04 Oct

Flag of Mexico Flown Illegally Over Reno Business

Veteran Cuts Down Mexican Flag – Watch more free videos

A Mexican bar owner in Reno Nevada flew the Mexican flag above that of the United States
Only problem is that this is specifically illegal under United States Code Section 7, Title Four, which states,
This is specifically illegal under United States Code Section 7, Title Four, which states:

(c) No other flag or pennant should be placed above or, if on the same level, to the right of the flag of the United States of America, except during church services conducted by naval chaplains at sea, when the church pennant may be flown above the flag during church services for the personnel of the Navy. No person shall display the flag of the United Nations or any other national or international flag equal, above, or in a position of superior prominence or honor to, or in place of, the flag of the United States at any place within the United States or any Territory or possession thereof: Provided, That nothing in this section shall make unlawful the continuance of the practice heretofore followed of displaying the flag of the United Nations in a position of superior prominence or honor, and other national flags in positions of equal prominence or honor, with that of the flag of the United States at the headquarters of the United Nations.

The brazen effrontery of the bar prompted an American veteran to cut down both flags.
Here is the VIDEO <<<< just CLICK

Wild Thing’s comment………
This is what a friend of Theodore’s World blog has to say. He emailed me about this news earlier today. He is a Retired US Army Sergeant Major and he calls himself…..he is still meaner ‘n hell.

” Chrissie here is my penalty you can post
Here’s the penalty:
The United States of America is a sovereign nation.
We owe allegiance to no other country, no other flag.
I and many thousands of others like me, know damn well that we are a sovereign nation, owing allegiance to no other country.
Therefore, I and thousands of others like me, will not allow the Flag of the United States of America to be flown inferior to any other flag, in these United States.
I, for one, if I see it, I’ll do the same damn thing the hero in the video did.
I’ll rip the damn mex flag down, confiscate the Flag of the United States of America and dare the damn fool that displayed it to confront me.
I’m tired of this stinking pussy-footing around about this crap.
We are being invaded.
We are being invaded by a bunch of welfare leeches from a third world crap hole, said third world leeches thinking that they are the rightful occupants of our land.
I will not, I cannot stand and see the Flag of the United States of America flown inferior to any other flag.
I don’t give a damn what flag it is, if it is flown superior to the Flag of the United States of America, I shall interpret it as an act of war and I will respond accordingly.”


…..Thank you Lynn for sending this article to me.

04 Oct

Islam More Then Needs It’s Their Agenda

Mosque says to avoid Western holidays
National Post
A Toronto mosque is telling Muslims not to say “Happy Thanksgiving” or invite friends into their homes for turkey dinner on the holiday weekend.

The Khalid Bin Al-Walid Mosque says to “avoid participating” in dinners, parties or greetings on Thanksgiving because it is a kuffaar, or non-Muslim, celebration.

A two-part article on the mosque Web site says Muslims should also “stay completely away” from “Halloween trick-and treat nonsense,” Christmas, New Year’s, anniversaries, birthdays and Earth Day.

“How can we bring ourselves to congratulate or wish people well for their disobedience to Allah? Thus expressions such as:Happy Thanksgiving, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year, etc, are completely out,” it says.

In 2003, the Khalid mosque, which mainly serves the Toronto Somali-Canadian community, apologized for a newsletter that compared wishing someone a Merry Christmas to congratulating a murderer.
At the time, a junior employee was blamed for the slight, but the mosque’s Web site has since posted similar edicts covering not only Christmas but also virtually every other Western celebration.
Muslims who participate in the holidays are termed ignorant and hypocritical.

While not all are religious holidays, the Internet site says Muslims are required to be different from non-Muslims “in matters which are representative of them or are characteristic of their identity.”

Also banned, it says, are: watching sports or soap operas, walking dogs, family photos, wedding bands, Western hats, mingling and shaking hands with the opposite sex.

