28 Aug

How Marines Pulled Fallujah Out Of Hell

2nd Lt. Nick DeLonga, 1st Platoon, Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines

How Marines Pulled Fallujah Out Of Hell
August 27, 2007
NY Post ….for complete article
Fallujah and the Marines have some history. In 2004, one savage battle ended when the Marines were pulled out for political reasons. Later that year, they had to finish the job.
And they did. They took down the terrorists’ stronghold in a week of fury.
With a fundamentalist tradition, Fallujah seemed to fit al Qaeda perfectly. Robbed of their Saddam-era privileges and out for revenge, even secular locals had aligned with the terrorists. Despite the Marine victory, violence simmered on.
The extremists and insurgents believed they could wear America down. But between 2004 and 2007, two things happened: We wore them down – and al Qaeda wore them out.
With foreign fanatics butchering the innocent and enforcing prison-yard “Islamic laws” that far exceeded the Koran’s demands, it belatedly dawned on the insurgents that, while we intended to leave eventually – on our own terms – al Qaeda meant to stay.
A wave of suicide bombings earlier this year, culminating in a massive attack on a funeral procession, made the population snap. The people of Fallujah may never love us, but they hate al Qaeda with the rage of a betrayed lover.
Since May, the change has been stunning. When the 2nd Battalion, 6th Marines were last in Fallujah, in 2006, they took casualties from snipers and roadside bombs. The city was violent, bankrupt and partly in ruins.
Now the battalion’s back. And welcome. Marines banter with the locals where, six months ago, it was risky to ride in an armored vehicle.
Paradoxically, the violence of the past set the only possible conditions for the sudden reconciliation. The Iraqis had to grasp that we meant business. Now the 1st Platoon of the battalion’s Fox Company lives and works in the Hadari Precinct with the Iraqi police.
The new police are recruited from vetted locals, and the policy has paid huge dividends. The locals know who doesn’t fit, and they’ve got an immediate interest in their neighborhood’s safety. Most encouragingly, the reformed police are popular.
Fallujah still isn’t a place to buy retirement property, but it was encouraging to sit down with 1st Platoon’s commander, 2nd Lt. Nick DeLonga, and his Iraqi counterpart, 1st Lt. Mohammed.
We went for a stroll in the streets. The Marines still wear full combat gear: Despite security measures, a sniper might still sneak into the city. But there was no threat from the locals in the market. The worst mood the Marines encountered was aloofness. More often, they were welcomed with a polite greeting.
People are relieved that their streets are safe again. And the kids are out in regiments, surrounding the Marines in hope of candy or just a bit of attention.
“Crash,” is a Basra-born interpreter (a “terp”) who, more than anything else in the world, wants to become a U.S. Marine. He lives and works with the Marines, studies their rituals, works out with them – and carries himself like a Marine. Crash also carries a weapon for self-defense – a right he earned after pulling wounded Marines to safety in combat.
“His” Marines are doing all they can to help him enlist.
And the locals are out in front of us in the fight against al Qaeda. Which is a big thing.
In a “swarm,” identification cards are provided to all, beginning with the local movers and shakers. Volunteers are vetted to join the police or armed neighborhood-watch groups. And revitalization programs go into gear.
Capt. Mason Harlow, the Fox Company commander, was wounded by shrapnel two years ago. In Fallujah. Now he’s back, overseeing the Hadari District and two others. His Marines haven’t been attacked for months. And his former enemies are doing his work for him.
Capt. Harlow didn’t think he’d live to see the day.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The lefties must truly hate stories like this. In your face Dems, and God bless our Marines and also Army Task Force 2-2 Infantry and Task Force 2-7 that fought in Fallujah.

27 Aug

Hugo Chaves To Buy 5,000 Russian Sniper Rifles

Hey Hugo!

Venezuela to buy 5,000 Russian sniper rifles
CARACAS (Reuters)
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday said he plans to buy 5,000 Dragunov sniper rifles from Russia to protect the oil-rich nation from a possible U.S. invasion.
The self-styled socialist revolutionary and open critic of Washington has bolstered the OPEC nation’s weaponry by buying planes, helicopters and assault rifles from Russia to prepare for a guerrilla-style resistance to a foreign invader.

“I’m going to buy 5,000 Dragunov rifles from Russia … with telescopic sight, the best in the world, with infrared night-view,” Chavez said during his weekly Sunday broadcast held on a beach along Venezuela’s eastern coast.

“We will knock out any imperialist that approaches.”

