29 May

Robert Mitchum in 1966

“Should we pull out of Viet Nam?” new crew ask Actor Robert Mitchum in 1966. Here is his answer.

* Blue Star Chronicles…thank you for the Video

Wild Thing’s comment…………….

Just as our military was winning in Vietnam and they were!!!! So has our military won in Iraq, the media want us to think we have lost the war, are failures and never should have gone there. OH we hear it daily, several times a day from politicians, from our TV sets, and in newspapers………. woe is me, woe is America, we lost, our military did not and could not win this BUSH war yadda yadda yadda.
Bullshit I say!!!!!
Here is imo what the propaganda machine has done. You can label it either war as you like.
Activists groups start up, they are well organized right up their asses, better then our side has ever been. Hell they have more time, less of them have jobs to go to each day, and some of them get PAID as well, by Soros etc. to do their dirty deeds.
The media being leftists jump in, promoting the left’s hate for our military and thus making sure they get the propaganda out there even if many times it is only small groups gathering on a street corner or in front of a Government building.
The Progressive Socialists, Communists Politicians, mostly the entire Democratic party join in, this causes their agenda to zoom. Because they can get on talk shows on Sunday mornings and push their bullshit up the wazzoo of every mindless American and we have a lot of those in this country.
Keeping all this propaganda machine going at full speed takes time, and money, but it works every time. At first it does not bother our troops, they just say STFU and let us do our jobs. But then little by little, it sets in and wears them down. Funny not laughing here but weird in a way, it effects our military from the top down. What you say????
Yep, look at how Generals etc. from past wars start to come on talk shows and spew the propaganda of the left, oh they were left to begin with but now they have enough behind them to ” well I support the troops BUT….”
Then after enough time the Generals etc. from the war we are in now, start to weaken. They have our troops be more careful about shooting, more careful about their mission and demand to make a battle, a war zone……politically correct. Hell they even had our soldiers take touchie feelie courses in how to be nice to the enemy. sheesh!
So we have a soldier, armed and a walking talking killing machine THANK GOD! He is smart, sharp and knows what he has to do in battle, or in an attack. But he is told to pause, pause in battle to make sure it is OK to fire back, pause and not fight back with his instincts that have been ingrained in him from his awesome training. NO he has to PAUSE, he thinks of the headlines….soldier kills innocent militia ( note the word insurgents are getting more and more seldom used) and a few children ( kids used to carry IED’s on their bicycles etc.) Was our soldier ever so polite when he entered a home with known insurgents were hiding? OH my goodness, God forbid if he broke the door in and barged in to catch the enemy off guard.
God forbid if he fires back after seeing the insurgents take out some of his fellow soldiers. That would be a court and judges of his actions and possible prison.
Soldiers WIN, they won battles in Nam, they won battles in Iraq and Afghanistan, BUT no way do the above mentioned politicians brag about how great our military is, no way does our media tell of the successful missions day in and day out. NO, they only want to point out how many dead Iraq’s or how many dead Vietcong there were in Nam.
Then little by little those that are the last hold out that are not like me and all of you at this blog and thank God millions of others that know war is hell but not fighting back is death to what those before fought and died for….our Freedom…NO I am speaking of those last hold out people that want to go after the terrorists yes, but can’t handle the daily grind of BS from the left, it just gets to them and they want to have everyone just get along…..they start to join in with the we need to get out, we have lost. Their stamina is weaker, they collapse in tuff times , they are not made of the stuff that existed in our Founding Fathers, those that crossed our country in covered wagons, those that raised our Flag at Iwo Jima and other places. The rely on our strength, our determination to keep them strong.
I am so sick and tired of the propaganda machine I have mentioned. But I will never give up the fight against the terrorists and supporting our military and their missions. I don’t care how many countries decide to hate us, heck many have always hated us under their breath over the years. We help others then they hate us for our help. I say we should be the strongest Nation in the world, provide our military with all they need and more, take down any traitors in our land and speak out to anyone we can how wrong they are, how not fighting back is giving in.
The thousands that fought to give me a land of the Free from the beginning of the USA in all the wars right up to today deserve better then the left and what they offer……… a weak military, a wimpy Politically Correct “fighting” machine, and if we do not speak out then one day the same scenario that exists in Israel of buses bombed, out door cafe’s being a target zone………… will be our lifestyle right here in the United States of America.

