09 Aug

Gore Refuses To Debate Challengers ~ LOL

Hmmmm I don’t see any bullets down there. Pehaps if I depress this trigger shaped object???


Gore Refuses to Debate Global Warming Theory
Best-selling author Dennis Avery is the next prominent figure to challenge the facts Al Gore is promoting in his global warming crusade. Mr. Avery is co-author of “Unstoppable Global Warming Every 1,500 Years.” Both Al Gore and Dennis Avery have New York Times best-selling books on global warming, but with opposite conclusions.
The list of Al Gore detractors continues to grow as his extreme rhetoric and conclusions get dissected by scientists, economists, and researchers.
Avery joins Lord Christopher Monckton (former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher advisor), Bjorn Lomborg (Danish economist), author Michael Crichton, Prof. S. Fred Singer (former director of the U.S. National Weather Service), Tim Ball, Ph.D. (historical climatologist), Prof. Ian Clark (University of Ottawa), and Prof. Richard Lindzen (MIT) among others.
Gore has refused all debate challengers to date.
Joseph Bast, president of The Heartland Institute, noted, “Maybe it’s because climate alarmists tend to lose when they debate climate realists. Or because most scientists do not support climate alarmism.” The Heartland Institute has run more than $500,000 of ads in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and Washington Times promoting a debate.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Anyone with a legitimate cause and theory should not be afraid of debate. Facts are Facts, and Scientific Facts should be analyzed and debated openly. His alarmist tactics are only scaring people and causing our government to enact extra taxation legislation against anybody without enough ‘carbon credits’ associated with there enterprise. Good work Al! Glad you are not president!!

09 Aug

One Billion Muslims To Turn Into Suicide Bombers If Mecca Attacked

One billion Muslims to turn into suicide bombers if Makkah, Madina are attacked: NA
The treasury and opposition members in National Assembly (NA) Wednesday have made it clear on US that one billion Muslims will turn into suicide bombers if the holiest places of Makkah and Madina are attacked and warned Vetican City will not remain secure if any such threat is materialized.

They said this unanimously while participating in debate on foreign policy. Opposition legislator Ghulam Murtaza Satti said US was pursuing double standards. Those talking of launching any military offensive against Makkah and Medina are accursed. This will not happen nor will we allow it to happen.

Treasury member Rozina Tufail said Benazir Bhutto was striking deal with government and was seeking guarantee from US. If US presidential candidates are giving offensive statements then our candidates can also say that Vetican be attacked during the election campaign in the upcoming elections “, she added.
JUI-S legislator Hamid ul Haqqani said Muslim Ummah was facing the situation the sketch of which was presented by the last prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) 1400 years back.
Treasury member Ejaz Chaudhry said US was not friend of any one…

” We will teach the lesson to US if it dares to come forward to attack upon us. Americans are coward nation and they can do nothing. Army should not target their brethren. US aid is like killer disease AIDS We curse it. The whole nation does not want US aid. Those who are targeting humanity and justice are terrorists. Those who are engaged in freedom war are freedom fighters. US ship is close to sink. It is hurling threats like a coward.

He demanded president and prime minister should stop holding any talk with junior US officials like Richard Boucher. “If US dared to hatch unholy conspiracy to attack Makkah and Medina then one billion Muslims will become suicide bombers and I will also be among them”, he added.

Opposition member Sher M Baloch called for convening joint session of parliament for holding debate on foreign policy.
Haji Khuda Bakhsh Nizamani of PML-F said Western countries and US were out to weaken Muslims.
Fazal Subhan of MMA said it has become problem for us to safeguard nuclear device we have made for our protection. Army be immediately withdrawn from tribal areas, he demanded
Treasury member Faiz Timman alleged US was making mockery of Pakistan since the last 60 years.
MMA legislator Qari Gul Rehman demanded of the government to review its relations with US.
Minister of state for finance Omar Ayub Khan warned those involved in attacking army should abandon their activities other wise they would have to face dire consequences. ” We will have to address the root cause of terrorism. These causes are Kashmir and Palestine issues.
He asked NWFP government to resign if it could not control deteriorating law and order situation in the province.
Dr Farida Ahmad alleged government was adhering to Indian agenda and had put the Kashmir issue on backburner. Iran and Afghanistan are not happy with us due to our ill-conceived policies.
MQM parliamentary leader Farooq Sattar called for bringing feudalism to end immediately. We have to eliminate religious fanaticism and address the root causes of terrorism, he stressed.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Pretty stupid! A deterent to our deterent ? Maybe we should issue a deterent > their deterent > our original deterent. And then they could…well, you know.
If Mecca (Makaka) and Medina are attacked by the US, first, NO ONE from there is going to be left to be a suicide bomber.

