19 May

The Fixers ~ heh heh

Australia’s Mufti, Sheikh al-Hilali, gets some advice from The Fixers. …I LOVE it!

19 May

Soldier Beaten by the Las Vegas Police

Sgt Mark T. England of the US Army National Guard was a medic getting ready to deploy forward with his unit when the March 10th incident happened at the McCarren International Airport in Las Vagas.
Mark was tased 3 times and beat with night clubs by 2 Las Vagas police officers the second video is shot it from a different angle and shows another police officer joking and making kicking motions with a TSA agent. When it was all done and over with Mark was left with bruses all over his body, 3 fractured ribs and questions.
Two months later, still no charges were filed against him and he been unable to deploy due to his injuries.

More at Old War Dogs blog
Two video’s at Doc in the Box blog

….Thank you Tincan Sailor for the headsup about this.

18 May

Rush Limbaugh: Immigration Bill Will Kill GOP

During Friday’s syndicated broadcast of the Rush Limbaugh program, Rush criticized the Senate’s immigration proposal as liberalism gone wild.
“Liberals are trying to tear this country down institution by institution and rebuild it in their own image, and this is one of the steps that they are trying to make it happen,” he said.
Rush warned that if this bill comes out of the Senate in its present form – and it’s highly doubtful that it will – the liberals in the House will not vote for it. He said the politicians realize that there are Democrats in California, Arizona, Texas and Virginia where illegal immigration is a red hot issue and a vote for this bill would be political suicide.
As for Republicans, they have already lost California, Rush reminded his listeners. If they lose Virginia and lose Florida, it’s all over for the GOP as far as elections go. And being blamed for this immigration bill could cost them both states.
Rush explained that this is why Senate Democrats want Republicans to receive “credit” for passing this bill.
“It’s a piece of legislation that hardly anybody has ever seen,” he said, yet already “there are walls of opposition that are being built on all sides of this.”
The bill, he warned, will create “a brand new, giant welfare state paid by the rest of us,” yet illegal immigrants are telling the media: “‘I don’t like this. I don’t like having to go home. I don’t want to pay these fines.'”
They needn’t worry, Rush said. The illegals will not be forced to go home at all. They are not going to pay any fines. It’s not going to happen because there is no political will to do so.
“Once this bill passes they’ll be talking about how if you have to go home it will split up families and they’ll say the fines would be taking food out of the mouths of poor children by making the parents pay these ridiculous fines,” Rush told his audience.
Speaking of why any Republicans are supporting the bill, Rush explained: “You could legalize rape in this country if you simply called it the Civil Rights Act of 2007 because nobody on Capitol Hill has the guts to vote against anything that claims to be broadening or creating civil rights. It’s a code word.”

18 May

Fred Thompson on Immigration

Fred spoke out on immigration today:
Most Americans know that we have an illegal immigration problem in this country, with perhaps as many as 20 million people residing here unlawfully. And I think most Americans have a pretty good idea about how to at least start solving the problem – secure our nation’s borders.
But there’s an old saying in Washington that, in dealing with any tough issue, half the politicians hope that citizens don’t understand it while the other half fear that people actually do. This kind of thinking was apparent with the “comprehensive” immigration reform bill that the U.S. Senate and the White House negotiated yesterday.
I’d tell you what was in the legislation, but 24 hours after the politicians agreed the bill looked good, the Senate lawyers were still writing what may turn out to be a one thousand page document. In fact, a final version of the bill most likely will not be made available to the public until after the legislation is passed. That may come five days from now. That’s like trying to digest an eight-course meal on a 15-minute lunch break.
We’ve tried the “comprehensive” route before to solve the illegal immigration problem with a bit more care and deliberation, and the results haven’t been good. Back in May 1985, Congress promised us that it would come up with a comprehensive plan to solve the problem of illegal immigration and our porous borders. Eighteen months later, in November 1986, that comprehensive plan was signed into law.
Twenty-two years and millions of illegal immigrants later, that comprehensive plan hasn’t done what most Americans wanted it to do — secure America’s borders. Now Washington says the new “comprehensive” plan will solve the problem that the last comprehensive plan didn’t.
The fact is our border and immigration systems are still badly broken. We were reminded of this when Newsweek reported that the family of three of the men, arrested last week for allegedly plotting to kill American military personnel at Fort Dix, New Jersey, entered the U.S. illegally more than 20 years ago; filed for asylum back in 1989, but fell off the government’s radar screen when federal bureaucrats essentially lost track of the paperwork. Wonder how many times that’s been replicated?
Is it any wonder that a lot of folks today feel like they’re being sold a phony bill of goods on border security? A “comprehensive” plan doesn’t mean much if the government can’t accomplish one of its most basic responsibilities for its citizens — securing its borders. A nation without secure borders will not long be a sovereign nation.
No matter how much lipstick Washington tries to slap onto this legislative pig, it’s not going to win any beauty contests. In fact, given Congress’s track record, the bill will probably get a lot uglier — at least from the public’s point of view. And agreeing to policies before actually seeing what the policies are is a heck of a way to do business.
We should scrap this “comprehensive” immigration bill and the whole debate until the government can show the American people that we have secured the borders — or at least made great headway. That would give proponents of the bill a chance to explain why putting illegals in a more favorable position than those who play by the rules is not really amnesty.
– Fred Thompson
He was also on the Mark Levin show today speaking about this.

