Whose broad stripes and bright stars?
Baltimore Sun
Republican front-runners weren’t the only things missing from the presidential debate stage. The American flag was AWOL, too.
The backdrop to the “All-American Presidential Forum,” brought to you by Tavis Smiley and PBS, was a map of the United States, superimposed with a checkerboard of multicultural faces.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California, one of the presidential hopefuls, asked debate organizers to get Old Glory up there, too, according to Chris Cavey, first vice chairman of the state GOP.
Cavey was acting as an escort for another candidate, Tom Tancredo of Colorado, and heard Hunter’s request over his earpiece about half an hour before the show began.
“Escorts were wired. I heard [in the earpiece], ‘Congressman Hunter is requesting a flag on stage,’” Cavey said.
Request denied.
The buzz among some Republicans was that organizers thought the flag might “offend” some members of the audience. Cavey, while critical of the decision, chalks it up to aesthetics, not politics. Red-white-and-blue simply would have clashed with the map’s yellow-to-burnt-orange hues…
Isn’t it possible that the producers just couldn’t find a flag in time after Hunter raised the issue?
“They could have walked across the street to the police station to get a flag in half an hour, and I know personally that Morgan State University has a flag somewhere,” Cavey said. “I thought it was absolutely inappropriate that the ‘All-American Presidential Debate’ couldn’t even produce an American flag.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Please read Mark’s comment, it says it all and I agree!!
…..Thank you so much Mark for the heads up on this.
And thank you Mark for your comment on this:
“The reason ? Our flag MIGHT OFFEND someone in the audience. We have Red states and Blue states, the map on the stage was all different colors reflecting the multi-cultural, multi-diversity of the country. everything was there except the American Flag. Whose friggin country is it. And if someone is offended, why the hell don’t we show these retarded sons of bitches the door.
Who the hell is running the government Dr. Seuss, I mean c’mon if the American Flag offends someone, in the audience, living in this country, then their being in this country, is not that of being an American.
When are we going to stop being afraid of offending someone because of OUR culture. I say, if our country offends you, you have two choices 1.) F’n leave or… 2.) Shut the hell up and learn why you have the freedoms you have, it aint because of Hillary Clinton or any mealy mouthed self righteous F’n Liberal. It is because when we are challanged we kept this land because we won’t back down.
I have had it with this multi-cultural crap, I have had it with ‘Dissing God’, He is the reason we have rights, I am tired of these punks trying to change the Pledge. We used to be a country of majority rule, since when does one disaffected individual have the right to tell the rest of us that our Culture and tradition is wrong, Screw that disaffected moron. We either got to stand up and fight to get our country back or we will surely lose it.”
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