02 Jun

Thank you ~ 500,000 Hits

I started my blog September of 2005, and just noticed this morning that my stats
show I have had over 500,000 hits. That means that since each person only gets counted
one time no matter how many times they come to this blog, there have been 500,000 various people that have visited my little blog since I began.
So a huge thank you and to those of you that are regulars and making such awesome comments
and showing me links and just so many things you all do contributing to this little home
online YOU are very much a part of this blog and why it has been accepted so well.
The count also counts the icky Moslems ( I found out they truly hate it spelled like that- heh heh), so let’s see should we thank them too for when each different one decided to peek in? Naw, let’s not! haha I will just wish for them a nice NAKBA ( means catastrophy to a Moslem and boy howdy do they ever hate that word)
Also a special thank you to my BlogMom Linda at Something…..and Half of Something. And to my Blog Uncle Vinnie at Vince aut Morire blog. And to Jack of Conservative Insurgent, SondraK and Beth at MVRWC, and Beth at Blue Star Chronicles and Rodger at Curmudgeonly & Skeptical for all your support.
For all of you………I wish I could list ALL of you that have commented and trackbacked and sent me emails and for all your kindness and friendship to me. It has meant more then I can ever thank you enough for. I love you all dearly!!!

And to our awesome troops, those that email me, those that can peek in here, we love you all, and support you always, thank you for all YOU do!

02 Jun

Quayle’s revenge????

U.S. Democratic presidential hopeful and New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Silicon Valley Leadership Summit in Santa Clara, California May 31, 2007. REUTERS/Robert Galbraith
Another angle of it……

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton was in Silicon Valley announcing her high tech innovation agenda Thursday, but maybe her campaign staff first needs to spring for a spell check on their computers.
The Democratic front-runner stood before a crowd of 200 CEOs and valley insiders Thursday at the Silicon Valley Leadership Group’s annual business climate summit announcing the theme of “New Jobs for Tommorrow.”
Duffy Jennings, spokesman for the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, said the banner came from the Clinton campaign. By tomorrow — please note spelling — someone will be getting a memo and a dictionary.

Wild Thing’s comment………

I think she just found her campaign song she was asking for…….. ROTFLMAO
The sun’ll come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tommorrow
There’ll be sun!

02 Jun

Bush Expressed Hope of Changes Reduce Need For Fence

Bush accuses conservative critics of fear-mongering on immigration
In an exclusive interview with McClatchy Newspapers, Bush expressed his determination to fight for changes that would let millions of illegal immigrants gain legal status. He cast the debate as a struggle over America’s soul and its reputation as a welcoming nation.
“I’m deeply concerned about America losing its soul. Immigration has been the lifeblood of a lot of our country’s history,” the president said during an interview on Air Force One. “I am worried that a backlash to newcomers would cause our country to lose its great capacity to assimilate newcomers.”
Bush underscored his commitment to the proposed overhaul — despite harsh criticism from some conservatives — as he traveled to Georgia for a speech that blasted the legislation’s critics.
“I’m sure you’ve heard some of the talk out there about people defining the bill. It’s clear they hadn’t read the bill. They’re speculating about what the bill says, and they’re trying to rile up people’s emotions,” he told an audience at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, near Brunswick. “If you want to kill the bill, if you don’t want to do what’s right for America, you can pick one little aspect out of it, you can use it to frighten people. Or you can show leadership and solve this problem once and for all.”
Some of the most vociferous criticism has come from conservative talk-show hosts who usually back the president. Commentator Rush Limbaugh has told his listeners that the legislation would doom the Republican Party and the nation.
Bush hopes to push it through Congress with help from a bipartisan group of lawmakers that includes Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., a liberal stalwart, and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., a staunch conservative. The president said he had no hesitations about working with Kennedy despite their sharp differences over Iraq and other issues.
“The reason why is, he can get the job done,” Bush said aboard Air Force One.
“When you grow up in Texas like I did, you recognize the decency and humanity of Hispanics. And the truth of the matter is, a lot of this immigration debate is driven as a result of Latinos being in our country,” he said. “I have seen firsthand the beautiful stories of people being able to take advantage of opportunity and make solid contributions to our society.”
He said Americans had nothing to fear from large-scale immigration from Latin America.
“There is an element of our society that is worried about two Americas,” he said. “Our ability to welcome newcomers and the system’s capacity to assimilate them has been one of the great powerful traditions of America. It works, and it will work this time. People shouldn’t fear our capacity to uphold our motto: E Pluribus Unum.”
The Latin phrase means “Out of many, one.”
Addressing one of the most sensitive issues in the measure, Bush expressed hope that the changes would reduce the need for a fence along the border with Mexico.
The bill requires the completion of at least 370 miles of fencing, along with other security measures, before any temporary worker program can go into effect, but doesn’t specify how much of the border ultimately will be fenced. Congress approved legislation last year calling for 700 miles of fence.

