23 May

Underwater Warriors / Deeper Waters

Underwater Warriors is a foundation, which provides a powerful alternative of rehabilitation to our wounded soldiers through SCUBA.
This video takes place off the coast of the serene tropical Island of Cayman Brac. You will see the beauty and continued courage of our wounded heroes as they move forward with confidence and wonder in the freedom they find beneath the sea.
You will also see a sculpture of the mythical world of the sunken city of Atlantis as envisioned by local Cayman Brac artist, “Foots”, which provides a healthy environment for new coral growth and marine life.
You will also see a sunken Russian Frigate, which was exciting to explore with the soldiers. Famed underwater photographer Lawson Wood took all these photos.
” I am so proud to have been chosen to be the spokesperson for the Underwater Warriors Foundation. If you are interested in further information on the Underwater Warriors foundation, please visit “….www.underwaterwarriors.org

Wild Thing’s comment……
Greaty video and wonderful photography.

22 May

~ Caption Fun ~

Al Gore demonstrates his great organizational skills and has not yet ruled out a run for Recycling Commissioner
Al Gore uses the Inconvenient Filing System
It looks like Al’s pet frog is trying to get the hell out of there – can’t really say I blame it.
He sure has a lot of tree’s on his desks. LOL Guess he does not care about saving a tree, only Global Warming.
“Now, where is the printout of my new proposed law to ban the cutting of trees to make paper? It must be buried here somewhere…..”
Look at all those TVs/computers on.
Look at how much electricity he is wasting
Gore is causing Global Warming!

22 May

France Says NO to Mass Legalisation of Illegal Immigrants

New French Immigration Minister Brice Hortefeux

France says no to mass legalisation of undocumented immigrants
Daily Mail
France’s minister of immigration and national identity, a new ministry created by President Nicolas Sarkozy, has ruled out legalizing undocumented immigrants en masse.
The new ministry said today that government policy would be dictated by firmness and pragmatism.

“We have to put aside massive legalization. It doesn’t work and it penalizes, even immigrants,” Brice Hortefeux said on Europe 1 radio.

Policy, he said, would be guided by “firmness and humanism” with “lots of pragmatism.”

He also said he planned to adhere to the policy of deporting illegal immigrants from France. The number of deportees was expected to reach some 25,000 this year, and Hortefeux said he would ensure that figure is reached.
Hortefeux, a longtime confidant of Sarkozy, was among those named to the new government on Friday.
The conservative Sarkozy, elected president May 6, had reached out to the anti-immigration far right to capture votes, notably ruffling some feathers in his own camp with his promise to create a ministry of immigration and national identity.
Hortefeux said he planned to meet shortly with officials from sectors like the building and hotel and restaurant industries, known to rely heavily on immigrants.
Hortefeux also said he would not put into question a long-standing policy of “family grouping,” by which immigrants in France can bring their families here.
However, he indicated, as Sarkozy had, that modifications may be made in order to ensure that those who join other family members in France can be integrated.

“It must be carried out in respect for the dignity of those who want to come and (in a way) that favors their integration,” he said.

Sarkozy had said he wants to ensure that those who join families in France can speak French and that family members receiving them can support the newcomers.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Absolutely shameful that the French president has more courage than the US President. If the American People don’t understand the danger we are in by this time, then we are heading toward a dark period. This is going to get much uglier before it gets better.
At least he has the common sense to know that you don’t reward criminals for their crimes by giving them more of the thing that they committed the crime to get in the first place. If we applied the same principle to bank robbers that our jackass lawmakers want to apply to illegals we would give the bank robbers the rest of the money in the vault as a reward for stealing the money at the tellers’ counters.

22 May

Religion Of Peace Busy Causing More Death and Destruction

The enemy from Hell that walks the earth

In Lebanon, at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian terrorist camp, with his RPG launcher and Koran.

