31 Aug

Iowa Judge Says Marriage Not Just Man, Woman

Iowa Judge Says Marriage Not Just Man, Woman
A Polk County judge has struck down Iowa’s law preserving marriage for only a man and a woman. He ordered the county recorder’s office to issue marriage licenses to gay couples.
Six gay and lesbian couples went to court for the right to legally marry in Iowa.
Lamda Legal filed a lawsuit in 2005 on behalf of the couples in Iowa, saying they deserve equal protection under the law.
Des Moines laywer Dennis Johnson represented six gay couples who filed the lawsuit after they were denied marriage licenses, and he says Hanson’s ruling is a moral victory for equal rights.
Judge Robert B. Hanson ruled that couples cannot be denied licenses to marry or marriage certificates or “in any other way be prevented from entering into civil marriage pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 595 by reason of the fact that both persons comprising such as couple are of the same sex.”
The county is expected to appeal the ruling to the Iowa Supreme Court.

“Today’s civil-rights ruling by Judge Robert Hanson is another step in what is expected to be a lengthy legal process. The prudent approach would be for the Legislature to await an expected appeal and subsequent ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court before taking any steps in reaction to this decision,” said Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal in a statement.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well here is another radical judge! Good grief!! Better WAKE up Iowa!

30 Aug

Soldiers Buying Bread in Baghdad ~ This is GREAT!

“We all starting to crave the Iraqi bread called “Samoon” during our deployment. A lot of times while we were out on mission, instead of eating MRE’s we would stop and buy some off the local vendors to stave off our hunger until we got back to base. Also in this video my good friend Brum gets the Iraq kids involved in American politics lol…”

Wild Thing’s comment………
They fight, they serve, they make sacrifices every day for all of us, and for our country. They risk their lives, and also endure horrible hot weather wearing 80 pounds of equipment, and freezing cold in the winter months. And they make these awesome video’s that we can watch and get a glimpse of being there with them.
Our troops totally ROCK!

30 Aug

Castro: Hillary Will Win

Castro: Hillary Will Win
NY Post ….for complete article
Hillary Rodham Clinton got a boost yesterday from an unwanted source – Fidel Castro.
A column purportedly written by the badly ailing Cuban dictator said that Clinton would likely win the presidency in 2008, with Barack Obama as her running mate.

“The word today is that an apparently unbeatable ticket could be Hillary for president and Obama as her running mate,” Castro wrote in a piece about U.S. presidents published by the Communist Party newspaper Granma.

Meanwhile, Castro offered a favorable assessment of only one of the 10 men who have been president during his regime – Jimmy Carter.

“I only knew one who, for ethical-religious reasons, was not complicit to the brutal terrorism against Cuba: James Carter,” the essay read.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The GOP couldn’t buy better PR…..LOL And to think, Castro almost died again the other day. heh heh He has turned NOT dying into a third world art. hahaha
Her first endorsement. She must be so thrilled. Since Castro will be dead by then, he can vote for her. Democrat party has a history of dead people voting so a dead Castor is par for the course.

30 Aug

Tankity Tank Tank Tank ~ Lovin it!

M-1 Abrams Music Video…song is titled…”I’VE GOT DAH POWAH!”


29 Aug

Ahmanutjob Giving Us The “neener-neener-neener”

US attack on Iran ‘impossible’
Times of India
TEHRAN: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday dismissed the chance of a US attack against Iran as impossible, saying that Washington already had enough trouble in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“There is in no way the possibility of such an attack by the United States. Even if they take such a decision they cannot implement it,” he told a news conference. “They have to solve the question of Iraq and Afghanistan.”

“Politicians do not deal with imaginary things. They deal with reality and this is propaganda. This (an attack) is not

on the agenda of US officials and it cannot be,” he said.