29 May

Lion Of Fallujah Is Laid To Rest

Capt. Doug Zembiec, the commanding officer of Company E, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, gives orders to his men over a radio prior to leaving their secured compound for a short patrol in Fallujah, Iraq April 8, 2004. The company entered Fallujah April 6 to begin the effort of destroying enemy held up in the city.

Marine Corps News
By Gunnery Sgt. Mark Oliva, MCB Camp Pendleto
Maj. Douglas A. Zembiec, who once told reporters in the din of battle his Marines “fought like lions,” was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery May 16. A crowd of more than a thousand gathered at the U.S. Naval Academy’s chapel to honor the fallen warrior.
Zembiec was killed in action May 10, 2007. He was 34 years old.
In attendance were more than 30 of Zembiec’s Marines from his tour as E Company’s commander, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment. The pallbearers were led by Sgt. Maj. William Skiles, Zembiec’s former first sergeant. Zembiec’s Marines wore dress uniforms adorned by medals marking their combat tours. They came from across the nation, from Marine bases on both coasts to bury their leader.

“There is no one better to go to war with,” Skiles once said of Zembiec.

They came to honor a man who roared life, who led them into combat in Fallujah and who climbed upon a tank to gain a greater perspective of the battlefield, all the while defying rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire smashing around him. They honored a man who considered it his greatest honor to fight in combat with his Marines.

Zembeic told Los Angeles Times reporter Tony Perry that battling insurgents was “the greatest day of my life. I never felt so alive, so exhilarated, so purposeful. There is nothing equal to combat, and there is no greater honor than to lead men into combat. Once you’ve dealt with life and death like that, it gives you a whole new perspective.”

At times during the battle, Zembiec’s Marines tossed grenades within 20 feet of insurgents.

“My Marines have fought like lions and will continue to do so,” he said following the battle. “Ten million insurgents won’t even begin to fill the boots of one of my men.”

Shortly before 9 a.m. and under blue skies and puffy white clouds, Zembiec’s lions brought their leader home.
A Navy-Marine honor detail carried Zembiec to hallowed and venerated halls of the maritime chapel here. It was the same chapel where he attended Catholic mass as a midshipman and the same chapel he took his bride, Pamela.
This time, the proud warrior was carried in. Marine and Navy officers gripped the rails of his flag-draped casket, silently gliding down the narrow carpeted aisle. Zembiec was placed at the front of the chapel where prayers and blessings were offered.

Navy chaplain Capt. Pete McGeory led the service, telling the gathering Zembiec was a “genuine patriot” and a “genuine hero.”

“You can shed a tear because he is gone or smile because he lived,” McGeory said.

Eric. L Kapitulik, Zembiec’s best friend of 17 years, offered a eulogy. He said Zembiec kept a series of journals, often scribbling notes on leadership, pearls of wisdom he collected by those he respected.

One entry, Kapitulik said, came from Col. George Bristol. It read, “Never forget those who were killed. Never let rest those who killed them.”

Kapitulik read another. “Be a man of principal. Fight for what you believe in. Keep your word. Live with integrity. Be brave. Believe in something bigger than yourself. Serve your country.

“Teach. Mentor. Give something back to society,” Zembiec’s message in his journal continued. “Lead from the front. Conquer your fears. Be a good friend. Be humble and self-confident. Appreciate your friends and family. Be a leader and not a follower. Be valorous on the field of battle and take responsibility for your actions.”

The vows of Zembiec’s life, written by his hand, according to Kapitulik, were titled, “Principles my father taught me.”

