05 Jun

McCain Warns Illegal Immigration Enforcement Could Lead to Riots

John McCain chosen to lead the First


“Char the Gringo’s Car Day”


Just when the dust was beginning to settle following President Bush’s latest assault on common sense, in which he accused conservatives of “spreading fear” by being honest about amnesty, Senator John McCain decided that fear mongering was not such a bad tactic after all. In fact, McCain decided that fear mongering was essential in trying to sell his amnesty snake oil to a skeptical and increasingly suspicious public.
On June 2, McCain rolled out his fear-based defense of amnesty on the campaign trail in Le Mars, Iowa. Responding to a question about deportation of illegal aliens, McCain delivered the following dilly: “In case you hadn’t noticed, the thousands of people who have been relegated to ghettos have risen up and burned cars in France,” McCain said. “They’ve got huge problems in France. They have tremendous problems. The police can’t even go into certain areas in the suburbs of Paris. I don’t want that in the suburbs of America.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
McCain’s warning us? Threatening us? It was really nice of him to ‘encourage’ them! Unbelievable!!! Who the hell is supporting this mental nutcase anyway????
“They will riot”, is just one of the latest of the many defenses for this moronic bill. You will hear many more before this is over, “dividing families”, Obama is still on that one, “living in the shadows”, is a hard sell when you have a million protesting in the streets. This bill is evidence that the socialism is no longer just creeping in this country, it is going full speed.
McCain and the rest who favor this travesty are despicable and yep that includes Bush.

05 Jun

“The Fridge set me up!”

Rep. William Jefferson, D-La., was indicted Monday on 16 counts related to a long-running bribery investigation on counts including racketeering, obstruction of justice and conspiracy.

WASHINGTON — A federal grand jury on Monday indicted Louisiana Democratic Rep. William Jefferson on 16 charges relating to a long-running investigation into bribery, racketeering, obstruction of justice and money laundering.

Calling it a “broad range of serious crimes,” federal prosecutors called the case one about “greed, power and arrogance.”

“The 16-count indictment alleges a pervasive pattern of self dealings, bribery and corruption by Mr. Jefferson, in violation of his oath of office, of his duty to the United States Congress in which he served, and of the duty to the citizens of the United States,” said Chuck Rosenberg, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

The officials said the investigation spanned from the United States to Africa and alleged it involved a number of occasions of criminal conduct by Jefferson, including bribing businessmen in a congressional building and promising a businessman that he would bribe a Nigerian official.
Washington, D.C.—Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement today following the federal indictment of Congressman William Jefferson of Louisiana:

“The charges in the indictment against Congressman Jefferson are extremely serious. While Mr. Jefferson, just as any other citizen, must be considered innocent until proven guilty, if these charges are proven true, they constitute an egregious and unacceptable abuse of public trust and power.

“As we have demonstrated in implementing tough ethics reforms and passing tough lobbying reforms already this year, Democrats are committed to upholding a high ethical standard and eliminating corruption and unethical behavior from the Congress.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
In a separate statement, Former Vice President Al Gore thanked Congressman Jefferson for protecting US currency from global warming. Heh heh
While Mr. Jefferson, just as any other citizen, must be considered innocent until proven guilty
This of course doesn’t apply to US Soldiers and Marines. Just as Murtha.
Democrats are committed to upholding a high ethical standard and eliminating corruption and unethical behavior from the Congress.
Let’s see 16 counts, up to 200 years in the Big House ….but will he get those or not. augh!

05 Jun

New Haven Approves ID Cards For Illegal Immigrants

ID cards for illegal immigrants approved by New Haven Board of Aldermen
(New Haven-WTNH) _ New Haven’s aldermen voted 25-1 in favor of a city issued identification card for illegal immigrants.
The card will provide all holders access to city services and would allow illegal immigrants to open bank accounts. The program is being touted as the first of its kind in the country.
Opponents of the card say it will encourage more illegal aliens to come to New Haven.

Wild Thing’s comment…………

A president and Attorney General committed to upholding the constitution and the law could end this sort of nonsense in no time. But Bush will probably ask Gonzales to get a copy of the New Haven policy so he can implement it nation wide.
If the highest laws in the land are just ignored, then we’re heading toward anarchy and lawlessness on a level we’ve never experienced in our lifetimes.

05 Jun

Maps Say A Lot ~Take a Look

And then in comparison look at this map………….