“Allah and his messenger have warned us against following or imitating non-Muslims in things which are characteristic of their religion or beliefs. This is more emphasized in the case of their eids [festivals] or occasions, which always hold some religious or ideological non-Islamic meanings, and on which the kuffaar indulge in many evil practices.”

The Web site also has a question-and-answer section, which advises that Muslims can join political parties only if they are “able to exert some influence on the direction of the party so that it will take an Islamic direction.”

Elsewhere in the Q&A section, it says that, “with strong determination and patience, the world will God-willing be under the Muslims’ control.”
The mosque is run by a federally registered charity. Rival factions within the Somali Muslim community are fighting in court for control of the charity. The mosque president could not be reached yesterday.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hmmmm well one thing we also know…..Jesus Loves You, and allah Wants You Dead. Well, at least they got one right. I don’t celebrate “Earth Day” either.
The bottom is this, Americans, Canadians and the UK etc. are so dense that they don’t have a clue of what they are up against – here is the clue for those with apathy, and those not wanting to wake up – it is not about their “needs” – It is not about holidiays, or foot baths, prayer rooms or bacon on a plate in a prison cell, or anything else. It IS about DESTROYING you (us) and getting all of us to SUBMIT!!!

04 Oct

Mexican UCLA Teacher planning revolt inside USA

Mexican UCLA Teacher planning revolt inside USA

Wild Thing’s comment……..
He calls us frail, racists white people.

…..Thank you John (VN 89-70) for the video.

04 Oct

Blackwater Copter Rescues Polish Ambassador

Blackwater copter rescues Polish ambassador
The Seattle Times
The Associated Press
A daring ambush of bombs and gunfire left Poland’s ambassador pinned down in a burning vehicle today before being pulled to safety and airlifted in a rescue mission by the embattled security firm Blackwater USA. At least three people were killed, including a Polish bodyguard.
The attack — apparently well planned in one of Baghdad’s most secure neighborhoods — raised questions about whether it sought to punish Poland for its contributions to the U.S.-led military force in Iraq. But Poland’s prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, said his nation would not retreat “in the face of terrorists.”
The diplomatic convoy was hit by three bombs and then attackers opened fire in the Shiite-controlled Karradah district. Polish guards returned fire as the injured ambassador, Gen. Edward Pietrzyk, was pulled from his burning vehicle. At least 10 people, including four Polish security agents, were wounded.
U.S. Embassy officials dispatched Blackwater helicopters to evacuate the ambassador and others. Blackwater was not involved in protecting the Polish convoy.
Pietrzyk, who was commander of ground forces in Poland before taking the ambassador post in April, suffered minor burns over 20 percent of his body, including his head and right arm and leg, said Polish Charge d’Affaires Waldemar Figaj.

“They were waiting for us,” Figaj told The Associated Press as he gave details of the attack.

Shortly after the assault, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki renewed his government’s offensive against Blackwater.

“There have been 190 victims of Blackwater … The kind of accusations leveled against the company means it is not fit to work in Iraq,” he told a news conference.

It was not known if al-Maliki knew Blackwater rescued the Polish envoy. It also was not clear if the 190 victims represented a new figure arising from an Iraqi investigation or a reference to the 195 incidents involving the U.S. security company outlined in a House report earlier this week.
Congress is looking into Blackwater’s role in a Sept. 16 shootout that left 11 Iraqis dead in a west Baghdad intersection and other incidents by the Moyock, N.C.-based company, which protects U.S. diplomats and others in Iraq.
Diplomatic missions or foreign envoys in Iraq have been attacked at least seven times since the war began, including the July 2005 kidnapping and murder of Egypt’s ambassador.
Poland, a staunch U.S. ally, contributed combat troops to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion and has since led a multinational division south of Baghdad. About 900 Polish troops remain in the country training Iraqi personnel; 21 Poles have died during the conflict.
Last year, the Polish government extended its mission in Iraq until the end of 2007, but has made no decision on next year.
Pietrzyk was treated at the U.S. military hospital in the fortified Green Zone and later flown to Warsaw.

“He is going to be fine,” Figaj said. “He is stable, but he needs rest.”

