07 Oct

A Palestinian’s Journey

This is the day we do Insult the Islamotard’s Day. This is such an excellent video by Walid Shoebat that it is perfect to show what the enemy is about.

A Palestinian’s Journey (Growing up in the PA)
Walid Shoebat

06 Oct

US General Odierno:Do Not Release The 5 Iranians

US General: Five Iranians Detained in Iraq Should Not be Released
October 05, 2007
AFP Yahoo News!
General Raymond Odierno, the number two leader of US forces in Iraq, said in an interview published Friday that he will recommend that the five Iranians that US forces detained in Iraq in January should not be released.
Their case will be reviewed this month, and according to The Washington Post it is so sensitive that it is being reviewed by the White House.

“Militarily, we should hold on to them,” Odierno told the Post.

US forces detained the five in the Kurdish city of Irbil, and say they were helping insurgents fighting US-led forces in Iraq.
Iran insists the captives are diplomats working at Tehran’s consulate in Irbil.
Iranian officials continue to demand their release, arguing that the five did nothing illegal.
Separately, Iraq is calling for the release of Mahmudi Farhadi, another Iranian US forces detained September 20 in Sulaimaniyah, also in Iraq’s northern autonomous Kurdish region.

In Baghdad, Major General Kevin Bergner told reporters Wednesday that “multiple sources” implicated Farhadi in providing weapons to “Iraqi criminal elements in the service of Iran.”

Iran condemned what it called the “unwarranted” arrest of Farhani, described as a businessman in Iraq at the invitation of the Kurdish regional government.

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has slammed the arrest as illegal and demanded Farhadi’s release.
And on September 24, Iran shut its frontiers with Iraq in protest, causing mayhem at the border and major economic losses to traders in the Kurdish region.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Keep them otherwise they’ll be back to kill our troops.
And what the heck is this???? GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Separately, Iraq is calling for the release of Mahmudi Farhadi, another Iranian US forces detained September 20 in Sulaimaniyah, also in Iraq’s northern autonomous Kurdish region.
In Baghdad, Major General Kevin Bergner told reporters Wednesday that “multiple sources” implicated Farhadi in providing weapons to “Iraqi criminal elements in the service of Iran.”
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani has slammed the arrest as illegal and demanded Farhadi’s release.

Hello Iraq, you better make up your mind, our troops are risking life and limb over there!
And then this part…..
US forces detained the five in the Kurdish city of Irbil, and say they were helping insurgents fighting US-led forces in Iraq.
Iran insists the captives are diplomats working at Tehran’s consulate in Irbil.

Those are not mutually exclusive statements. They very well could be “diplomats” and also helping, or directing, the insurgents.
Iran can always send them friendship cards to the GITMO address where we could put these prisoners.

06 Oct

1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War


A U.S. soldier gives candy to an Iraqi boy in western Baghdad, Iraq.

FOX News Poll: Nearly 1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off if U.S. Loses War
Fox news
Nearly one out of every five Democrats thinks the world will be better off if America loses the war in Iraq, according to the FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll released Thursday.
The percentage of Democrats (19 percent) who believe that is nearly four times the number of Republicans (5 percent) who gave the same answer. Seven percent of independents said the world would be better off if the U.S. lost the war.
Overall, 11 percent of Americans think the world would be “better off” if the U.S. lost the war, and 73 percent disagree.
Opinion Dynamics Corp. conducted the national telephone poll of 900 registered voters for FOX News from Sept. 25 to Sept. 26. The poll has a 3-point margin of error.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
So typical of Democrats to think this way. All these people should be taken out and put in jail for treason. Or at least their names submitted to be watched. I wonder how many of them were Moslems. Then again they are Democrats so they do not break the law nor are they prosecuted for being traitors.
This says it all!
“A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master and deserves one.” Alexander Hamilton via Ronald Reagan, “A Time for Choosing

06 Oct

Bill Clinton Envisions Diplomatic Role

French President Nicolas Sarkozy, left, and former US President Bill Clinton smile as they wait for the arrival of Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko, at the Elysee Palace in Paris

Bill Clinton envisions diplomatic role
Yahoo news
Former President Clinton has said his wife wants him to lead efforts to rebuild the United States’ tarnished reputation abroad — if she is elected to the White House next year.
The former president made the comments in interviews released Friday in Britain where he was fundraising for Hillary Rodham Clinton, the front-runner for the Democratic nomination for next year’s presidential election.
Clinton was asked what his public role might be if his wife becomes president, in interviews with The Guardian newspaper and British Broadcasting Corp. television.
He joked that his Scottish friends have suggested his title could be “first laddie.”