Secure borders?? How are the terrorist’s getting in and how many of them are included in the illegals coming in to our country. I know this map is a few years old, I wish they would update it. But it gives us an idea anyway.

04 Jun

McCain Challenges Rivals On Immigration

McCain Challenges Rivals On Immigration
Sen. John McCain has a message for other Republican presidential candidates: Opposing an immigration bill for political gain will only worsen the problems of undocumented immigrants and an unsecured border.
McCain plans to talk about the bill at an event here Monday, and excerpts of his prepared remarks take aim at other Republicans in the race.

“I would hope they wouldn’t play politics for their own interests if the cost of their ambition was to make this problem even harder to solve,” McCain said in the prepared remarks obtained by The Associated Press.

He is delivering his remarks in the Miami area, which has large Hispanic and Haitian populations considered sympathetic to immigrants.
McCain is alone among major Republicans seeking the presidency in pushing for a compromise bill that would provide border security while allowing a path to legalization for many of the estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants.
Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani — McCain’s chief rivals — oppose the measure to varying degrees, even though they have made statements in the past in which they appeared to support a similar measure the Senate previously considered.

“I make one pledge to you that I will keep no matter what. I will never conduct my campaign in such a way that it makes our country’s most difficult challenges harder to solve. I hope you will hold all candidates to that same standard. Pandering for votes on this issue, while offering no solution to the problem, amounts to doing nothing,” McCain said. “And doing nothing is silent amnesty.”

President Bush supports the bill, as does Florida Sen. Mel Martinez, who also serves as general chairman of the Republican National Committee. The issue has divided Republicans, many of whom criticize the bipartisan bill as rewarding illegal behavior.
McCain stresses, however, that undocumented immigrants who declare themselves have to pass a criminal background check, pay fines and taxes, learn English and meet other requirements before eventually being offered the possibility of citizenship.

“Critics of the bill attack this as amnesty and a special path to citizenship that is denied to lawful immigrants. Both charges are false,” McCain said.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
If this isn’t the most convoluted, twisted BS that I’ve ever read on the subject, then I don’t know what is.
Sure Senator McCain. Those of us are against Amnesty purely for ‘policial gain’. But you Senator McCain are really brave making these remarks in MIAMI FLORIDA. Aren’t you the one pandering for political gain Senator?
It is hard to keep track of the insults hurled at opponents of amnesty – has McCain called us racists yet, said that we don’t want to do what is right for America and are lying to scare people, or implied that the only thing that would appease us is the execution of all illegal aliens?? If not, he better get a move on – the other faux conservatives are beating him at his own game.
McCain is deluded if he thinks there’s a majority interested in making things easier for illegal aliens to stay here.
And McCain’s pushing for giving the OK to illegals is not new………. There was this………..March 2006

04 Jun

“We support the troops but not the mission” ~ See What Troops Think About This BS

NBC reporter embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq for 4 years asks them if they buy the “We support the troops but not the mission” mantra. The answer is “NO.”

….Thank you to all our troops!!

04 Jun

Charlie Daniels’s Latest ~ America The Passive

America The Passive
The people who first came to America were not content to stay on the eastern half of America, bountiful as it was, they had to see what was on the other side of the big river and no one was going to tell them any different.
America was not willing to be taxed by England without any representation by Ping George and the Parliament, so they set about breaking the ties that bound.
American workers got tired of being treated like company property and they formed trade unions to set things right.
Martin Luther King could never have accepted the black race not receiving the rights guaranteed them under the Constitution and gave his life to make a better life for the millions who would reap the benefits of his sacrifice.
American history is full of examples of brave men and women who stood up and said, “This ain’t right and I’m going to do something about it”. America had guts and will and the energy and sense of fair play to change things.
What’s happened? Is America becoming a herd of sheep, driven by self serving politicians with government hand outs and big businesses who move factories and outsource work to foreign countries and still expect us to buy their products? Businesses who want to dilute the labor market to keep wages down by importing and legalizing millions of unqualified workers, while the American tax payer bears the brunt of their greed?
We are bombarded by dire warnings of global warming by jaded politicos and spoiled Hollywood stars who insist that we give up our comforts while they make not the slightest change in their bloated lifestyles.
The biggest newspaper in the country prints downright lies and Senators and Congressmen endanger the lives of brave young men and women in harm’s way for nothing more than political gain.
The price of health care has gone through the roof and we sit here wringing our hands and wondering when it¹s going to get beyond the financial reach of many Americans.
Our politicians tell us that Social Security is slowly going broke and they are trying to add twenty million people to its roles.
Where is the outrage, where is the common sense? It’s certainly not in Washington D.C. and never will be.
The greatness of this nation is in its people, their will, their determination and their willingness to act.
Other than Almighty God, the strongest force in this nation is public opinion and if America doesn’t begin to let that opinion be known in the voting booth and beyond, we are going to lose some of our most precious freedoms and much of the prosperity of this great nation.
What a pity.
Pray for our troops
What do you think?
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
June 1, 2007

