21 Apr

Jihadists Teaching Children To Behead Human Beings

Jihadist Video Shows Boy Beheading Man
KILI FAQIRAN, Pakistan (AP) –
The boy with the knife looks barely 12. In a high-pitched voice, he denounces the bound, blindfolded man before him as an American spy. Then he hacks off the captive’s head to cries of “God is great!” and hoists it in triumph by the hair.
A video circulating in Pakistan records the grisly death of Ghulam Nabi, a Pakistani militant accused of betraying a top Taliban official who was killed in a December airstrike in Afghanistan.
An Associated Press reporter confirmed Nabi’s identity by visiting his family in Kili Faqiran, their remote village in southwestern Pakistan.
The video, which was obtained by AP Television News in the border city of Peshawar on Tuesday, appears authentic and is unprecedented in jihadist propaganda because of the youth of the executioner.
Captions mention Mullah Dadullah, the Taliban’s current top commander in southern Afghanistan, although he does not appear in the video. The soundtrack features songs praising Taliban supreme leader Mullah Omar and “Sheikh Osama”—an apparent reference to Osama bin Laden, who is suspected of hiding along the Afghan-Pakistan border.
The footage shows Nabi making what is described as a confession, being blindfolded with a checkered scarf.

“He is an American spy. Those who do this kind of thing will get this kind of fate,” says his baby-faced executioner, who is not identified.

A continuous 2 1/2-minute shot then shows the victim lying on his side on a patch of rubble-strewn ground. A man holds Nabi by his beard while the boy, wearing a camouflage military jacket and oversized white sneakers, cuts into the throat.

Other men and boys call out “Allahu akbar!”—”God is great!”—as blood spurts from the wound.

The film, overlain with jihadi songs, then shows the boy hacking and slashing at the man’s neck until the head is severed.
A Pashto-language voiceover in the video identifies Nabi and his home village of Kili Faqiran in Baluchistan province, which lies about two hours’ drive from the Afghan border.
A reporter went to the village, and Nabi’s distraught and angry father, Ghulam Sakhi, confirmed his son’s identity from a still picture that AP made from the footage. He said neighbors had told him the video is available at the village bazaar, but he had no wish to see it.
Sakhi said his son had been a loyal Taliban member who fought in Afghanistan and sheltered the hard-line Afghan group’s leaders in the family’s mud-walled compound.
He blames the Taliban and wants to avenge his son’s death.

“The Taliban are not mujahedeen. They are not fighting for the cause of Islam,” the 70-year-old said. “If I got my hands on them I would kill them and even tear their flesh with my own teeth.”

Qari Yousaf Ahmadi, who claims to speak for the Taliban, told AP he had no information about Nabi or the video. None of the group’s commanders he contacted could confirm the execution, he said.
The method of Nabi’s death was not unusual for Pakistan’s lawless tribal regions. Suspected informers are regularly found beheaded and dumped along the side of the road in the lawless, mountainous regions along the Afghan-Pakistani border where al-Qaida and Taliban militants find sanctuary.
But such al-Qaida-style killings are rarely featured in the Taliban’s increasingly frequent propaganda videos. The use of a child to conduct the beheading stands out even among those filmed by militants in Iraq.

“This is outright barbarism,” Iqbal Haider, secretary-general of the independent Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, said after viewing the video. “Whosoever has committed this, whether they are Taliban or anybody else or any Afghan or al-Qaida or anybody, they are enemy No. 1 of the Muslims.”

