18 Apr

Defend Freedom…It’s Everybodys Job

An act of heroism amid the horror…………

In this photo released by the Librescu family in Israel, Tuesday, April 17, 2007, Romanian-born lecturer Liviu Librescu is seen in an undated photo. The Israeli lecturer killed in the Virginia Tech massacre was a Holocaust survivor who later escaped from Communist Romania. Relatives said Librescu, an internationally respected aeronautics engineer and a lecturer at Virginia Tech for 20 years, saved the lives of several students by blocking the gunman before he was gunned down in Monday’s shooting, which coincided with Israel’s Holocaust remembrance day.

Liviu Librescu and wife Marlena

Israeli professor killed in US attack
As Jews worldwide honored on Monday the memory of those who were murdered in the Holocaust, a 76-year-old survivor sacrificed his life to save his students in Monday’s shooting at Virginia Tech College that left 33 dead and over two dozen wounded.
Professor Liviu Librescu, 76, threw himself in front of the shooter when the man attempted to enter his classroom. The Israeli mechanics and engineering lecturer was shot to death, “but all the students lived – because of him,” Virginia Tech student Asael Arad – also an Israeli – told Army Radio.
Several of Librescu’s other students sent e-mails to his wife, Marlena, telling of how he had blocked the gunman’s way and saved their lives, said Librescu’s son, Joe.
“My father blocked the doorway with his body and asked the students to flee,” Joe Librescu said in a telephone interview from his home outside of Tel Aviv. “Students started opening windows and jumping out.”
Librescu was respected in his field, his son said.
“His work was his life, in a sense,” said Joe. “That was a good place for him to practice his research.”
Librescu was a Holocaust survivor who escaped communist Romania for Israel in 1978 and moved to Virginia in 1986. By coincidence, he was murdered on Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
A noble man indeed! Clearly, the professor had something to do in his life that spared him during such horrific events but lead him to stare evil in the face unflinchingly. He did not ‘go silently into that good night’.
Between this man and the Zach Petrowski student who threw himself at a door, you have the sense that there were folks who saw what was what and knew not to try words when words meant nothing.
Our true character is always revealed by our first response. I can think of no better way to leave this world than in spontaneous sacrifice for your fellow human beings. He acted the way many soldiers have acted by throwing themselves on live grenades. God Bless him! And God bless Petrowski the student I mentioned also.
Darleen has also written about this wonderful man.

18 Apr

Westboro Baptist Church Is Going To Funeral of VT Victims

The most hated family in America, the Westboro Baptist Church, who hates soldiers and pickets soldiers’ funerals.

“Thank God For Dead Soldiers”

This sick church you see in the above video has now decided to ……….
WBC to Preach at Funerals of Virginia Tech Dead
Westboro Baptist Church

WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007. You describe this as monumental horror, but you know nothing of horror — yet. Your bloody tyrant Bush says he is ‘horrified’ by it all. You know nothing of horror — yet. Your true horror is coming. “They shall also gird themselves with sackloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads” (Eze. 7:18).
Why did this happen, you ask? It’s simple. On April 16, 2007, this nation, through the offices of your military and conspirators therewith took a shot at the servants of God — your marksman was limp and lame and he had terror all around, so he did a lousy job. But what you get for your trouble is that your God shot at you! The LORD your God sent a crazed madman to shoot at your children, and he didn’t miss. Get this straight — God sent this South Korean madman to kill 31 of your children at Virginia Tech. Was God asleep while this took place? Was He on vacation? Of course not. He willed this to happen to punish you for assailing His servants.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
First of all there is NO way these people are Christians, NO WAY.
I sure hope there is a special place in hell for this church and it’s members for what they have done regarding our troops and now what they plan to do at the funeral for the Virginia Tech students that were killed.

