Fox News Unfair? Dennis Kucinich Complains About ABC News newsbusters
Remember how many of the Democrat presidential candidates, led by John Edwards, announced that they would refuse to participate in any debate sponsored by Fox News because they complained about the so-called unfairness of that network? It turns out that Dennis Kucinich is upset about the coverage he is receiving from a major news network and it isn’t Fox News. Kucinich is angered over what he perceives to be an attempt by ABC News to minimize him. Here is the Kucinich list of complaints about ABC News from his campaign website:
* Congressman Kucinich was apparently deliberately cropped out of a “Politics Page” photo of the candidates.
* Sometime Monday afternoon, after Congressman Kucinich took a commanding lead in ABC’s own on-line “Who won the Democratic debate” survey, the survey was dropped from prominence on the website.
* ABC News has not officially reported the results of its online survey.
* After the results of that survey showed Congressman Kucinich winning handily, ABC News, sometime Monday afternoon, replaced the original survey with a second survey asking “Who is winning the Democratic debate?”
* During the early voting Monday afternoon and evening, U.S. Senator Barack Obama was in the lead. By sometime late Monday or early Tuesday morning, Congressman Kucinich regained the lead by a wide margin in this second survey.
* Sometime Tuesday morning, ABC News apparently dropped the second survey from prominence or killed it entirely.
* AND, as every viewer of the nationally televised Sunday Presidential forum is aware, Congressman Kucinich was not given an opportunity to answer a question from moderator George Stephanopoulos until 28 minutes into the program.
The campaign submitted objections and inquiries to ABC News representatives on Monday and Tuesday. ABC News representatives have failed to respond – or even acknowledge – those objections and inquiries.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL Don’t you just love it when the Democrats complain about the media.
Well Dennis, you all turned down Fox News. Certainly not that Fox is perfect…… but why snub any one of the News networks if you want to be President of ALL the people and not just the heavy left news networks. Shame on you Dennis and all of you Democrats.
Democrats Seeking ‘Bumper Sticker’ Campaign Slogan
August 23, 2007
The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) has announced a campaign to find the “bumper sticker slogan” that will carry it through the 2008 elections. The slogan also will appear on the DSCC Web site and campaign literature.
“We need a turn of phrase that really jumps out and tells you right off the bat what this election is all about,” said James Carville in a message to Democrats.
Carville is credited with the famous phrase, “It’s the Economy, Stupid,” which apparently propelled the Clinton campaign to victory in 1992. (Less well known was the 1996 phrase, “Had Enough?”)
In a message to DSCC supporters on Thursday, Carville said sometimes the best ideas come from people outside Washington. “Heck, come up with something good enough, I’ll risk my own safety and put it on my wife’s car,” Carville said. (His wife Mary Matalin is a Republican and a former aide to Vice President Dick Cheney.)
The DSCC, a group that works to elect Democrats to the Senate, is urging Democrats to vote on its four suggestions — “or create one of your own by midnight August 27.”
The DSCC’s suggestions include “W Is Out: Send the Right Wing With Him,” “No Republicans Left Behind in D.C.,” “What Have Republicans Done for You Lately,” and “2006 Was Just the Beginning: More Dems in ’08.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well let’s see, how about the current slogan, “Death to America”? That is how they act and talk and work for.
“Hating America, One Liberal At A Time”
Or they could keep it simple for the simple minded – “WE’RE IDIOTS!!”
“Get Free Stuff!”
“We Suck!”
“Scrape the bottom….vote for Rodham!”
“In your guts, you know we’re nuts.”
It appears that the Edwards Campaign is about to take the exit ramp to Hillary’s favorite Park.
John Edwards Hits Hillary Clinton as Part of Corrupt Washington Establishment Fox News
Presidential hopeful John Edwards said Thursday the Washington establishment is corrupt and suggested — without mentioning her by name — that rival Hillary Rodham Clinton has been part of that corroded system.
