Excellent Duncan Hunter Interview
Two different videos that are really excellent!!
Lou Dobbs Tonight 03.29.07 – Duncan Hunter Interview
And also this that is not in the interview:
Duncan HUnter on Keeping American Industry and Jobs in the U.S.
“American workers are the most productive and innovative labor force in the world. Unfortunately, they are asked to compete in an unfair environment against other workers who make only a fraction of a living wage and are employed by companies that face few, if any, responsibilities to the environment or the long-term prospects of their employees. Our domestic manufacturers are forced to compete against foreign companies that benefit from their country’s currency and regulatory regimes. Ominously, China is cheating on trade and using billions of American trade dollars to build ships, planes and missiles at an alarming rate while, at the same time, taking millions of American jobs. I will reverse this “one-way street” with a new policy of fair trade for the American worker.”
You can see the video with this statement jsut go HERE. This Video is excellent as well.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
Duncan Hunter is the only candidate running at this time who has a record of dealing with border issues, the border fence and authoring bills.
Many of those who came to the USA legally gave Hunter a STANDING OVATION when he (the ONLY Republican to show up) gave a speech at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials in Orlando this last Friday. Story HERE
Fence Phobia ala Chertoff

WASHINGTON (CNN)–Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff defended his agency’s progress on border security this morning against attacks from Republican presidential candidate Duncan Hunter.
On CNN’s Late Edition, Chertoff said, “fencing has a symbolic value, and it has usefulness in some parts of the border. And we’re going to use it where it is effective. But the idea that you are going to solve the problem simply by building a fence is undercut by the fact that yesterday we discovered a tunnel. So the idea that fencing alone is a solution I think is overly simplistic.”
In an appearance two weeks ago on Late Edition, Congressman Hunter (R – California) took on Chertoff, saying, “If you’re going to have more border enforcement, why do you cut the border fence in half and leave New Mexico and Texas wide open for people to come in?” Hunter added, “Mr. Chertoff is charged with securing the border. And the one thing he’s not doing — he’s appearing on lots of talk shows, he is not securing the border.”
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Chertoff’s whining is more representative of a 5 year old that a leader. He needs to RESIGN! Nobody would be climbing over the double fence with a border patrol road in between and electronic fence monitors. Bush, Chertoff, Martinez, and Graham are acting like spoiled brats because they didn’t get their way on the amnesty bill. Whining and throwing tantrums in public.
Chertoff is vengeful against the pro security forces in America and his spiteful attitude disqualifies him for the position he now holds. His removal is a matter of national security and he needs to be replaced immediately. This isn’t about politics any more, Chertoff is actively working against the national security interests of America in the middle of a war.
They don’t want a physical fence because it works. If they build a physical fence, as opposed to a “virtual” fence , it would drastically cut the flow of illegals and drugs . I think we all know why they don’t want to cut the influx of illegals and drugs. The open borders types HATE a good fence.
A real fence is always working, 24×365. It cannot be compromise by authorities. It cannot be switched off. It must be dealt with by those who seek to come to this country. It will slow down border crossers to where the BP has a better than 50-50 chance to catch them.
And we can’t have that now, can we? Gotta get that lettuce picked on the cheap.
Retired Marine Is Top Gun At Sub Shop
John Lovell
Retired Marine is top gun at sub shop
Miami Herald
A retired Marine is credited with thwarting two gunmen who had just robbed the cashier at a sandwich shop.
The night started like many for John Lovell, a 71-year-old ex-Marine and helicopter pilot who served two presidents. Late dinner alone at a Plantation Subway shop — veggie sub, soda, oatmeal cookie.
Wednesday night, though, Lovell’s meal was interrupted by an armed robbery. Two gunmen stormed into the sandwich shop at about 11 p.m., robbed the cashier and tried to shove Lovell — the lone customer — into the bathroom. Two bullets later, one gunman was dead, another was wounded and Lovell was being hailed as a hero.
”There’s no such thing as an ex-Marine, and he typifies this,” said longtime friend Wesley White.
”What he did last night was unbelievable Samaritan spirit,” said shop owner Khalid Malik.
Lovell already was a great customer at the Jacaranda Square Subway, Malik said: He comes by almost every night, slides into a back booth and orders the six-inch veggie sub, cookie and soft drink.
But now, said Malik, “I love him a lot more.”
No one could find Lovell on Thursday. But when he shows up again, Malik said, the hero will have free heroes at the shop for life.
The Subway video surveillance cameras, which the owner had installed only a week ago — ”just to be on the safe side” — caught the whole drama.
The robbers got Lovell’s money. But Lovell, who neighbors and friends say is in tiptop shape and looks years younger than he really is, pulled out his handgun and shot both in the head.
Donicio Arrindell, 22, of North Lauderdale died. Fredrick Gadson, 21, of Fort Lauderdale, was critically wounded.
The front window was blown out and cash strewn around the shop.
”There were fives and rolls of coins everywhere,” said Detective Robert Rettig of the Plantation Police Department
Rettig said Lovell, who has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, is not expected to be charged. ”He was in fear for his life,” Rettig said.
Reporters and television crews clustered Thursday outside Lovell’s two-story town house in Plantation, hoping for an interview. He didn’t show.
Friends said Lovell is amicable and soft-spoken, doesn’t drink or smoke, and is a no-nonsense kind of guy.
”There’s no BS with him,” said White, of Yulee. ‘You could compare him to Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. But because of his lifestyle, he’s like `Clean Harry.’ ”
Neighbors and friends said he is unmarried, drives a Corvette and sometimes is away for long periods of time. A neighbor collected his mail Thursday.
At one point during his Marine career, the Kentucky native served as a pilot for presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. After retiring from the Corps, he became a pilot for Delta and Pan Am.
Bryan Sklar, who serves on the Townhouses at Jacaranda board with Lovell, said he is a straight-up guy.
”I’ve seen pictures of him with John F. Kennedy,” Sklar said.
After the holdup Wednesday night, the suspects were transported to Broward General Medical Center, where Arrindell was later pronounced dead. Gadson, listed Thursday night in serious condition, faces armed robbery charges. And because someone was killed during the crime, he also will be charged with murder, authorities said.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
I am so glad Florida has a law that gives people the right of “self-defense without the duty to retreat.”
This man not only saved his own life but that of the shop owner as well. He was being led into a bathroom. If you read any stories of armed robberies, that’s a sure sign bad things are in store for the victim.
Five Suspects So Far and One On The Run For Now

