An 82nd Airborne cook takes care of the soldiers around him.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I have always loved how every part of our military is important. Like a chain with links that all support each other.
An 82nd Airborne cook takes care of the soldiers around him.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
I have always loved how every part of our military is important. Like a chain with links that all support each other.
Muslims declare sovereignty over U.S., UK
Hear Islamic leaders in London: ‘Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!’
Across town from the site of the recent attempted car-bomb attacks, several thousand Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America.
“One day my dear Muslims,” shouted Anjem Choudary, “Islam will govern Britain!”
Choudary was a co-founder of Al Muhajiroun, the now-banned group tied to suspects in the July 7, 2005, London transport bombings and a cheerleader of the 9/11 attacks.
“Democracy, hypocrisy,” Choudary chanted as the crowd echoed him. “Tony Blair, terrorist! Tony Blair, murderer! Queen Elizabeth, go to hell!”
Muslim leader Abu Saif, who kept his voice at a fever pitch through declarations such as: “Brothers and sisters, make no mistake. Make no mistake. The British government, the queen, the MPs in this country, they are enemies to you, enemies to Allah and enemies to the Muslims.”
Abu Saif is believed to be a member of the group Hizb ut-Tahrir, the Party of Liberation, which states its aim is to unify Muslims and establish Islamic rule over the world. The group’s Cambridge cell reportedly had tried to recruit the Iraqi doctor now suspected of mounting the attack on Glasgow’s airport June 30. The failed car-bomb assault followed two similar attempts in London the previous day.
Abu Saif spoke with disdain of Blair’s appointment as a special envoy to the Middle East, issuing an apparent threat.
“Inshallah,” meaning “Allah willing,” he told the crowd, Blair will “go to the Middle East as an envoy, and he’ll come back in a box. Inshallah. What box that is, we leave that up to you.”
Like the UK, syndicated talk radio host Rusty Humphries said, the U.S. has three major vulnerabilities to patient, fundamentalist Muslims who believe their purpose for living in the West is to help fulfill Islamic prophecies: The loss of border control, the inability to say no and lack of assimilation.
Humphries’ interview with Abu Saif underscored the radically different vision many of Britain’s citizens have for the country’s future.
The Muslim leader said he does not believe in democracy and insists there is no such thing as freedom of religion, “because freedom is an absolute term.”
“Are we to say that Muslims can fully practice religion in America,” he asked in an attempt to explain. “Say, for instance, I was a Muslim in America. Could I call for the destruction of the American government and establishment of an Islamic state in America? No. So where is the freedom of religion? There is none.”
Humphries asked: “Do you call for that?”
“Of course,” he replied, “we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam.”
Abu Saif explained Islam, like Christianity, has a prophetic tradition.
“One of the prophecies of the message of Muhammad was the hour will never come, i.e., the last day – which you also believe in – will never come until a group of the Muslims … will rise and conquer the white house.”
The reference, many Muslims believe today, is to America’s symbol of executive power.
Islamic leaders in the U.S. largely have been careful to not assert publicly the Muslim belief that Islam ultimately will gain worldwide supremacy. Omar Ahmad, the founder of a prominent U.S.-based Islamic lobby group, denies a newspaper report that he told a group of Muslims in the San Francisco Bay area they are in America not to assimilate but to help bring about Islam’s rule over the nation.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
“we want Islam to be a source of governance for all of mankind. And we also believe that one day America will be ruled by Islam.”
And the streets of America will run red with muslim blood until you are completely, unequivocally and wholly destroyed. America is teeming with patriots, ARMED patriots, and we’re more than ready to deal both you and allah a stunning defeat.
Our inability to say no to those whose aims are clear – the destruction the U.S. – is the inevitable result of an uncontrolled liberal guilt infestation. And those infected are even more of a threat to our existence than the Islamists.
Any society that let’s this kind of rhetoric continue in the heart of their country is going the way of the dinosaur. Freedom of speech is one thing but tolerating this kind of subversive,inflammatory poison is inviting bigtime trouble !!!
Remember the old “Star Trek” joke about this topic?
An Arab Sheik was talking to an American about TV shows, and he mentions Star Trek.
“This show ‘Star Trek’, why is it that there are no Arabs in it?”
The American answers, “because it takes place in the future.”
U.S. leg of Live Earth hits key notes
“Today, more than 2 billion of us have come together in more than 130 countries on all seven continents,” said former Vice President Al Gore, the event’s organizer. “Times like these demand action,” he added, after announcing the 7-Point Pledge that he hoped millions would sign while watching the concert.