Edwards’ new stump speech, centered on a a need for change and aimed at his top two rivals, comes just before Labor Day, the traditional start of the primary nominating season in this state where he has seen his polling lead slip in recent months.
“Real change starts with being honest, and I want to say something again: The system in Washington is rigged, and I’ll say it again, it’s rigged and it’s rigged by greedy powers,” Edwards said Thursday.
“It’s rigged by the system to favor the establishment,” he said at Dartmouth College
The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale. The Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent,” Edwards said to applause, referencing a Clinton-era controversy in which high-dollar donors were allowed to stay in the White House’s famed bedroom.
He said the past isn’t going to solve today’s problems or “a corrupt a corroded system.”
“Those wed to the policies of the ’70s, ’80s or the ’90s are wedded to the past, ideas and policies that are tired, shopworn and obsolete. We will find no answers there,” he said
Clinton served as first lady during most of the 1990s.
Edwards later said he didn’t mean to target Clinton during his new stump speech.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is just too funny. They are both corrupt. It seems Edwards is getting desperate as he strikes out at the Hillary. Visions of Vince Foster headlines come to mind.
Half a World Away: Soldiers in Iraq Don’t Hear Deliberations Back Home (and Often Don’t Care) Popular Mechanics
It never even hits the radar screen. For the troops on the front lines and the colonels in the rear—and just about everyone in between—the big news in Iraq every day is that they’re still alive and healthy. When it comes to Senate votes on the U.S. presence in Iraq, Sunday talk shows thrashing out length of deployment and stateside pundits talking to themselves, nearly every grunt, airman, sailor, soldier and Marine I speak with just doesn’t care.
It’s not negligence or a lack of opinion about how long they think they should stay here; they’re tuned out because the news doesn’t impact their day-to-day operations—and because comms often leave them uninformed from half a world away.
War deliberations and post-firefight reactions back home can vanish during the 12-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week base-line duty of the average soldier in Iraq. So when line troops are swamped carrying gear from street patrol to street patrol, village raid to village raid, for up to 20 hours a day, they often don’t have the time for, or the luxury of, Internet access. And when they do get it, they’re not punching up CNN—it’s e-mails from home they’re reading.
During last month’s heated, all-night debate on Capitol Hill about when and if the U.S. should withdraw from Iraq, I asked several military officers of different ages and ranks about their thoughts on a potential pullout. Nearly every one stressed how important his or her work here has been—and will be.
“If we leave within months, Iraq will be a province of Iran,” one colonel said. “Everyone with any education or skills who hasn’t already left will end up leaving.”
A mortarman with the 25th Infantry stationed in Tal Afar stressed that he thought the American media has not been reporting what really goes on during daily ops across the war zone.
“It’s all about body counts,” he said. Marines out in the former Wild West of Anbar province said the same. They are proud of the job they’ve done in cleaning up what was once considered a lost, Al Qaeda-infested area. They wondered why America hasn’t heard MORE of that news
A sergeant 1st class with the 5th Battalion, 7th Cavalry, whose unit is attached to the Marines near Habbaniyah, patrols daily around Al Anbar province. This is his third tour, and he’s confident that progress is being made, despite what he calls early missteps in policy.
“I think Americans understand our sacrifice, but they don’t understand that we’re just not ready to leave.”
The sergeant expressed an opinion I’ve heard from dozens of line and support troops and commanding officers about the continuing effort to rebuild, piece by piece:
“We need a little more time—some places are more violent than others. But that’s how things happen. This country can’t be built in five years. And don’t we have a responsibility to help them build it?”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Note the source for this story, Popular Mechanics. Nothing against that magazine, Nick subscribes to it, but good lord when is our media going to stop being part of the enemy of our land.
I love how our troops say things, aren’t they awesome!!
Vladimir Putin poses stripped to the waist, fishing rod in hand, in a boat on a Siberian river. The Russian leader has been worrying Western leaders by flexing his political muscles recently.
