Immigrant surge leads U.S. toward half billion people
Long Beach Telegram
Immigrants and their children will account for more than half the country’s population growth over the coming half-century, according to a study released Thursday.
The examination of new census figures by the Center for Immigration Studies found U.S. population levels, currently around 300 million, will shoot up to 468 million by 2060. California alone could be home to more than 60 million.
Immigrants – both legal and illegal – as well as their descendants are expected to make up about 105 million, or 63 percent, of the national increase.
“It’s important to understand where we’re headed in population size and why. The why is largely, but not exclusively, immigration,” said Steven Camarota, author of the report.
The Center for Immigration Studies, a D.C.-based think tank, openly advocates immigration restrictions. While demographers across the ideological spectrum verified the group’s numbers, opinions vary on what they mean for America’s future.
William A.V. Clark, a geography professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, called 468 million “a really huge number, and it’s being driven by immigration, there’s no doubt about that.”
Neither politicians nor city planners are preparing for or even discussing immigration’s impact on population growth, he said.
Meanwhile, the impact in California, which is home to about 10 million foreign-born, will be particularly acute.
“If you think the 405 is bad now, it won’t be moving unless they put a double-decker bus on it,” Clark said.
“This is like the elephant in the bathtub,” he said. “We’re not building the infrastructure for the population we have now, much less this kind of growth.”
But Jeff Passell, spokesman for the Pew Hispanic Center, which also is preparing population projections based on immigration, noted that without newcomers the U.S. could not have a growing labor force.
Dowell Myers, a professor of urban planning at USC, agreed.
Myers studies aging trends and called immigration part of the solution to the graying of America.
He noted that the ratio of senior citizens to working-age people will go up 30 percent in the next decade and spike another 30 percent after that.
“That is the central policy question America has to solve, and we have to solve it now,” he said. Because foreigners who come to the U.S. tend to be young, he said, immigration can reduce the aging problem by about a quarter.
Myers also cast doubts on the study, noting that the analysis hinges on the assumption that fertility and immigration rates will both remain high.
Currently, the nation sustains an immigration rate of about 1.2 million annually, according to the study. Researchers based their projections partly on the past five decades, during which there has been a net immigration increase.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
It seems we are becoming the wretched refuse of our own teeming shores. The RATs must love this! More votes for more socialism.
Regarding the illegals in this growth:
Invasion: \In*va”sion\, n. [L. invasio: cf. F. invasion. See Invade.] [1913 Webster]
1. The act of invading; the act of encroaching upon the rights or possessions of another; encroachment; trespass.
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