26 Jul

Attempted Murder Of This Attorney Saved Bill Clinton’s 1992 Campaign

Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Mena Arkansas cocaine smuggling operation they ran while Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas.

Viewing time: is 1 hr 43 min long. But it is VERY interesting.
Bill Clinton was really upset by this production and called it “That damn video.”
The interview is with attorney Gary Johnson. Johnson’s tape was stolen and he was beaten to within an inch of his life. I don’t believe in coincedence and certainly not in regards to people connected to either of the Clinton’s.
Here is the overview. Johnson lived next door to Gennifer Flowers at the Quapaw Towers. The security camera used to protect his condo also caught her door. That camera taped Bill going into Gennifer Flowers’ condo on numerous occasions with his own key.
Keep in mind that Clinton was denying the affair with Gennifer Flowers. Anthony Pellicano, the guy now in prison in California, was hired to claim that Flowers’ taped conversations with Bill were doctored. They were not. That has been proven.
You will hear Johnson tell how three henchmen confiscated the tape, then proceeded to smash in his nasal cavity, break his collarbone, break his elbows, puncture his bladder and spleen, and leave him for dead.
No, this kind of stuff is not old news and will come back stronger than ever with Hillary in the White House. The Clintons have used private investigators to threaten witnesses and have used the IRS against its enemies.
Unfortunately, what is sealed within the Barrett Report is not for public view. Someone who knew what he had to do threatened the lives of Kathleen Willey’s children to try to keep her from testifying in the Paula Jones case. Those who are charged with protecting the interests of the Clintons will always do what they need to do. You saw what they did to Billy Dale. There is still much that the public does not even know.
Watch the Johnson interview. Pass it on.
As the person that shared this video has said…….”Do not ever doubt that Hillary Rodham Clinton is capable of doing anything for power. Anything.”

26 Jul

Marine Strong ~ This Would Make A Great Ad For The Marines

This would make an awesome commercials for the Marines. Just a thought, heh heh

25 Jul

News About John Doe Protection Amendment

Congressman Peter King. The whistleblower protection remains in the Homeland Security bill. This is the amendment that protects citizens from lawsuits if they report suspicious activity such as the flying imams. This is good news.

Lawmakers Reach Deal on Security Bill
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) – Congressional negotiators reached tentative agreement Tuesday on steps to strengthen air and sea defenses against terrorists in legislation aimed at fulfilling recommendations made three years ago by the 9/11 Commission.
The bill outlines plans to inspect all cargo on passenger planes within three years and screen, within five years, all U.S.-bound cargo ships for nuclear weapons before they leave foreign ports.
It also realigns the formulas for distributing federal security funds so that states and cities most at risk of terrorist attack receive a larger share.
Rep. Benny Thompson, D-Miss., chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, said he had closed out final issues after a meeting with Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

“This bill, when signed by the president, will be another step toward securing all Americans from terrorist attack,” Lieberman said in a statement. “It will make it more difficult for terrorists to enter and operate in the United States, while securing vulnerable targets from attack, and training and equipping first responders and preventers so they can do they job we need them to do.”

The final language was still being circulated among the negotiators and no formal announcement of a deal was expected Tuesday evening.
The compromise bill gives a much needed victory to Democrats who go into the August recess with few concrete achievements to show for their first six months in control of Congress.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said the House could vote on the bill Friday, and the Senate is expected to act before leaving for the recess. The White has expressed opposition to parts of the bill, particularly the provision to screen 100 percent of cargo in foreign ports, but has stopped short of issuing a veto threat.
The nonpartisan 9/11 Commission, formed after the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001 came out with 41 recommendations to make the nation safer from terrorist threats, covering transportation security, emergency preparedness and reforms to U.S. intelligence and diplomatic policies.
Congress and the White House have already moved to carry out some of those proposals, including creating the new position of director of national intelligence, tightening screening procedures on land borders, moving toward standardized and secure IDs, and taking countermeasures against terrorist financing.
But Democrats, in taking control of Congress, made it a top priority to act on unfulfilled recommendations. The House passed its bill on the first day of this session last January, and the Senate followed suit in March. Getting together to formulate a compromise was delayed for months over issues such as White House opposition to provisions, since dropped, that would have given airport screeners collective bargaining rights.
The last obstacle was cleared when negotiators crafted language to satisfy a Republican demand giving immunity from lawsuits to people who report suspicious behavior. The issue grew out of an incident last fall where six Muslim scholars were removed from a flight in Minneapolis after other passengers said they were acting suspiciously. The imams have since filed a lawsuit, saying their civil rights were violated.
The legislation requires that all ship containers bound for the United States undergo radiation screening before they leave foreign ports. The aim is to stop ships containing nuclear devices before they reach American destinations.

