1st Cav Soldiers Sing Toby Keith’s “Beer For My Horses”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Love our troops! God bless them all and keep them safe.
1st Cav Soldiers Sing Toby Keith’s “Beer For My Horses”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Love our troops! God bless them all and keep them safe.
An open letter to Harry Reid and all the rest of the short sighted, self serving, politically activated politicos who want to pull our troops out of Iraq before they have a chance to complete the job they’re doing.
Mr. Reid et al,
I see where you tried again this week to force a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops from Iraq and your proposal failed again.
You people in Washington claim to know the mind of the American people. I beg to differ with you and would offer up in evidence just how out of touch you are with the American people by reminding you of what happened when you tried to shove that ridiculous Amnesty Bill down our throats.
You also claim to support the troops but if you really did you would separate and pass the part of the bill that raises pay for the military. If you really support the troops that’s the least you could do.
You say that little or no progress has been made in Iraq. I guess the execution of Saddam and his maniacal sons was not a good thing. And the destruction or detainment of scores of Al Qaida operatives don’t count.
Mr. Reid I have been told by a high ranking officer serving in Iraq that they fight Al Qaida every day and that if we don’t defeat them over there, they will come to America.
Just whose word do I take for that, a General who actually faces the enemy every day or an expensively coiffed Presidential candidate who says the war is just a bumper sticker?
It is truly a shame for a 70-year-old man who has lived through many wars and threats to this nation to make this statement and I take absolutely no pleasure in making it. But the truth of the matter is that I am more afraid of you and your ilk than I am of the terrorists.
Why? Because you would try to micromanage our military and a war you obviously don’t understand, you would do away with Guantanamo Bay and cut the heart out of the Homeland Security Act leaving America basically
impotent in the war on terror.
Another Al Qaida bigwig was captured recently and he is singing like a French canary and one of the things he has divulged is that there is a connection between Osama bin Ladin and al Qaida in Iraq.
America has military forces that are able and willing to pursue the war on terror on whatever part of the globe it raises its ugly head. We have intelligence agencies who do an incredible job of uncovering terrorist plots.
And no, Mr. Reid, the CIA, the FBI and the other Federal Intelligence Agencies are not the bungling bunch of keystone cops they are portrayed as by some of your media friends.
If you’ve noticed we’ve not been attacked in this country since 9-11 and that has not been because the enemy has not been trying. And I thank God for protecting this nation.
Could it be that you want to pull the troops out because they are making real headway and you’re afraid it will hurt you politically?
If so I just don’t have the vocabulary to express my contempt for you.
Mr. Reid et al, if you really want to do something worthwhile why don’t you pass a bill putting all terrorists on the extinct species list?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist.
Pray for our troops.
What do you think?
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels
July 20, 2007
Every Marine to be a Kung-Fu Fighter
ARLINGTON, Va. – First the Marine Corps made Chuck Norris an honorary Marine. Now the Corps wants all Marines to follow in his footsteps.
All Marines must now qualify for their tan belt in the Corps’ version of martial arts by the end of 2007, Corps Commandant Gen. James Conway said in a recent Corps-wide message.
The move mostly affects those who joined before 2001, when the service made the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program part of basic training and the Basic School, said 1st Lt. Brian P. Donnelly, a spokesman for Manpower and Reserve Affairs.
The Corps originally hoped to have all Marines earn their tan belt by the end of fiscal 2003 and then have Marines attain higher belts by the end of fiscal 2004.
Now the higher belts are no longer goals but requirements for Marines, Donnelly said in an e-mail to Stars and Stripes.
“All infantrymen will be trained to green belt by the end of CY [calendar year] 2008,” Conway said in the July 16 message. “All other combat arms Marines will be trained to gray belt by the end of CY 2008.”
The changes apply to all Marines, including reservists, said retired Lt. Col. Joseph C Shusko, director of the Martial Arts Center of Excellence.
“A Marine is a Marine,” he said.