The victims and destruction they cause

Brisbane Times
In Achrafieh, east Beirut, at the site of an terrorist explosion, May 21, 2007 following terrorist explosions at a busy shopping mall killed a 63-year-old woman and injured 12 other people late Sunday, in the Christian sector.
an explosion resounded Sunday evening close to a shopping centre of Beirut-Is and a woman died, according to services’ of safety. There would be also several casualties. It is about the first incident of the kind in Beirut since months.
“There was an explosive machine either under a car or close to a car”, one declared of the same source, by adding that the explosion had occurred in the carpark of a shopping centre of the Christian district of Achrafié, in the east of Beirut. The victim was killed by the collapse of a wall of its house, located close to this shopping centre. Witnesses gave a report on six people wounded by glares of glass.
Lebanon was the theatre Sunday of its bloodiest confrontations since the civil war of 1975-1990

Wild Thing’s comment………
Some things they tell us in the news and others they do not. I was watching the news on the latest attacks around the world and every one of them, every fight, every bombing attack and killing throughout the world is being done by Muslims. Then thinking what the world would be like if they did not exist. No fighting, no suicide bombers, peace in Israel, and no PC and lawsuits by Muslims demading special treatment.
Just a thought……

21 May

Mermaid statue draped in Muslim dress

Mermaid statue draped in Muslim dress
The Little Mermaid statue in Denmark’s capital was found draped in a Muslim dress and head scarf Sunday morning.
Police removed the clothing after a telephone caller reported it, spokesman Jorgen Thomsen said.
The statue sculpted in tribute to author Hans Christian Andersen draws about 1 million visitors a year and is targeted occasionally by vandals. On Tuesday, the statue’s face, left arm and lap were found doused with red paint.
The bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen has sat on a rock in Copenhagen harbor since 1913.

The actual statue of the Mermid that is so famous around the world.

Wild Thing’s comment………
I guess here in America on our Statue of LIberty it will be a choice between a burqa or a Mexican hat a Mexican sombrero, maybe all of it.

21 May

In Country with AH-1 Cobra in Combat Iraq

Awesome Gun Cam Footage!!


“All this footage is either from my personal camera I had in Iraq, and recorded footage from the Cobra I was flying that records use of the weapons system. With the exception of the brief CNN footage about the battle of Tikrit which I played a major role in. I flew with the Marine Light/Attack Helicopter Squadron 269. Semper Fi!”

21 May

Soldiers Perform Own ‘extreme makeover’

Pvt. Ramon Negron, artilleryman, 3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, pulls guard at Forward Operating Base Gains Mills, Kirkuk, Iraq

Soldiers perform own ‘extreme makeover’
Story and Photos by
Spc. Mike Alberts
3rd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
The military transition team Soldiers of 3rd Battalion, 7th Field Artillery Regiment, 3rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, commenced their own extreme makeover of remote Forward Operating Base Gains Mills located in the northern Kirkuk Province, Iraq.
3-7’s modest MiTT of fewer than 20 Soldiers shares Gains Mills with the Iraqi Army’s 1st Strategic Infrastructure Brigade whose job it is to protect Kirkuk’s valuable oil infrastructure, among other things. Soldiers live and work with their 1st SIB counterparts to more effectively mentor and train them.

“When we got down here last August, Gains Mills was maybe 200 meters in each direction,” said Sgt. 1st Class David Noel, non-commissioned officer-in-charge MiTT life support, 3-7 FA. “The previous group had four people in living spaces designed for two, an underground septic tank that didn’t work, [bacteria-laden] water that really wasn’t fit to shower in, and practically no gym,” said Noel.

Noel, a Philadelphia, Pa., native, is a veteran of a previous combat tour in Afghanistan with 3-7 FA. There, he tolerated living in a mud and straw hut without laundry or showers. This time around, though, he was the one responsible for ensuring that Soldiers had adequate “life support” while at war. Noel refused to allow his Soldiers to live like he had.