The video accuses Nabi of responsibility for a U.S. airstrike that killed Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani, who was regarded as one of the top three associates of Omar, the Taliban supreme leader. He was hit while traveling by car in Afghanistan’s Helmand province Dec. 19.
Osmani was the highest-ranking Taliban leader to die since the U.S.- led invasion of Afghanistan that ousted the hard-line regime in late 2001 for refusing to hand over bin Laden following the Sept. 11 terror attack on the United States.
The U.S. military said at the time that Osmani’s death was a serious blow to militant operations, and NATO commanders said this week that a feared spring offensive had yet to materialize.
Sakhi, a retired mosque preacher with a long gray beard, spoke unashamedly of his son’s Taliban affiliation and wept twice during an interview in his simple home at the foot of a mountain valley in Baluchistan province.
He said Nabi fought against the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance that helped U.S. forces to victory in Afghanistan.
After returning to Pakistan, Nabi ran a religious school in the Baluchistan capital of Quetta and had regularly sheltered both Osmani and Dadullah at the family compound, the father said.
He said Nabi also bought weapons for Taliban fighters and organized medical treatment for those injured during fighting in Afghanistan.
Some days after Osmani’s death, Nabi went to Peshawar and then to Wana, a tribal town considered a militant stronghold, to collect money from Taliban officials to buy guns and food for militants in Afghanistan, Sakhi said.
He said his son called at the end of January to reveal that a tribal council had sentenced him to death on charges of tipping off U.S. forces about Osmani’s movements, despite his denials.
His son passed the phone to Dadullah, but the militant leader ignored his pleas for clemency, Sakhi said.

“I talked to him and said you visited us and my son was a close friend so why are you going to hang him? He just said, ‘How are you?’, and switched off the phone,” Sakhi said.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
What evil we are learning of that walks the face of this earth.
I am so glad I am an American, I am so grateful that we have our troops fighting this insane enemy. And I thank God that our God is real and mighty, and not some moon god like their Allah.
And who is Islam’s Muhammad ? Who is he that leads these sheep on? The man that started the cult of pedophilia, murder and theft ?
He was an immoral, criminal, and violent . The five oldest and most trusted Islamic sources don’t portray Muhammad as a great and godly man. They reveal that he was a thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, terrorist, warmonger, and an unrestrained sexual pervert engaged in pedophilia, incest, and rape.
He authorized deception, assassinations, torture, slavery, and genocide. He was a pirate, not a prophet. According to the Hadith and the Qur’an, Muhammad and his henchmen plundered their way to power and prosperity.
And by putting the Qur’an in chronological order and correlating it with the context of Muhammad’s life as it was reported in the Sira, Sunnah and Hadith, we also find that Allah mirrored his prophet’s character. Muhammad’s god condoned immoral and criminal behavior. Allah boasts about being a terrorist.
He claims to have deceived men, to have stolen their property, to have enslaved women and children, to having committed acts of murder, genocide, and sadistic tortures.
Islam a religion of Peace? I think NOT!

21 Apr

Baghdad Harry Just Keeps Fireing


Without acknowledging his comments yesterday when he said the “war is lost,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said President Bush and his allies “attacked those of us with courage to ask the tough questions and tell the truth about Iraq.”

He described their criticism of him and other Democrats as “an effort to shift attention from this Administration’s failed policies” in Iraq.
In a remarks on the Senate floor after Bush’s speech today, Reid did not repeat the “war is lost” comments.

Instead, he said that “the longer we continue down the president’s path the further we will be from responsibly ending this war.” He repeated the sentiment two additional times in the speech and added, “but there is still a chance to change course and we must change course.”

Reid also refuted the GOP claims following Reid’s controversial remarks yesterday that Democrats don’t support the troops and want to cut funding for them.

“We take a back seat to no one in supporting our troops,” Reid said. “And we will never abandon our troops in a time of war.”

Reid also said:

“The White House spin machine is working overtime in an effort defend its failed policies… I believe supporting our troops means giving them the funding they need and a strategy they deserve… It means stopping the partisan attacks and it means spending time working together in a bipartisan basis to develop an effective strategy to successfully end this war.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“attacked those of us with courage”
Reid is on a roll, call it a melt down or a loose cannon. But he is a TRAITOR and needs to be delt with as harshly as possible. If the Republican leaders do not step up to the plate on this one and let Reid have it full force, they might as well just say they are agreeing with Reid.
Reid is a traitor! He needs to be tried for treason and removed from office. He will be responsible for more American deaths because of his criminal remarks! It is OUR country too and OUR soldiers that are being denigrated by this sorry excuse for a Senator.
I called Reid’s offices in NV 775-686-5750 and 702-388-5020. I made it short and sweet: “I have comment for Reid. Do you want my name and phone #? ‘No’said the person. Sen. Reid is a Traitor to his country and is giving aid and comfort to our enemies and hurting our troops . Sen Reid is dispicable”.

