15 Jun

Dueling RINOs Alert

McCain Criticizes Romney’s Abortion Record
Fox News
Republican John McCain’s campaign criticized rival Mitt Romney’s abortion record anew Wednesday, circulating a video showing the then-Massachusetts governor reiterating his vow to uphold the state’s abortion-rights laws.

“I have indicated that as governor, I am absolutely committed to my promise to maintain the status quo with regards to laws relating to abortion and choice, and so far I’ve been able to successfully do that,” Romney says, answering a question at a May 27, 2005, news conference the day he vetoed the state’s stem cell legislation.

He adds: “My personal, philosophical views about this issue are not something that I think would do anything other than distract from what I think is a more critical agenda” that includes jobs, education and health care.
As a GOP governor of a liberal state, Romney repeatedly vowed not to change state abortion laws. He supported abortion rights as recently as two-and-a-half years ago, even though he insists he has always personally opposed the practice.

………popcorn anyone? heh heh

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL I just thought this was funny. I don’t care for these guys so this whole thing had me laughing.

15 Jun

Harry Reid Slanders Army on Army’s Birthday

Reid labels military leader ‘incompetent’
the politico
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Marine Gen. Peter Pace, the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “incompetent” during an interview Tuesday with a group of liberal bloggers, a comment that was never reported.
Reid made similar disparaging remarks about Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, said several sources familiar with the interview.
“We want them to vote and vote and vote again” on Iraq, said a senior Democratic senator, speaking on the condition of anonymity in order to discuss party strategy. “They are going to have to vote on Iraq until they are sick of it.”
The tougher-talking Reid is taking a decidedly harder line on Iraq at a time when anti-war activists are stepping up their criticism of Democratic leaders for not forcing a quick end to the conflict in Iraq.
Besides his comments about Pace and Petraeus, the Nevada Democrat also announced that he wants to hold more votes on ending or scaling back the U.S. military presence in Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LOL oh really Harry? How come you aren’t running for President? Huh Harry? LMAO Have a nice day Harry….NOT!
Harry is a coward, I dare you, heck I double dare you Harry to say those words to a soldier or directly to the faces in person to Pace and Petraeus.
UNFRIGGINBELIEVABLE that Harry POS Reid is a senator in The United States of America. It is bad enough for the hippie lefties to say something like this, but when those in our governement say this kind of thing. It is absolutely unforgivable!!!!

15 Jun

Terrorists Doing Their Thing in Gaza

Wild Thing’s comment………..

I hope they kill each other off, then the Jews that left Gaza can come back. Americans should see this video. Watch it and think about the what if’s. What if we have leaders continue that give arms to these terrorists as we have been doing in Israel. What if the mosques we have on our land prove to be what so many had let us know about that they teach hate and are gathering places for terrorists.
Could we be seeing bombs going off in our streets, at our outdoor cafe’s and in our shopping Mall’s one day? We sure could and it is not that hard to imagine it happening anymore.

15 Jun

Not A Lot Of Testosterone In The Room

“Democracy Fest 2007” with Howard Dean and John Edwards or a day waiting for CAPTIONS

Excuse me…. hi… can I have everyone’s attention please? Could all the paid campaign workers please fill in the seats up here so it looks like I have a lot of people listening to me? Hey… could you tap his shoulder? The guy with the ass t-shirt… could you bring the rest of the crew in so we have some nice shots here for the press? Thanks.

Have you noticed that the Healthcare & Nutrition nuts are the least healthy-looking people you’ll ever meet? And look what his t-shirt says……..Gore/ Dean. heh heh

LOL they sure love Gore don’t they. Well go ahead and run Al!

What’s that heart attack on a plate, Mr. Health Care voter is having??

How about this for a caption for it………
Evil capitalist slum lord: “You MUST pay the rent!”
Evil Poor loyal Democrat: “But I CAN’T pay the rent!”
Evil capitalist slum lord: “You MUST pay the rent!”
Uncle Sam: “I’LL pay THE rent!”
Poor loyal Democrat: “MY HERO!”

This woman felt the need to put on a puppet show – for an audience of adults.

So I said to John Edwards, “I’m not going to pay a lot for this haircut.”

