22 Oct

Troops Find 41,000 Pounds Of Homemade Explosives

Cache containing 300 bags with 100 lbs of homemade explosives was discovered west of Tarmiyah, in the Salah ad Din by CF, 18 Oct. A total of five caches with approximately 41,000 pounds of munitions was discovered during the operation. (U.S. Army photo)

41,000 pounds of homemade explosives seized
By Multi-National Division – North PAO
TARMIYAH, Iraq – Coalition Force Soldiers discovered and destroyed one of the largest weapons caches found in the Salah ad Din Province in the last 15 months Oct. 18.
CF discovered five weapons caches which contained approximately 41,000 pounds of explosives as well as 35 projectiles west of Tarmiya.
The caches were then destroyed by EOD without any additional damage or any casualties.
The fifth cache alone contained 300 separate bags of homemade explosives, each weighing 100 lbs. The crater from the blast measured 100 feet wide, 100 feet long and 30 feet deep.

“A discovery of this magnitude deals a crippling blow to the enemy,” said Col. Bryan Owens, commander, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. “We will continue to do what is necessary to take weapons from the enemy and provide peace for the Iraqi people.”

The caches were initially discovered by a Coalition Forces helicopter in the area.

21 Oct

Football Week Seven

Here are the matchups for today Sunday 10/21/07…All Times are EST
Byes: Panthers, Browns, Packers, Chargers

These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Sunday FINAL Scores
BAL 14 AT BUF 19
ATL 16 AT NO 22
ARI 19 AT WAS 21
SF 15 AT NYG 33
NE 49 AT MIA 28
TEN 38 AT HOU 36
TB 16 AT DET 23
KC 12 AT OAK 10
NYJ 31 AT CIN 38
CHI 19 AT PHI 16
MIN 14 AT DAL 24
PIT 28 AT DEN 31

21 Oct

Hussein Obama – The Enemy Within ~ Presidential Material NOT

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the National Anthem.
During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold it at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart.
United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171

Wild Thing’s comment……..
There’s an old saying–“The devil is in the details.” He won’t wear a flag pin, and he doesn’t salute during the Pledge.
So to him it is more important to put his hands over his crotch. Hussein Obama’s loyalties lie with B. Hussein Obama.
If he holds no allegiance to our flag, how does he expect to lead our nation?
We have a Muslim in Congress ( Keith Ellison) and a Muslim in the Senate (Hussein Obama). The enemy is infiltrating.
Neither of these Moslems should ever have become members of our government.
Obama’s thang’ is more to the tune of Durka, durka, durka, mohammad jihad!
You Gotta Serve Somebody <<< click to hear song. This is a great song. Photo from Time.com
The photo was taken at the Steak Fry of Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) on September 17 in Indianola, IA.

* SondraK.com is where I saw this photo

21 Oct

Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed

Woodstock Museum Funding Nixed
$1 Million Earmark Removed From Health Bill
Plans for $1 million in federal funding for a museum to honor the 1969 Woodstock Music Festival struck a sour note with critics Thursday.
It ended badly, with critics successfully striking down the plan for federal tax money to be spent on the museum.
The plan began as an earmark in the federal health and education spending bill.
Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Chuck Schumer, both of New York, supported the earmark.
Critics, though, targeted the plan after it gained some national exposure.

“The Woodstock museum is a shining example of what’s wrong with Washington on pork-barrel, out-of-control spending,” said John McCain, Arizona senator and presidential hopeful.

“The earmark pork-barrel spending has made the American people disenchanted and angry,” McCain said.

Sens. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz, and Tom Coburn, R-Okla., moved Thursday to strip the Woodstock earmark from the health and education bill.
They won a key 52-42 vote and the earmark was dropped.
Ohio’s two senators were split on the issue, according to The Associated Press.
Sen. George Voinovich voted to kill the earmark. Sen. Sherrod Brown voted to keep it.

In a written statement, Coburn said the health and education bill should fund just that, health and education.

“I’m pleased my colleagues took a bold stand today in defense of common sense and rejected the self-interested parochial politics that have disillusioned millions of Americans. Maybe this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius for taxpayers,” Coburn said.

The Woodstock museum is due to open next year in the upstate New York town of Bethel.
Supporters of the earmark said the federal funding would spur economic development and tourism.
Critics called it a hippie museum and a taxpayer-funded LSD flashback.

