26 Jun

’Democrat voters in training’

……..Or we can call them low-life slimeballs that sneak into a country, break numerous laws, and then drop babies that they can then hold up as human shields, to avoid the consequences of the laws they broke?

Caption from WT:
“We demand you open the border so Al Queda can come in disguised as farm workers!”

26 Jun

Episode 5 of the Al Qaeda Soap Opera

Episode 5 of the Al Qaeda Soap Opera brought to you by National Banana
There are 6 of these and some of us in the Cotillion have split them up to show different ones at our blogs.
It is a unique soap opera told from an extremist’s point of view.
This one is Sands of Passion – Episode 5

* also posting these is my dear friend Beth at Blue Star Chronicles

25 Jun

In Country With Our Troops At FOB Kalsu and Al Asad

Two of the New Orleans Saintsations sign the shirt of San Juan, Puerto Rico, native, Sgt. 1st Class Carlos Cortes, Company A, 725th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division, during their visit to Forward Operating Base, Iraq, June 23. (Photo by Sgt. Marcus Butler)

One of the Saintsations hands back a group photo signed by all of the Saintsations after their performance June 23 during their visit to Forward Operating Base Kalsu, Iraq. (Photo by Sgt. Marcus Butler)

Saintsations sensational at FOB Kalsu
By Sgt. Marcus Butler, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division
KALSU, Iraq – The New Orleans Saintsations were able to spread some cheer during their visit to Forward Operating Base Kalsu, Iraq, June 23.
The Saintsations partook in a meet-n-greet as well as performed a variety of dance routines and audience participation skits.
Arriving that morning, the Saintsations began their visit by walking around FOB Kalsu talking and joking with the servicemembers before their show began.

“We are so honored to be here today to perform for you,” said Dianne, one of the Saintsations. “We came here to support you, our troops, to show you that we love and appreciate everything that you do for us.”

“This event was a great morale booster for everyone,” said Sgt. 1st Class Carlos Cortes, 725th Brigade Support Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division and San Juan, Puerto Rico, native. “From start to finish, the show was awesome, especially when the Saintsations called up people to dance.”

After the show, the Saintsations posed for photos and all sat down and signed pictures, calendars and even t-shirts to show the Soldiers how much they care.

“All of the Saintsations that visited FOB Kalsu came on their own accord. There was no one forcing them to come here, they all volunteered,” said Capt. Michael Schulte, 725th BSB, 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division.

To thunderous applause, the Saintsations exited stage left leaving behind wonderful memories and smiles on the crowd’s faces.


Cpl. Tom Mitsch, a powerline mechanic with Marine Attack Squadron 231, sands the blades on the intake of an AV-8B “Harrier” belonging to the “Ace of Spades” on the Al Asad flight line.

Story and photo by Cpl. Zachary Dyer
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (FWD)
AL ASAD — A Marine on the ground in Iraq needs to be able to count on a friend or two. He has the Marine to the right, but he also has Marines flying a few thousand feet over head that he can count on.
The Marines of Marine Attack Squadron 231, known as the “Ace of Spades,” are making sure they do everything they can to provide the Marines outside the wire with the close air support they need.
Flying AV-8B “Harriers,” the Aces have been supporting their fellow Marines since they arrived aboard Al Asad in the middle of March.

“The Harrier’s role is to provide close air support to the Marines on the ground,” said Maj. Mark Riedy, the Aces’ executive officer. “Recently things have quieted down, so when we go out there we’re searching various points for enemy activity, suspicious activity, (Improvised Explosive Devices) and those types of things. We pass that information along to the Marines on the ground, and then if we have troops in contact we are there to support them.”

Since their arrival, the Aces have succeeded in adapting to the deployed environment and fulfilling their mission, according to Lt. Col. Brian Annichiarico, the VMA-231 commanding officer.

“I think the Marines have done fantastic,” said Annichiarico, a Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., native. “This is the first squadron deployment in a few years, and everybody was chomping at the bit to come. We tried to prepare them mentally as much as we could to come over here, and they have far exceeded my expectations. They’re just phenomenal.”

Previously, the Aces have deployed with Marine Expeditionary Units, and there are stark differences between a deployment with a MEU and a deployment as a whole squadron to Iraq.
Besides flying off a 13,000 foot runway instead of the flight deck of a ship, and the extreme heat, the Aces had to adjust to an increased operational tempo. The pilots of VMA-231 have flown an average of 40 hours per month during their deployment, which is about four times what they would fly back in the states, according to Riedy, an Allentown, Pa., native.
The Aces have flown almost 1,700 hours and have supported over 940 joint tactical air requests since they deployed to Al Asad.
Both Annichiarico and Riedy say they are proud of the way their Marines have adapted to their new environment and their new deployment.