14 Jun

Flag Day and U.S. Army Established Today

When I see the colors of the flag, I think of how many lives were lost and how many people were injured so that I can say the pledge of allegiance to the flag today. I think of the wars where young men fought and where young men died. I have an American Flag on a flag pole outside my bedroom window. As the flag billows proudly in the wind, I can hear the sweet sound of freedom and liberty.
The history of Flag Day
The Fourth of July was traditionally celebrated as America’s birthday, but the idea of an annual day specifically celebrating the Flag is believed to have first originated in 1885. BJ Cigrand, a schoolteacher, arranged for the pupils in the Fredonia, Wisconsin Public School, District 6, to observe June 14 (the 108th anniversary of the official adoption of The Stars and Stripes) as ‘Flag Birthday’. In numerous magazines and newspaper articles and public addresses over the following years, Cigrand continued to enthusiastically advocate the observance of June 14 as ‘Flag Birthday’, or ‘Flag Day’.
And it is also………….

“Call to Duty — Boots on the Ground — Army Strong”

Since its birth on 14 June 1775—over a year before the Declaration of Independence—the United States Army has played a vital role in the growth and development of our Nation. Soldiers have fought more than 10 wars, from the American Revolution through the Cold War, the Gulf War, to the current War on Terrorism. This 232nd Birthday is a recognition of The Army’s history, traditions, and service to the Nation, a Call To Duty, 232 Years of Service to Our Nation.

“The U.S. Army is a brotherhood of warrior leaders dedicated to the cause of freedom. To me, celebrating the Army’s Birthday is celebrating my freedom and brotherhood,” said Capt. Chris Joyner, North Carolina National Guard public affairs officer.

Fort Bragg held a 11th Annual Army Birthday 10-miler.

Spc. Richard Rogers, a food service specialist in the 37th Engineer Battalion, was running the Army Birthday 10-Miler for his second year in a row, he said. “I placed third in last-year’s race,” said Rogers. “I want to get under an hour. I’ve been practicing.”

Staff Sgt. Marco Rodriguez, a shop foreman with C Company, 27th Engineer Battalion, said he ran an Army 10-miler in Afghanistan last year in 1:10:00. “This time I hope to finish in an hour,” said Rodriguez.

Sgt. German Sanchez, A Troop, 3rd Battalion, 73rd Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, was just hours away from answering the call to duty in Iraq when he ran the 10-miler. “I figured I’d leave with a bang,” said Sanchez, “I think I ran it in about 112 minutes; I was shooting for 120 minutes.”

Afterward, participants were invited to help celebrate the Army’s 232nd birthday with the cutting of the birthday cake by Thornal. The Army’s official birthday is June 14.

Thanks to American Soldiers, freedom’s light shines as a beacon throughout the world. We will never be able to tell you enough how very proud we are of you. Thank you for your service, for your sacrifices, and for your abiding devotion to something greater than self. God bless each and every one of you and your families, God bless our magnificent Army, and God bless America.

14 Jun

Sessions Has List of 20 Loopholes in AMNESTY Bill

Senator Sessions Releases List of 20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration
Alabama Republican Party
U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) released a list of 20 loopholes in the comprehensive immigration bill today which reveals that the bill is fatally flawed and will not establish a functioning immigration system in the future.
The list of loopholes includes flaws effecting border security, chain-migration and assimilation policies. The list exposes the lack of serious attention given to ensuring that the legislation fixes America’s failed immigration system.

“I am deeply concerned about the numerous loopholes we have found in this legislation. They are more than technical errors, but rather symptoms of a fundamentally flawed piece of legislation that stands no chance of actually fixing our broken immigration system,” Sessions said. “Many of the loopholes are indicative of a desire not to have the system work.”

For example, one loophole in the “enforcement trigger” fails to require the U.S. VISIT system – the biometric border check-in/check-out system established by Congress in 1996, but never implemented – to be fully functioning before new worker or amnesty programs begin. Without the system in place, the U.S. has no method of ensuring that workers and their families do not overstay their visas.
Another flaw in the legislation prevents the benefits of merit-based immigration from taking full effect until 2016. Until then, chain migration into the U.S. will actually triple, compared to a disproportionately low increase in skill-based immigration. As a result, the merit-based system in the bill is only a shell of what it should have been.
A third loophole in the bill allows immigrants to avoid demonstrating a proficiency in English for more than a decade. Illegal aliens are not required to learn English to receive full “probationary benefits” of citizenship. Passing a basic English test is only required for the third Z-visa renewal, twelve years after amnesty is granted.
Sessions will highlight many of the loopholes contained in the list this week during Senate debate on the immigration bill.
Please CLICK HERE to be taken to the Alabama Republican to see the full list of the 20 loopholes