Zembiec’s lions honored him in fitting memory. They carried him from the chapel to an awaiting hearse. A miles-long procession of cars snaked their way to Arlington National Cemetery. There, among countless rows of white headstones lined on manicured green lawns, a place was prepared.
This is where the lion will rest for eternity. He would take his place in the long line of patriots who consecrated the grounds. It was a place of peace and honor for a warrior who dedicated his life to his nation’s battles.
Navy chaplain Lt. Cmdr. Scott Radetski led a brief graveside service. The sharp crack of three rifle volleys pierced the warm spring air. Solemn strains of “Taps” followed while Marines held salutes in white-gloved hands.
The following moments were hushed. Marines folded the flag that covered his casket. They gracefully, purposefully and meticulously folded the flag into a triangle.
It was offered to Pamela. With that, Zembiec was given to his nation one final time.
Zembiec, the Lion of Fallujah’s lions, was brought home by his Marines. They carried him home. He was buried in the soil of the nation he loved.
Now, among rows of white stones on green fields, the Lion is at rest.

* Something……and Half of Something

29 May

God Bless Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk

Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk, an Iowa National Guard Black Hawk helicopter pilot from Ames, has been serving in Iraq since October. He wrote a letter to friends and family blasting American media coverage of the war.

Carlson: Shift news to successes in Iraq, soldier urges
Des Moines Register
A tired and disgusted Iowa soldier fired off an e-mail a few days ago, telling family and friends how things are going in Iraq.
A Blackhawk helicopter pilot, Chief Warrant Officer Jim Funk has flown more than 80 combat missions since he arrived there in October.
He described his Boone-based unit’s successes after 5,000 hours of flying out of LSA Anaconda, a huge American base north of Baghdad. He talked about the tragedies he and his fellow Iowans have witnessed and his worries of becoming complacent as he goes on mission after mission.

“We’re treading water,” the Ames man told the people closest to him. “We continue to kick butt on missions and take care of each other, even though we know the American public and government DOES NOT stand behind us.

Ohhhh, they all say they support us, but how can you support me (the soldier) if you don’t support my mission or my objectives. We watch the news over here. Every time we turn it on we see the American public and Hollywood conducting protests and rallies against our ‘illegal occupation’ of Iraq.”
His greatest frustration? The performance of the people who deliver the news to the American people.
I’ll let him say it, in his own words, in the letter, which found its way to me:

“Hello media, do you know you indirectly kill American soldiers every day? You inspire and report the enemy’s objective every day. You are the enemy’s greatest weapon. The enemy cannot beat us on the battlefield so all he does is try to wreak enough havoc and have you report it every day. With you and the enemy using each other, you continually break the will of the American public and American government.

“We go out daily and bust and kill the enemy, uncover and destroy huge weapons caches and continue to establish infrastructure. So daily we put a whoopin on the enemy, but all the enemy has to do is turn on the TV and get re-inspired. He gets to see his daily roadside bomb, truck bomb, suicide bomber or mortar attack. He doesn’t see any accomplishments of the U.S. military (FOX, you’re not exempt, you suck also).

“Let’s give you an example. A couple of days ago we conducted an air assault. We lifted troops into an area for an operation. The operation went well and our ground troops killed (insurgents) and took several prisoners, freed a few hostages and uncovered a weapons cache containing munitions and chemicals that were going to be used in improvised bombs.

“The next morning I woke up and turned on AFN (Armed Forces Network) and watched the nightly news (NBC). Nothing, none of that reported. But the daily car bomb report was reported, and the file footage was not even from the event. There was a car bomb in the Sadr City area and your news report showed old car bomb footage from another part of town from some other time.

“So we really set the enemy back that night but all the enemy had to do was turn on the news and be reassured that the enemy’s agenda (objective) was still going to be fed to the American public.

“We, the soldiers, keep breaking the back of the enemy. You, the media, keep rejuvenating the enemy.

“How hard would it be to contact the PAO (public affairs officer) of the 1st CAV, 36th CAB, 25th ID or the Marines and ask what did you guys accomplish today – good and bad? How about some insurgent blooper videos? Now that would be something to show on the evening news.

“Media, we know you hate the George Bush administration, but report both sides, not just your one-sided agenda. You have got to realize how you are continually motivating every extremist, jihadist and terrorist to continue their resolve to kill American soldiers.”

It’s a punch in the nose to the news media from Funk, 39, a full-time employee of the Iowa National Guard.
Why did he write it?

“I am just tired of busting my butt over here and coming home every night and turning on the TV (Armed Forces Network) and hearing how we are failing miserably,” he told me in an e-mail.