“What Hillary has said is that if she were elected she would ask me, and others — including former Republican presidents — to go out and immediately try to restore America’s standing, go out and tell people America was open for business and cooperation again,” he was quoted as telling the newspaper.

He said for the first time in his political experience, “ordinary Americans in the heartlands” were concerned about how the world sees the U.S. after years of unilateralism of President Bush’s administration on issues such as Iraq, climate change, and nuclear nonproliferation.

“The collective effect of that was to enrage the world at the very moment when we had more world support than we’ve had in recent memory because of 9/11. It was an unbelievable turnaround,” Clinton said.

As an example of how the U.S. can win by working with others, Clinton pointed to the six-nation North Korea arms talks this week, where the country committed to disabling its main nuclear facilities by year-end.

“You can see in the recent success of the North Korean nuclear effort that when America moved from unilateralism to working through, and with, others it works pretty well,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Just what we need, Clinton out there straightening things out for us. ( NOT)
He should be in Ft. Leavenworth wearing an orange jumpsuit and so should his wife.

06 Oct

U.S.Military Pulls Plug On 6 al-Qaeda Outlets

Media hubs in Iraq mark new battlefield
USA Today
The U.S. military says it has captured at least six al-Qaeda media centers in Iraq and arrested 20 suspected propaganda leaders since June.
The seizures of the centers underscore the importance al-Qaeda has placed on media, primarily the Internet, as a tool to communicate to its members and use against U.S. forces in Iraq. The group’s media emphasis continues to increase, intelligence analysts say.
Al-Qaeda is keenly aware that the battle is ultimately for the “hearts and minds of the ummah,” the community of Muslim believers, says Gordon Woo, catastrophe analyst for RMS, a London-based firm that consults private companies on terrorism risks. Woo notes that Ayman al-Zawahri, Osama bin Laden’s deputy, said in 2005 that most “of this battle is taking place in the battlefield of the media.”
The progress against al-Qaeda’s media operations stems from new offensives aimed at al-Qaeda sanctuaries and an emphasis on blunting the terrorist group’s extensive propaganda operations, U.S. officers say.

“One of our goals is to target these propaganda networks, and we’ve had more success over the past three months,” says Air Force Col. Donald Bacon, a staff officer at Multi-National Force-Iraq.

Those seizures have sharply curtailed the amount of videos and other communications posted to the Internet from Iraq, Bacon says.

Recent U.S. efforts have made it difficult for al-Qaeda’s Internet operations, but such successes are hard to define and may only be temporary, says Rita Katz of the SITE Institute, which monitors terrorist websites. The SITE Institute noted al-Qaeda in Iraq’s recent distribution of a 20-minute video, called “The Astray Arrow,” alleging the failure of the coalition’s offensive in Diyala province, Operation Arrowhead Ripper.

Al-Qaeda’s media output in Iraq dipped starting five or six weeks ago, Katz says, but it has since recovered.

The group often uses the Internet to raise money and attract recruits, the U.S. military says. Al-Qaeda’s militants are ordered to film every attack they conduct on coalition or Iraqi forces, Bacon says. Music is often added to the edited package, for effect.
For some Arab viewers who don’t regularly view Western media, the overwhelming impression from the videos could be that militants are winning. The benefit for militants is to turn a single attack into a larger strategic weapon.
Along with the raids in Iraq, the Pentagon also is developing plans to attack computer networks and websites used by terrorists, military records show.

Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, told Congress last month that the “war is not only being fought on the ground in Iraq but also in cyberspace.”

Petraeus has “placed a greater command emphasis on the media war,” says Maj. Winfield Danielson, a military spokesman in Iraq.

The terrorist group’s media centers are nondescript from the outside but jammed with production equipment, Bacon says. One house raided recently in Samarra, north of Baghdad, included 12 computers, 65 hard drives and a filming studio.