Look at the rest of this information from………

USA Today
WASHINGTON — The Senate voted Thursday to kill a $1 million grant for a museum on the site of the 1969 Woodstock concert, a rare rebuke of a legislative pet project and a blow to the presidential candidate who backed it, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Clinton and her New York colleague, Sen. Charles Schumer, had the funding inserted into the $604 billion education and health spending bill. The Woodstock project’s main backer, Alan Gerry, is a registered Republican who recently became a major contributor to the Schumer-led Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee.
Nine days after the “earmark” was placed in the bill in June, Gerry and his wife contributed the maximum of $9,200 to Clinton’s primary and general election campaign funds. The Gerry family contributed an additional $20,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, USA TODAY reported Wednesday.
Two Republican senators, Oklahoma’s Tom Coburn and Arizona’s Jon Kyl, offered an amendment Thursday seeking to redirect the money to a maternal health care program. In a time of mounting deficits, they argued, senators shouldn’t be steering money to a museum that has wealthy private supporters.

“How can we, with a straight face, argue to (the public) that we’re not wasting their hard-earned money,” Kyl said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God there were some politicans that have common sense to stop this freaking idiotic tribute to a low life hippies, acid freaks and haters of our fine military. I have zero tolerance for hippies and as far as I am concerned they are a total waste of good air…..then and now.

21 Oct

Soldiers Show Zero Tolerance For Attacks

Atlanta, Ga., native Capt. Andrew Steadman, commander of Headquarters Company, 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, out of Vilsek, Germany, questions a local man about attacks on coalition forces during a cordon and search of Baghdad’s Adhamiyah neighborhood, Oct. 15. Photo by Sgt. Michael Pryor, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs.

Soldiers show zero tolerance for attacks in Adhamiyah
By Sgt. Mike Pryor
2nd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division Public Affairs
If the people in the Adhamiyah District’s Abu Hanifa Market hadn’t already heard about the afternoon’s grenade attack on a U.S. Soldier, they heard about it when Lt. Col. Jeff Broadwater showed up.

“Who threw the grenade!?” Broadwater shouted, stalking from shop to shop as an Apache gunship circled overhead. “Where are they? Show me where they are and I will take them out of here!”

Not half an hour before, a Soldier from Broadwater’s unit, the 3rd Squadron, 7th Cavalry Regiment, had been wounded by a grenade thrown at his patrol. Now, in response, Broadwater was bringing the full weight of U.S. military to bear in the hunt for the culprits.

“We’re sending a message that attacks will not be tolerated,” said Broadwater, a Fort Knox, Ky. native, as dozens of Iraqi and U.S. troops fanned out through the stalls and shops of the market and helicopters continued to buzz through the sky.

It was a show of force with a purpose. In Adhamiyah – a mostly-Sunni neighborhood in eastern Baghdad which until recently was a hotbed of insurgent activity – the 3-7 Cav. “Sabers” have made dramatic improvements to the security situation by taking a zero tolerance approach to attacks.

“Any time there’s an attack we do an immediate mass response. We flood the area with as many people as we can,” said Staff Sgt. Eric Bull, a section leader with 3-7’s Troop C, from Perryville, Ark. “We don’t want to give the insurgents time to rest.”

“They punch us, we punch back harder,” explained Capt. Andrew Steadman, who commands a quick reaction force of Stryker vehicles based in Adhamiyah.

It’s a policy that began during the Sabers’ first days in the area, when insurgents tried to test the unit’s mettle with grenade and rocket propelled grenade attacks. When they did, they received a ferocious response from the Saber Soldiers, said Roanoke, Va., native Staff Sgt. William Schilling, of Troop B.

Since then, the well of “opportunists” – not hardcore insurgents, but locals willing to shoot a few rounds or lob a grenade at Coalition forces to earn some quick cash – has dried up, Schilling said.

Insurgent leaders have been forced to resort to desperate tactics like paying children to do their attacks for them, said Kisimmee, Fla., native Maj. Ike Sallee, the squadron’s operations officer. The Sabers recently captured a nine-year-old boy who had been paid to throw a grenade at one of their patrols. (The boy was later returned to his parents.)
Broadwater said the Sabers’s tactics have put the insurgents on the ropes, and the numbers seem to back up that claim. There has been a 70 percent overall decline in attacks since the 3-7 took over responsibility for Adhamiyah four months ago, said Sgt. Tim Luna, a squadron intelligence analyst.
When attacks do occur, such as the grenade attack at the market that wounded one Soldier Oct. 15, they are met with an overwhelming response. Even as the wounded Soldier was being evacuated, Broadwater was ordering scores of Soldiers in Humvees and Stryker vehicles to move in to secure the area. Fifteen minutes after the attack, there was a vehicle at every intersection around the market, and dismounted troops had begun searching from building to building.
A few blocks down, Steadman’s Stryker Company was also in position after responding to the call. Soldiers were everywhere: taking a knee at the corners, scanning the sector from positions on the roof, trudging up and down narrow flights of stairs inside an apartment complex, and working their way from courtyard to courtyard. Inside the houses they were polite and professional, careful to make as little of a disruption as possible as they searched.