You may agree with what Funk has to say. You may not.
Many in my business certainly won’t. But Funk is a soldier, fighting a war, who has earned the right to be heard.

…..Thank you Tom for sending this to me.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Just a thank you to Jim Funk from me. Thank you for serving our country and thank you for saying what had to be said.

28 May

Never Forgotten ~ Never Forget

Every generation of Americans have been called on to defend freedom and liberty. Over the years more than forty two million American men and women have served their country in time of war. More than a million have secured the blessings of liberty with their lives. America is blessed by our Heroes.

"Tell them, tell them
when you get home
that I gave all of my tomorrow’s
so they could have today!"

Those are the words on a tombstone, far across the Pacific, of someone who gave up his life for our future.
Were those words uttered so that those of us who are left could just enjoy our lives without “getting involved”, or were they written to remind us that the work of freedom and liberty is never done?
Were those words written ,to suggest to us that it is not our job nor our responsibility to keep alive what they fought and died for, or were they written to remind us that we were given the opportunity of life so that we would continue to defend, and keep alive the memory of what they gave their last full measure for?
Let us here today, tonight, tomorrow, next month and next year – remember these gallant defenders of our freedom.
Most were not heroes as defined by the most hallowed Medal of Honor nor even as defined by the silver or bronze star.
They were ALL Heroes
Yes they were heroes, because without hesitation they fought for our country when they were asked to defend her.
They left their families, friends and good times behind and went to fight for our freedom without hesitation.
Some — never even fired their weapons because they were killed before they ever reached the beach.
But they were heroes because they were there, ready to fight for America – for family, flag and country.
Most were scared to death as they prepared to meet the enemy. Their stomachs were turned upside down and they prayed to God and wished they were with their moms, dads and sweethearts rather than being where they were.
But they were where they were, fighting an enemy that was threatening their right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They were fighting an enemy because they believed in America, they loved Her flag and they wanted to protect American’s right to worship as they chose.
They were there, without hesitation, fighting for what they believed in and dying for what they believed in so you and I could live the way we chose in a free country. But they did not die so that we would stop fighting for what they believed and died for.
They fought and died knowing that we, the living, would go on fighting for that same freedom, that same country, that same flag and for that same right to worship as we choose. Abraham Lincoln, at Gettysburg, said:

“It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us–that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion–that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain–that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom–and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth.”

It is for us the living to go on defending what they died for. It is for us the living not to allow history to forget what they gave up all their tomorrow’s for.
If when we attacked Guadalcanal and landed at Salerno, we found that “they” were going to fight back, we didn’t give up because they fought back. We continued to fight because we knew our cause was right!
When Americans rode in the landing craft before storming the beaches at Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Sicily, Anzio, Normandy, Peleliu, Saipan, Iowa Jima, Okinawa, Inchon and many other places we had never heard of before and when they fought in North Africa, the Philippines, Italy, France, Bastonne, Germany, Korea and Vietnam — most were scared to death; their stomachs were turned upside down and they wanted to be back home with their loved ones.
But that did not stop them from attacking America’s enemies bravely and without hesitation. They fought, and many died, but they did not give up because someone shot back at them.
It is for us the living to continue to defend and keep known what they fought and died for — what they gave up all of their tomorrow’s for.
They did not die so that we could become complacent; nor did they die so that when we, the living, reached a single obstacle — we should quit
They died knowing that we would go on defending their actions, defending history and defending what they gave up all their tomorrow’s for.
If WE don’t remember —if WE don’t defend what they fought and died for and what we fought for — who will remember? Who will care?
How many of them and you who fought for our flag and our country and remember the feeling as Old Glory” was being raised over a piece of land we fought for —- and many died for?
How many remember seeing or hearing about our valiant warriors, who were fighting on Iowa Jima, as they stood and cheered when they saw the flag being raised over Mt. Suribachi.
We take this time on Memorial Day to salute our Fallen Heroes who through the history of our country have fought and died for all of us. THANK YOU!!! —- Wild Thing

28 May

Democrat John Edwards Hits New Low as Human Being

Iraq Veterans Rebuke Edwards’ Memorial Day Politicization
New York –
Vets For Freedom
Vets for Freedom, a veterans group dedicated to communicating America’s strategy in Iraq, strongly denounced a media campaign led by former Senator John Edwards that uses Memorial Day to promote anti-war protests. Edwards arrogantly declared Memorial Day “exactly the right time” to protest the Iraq War, encouraging anti-war protestors to take to the streets.
VFF Executive Director, and Iraq war veteran, Pete Hegseth calls it “exactly the wrong time.”