The U.S. military says it has uncovered media operations in the past, but not as many as in recent months. It is not clear how many centers exist, Bacon says.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
It sounds like they are gutting the heart and twisted soul of the al-qaeda internet over there. They already have gotten a lot of the brains. Our troops are doing such hard work and a lot of success!! God bless each one of them.

05 Oct

Pins Replace ‘True Patriotism,’ Obama Says

Obama on American flag: ‘I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest’USA Today
An eagle-eyed reporter for the ABC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, noticed something missing from Democratic presidential contender Sen. Barack Obama’s, D-Ill., lapels.

“You don’t have the American flag pin on. Is that a fashion statement?” the reporter asked, at the end of a brief interview with Obama on Wednesday. “Those have been on politicians since Sept. 12, 2001.”

The standard political reply to that question might well have been, “My patriotism speaks for itself.”
But Obama didn’t say that.
Instead the Illinois senator answered the question at length, explaining that he no longer wears such a pin, at least in part, because of the Iraq War.

“You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a pin,” Obama said. “Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq War, that became a substitute for I think true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest. “Instead,” he said, “I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testimony to my patriotism.”

The Chicago Tribune’s The Swamp blog reports that after it got several questions about the pin story, the Obama campaign released a statement from the senator.

“Patriotism to me, isn’t what you wear on your lapel,” he said. “It’s what you carry in your heart. I don’t need a pin to certify my love for this country.”

In addition, The Swamp says that Obama spokesman Dan Pfeiffer said: “Like many Americans, he wore one after 9/11, but hasn’t worn one in years.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hussein Obama is no patriot. We know where the loyalties of a madrassah educated muslim lie. Obviously, wearing a pin is not “true patriotism”; it is only a symbol. do you think that Obama realizes that taking it off is a symbol, too? And not of patriotism, either.

“I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,” he said in the interview. “Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.”

What Obama IS saying is this:
…….because it isn’t great already. It isn’t great, though California’s economy alone is the size of Germany’s. It isn’t great because we’ve freed over 59 million people around the world through force of arms. It isn’t great because the United States became the breeding ground of innovation for the great minds of the world, who flocked here from their situations abroad and changed the world. Nope, it won’t be great until you elect my defeatist, blame-the-US-first, flag-hating, race-baiting, demogogue, no-executive-experience, Senator personage from the corrupt socialist republic of Illinois. So, that’s why no flag pin. OK?
Sure Obama, just keep telling us that YOU are the only person that can make this country great.

…..Thank you Lynn for sending this story to me and the lnk.

05 Oct

Royal Marine Lifts Two-ton Truck Off Drowning Comrade

Colour Sergeant Carl Tatton

The two tonne truck flipped on its side

Mark Farr

‘Incredible Hulk’ Royal Marine lifts two-ton truck off drowning comrade during gun battle in Afghanistan
Daily Mail co.uk
Drowning in 3ft of ditch water, his leg trapped under a two – ton truck , Royal Marine Mark Farr must have thought there was no way he would make it out of Afghanistan alive.
But he reckoned without the heroism of his fellow Marine, Colour Sergeant Carl ‘Tatts’ Tatton, who braved Taliban mortar fire to lift the vehicle by himself, although it was 13 times his body weight.
Marine Farr, 29, dubbed his rescuer ‘The Incredible Bulk’ after the superhuman feat.

“Without Tatts I’d have drowned,” he said. “I owe him my life.”

Now back in Britain, Colour Sergeant Tatton has spoken out for the first time about the adrenaline rush that allowed him to move the truck on November 5 last year.

The 38-year- old from Ford, Plymouth, said unassumingly: “When you see one of your mates in danger, you just react.”

But his senior commander, Lieutenant Colonel Andy Price of 3 Commando, refused to accept such modesty, saying: “Colour Sergeant Tatton gave no thoughts to his own safety.

“This is typical of the man – he embodies the very highest standards of the Royal Marines.”

At the time of the incident in Gereshk, southern Afghanistan, Colour Sergeant Tatton was a physical training instructor with Marine Farr’s J Company, 42 Commando.
Marine Farr became trapped when a mortar bomb exploded near to the water-filled ditch he was working in, flipping the truck down the bank and on to his leg.
As more shells rained in, Colour Sergeant Tatton leapt into the ditch to try to free his comrade.
Recalling the incident after arriving back at barracks in Plymouth, the hero said: “At the time it was one of our fiercest days of contact with the enemy. It was one of those days when it was just mad.