“Failure to screen all cargo containers overseas doesn’t just ‘miss the boat,’ it could also miss the bomb, with devastating consequences for our country,” said Rep. Edward Markey, D-Mass., a chief proponent of the measure.

There’s a five-year deadline for meeting the requirement, but, in a nod to critics who question whether the technology will be ready in time, it gives the Homeland Security secretary authority to extend that deadline in two-year increments.
It approves more money for checkpoint and baggage screening at airports and requires the Homeland Security Department to screen all cargo on passenger aircraft within three years.
The bill changes the formula for distributing federal security grants to better reflect terrorist threats. Currently states are guaranteed 0.75 percent of grant funds, but the bill cuts that guarantee in half and approves $950 million annually over the next five years for state homeland security grants.
The legislation also authorizes separate grant programs for rail, transit and bus security at more than $4 billion for four years and creates a new program within the Homeland Security Department to improve communication links among state, local and federal officials.
Also coinciding with 9/11 Commission recommendations, the legislation strengthens a board that oversees privacy and civil liberties issues, establishes a new electronic travel authorization system for countries that have a visa waiver agreement with the United States and requires Congress and the president to disclose the total amount of funds appropriated for the intelligence community, a number that is now classified.
The bills are H.R.1 and S.4
Congress: http://thomas.loc.gov/

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is excellent news and now they just have to do the full vote. When this becomes law it will have an impact. Too bad we even have to have a law / bill about this, but in today’s politically correct BS world that seems to be the only way to give any of us permission to speak out. My how times have changed and not for the better for my beloved America.

25 Jul

I Love Happy Endings ~ Former Guantanamo Detainee Blows Himself Up


Abdullah Mehsud photographed in 2004

Former Guantanamo detainee blows himself up
Telegraph uk.co
A former Guantanamo Bay prisoner who took up arms alongside the Taliban after he was released from detention has blown himself up to avoid capture, Pakistani security forces said today.
Abdullah Mehsud killed himself with a hand grenade after he was cornered by troops at a house in the south-western Pakistani town of Zhob. He was wanted for the kidnapping of two Chinese engineers in 2004.

“My information is that (he) killed himself,” said Atta Mohammed, the head of the police in Zhob. “Thanks be to God that only he was blown up and our men were safe.”

Mehsud, 32, was released from the US detention centre in Cuba after two years in 2004 but immediately went back to violence when the Pakistani government began an offensive against the Taliban in the troubled region along the border with Afghanistan.
The one-legged militant was the leader of a group of fighters that kidnapped two Chinese engineers working on a hydroelectric dam project in South Waziristan. Pakistan was forced to apologise to China after one of the hostages died in the subsequent rescue attempt. Mehsud escaped after the incident and has been hunted by Pakistani forces ever since.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Liberals that want to close the Guantanamo base, should be forced to host the “guests” in their home and sign a form indicating liability for their “guests”.

25 Jul

Kerry accuses Bush Of Trying To Scare Americans About al-Qaida

Kerry and other hippie Senators

Kerry accuses Bush of trying to scare Americans about al-Qaida

Senator John Kerry is accusing President Bush of trying to scare the country about al-Qaida.
He’s reacting to a speech the president made today at Charleston Air Force Base in South Carolina.
In it, Bush insisted that al-Qaida in Iraq is run by foreign leaders “loyal to Osama bin Laden” and described al-Qaida’s burgeoning operation in Iraq as a direct threat to the United States.
Bush also accused critics who claim al-Qaida’s operation in Iraq is distinct from those behind 9-11 of misleading the public.
But Kerry says the president presents no evidence, adding “al-Qaida in not the principal killer” of US troops in Iraq. He says Bush is trying to scare Americans into believing his rationale for continuing the war in Iraq.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Then there was also back in 2004, when Kerry said that we should have to get used to “some” amounts of terrorism in the United States.
To the Liberal mind Al Qaeda is harmless and Global Warming is an imminent threat.