21 Apr

They Could Not Even Wait 24 Hours

The very next day after the killings at the VA Tech campus I got a phone call. Not even 24 hours after the killings happened.
It was a recording and this is what the person said……….
Do you think it is good to allow people to carry guns while shopping at a grocery store.
Press one if you do think a person should NOT be allowed to carry a gun in a grocery store..
Press two if you think they should be allowed to carry a gun in a grocery store.
I was half listening to the stupid recorded call until they asked the question. So I don’t remember who was calling, what organization but I sat there half in shock and the other part of me furious, blood boiling that the left could not even wait 24 hours to start pushing their agenda of us not having guns.
Amazing! I wasn’t gonig to post about it, but it has been bugging me.The left has to be the coldest beings on this earth. We certaiknly see it over and over how they only care about their agenda.

There was a socialist in the house
My husband’s brother was visiting here for a few days. He is a socialist, I have mentioned him before on here. He thinks Clinton is the best President we have ever had. augh! My husband debates him all the time about politics, the war, abortion etc.
Yesterday before his brother left to go back home………
Angry Old Salt ( my husband) ……so who are you thinking of voting for, for President?
Brother-in-law: Hillary, she is not my first choice but it would get Bill Clinton back in the White House and he would be the one running things.
I almost spit out my diet coke. God help us if all these Democrat jerks are thinking this way. They may hate Hillary and yet vote for her to get Bill in the WH again. AUGH!
After he left, AOS said..
Chrissie, I just can’t believe he is my brother, we are so different.

20 Apr

Surrender Monkeys “Greening Up” The White House ~ Good Grief!

Pelosi, Democrats Launch 100 Percent Carbon Neutral ‘Green the Capitol Initiative’
Washington, D.C.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi was joined this afternoon by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer and Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in accepting a preliminary report by the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of the House Daniel Beard on efforts that would reduce the environmental impacts associated with the operations of the House building complex.
The preliminary report on the “Green the Capitol Initiative” was presented by the CAO in response to a March 1 letter by House Democratic leaders requesting the development of such an initiative.

“The environmental challenges we face are as local as our neighborhoods and as global as our planet,” Speaker Pelosi said. “The House must lead by example and it is time for Congress to act on its own carbon footprint. Today, we announce our intention to operate the House in a carbon neutral manner at the earliest possible date with a deadline of the end of this Congress.”

“I commend the CAO on this thoughtful preliminary report on how the House can take steps to operate in a sustainable manner that is more sensitive to the environment,” said Majority Leader Hoyer. “Improving energy efficiency is the most effective first step that any organization can take to make a positive effect on the world we live in and that we leave to our children and grandchildren.”

The recommendations in the CAO’s preliminary report include:
Operate the House in a Carbon Neutral Manner
Shift to 100 percent Renewable Electric Power
Aggressively Improve Energy Efficiency
Adoption of Sustainable Business Practices
Continued Leadership on Sustainability Issues
Offsets to Ensure Carbon Neutral Operations