However, Etheridge aside, it was nonmusicians at this concert who made the most passionate pleas about demanding action for the environment.
“Get rid of all these rotten politicians that we have in Washington, who are nothing more than corporate toadies,” said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the environmentalist author, president of Waterkeeper Alliance and Robert F. Kennedy’s son, who grew hoarse from shouting. “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.”
Primatologist Jane Goodall offered a greeting in chimpanzee language, before saying, “Up in the North the ice is melting, what will it take to melt the ice in the human heart?”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Yesterday Nick and I went out to lunch and as we were leaving the restaurant it started to rain, really hard and this is hysterical……the ground was covered with hail. LOL It was in the 80’s and here it was not only raining which we need, but hail coming down. Of course I thought of Gore right away. hahahahahaa
As far as Robert F. Kennedy Jr goes …….
Robert F. Kennedy’s son, who grew hoarse from shouting. “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.”
Do the Kennedy folks come out of the womb thinking they’re already President – or maybe even God? Kings of the world? Puffed up. Waaaay too puffed up. What a POS family the whole Kennedy clan are.And wouldn’t his stupid hate filled statement also include his freak dunkard criminal murderer Uncle Teddy Kennedy? I mean he is a politician after all.
Rose Law Firm Not Backing Hillary
A wide gulf has opened between presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton and her old employer, the Rose Law Firm — to the apparent satisfaction of both sides.
Clinton does not make a single mention of the firm on her Web sites. And even though she is arguably the firm’s most famous ex-employee, Rose does not mention Hillary on its Web site either.
Clinton joined Rose in 1976, becoming the venerable firm’s first full female partner in 1979, and she continued to work for Rose after husband Bill became governor of Arkansas.
But in many minds Rose became inexorably linked to the scandals that surrounded the Clintons during his presidency: notably Whitewater and the missing billing records from Rose that were found in Hillary’s book room at the Executive Mansion, The Politico observes.
These days Rose is “a paranoid shell of its former self,” according to Politico. The firm — founded in 1820 — presently employs 32 lawyers, down from 53 attorneys in 1991, when Bill Clinton launched his White House bid.
Within the office, every document is shredded to prevent journalists from rifling through trash for company records. When Hillary announced she was forming an exploratory committee earlier this year, partners sent out e-mails warning lawyers not to speak to the media about Clinton.
The firm does still have a Clinton connection — Rose represents the William J. Clinton Presidential Foundation, an international non-profit organization.
But only one Rose partner has reportedly contributed to Hillary’s campaign. CEO Steve Joiner gave $250 in March.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
The Clintons have left quite a wake everywhere they’ve been. If she becomes President this country imo will not survive the things she will do. We still have not recovered from what Bill and she did before when they were in the White House. Chinagate, travel gate, FBI files, Rose Law Firm, gate after gate of the many crimes, and the many many deaths of soooooo many that knew the Clinton’s.
I will never forget their loathing of our military. During their reign of terror and since I have heard from many soldiers of how they felt about the Clinton’s, how they felt about Bill Clinton as their Commander in Chief.
Soldier trades teaching for infantry life
Monday, 09 July 2007
By Spc. Chris McCann
10th Mountain Division Public Affairs
Cpl. James Hogan left a job he loved, teaching high-school history and economics in Superior, Wis., to enlist in November 2005 to be a part of American history.
“I was teaching history and about the wars, and I felt it was my patriotic duty to serve, like the guys who went before me,” Hogan said. “I don’t want to sit on my deck at 60 years old and tell people I had a chance to serve and didn’t.”
Hogan graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Superior, and began teaching at a Catholic middle school, then at a high school in Maple, Wis. In addition to teaching American history, he taught economics, criminal justice, social science and sociology, and coached football, girls basketball, and track and field.
But he gave it all up to join the Army.
“The students were surprised. Some were sad, and some were probably happy,” he said, laughing. “I always wanted to teach, and I was no good at math, I don’t like science, and my vocabulary is terrible. But I love politics and history, and I love this country.”
Hogan works with Company A, 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry), out of Fort Drum, N.Y. His unit is the military transition team that has been training 4th Battalion, 4th Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division.
“I’ve really enjoyed working with them day in and day out,” he said of the Soldiers in his company.
“From the different personalities, meeting people from all over the United States, I’ve learned a lot. I really respect everyone in the Army, whatever they do, but these (infantry troops) are the ones putting in blood, sweat and tears.”
A willingness to be on the ground and on the front lines is a respect-earner. One of his heroes, he said, is Theodore Roosevelt.