forensic team at the scene of the Glasgow attack
* Members of al-Qaida linked group run by ‘Mr Big’ still at large
* Five arrested suspects were not born in Britain, say sources
* Glasgow and London attempts linked as probe gathers pace
“The Glasgow airport car bomb was intended to create a devastating fireball which would have swept through the heart of the main terminal building, killing and maiming hundreds of innocent people, it emerged last night.
As forensics teams continued to examine the burnt-out shell of the 4×4 vehicle, an initial analysis of Saturday afternoon’s astonishing events revealed just how close the terrorists came to causing an unprecedented atrocity.”
BBC …for complete article
Detectives are still urgently hunting people suspected of involvement in the attempted car bombings in London and at Glasgow Airport.
Five people were arrested at the weekend, but at least one suspect is still believed to be on the run.
Those held so far include a qualified medical doctor. Police say none of the suspects is British in origin.
Police are linking the failed bombings and the UK remains on high alert amid fears of a possible further attack.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Thank God that caught 5 so far and they will get the other one too. And also thank God they did not accompolish what they set out to do.
Veterans Wage Battle Over Flag

Vets wage battle over flag
By Marcus E. Howard
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer
The heart and soul of the Marietta July Fourth Parade each year are the many military veterans who take part, some of them in their old uniforms – not the hordes of politicians who use the event as an excuse to get “face time” in front of potential voters.
The veterans and veterans groups elicit by far the loudest ovations from the crowds that line the parade route, louder than the cheers for any politician or other participant. And that’s as it should be.
But to its great discredit, Marietta City Hall this year has decided to give the veterans the back of its hand.
In past years, the start of the parade has been heralded by members of Marietta’s Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2681, who walk along the parade route a few minutes ahead of the rest of the marchers while passing out thousands of miniature U.S. flags to children – young and old – along the way.
Other members of the group pass the flags out while walking next to the group’s float.
City Hall informed the VFW that it would not be allowed to give out the flags, citing an obscure rule prohibiting parade participants from passing out materials or throwing candy – a rule they’ve never enforced when it came to the flags.
Officials announced yesterday afternoon that the city will allow veterans and others to pass out 3-by-5 inch U.S. flags, but only before and after the parade, not during the 1.5-mile route as they walk next to their “Let Freedom Ring” float.
“I think it’s pretty sad when you can’t pass out a miniature flag during a Fourth of July parade,” said Spears, a Vietnam and Desert Storm veteran. “I don’t think handing out the American flag equates to handing out candy.”
It may take more than a dusty old rule to keep Dean and other battle-tested veterans among Marietta’s 456-member VFW Post 2681 from distributing Old Glory on Independence Day, Dean said.
“Yes, absolutely we’ll be out there passing out flags,” Dean said.
Marietta Police Chief Dan Flynn said he hopes none of his officers have to arrest anyone next week for passing out U.S. flags. He said he is scheduled to meet with representatives from VFW Post 2681 Thursday morning to discuss the matter.
City, veterans call truce over flags
By Marcus E. Howard
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer
Dean and other veterans questioned the policy, arguing that they had distributed the 3-by-5-inch U.S. flags from their float to children and other people on the sidewalks for the past several years, without incident.
After his morning meeting with Flynn and a second meeting in the afternoon regarding the language of the agreement, Dean said he was satisfied with the compromise and said Flynn was “very cordial.”
Under the agreement, veterans will be allowed to walk-up to spectators and hand them flags 10 to 15 minutes before the parade begins.
“Some of the members say they’re not doing it and are just going to pass out the flags anyway,” said Dean, a Korean War Army veteran. “But I have no control over members once they leave the post.”
The VFW will still have its own float, positioned No. 28 in the parade lineup – well behind a string of politicians, city councilmen and the mayor. (ed. In other words, safely beyond camera range of the Veterans position in the parade)
Still, some veterans like James Ellis said they plan to defy city rules and distribute flags to spectators as they walk next to their “Let Freedom Ring” float, during the parade.
“It stinks,” said Ellis, a World War II and Korean War veteran, of the agreement. “I say we still need to walk along the parade route with our float and hand flags out.”
He said regardless of what city officials say, veterans have been distributing flags to parade spectators along the route for decades and he offered photos of them doing so as proof.
A former U.S. Navy sailor who witnessed firsthand the Berlin Wall and Cuban-missile crises, Ellis said the entire flag controversy has “hit a sore spot” for him.
Wilma Clark, president of the VFW post’s Ladies Auxiliary, said Thursday evening that she didn’t know the details of the agreement yet but she felt the city’s ordinance is “wrong” since there has been no previously reported injury as a result of veterans handing flags out.
Other Cobb residents have voiced equal dismay over the city’s position.
Mark Johnson, a Marietta attorney who represents Cobb real estate magnate and Post Properties founder John Williams, said he first met his wife at the Fourth of July parade and called it a “highlight” of his year.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
If I were one of those Veterans I would ignore this stupid rule too. I would do the Parade just as it has been done in the past. We would have nothing if it weren’t for Veterans and our troops today. How people forget this, ON PURPOSE is an insult to every man and woman that has served this country.
Caption It