But yesterday he was showing off the real thing – and appeared in impressive shape for a man of 54. The former KGB officer is known as a fitness fanatic and is a black belt in judo.
Wearing only combat trousers tied roughly at the waist, a camouflage hat and army-style boots, Putin displayed his usual icecold expression as he waited for the fish to bite.
You too can look like Putin, says newspaper Herald Sun
A STEP-BY-STEP guide to building a body like President Vladimir Putin’s was available to readers of a Russian newspaper yesterday.
Official photographs of the 54-year-old leader holidaying in southern Siberia last week showed him fishing with his shirt off to display a well-honed torso.
He was also shown on horseback in sunglasses, gloves and a body-hugging white vest.
“He has some great definition under that shirt,” said the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid, Russia’s biggest circulation newspaper which specialises in admiring coverage of President Putin.
Under the headline: “Get a body like Putin’s”, the daily published an exercise guide by a fitness instructor.
An accompanying diagram of President Putin’s naked torso had arrows pointing to his major muscle groups.
President Putin, who is married with two daughters, has attributed his physique to sports – he is an accomplished practitioner of judo and a keen downhill skier.
Wild Thing’s comment………
Never mind looking like him, I want a large country to rule! If you have that, they don’t care what you look like. LOL
The first major battle of the Vietnam War and a test of the concept of airborne assault using the new Huey UH-1 helicopter. Led by Lt-Gen Hal Moore the 7th Air Cavalry set down in LZ X-Ray with the intent to engage the enemy, they were immediately surrounded by 3 battalions of the Vietcong. They fought against these almost overwhelming odds for 3 days before claiming victory.
Track 1 – Jefferson Airplane – Somebody to Love
Track 2 – Joseph Kilna MacKenzie – SGT. MacKenzie
“What we still don’t understand is why you Americans stopped the bombing of Hanoi. You had us on the ropes. If you had pressed us a little harder, just for another day or two, we were ready to surrender! It was the same at the battles of TET. You defeated us! We knew it, and we thought you knew it. But we were elated to notice your media were definitely helping us. They were causing more disruption in America than we could in the battlefields. We were ready to surrender. You had won!” – General Giap, North Vietnam (memoirs)
The fall of Saigon happened 30 April 1975, two years AFTER the American military left Vietnam. The last American troops departed in their entirety 29 March 1973.
The peace settlement was signed in Paris on 27 January 1973. It called for release of all U.S. prisoners, withdrawal of U.S. forces, limitation of both sides’ forces inside South Vietnam and a commitment to peaceful reunification.
The 140,000 evacuees in April 1975 during the fall of Saigon consisted almost entirely of civilians and Vietnamese military, NOT American military running for their lives. There were almost twice as many casualties in Southeast Asia (primarily Cambodia) the first two years after the fall of Saigon in 1975 then there were during the ten years the U.S. was involved in Vietnam. Thanks for the perceived loss and the countless assassinations and torture visited upon Vietnamese, Laotians, and Cambodians goes mainly to the American media and their undying support-by-misrepresentation of the anti-War movement in the United States.
As with much of the Vietnam War, the news media misreported and misinterpreted the 1968 Tet Offensive. It was reported as an overwhelming success for the Communist forces and a decided defeat for the U.S. forces. Nothing could be further from the truth. Despite initial victories by the Communists forces, the Tet Offensive resulted in a major defeat of those forces. General Vo Nguyen Giap, the designer of the Tet Offensive, is considered by some as ranking with Wellington, Grant, Lee and MacArthur as a great commander.
Still, militarily, the Tet Offensive was a total defeat of the Communist forces on all fronts. It resulted in the death of some 45,000 NVA troops and the complete, if not total destruction of the Viet Cong elements in South Vietnam. The Organization of the Viet Cong Units in the South never recovered. The Tet Offensive succeeded on only one front and that was the News front and the political arena. This was another example in the Vietnam War of an inaccuracy becoming the perceived truth. However, inaccurately reported, the News Media made the Tet Offensive famous.
credit and research go to:
Capt. Marshal Hanson, U.S.N.R (Ret.)