“He really solidified my desire to join the Army,” Hogan said. “He quit the Navy to join the Army and then formed the Rough Riders, because it always bugged Teddy Roosevelt that his father didn’t fight in the Civil War when the country needed him.
“I like his maverick spirit, he did what was in his heart, and he sure wouldn’t be making decisions based on poll numbers if he were president today.”
Hogan has a rather maverick spirit himself, which serves him well with Soldiers both older and younger than him.
“I’m 33 years old,” he said. “In civilian life, I would have been teaching some of these guys, but they’re teaching me the ways of the infantry here,” he said. “It’s tough being older, especially as an enlisted Soldier. I didn’t become an officer because that’s not what I wanted. I’ve had responsibility. I just wanted to be a grunt. And it’s tough to get smoked by a guy nine years younger, but that’s when you just have to swallow your pride.”
Hogan plans to return to teaching – and coaching – when his term of enlistment ends, but he’s toying with the idea of going into the chaplaincy.
“I’m a man of faith,” he said. “I want to study scripture more in-depth, and I want to serve Soldiers in a more personal way. Guys have been laying it all on the line here for five years now, and the turmoil and struggle and separation from family is hard. I feel I could help, and give strength to them to hang in there.”
If he doesn’t choose that road, however, he said what he’s learned in the Army will serve him well as a teacher.
“I think I’ll get more respect as a teacher – I can bring in my photos and things from Iraq, and that would be really good. If I go into the chaplaincy, I’d like to be an Army Reserve or National Guard chaplain so I could still teach.
“It’s an honor to serve my country alongside all my fellow Soldiers in uniform,” Hogan said, “and I’m thankful for the opportunity to do it.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Our country is made up of such awesome people in our military. It is such a privilege to be an American and to know even in some small way a little something about those that serve our country. Thank you Cpl. James Hogan and all our troops and Veterans… ROCK!
All those in our government, Democrats and rino’s need to listen to Reagan’s speech!!!!
Reagan – A Time For Choosing
In White House, Debate Is Rising on Iraq Pullback
White House officials fear that the last pillars of political support among Senate Republicans for President Bush’s Iraq strategy are collapsing around them, according to several administration officials and outsiders they are consulting. They say that inside the administration, debate is intensifying over whether Mr. Bush should try to prevent more defections by announcing his intention to begin a gradual withdrawal of American troops from the high-casualty neighborhoods of Baghdad and other cities.
Mr. Bush and his aides once thought they could wait to begin those discussions until after Sept. 15, when the top field commander and the new American ambassador to Baghdad are scheduled to report on the effectiveness of the troop increase that the president announced in January. But suddenly, some of Mr. Bush’s aides acknowledge, it appears that forces are combining against him just as the Senate prepares this week to begin what promises to be a contentious debate on the war’s future and financing.
Four more Republican senators have recently declared that they can no longer support Mr. Bush’s strategy, including senior lawmakers who until now had expressed their doubts only privately. As a result, some aides are now telling Mr. Bush that if he wants to forestall more defections, it would be wiser to announce plans for a far more narrowly defined mission for American troops that would allow for a staged pullback, a strategy that he rejected in December as a prescription for defeat when it was proposed by the bipartisan Iraq Study Group.
Gates has been quietly pressing for a pullback that could roughly halve the number of combat brigades now patrolling the most violent sections of Baghdad and surrounding provinces by early next year. The remaining combat units would then take up a far more limited mission of training, protecting Iraq’s borders and preventing the use of Iraq as a sanctuary by Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia, a Sunni Arab extremist group that claims to have an affiliation with Osama bin Laden’s network, though the precise relationship is unknown.
President Bush has repeatedly said that he wants as much time as possible for his 30,000-troop increase to show results. And publicly, administration officials insist that the president has no plans for a precipitous withdrawal — but the key word seems to be “precipitous,” and they appear to be recalibrating their message.
Wild Thing’s comment………
The rotation of some units is NOT going according to what we have been told by the DoD,,,Friday,July 13 2007,,, the 2BCT 10th.Mt.Div.will have been in combat for 15 months, They have been told(sometime ago)that their return time is now the middle of November,,,19 months in country,,, Why ? Nobody to replace them,,,Sept 15 is the “push come to shove” date for the iraqi army/etc. …tipping-point ?,,, The very worst thing to do is a pull-out.
We need to put this situation into perspective:
We have been in Iraq for four years and we lost 3,500 Troops. In four years of WWII, we almost lost 500,000 Troops. During the first twenty one days on Iwo, we averaged a thousand losses a day. We have been in Iraq for four years and lost 3,500 Troops, right? Well, that is the middle of the fourth day on Iwo Jima. 52,000 fell in two years of Korea. Our bloodiest day took place in 4 hours not four years. We saw 22,000 casualties in fours hours at Antietam.