“Implementing these important first steps signal we are not only doing the right thing, but we are taking steps that will eventually save money,” said Chairwoman Wasserman Schultz. “Through these recommendations we will show not only that these actions are environmentally beneficial, but are fiscally sound.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Hey, Pelosi, how much carbon dioxide does your taxpayer-provided jet spew? You know, the bigger one you wanted as opposed to the one Hastert used to fly in?
Operate the House in a Carbon Neutral Manner
Does that mean House Democrats plan to stop breathing? One can hope.
Notice their five action items.
– Operate the House in a Carbon Neutral Manner
– Shift to 100 percent Renewable Electric Power
– Aggressively Improve Energy Efficiency
– Adoption of Sustainable Business Practices
– Continued Leadership on Sustainability Issues
– Offsets to Ensure Carbon Neutral Operations
Items 1-4 will never happen. Item 5 will happen because all it takes to implement that is taxpayer money.
These people are so frigging transparent. They will buy the magic carbon indulgence pixi dust, no doubt from campaign contributors, with our money.
GET THE MONEY TO OUR MILITARY YOU IDIOTS…..quit e****** around with this crap.
Here you go…………
Three dead bodies turn up at the mortuary, all with very big smiles on
their faces. The coroner calls the police to tell them what has happened.
The Coroner tells the Inspector: “First body is a 72 year old Frenchman.
He died of heart failure while with his mistress. Hence the enormous
“The second body is an Irishman, 25 years of age. He won a thousand
dollars on the lottery and spent it all on whiskey. Died of alcohol
poisoning, hence the smile.”
The Inspector asked, “What of the third body?”
“Ah,” says the coroner, “This is the most unusual one… Nancy Pelosi,
Speaker of the House, 66, struck by lightning.”
“Why is she smiling then?” inquires the Inspector.
“She thought she was having her picture taken.”

20 Apr

Reid: U.S. Can’t Win The War In Iraq

Reid: U.S. can’t win the war in Iraq
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday the war in Iraq is “lost,” triggering an angry backlash by Republicans who said the top Democrat had turned his back on the troops.

The bleak assessment was the sharpest yet from Reid, who has vowed to send President Bush legislation calling for combat to end next year. Reid said he told Bush on Wednesday that he thought the war could not be won through military force and only through political, economic and diplomatic means.

“I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday,” said Reid, D-Nev.

Republicans pounced on the comment as evidence, they said, that Democrats do not support the troops.

“I can’t begin to imagine how our troops in the field, who are risking their lives every day, are going to react when they get back to base and hear that the Democrat leader of the United States Senate has declared the war is lost,” said Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.

The exchange came as the House headed toward a vote Thursday on whether to demand that troops leave Iraq next year. Last month, the House passed legislation that funded the war in Iraq but ordered combat missions to end by September 2008. The Senate passed similar, less-sweeping legislation that would set a nonbinding goal of bringing combat troops home by March 31, 2008.
Bush said he would veto either measure and warned that troops are being harmed by Congress’ failure to deliver the funds quickly.
The Pentagon says it has enough money to pay for the Iraq war through June. The Army is taking “prudent measures” aimed at ensuring that delays in the bill financing the war do not harm troop readiness, according to instructions sent to Army commanders and budget officials April 14.
While $70 billion that Congress provided in September for military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan has mostly run out, the Army has told department officials to slow the purchase of nonessential repair parts and other supplies, restrict the use of government charge cards, and limit travel.
The Army also will delay contracts for facilities repair and environmental restoration, according to instructions from Army Comptroller Nelson Ford. He said the accounting moves are similar to those enacted last year when the Republican-led Congress did not deliver a war funding bill to Bush until mid-June.
More stringent steps would be taken in May, such as a hiring freeze and firing temporary employees, but exceptions are made for any war-related activities or anything that “would result immediately in the degradation of readiness standards” for troops in Iraq or those slated for deployment.
White House spokeswoman Dana Perino called the Democrat’s stance “disturbing” and all but dared Reid to cut off funding for the war.

“If this is his true feeling, then it makes one wonder if he has the courage of his convictions and therefore will decide to defund the war,” she said.

Reid has left that possibility open. The majority leader supports separate legislation that would cut off funding for combat missions after March 2008. The proposal would allow money spent on such efforts as counterterrorism efforts and training Iraqi security forces.
Reid and other Democrats were initially reluctant to discuss such draconian measures to end the war, but no longer.