“It’s unfortunate that a viable Democratic presidential candidate would use Memorial Day–the day America remembers her fallen heroes–to promote political statements,” said Hegseth, who served in both Baghdad and Samarra, Iraq.

“Americans are understandably divided on the Iraq War, but Memorial Day is a sacred space; a time to lay aside partisan politics and come together. This holiday is about remembering the fallen on the battlefield and passing their collective story to the next generation. These stories, and the men that bear them, are the backbone of this American experiment and must never be forgotten.”

Vets for Freedom will close its doors for Memorial Day, joining the rest of America in remembering American GI’s who fought–and died–for the cause of freedom.

But Hegseth adds, “After Memorial Day weekend, I look forward to redoubling our efforts to communicate America’s strategic objectives in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Vets for Freedom boasts an ever-growing network of veterans who believe in the need to defeat radical Islamist insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan. Led by Al Qaeda, radical Islamists–waging a global insurgency–have declared war on America and now seem poised to declare victory in Iraq.
Vets for Freedom will do everything it can to make sure this does not happen; mobilizing the voices of the vast “silent majority” of veterans who believe in the mission to be heard in Washington, DC and throughout America.

As for John Edwards’ Memorial Day ploy, Hegseth submits, “I would be surprised if many people heed Edwards’ call for action. The American people are sensible, and recognize a political stunt when they see one.”

Wild Thing’s comment……………….

America has come to a place that is not pretty, and in fact it is a dangerous time for this Nation. We have allowed traitors to bash our country, slander and lie about our troops, protest the service of our military, aid the enemy and be on covers of magazines with high praise from politicians and the media such as Hanoi Jane, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Murtha and the list goes on and on.
Because there has been no punishment for their treason, their being traitors…. they take it as a go ahead, an OK from our country that what they do is acceptable. Well it is NOT, NO WAY, not even a little is it OK with this red/ white/ and blue American girl!
This slick lying piece of work John Edwards is my enemy and America’s enemy. He has made his choice and that is to side with the terrorists. Other politicians join him in this as we all know, more of his ilk spewing their sickness and American hate every chance they get. He uses a day of remembering the Fallen and those that have served our country to make every attempt to lower the morale of our troops, to show he does not back them, he encourages others to do the same thing. What the hell kind of President wanna be, human being can live with themselves and do such a thing???????
I present to you John Edwards, the coward, John Edwards the traitor!

27 May

Country Star Toby Keith Tips Hat To Troops

Country music star, Toby Keith, speaks on-air during an interview on Armed Forces Network Iraq’s Freedom Radio at the Combined Press Information Center Tuesday. Keith’s visit to Baghdad is part of his fifth United Service Organizations (USO) tour. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Carl N. Hudson, Combined Press Information Center.

By Sgt. Sky M. Laron
Combined Press Information Center
BAGHDAD — Country music star, Toby Keith, visited troops stationed in Baghdad Tuesday.
Singing songs and playing guitar are a few things Keith, an Oklahoma native, does quite well. Visiting troops in combat is another activity he takes pride in.
Keith’s visit to Baghdad is part of his fifth United Service Organizations (USO) tour.

“If you are going to talk the talk, then you’ve got to walk the walk”… and that is why he is back in Iraq and performing for the Soldiers, he said.

USO celebrity entertainment tours bring volunteer celebrities to entertain, lift morale and express the gratitude and support of the American people, according to the USO website.
A strong supporter of the military, Keith has always respected the sacrifice and dedication to duty that Soldiers display when they are far from home and their families.
Keith says that it is easy for him to come over to Iraq for a few weeks every year because he does not have to stay the entire year. The Soldiers are the ones making a huge sacrifice with their long deployments.
Keith has seen some of the same Soldiers several times, sometimes two or three years in a row, he said.

“It’s a huge sacrifice for the families too,” he said.