Two Iraqi passers-by also were killed in the 10 a.m. blasts, according to an Iraqi police official who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to release the information.
A Polish security guard, Bartosz Orzechowski, 29, died at the hospital, said Poland’s Interior Minister Wladyslaw Stasiak. The slain guard had been employed by the service since 2004.

Robert Szaniawski, a spokesman for the Polish Foreign Ministry, said officials “don’t have the reasons for the attack,” which destroyed three armored vehicles just a few hundred yards from the Polish Embassy.

But Figaj noted that Poland is a “strong U.S. ally and you can make your own conclusions.”

Polish Foreign Minister Anna Fotyga said officials planned to move the embassy into the Green Zone.

“Backing out in the face of terrorists is the worst possible solution and I trust that the Poles, who are a brave nation, will not desert the battle field,” said Poland’s prime minister, Kaczynski. “We must fight terrorism and that entails a certain risk.”

U.S. Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, issued a joint statement condemning the attack.

“Poland has been a strong and steadfast ally here and around the world, and we commend its commitment to a stable and secure Iraq,” the statement said. “We stand ready to provide any additional assistance we can.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I suppose the Democrats will demand an investigation. It’s not an isolated incident either. These guys are proving to be one of the most reliable partners the US has.

03 Oct

Oops LOL ~ Fatah Bombs Hamas Security Office in Gaza

Three Palestinians killed in Gaza car blast
Three Palestinians were killed on Tuesday when their car exploded outside a Hamas security office in Gaza and the Islamist militant group which runs the territory accused Fatah rivals of trying to plant a bomb near its outpost.
The incident could stoke internal tensions between Hamas and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction nearly four months after the Islamist group seized the coastal territory by force.
Hospital officials said another Palestinian was wounded in the blast in Gaza City.
A Hamas security official said the three Palestinians who died in the blast belonged to Fatah and accused the secular group of attempting to plant a bomb near one of its security post when their vehicle exploded.
The official said at least one of the men was a “senior Fatah militant,” though he declined to provide any of their names.
No Fatah officials were immediately available to comment on the charges.
Hamas officials had earlier identified the four men as members of one of Hamas’s security forces and said an Israeli warship fired a shell that destroyed the vehicle.
Israel said it was not involved in any attack.
Hamas’s account would make it the deadliest incident of internal violence since Hamas took over in June.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Headlines like this give me that warm fuzzy feeling. heh heh

03 Oct

~ Welcome Home Justin Sharratt ~

Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, center right, poses with his sister, Jaclyn Sharratt, right, and his mother and father, Theresa and Darryl Sharratt, in San Clemente, Calif., PHOTO taken …..December 2006

A note from the family……….

“The Sharratt family, Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin, thank you for your unyielding support and prayers. Yes, Justin is HOME. The hugs were long and the tears flowed. We are fortunate and thankful that God chose to return him to us. We, as a family, can now look to the future.
With the return of Justin our ordeal of the past 20 months has come to an end. I assure you we will not rest till LCpl Tatum, SSgt Wuterich, Lt Grayson and LtCol Chessani are exonerated.
God Bless
God Bless Our Haditha Marines
Darryl, Theresa, Jaclyn and Justin”

For you Justin!!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Welcome home, Justin! As with all the troops serving our great Nation, thank you, for your service. Salute!
And I thank all of you on here, Team Theodore for your support for these men and your prayers for them and their families.

03 Oct

From a Marine Hero: The 5 Things I Saw that Make Me Support the War

Marine Hero: The 5 Things I Saw that Make Me Support the War
Marco Martinez, a recipient of the Navy Cross, is author of the new book Hard Corps: From Gangster to Marine Hero (Crown Forum).