What happened to the words, ‘we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival of liberty”?
I’ll tell you what happened, the Demorats silenced those words and now a mess of RINOs like Lugar and Domenici are silencing those words. Along with our media, the leaders of the Demoratic Party, and the RINOs need to grow a back bone, pickup a weapon, and stand a post. We need to show our Troops and our enemy resolve.
And just one more thing…..this quote by Reagan ( not from the video)…………..
“I don’t think you can overstate the importance that the rise of Islamic fundamentalism will have to the rest of the world in the century ahead-especially if, as seems possible, its most fanatical elements get their hands on nuclear and chemical weapons and the means to deliver them against their enemies.” –Ronald Reagan
“Get down! Get down! Get down!,” yelled Air Force Master Sgt. Jason Davis, an explosive ordnance disposal technician, seconds before shrapnel started raining down on the soldiers and bouncing off their Humvee.
“I pray every time I go out. I pray every night when I lie down.”
U.S. Army Spc. Greg A. Race
A day earlier, if not for the warning of a local farmer, the soldiers’ truck would have struck the double-stacked antitank mine.
The warning enabled the soldiers to stop before they hit the mine and safely dispose of it possibly saving their lives and the lives of farmers and children working in the area.
Soldiers from Battery A, 2nd Battalion, 138th Field Artillery Brigade, Kentucky National Guard, were conducting a mounted presence patrol in a village outside Qarabagh when they were warned about mines in the area June 14.
“God is watching over us,” said U.S. Army Spc. Greg A. Race, an artilleryman with Battery A.
Unfortunately the convoy coming to destroy the mines didn’t receive the same warning before they hit a mine on the same road less than a kilometer from the halted patrol. They hit the mine just hours after the first mine was discovered.
The troopers credit the farmer with keeping a bad situation from getting worse.
“Most likely we would have hit that one and they would have hit the other one when they came in to get us,” Race, a native of Piner, Ky., said.
It also shows the impact the troopers are having in an area where people have been scared into silence by the Taliban.
“A farmer stopping and telling you there is something in the road shows we’re having an effect on the area,” Race said.
The Guardsmen have been patrolling in the area since they arrived here in March.
Their squad leader, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Matthew Linneman, said they had patrolled the same road just days earlier.
The artillery unit, which is acting as military policemen, has been conducting mounted patrols because “more people see you out and about in the area,” Race said.
Most of the soldiers in the unit prefer a mounted patrol despite the dangers of mines and improvised explosive devices.
“The armor [on the trucks] works,” said U.S. Army Spc. Steven M. LaFever, a track mechanic and native of Louisville, Ky.
Race also sees several advantages to having vehicles during patrols such as having armor, crew-served weapons, and the ability to cover a lot of ground in a short period of time.
“We cover more ground,” he said. “We see a lot more faces.”
Though the men of Battery A have armored vehicles, they don’t always use them. They are not afraid to get out of the armor and put a little wear on their boots. During their mounted patrols they stop to talk with the people, investigate suspicious activity and check on reconstruction projects in the area.
Despite the advantages of patrolling in vehicles, the men also know the dangers.
“I pray every time I go out. I pray every night when I lie down,” Race said.
Whether mounted or dismounted, Race sees risk.
“I’m a big believer that if it’s your time, it’s your time,” he said. “I’ve been like that forever.”
Announcement to all dogs
You all know me, I am Sebastian, this is my picture, and my owner, Wild Thing has this blog and she has been into Politics and Supporting our Troops since before I was born. Well I may not be able to vote in the human election but I can tell you that we dogs know when someone is good or bad. And so I have something very important to tell you about for all dog lovers and for everyone that loves America. My big sister, she is a kitty knows this too, but this is for all us dogs cause we are good at chasing a car down, lifting our leg and doing our special growl at bad guys and we can bite too when it is necessary.
This is about the 2008 elections coming up. Yes they are way down the road, but there are times a dog has to do what a dog has to do when we find out about someone that needs to be chased right out of the election. And that would be letting him off easy if you ask me.
But I want to tell you about Mitt Romney. He is the enemy of every dog owner in the land. See I am holding my paw up right now swearing this is the truth. You want to know why, be sure to read the article below. A man like that is the reason dogs run away from home or bite their owners.
A friend of us dogs, his name is Rusty, he has started a blog called Dogs Against Romney. And believe me it is a hit and dogs all across America and their owners are signing up to voice their disgust with Mitt Romney.