“As long as they see us launching and dropping ordnance and coming back, they stay pretty motivated,” said Riedy. “We’ve been trying to make a habit out of telling them what we’re doing, showing them maps, showing them areas that we’re going to. Telling them that it’s not just about dropping bombs, that we’re out there providing support to the Marines.

It is not the work of just a few Marines that has made the squadron successful in Iraq, but the efforts of every person that allows the Aces to do what they do best, according to Annichiarico.

“You have a circle out there, and anywhere you touch the circle something will break down,” said Annichiarico. “If a maintainer doesn’t fix a jet or a helicopter, then that helicopter or jet can’t fly, and the guys on the ground don’t get the support. If they guys on the ground don’t get the support they need, then there may be additional risks that you accept, and so on and so forth. It never ceases to amaze me how that whole chain works. The reason it works so well is because of the individual efforts of the Marines out there.”

25 Jun

Chavez Warns of Resistance War With U.S.~ Get a life Hugo!

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) – President Hugo Chavez urged soldiers on Sunday to prepare for a guerrilla-style war against the United States, saying that Washington is using psychological and economic warfare as part of an unconventional campaign aimed at derailing his government.

Dressed in olive green fatigues and a red beret, Chavez spoke inside Tiuna Fort – Venezuela’s military nerve-center – before hundreds of uniformed soldiers standing alongside armored vehicles and tanks decorated with banners reading: “Fatherland, Socialism, or Death! We will triumph!”

“We must continue developing the resistance war, that’s the anti-imperialist weapon. We must think and prepare for the resistance war everyday,” said Chavez, who has repeatedly warned that American soldiers could invade Venezuela to seize control of the South American nation’s immense oil reserves.

U.S. officials reject claims that Washington is considering a military attack. But the U.S. government has expressed concern over what it perceives as a significant arms build-up here.
Chavez – a close ally of Cuban leader Fidel Castro – told soldiers the Washington was trying to weaken and divide Venezuelan society, including the armed forces, without resorting to combat.

“It’s not just armed warfare,” said Chavez, a former army officer who is leading what he calls the “Bolivarian Revolution,” a socialist movement named after 19th-century independence hero Simon Bolivar. “I’m also referring to psychological warfare, media warfare, political warfare, economic warfare.”

Under Chavez, Venezuela has recently purchased some $3 billion worth of arms from Russia, including 53 military helicopters, 100,000 Kalashnikov rifles, 24 SU-30 Sukhoi fighter jets.
Last week, Chavez said he is considering arms purchases, including submarines and a missile-equipped air defense system, as he prepares for a tour of Russia, Belarus and Iran.

“We are strengthening Venezuela’s military power precisely to avoid imperial aggressions and assure peace, not to attack anybody,” he said Sunday.

Opposition leader Julio Borges condemned the president’s interest in acquiring weapons, saying the government should focus on reducing violent crime in Venezuela, which has one of the highest homicide rates in Latin America.

“This isn’t resolved with military purchases and foreign tours,” Borges said. “This is resolved with the determination of having a country with justice.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
All Hugo has to do is send 5 million troops to the U.S.A. and Bush, Graham, Kennedy, Reid, Lott, Kyl and McCain will give them permanent resident status with the Z-visa.
hmmmmm is this a multiple choice????
“Fatherland, Socialism, or Death!
I will pick death for YOU Hugo. How about that.

25 Jun

Hillary Campaign Finance Felonies Caught on Video

History was made in Paul v Clinton when this smoking gun video of Hillary Clinton’s phone call to Peter Paul on July 17, 2000 was introduced June 21, 2007 as evidence of Hillary’s illegal misconduct, for the California Appeals’ Court review of Hillary’s First Amendment protection for her illegal fundraising solicitations in 2000.
This tape was withheld by the U.S. Attorney in New York from 2001 until April 11, 2007, when it was released to Paul’s attorneys at the US Justice Foundation, depriving three federal investigations of this evidence of Hillary Clinton’s role in the campaign finance frauds for which her finance director David Rosen was indicted in 2005.