Liberals often like to say that “violence is senseless.”
That’s wrong.
Violence isn’t senseless. Senseless violence is senseless. And I should know. Before being awarded the Navy Cross and having the privilege of becoming a Marine, I was a gang member. Sometimes it takes having used violence for both evil as well as good to know that there’s a profound moral difference between the two.
People often ask me whether I still support the war. I never hesitate when answering: “Absolutely I support completing the mission,” I tell them, “Now more than ever.”
I was honored to have been given the opportunity to fight in Iraq on our country’s behalf. And it was that experience—and five things I saw firsthand—that illustrate the foolishness of those who would equate American military power to that used by thugs and tyrants.

1. Mass Graves
I was part of a group that was tasked with guarding Saddam’s mass graves. And let me tell you something: anyone who could look straight down into those huge holes at the skeletons and remains and see what that monster did to 300,000 of his own people would have no doubt that we did the right thing in removing him from power. Saddam’s henchmen would tie two people together, some with babies in their arms, stand them at the crater’s edge, and then shoot one of the people in the head, relying on the weight of the dead body to drag them both into the hole. This would save on rounds and also ensure that both people died, one from a gunshot, the other by being buried alive.
2. Tongue-less Man
You never know how precious freedom of speech is until you meet somehow who has had it taken from them—literally taken from them. During a patrol we came upon two hungry Iraqi men scavenging for food. When our translator began speaking with the men I noticed that one of them had a stub for a tongue. Through the translator we learned that the tongue-less man had spoken against the regime and that Saddam’s henchmen had severed his tongue. Saddam had quite literally removed the man’s freedom of speech.
3. Adrenaline-Fueled Fedayeen Saddam
I couldn’t for the life of me understand why the ninja costume-wearing terrorists we encountered in a series of hellish firefights just wouldn’t go down—even after being shot. Once my fire team and I cleared a terrorist-filled house in a close quarters shootout, I saw dead bodies all around the kitchen. I looked up at the countertops. Scattered everywhere were vials of adrenaline, syringes, and khat (pronounced “cot”), a drug similar to PCP that gives users a surge of energy and strength. That’s when we realized that our zombie-like attackers were zealots who came to fight and die.
4. Human Experiment Pictures
I still can’t shake the pictures out of my head. We discovered them inside a strange laboratory we found inside a Special Republican Guard barracks that had been plunked down inside an amusement park. When I cracked open the photo album, my jaw dropped. There in front of me were the most horrifying images of experiments being performed on newborn and infant children. Picture after picture, page after page, the binder was filled with the most extreme deformities and experimental mutations one could imagine. One baby had an eye that was shifted toward the middle of its head. We turned the books over to our lieutenant as valuable pieces of intelligence.
5. Bomb-Making Materials In a Mosque
Well after the invasion we were tasked to conduct city patrols and build rapport with local sheiks and mosque members. On one occasion we revisited a mosque where the sheik had previously been warm and friendly. Yet this time something seemed a little off. As we made our way through the mosque compound, we were told there were certain “praying houses” we weren’t allowed to enter. But when a Marine walked through a side hallway and passed by a door that had been left ajar, he spotted a huge bottle of nitroglycerin and assorted bomb-making materials.

When I think about my gang member past I shudder in shame. But if there was one lesson I learned from my past it is that there is a profound moral difference between using violence to destroy lives and using violence to save lives. Terrorists do the former; soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines do the latter.
Antimilitary liberals need to learn the difference between the two.

Marco Martinez became the first Hispanic American since Vietnam to be awarded the Navy Cross and the first Marine to receive that honor in the War on Terror. Raised in New Mexico, he now attends a community college in Southern California while working full-time in nuclear security.

Here is Sgt. Martinez’s Navy Cross citation:
The President of the United States
Takes Pleasure in Presenting
The Navy Cross
Marco A. Martinez
Corporal, United States Marine Corps
For Services as Set Forth in the Following
For extraordinary heroism while serving as 1st Fire Team Leader, 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon, Company G, 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force in support of Operation IRAQI FREEDOM on 12 April 2003.
Responding to a call to reinforce his Platoon that was ambushed, Corporal Martinez effectively deployed his team under fire in supporting positions for a squad assault. After his squad leader was wounded, he took control and led the assault through a tree line where the ambush originated. As his squad advanced to secure successive enemy positions, it received sustained small arms fire from a nearby building.
Enduring intense enemy fire and without regard for his own personal safety, Corporal Martinez launched a captured enemy rocket propelled grenade into the building temporarily silencing the enemy and allowing a wounded Marine to be evacuated and receive medical treatment. After receiving additional fire, he single-handedly assaulted the building and killed four enemy soldiers with a grenade and his rifle.
By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of heavy enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, Corporal Martinez reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest traditions of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Saying you support the troops but not their mission is like saying you support firefighters… but not putting out fires.
God bless our our troops, all of them and all their families as well.

