21 Sep

*~* Thank you ~*~ Blog Is Two Years Old Today *~*

Two years ago today I started my Blog. Thank you Linda of Something……and Half of Something is my Blog Mom. Thank you Linda for helping me put it all together and for all the support. I could never have had a Blog if it wasn’t for you.
And to my Blog Uncle Vinnie, at Vince aut Morire the best Blog Uncle a girl could ever have.
It has gone by so fast, these last two years and I owe each one of you that are part of Team Theodore so much. Your comments and input make this blog what it is, a home online.
The stats show we have readers from every country in the world. Even places I have never heard of and it is wonderful how many of our troops have been able to peek in and write to me they appreciate each one of you, the comments and graphics.
Thousands of individuals come here daily to read what we all have to say. It is amazing to me how this blog reaches so many. And I am forever grateful.
So I want to thank YOU, each one of you for touching my life everyday. I love your hearts so much, and when I am offline or working on posts for the next day, my heart smiles when I think of each one of you and how much you mean to me.
Thank you,

21 Sep

Drunkard Murderer Kennedy Wants Socialized Medicine So Bad

Socialized Medical Care

Kennedy site press release
Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, released the following statement in response to President Bush’s threat to veto the State Children’s Health Insurance Program.

“This is a cruel threat to needy children and I urge the President to reconsider. It’s outrageous that there are nearly 9 million uninsured children in America and over 600,000 more since 2005. This Administration has failed on healthcare and our children are paying the price. Congress has been working in a bipartisan way to get a Children’s Health Insurance Program bill that will make quality health care available to children of working families. This bill will allow children to get the quality healthcare they deserve, and should be signed into law before the program expires next week. After watching hundreds of thousands of children lose their health coverage on his watch, it’s incomprehensible that President Bush would veto the bill that fixes the problem. This is a cruel threat to needy children and I urge the President to reconsider.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
All these people live in states and cared for locally, there is no need for any federal health care program. The only constitutional legislation the feds could be involved in would be transportability across state lines. We need to tell our federal representative to limit all discussion to that. Their is no need for federal, Washington DC health care.
And one more thing, before our government takes one breath, one step toward socialized health care, how about soomething new and different like……….KEEPING YOUR PROMISES TO OUR VETERANS!

21 Sep

Close Call From An IED ~ Amazing

Check out this close call from an IED that was either buried too deep or didn’t have enough fire power.

21 Sep

From Britain New Armored Truck

September 19, 2007:
Britain is equipping its commando and infantry units with a new armored truck, the four ton Supacat MWMIK 4×4. It is armored on the bottom to give protection from mines, but is largely open up top.
The vehicle mounts 12.7mm and 7.62mm machine-guns, as well as a 40mm automatic grenade launcher. The Supacat chassis has been around for a while, and comes in 6×6 versions as well. It has excellent cross country capabilities. Top speed of the MWMIK is 80 kilometers an hour, and the vehicle normally carries four people.
The initial buy, mainly for the SAS commandos, was 130, but more are planned.

20 Sep

Ahmadinejad Is Pure Evil

This guy is totally EVIL! This terrorists is responsible for so many deaths of our trroops, Marines, the list goes on and on and then add in all the threats to desrroy America and Israel.

I saw this write up below at Drudge
Thu Sept 20 2007 16:11:22 ET
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will not press his plan — just denied by New York City Police for security reasons — to visit Ground Zero in New York City, he tells 60 MINUTES’ Scott Pelley in an exclusive interview conducted today in Iran. The Iranian leader says he’s “amazed” and skeptical that most Americans view his visit there as insulting as his intention was only to show respect. The interview will be broadcast on 60 MINUTES, Sunday Sept. 23 (7:00-8:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS television Network.
An excerpt from the interview follows:
PELLEY: Mr. President, do you intend to press your request to visit the World Trade Center site?
AHMADINEJAD: Well, it was included in my program. If we have the time and the conditions are conducive, I will try to do that.
PELLEY: But the New York Police Department and others do not appear to want you there. Do you intend to go there anyway?
AHMADINEJAD: Well, over there, local officials need to make the necessary coordinations. If they can’t do that, I won’t insist.
PELLEY: Sir, what were you thinking? The World Trade Center site is the most sensitive place in the American heart, and you must have known that visiting there would be insulting to many, many Americans.
AHMADINEJAD: Why should it be insulting?
PELLEY: But the American people, sir, believe that your country is a terrorist nation, exporting terrorism in the world. You must have known that visiting the World Trade Center site would infuriate many Americans.
AHMADINEJAD: Well, I’m amazed. How can you speak for the whole of the American nation?
PELLEY: Well, the American nation–
AHMADINEJAD: You are representing a media and you’re a reporter. The American nation is made up of 300 million people. There are different points of view over there.