The United States has cut arms sales to Venezuela and blocked several attempts by Chavez to acquire military aircraft technology on the grounds that Venezuela has not adequately explained why it needs the equipment.
U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Hemispheric Affairs Stephen Johnson said during a recent visit to Colombia that countries in the region should be concerned about Venezuela’s multi-billion dollar weapons purchases.
Venezuela last year purchased 24 Sukhoi fighters jets and 100,000 Kalashnikov AK-103 assault rifles from Russia, and is currently negotiating the purchase of submarines.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hey Hugo, are Dragunov’s effective against cruise missiles? Another looney dictator headed for big trouble. My guess is the real target of those sniper rifles will be his fellow countrymen who oppose him. Buying lots of hardware is one thing. Having the expertise to deploy that hardware effectively is quite another. The fool has to keep blaming someone for his incompetence as the country goes into ruin because of socialism.
Note to Hugo: You’ll need at least 5000 sniper rifles to deal with us. We only need one… to deal with you.

27 Aug

Dancing Marines

5/14 Marines dancing ……… “Since we’re in the middle of nowhere..”

Love it!

27 Aug

‘Blasphemous’ balls anger Afghans

‘Blasphemous’ balls anger Afghans
bbc news
A demonstration has been held in south- east Afghanistan accusing US troops of insulting Islam after they distributed footballs bearing the name of Allah.
The balls showed the Saudi Arabian flag which features the Koranic declaration of faith.
The US military said the idea had been to give something for Afghan children to enjoy and they did not realise it would cause offence.
The footballs were dropped from a helicopter in Khost province.
Some displayed flags from countries all over the world, including Saudi Arabia, which features the shahada, one of the five pillars of Islam – the declaration of faith.
The words, which include the name of Allah, are revered, and Muslims are very sensitive about where and how they can be used.
Saudi Arabia has complained to the World Cup’s ruling body in the past about the use of its flag on footballs.
Mullahs in Afghanistan criticised the US forces for their insensitivity, and around 100 people held a demonstration in Khost.

Afghan MP Mirwais Yasini said: “To have a verse of the Koran on something you kick with your foot would be an insult in any Muslim country around the world.”

A spokeswoman for the US forces in Afghanistan said they made “significant efforts to work with local leaders, mullahs and elders to respect their culture” and distributing the footballs was an effort to give a gift the Afghan children would enjoy.

“Unfortunately,” she added, “there was something on those footballs we didn’t immediately understand to be offensive and we regret that as we do not want to offend.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Islamic holy writings on pig skin! GO MARINES!
Thuffering Thuccotash! You can’t win with these people! Oh, bitch, bitch, bitch. These cavemen even bitch about free soccer balls. Give them a truckload of pigskin footballs and tell them to STFU.
Muslims are very sensitive about where and how they can be used.
Obvious copyright infringement. Allah can only be used when one is planning to kill. DUH!

27 Aug

“Let me show you around my Blackhawk”

Iraq, let me show you around my Blackhawk, I fly in this every day

26 Aug

Obama Names Republicans (RINO’s) He’ll Work With

Obama Names Republicans He’ll Work With
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama often says he will be a candidate that will bring both parties together and Saturday he named a few of the Republicans he would reach out to if elected.

“There are some very capable Republicans who I have a great deal of respect for,” Obama said in an interview with The Associated Press. “The opportunities are there to create a more effective relationship between parties.”

Among the Republicans he would seek help from are Sens. Richard Lugar of Indiana, John Warner of Virginia and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma, Obama said.

“On foreign policy I’ve worked very closely with Dick Lugar,” Obama said. “I consider him one of my best friends in the Senate. He’s someone I would actively seek counsel and advice from when it came to foreign policy.”

“Senator Warner is another example of somebody with great wisdom, although I don’t always agree with him on every issue,” Obama said. “I would also seek out people like Tom Coburn, who is probably the most conservative member of the U.S. Senate. He has become a friend of mine.”

Part of Washington’s problem is that President Bush has created a partisan atmosphere, he said.

“The Bush-Cheney administration has perfected the perpetual campaign, what I call the 50-plus-one election strategy, where you just presume half the country is red and half the country is blue,” Obama said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Translation: “I’ll work with the Republicans who think like Democrats.”
“when I become President…blah, blah” When pigs fly, no way in Haddes.
Keep going, dude. With any luck, Americans will be smart enough to figure out that anyone that ends up on Obama’s “reaching out” list is a Republican to vote out of office. And No mention of Hagel above the fold? I’m shocked! SHOCKED I tell ya!
Hallucinating Obama might as well name his Secreatry of State and his wife’s official hair-stylist already…
What a stand-up comic he is…ha ha…

26 Aug

Surprise From The Air For Insurgents Shooting At Our Troops Humvee

Iraq, Insurgents shooting at our Humvee get a big surprise from the air

25 Aug

Wreckage of World War II Submarine Found Off Aleutian Islands


Wreckage of World War II Submarine Found Off Aleutian Islands
Fox News
The mangled remains of a vessel found in the Bering Sea are likely those of a World War II submarine that disappeared with a crew of 70 off the Aleutian Island of Kiska.
The discovery of the USS Grunion on Wednesday night culminates a five-year search led by the sons of its commander, Mannert Abele, and may finally shine a light on the mysterious last moments of the doomed vessel.