The tan belt shows that Marines have mastered basic skills such as how to fall, move, throw punches, choke an opponent and counter someone coming at you, Shusko said.
The gray belt is the next step up and shows Marines have learned techniques such as lower-body strikes, chokes and how to get out of a headlock, he said.
The green belt is third in the series and shows Marines have learned skills such as how to rip muscle from bone, Shusko said
The martial-arts training also teaches Marines how to hone their mental skills as warriors, Shusko said. This involves learning about other cultures such as the Spartans, Zulus and Apaches.
Another component of the training is character development, which ties the physical skills Marine learn with what they do as good citizens, he said.
Conway praised the character development aspect of the martial-arts training in the message.
“It has, at its center, the Marine Corps ethos that includes our core values of honor, courage, and commitment, as well as the legacy of selfless and honorable services passed from one generation of Marines to the next,” Conway said in the message.
The switch to mandatory martial arts training came after Training and Education Command recommended revamping the program as part of changes to Marine character training, Shusko said. Those changes include moving the climactic “Crucible” exercise — where Marines march about 40 miles over 54 hours with little food or sleep — to the end of basic training.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
OK I have to say this and if I am wrong that is ok, but something stinks about this.
I don’t see a big change of training here. But what I do see is an aggravating display of politically correct warring. Ordering a more detailed and extensive hand-to-hand combat training regimen means our young Marines have orders to dance more and more with enemy combatants instead of just killing them and moving on. Obviously winning points via a PC war is all that matters lately and is going to get a lot more of our boys killed.
Training is good. Having to play PC games with your enemy is bad, very bad.
Commandant Gen. James Conway is big on “rules of engagement” and “battlefield ethics”. The guy is a political hack, and I can only wonder how many Marines will lose their lives because they hesitate for a split second to squeeze the trigger as they wonder if they will end up in court martial.
Again this is just my immediate reaction to this story. I am all for training to the max, to be ready for any situation that comes up. As long as it is not meant to put our soldiers in a PC fighting war.
Iraq Minister: New U.S.-Iran Talks Set
Baghdad (AP)
A new round of U.S.-Iran talks focusing on the deteriorating security situation in Iraq will be held Tuesday in Baghdad, the Iraqi foreign minister said.
“I can confirm that the United States and Iran have agreed to meet on July 24th in Baghdad,” Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.
The Bush administration had said Tuesday that it was ready to hold a second round of direct talks with Iran, and Iran said it had accepted a U.S. invitation for talks.
Zebari’s comment was the first official confirmation of a date.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
What the hell does the Bush Admin. think they are doing ??? Are we going to once again politely ask them to stop shipping weapons into Iraq that are killing our soldiers, as well as to stop training the people who kill our soldiers?
This is turning into “stop, or I’ll say stop again!”
And note also how the media doing this story has to say keep claiming it’s deteriorating in Iraq. The surge has been working but they still want to lie.
In Washington, D.C. on July 23, Cindy Sheehan, and others from various anti-American groups, will march from Arlington National Cemetery to the office of Congressman John Conyers.
WHAT: March from Arlington National Cemetery to the Capitol Hill Office of Congressman John Conyers to ask him to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Dick Cheney or President George W. Bush or both. Participants hope to meet with Congressman Conyers and receive his assurance that impeachment proceedings will begin at once in the House Judiciary Committee, which he chairs. Many of those participating have commited to only leave if Conyers agrees to begin impeachment or they are arrested.
Wild Thing’s comment……
This POS, breeder and her hippie communist buddies should NOT be allowed to even come near Arlington National Cemetery. How dare these scumbags get near that cemetery for such a nasty purpose?
MUST SEE video of Sec.Def. Gates speaking at the Marine Corps Association dinner this week .. he breaks down, very emotionally describing the heroism and gallantry of Capt. Doug Zembiec (promoted to Major posthumously), the Lion of Fallujah. It’s very moving. Marine Douglas A. Zembiec, a Marine who asked to be sent back to Iraq, and died there.(July19)
Obama: Stop mentally ill from gun buys
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said that laws should be strengthened to prevent the mentally ill from buying guns.