The high opinion he has for the troops started early in life and serves him well today.

“My father was a Soldier, and I was raised in a family where if your dad was a Soldier, you’ve got to respect your veterans,” he said.

Having sold more than 30 million records, success is something that Keith knows a little something about, but performing for the military and shaking hands with Soldiers is what motivates him.
Keith will continue his USO tour throughout the Persian Gulf and later into Germany.

“It doesn’t matter where in the world our Soldiers are, I’ll be there,” said Keith.

God bless Toby Keith for all his trips to thank the Troops. And God bless the USO too for all they do to bring it all together.

27 May

Turning a Battle Into a War Crime

Turning a Battle Into a War Crime
by Harold C. Hutchison
May 24, 2007
One of the dirty little secrets about recent claims of massacres is that all too often, they really are not massacres. The latest case of this now appears to be Haditha, with testimony now emerging that shows that at least eight of the 24 “victims” were armed terrorists. If so, Haditha would have more in common with the 2002 battle of Jenin (also claimed to be a massacre) than it does with My Lai.
The efforts to falsely claim a massacre occurred in Jenin are instructive. After the 2002 battle, the Palestinian Authority claimed a massacre had occurred. The mainstream media and human rights groups quickly echoed their claims. However, further investigations showed that not only had the body count been exaggerated, but that most of those confirmed killed were, in fact, terrorists and not civilians.
In the case of Haditha, the testimony from an intelligence officer and a liaison officer that at least eight of the dead were terrorists calls into question the claims of a massacre and cover-up. In this case, it seems that the civilians’ deaths may have been part of a firefight that resulted after an ambush. The initial Haditha investigations uncovered some apparent discrepancies in the Marines’ stories, and a criminal investigation by NCIS was launched. This, and claims from human rights groups in the media, led to some criminal charges being filed earlier this year.
In this day and age, it doesn’t take long for a misleading story to spread out. In 2005, Newsweek reported that guards at Guantanamo Bay flushed a Koran down a toilet, triggering riots that led to a number of injuries and deaths. Earlier that year, the false claims were about torture at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, most notably in a speech by Senator Richard Durbin on the Senate floor. In both cases, the charges were investigated. In both cases, the claims proved to have little, if any, bearing to what really happened.
As was the case with Jenin, many of the claims of torture were found to be generally unfounded, and in the few cases where lines were crossed, corrective action had been taken, in some cases immediately (one such case involved an interrogator who smeared a detainee with red ink after that detainee spat on her). Worse, the lies were already spread around by the time the truth was determined and not reported.
If the testimony about Haditha bears out, then it will just be the latest example of media misreporting. At that point, though, the real cover-up will begin. Very little, if any, effort will be made to correct the record. Politicians like John Murtha, who repeated the most inflammatory charges, will get a pass. The troops are able to fight the terrorists, and usually win. Fighting false accusations from terrorists that get repeated by the media, human rights groups, and politicians is much harder. The worst thing about this is that the myth of the “Haditha massacre” will be used to by various terrorist groups for recruiting, and the new recruits mean that there is a greater chance that troops will get killed.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is an excellent article and I agree so much with what he said. Too many jumped the gun, with an anxious heart to lay into our awesome troops. I have to wonder more about THEIR support for our military then I wonder about if our troops did something wrong or not. This is freaking WAR! And I am totally sick and tired of people judging every breath our soldiers take, every move they make and every shot that is fired.

26 May

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg

Fred Thompson Goes Nutmeg
by Ryan Sager
May 25, 2007
STAMFORD, Conn. — In his second major outing as a presidential candidate in waiting, Fred Thompson spoke last night to the Connecticut Republican Party for its annual Prescott Bush awards dinner. It was a somewhat unlikely venue for the conservative former Tennessee senator — speaking to the Nutmeggers who send moderate Rep. Christopher Shays to Washington, D.C., year after year ….

After eight years in Washington, I longed for the sincerity of Hollywood,” Mr. Thompson said, referring to his departure from the Senate, in what’s becoming a standard line. “That’s no joke my friends.”

And then, on the topic of the day, immigration, he let loose. “We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs,” Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. “We’re sitting here now with essentially open borders.”