18 May

Bush-Kennedy Immigration Bill or How To Kill America

You will NEVER have to Press #2 to read my blog. I will stop doing this before that would happen.

Deal struck on immigration bill (in the Senate, now over to the House for action)
WASHINGTON – In a striking reach across party lines, the White House and key lawmakers agreed Thursday on a sweeping immigration plan to grant legal status to millions of people in the country unlawfully.
Sealed after months of secretive bargaining, the deal mandates bolstered border security and a high-tech employment verification system to prevent illegal workers from getting jobs.
President Bush said the proposal would “help enforce our borders but equally importantly, it’ll treat people with respect.”
The compromise brought together an unlikely alliance of liberal Democrats such as Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts and conservative Republicans such as Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona on an issue that carries heavy potential risks and rewards for all involved.
The proposal constitutes a far-reaching change in the immigration system that would admit future arrivals seeking to put down roots in the U.S. based on their skills, education levels and job experience, limiting the importance of family ties. A new class of guest workers would be allowed in temporarily, but only after the new security measures were in place — expected to take 18 months.

“This is a bill where people who live here in our country will be treated without amnesty but without animosity,” Bush said.

Kennedy hailed it as “the best possible chance we will have in years to secure our borders and bring millions of people out of the shadows and into the sunshine of America.”

The Bush-Kennedy amnesty………Report: Potential cost = $2.5 trillion

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Dear heaven!!! Goodbye sweet America. This is a travesty!
They spent over a TRILLION dollars to make ILLEGAL aliens legal and yet our soldiers do not have enough money to fight the war.
Bush… “it’ll treat people with respect“…..
OH I see Bush, you want to treat the ILLEGALS with respect but not those of us here legally, all of us the freaking tax payers!
“some extra enforcement to try to slow the flow of the next 12 million illegal aliens enticed by the amnesty”
Only two Republicans currently running for President, oppose this and any other “immigration bill,” i.e. Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo.
I just don’t understand how Bush and the Republicans in power can NOT see that this is DEATH to the Republican party. The illegals will NEVER NEVER NEVER support Republicans because the Dems will always promise them more.
As a child I was taught to respect authority….to play by the rules. To take the high road even when sometimes it might be difficult. I have done this my whole life, I listened to my Father and he was a man of honor and a Hero.
But those in our government would choke on the word honor, they would rather destroy the country that has let them be in power and kiss up to those that break our rules. Our laws mean nothing to these scrum that are doing this. Honor is foreign to them and Patriotism is a word they only think about at the beginning of a Ballgame when they are FORCED to hear our Anthem, if even then.
This is bigger than 2008. It is bigger than the Republican Party. This is about what kind of America we will have. The hell with the stupid politics. It’s about whether there will still be an America that we can recognize.
It is asinine to have Americans dying in Iraq when we have just given away America and all it stands for to an illegal alien horde and a profiteering political elite.
We might as well bring the troops home, and let them at least enjoy the last few days of a dying nation. Their final insult will be a few years down the road when an illegal alien culture schooled in the corruption and socialism of Latin America replaces Memorial and Veterans Days with hispanic festivals like Cinco de Mayo and Bolivar Day.
I will never vote for anyone who endoresed this. It is treason.
Others have said……
REP. DUNCAN HUNTER (R), CALIFORNIA: Listen, we passed my bill in October that calls for 854 miles of border fence across Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. The Senate bill cuts my fence in half, literally takes it down to 370 miles.
Rush Limbaugh: “This bill is worse than doing nothing it all. It’s already bad enough…”
He also said…”If the immigration bill goes through, we’re doomed in ’08. This will be the last straw for the GOP base as far as trusting the Republicans it elects.”
And this as well..”Anybody that ends up supporting this will be very difficult for me to support.”
U.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo:”Senator McCain and his allies seem to think they can dupe the American public into accepting a blanket amnesty if they just call it ‘comprehensive’ or ‘earned legalization’ or ‘regularization.” “The President is so desperate for a legacy and a domestic policy win that he’s willing to sell out the American people and our national security.”
Fred Thompson: “With this bill, the American people are going to think they are being sold the same bill of goods as before on border security. We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.”
My husband Nick ( Angry Old Salt) : ” Let history record this day as the day the Congress and President of the United States of America deserted and abandoned its citizens by choosing to support the desires of corrupt industry and a massive horde of illegal invaders over and above the safety and welfare of the citizenry. May history label each and everyone of them that supported this fiasco as the Benedict Arnold’s they have chosen to become to the American public.”