Cho Seung-Hui, the gunman who shot 32 people at Virginia Tech before killing himself, had a history of mental health problems but still was able to buy two guns that he used in the rampage.
“If we know that he got mental health services, then there should be some way of preventing somebody like that from buying any kind of weapon,” Obama said.
Federal law prohibits the mentally ill from purchasing guns, but most states have privacy laws barring such information from being shared with law enforcement. Some advocates for the mentally ill and gun-rights groups have opposed legislation in recent years that would include the information in computerized record-keeping.
Obama said gun laws have to be changed to prevent the type of killings that happened not only at Virginia Tech this week but are persistent in urban areas across the country.
“I mean, kids are getting gunned down every day,” the Illinois senator said. “It’s not 32 at a time, but if you look at the statistics, you’re seeing that same kind of violence on a pretty frequent basis. And that’s part of our culture that we’ve just got to be able to change with some commonsense.”
Jackie Mason on Gun Control
Wild Thing’s comment………
How about if we stop the mentally ill from running for President. Oh can we label the Left as mentally ill, and keep them all locked up for the safety of our country.
Reid: Pull Troops or We Won’t Pay Them
If Majority Leader Harry Reid can’t start pulling troops out of Iraq, he doesn’t want to start paying them any more either.
After an amendment to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq within 120 days failed to receive the 60 votes needed to proceed, Reid set the entire defense authorization bill aside. By doing so, he shelved a 3.5 percent pay raise for all uniformed service personnel, $4 billion in equipment upgrades and a new program to treat traumatic brain injuries.
To increase pressure on Republicans to support the measure, sponsored by Sen. Carl Levin (D.-Mich.) and Sen. Jack Reed (D.-R.I.), Reid threw the Senate into an all night session on Tuesday evening that lasted through Wednesday morning. Levin-Reid fell eight votes short, 52-47.
“There are two things that I want to accomplish,” Reid told reporters immediately after the amendment vote. “One is to pass a defense authorization bill, but with a deadline dealing with Iraq. Once we put that together, we’ll move forward on it.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
So let’s see it is ok for Reid to even say such a thing and he gets away with this kind of a threat! Lock him up and throw away the key.
But of course there plenty of money to be spend with NO one complaining if it for politicians! GRRRRRRRRRRRR
House gives itself a raise
WASHINGTON (AP) — House lawmakers Wednesday voted to accept an approximately $4,400 pay raise that will increase their salaries to almost $170,000.
As for Reid, Pelosi, and all the rest of the enemy within, domestic traitors pose a much greater threat to this country than all the foreign terrorists ever spawned.
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murder is less to fear.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero
The Involunteers
One thing to me rings loud and clear
Through mainstream media sources:
Libs don’t understand, Volunteer,
When it comes to our fighting forces.
Their memories hark to former days,
Dubious deferments due to classes,
Craven cowering in cynical ways,
Just to cover their cowardly asses.
Pony-tailed pundits of treason foregoing,
Now scoff and condemn with derision,
Volunteer warriors, warned and knowing,
Who’ve made a fateful decision,
Foregoing the comforts liberals love,
That very succor to preserve,
A concept Libs are ignorant of:
To reap benefits, one should serve.
Ever fearful, Libs cower in classrooms,
Proclaiming the due of the masses;
On graves of the brave, toxic mushrooms,
Still cravenly covering their asses.
Preaching, protesting, showing their ire,
Cat-box covering all their worst fears,
Cowardly curs afraid of war’s fire,
They’re our nation’s Involunteers.
I know a truth from mankind’s past,
A truth that sure prevails;
Those who fight are those will last,
Throughout all man’s travails.
But those making phony excuses,
As false and fearful disguise,
Will feel history’s worst abuses,
Enslaved by their cowardly lies.
Russ Vaughn
101st and 82d Airborne
Thank you so much Russ for sending this to me. As always this is another very special poem you have written.
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