“I’m not sure much is impossible legislatively,” Reid said Thursday. “The American people have indicated . . . that they are fed up with what’s going on.”

UPDATE: Video of Reid added

Wild Thing’s comment……….
Proof that treasonous scumbag Reid works for our enemies! Hey Reid, because of your and the other Democrat support for al-Qaeda you are giving the American people to the Islamic Fascist. I am sure that you have secured your place in the new Sharia Law Government.
Just as Rush said the Democrats OWN DEFEAT! The Democrats hope for our loss in Iraq. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for the end of our Country and our way of life.
Harry Reid isn’t worthy of licking the bottoms of our troops boots after they’ve been on patrol in the slums of Baghdad. Reid can be reached 888-355-3588 (which is the Congressional switchboard).

20 Apr

Senator Cites Abortion Ruling Side by Side With VT Tragedy

Senator Cites Abortion Ruling Side by Side With VT Tragedy
By Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
(CNSNews.com) – Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) on Wednesday listed the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold a ban on “partial birth abortions” along with the killing of 32 people at Virginia Tech, in describing what she called a hard and emotional week.

“I know this is a very hard and emotional week given everything that’s happened,” Boxer said at the opening of a speech on global warming in Washington, D.C. She then listed “continuing violence in Iraq … the accident that our good, dear friend Gov. Corzine is suffering from, the Virginia Tech tragedy … and today a Supreme Court decision that I believe endangers women’s health.”

(hear audio)
The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld a federal ban on the abortion procedure also called intact dilation and extraction. Pro-life activists characterize the procedure, in which a baby is partially delivered before being killed, as gruesome.
Opponents of the federal ban criticize its lack of a provision that would allow the procedure in cases where the pregnancy endangers the mother’s health. The ban does allow for the procedure in cases that risk the mother’s life.
Boxer was among 34 senators who voted against the ban when it was passed in 2003. She has been a staunch supporter of abortion rights, earning a 100 percent “pro-choice” rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America in 2006.

OH and this yo-yo jerk Obama

Boxer’s colleague, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) came under fire earlier this week for comparing the violence at the Blacksburg, Va., college campus to the “verbal violence” of radio shock jock Don Imus, who was recently fired for using denigrating comments about a women’s basketball team.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Between Boxer and Obama as he tied the shootings to the Imus flap. OMG they just can’t help themselves!!! They are freaks of nature walking the face of this earth. These people have no values, no moral compass, no ethics and no integrity. What scares me is that people actually vote for evil people like Boxer.

20 Apr

“Made By A Muslim” Brand To Be Launched

Clothes made in Morocco, and presumably made by Muslims

Damascus, 19 April (AKI) – Besides saying it loudly and proudly, Muslims who treasure their religious heritage can also show it, and they will soon be able to do so by buying and wearing products bearing the “Made by a Muslim” label.
A group of Islamic businessmen meeting in Damascus, Syria have launched a initiative they say involves 7,500 companies around the world and which aims to encourage Muslims to boycott products made in countries hostile to Islam and to opt instead for those manufactured in Islamic nations.

“In light of the growing hostility faced by Islam and by Muslims in the Western world, after the events of September 11, a sentiment further amplified by the publication of offensive cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed,” the businessmen said in a statement, they had decided to set up a computerised international database that contains guidelines for the production, distribution and sale of products “that can represent an alternative to products from the West”.

The strategy involves labelling products so that counsumers will be able to know where they originate from and that they have been made by Muslims. For example: Made in Syria and Made by a Muslim.
The businessmen who have launched the initiative say the hope the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC), the body that groups together most Muslim nations, will support it and that will press governments of member states to promote the Muslim-made products.

Muslims made this…..

Wild Thing’s comment………
So kind of a jihadist FUBU? Just what the world needs!
The question is often asked, “Why can’t or don’t Muslims integrate with the societies they migrate to”? The answer is they don’t want to integrate. Their plan is to dominate.