09 Aug

Canada Joins Rush to Claim the Artic

Canada joins rush to claim the Arctic
financial times.com
Canada raised the stakes in the battle to claim ownership of the Arctic by sending Stephen Harper, prime minister, on a three-day trek to the region, just days after the Russians planted a flag on the seabed at the North Pole.
The US, Norway and Denmark are also competing alongside Russia and Canada to secure rights to the natural resources of the Arctic.
The Northwest Passage, which is the main focus of the dispute, has become a sought-after territory thanks to global warming, which has begun to melt the ice in these waters, exposing a potentially vast haul of natural resources.
Studies have estimated that the Arctic has as much as 25 per cent of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas.
The melting ice could also open up a route through the Arctic archipelago that could shave off as much as 6,500km on a journey between North American and Asia, instead of using the Panama Canal.

“Our government has an aggressive Arctic agenda,” Dimitri Soudas, Mr Harper’s spokesman, said on Wednesday.

“The Russians sent a submarine to drop a small flag at the bottom of the ocean. We’re sending our prime minister to reassert Canadian sovereignty,” said a senior government official, according to Canadian press.

Since the Russian expedition was discovered last month, Mr Harper has faced increasing pressure to fight back.

“Canada has a choice when it comes to defending our sovereignty over the Arctic,” said Mr Harper as he announced plans last month to spend about C$3.1bn (€2.14bn) on the construction of up to eight patrol vessels capable of breaking through much of the Arctic ice. “We either use it or lose it. And make no mistake – this government intends to use it.”

Mr Harper is also expected to name the site for a long-promised deepwater port in the region as well as asserting Canada’s claim over Hans Island, at the entrance to the Northwest Passage.
According to some estimates, the Arctic contains billions of tonnes of gas and oil deposits, which could become more accessible as the ice cap that cover them begins to melt. This is happening just as their exploitation becomes more economically viable because of high hydrocarbon prices.
Russia is seeking to claim more than the 200 nautical miles north of its territory that it is allotted by the UN treaty on the law of the sea, claiming thousands of square miles it says are connected to its continental shelf.
Both Canada and Denmark have dismissed Russia’s claims, arguing that its geological claims have no political significance.
The US’s position is complicated as it has not ratified the UN treaty, which means it cannot directly object to Russia’s claim. Rather than focusing on hydrocarbons rights in disputed waters, the Bush administration has focused on developing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge as an energy source.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
When I read this the first thing I thought of was the old movie, ” North to Alaska”, with John Wayne and Stewart Granger and Fabian. It was a great movie and this rush to the Artic made me think of it. hahaha
So here is a litlte something for you all.

09 Aug

She Who Loathes The Military Commander-In-Chief? ~ No Way!

Bill Clinton says Hillary gaining military support
herald tribune
Former President Bill Clinton says his wife has strong support among military voters and that the Democratic presidential candidate is up to the task of rebuilding the nation’s military after years of war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“I think she will do better than you think (with military voters) because she has an enormous amount of allies around the country in the military,” Clinton told The Associated Press on Monday night following a private, $2,300-a-plate fundraiser for Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Florida Panhandle.

Sen. Clinton, D-N.Y., did not attend the event.
Speaking after a fundraiser in this heavily Republican and heavily military Panhandle county, Clinton said military voters should be especially concerned about how the next president goes about rebuilding a depleted military.
And Clinton said his wife is the best candidate for that job.

“goes about rebuilding a depleted military”
You’ve got to be kidding me???? He had the nerve to say such a thing after what he did to our military???? What a pig. The Clinton’s would not allow uniformed Pentagon staff to enter the White House and Chelsea used to tell the Marine Guards that her parents loathed them.
Bill is the one who dismantled the military, eliminating 40% of the standing armed services, to balance the budget.
Once again we see Bill Clinton just making crap up.
Of all the VA hospitals I have been to, all the military bases I got to visit, the Veterans that I know now and those I have kept in touch with over the years and our troops today……….. there is no way I believe what Bill Commie Clinton is saying. But unfortunately saying it enough well it does make it so – in the minds of uneducated voters, and we’ve got tons of ’em. Truth is irrelevant – hammer a point home often enough and it will be accepted as a truth whether or not it actually is. (See Global Warming)
OH but there is the Red Army of China, the North Korean Army, and the Islamic Intifida Force all support hillary’s candidacy wholeheartedly.
From one of the troops…………..