“They don’t get it that putting it on a piece of paper anymore, even passing it into law, does not convince the American people that they will do what they say they’re going to do,” Mr. Thompson thundered.

And if Mr. Thompson had harsh words for his Republican friends on the immigration deal, he had much harsher words for the Democrats on the war in Iraq.

“We look at our friends on the Democratic side who have clearly decided not what is best for their country, but what is best for the Democratic Party, and how they might get additional votes in future elections,” he said.

“Our choice is where we will fight,” Mr. Thompson said, echoing President Bush’s familiar line about fighting the terrorists there, so as not to have to fight them here. All the Democrats want to debate, he said, is “the date of our surrender.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“We are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs,” Mr. Thompson said, laying into the recent proposed compromise, engineered by Senator McCain, that would provide legal status to millions of currently illegal immigrants while ostensibly strengthening border enforcement. “We’re sitting here now with essentially open borders.”
Good. That ought to tick off those who would trash the Constitution and surrender to an illegal invasion.

26 May

Female Prisoners Demand Bikinis

There were no photos available of the women prisoners so I thought you guys might like one of the Swedish Bikini Team

Female prisoners demand bikinis
Sweden’s News in English
Women at a prison outside Gothenburg have decided to fight for their right to a decent sun tan.
Sweden’s Justice Ombudsman has received a letter from the Prisoners’ Council at Sagsjön jail in which the women bemoan the fact that they are not permitted to wear bikinis.

“It’s a human right,” wrote the chairwoman of the council.

Since bikinis are not standard issue in jail, and inmates are not permitted to wear their civilian clothes, the prisoners consider themselves victims of discrimination, Aftonbladet reports.

“How are we supposed to be able to sunbathe at all? They answer we have got is that we can sunbathe in shorts and sports tops.

“In other words, we are treated differently because we are in an institution and we are disriminated against because of our gender,” the women wrote.

“We want to be able to enjoy the sun just like everybody else in Sweden, whether they are in an institution or on the outside.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
“It’s a human right,” wrote the chairwoman of the council.
Sounds like a job for the U.N. Hahahaha
Actually, if they are a convict, it’s a privledge not a right and convicts give up some privleges enjoyed by others when they committed a crime, were convicted, sentenced and sent to the prison. imo

26 May

Local Goats Are Frightened ~ Mookie is back. Pelosi, Reid, rejoice!

Al-Sadr calls for U.S. pullout from Iraq
Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr appeared in public for the first time in months on Friday, delivering a fiery anti-American sermon to thousands of followers and demanding U.S. troops leave Iraq.
It was not immediately clear why he chose to return now to his base in the Shiite holy city of Najaf from Iran. His speech had new nationalist overtones, calling on Sunnis to join with him in the fight against the U.S. presence. He also criticized the government’s inability to provide reliable services to its people.
Al-Sadr’s reappearance, four months after he went underground at the start of the U.S.-led Baghdad security crackdown, came just hours before his Mahdi Army militia lost its top commander in the southern city of Basra in a gunbattle with British soldiers, Iraqi police said.
The 33-year-old al-Sadr is believed to be honing plans to consolidate political gains and foster ties with Iran — and possibly trying to take advantage of the absence of a major rival, Supreme Islamic Council of Iraq leader Abdul-Aziz al-Hakim, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer and went to Iran for treatment.
Al-Sadr traveled in a long motorcade from Najaf to the adjacent holy city of Kufa on Friday morning to deliver his sermon before 6,000 worshippers.
“No, no for Satan. No, no for America. No, no for the occupation. No, no for Israel,” he chanted in a call and response with the audience at the start of his speech.
He repeated his long-standing call for U.S. forces to leave Iraq.
“We demand the withdrawal of the occupation forces, or the creation of a timetable for such a withdrawal,” he said. “I call upon the Iraqi government not to extend the occupation even for a single day.”
He also condemned fighting between his Mahdi Army militia and Iraqi security forces, saying it “served the interests of the occupiers.” Instead, he said the militia should turn to peaceful protests, such as demonstrations and sit-ins, he said.

Wild Thing’s comment………….
The weasel rears his ugly head again Now where’s the smart bomb with his name on it? Time to blow its head off.