“We were working in the Sangin Valley trying to disrupt Taliban movement when we came under intense mortar attack.

“We arrived under the cover of darkness and we thought it was going to be quite quiet. At about 10am the first mortar came in.

We heard on the radio that a section of J Company was under heavy mortar fire so I decided to take more sandbags up to reinforce one of the forward positions.

“We loaded the bags on to our Pinzgauer truck and reversed towards the position on one of the narrow tracks.”

“We got to the location and I jumped out to make sure the junction was clear. A mortar round then exploded on the side of a bank, which caused it to break. “

“The truck toppled over into a deep stream, trapping Marine Farr’s legs as he tried to jump out.”

After an initial yell, the Marine was dragged under the surface.

“He was pinned down about 3ft underwater,” said Colour Sergeant Tatton. “He was seconds from drowning. I jumped in and tried to lift his head up but realised I’d have to lift up the truck. I grabbed the roll bar and lifted the suspension enough to release him.”

“A few lads ran over thinking the lad was seriously injured because they heard all this screaming – it turned out it was me making all the noise trying to lift the thing.”

• Lifting a two-ton lorry would challenge even most professional weightlifters.”

But in situations of extreme danger, the body releases adrenaline, which can enable feats of strength far beyond our natural capacity.
The effects include increased blood-flow, a heightened pulse rate, extra reserves of determination and increased physical performance.
Those acting in emergency situations often report becoming aware when adrenaline has kicked in.
Life coach Michael Neill paid tribute to the power of adrenaline in situations where it is necessary to conquer one’s fears, saying:

“‘You can use the power of adrenaline to “feel the fear” and do something anyway.”

Wild Thing’s comment……….
This is an amazing story and great news. One thing for sure the enemy will never have stories like this. It is not in them to be a heros.

05 Oct

Bill Criminal Clinton With His Entourage Of Over 20 Bodyguards

Bill Clinton brings Reservoir Dogs to London with his entourage of over 20 bodyguards
daily mail
Whoever said it’s lonely at the top, it wasn’t Bill Clinton.
So when he attended a book signing in London on Thursday, he brought a crowd of his own.
The one-time US leader looked like he was auditioning for a part in Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs.
The burly men in suits fanned out around 61-year-old Mr Clinton as he went window shopping in Jermyn Street before arriving at the Piccadilly branch of Waterstone’s.
Fortunately for the former resident of the White House, they turned out to be heavily outnumbered by 1,000 or so fans who bought his book Giving – How Each of Us Can Change the World.
Mr Clinton stood down in 2001. Former Presidents and their spouses are entitled to be guarded by the Secret Service for ten years after they leave office.
He flew to Britain to attend a fundraising meeting at a private house in Windsor for Democrats Abroad.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Funny how odd….. I don’t see thousands of fans. And according to the loony left he is the most popular man in the world. And have any former presidents had the chutzpah to demand 20 Secret Service guys on tap? Or does he actually pay for some of his security detail out of his own pocket? I know the answer…hahaha
Couldn’t he just hire some of his Ark. Dixie Mafia to guard him? Or whoever they used to take out all the people on their dead list to get them in power and keep them there when they were in our White House.
What fine people these are the Clinton’s. These are a few quotes but they are by Hillary:
“We Just can’t trust the American people to make those kinds of choices…Government has to make those choices”(Hillary 1993)
“F**k off! It’s enough that I have to see you s*it-kickers every day,
I’m not going to talk to you too!! Just do your G*damn job and keep your mouth shut.”
(From the book “American Evita” by Christopher Anderson, p. 90 – Hillary to her State Trooper bodyguards after one of them greeted her with “Good morning.”
“You f**king idiot.”
(From the book “Crossfire” p. 84 – Hillary to a State Trooper who was
driving her to an event.)
“If you want to remain on this detail, get your f**king *ss over here
and grab those bags!”
(From the book “The First Partner” p. 259 – Hillary to a Secret Service Agent who was reluctant to carry her luggage because he wanted to keep his hands free in case of an incident.)
“Get f**ked! Get the f**k out of my way!!! Get out of my face!!!”
(From the book “Hillary’s Scheme” p. 89 – Hillary’s various comments to her Secret Service detail agents.)
“Stay the f**k back, stay the f**k away from me! Don’t come within ten
yards of me, or else! Just f**king do as I say, Okay!!!?”
(From the book “Unlimited Access”, by Clinton FBI Agent in Charge, Gary Aldrige, p. 139 – Hillary screaming at he Secret Service detail.)
“Many of you are well enough off that [President Bush’s] tax cuts may have helped you. We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. We’re going to have to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.” (Hillary grandstanding at a fund raising speech in San Francisco; SFGate.com 6/28/2004.)
“Why do I have to keep proving to people that I am not a liar?!”
(From the book “The Survivor,” by John Harris, p.382
– Hillary in her 2000 Senate campaign)
“Where’s the miserable c*ck sucker?” (From the book “The Truth About Hillary” by Edward Klein, p. 5 – Hillary shouting at a Secret Service officer)
“Put this on the ground! I left my sunglasses in the limo. I need those sunglasses. We need to go back!”
(From the book “Dereliction of Duty” p. 71-72 -Hillary to Marine One helicopter pilot to turn back while en route to Air Force One.)
“What are you doing inviting these people into my home? These people are our enemies! They are trying to destroy us!”
(From the book “The Survivor” by John Harris, p. 99- Hillary screaming
to an aide, when she found out that some Republicans
had been invited to the Clinton White House)
“Come on Bill, put your d*ck up! You can’t f**k her here!!”
(From the book “Inside The White House” by Ronald
Kessler, p. 243 – Hillary to Gov. Clinton when she spots him talking
with an attractive female at an Arkansas political rally)
“You know, I’m going to start thanking the woman who cleans the restroom in the building I work in. I’m going to start thinking of her as a human being”
-Hillary Clinton
(From the book “The Case Against Hillary Clinton” by
Peggy Noonan, p. 55)