All you have to do is get your human to post your picture and your feelings on Mitt Romney, and link the post back to Dogs Against Romney. Hopefully, they will post it for the world to see.
Please join me in the campaign to keep Mitt Romney out of the White House! Spread the word! woof! woof!
No dog or living thing should be treated like this and Mitt Romney’s family has bragged about what they did.
Boston, MA (AHN) – Attention has turned from Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith to his mistreatment of animals. Although Romney served as governor of Massachusetts and has been a business leader, a family dog anecdote was what he chose to give as an example of his crisis management skills. And his description of what he did has sparked howls of protest over what some call his cruel treatment of his family’s pet.
In an interview with the Boston Globe, the politician gave tying the family pooch to the roof of his car during a 12-hour road trip in 1983 as an example of his crisis management skills.
On that trip, Romney, his wife, sons and the family’s Irish setter, Seamus, were driving from Boson to Ontario. Romney put Seamus into a dog kennel and tied it on top of his station wagon. He said he had rigged up a windshield to make the dog more comfortable. Whether it was the car’s speed, the wind, noise, passing traffic or whatever, at some point during the 12-hour journey Romney’s sons began complaining about a brown liquid running down the vehicle’s back window.
Romney told the Boston Globe that he remained cool under the trying circumstances, quickly exited the highway, pulled into a service station and used a water hose to rinse the car free of what turned out to be diarrhea from the stressed out dog on the roof. He then thought to blast Seamus with some water to clean the diarrhea off him before pulling back onto the highway and continuing the trip to Canada with the dog still lashed to the station wagon’s roof.
CRAWFORD, Texas – Cindy Sheehan, the soldier’s mother who galvanized the anti-war movement, said Sunday that she plans to run against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi unless she introduces articles of impeachment against President Bush in the next two weeks.
Sheehan said she will run against the San Francisco Democrat in 2008 as an independent if Pelosi does not seek by July 23 to impeach Bush. That’s when Sheehan and her supporters are to arrive in Washington, D.C., after a 13-day caravan and walking tour starting next week from the group’s war protest site near Bush’s Crawford ranch.
“Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership,” Sheehan told The Associated Press. “We hired them to bring an end to the war. I’m not too far from San Francisco, so it wouldn’t be too big of a move for me. I would give her a run for her money.”
Sheehan said she lives in a Sacramento suburb but declined to disclose which city, citing safety reasons. The area is outside Pelosi’s district, but there are no residency requirements for congressional members, according to the California secretary of state’s office.
Messages left with Pelosi’s staff were not immediately returned.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
Wow…..Hollywierd can’t write stuff like this.
The dignity that eventually comes from withdrawing oneself from the public eye can’t be high on Cindy’s wish list. What next? American Idol? Filling Rosie O’Donnell’s spot on “The View?” Better yet, how about starring in an off-Broadway production of “A Streetcar Named Desire” as fallen Southern belle Blanche Dubois? She could utter the famous line “I have always depended on the kindness of strangers” and they could usher her offstage to the nice room with rubber walls where you can’t hurt yourself, even if you want to.
Meet John Smeaton: One Kick and He Is The Hero of Glasgow
Airport Baggage Handler ‘Just Set Aboot’ Attacker; Fans Send Beer Money
Wall Street Journal
GLASGOW — Last Saturday afternoon, baggage handler John Smeaton was standing in front of Glasgow Airport smoking a cigarette when a Jeep Cherokee burst into flames nearby. He watched its burning driver emerge. A police officer pursued the passenger.
What happened next has turned Mr. Smeaton, 31 years old, into an unlikely folk hero. When he saw the passenger hitting the officer, Mr. Smeaton ran over and kicked the assailant.
Mr. Smeaton has been interviewed on the BBC, CNN and other networks about his response to the attack in which two suspected terrorists attempted to ram into the airport’s main terminal.
Mr. Smeaton voiced a defiance that has turned him into a de facto spokesman for Glasgow’s fighting spirit. His message to terrorists:
“You come to Glasgow, we don’t stand for it,” he says. “We’ll just set aboot ye.” (Translation: “In Glasgow, we’ll just deck you.”)
As to all the attention he has been getting John Smeaton has described his role more modestly.
“I did nothing special,” Mr. Smeaton said. “I just ran in and booted a guy.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
The terrorists will never know the kind of spirit that exists in people like John Smeaton and many others around the world. People that when an attack happens they react to help others, or do what they can to keep the attack from happening. I am glad when they point out those that do take a stand, that do something like this, it is right in the face for every terrorist to see how much appreciated it is. And how that spirit cannot be killed off ever.
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