Wild Thing’s comment………..
America had its GREAT DEPRESSION
What we’re seeing here today is …
We simply want the rule of law upheld and our nation secure.
So, in 2000, conservatives busted their asses to stop Gore from taking the Presidency away from Bush.
In 2003, we supported Bush against the anti-war “Bush lied” moonbats.
In 2004, we supported Bush when Dan Rather tried to smear Bush’s honorable service in the TANG.
There were other times when we backed the President when he was under an unprecedented assault from liberal hate and the Democrats, his judicial picks, his SS reforms…
So how does Bush repay us.
Why, he repaid us by continuing to reach out to these same scumbags that want to display his head over the fireplace and bearskin rug.
We overlooked his Medicare Part D boondoggle, his Harriet Meier’s, his Dubai Ports dealing, his LBJ spending spree that makes Slick look fiscally conservative * cough 30 billion for AIDS in Africa cough *
But the line in the sand has been drawn. All Americans do not support the AMNESTY that the President is promoting, to please the WSJ and the US Chamber of Commerce, as well as corporate trans-nationals and big business. And securing our borders is now almost a second thought, THAT speaks volumes of how much our leaders want to make our Nation secure. They don’t.

02 Jun

Bill Grants Amnesty to Gang Members, Fugitives

America Under Seige: The Crippling Consequences Of Illegal Immigration
President Bush is sending 6,000 National Guardsmen to the US-Mexico Border, as America struggles with the question of immigration enforcement and reform.
There are 12 million illegal aliens in the United States as of March 2006.
Eighty-five percent of all illegal aliens are from Mexico.
Illegal aliens who commit criminal offenses are costing the American taxpayer billions of dollars a year. Illegal aliens are 50% more likely to take advantage of public benefits at a high cost to American taxpayers. The high cost of providing specialized education to the children of illegal aliens has become prohibitive for the taxpayer.
And some facts remain constant:
* illegal aliens, who are often referred to by proponents of illegal immigration as “law abiding”, and “hard working” once they get here, are not “law abiding” or “hard working” once they arrive in the United States
* no matter how the immigration laws are reformed, illegal aliens will continue to cross our borders because they are not the law abiding sort in the first place. The numerous amendments to the U.S. Immigration law since 1965 have proven this fact.
Bill Grants Amnesty to Gang Members, Fugitives
By Congressman Jeff Miller
News Blaze

