Just my own take on the events as they
happened up till 03:50

WASHINGTON – Democrats steered the Senate into an attention-grabbing, all-night session to dramatize opposition to the Iraq war but conceded they were unlikely to gain the votes needed to advance troop withdrawal legislation blocked by Republicans.
“Our enemies aren’t threatened by talk-a-thons, and our troops deserve better than publicity stunts,” said Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader.
McConnell and many other Republicans favor waiting until September before considering any changes to the Bush administration’s current policy. They have vowed to block a final vote on the Democrats’ attempt to require a troop withdrawal to begin within 120 days.

Workmen prepare to set up sleeping cots in a room off the Senate Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 17, 2007, as the Senate prepared for an all night session to debate the war in Iraq. (AP Photo/Dennis Cook)
“We have no alternative except to keep them in session to explain their obstruction,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.
So far, the legislation has drawn the support of three Republicans, Sens. Gordon Smith of Oregon, Olympia Snowe of Maine and Chuck Hagel of Nebraska.
“Will the all-night session change any votes? I hope so,” Reid said at midafternoon, pointedly stopping well short of a prediction that it would.
Not this time. Forced to make good on their filibuster threat, it was the Republicans’ turn to describe the state of an all-night Senate.
A “political stunt,” said Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn. “Petty kindergarten games.”
“We were instructed to legislate, not to strut across a stage,” lectured McConnell, now minority leader. “This isn’t Hollywood; this is real life, the United States Senate.”
Not everyone was complaining. To at least one senator, an all-nighter offered some excitement, and a challenge.
“I’m trying to find a bench around here that’s long enough for me to stretch out,” said Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., a 6-foot-4 freshman lawmaker. “It’s my first all nighter — I’m excited.”

A worker lays out a cot for U.S. Senators in the Lyndon B. Johnson room, just off the Senate floor
OMG it really is a slumber party. LOL
Feinstein advocated “compelling Iran to abandon nuclear pursuit” …..I wonder how she proposes to do that.
Then she said she wants us to build schools to educate the kids to not grow up to terrorists. What a dumb woman.
All these senator’s pretending to be generals is luducrous and humorous (other than it is such a serious issue).
Not sure if Robt. Byrd was there, he might have been in a Klan meeting.
Mary Landrrieu’s gave her speech and called for a vote, her body looks like it is getting bigger. Maybe she is hiding federal funds for Katrina relief. She told how to win the war, how to fight the battles. Good grief, I hate arm chair generals. LMAO she put a big poster board up with a little photo of Osama on it and his height, weight etc. LOL This is what he looks like and how tall he is and what he weighs. OMG this woman is nuts. haha Now she said, we should give the money we are using to fight the war and use it to make a bigger offer of $$$$ to whoever can lead us to Osama. She is lying about the troops. Man she hates our military! F#$# her!
Still now sign of Teddy Kennedy. They are still serving alcohol in the bars of DC at this hour I am writing this. They can always look for Teddy there rather than actually in the Senate.
Joe Lieberman speaking now, he is on the right side of this war. He is the ONLY democrat speaking from a position of principle, not a position of politics. The rest of them just hate President Bush so much they want him to lose the war, at any cost to our country. He spoke of how well the surge is going, how great our troops are doing and how we have to stay there.
“The American military will never lose the war in Iraq…if lost, it will be lost by a lack of political will.” – Joe Lieberman
Lieberman told the dem’s that the Reid amendment is a surrender and a vote for the amendment’s is vote for defeat – just as our troops have the enemy on the run – will change to our soldiers running in defeat.
The bore and rino, grandstanding Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J yielded the floor. There is a God.
Reid forcing another quorum call vote. The Nevadah Cadavah speaks!! Gracious!! My driveway is more colorful than this man! Harry Reid is insane. He thinks he’s really “doing something” with this crap by making them stay up all night.
Calling Robert Byrd’s name again…….. “Bueller….Bueller…..Bueller….”…..nope he isn’t there.
I am dying here…hahaahahhaa……..Reid is already caving so there will be no quorum call again before 0500 (poor darlings need sleep, or they are already too damned drunk to get back into the Senate floor un-assisted)…the 1100 gig was for the final speeches before 1100 (Wednesday MORNING)…
McConnell: I’ll be brief. I’d simply like to ask my honored colleague Mr. Reid to kiss my @$$. I yeild the floor… Heh heh oh my words not his. hahaha
LOL………….get this……C-Span spells Harry Reid=== REED! OMG hahahaha too funny
As poorly as these Senators speak, it’s a wonder any of them got elected.
Tom Harkin, he’s a cold blooded liar!! He is comparing this war and Vietnam. Damn him!! He knows exactrly what happened when the DEMOCRATS had us pull out of Vietnam. Then he said the Surge started in January, I am sorry Harkin but you are insulting OUR intelligence.
Hey HARKIN listen up!! The blood of millions will
be on the Democrats hands,
just as it was after Vietnam. Our troops
were winning in
Vietnam, it was our Democrat Politicians that lost it.
I am telling you listening to this Harkin is making me sick to my stomachl. He just read two letters, supposedly from two different moms of soldiers saying bring them home. Then he pleaded….. LET US HAVE THE VOTE!! over and over.
That ticks me off so much. I am in 4 email groups of wives, family members and friends of our troops. Every day I see what they go through and you know what????? Every single day I also read how proud they are of their loved one, scared yes, but PROUD.
Harken said we lost already in Iraq, it is time to get out of there. He also said the President lied us into Iraq, and killed thousands of soldiers and Iraqis.
These absolute lies will not be called out, and the “TRUTH” will be whatever the leftist media decides it is.
They are all giving different start dates that the surge started. Someone better have the Dems get their talking points right…The surge started in January…then March then May…which is it guys?

