity after the mystery cat in T.S Elliot’s poem. He gets on the bus in front of a row of 1950s semi-detached houses and jumps off at a row of shops down the road which include a fish and chip shop.
Driver Bill Khunkhun, 49, who first saw the cat jumping from the bus in January, said: “It is really odd, the first time I saw the cat jumping off the bus with a group of passengers. I hadn’t seen it get on which was a bit confusing.

“The next day I pulled up on Churchill Road to let a couple of passengers on. As soon as I opened the doors the cat ran towards the bus, jumped on and ran under one of the seats, I don’t think any of the passengers noticed.

“Because I had seen it jump off the day before I carried on driving and sure enough when I stopped just down the road he jumped off – I don’t know why he would catch the bus but he seems to like it. I told some of the other drivers on this route and they have seen him too.”

Since January, when the cat first caught the bus he has done it two or three times a week and always gets on and off at the same stops.
Passenger, Paul Brennan, 19, who catches the 331 to work, said: “I first noticed the cat a few weeks ago. At first I thought it had been accompanied by its owner but after the first stop it became quite clear he was on his own.

“He sat at the front of the bus, waited patiently for the next stop and then got off. It was was quite strange at first but now it just seems normal. I suppose he is the perfect passenger really – he sits quietly, minds his own business and then gets off.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
I love great animal stories and this is one of them. I thought you all might get a kick out of it too.

* Mighty Righty

Storm warnings and lights going


I only had time to post this, they keep showing storm warnings on TV and tornado warnings. Our lights have been going off and on for a half hour. I am shutting this off. See you on Thursday. Sorry I can’t have more posts made, but it is messing with my computer right now.

11 Apr

Pelosi Terror-state Appeasement Tour May Continue. Next stop: Tehran

Pelosi, Lantos may be interested in diplomatic trip to Iran
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Tom Lantos, D-San Mateo, just back from a trip to Syria that sparked sharp criticism from Republicans and the Bush administration, suggested Tuesday that they may be interested in taking another diplomatic trip – to open a dialogue with Iran.
The Democratic speaker from San Francisco and Lantos, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, were asked at a press conference in San Francisco Tuesday whether on the heels of their recent trip to the Middle East they would be interested in extending their diplomacy in the troubled region with a visit to Iran.

“Speaking just for myself, I would be ready to get on a plane tomorrow morning, because however objectionable, unfair and inaccurate many of (Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s) statements are, it is important that we have a dialogue with him,” Lantos said. “Speaking for myself, I’m ready to go — and knowing the speaker, I think that she might be.”

Pelosi did not dispute that statement, and noted that Lantos — a Hungarian-born survivor of the Holocaust — brought “great experience, knowledge and judgment” to the recent bipartisan congressional delegation trip to Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia in addition to Syria.
Pelosi was criticized by President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and other members of the administration for meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad, who the administration said has meddled in the politics and fomented violence in Iraq and Lebanon and is a state sponsor of terrorism.
The president also has tried to isolate Iran, saying its government, too, has aided attacks against Americans in Iraq and elsewhere while ramping up its efforts to build nuclear weapons.
Lantos said that for more than a decade, he has been trying to obtain a visa to visit Tehran with the help of former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan — and to date neither he nor any other member of Congress has been successful.

“There was, of course, a shadow over all of it, Iran: Iran’s support of terrorist groups is something that must be stopped,” she said. “Iran’s quest for a nuclear weapon is something that must not happen and we must stop them with the strongest of diplomatic measures.”

Lantos noted that “with the speaker’s support,” he has co-sponsored legislation in the House that calls for making available to all countries — including Iran — nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes under international oversight by establishing a “nuclear fuel bank.”

“So if the Iranian president says that he is developing (nuclear material) for peaceful purposes, we are assisting him in that process,” said Lantos, who anticipated the legislation could pass as early as May.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Time for her to be arrested and tried under the logan act. The way it was reported this afternoon…Lantos said that they wanted to go to Iran..but Iran had turned down their VISA request…but, if Iran changed their mind…that he and Nancy would go right away.

11 Apr

George S. Patton – “The Patton Doctrine”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
For Pelosi lovers especially. I posted this awhile back, but it is just soooo good. When I got it from Rhod the timing was so perfect, since Pelosi will just not stop her travels to terrorists loving countries I

…..Thank you Rhod!!