03 Sep

Legal and Illegal Immigrant Surge Leads U.S. Toward Half Billion People

Immigrant surge leads U.S. toward half billion people
Long Beach Telegram
Immigrants and their children will account for more than half the country’s population growth over the coming half-century, according to a study released Thursday.
The examination of new census figures by the Center for Immigration Studies found U.S. population levels, currently around 300 million, will shoot up to 468 million by 2060. California alone could be home to more than 60 million.
Immigrants – both legal and illegal – as well as their descendants are expected to make up about 105 million, or 63 percent, of the national increase.

“It’s important to understand where we’re headed in population size and why. The why is largely, but not exclusively, immigration,” said Steven Camarota, author of the report.

The Center for Immigration Studies, a D.C.-based think tank, openly advocates immigration restrictions. While demographers across the ideological spectrum verified the group’s numbers, opinions vary on what they mean for America’s future.
William A.V. Clark, a geography professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, called 468 million “a really huge number, and it’s being driven by immigration, there’s no doubt about that.”
Neither politicians nor city planners are preparing for or even discussing immigration’s impact on population growth, he said.
Meanwhile, the impact in California, which is home to about 10 million foreign-born, will be particularly acute.

“If you think the 405 is bad now, it won’t be moving unless they put a double-decker bus on it,” Clark said.

“This is like the elephant in the bathtub,” he said. “We’re not building the infrastructure for the population we have now, much less this kind of growth.”

But Jeff Passell, spokesman for the Pew Hispanic Center, which also is preparing population projections based on immigration, noted that without newcomers the U.S. could not have a growing labor force.
Dowell Myers, a professor of urban planning at USC, agreed.
Myers studies aging trends and called immigration part of the solution to the graying of America.
He noted that the ratio of senior citizens to working-age people will go up 30 percent in the next decade and spike another 30 percent after that.

“That is the central policy question America has to solve, and we have to solve it now,” he said. Because foreigners who come to the U.S. tend to be young, he said, immigration can reduce the aging problem by about a quarter.

Myers also cast doubts on the study, noting that the analysis hinges on the assumption that fertility and immigration rates will both remain high.
Currently, the nation sustains an immigration rate of about 1.2 million annually, according to the study. Researchers based their projections partly on the past five decades, during which there has been a net immigration increase.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It seems we are becoming the wretched refuse of our own teeming shores. The RATs must love this! More votes for more socialism.
Regarding the illegals in this growth:
Invasion: \In*va”sion\, n. [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] [1913 Webster]
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.

03 Sep

I removed this post it was messing something up

I noticed the comments were not working for this post for some reason so I removed it. All is well now.
It must have just been one of those weird computer things or something in the code not liking my server. haha

02 Sep

Give Up My SUV? No Way!

Edwards: Americans should sacrifice their SUVs
wavy 10

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards told a labor group he would ask Americans to make a big sacrifice: their sport utility vehicles.
The former North Carolina senator told a forum by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers in Lake Buena Vista, Florida, yesterday he thinks Americans are willing to sacrifice.
Edwards says Americans should be asked to drive more fuel efficient vehicles. He says he would ask them to give up SUVs.
Edwards got a standing ovation when he said weapons and equipment used by America’s military needs to be made in the United States. He says tanks and ammunition for M16 rifles are being made in other countries.
He says jobs that provide equipment for America’s defense need to be made in the United States.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Edwars, Gore, name any of them it does not matter. They are not going to make any sacrifice’s. But they want all of us to.

02 Sep

Cat to make diesel engines in China

Cat to make diesel engines in China
Peoria Journal Star
Caterpillar Inc. announced Tuesday it will begin making small and medium-sized diesel engines in China, including some from a new manufacturing facility it plans to build there.
The company said the engines will be made at facilities in Wuxi in the Jiangsu province, according to a memorandum of understanding reached with the Wuxi National High-Tech Industrial Development Zone.
It’s part of a multi-year investment to develop and manufacture the engines, which will be sold under the Caterpillar and Perkins brands.

“This is about increasing our global capacity to meet customer demand,” said spokesman Rusty Dunn. “It’s a significant symbol of Caterpillar’s commitment to China and the region.”