20 Sep

Jason From YAF Getting In NON Marine Murtha’s Face

Jason from the Young American’s Foundation got in Murtha’s face over his slandering of the Haditha Marines.
Video of the confrontation is here.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is GREAT! Thank you Jason for doing this. This video is so good at showing Murtha up, it is priceless!!

20 Sep

Ahmadinejad to Speak on Columbia University Campus

Ahmadinejad to Speak on Campus (Columbia University)
Columbia Spectator
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, president of Iran, has accepted an invitation to speak at Columbia from School of International and Public Affairs interim dean John Coatsworth, according to a spokesman.
The event is scheduled to take place on Monday, September 24–the same day that Ahmadinejad is scheduled to address the UN General Assembly–as part of the World Leaders Forum and will be sponsored by SIPA.

“Necessarily, on occasion this will bring us into contact with beliefs many, most, or even all of us will find offensive and even odious,” University President Lee Bollinger said in a statement. “We trust our community, including our students, to be fully capable of dealing with these occasions, through the powers of dialogue and reason.”

“Opportunities to hear, challenge, and learn from controversial speakers of different views are central to the education and training of students for citizenship in a shrinking and still dangerous world. This is especially true for SIPA students, many of whose careers will require them to confront human rights and security issues throughout the globe,” Coatsworth said in a statement.

Registration for the event was closed down less than an hour and a half. A university spokesman said that 600 people could fit in the event.
Almost exactly one year ago, then-Dean of SIPA Lisa Anderson invited Ahmadinejad to speak on campus during the week of the World Leaders Forum on behalf of the School. Bollinger, upon learning of the event, chose not to lend it the sponsorship of the University as a whole. One day after news of the invitation broke, Anderson rescinded it, but not before many students and alumni spoke out both in favor and against the event.
Several student leaders received invitations today to speak tomorrow with University President Lee Bollinger regarding the event. Many leaders, including the heads of class councils, several club funding boards, and a number of clubs went into a discussion last soon after hearing the news of the invitation to form a statement.

“I think that first and foremost any dialogue is positive, so even though I may not agree with what Ahmadinejad says, I think any dialogue between him … and the U.S. is a positive step,” Iranian-American Sheena Shirakhon, CC ’08 and a member of Students against MIlitary Intervention in Iran, said of the invitation. “Mostly, that’s the result of my belief that war in Iran … would be horribly detrimental to the Iranain people, whether you support Ahmadinejad or not.”

Wild Thing’s comment………
WTH is happening with this country??!!
Could you folks at Columbia University ask Ahmadinejad a question for me? When does he plan nuking Columbia University ???
I can’t believe this. Columbia is a PUBLIC university? Spending OUR tax dollars to venue a man killing US troops?
Am I hallucinating???? Damn you Columbia students! This is war, we are at war with Islam and this country of mine had better start to WAKE UP! I have had it with traitors to our country, traitors to our troops, and these jerks think it is OK to do this kind of crap. It is NOT!
Amanda Murphy
Alumni Relations Director
Julia Feldberg
Alumni Relations Associate
Speaker Series Contact
Kristen Kramer
Alumni Relations Associate
Emily Lampert
Alumni Relations Junior Associate
212-678-3050 TC* 3050

20 Sep

Russia and China Warn Against War With Iran

Bernard Kouchner [left] was rebuked by Sergei Lavrov [right] over his hawkish Iran remarks

Russia and China warn against war with Iran
Russia and China have criticised France’s foreign minister Bernard Kouchner for talking of “war” with Teheran.
After meeting his French counterpart in Moscow, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, gave warning of the possible consequences of any military strike designed to disable Iran’s nuclear programme.