Capt. Scott Beaton, Statistical Source
Wild Thing’s comment……..
President Bush brought up Vietnam in his speech yesterday.
I was reading this the other day by Capt. Marshal Hanson, and thinking about the Democrats, Reid, Murtha, Pelosi and the rest of their ilk that are dong their best to turn this war into another Vietnam. Meaning politicians running the war and NOT the military, not wanting to wait for General Petraeus.
Thirty-two years ago, in 1975, after America and the Republic of Vietnam had fought and won a ten-year war to save South Vietnam from the predations of the communist north, a Democrat Congress voted to terminate life support for South Vietnam in the face of another North Vietnamese invasion, backed by the USSR. A Democrat Congress voted to “pull the plug,” and condemned millions of Vietnamese, Cambodians, and Laotions to death, torture, imprisonment, and re-education camps, and condemned others to flee their homes and countries as refugees. Now, another Democrat Congress is poised to repeat that act of infamy, and abandon the people of Iraq to the conflagration that will almost certainly follow if the United States withdraws its forces prematurely. Another Democrat Congress declares to the world that America is a fair weather friend, that America cannot be relied upon, that America cannot be trusted to stand by its promises when the going gets tough, that America no longer has the will to lead the world toward a future of freedom. Another Democrat Congress declares that America, having liberated the Iraqi people from the bloody tyranny of Saddam Hussein, has grown tired of the messy business of liberation and will now wash its hands of the whole affair, and abandon the Iraqi people to the bloody tyranny of the Jihad. Read the words of General Gaip. Once the North Vietnamise saw what our media was doing, they said hang on one more day, one week, one more month. Their Army was defeated but the media still gave the enemy resolve. Now, let’s look at the resolve of Reid and other demortic leaders.
Our Troops are not fighting to lose. The Democrats need some resolve and they need to support the mission. Back then there was Cronkite and Hanoi Jane, today we have the oldies from back then as well as the new ones added to the list, the terrorist lovers like Reid and others.
We see America’s Congressional Democrats becoming the American Judas, betraying America, and Iraq, for the proverbial thirty pieces of silver.
When have we ever heard this from a Democrat in this war against the terrorists……..
“we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival of liberty”? Said by JFK.
I didn’t vote for him, I never voted for a Democrat, but that quote is inspiring, and the Democrats of today could well learn a lesson in how NOT to be traitors from this. Don’t let the media and politicians in Congress effect the execution of this war and we will win it.
CAIR Thugs on Islamophobia Patrol: Coming Soon to Your Neighborhood? Family Security Matters
Author: Patrick Poole
Three officials of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) in Ohio admit to going unannounced to a man’s home to confront him over a bumper sticker on his car – a testament, they claim, of their tolerance and moderation. The incident occurred last year, but the CAIR trio involved – Ahmad Al-Akhras, CAIR national vice chairman, Asma Mobin-Uddin, CAIR-Ohio president, and Abukar Arman, CAIR-OH board member – have recently recounted this incident to the local establishment media as an example of how they “invite dialogue”.
Others, however, believe the incident is additional proof that CAIR regularly resorts to threats, intimidation and demonization to silence its critics.
Earlier this month, attorneys for CAIR sent a letter threatening legal action against the Young Americans Foundation if they allowed NY Times bestselling author and JihadWatch director, Robert Spencer, to speak at their conference on “The Truth of the Council on American-Islamic Relations”.
This thuggery is reminiscent of CAIR’s 2004 lawsuit against independent journalist Andrew Whitehead of Anti-CAIR, a suit which was dropped by CAIR in order to avoid responding to required interrogatories about its historic ties to HAMAS and role in terror financing.