“The first four months here we had everybody up everyday [from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.] working on improving this place,” he said. “It was tough, but thanks to our Soldiers the hard work paid off.”

“We more than doubled the FOB in terms of physical size and constructed a bunk house and additional rooms so that every Soldier has his own living quarters. We re-routed septic piping and flow equipment to make the showers run well. We added two 10,000 gallon fiberglass containers and deviated existing well-water into these containers for clean showers. We replaced all hot water tanks and gravity feed tanks to virtually eliminate all sorts of mild preventable medical problems like rashes. We also added heaters and ventilation for the bathrooms.”

Of course, no FOB would be tolerable with an adequate gym. Noel’s team transformed a dark 20 by 20 foot room that masqueraded as gym space to three interconnected workout spaces that include a weightlifting room containing five different weight lifting units and dozens of dumbbells, a cardio room with four cardio machines and a matted grappling room.

“Life and living conditions here at Gains Mills are considerably better than Afghanistan,” said Capt. Thomas Mears, MiTT assistant team chief, 3-7 FA. Mears, also a combat veteran, recalled much rougher times during his previous deployment.

“In Afghanistan, living conditions were really bad and so was communication with family. I remember that we had three phones for almost 450 Soldiers and just a couple computers. Here, we have the ability to call home without much waiting, and internet capability. We now also actually have flushing toilets and a shower trailer.”

But it’s not only the seasoned Soldiers that appreciate the niceties of Gains Mills. Private Ezequiel Widrick is on his first combat tour. Widrick, a Texas native, is a field artilleryman that is currently tasked to assist with security.

“Being here is good. I really appreciate the support we get from home and from our leaders here,” said Widrick. “Its very comfortable down here and most of that is because our leaders care about us and because we’ve got a lot of good non-commissioned officers.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Our troops are just so awesome. They deserve the best we can givei them and do for them. I pray so hard our country would know in their heart how much we should appreciate all our military does. Stop the bickering from the left and sign anything and put it through asap that helps our troops. Do everything they can to provide for our military all they need for as long as they need it and afterward too when they come home.

20 May

Border Agents Recruited for Iraq Duty

Border Agents Recruited for Iraq Duty
Herald Tribune
A military contractor is recruiting current and former agents with the U.S. Border Patrol to teach Iraqis how to secure their national borders.
The U.S. State Department has asked Virginia-based DynCorp International to find 120 people with Customs and Border Enforcement experience to go to Iraq for the training.
The company already has 700 police trainers in Iraq. The department made the request for border security trainers in late March.

Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano said she was worried that DynCorp’s effort is distracting from security along the U.S.-Mexico border. She and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson wrote President Bush this week to say the deal “makes no sense.”

“We should be focused on supporting our nation’s security efforts along the Mexican and Canadian border instead of hampering (the Customs and Border Patrol) by sending our best agents to a war zone in Iraq,” the governors wrote.

Agent Shannon Stevens, a Border Patrol spokeswoman, said the number of personnel DynCorp is looking for is “a very small number compared to the agents we have.”

DynCorp is offering recruits $134,100 for a one-year stay, plus a $25,000 signing bonus. The first $90,000 in income is tax free, and housing and food are free, company spokesman Gregory Lagana said.
Border Patrol agents with at least two years’ experience make roughly $55,000.
Arizona’s Tucson sector employs 2,600 agents, and there are more than 13,350 nationwide.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well, with Amnesty just around the corner, Bush/Rove no longer need the extra border agents I guess. (shaking my head)
It’s a private military contractor. Not the state department. The agents would be employees of the contractor. Not the govt.
Besides, they may as well go to Iraq. They’re sure not doing any bloody good here.
While they’re at it, take the prez with them. He’s not doing any good, either.
Carter gave away the Panama Canal. Jorge wants to give away the country. I wonder what the next President will want to give away?