……Thank you Charlie Daniels! Charlie is right, and I think the Conservatives have had enough and we are now doing what we can to show our disgust. I pray our efforts will be heard, I know the GOP and RNC are feeling the pain of low donations. And that may be the thing that speaks volumes to them of our disgust.

03 Jun

Rest in Peace, Brave Warrior ~ Rest in Peace

Memorial Service for Joe Anzack, 20, kidnapped & killed in Iraq recently
Votive candles, flowers, messages and other offerings adorn a sidewalk shrine in honor of Army Cpl. Joseph Anzack Jr., including a photo of him in his high school football uniform. Joe was a 20-year-old soldier found dead last week after an ambush in Iraq. There was a public funeral service at his old high school in Torrance, Calif., Friday, June 1, 2007. Joe, a private first class who was promoted to corporal after his death, was to be interred at Arlington National Cemetery. The Army gunner vanished with two other soldiers May 12 when their combat team was ambushed about 20 miles outside of Baghdad.

The door of Joseph Anzack’s home is adorned with a yellow ribbon and sign that says, ‘United We Stand’.

Members of the football team line the way as Cpl. Joseph Anzack’s casket arrives at South High Football Stadium in Torrance.

Devin Week, 19, said he was on Anzack’s wrestling and swim teams at South High School, and had known him since he was a freshman.

“He wanted to be in the military as long as I’ve known him,” said Week, who met up with the procession in front of Rice Mortuary. “I brought flowers today and said goodbye. Earlier, I was angry at the war. We have no choice but to support it – our good buddies are out there. It’s sad that it takes this to make the war real.”

Outside South High School, hundreds flooded into the athletic field for the 5:30 p.m. service. Many milled outside, watching from behind a chain-link fence.
Nine-year-old Molly Blank hugged her grandfather, Jim Reinhardt.

“He lived one block from us,” said Reinhardt, 79.

David Adams, 21, said Anzack was one class behind him in high school.

“He was a real nice guy, a real intense athlete,” Adams said. “Seeing everyone’s faces, his dad’s face in the limo – it hits pretty hard. I just respect how much he gave for his country.”

Wild Thing’s comment………..
Thank you, soldier. I’m grateful for your service and sacrifice. I will not forget you.

03 Jun

Every Friday in The Pentagon is Memorial Day ~ Media Won’t Tell About This

Every Friday in The Pentagon is Memorial Day
God Bless ALL of you, & ALL WHO SERVE IN HARM’S WAY.
McClatchy Newspapers
This is written by Army Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, who recently completed a year tour of duty in Iraq and is now back at the Pentagon.
Here’s Lt. Col. Bateman’s account of a little-known ceremony that fills the halls of the Army corridor of the Pentagon with cheers, applause and many tears every Friday morning.
It first appeared on May 17 on the Weblog of media critic and pundit Eric Alterman at the Media Matters for America Web site.

