Sometime during the evening hours of September 8th, 2007, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. was defaced with a petroleum based acid liquid. There needs to be better security for the memory of these 58,249 killed during the Democrat war in Vietnam.

Washing this off with a pressure washer is a futile task. Oil seeps into tiny pores and crevasses in the stone and even though it appears clean after pressure washing the oil in these pores will in time wick back up to the surface and it will look the same as before.

Lisa Gough, Director of Communications for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, who stated in her press release of Sept. 11, 2007: “The United States Park Police has begun an investigation into the matter, and that investigation is ongoing. Until this investigation is completed, it is premature to speculate whether any intentional act was committed.”
NPS put out a statement also yesterday:
….claiming they still didn’t know and were still investigating.
Also, NPS is misrepresenting the amount of damage. From that link, they state, “50 to 60 feet mostly on the paving stones”.

Also this……along the East Wall Panel 15E that it had multiple deep, long, vertical scratches/gouges.
Then there is this one in Andover…………………
Vietnam Veterans Memorial defaced
Andover Townsman
Many veterans in town were disappointed to learn last week that someone had vandalized the town’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial, requiring the 15-month-old memorial to be sandblasted Wednesday.
“We know that in no way does this reflect how the community feels about our veterans,” said Michael Burke, director of veteran services.
The lyrics of a 1970s protest song and a reference to Iraq were scrawled on the monument in the Park. “War, what is it good for, absolutely nothin’,” was written in red marker along with a peace sign.
The lyrics are from “War,” a song that Motown soul singer Edwin Starr popularized in 1970.
Near the base of the memorial where the phrase “our cause is just” is etched, a vandal wrote “just like in Iraq.”
The markings were made with some kind of felt marker, which soaked into the stone, Burke said yesterday. Methuen Monument is helping the town repair the memorial, which was dedicated May 29, 2006.
While there was no structural damage, “the stone does need to be sandblasted,” Burke said. He was not sure how much the work would cost, if anything, but said the town was grateful to the Methuen business for stepping in to help.
Police Lt. Harry Collins said the vandalism was under investigation.
Burke said this week he has talked to several veterans and longtime residents, and that no one could remember something like this happening in Andover.
“This is a disappointing event,” he said. “This is an anomaly. If someone does have opposition, there are other ways to vocalize that.”
In Haverhill earlier this summer, vandals ruined parts of a Korean War Memorial and spray-painted a World War II monument.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
All of this is very upsetting, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall needs to be protected much better then it is. Times have changed and no longer are Memorials of any kind safe. There should be more camera’s and better lighting at night. This is just horrible what people are capable of doing to the Vietnam Memorials. I can’t even write this without crying just from the anger I feel.
….Thank you Tom for the link to information about this.
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