The sign the Democrats have and then they all say ” Let Us Vote”
You know what would be funny? The next Republican goes to speak, says “Get that damn sign out of my face. Where the hell was that sign when the President’s judges were up for a vote? You a-holes pulled the same b.s. that you decry now!
“’Let us vote’? Kiss my – I yield the floor.”
I am making jokes, but I must say, listening to the outright lies that are being spewed here this evening by the likes of Harkin and others, scares me even more for my country!
And millions will die in rabid unstoppable violence when the Democrats force us to cut and run in cowardly defeat.
For liberals, history begins when they wake up in the morning. And whatever they decide to MAKEUP and lie about.
John Thune is speaking now and he is doing GREAT! He read a letter from a Marine and it said….”please accept the adivce of one Marine, that knows the sacrifice, has experienced the sacrifice and knows what it would mean to leave Iraq at this time.”
Senator Jim Webb interrupting Thune and trying to agrue with him and use up Thune’s time. Webb asking him if he (Thune) knows of the beliefs of our troops. Thune is not falling for it and he is staying strong. I love it.
Thune: Reclaiming my time. meaning shut the heck up I have the floor. Go Thune not speculating on our soldiers political beliefs.
Smarmy Jim Webb asks Thune about political make-up of the military. Trying to get Thune to talk about phony polls of military on Iraq. Webb called out of order as he tries to talk over Thune to get in phony poll results.
Oh Lord on High –
Olympia Snowe– God help us! Could anyone be more of a bore then she is and a rino on top of that. LOL Snowe bragging about spending 28 years KEEPING HER SEAT FROM ANOTHER AMERICAN, as if she OWNS it.
She thinks we are stupid, Snowe says this legislation will allow our troops to fight AQ in Iraq anytime we want?
Jeff Sessions!! Yipee! Can I hear an Amen! He is laying into them. Scolding them for not waiting to here the report in Sept. and how they had voted to send Petreus ( spelling) and how he had been there for several tours and that they are in so many words slapping Petreus and the troops in the face.
He said this pulling out would provide the enemy with a victory of such huge proportions , a tremendous blunder, and would aid the enemy.
” we agreed to do this surge and wait for the report and that is what we should do. We talked and we talked and we voted on this surge, an increase on soldiers in Iraq and on Petreus and the new strategy and he is executing it. And now YOU want to change it again?? Because of some poll that just came in? Let’s get real here!!! A change without even listening to Petreus is wrong.
“Many have said that Bush lied to get us in this war. I reject that. And to pull the plug on them when they want to be successful is wrong. A failure of will by the Congress to our military would be the badest thing to do to them. He has only had his fulll compliment of the troops for the surge for about three weeks.”
” I have met some of these Marines, and why would I want to bet against one of these tuff Marines!”
Sessions was awesome, I tried to type as he spoke but it is hard to keep up. haha But it will give you an idea of what he said.
McCain is up now to speak, but I am off to bed. See you all later.
Goodnight or good morning everyone. I am going
to sleep now.
Hahaha I just wanted to give you an idea of what I heard and
saw with all of this instead of some liberal media BS.
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