“Obviously, this is a very big thing,” the oldest son, Bruce Abele, said Thursday from his home in Newton, Mass. “I told my wife about it when she was still in bed and she practically went up to the ceiling.”

A remotely operated vehicle snapped pictures and captured three hours of video footage of the Grunion on a rocky underwater slope north of the volcanic island, according to another brother, John Abele, who was in Kiska Harbor with the search team on Thursday.
The submarine lies 1,000 feet below the surface and had been crushed by water pressure, said Abele. He is director and co-founder of the medical equipment company Boston Scientific Corp. and the youngest of the three brothers.

The most surprising thing was the damage,” he said. “It was much more than we or anyone else imagined. Initially it was very hard to recognize as a ship.”

The hull had imploded so severely that the interior, including bunks and a dive wheel, were clearly visible, Abele said. No human remains were found.

“There’s a 95 percent chance that this is the Grunion and a less than five percent chance that it’s not,” said Christopher J. Nicholson, general manager of the Cataumet, Mass.-based company. “The fact that they actually found this in an expanse of ocean is really pretty spectacular.”

The Grunion had a propeller guard, which was rare in subs of the day, Abele said. The vessel discovered yesterday also had the fence, which prevented docking lines from getting caught in the propeller.
The Grunion patrolled Alaska’s Aleutian Islands during the early months of World War II. Her last official radio message to the submarine base at Dutch Harbor came on July 30, 1942 and described heavy enemy activity at the Japanese seaplane base at Kiska Harbor.
Earlier that month, the Grunion had sunk two Japanese submarine chasers and heavily damaged a third near Kiska, one of two islands in the far west Aleutians captured by the Japanese. Until a few years ago, the clues to the Grunion’s disappearance were too fragmented to justify a search.
As news of the search spread, several relatives of the Grunion’s crew banded together to locate others with ties to the lost men. To date, the relatives of 69 men are following the progress of the search, said Mary Bentz of Bethesda, Md., whose uncle died on the Grunion.
Bentz said the news is a relief after decades of not knowing what happened. Her father’s youngest brother, Carmine Anthony Parziale, of Weedville, Penn., was in his early 20s when he served as a torpedoman third class on Grunion.

“I know when my dad would talk about him, his eyes would well up with tears,” said Bentz. “I was relieved to know that this is finally over, that now we can say, two and three generations later, that we know what happened.”

A forensic engineer and other experts will use the footage to piece together the Grunion’s final hours and figure out why it sank. The search crew of 17 plans to spend several more days looking for sunken Japanese ships in the area.

“Actually seeing the burial site was touching and in a way rewarding,” John Abele said. “It provides a closing and hopefully an answer to the unknown.”

This is from the US Navy History page on the Grunion

Grunion was launched by the Electric Boat Co., Groton, Conn., 22 December 1941; sponsored by Mrs. Stanford C. Hooper, wife of Rear Admiral Hooper; and commissioned 11 April 1942, Lt. Comdr. M. L. Abele in command.
After shakedown out of New London, Grunion sailed for the Pacific 24 May. A week later, as she transited the Caribbean for Panama, she rescued 16 survivors of USAT Jack, torpedoed by a German U-boat, and conducted a fruitless search for 13 other survivors presumed in the vicinity. Arriving at Coco Solo 3 June, Grunion deposited her shipload of survivors and continued to Pearl Harbor, arriving 20 June.
Departing Hawaii 30 June after 10 days of intensive training, Grunion touched Midway; then headed toward the Aleutians for her first war patrol. Her first report, made as she patrolled north of Kiska Island, stated she had been attacked by a Japanese destroyer and had fired at him with inconclusive results. She operated off Kiska throughout July and sank two enemy patrol boats while in search for enemy shipping. On 30 July the submarine reported intensive antisubmarine activity; and she was ordered back to Dutch Harbor.
Grunion was never heard from nor seen again. Air searches off Kiska were fruitless; and on 5 October Grunion was reluctantly reported overdue from patrol and assumed lost with all hands. Captured Japanese records show no antisubmarine attacks in the Kiska area, and the fate of Grunion remains a mystery. Her name was struck from the Navy List 2 November 1942.
Grunion received one battle star for World War II service.