“It is 110 yards from the “E” ring to the “A” ring of the Pentagon. This
section of the Pentagon is newly renovated; the floors shine, the hallway is
broad, and the lighting is bright. At this instant the entire length of the
corridor is packed with officers, a few sergeants and some civilians, all
crammed tightly three and four deep against the walls. There are thousands
“This hallway, more than any other, is the `Army’ hallway. The G3 offices
line one side, G2 the other, G8 is around the corner. All Army. Moderate
conversations flow in a low buzz. Friends who may not have seen each other
for a few weeks, or a few years, spot each other, cross the way and renew.
Everyone shifts to ensure an open path remains down the center. The air
conditioning system was not designed for this press of bodies in this area.
The temperature is rising already. Nobody cares.
“10:36 hours: The clapping starts at the E-Ring. That is the outermost of
the five rings of the Pentagon and it is closest to the entrance to the
building. This clapping is low, sustained, hearty. It is applause with a
deep emotion behind it as it moves forward in a wave down the length of the
“A steady rolling wave of sound it is, moving at the pace of the soldier in
the wheelchair who marks the forward edge with his presence. He is the
first. He is missing the greater part of one leg, and some of his wounds are
still suppurating. By his age I expect that he is a private, or perhaps a
private first class.
“Captains, majors, lieutenant colonels and colonels meet his gaze and nod as
they applaud, soldier to soldier. Three years ago when I described one of
these events, those lining the hallways were somewhat different. The
applause a little wilder, perhaps in private guilt for not having shared in
the burden … yet.
“Now almost everyone lining the hallway is, like the man in the wheelchair,
also a combat veteran. This steadies the applause, but I think deepens the
sentiment. We have all been there now. The soldier’s chair is pushed by, I
believe, a full colonel.
“Behind him, and stretching the length from Rings E to A, come more of his
peers, each private, corporal, or sergeant assisted as need be by a field
grade officer.
“11:00 hours: Twenty-four minutes of steady applause. My hands hurt, and I
laugh to myself at how stupid that sounds in my own head. `My hands hurt.’
Christ. Shut up and clap. For twenty-four minutes, soldier after soldier has
come down this hallway – 20, 25, 30. Fifty-three legs come with them, and
perhaps only 52 hands or arms, but down this hall came 30 solid hearts.
“They pass down this corridor of officers and applause, and then meet for a
private lunch, at which they are the guests of honor, hosted by the
generals. Some are wheeled along. Some insist upon getting out of their
chairs, to march as best they can with their chin held up, down this
hallway, through this most unique audience. Some are catching handshakes and
smiling like a politician at a Fourth of July parade. More than a couple of
them seem amazed and are smiling shyly.
“There are families with them as well: the 18-year-old war-bride pushing her
19-year-old husband’s wheelchair and not quite understanding why her husband
is so affected by this, the boy she grew up with, now a man, who had never
shed a tear is crying; the older immigrant Latino parents who have, perhaps
more than their wounded mid-20s son, an appreciation for the emotion given
on their son’s behalf. No man in that hallway, walking or clapping, is
ashamed by the silent tears on more than a few cheeks. An Airborne Ranger
wipes his eyes only to better see. A couple of the officers in this crowd
have themselves been a part of this parade in the past.
“These are our men, broken in body they may be, but they are our brothers,
and we welcome them home. This parade has gone on, every single Friday, all
year long, for more than four years.” Did you know that? The media hasn’t
told the story.

Wild Thing’s comment…………
With so much happening in our world and especially in our country it means even more to hear of things that show us once again why America is the land of the free and truly the home of the brave. This could be filed under little known facts and how sad that is that it is little known. No thanks to our media for being too busy telling us the latest on Paris Hilton instead of the remarkable men and women that serve our country.

03 Jun

Terror Plot Foiled at JFK Airport ~ 4 Charged and 3 Arrested

Fox News
Three people were arrested and one other was being sought in connection to a plan to set off explosives in a fuel line that feeds John F. Kennedy International Airport and runs through residential neighborhoods, officials close to the investigation said.
The plot, which never got past the planning stages, did not involve airplanes or passenger terminals, according to the two officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because details of the arrests had not yet been announced.
A senior law enforcement official told FOX News that of the three arrests, one was in New York and two were in Trinidad. The New York suspect has been identified as Russell Afreitas, a former JFK employee who allegedly planned to attack the airport’s fuel supply because he thought he could do more damage than attacking a passenger terminal. Afreitas is a Muslim U.S. citizen from Guyana.
In carrying out the alleged plot, Afreitas unknowingly recruited an FBI informant, and surveillance on Afreitas began.
One of the other suspects arrested in Trinidad was identified as Abdul Kabir, a member of Parliament of Guyana.
The pipeline targeted in the plot carries fuel from a facility in Linden, N.J., to the airport. Other lines service LaGuardia Airport and Newark Liberty International Airport.
three men accused of plotting to attack John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York were linked to one of the most wanted al Qaeda leaders, Adnan Shukrijumah, known to have operated out of Guyana and Trinidad.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
The 4th man that got away, there’s NO telling where that diabolical monster is.