03 Oct

Wesley Clark has Calls For Rush Removed From Armed Forces Radio

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It’s amazing how desperate the Democrats have become.
Rush comments about “phony soldiers”, mentioning the lying (convicted criminal) creampuff known as Jesse Macbeth, and the left go into a slobbering hysteria.
Failed presidential candidate General Wesley Clark has called for Rush to be removed from Armed Forces Radio. Is it just me, or is it odd that a former general and presidential candidate posts to a dripping Tampax of a site like Huffington Post? I think that fact alone is very telling. I wonder if he donated to MoveOn’s General Betrayus ad?
What would you recommend as replacement programming, General? Barbra Streisand tunes?
Here is what Rush said today about this:

“Rush: Folks, I am more energized and focused on the task of advancing liberty and victory than ever before. I am more energized and focused on the task of defeating Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Hillary Clinton than ever before. I will not rest. I’m not going to stop until they are exposed, until they are pushed back and defeated. They must not control our government; they must not be put in charge of our military; they must not gain the power they crave to shut down talk radio and free speech wherever they don’t like it. They must not control anything in which our future is at stake. Let me add another point about all this. It has not gone unnoticed here that only a handful of Republicans and conservatives have dared to speak up about what has been taking place here. I see it. Most of them think I can handle these things on my own and so forth, but there’s a fear out there. The fear and the weakness that permeates the Republican Party, and even parts of the conservative movement is also on display now, as it has been for too long. “

I am not going to put the link on this blog for the Huffington blog. No way, Huffington and all those that write articles at her site ( including this POS Wesley Clark) are all the enemy within.

02 Oct

Soldiers and Marines Not Welcome In Passenger Terminal

Oakland Airport Outrage
Fox News
written by John Gibson
On a flight from Phoenix to San Antonio, a flight attendant came back to coach and quietly informed a young soldier returning from Iraq that a woman in first class wanted to switch seats with him. He went to the front — to the big seats and the hot lunch — and the first class lady came back to his bag-of-peanuts coach seat.

Passengers around her applauded and a few were moved to tears. Acknowledging the applause the first class lady said simply: “I did it because he deserves it.”

Cut to the San Francisco Bay Area where soldiers and Marines returning to their home base in Hawaii stopped for a layover, but found they were not welcome in the passenger terminal.
This comes from noted neocon Michael Ledeen in the National Review, who reports receiving an e-mail from a Marine chaplain returning with troops from Iraq. The chaplain said when troops got to Oakland International Airport in Oakland, California — not far from San Francisco — the welcome mat was not out:

“On September 27, 204 Marines and soldiers who were returning from Iraq were not allowed into the passenger terminal at Oakland International Airport. Instead they had to deplane about 400 yards away from the terminal where the extra baggage trailers were located.”

This was not a security measure. After going through super-tight security, checking for contraband, ammunition and explosives in Kuwait, the soldiers and Marines had been allowed in the terminal building in Germany and at JFK in New York. But on the far-left coast they were quarantined from civilians.
This smacks of the bad old days in the Bay Area when returning Vietnam vets were spat upon. Some high-ranking military person should make sure it never happens again. Our Iraq vets should be welcome anywhere and everywhere.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Those **** wouldn’t even let the Marines film in the streets. They refused to have a war ship as a museum, they vote to ban hand guns, and now they refuse to let Marines in to the airport terminal! That city needs to be ejected from the Union! Remove it from California, cut their funding, sever their water supplies, and let the liberal filth in that city starve! I AM BEYOND FEDUP with San Fransicko!