19 Apr

Rep. Keith Ellison to Jews: Reach out to CAIR

Keith Ellison (aka Keith Hakim, Keith X Ellison and Keith Ellison Muhammad)

Ellison to Jews: Reach out to CAIR

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) unsurprisingly does CAIR’s bidding. Jews will reach out to CAIR the day they reject the legitimacy of the state of Israel and judge legitimate the Palestinian ‘resistance’`s mass-murder of diners and commuters, which is to say: not likely very soon…though our own quota of useful idiots have reached out to CAIR with the following results….

The first American Muslim in the U.S. Congress called on Jewish groups to engage with a controversial American Muslim body.

“If CAIR is willing to talk, talk to CAIR,” Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) said of the Council on American Islamic Relations.

His address Tuesday to the Reform Movement’s Consultation on Conscience conference in Washington was the first speech to a national Jewish group for Ellison, who emphasized that he does not share all of CAIR’s views.
The organization is among the harshest critics of Israel, and in the 1990s defended Hamas, the Palestinian terrorist organization. It has muted such support since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, but still will not condemn Palestinian terrorist attacks as it does attacks by al-Qaida.
Ellison spoke positively of his recent tour of Israel, the Palestinian areas and Syria

Wild Thing’s comment…….
NO, how about instead …….reach out for an Uzi!!!
. . .calls to mind, Little Red Riding Hood. . .’just reach out Red and hug your Grandmother’.

19 Apr

Yee Haw It’s A ‘ho’- down!

Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards greets Rev. Al Sharpton before speaking at the ‘Keepers of the Dream Awards Dinner’ Wednesday, April 18, 2007 during the 9th annual National Action Network convention in New York. Wednesday, April 18, 2007 in New York.
Democratic presidential contenders are scrambling for support in what’s being dubbed the Al Sharpton primary. This election, the high-profile Sharpton, fresh from the fight over Don Imus’ derogatory remarks, is attracting all the party’s major candidates this week for his annual National Action Network convention.(AP Photo/Frank Franklin II)

And what do you think they might be saying to each other or thinking:
Al, with the combined hairpower between us, there is nothing we can’t accomplish!
Tawana was so misunderstood!
Edwards: “I like you, Al. You’re ‘clean’. You’re ‘articulate’. But most important, you have a LOT of money!!!”
Sharpton: Holy $#it, I think this breck girl is gonna kiss me.

19 Apr

Pet Food Recall Expanded Again

Chemical Found in Second Pet Food Ingredient, Recall Expanded
Fox News…….. for complete article
The chemical, melamine, is believed to have contaminated rice protein concentrate used to make a variety of Natural Balance Pet Foods products for both dogs and cats, the Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday.
Previously, the chemical was found to contaminate wheat gluten used by at least six other pet food and treat manufacturers.
Both ingredients were imported from China, though by different companies and from different manufacturers.

A lawmaker said Wednesday the Chinese have refused to grant visas to FDA inspectors seeking to visit the plants where the ingredients were made. An FDA spokesman later said the visas were not refused but that the agency had not received the necessary invitation letter to get visas.

“It troubles me greatly the Chinese are making it more difficult to understand what led to this pet food crisis,” Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill., told The Associated Press after meeting with the FDA commissioner, Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach.

A message left Wednesday with the Chinese Embassy in Washington was not immediately returned.
Natural Balance said it was recalling all its Venison and Brown Rice canned and bagged dog foods, its Venison and Brown Rice dog treats and its Venison and Green Pea dry cat food.
The recalls now include products made by at least seven companies and sold under more than 100 brands.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Can you IMAGINE – the FDA is being REFUSED to inspect the plants. The safety and unsanitary conditions must be horrendous.
And what is ludicrous is Science Diet is making their food in Kansas (the wheat belt) with wheat imported from China.
When all this horrible stuff started with the dog and cat food, we switched to this. They like it and it is safe.
Eagle Brand Holistic Dog and Cat food