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Jeff Sessions will be long remembered for his work to quite literally save the Republic. I can only imagine the heat that he receives every day from the Quislings who are demanding he stop supporting the people.
If our elected officials (including the current administration) have refused to adhere to the past bills and laws, why should we even consider trusting them to enforce the laws in this new (abhorrent) bill?
In October of last year – one billion dollars was allocated to build a 700+ mile fence to secure our borders. Only ten miles at the most has been built in the past eight months. So what happened to the BILLION dollars (and the 690 more miles)? Ask Senator John McCain……..
McCain: Can’t Explain Why We Didn’t Build The Fence

14 Jun

Border Reality

Here we see the Duncan Hunter 15′ fence, which is already being built along a few “showplace” miles of San Diego, mainly near the ports of entry, where panderng politicians can conveniently show it off to gullible reporters. As you can see, the rusty runway wall is seen at the left side, Mexico begins on the other side. In areas with the 15 foot fence, dope smugglers and illegals will have to cross the open sand (“the government road” as it is called) before starting to try to get over the 15 foot fence.
This new fence is extremely tough, and resists cutting. Attacking the fence would have to be done right out in the open, in full view of cameras. This type of fence, on the U.S. side of the government road, will give the USBP a barrier to patrol, instead of forcing them to chase illegals around 100,000 square miles of wide-open frontier land, which is a fool’s errand. Everywhere this modern multiple fence system has been built, crossings by illegals drop to almost nil.

This is how it’s being built in San Diego county, along the last 14 miles out to the ocean. The total cost of the entire fence from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific would be about 5 billion dollars, or what we spend medicating, hospitalizing, educating, and incarcerating illegal aliens just about every month. In other words, the fence would pay for itself immediately.

Unauthorised arrivals” have risen from less than 200,000 a year in the 1980s to more than 800,000 annually. More than half of illegal immigrants are Mexican; another fifth are from elsewhere in Latin America.
U.S. Constitution, Article 4 Section 4:
“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion;”
Invasion: \In*va”sion\, n. [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] [1913 Webster]
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.

Here is what the border looks like where the runway mat wall exists. Mexico begins on the other side of the ineffective rusty wall, which actually helps the smugglers, by hiding their movements until the occasional USBP vehicle has driven out of sight.

This is how “the game” is played. Smugglers hide on the other side of the wall with their dope and/or their illegals, out of sight of the USBP. They wait for the highly visible white BP vehicle to drive over the distant hills. Lookouts with cell phones and walkie-talkies report on the current locations of the BP units. They know with certainty that “the coast is clear” for an hour or two, and the smugglers and illegals hop the fence and run into the scrub only 50 yards away. From there, they are out of sight, and they walk 1-2 miles to holding houses. Then they wait for nightfall, and are picked up and driven in vans to LA or San Diego.
Also about the fence what about using a little “enhancement” like non-lethal electric fencing. And add trained German Shepherds and quarter horses and souped-up 4WDs available on request.
(betwwen those 2 fences it would be a great training run for dogs and training for US military & NG & Reserves)
Live alligators and sharks too for any “damp” areas!

14 Jun

Bush Lobbies Senate On Immigration and Lott Mouths OFF

Bush lobbies Senate on immigration
Washington Times
President Bush visited with Senate Republicans behind closed doors yesterday, promising that he will follow through on border security, pleading with them to give his immigration plans a second look and trying to overcome hard feelings that arose from his recent charge that opponents are guilty of trying to “frighten people.”

“We’ve got to convince the American people that this bill is the best way to enforce our border,” Mr. Bush said after an hourlong lunch with the senators. “I believe without the bill that it’s going to be harder to enforce the border.”

The bill is stalled for now, the victim of a collapse last week, and Democrats say Mr. Bush must prove that he can deliver 20 votes in support of the bill before they will put it back on the schedule. Mr. Bush is struggling to win those votes and has come under fire from Republicans who say he must first do more to prove he is serious about enforcement.
One idea that seemed to gain immediate traction among the Republicans was for Mr. Bush to send up a new emergency-spending bill to fund border security.

“If we’re really going to get support for this bill from the American people there’s got to be some restoration of trust,” said Sen. Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Republican, who sent a letter with fellow Georgia Republican Johnny Isakson proposing the spending bill. “There’s got to be some effort shown on the part of the administration before I think there’s going to be a sufficient number of folks deciding to move this bill forward.”

One key question is how to go forward even though several amendments have already cut at the grand bargain — including limiting the guest-worker program and making it easier to deport those who don’t qualify for legalization — and several other difficult amendments could pass before the bill is final.

One top opponent, Sen. Jeff Sessions, said Mr. Bush’s appearance yesterday helped smooth things over. He said it made it “very much less likely we’d have hard feelings or personal animosity.”