The first of the planned operations will be the production of the Perkins 400 Series three- and four-cylinder engines from Perkins Shibaura Engines, a joint venture between Perkins – a Caterpillar subsidiary – and IHI Shibuara Machinery Corp. of China.
Next will come medium-sized engines for use in Caterpillar’s core construction equipment manufactured in China, for power generation and marine applications.
Should the memorandum of understanding be finalized, pending Wuxi government and other regulatory approvals, the engines would be made at a new plant that would be completed in 2012 and bring Caterpillar’s Wuxi employment to 400 to 600 people, Dunn said.
The engine facilities in Wuxi would be able to produce up to 100,000 engines annually that would be sold to customers – original equipment manufacturers – in China and the Pacific Rim region.
Dunn said the company would not disclose how much it is investing in the projects.
The company said it plans to focus on engines that will meet the emissions requirements in China and for other customers.

“As the global technology leader in the production of clean diesel engines, Caterpillar is committed to establishing a major investment to manufacture these world-class and clean diesel engines in China,” said Doug Oberhelman, Caterpillar group president responsible for engines. “As Chinese customers face future emissions reduction requirements, Caterpillar will utilize its technology leadership to provide machines and engines that will meet their needs as well as enable sustainable development.”

“For more than 30 years, Caterpillar customers in China have benefited from the unparalleled value that comes with owning and operating Caterpillar machines and engines,” said Rich Lavin, Caterpillar vice president responsible for Asia Pacific manufacturing operations. “The plan to build these engines in China demonstrates our long-term commitment to this critically important market and to our customers.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Caterpillar’s commitment to China”?
How about their “commitment” to the workers in the United States?
“Cat to Make Diesel Engines in China”
Should read…Political prisoners to make diesel engines in China.
I grew up in Peoria, and this really ticks me off. So what is it gonig to be?? Make the engines in China, ship them to Mexico and have them tranported up the nifty NAFTA super highway, instead of making them in the US and supporting the homeland economy.
“This is about increasing our global capacity to meet customer demand,”
Bullshit. It’s about kowtowing to the commie scum so you can sell in their market,

02 Sep

Compare and Contrast

All those considered “top tier” are pro-amnesty, pro-open border, pro-illegals and would put a price on US citizenship rather than enforcing current laws.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
First let me say this, this video I am showing you is not meant to strike out at our side, the Republican side. It is meant to show quotes of things that have been said by various people running for President in the Republican party for this next election.
I am NOT working for anyone running, this is just to give us a good comparison and contrast at the difference so we can all make the correct decision.
For too long now, we’ve kept electing RINOS because they would change their platform and say what we all wanted them to say. This is the reason the GOP is in the trouble it’s in today imo. We’ve got to elect people with a record that doesn’t need sanitizing.
All I can say at this time is that I never prayed like I am now, for our country and it’s future. And also praying that the right person is elected in this next election that will be a strong leader.
So rather than jump on the bandwagon of someone who I think can win, I had much rather vote for the one I think is the best and one which it will actually mean something to conservatives when he does win. I suppose some of us are just tired of supporting the same old same and expecting them to be different, as if by magic, this time.
Prayers for our troops and for our country. We live in the best country in the entire world. She is worth fighting for, protecting and praying for too. She has been good to all of us and given us opportunities like no other country could have done.
I have no idea if Fred Thompson will enter or not. I know he has given a date to announce and we will see.
For right now and I have felt this all along I have confidence in Duncan Hunter, his voting record and the things he has said and never flip flopped.
There are many Veterans groups that are also for Hunter, also Rolling Thunder, Gen. Chuck Yeager, many others.
This whole post is meant as information. There is still a lot of time before we will be asked to vote. I just want to make sure I get information honestly stated on all those on our side running for President. Because this time might be one of the most important elections in my lifetime, and I am just so fed up with rino’s.