“The Hildabeest came to Baghdad while I was there. She came to the Presidential Palace, now the US embassy, to have lunch with the troops, though none of them would sit with here and if she sat at their table, they finished their meal and promptly left. I was standing at the salad bar when she kind of pushed her way to the front of the line. A SPC (E-4) made the comment “just who in the hell does she think she is?” A Secret Service agent promptly chided him and told him “that’s a US Senator you’re talking about” to which he replied “So? LGEN Sanchez and Amb. Bremer run this place and they get at the end of the line like everyone else. What makes her so damn special?” Upon hearing this, Clinton got this rather sheepish look on her face but was undeterred. Being an E-7 I can not get away with what a basically bulletproof E-4 can. I did congratulate him later on though for saying what I was thinking but could not say.”

09 Aug

Purple Heart Rendering on Lawn for Purple Heart 75th Anniversary

A Purple Heart medal is shown mowed into a lawn in Thomas Bull Memorial Park on Sunday, Aug. 5, 2007, in Hamptonburgh, N.Y. The replica medal, created by Roger Baker, occupies an area of 850,000 square feet and measures more than 1,000 feet long.
HAMPTONBURGH, N.Y. (AP) – An artist has mowed an 850,000-square-foot rendering of a Purple Heart medal into a park field to honor the 75th anniversary of the medal that commends service members killed or wounded in action.
The rendering, to be unveiled Sunday in Thomas Bull Memorial Park in this city 55 miles northwest of New York City, was done by field artist and painter Roger Baker, whose past works include the Statue of Liberty and Elvis Presley.
According to Baker, the project followed a chance meeting with Bill Bacon, membership director of the Military Order of the Purple Heart. After meeting with officials from The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor and Orange County parks, the plan was on.
The New Windsor Cantonment, in what is now Orange County, was the final encampment of the Revolutionary Army. To honor the service of select troops, Gen. George Washington presented a small purple cloth Badge of Merit _ the precursor to the Purple Heart medal.
In 1932, the Purple Heart was awarded to 150 veterans of World War I. The National Purple Heart Hall of Honor opened in New Windsor in 2006.
Baker’s design was based on a photograph of the medal awarded to Art Livesey, a Middletown, N.Y., Marine Corps veteran who was wounded at Iwo Jima.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I think it is great when people do things to draw attention to the sacrifices our Veterans and troops today have made for all of us. We owe them more then we can ever repay and with all my heart I want them to know how all of us feel about them. How much they do and have done is appreciated. So I think this is neat and wonderful this rendering and I am so glad they did this.
When I was growing up my Father took us on a vacation every summer. Many of my favorite vacations were the ones he took us to the historical places in our country where I learned why this counrtry is special and the greatness of the USA because of our military and our Veterans. Visiting Arlington and other places, that touch our lives every day in what they mean to all of us.

08 Aug

Ron Paul vs Duncan Hunter on IRAQ – MUST SEE !


Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love it when I see someone stand up to the lies and cowards like Ron Paul. God bless you Duncan Hunter!

08 Aug

OMG Look At This and Watch Murtha Lose It! LOL

From the desk of Congressman John Campbell ( Republican) of California
Early in the morning on Sunday, as we were finishing up amendments on the Defense Appropriations bill, I debated an earmark challenge with the Chairman of the Defense Subcommittee on Appropriations, Congressman John Murtha (D-PA). The earmark allocated $2 million to Sherwin-Williams Paint Company to develop what they described as a “paint shield to protect against microbial attacks.” As the sponsor of the amendment, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs-Jones (D-OH) did not come down to defend her earmark. The defense was left to Congressman Murtha.
keep in mind all I wanted to know was:
1) Is this project requested by the Department of Defense? The correct answer is NO.
2) Is this a project that was competitively bid among other potential suppliers? The correct answer again is NO.
3) Will the taxpayer own the rights to any successful product developed? Again, the correct answer, according to Sherwin-Williams’ own brochure for this project is NO.
For those of us in Congress fighting to reform our earmark process, this video is a good example of where we need to start.
HERE is the Video >>>> Just CLICK Here……

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Congressman John Campbell scrutinizes and ‘pushes’ Murtha for ‘appropriate’ answers. murtha answers to nobody. Just ask him. Watch the Video it is amazing. LOL

08 Aug

In Country ~ Hey Lefies Surge Is Working

Airmen Play Key Role In Developing Iraqi Police

Photo – Staff Sgt. Aaron Downing secures the area around a Humvee during “battle drills” performed before each mission at Contingency Operating Base Speicher, Iraq. Sergeant Downing performs duties on a Police Transition Team here, and the drills are designed to simulate any possible situation the team may encounter while conducting missions outside the wire. The PTT’s goal is to help the Iraqis establish a functioning, independent police force. Sergeant Downing is assigned to the 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Det 1. Photo Master Sgt. Steve Horton.