Mr. Bush didn’t escape unscathed, though. Addressing reporters after the lunch, he called the issue “highly emotional” — irking Mr. Sessions, Alabama Republican, who said that assessment sounded “as if people who don’t agree with me are irrational or emotional.”

Although the mood on the Senate side was collegial, House Republicans are gearing up for a battle with their party leader, with one saying Mr. Bush should just accept that he lost.

“The task of this administration needs to be to accept defeat of the Senate amnesty bill and get on with the task of stopping the bleeding on our southern border and applying all our resources to workplace enforcement,” said Rep. Steve King of Iowa, the top Republican on the House Judiciary immigration subcommittee.

Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, Mississippi Republican, said those amendments will simply disappear when the House and Senate go to conference.

“No big deal — you pitch those before you get to the Rotunda,” he said.

But that is just what those who oppose the bill fear.

“I’m really disturbed Trent Lott would say: accept an amendment, he’ll pitch it in conference,” Mr. Sessions said. “Whose side is he on?”

Wild Thing’s comment………..

Trent Lott is a perfidious, weasely, backstabbing hack! Now they are more bolden claiming that they never intend to enforce the laws that they make and swear to uphold anyway, all they wish to do is to declare millions of illegals, murders, felons, rapists, forgers, violent criminals, gang bangers, drug runners, etc. LEGAL AMERICANS so they can continue to “do the jobs that ordinary Americans refuse to do….and, oh, yes,…. support their families.”
Get that guy out of there!!!!
If this bill ever makes it to conference the open borders crowd will get everything they want while Americans get the shaft. “Willing worker, willing employer” means massive displacement in every sector of the economy.

14 Jun

DeMint, Other Senators Put Pressure On Bush

Today, the attached letter (PDF) was sent to President Bush by nine U.S. Senators urging him to fulfill the border security provisions listed in the Senate immigration bill whether the legislation passes or not. Each border security trigger in the bill can be implemented under current law without any need for new legislation from Congress.
For more on this letter, visit Senator DeMint’s website here:
Dear Mr. President:
We respectfully ask that your Administration enforce the border security laws that have already been authorized by Congress regardless of whether the Senate passes the immigration reform bill. The bill assumes that several critical border security benchmarks can be achieved within 18 months. These security triggers are already authorized under current law and can be completed without the immigration bill. We believe these enforcement measures are vital and should not wait until Congress passes additional immigration reforms.
Securing the border is the best way to restore trust with the American people and facilitate future improvements of our immigration policy.
U.S. Senators Jim DeMint (R – South Carolina), Tom Coburn (R – Oklahoma), Mike Enzi (R – Wyoming), David Vitter (R – Louisiana), Jim Inhofe (R – Oklahoma), Jim Bunning (R – Kentucky), Charles Grassley (R – Iowa), John Ensign (R – Nevada) and Jeff Sessions (R – Alabama).
Wesley M. Denton
Communications Director
Office of Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)
202-228-5079 direct

Wild Thing’s comment……..
These are all Republican Senators , not only that but no Rhino’s either are on the list of those who are opposing Bush and Amnesty for illegals who have invaded and stolen identities.
If a person says they love America there is no way I will believe them if they are a Dem. or a Rhino.

14 Jun

Nationwide Network of Radical, anti-U.S. Islamic Centers

Private undercover team exposes nationwide network of radical, anti-U.S. Islamic centers

insight magazinefor complete article

Hundreds of Islamic centers in the United States have become a hot-bed of extremist activity; they promote violence, terrorism and hatred against America.

“Our initial investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic centers in the U.S.,” said David Gaubatz, the director of counterintelligence and counterterrorism for the Society of Americans for National Existence. “In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and the need for terrorism.”

“They are teaching what they call Jihad Qital, which means physical jihad,” Gaubatz said. “They’re teaching violence and hatred of the United States.”

“The ultimate goal for those at Dar Al-Hijrah is to instill Sharia law in the U.S. and have America adhere to the Islamic faith,” he said. “They want America to be an Islamic state.”

Gaubatz maintains that he and his team of field workers at the Mapping Shari’a in America Project are not only focusing on major metropolitan areas. Although there is plenty of Islamist activity in cities such as Detroit, Dearborn, Michigan and Washington, he says radical Muslims are also establishing education and religious centers in small towns.

“They’re branching out and teaching the Jihadist ideology in small towns across America, especially in rural areas in places like Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina,” Gaubatz said.

He says that a terrorist atrocity on U.S. soil similar to what happened on 9/11 is inevitable unless Americans take decisive measures.

“If we let our guard down, another 9/11—maybe even something worse—is going to happen again,” he said. “We need to be proactive rather than reactive.”