The CAIR-OH incident is without known precedent, harassing a private citizen at his home because CAIR officials did not like one of his bumper stickers. One of the trio, Abukar Arman, has described how they set upon their unwitting victim:
“Several months ago, a non-Muslim fellow in the inter-faith community brought to the attention of CAIR-Ohio a picture of his neighbor’s truck with a bumper sticker that read “Jesus loves you, and Allah wants you dead”.
Some of us thought that the appropriate thing to do was to get media involved and use this truck owner as a poster-child of the prevalent assertive ignorance that is widening the post 9/11 political divide between Muslims and non-Muslims. Others, on the other hand, saw this as an opportunity for human contact, discourse, and to build bridges of understanding.
Therefore, I had the privilege of being one of three Muslims (2 male and a female with Islamic veil) who paid a neighborly visit to the truck owner.
“What ensued was an interesting discourse that I found to be very educational (its final outcome notwithstanding).
The truck owner was a former Marine officer who served in Somalia and Iraq. Initially, as he opened the door, he was visibly apprehensive (and rightfully so).
We greeted him and introduced ourselves. We reassured him that we were only interested to get to know him, address any questions or perhaps grievance that he may have, and to give him a chance to meet and dialogue with ordinary Muslims.
Long story short: in a conversation that took place right outside his door and lasted for over an hour, the former Marine talked about how he was very suspicious of Muslims and how, both in Somalia and in Iraq, he and other Americans who “came to help these two countries had their hands bitten…” He talked about how he did not believe there were any moderate Muslims and how organizations such as CAIR were deliberately silent about condemning terrorism. He also talked about being alarmed by the growing Muslim population in Central Ohio and how they may be hiding a terrorist who has in his possession a “briefcase nuke”. He said, “I don’t want to see a giant mushroom in Columbus” [I will come back to this point].
Lastly, he talked about his career in the private sector…how he worked as a “corporate anti-terrorism expert” and a “consultant to a numerous multinational corporations”
Arman admits that the original intention was to make this two-war veteran a “poster-child” of Islamophobia and publicly to vilify the man by enlisting the help of the local media – all because they didn’t agree with the sentiments the man expressed via a bumper sticker.
He also admits that the man was visibly leery of his late-night visitors showing up on his doorstep, what they probably would argue is proof of his Islamophobia. What makes this situation and Abukar Arman’s comments even more appalling is that the former Marine had served in the UN-backed peacekeeping mission in Somalia, Arman’s native country.
But imagine if the roles in this case were reversed: imagine if Robert Spencer, Andrew Whitehead and myself showed up on the doorstep of any of these CAIR officials – unwelcome and unannounced – to confront them about their repeated statements of support for extremism, bigotry and terrorism: Ahmad Al-Akhras for his public defense of convicted terrorists, including his “long-time friend”, convicted and deported Palestinian Islamic Jihad operative Fawaz Damra; Asma Mobin-Uddin for promoting several hate sites with rabidly anti-Jewish content on her own personal website; or Abukar Arman, for his vocal public support of HAMAS, Hezbollah and the al-Qaeda-backed Islamic Courts Union. Would they see such action as “inviting dialogue”, or would they instead denounce such an “invitation to dialogue” in a flurry of CAIR press releases as a “hate crime” that would merit restraining orders and warrant federal criminal charges?
It should be evident that going to a man’s home, particularly someone entirely unknown to you, to confront them about the content of their bumper stickers is not an invitation to dialogue, but jackboot thuggery reminiscent of the Nazi SA Storm troopers. One of them admits that rather than painting a symbol on the man’s house or business to show their disapproval for his religious statements (much as the SA would mark Jewish homes or businesses with a Star of David and the word “Juden”), they considered calling in the media to condemn this two-war Marine veteran and expose him to public scorn all because they didn’t like his bumper sticker.