05 Oct

Apache 30mm Gun Takes Out 4 Insurgents

4 Insurgents eliminated and one little dog escapes
And watch how fast the dog in the upper right of the picture moves out of the way.

….Thank you Tom and Bob for sending this to me. This is GREAT. I love how fast the dog moves out of the way too. Thank God the dog is ok and the insurgents aren’t.

05 Oct

Just Another Day Hearing From A Moslem ~ LOL

This is my response to our little troll that landed here yesterday. In this post just a little further down……..
Islam More Then Needs It’s Their Agenda
Your mom…. even your email address is amusing to me. So Welcome to Theodore’s World where we speak the truth, love it when our troops take out the insurgents, thank our Veterans, salute our American Flag and are grateful we live in the best country in the world.
Thank you to everyone except for Your mom for your terrific comments yesterday. ((hug))

IP Address:
Name: Your mom
Email Address: kissmyass@yahoo.com
OK here is my reply to you ….Your mom……….
First my mother passed away so dream on about being my mom. Maybe your name is other kind of “Mother……” but that has two words.
Secondly, you say I am “too scared to reveal your true identity”……LMAO that is too funny. First of all I am an open book, that means I have given my personal information to almost all of the regulars that comment on here and have asked for that information for things like Christmas cards (that YOU do not believe in) and other reasons for them wanting it. As well as tons of information on my website and my MySpace listed in the sidebar. So once again a Moslem lies. LOL
Third, you seem to be obsessed with sex of perversion as you state in your sick comments.
Fourth, your love for the word Porn is funny to me. Nudity or even scantily clad men or women does not necessarily carry the title of porn. Unless you are jealous of great looking Marines with healthy trained bodies as seen in the photo of the Marines learning Martial Arts. Or other servicemen in other branches of our fantastic military.
And if you mean porn about the scantly dressed pinups I use on here or even the photos of myself then have at it. All I can say is handle it, God created our bodies not your allah and our troops that read this blog love seeing especially the pinups as they don’t get a lot of that where they are fighting for our country. Maybe you prefer one of your goats, but our men are real men, the healthy attitude American male and women that realize these things unlike you are not hung up on such things.
And fifth, your allah is a moon god, I know that will disappoint you but sometimes the truth hurts.
So no thanks, I know what side I am on and it is not the side of Islam.