18 May

Butterflies on Al-Qaeda’s English Website Logo ?? YEP

Beautiful Butterflies on Al-Qaeda’s English Website Logo….. ROTFL how weird. They just don’t belong together at all.
You can see it here at their website……….Voice of Jihad.

The site is the typical blog of the usual “Kill the infidels! Kill the Zionists!” yada yada yada

18 May

Just A Few Deaths Because of Illegals In Our Land

Here is some illegal-alien reading for you
Accused Vegas bomber guilty in ID case
Driver accused in crash (Illegal alien killed “Christmas Story” director)
Jury finds illegal immigrant guilty of Annaville rape (of elderly South Texas woman)
Gang member arrested after chase
SUV driver drags man (New York – Illegal Alien)
Family shares dream (their daughter was murdered by illegal alien)
Cops seek (illegal alien) drifter in girl’s rape/slaying
Driver in U.S. illegally, records say (killed American)
Drunk driving is suspected in crash that killed woman (illegal alien driver)
Bakersfield, CA: Illegal immigrant suspected in fatal crash had four DUIs (drunk,on drugs,killed father of five)
Officials say suspect in fatal car wreck is illegal immigrant (drunk driving; three Americans dead)

Wild Thing’s comment…….
All deaths and crimes that wouldnt have happened if our borders were properly secured and immigration properly enforced.

17 May

17th: National “Surrender is Not an Option” Day

From: Move America Forward

“On Thursday, May 17th at 10:30 AM Pacific Time, we will be conducting “Surrender is Not an Option” protest rallies outside of Speaker Pelosi’s San Francisco office ( 450 Golden Gate Ave. 14th Floor – San Francisco) and Senator Reid’s Las Vegas office. We have just added a 3rd protest location – outside of Senator Harry Reid’s Carson City office located at: 600 East William St., Carson City, NV 89701).”

“We’re sick and tired of watching Congressional leaders like Pelosi and Reid deliberately undermining support for the missions of our troops serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation Enduring Freedom. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

Wild Thing’s comment………
I am glad they are doing this. I agree enough is enough!! Reid, Pelosi and the rest of their ilk need to be taught a lesson.
I would only add this, I would love to see Americans sending these vile people a list of the attacks on Americans
(civilian’s and our military) and show them how these attacks were done by Muslims. The list is huge and has been happening for many years.
Just scroll down ( terrorists ) and you can see dates and explanations of attacks and attempted attacks. And those are just the ones we know about, there likely are more then we were never told about.

17 May

Pelosi and Dem’s Wanted To Rewrite House Rules, Rep.’s Say NO Way!

Democrats Attempt to change 186 year-old House Rules to Allow Tax Hikes Without Having a Vote
National Review
In a stunning move, House Democrats today revealed they will attempt to rewrite House rules that have gone unchanged since 1822 in order to make it possible to increase taxes and government spending without having to vote and be held accountable. House Republican Leader John Boehner (R-OH) today vowed Republicans will use every available means to fight this unprecedented change.