3 Aug 07
by Master Sgt. Steve Horton
332nd Air Expeditionary Wing Public Affairs
Airmen roll out of the gates from here in armored Humvees and drive dangerous roads into Tikrit and the surrounding areas five days a week to do their part in helping Iraq transition to a peaceful democracy.
For the Airmen assigned to the 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Det. 6, arming up and putting on more than 50 pounds of body armor and equipment in 115-degree heat is part of their role as members of Iraqi Police Transition Teams.
As coalition forces and Iraqis fight the insurgency, Iraqi police stations are established in neighborhoods with police transition teams to help get the process started.
The 45-person detachment operates at the provincial and district levels of the Iraq police, while Army PTTs operate at the station level in the Salah ad Din province, an area that covers approximately 25,000 square kilometers and has more than one million citizens.
The mission of each PTT is to coach, mentor and assess the Iraqi police, said Maj. Erik Bruce, the Det. 6 commander. The provincial police level is roughly the equivalent of a state, the district level roughly a county, and the station level deals with each individual Iraqi police station, he said.

“The goal of each team is to help the Iraqis establish a functioning independent police force,” Major Bruce said. “This is not something the Air Force has done before, but overall, we’re having a positive impact on the (Iraqi police) and the security environment in Iraq as a whole.”

The major works with his counterpart at the provincial police headquarters, a former two-star Iraqi general, now the provincial director of police, to help plan security operations, create policies regarding logistics, finance, communications, budget and personnel management for the province.

“He’s effective as a leader. His Iraqi army experience gives him good operational background in command and control of forces and conduct of operations targeting insurgents and terrorists,” Major Bruce said. “He knows how to hold people accountable. He knows how to lead people into action and how to run a staff, so I’m fortunate in that regard.”

When some of the responsibilities of the teams include overseeing the accountability and distribution of 10,000 weapons and 1.4 million rounds of ammunition, as well as the monthly expenditures of the $61 million 2007 budget, it’s important for the PTT members to establish an effective working relationship with Iraqi police leaders they deal with.

“The day-to-day interaction is the easy part,” said Capt. Greg Bodenstein, the 732nd ESFS Det. 6, chief of the Tikrit District PTT. “It’s just using people skills to figure out what motivates these people. It’s good to see the development in thinking and how we’ve influenced them.” , echoed the captain’s comments.

“If you go into these situations fired-up and motivated, the Iraqis take that spark and make it a fire,” said Master Sgt. Killjan Anderson, the 732nd ESFS Det. 6, assistant team chief for the provincial PTT. “I get excited about it.

“You’re able to see the results of what you’re doing when you spark something that helps them get going,” Sergeant Anderson said. “You see the results right away. The rate of change is very fast and very rewarding. You can see how you make things better for people.”

Through the almost daily engagements with the Iraqi police leadership, the transition teams have to constantly reassess their priorities based on many different factors.

“You take away a lot of respect for the Iraqis trying to make a difference,” he said. “It takes incredible courage from these people to work at making things better despite the odds against them.”

It’s because of that courage that the Airmen of the 732nd ESFS Det. 6 will show their courage and continue to traverse the dangerous roads of Iraq to do their part in helping the Iraqi police grow into a functioning independent police force.

Tanker Truck Loaded with Explosives
AL-AZAEM, Iraq – Soldiers from the 3rd Iraqi Army Division stopped a tanker truck loaded with 5,000 pounds of explosives Aug. 6 following a shoot-out with unknown enemy forces in the Sinjar area near the Syrian border.
The 3IA Soldiers were conducting a cordon and search of the village of Al-Azaem when they were engaged by 12 enemy forces with small arms fire. The IA returned fire killing three and capturing the remaining nine.
In addition to the vehicle-borne improvised explosive device, they also discovered a PKC machine gun with over 900 rounds and over 1,000 rounds of AK-47 and 9mm ammunition.

“This is a significant interdiction by the 3rd Iraqi Army Division,” said Lt. Col. Michael Boden, deputy commanding officer, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. “The importance of stopping this VBIED, especially due to the size of it and amount of explosives contained within, before the terrorists had a chance to employ it against the citizens of Iraq, undoubtedly saved many lives.”