The White House has never ruled out attacking Iran, and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Monday that Iran risked being bombarded if the crisis over its atomic programme was not solved.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well, duh. Unless Iran does something stupid. Which, unfortunately, they might. Yeah. It’s absolutely impossible for a pilot to launch from his carrier, cruise a couple of hours max, and drop one down right on the head of Ahmadinejad.
Do you feel lucky PUNK? Well do you punk? …<<<<<

29 Aug

MSNBC, CNBC Refuse to Run Pro-War Ads

Here is a sample of one of the ads

MSNBC, CNBC Refuse to Run Pro-War Ads
The television commercials that Freedom’s Watch has produced, featuring veterans and their families, that urge Congress and the public to continue supporting the Iraq war. The commercials are well done, and convey the simple message that the Iraq war is important and winnable, and that we should allow our troops to see the mission through. The ads are appearing in the context of a blizzard of anti-war ads by left-wing groups, intended to pressure Senators and Congressmen into pulling the plug on the Iraq effort.
Freedom’s Watch has placed its ads on Fox and CNN, but CNBC and MSNBC have refused to run the ads. Ari Fleischer wrote this morning on behalf of Freedom’s Watch to let us know that CNBC and MSNBC have stubbornly refused to air the pro-war ads, even though they have run issue ads on other controversial topics. Freedom’s Watch has written to CNBC and MSNBC to protest their decision; here is the text of that letter:
John Kelly
Senior Vice-President of NBC News Network Sales
30 Rockefeller Plaza
12th Floor
New York, NY 10112

Dear Mr. Kelly,
We understand that MSNBC and CNBC (the “Networks”) are refusing to sell advertising time to Freedom’s Watch (“FW”) to air a series of educational advertisements. It is our understanding that the purported basis for the denial is a Network policy denying access to groups that wish to sponsor advertising on controversial issues of public importance.
Given your recent history of airing such ads (see below), we must wonder if your denial to FW is a subjective decision because the network officials disagree with the FW ads’ message? If you continue to refuse to air FW’s advertisement we request an explanation of your basis in writing or station policy within two (2) days from the date above as time is of the essence.
FW has requested time on your networks to air advertisements discussing the War Against Terrorism. Your reporters and commentators discuss this issue on your programs at every hour of the day so you clearly agree this is an issue of great public importance. FW’s advertisements, to be sure, present a view of this debate that rounds out your coverage. These ads feature Iraq War Veterans and their families discussing their sacrifices in personal terms and their belief that we must allow the military time to complete its mission in Iraq and seek victory. This is a side of this issue that should not be silenced by national cable networks. We believe that rather than censor these American heroes, you should let the American public hear their story.
As noted above, it’s troubling that the Networks appear to be airing messages on issues on a selective basis. Our research indicates that your network has accepted and aired advertisements dealing with controversial issues of national importance in the recent past. For example, the Networks aired an advertisement entitled “Shameless Politicians” sponsored by Move America Forward regarding the war on terror in October 2004. In November 2006, the Networks aired advertisements sponsored by the American Medical Association entitled “Patient Voice” concerning the controversial issue of access to health care and coverage for the uninsured. During July 2007, the Networks aired advertisements sponsored by the Save Darfur Coalition. Your history of airing other issue advocacy advertisements makes the denial of FW advertisements troubling and raises the issue of whether your denial is based on an editorial disagreement with FW’s message.
These ads are about important issues that will shape our national security policies for years to come. These ads present a point of view that your viewers are not now receiving.
Your viewers deserve to hear all sides of this issue so that they can make informed judgments about the future of their country.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this request. Please respond to me through Larry Weitzner at Jamestown Associates.
Very Truly Yours,
Bradley A. Blakeman
President and CEO

Wild Thing’s comment……..
To a Commie-Vampire, the American Flag is like the cross, they shrink in the face of it. The political face of NBC is Keith Olbermann. An email I got from a friend that goes to a lot of boards online said the comments on the NBC board-they are overwhelmingly disgusted with NBC for putting that panty-waist Nazi Olbermann in the pre-season line-up.
Any network that will not run these ads hates America as far as I am concerned, and they will never convine me otherwise.

29 Aug

Shinedown on a USO Tour To Thank Our Troops

Video footage of Shinedown on a USO tour!

From two of our troops……

“I know no members of shinedown will see this but they should know, every soldier, sailor, airmen and marine that saw them in Iraq has more respect for them than any performer that didn’t have the balls to visit. I literally bought their CD and started listening to them right after I saw them in Al Asad”

“I was in that crown in Fallujah, Iraq. It was a bad ass show. For two hours it made be forget about all the shooting and killing. More bands and people need to be like Shinedown. I appreciated them coming to Iraq to give us a break from war. Thank you Shinedown. Semper Fi!”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This band also played a soldier only show out in Ft. Bliss, TX .