02 Sep

Japan Surrendered On This Day Sept.2, 1945


This Day in U.S. Military History September 2, 1945
1945 – Aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay, Japan formally surrenders to the Allies, bringing an end to World War II.
By the summer of 1945, the defeat of Japan was a foregone conclusion. The Japanese navy and air force were destroyed. The Allied naval blockade of Japan and intensive bombing of Japanese cities had left the country and its economy devastated. At the end of June, the Americans captured Okinawa, a Japanese island from which the Allies could launch an invasion of the main Japanese home islands. U.S. General Douglas MacArthur was put in charge of the invasion, which was code-named “Operation Olympic” and set for November 1945.
On July 16, a new option became available when the United States secretly detonated the world’s first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert. Ten days later, the Allies issued the Potsdam Declaration, demanding the “unconditional surrender of all the Japanese armed forces.” Failure to comply would mean “the inevitable and complete destruction of the Japanese armed forces and just as inevitable the utter devastation of the Japanese homeland.”
On July 28, Japanese Prime Minister Kantaro Suzuki responded by telling the press that his government was “paying no attention” to the Allied ultimatum. U.S. President Harry Truman ordered the devastation to proceed, and on August 6, the U.S. B-29 bomber Enola Gay dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, killing an estimated 80,000 people and fatally wounding thousands more.
After the Hiroshima attack, a faction of Japan’s supreme war council favored acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration, but the majority resisted unconditional surrender.
On August 8, Japan’s desperate situation took another turn for the worse when the USSR declared war against Japan. The next day, Soviet forces attacked in Manchuria, rapidly overwhelming Japanese positions there, and a second U.S. atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese coastal city of Nagasaki.
Just before midnight on August 9, Japanese Emperor Hirohito convened the supreme war council. After a long, emotional debate, he backed a proposal by Prime Minister Suzuki in which Japan would accept the Potsdam Declaration “with the understanding that said Declaration does not compromise any demand that prejudices the prerogatives of His Majesty as the sovereign ruler.”
The council obeyed Hirohito’s acceptance of peace, and on August 10 the message was relayed to the United States.
Early on August 12, the United States answered that “the authority of the emperor and the Japanese government to rule the state shall be subject to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers.” After two days of debate about what this statement implied, Emperor Hirohito brushed the nuances in the text aside and declared that peace was preferable to destruction. He ordered the Japanese government to prepare a text accepting surrender.

At noon that day, Emperor Hirohito went on national radio for the first time to announce the Japanese surrender. In his unfamiliar court language, he told his subjects, “we have resolved to pave the way for a grand peace for all the generations to come by enduring the unendurable and suffering what is insufferable.”

The United States immediately accepted Japan’s surrender. President Truman appointed MacArthur to head the Allied occupation of Japan as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers.
For the site of Japan’s formal surrender, Truman chose the USS Missouri, a battleship that had seen considerable action in the Pacific and was named after Truman’s native state. MacArthur, instructed to preside over the surrender, held off the ceremony until September 2 in order to allow time for representatives of all the major Allied powers to arrive.
On Sunday, September 2, more than 250 Allied warships lay at anchor in Tokyo Bay. The flags of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and China fluttered above the deck of the Missouri. Just after 9 a.m. Tokyo time, Japanese Foreign Minister Mamoru Shigemitsu signed on behalf of the Japanese government. General Yoshijiro Umezu then signed for the Japanese armed forces, and his aides wept as he made his signature.

Supreme Commander MacArthur next signed on behalf of the United Nations, declaring, “It is my earnest hope and indeed the hope of all mankind that from this solemn occasion a better world shall emerge out the blood and carnage of the past.”

Ten more signatures were made, by the United States, China, Britain, the USSR, Australia, Canada, France, the Netherlands, and New Zealand, respectively. Admiral Chester W. Nimitz signed for the United States. As the 20-minute ceremony ended, the sun burst through low-hanging clouds. The most devastating war in human history was over.

01 Sep

9th Circus Court says ‘Let ’em roll!’ To Mexican Trucks!