“This is an astonishing attempt by the majority leadership to duck accountability for tax-and-spend policies the American people do not want,” Boehner said. “The majority leadership is gutting House rules that have been in place for 185 years so they can raise taxes and increase government spending without a vote. House Republicans will use every tool available to fight this abuse of power.”

Last November, House Democratic leaders promised the most open, ethical Congress in history:

“We promised the American people that we would have the most honest and most open government and we will.” (Nancy Pelosi press stakeout, December 6, 2006)

“We intend to have a Rules Committee … that gives opposition voices and alternative proposals the ability to be heard and considered on the floor of the House.” (Steny Hoyer in CongressDaily PM, December 5, 2006)

The rules House Democrats are seeking to change have not been changed since 1822.
Republicans have already achieved significant legislative successes on the House floor with 11 consecutive “motion-to-recommit” victories that exposed flaws and substantively improved weaknesses in underlying Democrat bills. But rather than living by the same rules which have guided the House of Representatives for 185 years, Democrats are proposing to change the rules in order to game the system and raise taxes and increase spending without a House vote. What are House Democrats afraid of?
UPDATE: from Eric Cantor, Chief Deputy Republican Whip
Link to his Blog

“House Democrats wanted to change the rules to make it easier to raise taxes. They wanted to hide their Members from a direct vote on the tough issues. They wanted to change rules on minority floor rights that have been in place since 1822. They failed.
Today, House Republicans stood united and successfully fought against the House Democrats’ ill-advised rule changes, by reducing all business on the House Floor to a crawl. We used a creative set of motions and other parliamentary techniques to bring the fight.
In the end, House Democrats lost and the American People won.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love how the Republicans stopped this insane idea.

“The Republican Study Committee Floor Action Team, under the leadership of Rep. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), began requesting a series of procedural protest votes every 30 minutes in response to this power grab by the Majority, and was joined Rep. Tom Price, another member of the RSC floor Action Team.”

—from Constitutionally Right
1. Open a new file folder in your computer.
2. Name it “Nancy Pelosi”
3. Send it to the trash.
4. Click “Empty the trash.”
5. Your PC will ask you, “Do you really want to get rid of “Nancy Pelosi?”
6. Firmly Click “Yes.”
7. Feel better.
PS: Next week you can do Hillary Rodham Clinton.
You deserve to feel GOOD!

16 May

Terror Suspect Claims Torture But Look At His Complaints ~ LMAO

Terror Suspect Claims Torture by Americans, Not Enough Entertainment at Guantanamo Bay
Fox News
An accused enemy combatant held at Guantanamo Bay told a military hearing he was physically as well as mentally tortured there by having to read a newsletter full of ‘crap,’ being forced to use unscented deodorant and shampoo and having to play sports with a ball that would not bounce.
Majid Khan of Pakistan denied any connection to Al Qaeda and said he was tortured and his family hounded by U.S. authorities, according to a redacted transcript released Tuesday by the Pentagon.
Khan told an April 15 hearing called to determine whether he was rightly classified as an “enemy combatant”… that he also had his baby pictures taken from him, that cleaners left marks on his cell walls and that detainees have no DVD players or other entertainment.
Khan was captured in Pakistan in 2003. The military says he has provided support to Al Qaeda and has expressed a desire to assassinate Pakistan’s President Pervez Musharaff.
The transcript, however, includes detailed descriptions of what Khan said was abuse at Guantanamo. He said he has been unable to see his daughter, was denied communal recreation for 11 weeks.

And he complained that he was only given cheap unscented soap and shampoo, and that in the recreation room there is “no weight lifting machine, no toilet, no sink, ho hoops, and even balls them self have little air in them; they hardly bounce.”.

“They know my weaknesses — what drive me crazy and what doesn’t,” he said.

Khan, who grew up in Maryland and is the only U.S. resident among 15 detainees the government considers most dangerous, also described suicide attempts where he “chewed my artery which goes through my elbow.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“…and that in the recreation room there is “no weight lifting machine, no toilet, no sink, ho hoops…”
Ho hoops? What the heck is that? LMAO Maybe they did a typo like I am known to do, but that one is hysterical if it is.
This guys compaints are just too funny.