17 Apr

Killing Rampage at Virginia Tech Campus

Second Male May Be Involved in VA Tech Massacre
Police Cite Person of Interest in Dorm Killing; Dead Gunman Yet to Be ID’d
ABC news
A tranquil college campus in Virginia became a killing field Monday morning. At least 33 people are dead in the worst mass shooting in modern American history.
A gunman opened fire in a dorm and classroom at Virginia Tech on Monday, killing 33 people and wounding another 30 before he was killed, police said.
On the Web site, Tech reported the shootings at opposite sides of the 2,600-acre campus at West Ambler Johnston, a co-ed residence hall that houses 895 people, and said there were “multiple victims” at Norris Hall, an engineering building.
Campus police have identified a person of interest who is not currently in police custody. Police say the person of interest is a male who knew the female who was killed in the original double homicide at the West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory. Flinchum also said he is not a student and that he knew the female who was killed in the original double homicide.
Two guns were recovered, a 9 mm pistol and a .22-caliber pistol.
Flinchum said they have ruled out the possibility of a murder-suicide in the first shooting, and that investigators have a preliminary identification of the shooter involved in the Norris Hall shooting. The police will not release the identity at this time.

When asked to describe the scene at Norris Hall, where the second shooting took place, Flinchum called it, “one of the worst things I’ve seen in my life.”

While Flinchum would not name any of the victims, he did say university staff members were among the dead.
Some students question why administrators did not cancel classes after the first shooting, and why it took more than two hours to inform the university community via e-mail about the shootings.
According to Steger, the administration locked down West Ambler Johnston Hall dormitory after the first shooting. But classes weren’t canceled because the shooting was believed to be tied to a domestic dispute and campus police believed the shooter had left the campus.

“Schools should be places of safety and sanctuary in learning,” President Bush said from the White House. “When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom and every American community.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
This is an unspeakable tragedy. Prayers for the loved ones and families of those killed. And prayers too for those injured and healing emotionally for all the victims.
Now we watch while they begin to blame guns, Bush, or anyone else except for the actual kiler for these murders. Teachers should be trained how to use a gun and just think if some of the teachers had been able to have a gun, say locked in their desk they could have done something to at least stop some of the killings that occured.

17 Apr

Sadr Raises Pressure For US To Withdraw

Sadr raises pressure for US to withdraw
The United States faced a fresh challenge to its presence in Iraq yesterday when supporters of Moqtada al-Sadr’s radical Shia Muslim movement quit the Baghdad government to demand a deadline for withdrawal of its troops.
By pulling out of the ruling Shia Alliance coalition, Sadr has moved a step closer to outright confrontation with the American-led military effort to stabilise Iraq.

A Shia militiaman wears an identity card with a picture of Moqtada al-Sadr on the back

The loss of Sadr’s followers, including six cabinet ministers, does not deprive Nouri al-Maliki, the prime minister, of an overall majority but does reduce his scope for horse trading between competing factions.
Sadr triggered the crisis in a letter to supporters that demanded a timetable for withdrawal of foreign troops from Iraq. It said:

“I pray for God Almighty to bestow on the Iraqi people a government that is independent from occupation and one that works hard in the service of its people.”

The movement holds one quarter of parliamentary seats in the Alliance which governs in coalition with Kurdish parties. The bloc’s parliamentary representative, Nassar al-Rubaie, said the decision was taken after Mr Maliki rejected an ultimatum to confront the Americans.
Behind the scenes, the split has been on the cards for months. Mr Maliki issued a statement yesterday thanking Sadr for instructing his ministers to resign, so that competent “independents” could be appointed.
The White House welcomed the development, reinforcing its support for Mr Maliki as he launches a much postponed government reshuffle.
Sadrists were until yesterday in control of key ministries including health, transport and tourism.
There were widespread accusations that these ministries had become sectarian enforcement operations under the influence of their political leaders.
In parallel Sadr has sought to distance his movement from an unpopular government. Mr Rubaie said:

“The prime minister has to express the will of the Iraqi people. They went out in a demonstration in their millions asking for a timetable for withdrawal. We noticed the prime minister’s response did not express the will of the people”

Mr Maliki managed to persuade the Madhi army, the armed wing of Mr Sadr’s movement, to reduce attacks on coalition forces but recently Sadr has resumed aggressive activities and his supporters have taken to the streets to challenge the authorities.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Don’t you just love how this reject has been playing both sides of the fence. He has representation in a legitimate government, but expects that government to look the other way when his followers intimidate and murder those who “see” things differently then he does. Its time for Maliki to step up to the plate and say “Thanks, but we dont need you anymore.”
He has called for the killing of American troops. That makes him the enemy, not opposition political party.Take him out and take out his followers when they protest in the street.
Problem solved, we win.