“We don’t come in to scare people, it’s just to show them our presence and let them know we’re here and we mean business,” said Garden City, Mo., native Spc. Lonnie Pearson, of Headquarters Company, 1st Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment. Pearson said most residents were friendly and helpful when the Soldiers knocked on their doors.

“They want the bad guys out of here just as bad as we do,” he said.

It wasn’t long before the Soldiers located a witness who had seen the grenade being thrown. He gave them a detailed description of the suspects. The description went out over the net and was passed down to every Soldier. But it was apparently too late. The grenade throwers had managed to slip through the net. Several hours after it began, Broadwater called the search off.

Later that evening, after he had visited the wounded Soldier in the hospital, Broadwater said he felt encouraged by the resolve of his Soldiers – and by the reactions he had seen from people in the community.

“The people see that we’re not going to let (attacks) go unanswered, and they appreciate that,” Broadwater said. And though the insurgents who threw the grenade hadn’t been apprehended, Broadwater was confident he had delivered his message to them.

“We will find you,” he promised. “It may not be this time, but sooner or later, we will find you.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love true military leaders, kick ass and do what needs and has to be done. OH yessssssss!!!!!

21 Oct

Ahmadinejad Wanted to Visit 9-11 To Prevent “False Idol” Like the Holocaust”

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: ” I wanted to Visit Ground Zero to Prevent 9/11 from Becoming Another “False Idol” Like the Holocaust”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Oh sure that’s a good reason to want to go to the 9-11 site where the Towers were, let’s see to prevent it from becoming a FALSE idol???? I wonder if he stays awake thinking of the next stupid, hateful thing he can say. Nah, it just comes naturally to a being like Ahmadinejad an dhis ilk.
Ahmadinejad history is filled of what happens to people like you.

20 Oct

Despicable Harry Reid A Hostage To His Own Stupidity

Reid is a pathetic excuse for a man, much less a human being. Like all dem/libs he tried to ride the coattails of Rush’s idea. LMAO

OMG this is hysterical………. I heard it on Rush yesterday ( Thursday) and it is so funny. Reid is trying to get credit for the money donated to this letter of his and the idea of the charity Rush chose to donate to.
He actually suggested that THEY go to his (Reid’s) website to donate to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Fund.
He ignored Rush’s matching contribution on purpose. Hahahahahah. Then, declining to acknowledge that Rush has also asked the 41 signers to match, implores others to donate! Dems are not even conscious of the possibility they could donate their own money, it’s a foreign concept to them. Surreal.
Harry Reid makes a spinnin’ fool out of himself, click to see video………………….
Harry Reid go KO’d….Harry you loser, never go toe to toe with a heavyweight you moron ! hahahaha
Reid was “skunked” by Rush Limaugh. A REAL MAN and a great human being. Thanks Rush. A sweet Victory!!!!
Just one more thing…. while you listen to Reid talk doesn’t he always sound like the whole world has come to an end?? haha
The woman that won the bid was Betty Casey from the Eugene B. Casey Foundation called me back and issued this statement:

“The Eugene B. Casey Foundation believes freedom of speech is a basic right of every citizen of this country. The purchase of the smear letter was to demonstrate their belief in this right and to support Rush Limbaugh, his views, and his continued education of us.”

Article about her and a photo. HERE

20 Oct

Fox Wants To Know What You’d Ask GOP Presidential Candidates.

What Would You Ask the GOP Presidential Candidates?
Fox News

“FOX News wants to know what you would ask the Republican presidential candidates when they debate in Orlando, Fla., on Sunday, Oct. 21.
Please e-mail your question to debate@foxnews.com
Include your name, town, state and contact number for verification.
Please keep your question sharp, brief and to the point. And let us know which candidate you’d like us to ask.
Watch the debate live on FOX News Channel at 8 p.m. ET on Oct. 21 to see if your question was selected.”

Well here are some questions if the debate Sunday night was the Democrats debating:
Senator Clinton, have you ever spoken personally with Juanita Broderick?
Dennis Kucinich, how do you make those delicious Keebler fudge cookies?
Paper or plastic?
To Hillary . . . . boxers or briefs ? heh heh
Are you now, or have you ever been, a member of the communist party?

20 Oct

Bye Bye RINO ~ Martinez Quits As RNC Chairman

Martinez Quits As RNC General Chairman
Mel Martinez, the public face of the Republican National Committee as its general chairman, announced Friday he was stepping down from his post after serving only 10 months.