Court: Mexican trucks program to proceed
The Bush administration can go ahead with a pilot program to allow as many as 100 Mexican trucking companies to freely haul their cargo anywhere within the U.S. for the next year, a federal appeals court ruled Friday.
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals denied a request made by the Teamsters union, the Sierra Club and the nonprofit Public Citizen to halt the program.
The appeals court ruled the groups have not satisfied the legal requirements to immediately stop what the government is calling a “demonstration project,” but can continue to argue their case.
The trucking program is scheduled to begin Thursday.
In court papers filed this week, the Teamsters and Sierra Club argued there won’t be enough oversight of the drivers coming into the U.S. from Mexico.
They also argued that public safety would be endangered in a hasty attempt by the government to comply with parts of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
The trade agreement requires that all roads in the United States, Mexico and Canada to be opened to carriers from all three countries.
Canadian trucking companies have full access to U.S. roads, but Mexican trucks can travel only about 20 miles inside the country at certain border crossings, such as ones in San Diego and El Paso, Texas.
The government contends that further delays in the project will strain the relationship between the U.S. and Mexico.
In court filings this week, government lawyers said that the program is an important interim step in fulfilling the United States’ obligations under NAFTA. They said that Mexican trucking companies would have to meet the same regulations governing U.S. trucking companies, and that in some cases the requirements are stricter.
Representatives of the Teamsters did not immediately return calls late Friday from The Associated Press, and a Sierra Club spokeswoman declined to comment immediately.
The program is designed to study whether opening the U.S.-Mexico border to all trucks could be done safely.
Congress ordered the Department of Transportation this year to launch a pilot program to investigate the issue. As the start date neared, the Teamsters and the Sierra Club claimed the public wasn’t given enough opportunity to comment on a program that, as proposed now, won’t yield statistically valid results.
The government says it has imposed rigorous safety protocols in the program, including drug and alcohol testing for drivers done by U.S. companies. In addition, law enforcement officials have stepped up nationwide enforcement of a law that’s been on the books since the 1970s requiring interstate truck and bus drivers to have a basic understanding of written and spoken English.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, the Department of Transportation agency charged with managing the program, said Friday that the court’s decision is “welcome news for U.S. truck drivers anxious to compete south of the border and U.S. consumers eager to realize the savings of more efficient shipments with one of our largest trading partners.”

However, the agency said it must still wait for final report by the inspector general and for Mexico to begin giving U.S. trucking companies reciprocal access before the program can begin.
The Teamsters had complained that the government has provided not details of the reciprocal agreement.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Of course the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals says it’s OK. American Black Robed MULLAHs! According to the most current count, the Ninth Circuit has the highest percentage of active judges appointed by Democratic presidents, with 59%. Until 2003, this percentage was much higher; a political stalemate over judicial nominations subsequently kept several vacancies on the court for several years.
Critics point to this preponderance of appointees of Democratic presidents as evidence that the court has a liberal bias.
50 million more illegals and 200 million more anchor babies. And according to those that are FOR this BS……
If you don’t like that idea, you are a racist, bigoted, homophobic, know-nothing, unappeasable, mouth-breathing, anti-American, 2 percenter fringe conservative with neo-nazi leanings, and your mother wears army boots!!!

01 Sep

Press # 2 For Jihad?

Nokia has launched a special-edition cell phone for Muslims in the Middle East and North Africa that features….
“a unique portfolio of pre-loaded applications including a collection of Azkars for the morning and the evening, an Islamic Organizer with audible alarms for the five daily prayers, a Qibla direction indicator and a Hijri calendar,”

Nokia launches Nokia N73 Special Edition designed specifically for the Arab market
United Arab Emirates
Nokia today announced the launch of the Nokia N73 Special Edition which will be initially exclusively available in the Middle East and North Africa markets.
The launch coincides with the Holy month of Ramadan and the offer includes a full range of applications, carefully tailored to meet the needs of consumers in the Arab world.
In addition to the pre-loaded content consumers using the Nokia N73 Special Edition can also download other additional applications directly from the Download! feature on the device. Downloadable content includes the Name of Allah application, exclusively available for Nokia users as well as a third e-book.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Maybe we should make a grenade that looks like a cell phone just for the ragheads.
Hello, Achmed? BOOM!

31 Aug

Teamsters To Try To Block Mexican Trucks

Teamsters to try to block Mexican trucks
yahooonews (AP)
The Teamsters Union said Wednesday it will ask a federal appeals courts to block the Bush administration’s plan to begin allowing Mexican trucks to carry cargo anywhere in the United States.
The union said it has been told by officials in the Transportation Department’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration that the first Mexican trucks will be coming across the border on Saturday.
Teamsters leaders said they planned to seek an emergency injunction Wednesday from the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco.