‘Smoking Gun’ Clinton Tape Released to Public
(CNSNews.com) …..for complete article
The video described in a civil suit as “smoking gun” evidence that Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) committed felonies became available on the Internet Friday.
On the tape the former first lady and leading Democratic presidential contender is heard speaking in 2000 with Hollywood mogul Peter Paul, comic book icon Stan Lee, and director Aaron Tonkin about a massive fundraising event for her 2000 Senate race. Paul spent about $2 million of his own money to produce the event but later had a fallout with the Clintons.
If she helped to plan the event, it could legally constitute a direct hard money donation to Clinton’s Senate campaign, rather than to her joint fundraising committee called New York Senate 2000. If that is the case, the donation from Paul would be 10 times the legal limit of $2,000. Knowingly soliciting a contribution of $25,000 or more is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
The conversation appears to show Clinton actively helping to plan the event. The suit alleges that she violated federal campaign finance laws by directly soliciting a contribution from Paul.

“And you know, Aaron, I’m so grateful because I know how hard you’ve worked on it because it’s your constant effort and outreach,” Clinton is heard to say over a speaker phone. “You know, I talked with [celebrity singer] Cher and she was just great. Said she was really so excited. And I hadn’t talked to her so you must have done a really good job selling it to her.”

At no point did Clinton suggest that the event and the Paul donation were not going directly to her campaign, even as the other three in the conversation referenced it repeatedly.

Tonkin later is heard to say, “We’ve got people like Cher and others that have really never done anything before that are like coming out in full force knowing this is for your Senate race, it’s unbelievable.”

“I’m just thrilled,” Clinton answers. “I’ll check in with you from time to time because I know that putting something like this together is challenging even when people are enthusiastic and looking forward to doing it. It’s still, there’s so much work that’s involved.”

Wild Thing’s comment…………
The Clintons are riddled with crimes and they keep going on and on and on. I wonder if just once they will be taken down for all their crimes. They should be, they should have been long ago. I would also love to see a film of them conspiring to murder all those folks they’ve had murdered.
…….Thank you Jack for sending the article to me.
Jack’s blog…..Conservative Insurgent

24 Jun

Heroes Interviews

Marine Corps Sgt.Maj. Bradley A. Kasal mp3 (4MB) – WDAY AM 970
Please CLICK link to listen to the fantastic interview. Thank you so much.

Thank you Sgt. Maj. Bradley Kasal.

24 Jun

In Country With The 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division

Wonderful video with great music and photos.
These are some of our Heroes, deployed to Mosul, Iraq, with the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division.
Thank you Pfc. Bradley Clark for the link to your blog. And thank you for serving our country.

24 Jun

The Ride of the Headless Heartless Horsemen…….

………socialism, globalism, communisim…….Treason.

Just this………… they ALL said the following and for many of them it meant nothing…………………….

“I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I about to enter. So help me God.”