CAIR’s Islamophobia patrols: coming soon to a neighborhood near you.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Whew! Going to people’s homes like this is a VERY BAD IDEA! And I sure am glad I don’t have a neighbor like this Marine has. Can you imagine anyone coming to your door to confront you about a bumper sticker on you car? And late at night at that? OMG This Marine is a security expert. These goofballs are on someone’s official s-list.
Is anyone else getting sick of seeing the COEXIST bumper stickers where each letter of COEXIST is a symbol for a different religion? I wish someone would make up bumper stickers with the symbol for islam and CONVERT OR DIE to slap over the COEXIST stickers. heh heh
Radical Islam is an insane murder cult and moderate Islam is its Trojan Horse in the West.
Revolutionary Guard Troops Killed By U.S. Forces In Iraq
BAGHDAD, Aug. 16 (UPI) — Three gunmen killed by U.S. troops in Iraq this week were members of Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards Corps, a U.S. military statement said in Baghdad.
The U.S. Army statement said that in several anti-insurgency attacks this week, a total of nine gunmen were killed. However, in one raid in northeastern Baghdad targeting a leader of the Iranian Guards’ foreign fighters known as Al-Quds, three of his aides were killed by U.S. forces, Kuwait’s KUNA news agency reported.
The unidentified leader was arrested on suspicion of supplying arms to Iraqi insurgents, the statement said.
Iran has repeatedly denied coalition allegations it provided training and weapons to Iraqi rebels. Wednesday, the U.S. Department of Defense said it was planning to designate the Revolutionary Guard a terrorist operation, which would disrupt the group’s considerable foreign business transactions.
In another security operation, the military statement said six terrorists were killed in northern Baghdad. The raid also netted machine gun rounds and components used to make explosive devices, the report said.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you brave fighting soldiers of the red, white and blue. God Bless the United States Military!
72 X 3 = 216, that’s alot of virgins on standby. Since we had kidded they all look like Helen Thomas….
here she is waiting for them.
Sorry could not get a burka to sohw up this small wiithout looking like a Halloween outfit. heh heh
I get so tired of these units being referred to as “elite”. The best training offered by the Iranians is a joke compared to the standard training given to American Soldiers. Elite means Special Forces, Rangers, Seals, and units like the SAS.
President George W. Bush (R) walks with Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (C) and Mexican President Felipe Calderon at the North American leaders summit in Montebello, Quebec, August 20, 2007
Joint Statement by Prime Minister Harper, President Bush, and President Calderón
We, the leaders of Canada, Mexico and the United States, have met in Montebello to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing North America and to establish priorities for our further collaboration. As neighbours, we share a commitment to ensure North America remains a safe, secure and economically dynamic region, and a competitive player in global markets. We also discussed opportunities to cooperate globally and within our own hemisphere. The values and principles we share, in particular democracy, the rule of law and respect for individual rights and freedoms, underpin our efforts in building a more prosperous and secure region. The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), launched in 2005, is aimed at jointly achieving tangible results across a spectrum of areas, while respecting each nation’s sovereignty. On February 23, 2007, our ministers responsible for the SPP met in Ottawa to review progress and discuss our further cooperation. Our ministers of industry and commerce, foreign affairs, security, environment, energy, health, transportation and trade have also met in recent months, reflecting our deepening dialogue within North America. They have made progress in advancing the priorities we identified at our 2006 meeting in Cancun. In particular, our three countries have completed: You can read the entire text here Today President Bush gave a joint statement with Prime Minister Harper, of Canada, and President Calderón of Mexico
PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you, Prime Minister. Thanks for having us here. I, too, want to thank the good folks of Montebello for their wonderful hospitality. The food was good, the hospitality was warm. You picked a great place to come.