….Thank you Jack of Conservative Insurgent for the llink.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is amazing, I am so glad there is a group that searches for our ships and Submarines like this. These are a part of our history and also for the families of the lives that served on the Submarine.

25 Aug

Some Then and Now From The Left

This is what some have said in the past……………..
“This war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything.” Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), April 19, 2007
“As many had foreseen, the escalation has failed to produce the intended results…The increase in US forces has had little impact in curbing the violence or fostering political reconciliation.” Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), June 13, 2007
“Bush’s strategy of increasing troops in Iraq is “a failed policy wrapped in illusion.” Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), April 24, 2007
On the New York Times editorial asserting the initial success of the Iraq troop surge: “I dismiss it at as rhetoric. I dismiss it as — you know, in my estimation, the things that I measure are not — oil production, electricity production, water. Only two hours of electricity. I don’t know where they were staying. I don’t know what they saw. But I know this, that it’s not getting better. It’s rhetorical is what is getting better. It’s over-optimist. It’s an illusion.” Rep. John Murtha (D-PA), July 31, 2007
On the troop surge strategy: “This is a dangerously wrong-headed strategy that will drive America deeper into an unwinnable swamp at a great cost. It is wrong to place American troops into the middle of Iraq’s civil war.
We cannot escape the reality that there will be no military solution in Iraq…More American troops, treasure and casualties will not change this reality.” Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE), January 10, 2007
On the troop surge strategy: “a categorical, catastrophic…[and] abject failure.” Rep. Tom Lantos (D-CA), June 29, 2007
“The prospects that the current ‘surge’ strategy will succeed in the way originally envisioned by the President are very limited…Unless we recalibrate our strategy in Iraq to fit our domestic political conditions and the broader needs of U.S. national security, we risk foreign policy failures that could greatly diminish our influence in the region and the world.” Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN), June 25, 2007
“According to polls, the vast majority of Americans disagree with President Bush’s plan to send an additional 21,500 troops to Iraq to quell sectarian violence. I, too, disagree with the troop surge. The question now before the U.S. Senate is how best to send a strong, clear, bipartisan message to the President to express our disagreement and urge him to instead consider all options and alternatives.” Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), January 29, 2007
“Twenty thousand American soldiers are too few to end this civil war in Iraq and too many American lives to risk on top of those we’ve already lost.” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL), January 10, 2007
“I continue to believe that it is a mistake to send more U.S. troops to Baghdad, which is engulfed by sectarian strife…I have repeatedly expressed directly to the president my opposition to his plan to increase the overall number of American troops in Iraq.” Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), April 26, 2007
And this is what some of them are saying now……………
“It’s working. We’re just years too late in our tactics,” she said, referring to the beefed-up U.S. troop presence battling insurgents in Iraq, including war-torn Anbar province.Hillary Clinton Aug 20, 2007
As we are seeing military progress, any political scene is discouraging. SEN. DICK DURBIN
in response to the question do you agree with your colleague there are some signs of military progress here?
Sure, there are, John. We have said in the beginning, our troops are doing their job. SEN. Bob Casey
Knowing all this, how can someone who opposed the war now call for continuing the new directions that have been taken in Iraq? The answer is that the people, strategies and facts on the ground have changed for the better and those changes justify changing our position on what should be done. Democrat Rep. Brian Baird
AA successful Report from Petraeus would be “a real big problem for us.” Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.)
“We are also encouraged by continuing positive results – in al Anbar Province, from the recent decisions of some of the Sunni tribes to turn against al Qaeda and cooperate with coalition force efforts to kill or capture its adherents,”Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman (D) Carl Levin

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Awhile back I listed the quotes from all the Dems that said there were WMD, the quotes were said during the Clinton years in the White House and also right after 9-11. Madeline Albright, Bill Clinton and the list of Democrat names goes on and on saying there absolutely were WMD.
Now the quotes about the Surge and it is interesting how there is a similarity in so many of the same people being negative about our troops and those that said oh heck yes Saddam has WMB and needs to be taken out, we need to go to Iraq.
Just thought I would show you this, it is kind of interesting I think. Even though we all know the obvious, that they change with the wind to whatever suits them. They have no substance at all…..nothing.

25 Aug


The lyrics “Here comes the boom!”, are no joke in this video done to the POD song “Boom”. Done by the project team for the SLAMRAAM missile system, this video shows off just how accurate those rockets can be. You certainly don’t want to see one of these Humvees coming your way if you’re one of the bad guys!