02 Oct

Cut and Run Harry Reid Calls On Senators To Condemn Limbaugh

Reid Calls On Senators To Join In Condemning Limbaugh’s Attack On Our Troops
Washington, DC—Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid made the following statement today on the floor of the U.S. Senate, urging Senators to sign a letter that calls on Mark P. Mays, CEO of Clear Channel Communications, to publicly repudiate Rush Limbaugh’s characterization of troops who speak out against the Iraq war as “phony soldiers.”
“On Friday, many Democrats joined me in drafting a letter to the Chief Executive Officer of Clear Channel, Mark Mays that we will send out this week. Here is what we wrote:

‘Dear Mr. Mays,
‘At the time we sign this letter, 3,801 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and another 27,936 have been wounded. 160,000 others awoke this morning on foreign sand, far from home, to face the danger and uncertainty of another day at war.
‘Although Americans of goodwill debate the merits of this war, we can all agree that those who serve with such great courage deserve our deepest respect and gratitude. That is why Rush Limbaugh’s recent characterization of troops who oppose the war as “phony soldiers” is such an outrage.
‘Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted. It is unconscionable that Mr. Limbaugh would criticize them for exercising the fundamentally American right to free speech. Mr. Limbaugh has made outrageous remarks before, but this affront to our soldiers is beyond the pale.
‘The military, like any community within the United States, includes members both for and against the war. Senior generals, such as General John Batiste and Paul Eaton, have come out against the war while others have publicly supported it. A December 2006 poll conducted by the Military Times found just 35 percent of service members approved of President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, compared to 42 percent who disapproved. From this figure alone, it is clear that Mr. Limbaugh’s insult is directed at thousands of American service members.
‘Active and retired members of our armed forces have a unique perspective on the war and offer a valuable contribution to our national debate. In August, seven soldiers wrote an op-ed expressing their concern with the current strategy in Iraq. Tragically, since then, two of those seven soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.
‘Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a “phony soldier.” We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.’
“Just as patriotism is the exclusive realm of neither party, taking a stand against those who spew hate and impugn the integrity of our troops is a job that belongs to all of us. I can’t help but wonder how my Republican colleagues would have reacted if the tables were turned – if a well-known Democratic radio personality had used the same insulting line of attack against troops who support the war.
“The letter I read will be available on the Senate floor for the entire day. My colleagues on both sides of the aisle will have every chance to add their names to it, and I encourage all of us to do so. If we take the Republican side at their word that last week’s vote on another controversial statement related to the war was truly about patriotism, not politics, then I have no doubt that they will stand with us against Limbaugh’s comments with equal fervor.
“I am confident we will see Republicans join with us in overwhelming numbers. Anything less would be a double standard that has no place in the United States Senate. I ask my colleagues, Democrat and Republican alike, to join together against this irresponsible, hateful, and unpatriotic attack by calling upon Rush Limbaugh to give our troops the apology they deserve.”


Rush Limbaugh respondes to the smear tactics of the Left

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Rush has challenged Harry Reid to come on his show and say what he is saying to his face on today’s show. I bet Harry will be a no show. He is a total coward and he is telling lies once again, just trying to get rid of Rush.
They leftie liars do NOT support the troops, they are the ones that hold up signs that are anti-military, anti-American and Reid is a part of that crap.
Harry Reid is a disgrace and a puke punk to boot. He disgraces the Senate. He should be removed from office. He should apologize to our country immediately. And Tom Harkin, should be removed also for what he said. He is a Soros bitch along with Reid, Pelosi, Durbin and the rest of that pack.
You have the power-mad socialist element, along with the criminality all rolled into the lefts’s campaign for 2008. well funded with the perverted, demented likes of Soros, et al. The criminal, rotten Left cannot stand the daylight of TRUTH about itself. It does not want ANYONE TO HEAR THE TRUTH about them…who and what they are, and what their agenda for America is.