No, No, No! Why can’t the Senate hear the voices of the American public? Could it be that they are so engrossed in pontificating that they can’t hear the very people that elected them? Or, is there another reason?
The Senate’s “grand bargain” on immigration isn’t a bargain for anyone involved, especially law abiding Americans. Since last week, my offices have been inundated with calls from outraged constituents expressing opposition to the proposal.
Amnesty pardons those who have broken a law. Ignoring the fact that illegal aliens are working in the United States illegally, and making them eligible for legal status and citizenship is de facto amnesty. And if past is prologue, it is clear that this amnesty proposal will encourage even greater numbers of aliens to enter our country illegally. Simply put, we cannot continue to allow our immigration laws to be violated and ignored- illegal aliens are by definition criminals.
I’ll give you a mere three reasons showing that the Senators who drafted the bill do not have the interest of the American people at heart.
* Besides giving general amnesty to all the illegals, the bill specifically grants amnesty for gang members and for fugitives who have been ordered deported by an immigration judge, but have refused to leave. There are over 30,000 illegal-alien gang members in over 33 states, who would only have to sign a “renunciation of gang affiliation” to be granted amnesty. These are the same folks who are destroying our neighborhoods with the use of guns, drugs, and other violent means. Do you want them as your neighbor?
* Second, the Senate bill allows the government only one business day to conduct a background check to determine whether an applicant is a criminal or terrorist. The federal government does not have a comprehensive, searchable database with all the treacherous people in the world that it can quickly reference for background checks. The whole point of immigration laws is to know who is coming into our country.
* It is important to remind folks that it was just during the 1986 amnesty that Mahmoud “The Red” Abouhalima was granted legal status upon forged documents. He became the terrorist leader in the 1993 terrorist attack against the World Trade Center.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
To add insult to injury, President Bush still refuses to Pardon our two Border Patrolmen. Unbelievable! This is not incompetence, it is much worse. This is the planned destruction of the republic.

02 Jun

U.S. Military Launches Strike Against Al Qaeda Target in Somalia

U.S. Military Launches Strike Against Al Qaeda Target in Somalia
Fox News
The U.S. military executed a strike against a suspected Al Qaeda target from a Naval warship off the coast of Somalia Friday, a U.S. official confirmed to FOX News.
It is not know whether the intended target(s) were hit.
This military action comes six months after the U.S. launched two airstrikes in the troubled East African nation against terror suspects sought in connection to the the 1998 Al Qaeda bombings of U.S. Embassies in neighboring Kenya and Tanzania.

02 Jun

Robert DeNiro from a Saturday Night Live Skit on Terrorists ~ LOL

Talk about politically incorrect!!!
Love it! I posted this last year but it is so funny. And I thought we could all use a hearty laugh.

01 Jun

Laura Ingraham Took Bush to the Woodshed Yesterday Morning ~ Good One

Laura Ingrham and Lieutenant Ryan Fulwider – May 10, 2007
Strike Fighter Squadron 106
This photo has nothing to do with a audio clip, but I think it is wonderful that Laura went to see our troops in person to thank them. So I wanted to show it to you.

Laura Ingraham’ s call to arms. “Enforce The Law!”, Laura is screaming with America at the United States Senate and Bush Administration to stop the lying about amnesty.
Please CLICK THE LINK TO HEAR THE AUDIO. It is excellent!!! She is hot on this subject and I have been listening to her every morning on the radio.

01 Jun
01 Jun

RNC fires phone solicitors ~ LMAO

RNC fires phone solicitors
May 31, 2007
Washington Times
There has been a sharp decline in contributions from RNC phone solicitations, another fired staffer said, reporting that many former donors flatly refuse to give more money to the national party if Mr. Bush and the Senate Republicans insist on supporting what these angry contributors call “amnesty” for illegal aliens.

“Everyone donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue,” said the former employee.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Damn I love this, we have spoken and the saying money talks comes to mind. I am one of those former donors, months ago I told them NO WAY and that I would not support a political party loaded with RHINO’s, and a party that did nothing to secure our borders. Sorry to have to enjoy this but this is music to my ears – let the backstabbing sellout traitors go fish.
Republicans have always been the grown ups. The problem is that instead of being for border security first and forcing the Dems to either come to their side of fight against popular opinion, they sidle up to Kennedy and call the base bigots.
Bush and RINOs are ruining the party and the RNC responds not by fighting them but by firing the callers and adjusting to the lack of response.

01 Jun

Murtha Resorts To Threats Over His Earmarks

From CNN…….
Congressional Democrats and earmarks, concludes: “the democrats promised reform. It’s not happening.”
* “What does congressman Murtha have to say in defense of the National Drug Intelligence Center here in Pennsylvania? Surprisingly, nothing at all.”
* “A Murtha Spokesman told us the requests had all been submitted. They are available for review with the committee. Then we got another e-mail saying that he was mistaken, those earmarks aren’t available for review after all.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Of course Murtha being a Democrat will not get more then a slap on the wrist for anything wrong he ever does.