20 May


Awesome video.
The USAF is currently the largest and the most technologically advanced air force in the world, with about 6057 manned aircraft in service (4,273 USAF; 1,313 Air National Guard; and 400 Air Force Reserve)approximately 160 Unmanned Combat Air Vehicles, 2161 Air-Launched Cruise Missiles, and 1900 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles and as of September 30, 2005, had 351,800 personnel on active duty, 122,750 in the Selected and Individual Ready Reserves, and 106,800 in the Air National Guard. An additional 14,000 personnel were in the Standby Reserve and the Air Force employed 166,730 civilian personnel.
But look at this………..
The USAF is currently planning a massive Reduction-in-Force (RIF). Because of budget constraints, the USAF will reduce the service’s current size by 40,000 full time equivalent positions by 2011, with approximately half to be eliminated in FY 2007.
Approximately 35,000 active duty positions, or one year’s cycle of enlistments and retirements, will be eliminated over 5 years.The current size of the active-duty force is roughly 70% of that of the USAF at the end of the first Gulf War in 1991.

19 May

The Gushing Begins

Jubilant yesterday, Senators Mel Martinez (left), Lindsey O. Graham, and Edward M. Kennedy had spent hours in sometimes heated negotiations to craft a compromise bill on immigration. (CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES)

Adversaries praise a relentless Kennedy
Boston Globe

On Wednesday night, Senator Edward M. Kennedy stared at an exhausted negotiating team of 20 senators and two Cabinet secretaries and said, “Let’s shoot for 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

The negotiators were tantalizingly close to a historic deal to remake the nation’s immigration system. But at several points, nervous senators were ready to give up. Republicans wanted to give temporary visas only to workers taking undersubscribed jobs. Democrats wanted to allow family members of immigrants to come in more quickly.
But Kennedy, the Senate’s consummate dealmaker — still indefatigable at 75 — pushed hard at his fellow Democrats, wavering Republican moderates, and even members of the Bush administration, insisting that the deal-makers work all night Wednesday to beat the deadline imposed by the Senate leadership.
Yesterday, the two Cabinet secretaries — both of whom have been subjects of Kennedy broadsides in the past — lauded the Democrats’ aging lion as the one indispensable player in the negotiating process.

“He’s awesome,” gushed Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff , as he left a news conference announcing the bipartisan agreement. “I’d say he was one of the critical leaders in putting together this deal.”

Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez called it “a real privilege” to work with Kennedy, a Massachusetts Democrat and liberal stalwart who spends much of his time trying to thwart or undo Bush administration policies.

“It’s obvious we’re in different parties. We don’t always agree,” Gutierrez said. But, he added, Kennedy “is focused. He’s very determined.”

Kennedy’s demand that negotiators have a deal by 10 a.m., Gutierrez said, was the “stimulus” that got the deal done.
A pact on immigration appeared dim at the beginning of the year. Several of the key Republican senators — John McCain of Arizona, Mel Martinez of Florida, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, and Lindsey O. Graham of South Carolina — were starting to feel the pressure of election-year politics
But Kennedy — aware that an immigration pact would need to be finished by summer or it would collapse in the heat of campaigning — moved quickly.

“There were times he [Kennedy] blew up, and I had to calm him down. There were times I blew up, and he calmed me down,” said Graham . But he said the Massachusetts lawmaker refused to let things drop.

“He was informed, determined, practical, and essential,” Graham said. Asked whether there was a moment when Kennedy had saved the package when it appeared to be crumbling, Graham said, “112 moments.”

At 8 a.m. yesterday , Kennedy called Graham. “This is coming apart, that’s coming apart,” Graham recalled Kennedy telling him. Kennedy cajoled the team into a final negotiating session, and the group came to an agreement by midday — two hours after the deadline set by the Bay State senator.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is just sooooo nauseating! Bush had Clinton work with his Dad, and the Barbara Bush said how Clinton was like another son to them. And now because of the Bush and Kennedy duo we have to hear about the so called Republicans no other word for it then gushing all over Kennedy.