25 Jul

In Country With Our Troops ~ Iraq

US soldier is seen during a patrol in Baghdad.
The US military has said its troops have found Chinese-made missiles which they believe were smuggled into Iraq by groups in Iran in order to arm groups fighting US-led forces.
(AFP/Olivier Laban-Mattei)

Three insurgents killed emplacing roadside bomb
Camp Victory
4th IBCT, 1st Inf. Div. Public Affairs
Multi-National Corps – Iraq
BAGHDAD — Multi-National Division – Baghdad troops opened fire on insurgents emplacing a roadside bomb, killing three and wounding at least one more July 21 during continuing clearing operations in the Rashid District.
Troops from Company B, 1st Battalion, 38th Infantry Regiment, attached to the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, witnessed five men out after curfew excavating a hole by the side of the road in a Doura neighborhood of southern Baghdad. The location was an area historically used by insurgents to employ deep-buried improvised explosive devices against Coalition and Iraqi Security Forces.
When one of the men was positively identified with an AK-47 assault rifle and appeared to be pulling security for the other diggers, the troops requested permission to engage.
After investigating the area where the insurgents were digging, the troopers found three bodies, the assault rifle, a pistol, two shovels and an axe. They also identified blood trails leading south.
Under Iraqi law, citizens are permitted to keep one AK-47 and a full 30-round magazine in their homes for protection. Handguns or weapons heavier than an assault rifle are not allowed.

25 Jul

A Soldiers Life

The Reasons They’re All Fighting For
Our liberties and freedoms are a rich, daily blessing
And our hearts should be thankful to stay,
For this country we live in and those who serve us
In the military day-after-day.
Where would we be… not even free
If soldiers didn’t serve in their youth.
Because their willingness to defend us, possibly to death
Is for a nation which is founded on Truth.
So here lies a thank you which pales in comparison
To the gift that they give to us all.
Thank you, oh thank you, to those dressed in uniform
Who fight for the sake of the call.
Thank you is not enough to the families left behind
Who carry on without their loved ones there.
May God bless you richly with courage and grace
For those moments when life isn’t fair.
Thank you to the veterans, weathered and worn
Who served in wars we didn’t see.
Thank you for your service & all you endured
To prove that freedom isn’t free.
Thank you to the soldiers who serve us right now
…pressing on through fatigue and through fear.
We pray for the presence of Christ to hover closely
And that you feel Him incredibly near.
May the gratitude we feel fuel your heart today
Whether peace time or a country at war.
God bless our military…may we pray in remembrance
Of the reasons they’re all fighting for.
© Sheila Gosney

24 Jul

Dems and CNN Think This Is How We Elect A President!

Just a few moments from a total joke, shame of a debate.

As you all know the idiotic debate was on CNN and they used YouTube videos from people to present the questions to the wanna be President’s.

Pods? Or are these the candidates waiting backstage before the debate?

They had this GAY asshole start the debate telling them …..not to beat around the ‘bush’ with their answers.

Then the Snowman had questions on you guessed it……. Global Warming……This is so pathetic!!!! LMAO


Here is what the snowman had to say……..CLICK video below…..

Then they were asked by some idiot that CNN picked to turn to the person on their left and say one good thing they liked about the person on their left and one thing they did not like.
(Can you believe it????????? for a Presidential debate this kind of BS) hahahaha OMG!
This would win for the line of the night for sure………..
Biden’s turn and he turns to his left and said to Kucinich (The best thing I like about you is your WIFE!)
Hahahahahaha there ya go Biden, omg hahaah
OK then it was Kucinich’s turn and he was on the end so no one was standing on his left………
Kucinich: I like how CNN didn’t put anyone to the left of me.
Anderson Cooper: I don’t think there are anyone to left of you.

And while all this BS was going on in their phony debate, their LIES about our troops, their LIES about not winning the war………. our troops, on Monday July 23rd,2007 were busy. Our troops that have NOT lost this war!! Let’s look at just a few things our troops did just in one day.
Monday, 23 July 2007 MNF-W forces attacked
Monday, 23 July 2007 Iraqi man arrested for part in kidnapping of sheikh
Monday, 23 July 2007 Three Iraqis freed, their captors detained
Monday, 23 July 2007 MNC-I Soldier targeted by IED
Monday, 23 July 2007 Rear Admiral tours Abu Nuwas market
Monday, 23 July 2007 Four wounded, local hospital damaged in attacks
Monday, 23 July 2007 Iraqis take lead in island clearing operation
Monday, 23 July 2007 Allons Soldiers render medical aid to Iraqis after VBIED blast
Monday, 23 July 2007 Truck Bomb destroyed during Marne Avalanche
Monday, 23 July 2007 Gen. Petraeus visits Camp Adder
Monday, 23 July 2007 12 al-Qaeda terrorist facilitators captured
Monday, 23 July 2007 Coalition Forces kill 9 terrorists, detain 8 and destroy weapons caches
Monday, 23 July 2007 Warlords find EFP cache
Monday, 23 July 2007 Combined operation nets cache find in Jamia
Monday, 23 July 2007 2 Iraqis killed, 8 wounded in bus attack
Monday, 23 July 2007 Suicide car bombers miss target, kill 3 civilians, wound 13 others
Monday, 23 July 2007 Soldiers search for missing comrades leads to discovery of weapons caches
Monday, 23 July 2007 Task Force Marne Soldier died of wounds
Monday, 23 July 2007 Soldiers attacked during combat logistics patrol
Monday, 23 July 2007 IA Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain al-Qaida Terrorists linked to U.S. casualties
Monday, 23 July 2007 IA Forces, U.S. Special Forces detain al-Qaida Terrorists linked to U.S. casualties
Monday, 23 July 2007 Search nets seven terrorist suspects in Bulayj
Monday, 23 July 2007 IA, U.S. Special Forces detain alleged terrorist finance chief in Ninewa Province
Monday, 23 July 2007 ISF, U.S. Special Forces detain five suspected extremists
and this one……
Monday, 23 July 2007 Soldiers search for missing comrades leads to discovery of weapons caches