From Bob Lonsberry
And here is his BIO
It’s not even about illegal aliens anymore. It’s about the relationship between the government and the people.
It’s about who wears the pants in the family.
And right now, the president and a whole bunch of others are confused about that. See, they think they’re in charge. They think it’s their country.
They think they’re going to tell us what to do.
Well, they’ve got another think coming. This time they’ve got a fight on their hands.
The background is illegal immigration and the years of treasonously incompetent government which have allowed it to turn into the biggest threat to our country and its future. It takes some doing for an issue to rival militant Islam as a danger to the United States, but illegal immigration does.
And that is completely the fault of the federal government. Stretching back to the late 1980s, and accelerating to light speed under George W. Bush and the Republican Congress, government negligence turned a blind eye to border security and the flood of illegal aliens into the country. Instead of dealing with the problem, the government facilitated it. Instead of being rounded up and deported, illegal aliens were guaranteed an ever-larger pool of government services.
The United States became Mexico’s welfare and medical system and the federal government did absolutely nothing to protect the interests or territorial integrity of the nation. As cultural dilution and antagonism became rampant, the government was uncaring and impotent. It was national suicide by governmental neglect.
American wages were suppressed, American taxes were raided, American communities were endangered, American values were suppressed, American culture was spat upon. Entire communities were lost to illegal newcomers who were invaders, not immigrants. A centuries-old American model of immigration was thrown out for a divisive new pattern which has already effectively lost the United States sovereignty over portions of its own territory.
We face cultural and financial bankruptcy because the president and Congress failed to uphold their oaths of office. They have ignored the rule of law by refusing to enforce the written law. We have a border, we have immigration laws, and the federal government has ignored them both.
And only after years of complaint and rising public upset did the government begin to do anything. But even then it was mostly manipulation for political gain. It has been a scripted dance in which the people have demanded and the politicians have manipulated and in the end they get our dollars and our votes and we get the back of their hand. And the illegal immigration problem festers into malignancy while they twiddle their thumbs.
Now there is a bill.
Now, they tell us, is the time to act. And their bill is the only thing that can be acted upon. Negotiated in secret, amended in secret, demanded in public. Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up. It’s time to pull the wool over our eyes and they’re impatient, afraid that delay will lead to scrutiny and defeat.
In the name of helping us, they are about to kill us.
And a tiny group of senators, in league with the president, have agreed to ramrod this through. And to defuse the nation’s roaring disapproval they are taking a tone of authority and power their offices do not provide them.
The president who is sure one more of his stammering speeches will convince the nation to change its mind. The Democrat senator who is essentially calling the American people racists. The Republican senator who is going to “do something” about talk radio, the only place political correctness and government intimidation have not yet completely choked out the voice of the people. All are miffed that the people have not rolled over and obediently accepted the superior enlightenment of the Washington fat cats.
And that’s what brings us to today’s fight. Not just to stop an immigration bill that is poison to our national interests, but to knock down the politicians whose arrogance has presumed they could cram down the throats of average Americans a piece of legislation that every measurement of public sentiment shows they don’t want.
They said “Yes,” we said “No,” now they have raised their voices and furrowed their brows and pointed their fingers and said “Yes” again. It’s as if they are the masters and we are the servants and they have reminded us to know our place.
Well, the fact is we do know our place.
We are at the top of the political food chain. We are the people the Preamble is talking about. We are the United States of America – they aren’t. It is supposed to be government for, of and by the people, not imposed on the people.
The job of every member of Congress is to represent the wishes of the people of his state or district. Period. It is not to impose a will, or coerce an opinion, it is to do what the people want.
And the people don’t want this immigration bill.
Not by a damn sight.
And the president and Congress who do not honor that wish have don’t need a lesson just in immigration policy, they need a lesson in American democracy.
And they are about to get it.
Secure the border. Make it impenetrable. Shut off the influx of illegal aliens. Begin cleaning up the mess in our schools, jails, hospitals and streets caused by illegal aliens. Actively seek and deport illegal aliens and their families, particularly those involved with welfare and crime. Change the 14th Amendment to get rid of anchor babies. Passionately promote a national program of culture and language education and assimilation.
Then, after a couple of years, talk about legalization and pathways.
But secure the border first and foremost.
And actively take down every candidate and party that pushes forward this asinine immigration bill.

24 Jun

But Jesse Why Don’t You Protest GANGS !

Jesse Jackson arrested at gun protest
CHICAGO — The Rev. Jesse Jackson was arrested Saturday at a demonstration outside a south suburban gun shop and charged with one count of criminal trespass to property.
Jackson was arrested when he refused to move away from the entrance to Chuck’s Gun Shop in Riverdale, police said. He has protested with other community activists outside the shop in recent weeks after a 16-year-old honor student was gunned down on a city bus.
Police said the shooting was gang-related but the teen was not the intended target.
Jackson, who says the gun shop’s proximity to Chicago provides gang members and criminals easy access to firearms, has used the protests to call for stricter gun laws.
Two teens have been charged as adults with taking part in the May shooting of Blair Holt, an honor student at Julian High School.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Blaming the gunshop for the kids death is like blaming the sewers for the fact that Jackson’s full of $hit.

24 Jun

Duncan Hunter on GITMO

Keep Prison Open

Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-52nd District) says Khalid Sheikh Mohammad could be coming to a military base near you. “Those places include the Brig at Miramar, places that have been disseminated by the democratic leadership. They include places like the Brig at Pendleton.” he said Friday.
Hunter points to a list he says was created by Congressional Democrats in Washington.
It lists our two local brigs as potential sites to house some of the nearly 400 detainees. Hunter does not want to see that happen.
But others, like Richard Quinonez, disagree. He lives near Miramar but is not concerned.
“They’ve gotten away with a lot of stuff at Guantanamo Bay that the public has been shocked to hear about, so maybe instead of keeping that type of thing at a distance,” Quinonez suggested, bringing them here could be an improvement.
Critics think the prison violates the principals of democracy and hurts our country’s world image.
“It is basically inflaming Muslims and others around the world against us. It makes our soldiers less safe,” said Michael Ratner, President of the Centre for Constitutional Rights.
But Hunter stands by his pledge to try to keep those prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.
“We should keep them isolated from the criminal population in this country,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Duncan Hunter will never cave in to the media and liberal politically correct crowd.