28 Aug

Lima Company 3/1 turns routine patrol into payday

Lima Company 3/1 turns routine patrol into payday
August 25, 2007
Using the term “Motivating Marine Corps day” in the morning is usually an indicator of sarcastic optimism throughout the ranks. Generally speaking, “motivating” can mean tired, frustrated and dirty. Rarely is the term prophetic.
Today, however, what began as a standard counterinsurgency patrol in Al Anbar Province turned into a truly motivating day as Marines from Lima Company, Battalion Landing Team, 3rd Battalion 1st Marines uprooted several large weapons caches, Homemade Explosives (HME) and a Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device factory.
Canvassing the remote desert region near Combat Outpost Chicago, Weapons Platoon Marines swept several routes and fields before a local citizen tipped them off and pointed them toward suspicious sites in the area.
Conducting a search based on this lead, Marines discovered numerous weapons, including a mortar tube, hundreds of automatic weapons rounds (of varying caliber and munitions type), a Simonov SKS rifle and American-made flares.
The citizen then escorted Marines to two buried containers, both filled to the brim with enemy “accelerants,” including a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) launcher with several rounds and boosters, a 14.5mm anti-aircraft weapon with seven receivers, grenades, mortars, rifle magazines, primers and IED trigger mechanisms.
Continuing the search in close proximity to the buried containers, a house, identified as a car bomb factory, contained evidence of a massive HME-mixing operation, including tarps, several pair of rubber boots and a children’s swimming pool (used as a mixing vat).
Personnel from Combat Logistics Battalion 13’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal section destroyed the caches after site exploitation was complete.
Successful days like today are becoming surprisingly routine. As BLT 3/1 continues counterinsurgency operations here, willing locals are frequently offering up information on insurgent activity and weapons cache sites. The constant accomplishment is causing some Marines to make confident, early morning predictions of success.

“I woke up this morning, and I just knew it was going to be a ‘motivating Marine Corps day,’” said Lance Cpl. Randy Cantrall, a native of Peoria, Ariz. “And it was. It was beautiful.”

28 Aug

New York Islamist Day Parade ~ Grand Marshall Keith Ellison

New York Islamist Day Parade
Frontpage ….for complete article
On September 9, 2007, a pre-9/11 celebration of sorts will be taking place in New York City, as Islamists from across the Tri-State area will congregate there for the 22nd Annual Muslim Day Parade. If past parades are any indication, law enforcement will need to be on high alert, as the participants have been amongst the most radical in the nation. Will the city allow this denigration of a very somber day to take place, or will it remember its many victims of terrorism and shut it down?
The Grand Marshal for the 2006 parade was Siraj Wahhaj, a Brooklyn imam who is known for his fiery speeches, including those that have been considered threatening to the United States. In February of 1995, Wahhaj was named – along with such people as Osama bin Laden and bin Laden’s mentor, Abdullah Azzam – as a potential co-conspirator to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center.
Another Grand Marshal of a past parade was Muzzamil Siddiqi, the former President of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a mosque umbrella organization that was recently named a co-conspirator to the financing of millions of dollars to Hamas. Siddiqi, like Wahhaj, has also verbally threatened the United States, stating in October of 2000, “America has to learn. If you remain on the side of injustice, the wrath of G-d will come.”
The fact that this parade is taking place so close to Ground Zero is an insult to the memory of the 3,000 people who perished there six years before. The event should be taken as a threat to public safety and, therefore, it is incumbent on the city of New York to not only watch all of those involved, but to work to shut down the event completely, along with the sponsoring organizations.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
How about a Pork BBQ stand at a muslim parade and bacon bits for confetti.
I wonder if one day, who knows when, the public will finally be outraged at how easily we have turned our country over to Islam. So far the outrage only happens in spurts and dies out quickly.

28 Aug

Ron Paul Wants $8,000,000.00 To Market Wild American Shrimp

It’s in a subscribers only link at the Wall Street Journal. The Congressman wants $8,000,000.00 to pay for marketing of wild American shrimp and $2.3 million to fund research into shrimp-fishing.
These are but two of the Congressman’s 65 earmarks sought thus far this year to the tune of $400,000,000.00.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank you Gunnery Sgt.Benton for sending this to me.
What the heck are wild American Shrimp? LOL Oh maybe it’s Shrimp that practice an immoral lifestyle. Much tastier than decent American shrimp.
So Ron Paul supports taxpayer dollars for the shrimping business, but not for our troops in Iraq, heh?