“What a slap in the face to American workers, opening the highways to dangerous trucks on Labor Day weekend, one of the busiest driving weekends of the year,” said Teamsters President Jim Hoffa.

Joining the Teamsters in seeking the emergency stay were the Sierra Club and Public Citizen. “Before providing unconditional access throughout the country to tens of thousands of big rigs we know little to nothing about, we must insure they meet safety and environmental standards,” Sierra Club executive director Carl Pope said.

A call to a spokeswoman at the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration was not immediately returned.
The Bush administration said last week it would start the cross-border program once the Transportation Department’s inspector general certifies safety and inspection plans.

Leslie Miller, a Teamsters spokeswoman, said attorneys for the federal truck safety agency advised the union’s lawyers that they expect to get that certification on Friday. She said the Teamsters also were told by the agency attorneys that limited authority for trucks to begin crossing the border will be approved Saturday.

Supporters of the plan say letting more Mexican trucks on U.S. highways will save American consumers hundreds of millions of dollars.
Labor and driver-owner groups have been fighting the measure — part of the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement — since it was first proposed, saying the program will erode highway safety and eliminate U.S. jobs.
A one-year demonstration project would allow 100 Mexican motor carriers full access to U.S. roads. It can begin as soon as the inspector general certifies that safety and inspection plans and facilities are sufficient to ensure the Mexican trucks are as safe as U.S. trucks.
Since 1982, Mexican trucks have had to stop within a buffer border zone and transfer their loads to U.S. trucks.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
“Sierra Club”
Will wonders never cease.
Because Bush is insisting on this happening, Rep. Duncan Hunter had a bill requiring all Mexican transport vehicles to adhere to the same rules and regulations as Domestic transport vehicles on American Highways. Does anyone know what happened to that bill?
It would have made our highways safer for American pedestrians and motorists. It would have curbed drug running. It would have greatly diminished illegal alien smuggling. I thought it should have had a clause calling for inspections at the border as well.
I wonder how many trucks will be half full of illegals stowed away behind a stack of cargo?
From Bush remarks from July 2001:

“It is wrong for the Congress to discriminate against Mexican trucks, and I urge the Senate to reject an amendment to the transportation bill that would clearly discriminate against Mexican truckers. Our Mexican counterparts and friends need to be treated just like the Canadians are treated. We ought to… We ought to, you know, accept the spirit of NAFTA. And so whether it be people or trucks or businesses, I solidly reject discrimination against people who are here of all origins, particularly Mexico.”

31 Aug

London Newspaper Editor Prays for Iranian Nuclear Attack on Israel

London Newspaper Editor Prays for Iranian Nuclear Attack on Israel
Jerusalem Post …..for complete article
The editor of an Arabic daily newspaper published in London said in an interview on Lebanese television that he would dance in Trafalgar Square if Iranian missiles hit Israel.

Talking about Iran’s nuclear capability on ANB Lebanese television on June 27, Abd Al-Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, said, “If the Iranian missiles strike Israel, by Allah, I will go to Trafalgar Square and dance with delight.”

In the interview, Bari Atwan was asked if he thought there is a process of détente [vis-à-vis Iran] and an American-Iranian inclination to reach a deal on Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

“If there is a deal, it will be at the expense of the Arabs and if there is a war, it will also be at the expense of the Arabs,” he responded. “I’m sad to say that we have no backbone now. If Iran reaches a deal with the Americans, what will be the bottom line? That Iran will have a nuclear program, and even if it does not manufacture nuclear weapons in the next 5-10 years, it will do so later.”

VIDEO clip

Wild Thing’s comment……..
ALL Muslims “inciting to riot or war” should be forcefully evicted, deported or worse…..from their “host nations”. Can you imagine the riots, the violence, the calls for charging the editor with hate crimes or incitement to violence that there’d be if a Jewish newspaper editor said the same thing about Teheran or the Iranian nuke sites being nuked?