“I believe that our future as a party and nation is bright and I have every intention of continuing to fight for our president, our party and our candidates,” the Florida senator said in a statement.

His resignation came months earlier than anticipated. Martinez wasn’t expected to step down until a Republican presidential nominee was selected, and the earliest that could occur is February.
The RNC said Martinez’ job would not be filled.
Martinez, a prominent Cuban-American who is up for re-election in 2010, said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents. He also said the RNC had achieved the objective he set when he assumed the job in January.

“I would love to tell you that it was all a perfect world, but you know in a practical matter that it’s not, and sure, I think that the conflicting pressures and my always making the choice for the Senate, which is what I should and always did, at times caused frustration in not being able to get to an event or give a speech,” Martinez said in a conference call with reporters.

The RNC, which raised $61 million by the end of September, has been the only national GOP party committee to outraise its Democratic counterpart this year.
Though the party committee has done better than the Democratic National Committee in fundraising this year, Republicans have privately expressed concern that the RNC’s finances are not stronger. The RNC has not kept pace with the far more robust financial picture the party displayed in 2003, when it had raised more than $77 million by the end of September, and 2005 when it had raised about $78.5 million for the same period.
Several Republicans with close ties to the RNC said Martinez needed to focus on retaining his seat in Florida, where his job approval rating has fallen. A Quinnipiac University poll in September found that 38 percent of those surveyed said they approved of the job he was doing, down from 48 percent in February.
By tapping Martinez to be the party’s public persona a year ago, the White House had turned to a lawmaker who has been a staunch supporter of the president, including on the issue of comprehensive immigration reform, including a guest-worker program.

Wild Thing’s comment………
GOOD and take your amnesty jerk buddies with you! This is great news…..he presided over the malaise and in his spare time……..poked sharp sticks in conservatives eyes repeatedly.
“said he was relinquishing the job to spend more time focusing on his Florida constituents”
YOU, yes YOU Martinez, illegal hugger you are a LYING Piece of poop! He never replied even once to any of my emails like he give a hoot about his constituents.
Mel Martinez turned his back on the US after stabbing the country in the heart. The very country that gave him his freedom and a second chance at life! His open border/total amnesty advocacy and attacking legal immirgrants was the last straw.
Now we need to get his traitorous glutes out of the senate.
Take your commie buddies with ya and don’t let the door hit ya on the bottom on the way out.

19 Oct

Democrat Rep. Pete Stark’s Unbelievable Comments

Congress Hits Another LOW With
Congressman Fortney “Pete” Stark He is Despicable

While on the House floor, Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA), took the SCHIP debate to a new low. He said:

“You don’t have money to fund the war or children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if we can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President’s amusement.”

Rep. Pete Stark is the Rep. for California’s Thirteenth Congressional District is located on the eastern shore of the San Francisco Bay – commonly known as the “East Bay”.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee, called on Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the entire Democrat leadership to condemn a statement made on the House floor by Congressman Fortney “Pete” Stark in which referred to the “President’s amusement” in seeing American servicemen “get their heads blown off” while serving in Iraq.
In addition, Hensarling called on Congressman Stark to immediately apologize for his hateful comments or resign from office.
Early today, during House consideration of a bill on children’s healthcare, Stark made the following comments:

“I yield myself two minutes. Madam speaker, I, first of all, I’m just amazed that they can’t figure out — the Republicans are worried that they can’t pay for insuring an additional 10 million children. They sure don’t care about finding $200 billion to fight the illegal war in Iraq. Where are you going to get that money? Are you going to tell us lies like you’re telling us today? Is that how you’re going to fund the war? You don’t have money to fund the war on children. But you’re going to spend it to blow up innocent people if he can get enough kids to grow old enough for you to send to Iraq to get their heads blown off for the President’s amusement.”RSC Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) issued the following statement:
“Congressman Stark’s comments were hateful and wrong, and should be labeled as such by the House Democrat Leadership. No matter your political position on the war in Iraq or any other issue, it shows a complete disregard for the men and women who have volunteered for military service and the Office of the Presidency to make such an outlandish and asinine statement.
“Congressman Stark’s comments are completely inappropriate for an elected official. He should offer an immediate apology, or he should resign from the office in which he has been entrusted to serve. He owes that to the men and women who have so courageously put their life on the line to serve their country and the families that support them.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Pete Stark is a socialist POS scumbag! He’s a “Congressman for life” playing to “San Francisco-Berkeley!
When is our country going to make examples of these low lifes and kick them out of our government and treat them as the traitors they are.
I dare him to go to Iraq, without his Special Congressional Protection Privaleges, and say that to the Troops Face to Face.