“We are convinced that no modern problem has a military solution, and that applies to the Iranian nuclear programme as well,” said Mr Lavrov.

“We are seriously concerned about increasingly frequent reports that military action against Iran is being seriously considered.”

Mr Lavrov added that Russia supported the recent agreement reached between Iran and nuclear inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Earlier, China’s foreign ministry also criticised Mr Kouchner for raising the possibility of war.

“We believe the best option is to peacefully resolve the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiations, which is in the common interests of the international community,” said Jiang Yu, an official spokesman.

“We do not approve of easily resorting to threatening use of force in international affairs.”

America is now pressing for another UN Resolution which would tighten economic sanctions on Iran.
The trigger for this move was Teheran’s continued enrichment of uranium, a process which could give Iran the essential material for a nuclear bomb.
While Russia and China have already supported two earlier sanctions resolutions, both are signaling that their support for a third cannot be taken for granted.
Yesterday, Mr Kouchner called for tougher ‘precise’ sanctions against the Islamic Republic’s nuclear programme.

However, the French foreign minister also said that “everything should be done to avoid war.”

“War is the worst that could happen,” he said. “Everything should be done to avoid war. We have to negotiate, negotiate, negotiate – without cease, without rebuff.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Interpretation: Russia and China will stomp their feet and throw a tantrum to try and protect their proxy in the Midle East.
“We are convinced that no modern problem has a military solution” said Mr Lavrov.
The Chechens thank you.

20 Sep

Immigration Through History ~ How Times Change

2,000 years ago, Moses said,
“Pick up your shovel, pack your ass,
mount your camel and I shall lead you to the
Promised Land.”
200-plus years ago, George Washington said,
“Get off your ass, use your shovel, clear the land,
grow plants for camels and it will be the
Promised Land.”
This year, the Congress of the United States said,
“Si, Amigos, throw away your shovel, sit on your ass,
light your Camels, we’re giving you the
Promised Land.”

…….Thank you Robert

19 Sep

U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero!?!

I was just reading about this about an hour ago, and thought I would post it now instead of in the morning. LOOK at this…….. sheesh!

U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero
Talks Underway After Iranian Requests a Visit
The New York Sun
In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, which will jointly oversee security during the leader’s two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against his country for its uranium enrichment program.
Mr. Kelly said the NYPD and Secret Service were in discussions with the Iranian Mission about the logistics for the possible visit, and whether it will take place at all. He said that for safety reasons related to ongoing construction at ground zero Mr. Ahmadinejad would not be allowed to descend into the pit.

“There has been some interest expressed in his visiting the area,” Mr. Kelly said. “It’s something that we are prepared to handle if in fact it does happen.”

Mr. Kelly said Mr. Ahmadinejad had not indicated why he wants to visit the site of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

“It is an insult to the memories of those who died on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists, and those who have fought terrorism for years, to allow the president of the world’s top state sponsor of terrorism to step foot at ground zero,” a spokeswoman for Senator Thompson, Karen Hanretty, said. “Iran is responsible for supplying weapons and supporting extremist who are killing U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to this very day.”

Not sure what is going on about this. But here is another article saying differently.
Iranian Leader Was Denied Ground Zero Visit
The New York Times
(Apoparently this is an UPDATE but with a diferent newspaper)
Updated, 5:15 p.m.

An advance team for the president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, asked earlier this month that he be allowed to lay a wreath at the World Trade Center site during the opening of the United Nations General Assembly next week, but the request was denied, New York City police officials said today.
Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly caused considerable confusion earlier today when he suggested that the request was still pending. In fact, police officials said later, the request — made at a meeting that included the Secret Service and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey — was denied for reasons of security and safety. They added that Mr. Ahmadinejad’s aides had asked that he be allowed into the pit, where construction is taking place.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
To even consider it is anti-American. Good Lord what kind of world is this?? I know, but I just had to say that.
This sack of dog feces should not even be allowed into our country. If we feel we have to let Ahmawhackjob visit the UN then that should be the ONLY place he sets foot, nowhere else. Allow him to be driven to the UN and back the the airport, nowhere else, and for heaven’s sake do not allow one of the world’s leading terrorists to go make Islamo-terrorist propaganda at Ground Zero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!