The VBIED was reduced in place and the weapons and ammunition were consolidated by the IA forces. No IA forces were injured during the operation.

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Elements of the 8th Iraqi Army Division, with U.S. Special Forces as advisors, detained a suspected insurgent recruiter and organizer for the rogue Jaysh al-Madhi militia operating in An Najaf during an intelligence driven operation in southern Iraq Aug. 4.
The alleged rogue JAM insurgent is suspected of using local charities as a front to screen and recruit individuals by offering them $500 to emplace IEDs.
He is also suspected of facilitating cross-border training, garnering financial support, and transporting equipment and weapons (to include Explosively-formed penetrators and improvised explosive devices) with Persian militant groups to be used against Iraqi and Coalition Forces. EFPs and IEDs are responsible for many Coalition Force deaths in the area.
He is suspected of supplying the IED that killed two Coalition Soldiers in Karbala and is linked to other deadly attacks in Diwaniyah, An Najaf and Karbala.
In a separate operation Aug. 5, Iraqi Special Operations Forces, with U.S. Special Forces acting as advisors, detained a suspected al-Qaeda emir in Radwaniyah.
The alleged Sunni extremist commander is believed responsible for conducting attacks against Coalition Forces and Iraqi Security Forces southwest of Baghdad. Another suspected extremist was also detained. Both individuals are currently being held for questioning and further investigation.
No U.S. or Iraqi Forces were harmed in either operation.

08 Aug

Iraqi Citizen Leads U.S. Soldiers To Cache

Soldiers of 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum, N.Y., uncover a weapons cache that buried in the ground along Route Malibu near Rushdi Mullah, Iraq, Aug. 4. A concerned Iraqi citizen led the Soldiers to the cache. U.S. Army photo.

Pictured are weapons that were found in a cache along Route Malibu near Rushdi Mullah, Iraq, Aug. 4 which consisted of a ZSU-1 anti-aircraft weapon, 200 12.7mm heavy machine gun rounds and four 57mm rockets. A concerned Iraqi citizen led U.S. Soldiers to the cache. U.S. Army photo.
Concerned citizen leads U.S. Soldiers to cache

A concerned Iraqi citizen led Coalition troops to a weapons and ammunition cache along Route Malibu, near Rushdi Mullah.
Soldiers of 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry) out of Fort Drum N.Y., followed the man to the cache site, where they uncovered weapons buried in the ground.
The cache consisted of a ZSU-1 anti-aircraft weapon, 200 12.7mm heavy machine gun rounds and four 57mm rockets.
An explosive ordnance disposal team destroyed the contents of the cache in a controlled detonation.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I like this, to see the Iraqi’s wanting to do the right thing. This may only be about one citizen in this story but it has been happening and don’t you just know that Reid, Pelosi, Murtha etc. hate stories like this.

07 Aug

Poisoned Penns

Poisoned Penns
Contributed by Russ Vaughn
It runs like a flood beneath their skins,
In the veins of these left-leaning actors;
From Leo to Sean it seems that all Penns
Can’t help but be shrill malefactors.
Leo loved Stalin’s world socialist dreams;
Sean too has this love for dictators,
Blind to their cruelty, inhumane schemes,
A trait not uncommon in traitors.
All the world’s a stage for Leo’s boy;
Sean misses no chance to play lead.
He’ll play a tyrant’s tomfool toy,
Like his new Venezuelan misdeed.
Actors like Sean, lightweights like him,
Are to tyrants like Chavez but fools;
Fools for the moment, fools on a whim,
History proves them nothing but tools.
Leo the Lefty had a socialist son,
In Hollywood that’s a surprise?
Pushing their dogma as innocent fun,
Filling viewers’ minds with their lies?
Taking advantage of entertainment skills,
To romanticize their social design,
A hammer and sickle up on Hollywood’s hills?
The Poison Penns would call that a sign.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you Russ for this poem.
Sean Penn applauded President Hugo Chavez as the Venezuelan leader lambasted the Bush administration and demanded an end to war in Iraq.
Chavez met privately with the 46-year-old actor for two hours Thursday, praising him as being “brave” for urging Americans to impeach President Bush. Sean Penn visiting Chaves, sitting in the front applauding and nodding in agreement.

“In the name of the peoples of the world, President Bush, withdraw the troops from Iraq. Enough already with so much genocide,” Chavez said before an auditorium packed with his red-clad supporters.

I wish Penn would stay there, live there and never come back to America!!!!