Gallery of rogues
oh no…when am I up for re-election?
One day we will be FORMER Senators.
Hall of Shame inductees
After Amnesty Bill Failed ~ Democrats Still Trying To woo Hispanics
Democrats woo Hispanics with immigration reform
LAKE BUENA VISTA, Florida (Reuters) – Democratic presidential candidates wooed Hispanic voters on Saturday with pledges to keep working for immigration laws that would allow more of those already in the United States to become citizens and voters.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and five other Democrats spoke to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials two days after the U.S.
The association had supported the proposal and the candidates said they would keep working for a better version that weighed the contributions of immigrants as heavily as the need for border security.
“I want my daughters to be raised in a community in which all people, and not just some, are considered part of the American family,” said Obama.
Hillary said the United States must find a way to tighten border security while giving undocumented workers a sensible way to become legal workers even if they lack the high-tech skills favored for visa applications.
“Many of us had relatives who came to this country without skills but have made a great contribution to themselves and their families and we’re proud of them and we want to give more people that chance going forward,” Clinton said.
Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut characterized the recent immigration debate as a race to see “who out there can be the most anti-Hispanic.” Hispanics are the largest and fastest-growing ethnic minority in the United States and make up about 15 percent of the population.
All four Democratic candidates in the Senate — Clinton, Obama, Dodd and Joe Biden of Delaware — voted to advance the now-failed immigration proposal.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson drew cheers when he told the crowd in Spanish, “You are my family!” and joked he should be allotted more time to speak because he was the only Hispanic presidential candidate.
John Edwards, the Democrats’ 2004 vice presidential nominee, called the border fence “crazy” and said he did not want to live in an “America that is made up of first class citizens and second class workers.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
The Democrats pandering to people makes me sick. LOL Edwards calls the fnce crazy. That sounds real Presidental now doesn’t it…………. amazing!
Yippee It’s Saturday ~ What A Week It Has Been!

LOL I saw this and just had to share it with you. Have a fun Saturday everyone.
Checking In With Our Troops

Spreading good will – Staff Sgt. Joe Filipek and other members of the U.S. Central Air Forces expeditionary band “Thunder Roll” feed infants during a visit to an orphanage near Camp Lemonier, Djibouti. The band was visiting the area for a five-day concert tour. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. Samuel King Jr.)

06/27/07 – U.S. Army Soldiers secure the area surrounding a fire burning within the 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment’s command point area at Forward Operating Base Warhorse in Iraq June 27, 2007. DoD photo by Senior Airman Steve Czyz, U.S. Air Force.

Welcome to the Air Force – Cadet 2d Class Carl Gatwald inspects basic cadet trainees as they inprocess as the Class of 2011 June 28 at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado. The 1,304 members of the U.S. Air Force Academy’s Class of 2011 arrived to inprocess and begin basic cadet training here. (U.S. Air Force photo/David Armer)

06/26/2007 – Mounted Patrol – U.S. Army Pfc. Arthur Wallace, a soldier from Delta Company, 2nd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, secures communications equipment to the front of his vehicle with zip ties after a mounted patrol near the village of Mostowfi, Afghanistan, June 4, 2007. U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Justin Holley

OAK HARBOR, Wash. (June 28, 2007) – An A-6 Intruder is lowered by a crane into place at the gateway display on Highway 20 at the north end of the city. More than 50 Sailors and civilians from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island volunteered their time to rehabilitate and paint the aircraft for its use as a display. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Bruce McVicar
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