24 Jul

Illegal immigrants to get ID cards in Connecticut

New Haven,Conn.

Illegal immigrants to get ID cards in Connecticut
NEW HAVEN, Connecticut (Reuters)
As many U.S. cities and states arrest illegal immigrants in raids and toughen laws against them, a Connecticut city is offering to validate them under a controversial, first-in-the-nation ID card program.
Starting Tuesday, New Haven will offer illegal immigrants municipal identification cards that allow access to city services such as libraries and a chance to open bank accounts.

Supporters say the cards will improve public safety and give undocumented workers protections now afforded legal residents. Critics contend it will unleash a flood of illegal immigration, straining services and wasting taxpayer money.

New Haven officials overwhelmingly approved the program last month in a 25 to 1 vote.

Backers and detractors alike say the program appears to fill a vacuum after Congress failed to act on immigration reform, leaving many towns and cities to struggle with how to deal with a growing undocumented population.

Kica Matos, who administers the program for New Haven, said undocumented workers are often targeted by thieves and robbed because they carry cash, a result of not being able to open a bank account.
“Part of the reason they can’t open bank accounts is because they don’t have forms of identification that were valid,” she said.

She said two banks had already agreed to accept the new city card, which will be offered to all New Haven residents, as legitimate identification sufficient for opening an account.

Local Latino advocacy group Junta for Progressive Action estimates 3,000 to 5,000 illegal immigrants live in the city of 124,000 people, many from Mexico, Ecuador and Guatemala.
Yale University Law School, based in New Haven, helped research the city’s idea and volunteered legal services. Several immigrants’ rights groups also helped build up local support for the identification cards.
Opponents hope to rally the public against it. Southern Connecticut Citizens for Immigration Reform says the ID cards will change “the entire country as we know it” and is organizing a protest on Tuesday at city hall.

“There are millions of illegal aliens right around us that when these ID cards are available to them, they will rush to them and get some identification that will allow them to go to other cities,” said Ted Pechinski, who leads the group.

North Carolina-based Americans for Legal Immigration PAC has circulated a flier in 40 states urging illegal workers to move to New Haven, said its president William Gheen.

“Maybe New Haven needs to learn, if they want the illegals, then they’ll get the illegals,” he said.

His flier, in English and Spanish, says: “Come to New Haven CT for sanctuary. Bring your friends and family members quickly.”

Officials in several cities including New York and San Francisco have expressed interest in possibly starting similar programs, said Matos.

The new ID, she added, does not easily identify a person as an illegal immigrant. “That is the last thing that we want to have happen,” she said. The card was created with several features to appeal to all residents, including a debit component and access to city services such as parks.

Fatima, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, said she is eager to apply for the card.
“The ID will help me because it’s a way to be in this country and get people to know who you are, especially for people who crossed the border and lost their papers,” she said. “I feel safe here in New Haven.”

Flyer (mostly in Spanish)inviting illegals to relocate to New Haven, CT.


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I’m going to beat the rush and start banging my head on the desk now. Can’t Paul Newman, Martha Stewart, David Letterman and Chris Dodd get their lawns mowed by legals???? I love Conn. it is a gorgeous State, but this is going to be very bad to do this. This is like a call to illegals to go to Conn. GRRRRRRR
They always say the illegals do the jobs no one else wants. That is such a lie.
The man that does our yard is a Nam vet and his three sons are in business with him. He is awesome and his business provides a way to make a living and work outside. He can’t work indoors since Vietnam, he was in country and he had to do a lot of crawling down into tunnels, and since then needs to be outside. His business thrives here, because he is good, honest and we have also become friends.