16 Apr

Jackie Mason Speaks about Al Sharpton and Don Imus

Jackie Mason Video Blog 11 on “Al Sharpton and Don Imus”

Wild Thing’s comment…….

Amen Jackie!

16 Apr

Lawmaker Under Fire For ‘Illegal Alien’ E-Mail

Lawmaker Under Fire For ‘Illegal Alien’ E-Mail
Man Apologizes; Some Colleagues Not Satisfied
A state lawmaker is coming under fire for sending what he thought was a funny e-mail message to his colleagues.
Some people do not find it very amusing and want him to make a public apology.

Rep. Don Brown, R-DeFuniak Springs, sent a message from his state e-mail account that said, “Don’t forget to pay your taxes – 12 million illegal aliens are depending on you!”

Brown said the message was intended to be humorous and to remind people about the upcoming tax deadline.
He apologized and said as far as he’s concerned, he’s done with the issue.
But members of the Florida Hispanic Legislative Caucus are taking exception to Brown’s e-mail, calling it inappropriate and saying such e-mails have no place in the Florida House.

“That term, illegal alien, is extremely insulting to many individuals and I think there has to be something a little bit more public and a little bit more contrite in his apology,” an unidentified member of the caucus said.

OH but the Democrat illegal aliens lover is NOT satisfied with an apology. NOOOooooooo
Check this out
Lawmaker draws criticism for illegal-immigration joke
Rep. Luis Garcia Jr., D-Miami Beach, the interim chairman of the Hispanic Caucus, sent a message of his own — to Speaker Marco Rubio, R-Miami, saying he had heard several complaints from Hispanic members and Haitian constituents.

“This e-mail has no place in the Florida House,” Garcia said.

State Rep. Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah, said that “the comments in this e-mail reflect an ignorance as to the founding of both this state and our country. It deeply saddens me that this mentality still exists in what we consider to be a forward-looking government.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Hey Garcia KISS my LEGAL American Ass!
Let me get this straight. We can no longer refer to illegal alien criminals as illegal aliens because they might get offended? This would be funny if it wasn’t so scary. I am sick and tired of the GOP apologizing. Apologize for what? The obvious fact that illegal aliens take advantage of tax payer dollars? They do. In fact, I can say on first hand knowledge that this is fact.
Absurd. PC culture run amok. They are illegal aliens! They are not lawfully here! Whats next? Will we hear PC folks complaining that we shouldn’t call drug dealers drug dealers and murderers murderers? Identifying a criminal by the name of his crime should not be offensive. And it sure as heck isn’t racist as some of the La Raza types have said.
When are our feckless leaders going to step up take a litte heat and speak the truth! ILLEGAL ALIEN IS JUST WHAT IT IS ILLEGAL!!!!!! There is no apology for who they are, you have no rights in this country because you have broken our law by entering ILLEGALLY. These organizations that demand rights, apologies, and all sorts of give me’s are in it for political cloat, media attention and government funding they can extort from our tax dollars!.
There is no doubt in my mind that political correctness is going to absolutely destroy this country. It damn near already has.

16 Apr

I Just Love Dead Terrorists

Jeff Dunham – Achmed the Dead Terrorist

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This guy is good, I posted another one he did awhile back with a puppet named Walter.
….Thank you John5 (VN 69/70)