I expressed my country’s concerns for the citizens whose lives will be affected by Hurricane Dean. I respect the fact that President Calderón has decided to get back to Mexico as quickly as possible in a safe way. I want you to know that U.S. agencies are in close touch with the proper Mexican authorities, and if you so desire help, we stand ready to help. The American people care a lot about the human condition in our neighborhood, and when we see human suffering, we want to do what we can to help alleviate that. So we wish you all the best. These meetings are — I’m not going to try to reiterate what Stephen said. He went through the list of the meetings. And he’s a — he’s right, that we talked about a lot of issues. I just want to give you the spirit of the discussions and why I think they’re important. It’s our people’s interests that Canada and Mexico work closely together. In other words, there’s a good reason why our leaders should come together on a regular basis. First reason why is to figure out ways to continue to enhance prosperity. It’s in our interests that the Canadian lifestyle be as strong as it is, and it’s in our interests that prosperity spread to Mexico. If you’re a U.S. citizen, you want people that live close to you to be prosperous. The more prosperity there is in your neighborhood, the more hopeful your neighborhood is. NAFTA, which has created a lot of political controversy in our respective countries, has yielded prosperity. Since NAFTA came to be, trade between our respective countries has grown from $293 billion a year to $883 billion a year. Now, for some, those are just numbers; for many, it’s improved wages and a better lifestyle and more hope. And the question that we’re faced with is how do we continue to enhance prosperity so the average citizen understands the benefits of three countries working together? And I think we made some good progress toward eliminating barriers and toward harmonizing regulations to a point where more prosperity will come to be. And we discussed a lot of other issues. We discussed bilateral issues. Stephen and I talked about border issues. Of course, Felipe Calderón and I talked about border issues and migration. These are complicated issues, but they’re issues that we can work out in good spirit as friends.
One reason one meets is to reconfirm friendships, is to make sure that not only at the leaders’ level is there conversations taking place that are friendly, but that that spirit translates throughout our governments. And I think we’ve accomplished that objective today.
We also talked, as Stephen mentioned, about international issues, issues concerning South America, the Middle East. These are meaningful discussions. I’m glad I came and I’m looking forward to hosting them next year. Matter of fact, it’s in the interests of our countries that we have these meetings on an annual basis and then have working groups follow through on the discussion items that — during our meetings with the business leaders or our own Cabinet Secretaries.
And so thanks for having me. It’s been worthwhile. I appreciate it.
After returning from Canada to the States President Bush stopped in Minneapolis where he participated in a briefing on the Interstate 35-W Bridge damage and Minnesota floods.
There is also an article about this meeting at Fox news.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
How can Bush do this without the approval of the American people? My personal feeling on this is a person can be a Globalist or an American. You can’t be both. President Bush – SELLING OUR NATION’S SOUL without so much as a whimper.
Muslim Awards Coming Herald Sun Australia
A VICTORIAN mosque plans to bestow awards on Australians they believe are Islamophobes — politicians, community leaders or media identities they categorise as hostile to Muslims.
The Brunswick-based Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah Association has unveiled what it calls its annual “Islamophobia Award for the worst Islamophobes in Australia”.
Likely to be near the top on the group’s list of nominees is Pauline Hanson, who has come under fire from the mosque and other Muslims for her recent call for a “moratorium on any more Muslims coming into Australia”.
Mosque leader Sheik Mohammed Omran, who teaches a fundamentalist minority form of Islam, has previously been questioned about his views on international jihad but he has condemned terrorism in Australia.
The Australian award follows a similar initiative in Britain where the Islamic Human Rights Commission imposed its Annual Islamophobia Awards on politicians including Australian Prime Minister John Howard, then British PM Tony Blair and US President George W. Bush.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Darn it, I have to move to Australia to qualify for one these things? hahaha
I would love it if some Aussie set up a website for other Aussies to sign up and pledge to each send $1 to whoever wins the “award”. That would put the jihadis in a nice little bind if a few thousand Aussies signed the pledge. People would start campaigning for the award, trying to outdo each other in their slams against the jihadis. Oh the hilarity that would ensue!
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