15 Apr

Officials Honor Audie Murphy Club Inductees

Officials honor Audie Murphy Club inductees
Saturday, 14 April 2007
By Sgt. Kevin McSwain
13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
LSA ANACONDA — Eight Soldiers were inducted into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, an elite group for noncommissioned officers, April 6.
The ceremony, held in Sustainer Theater, recognized soldiers throughout Iraq for their professionalism and outstanding performance based on the Audie Murphy merit board.
The Soldiers inducted into the Audie Murphy Club were:
Staff Sgt. Jason Fiedler, 411th Engineer Brigade
Staff Sgt. Rafael Ramirez, 657th Area Support Group
Staff Sgt. Jose D. Garcia, Company B, Brigade Troops Battalion, 15th Sustainment Brigade, 1st Calvary Division
Sgt. Mandi Brassell, 45th Sustainment Brigade
Staff Sgt. Michael Thornton, 22nd Personnel Service Battalion, 45th SB
Staff Sgt. Marada Blakely, 164th Corps Support Group
Sgt. Carlos Bermudez, 164th CSG
Staff Sgt. Charles Duke, 82nd Sustainment Brigade.
The event, hosted by the 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), had more than 200 servicemembers in attendance. As part of the official party, Brig. Gen. Michael Terry, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) commanding general, gave words of encouragement to the newest inductees and to the soldiers who aspire to be a part of the organization.

“Going forward I want everyone to take initiative to become a member of this organization,” he said.

The commanding general said the group of noncommissioned officers receiving their medallions in this ceremony should feel even more pride than those who receive the same honor in the United States.

“Earning this membership alone is difficult,” he said. “Earning it in this combat environment is remarkable.”

Terry challenged all the senior noncommissioned officers in the room to prepare their soldiers to become an inductee into the Audie Murphy Club.

“If you have any soldiers remotely interested in this honor, you must begin preparing them now,” he said.

As Terry spoke about Audie Murphy, he educated soldiers in the audience on the history of this brave soldier and introduced the guest speaker, Multinational Corps-Iraq Command Sgt. Maj. Neil Ciotola.
Ciotola began by giving the audience a word of advice he received from Command Sgt. Maj. Terry Fountain, 13th Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) command sergeant major.

“In everything you do, there is a chance to train,” he said. “There is always time.”

As he spoke, he explained what his quote meant while he talked about the achievement of the soldiers who were being inducted at the ceremony.

“Take every opportunity to do it all to the best of your ability,” he said.

Ciotola said this was an opportunity to recognize the hard work each soldier put into being selected into the club.

“This is an opportunity to lift these soldiers up during this ceremony,” he said. “And there is no other group of people I would want to be with right now on my birthday.”

Ciotola said the eight soldiers being inducted have done more than just say what they could do, they proved it.

“Their deeds are the personification of their words,” he said. “You all made a choice to excel, to become the best, and be a part of the Audie Murphy Club.”

The inductees received an Army Commedation Medal, an Audie Murphy Club medallion and coins from all three members of the official party.
When a Soldier is inducted into the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, they are given a medallion, which is approximately 2 inches in diameter. The medallion is suspended by a broad powder-blue ribbon, which represents the traditional color of the infantry.
The club, which originated in Fort Hood, Texas, only inducts exceptional noncommissioned officers who exemplify the characteristics of the soldier the club was founded in memory of.
Audie Murphy was one of the greatest combat soldiers in the history of the United States serving during World War II. He was decorated with every single American medal for valor, along with three French and one Belgian medal.

Wild Thing’s comment………
God bless all our troops and their families. We have such awesome men and women serving our country. I pray they always know how much we appreciate all they do.

15 Apr

Hillary Hates Me

Excellent Video on Hillary

It is titled: Hillary Hates Me

14 Apr

Treason Brought To Us By The Democrats

Democrats and treason…for complete article…it is excellent
by Melanie Morgan
Democrat Senate leader Harry Reid, who is not commander in chief and who does not have the authority to send American troops into battle or call them home, nevertheless has announced that he will lead the fight to deny funding to U.S. troops if they do not surrender to the forces of terrorism and evacuate from Iraq by March 31, 2008.
Reid cannot even attempt to pretend that this was a principled stand to lower American causalities in one theater and fight the war on terrorism on another front.
Less than five months ago – on Nov. 30, 2006 – Reid sent a note to his fellow Democrats in the Senate that said: “We’re not going to do anything to limit funding or cut off funds.”
Sen. Reid knew better then and he knows better now.
Reid has chosen to undercut our troops with the knowledge that his actions are emboldening Islamic terrorists to kill more U.S. troops and to launch more brazen terrorist attacks against American civilians here at home.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The Democrats’ refusal to acknowledge reality is one of their most dangerous traits, and in itself should disqualify them for holding public office.