One of the most amazing — and fearsome — weapons in America’s arsenal is the M134 Minigun produced by Dillon Aero. GI Factory host Kelly Perdew sure got a thrill riding around in a Huey and tearing up the landscape at 3,000 rounds per minute.
One of the most amazing — and fearsome — weapons in America’s arsenal is the M134 Minigun produced by Dillon Aero. GI Factory host Kelly Perdew sure got a thrill riding around in a Huey and tearing up the landscape at 3,000 rounds per minute.
Hi name is William T Russell. He is running for Congress against John Murtha as a Republican in the 12th Congressional District of Pennsylvania in the November 2008 election.
Until August 31st of this year, he was a fulltime Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserve, stationed at the Pentagon and a little over 2 years short of full, active duty retirement. He also is a small business owner and entrepreneur, as well as a husband and father.
During his military carrer he served six tours in hostile fire zones including Desert Storm, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the Balkans. These tours include almost three years in the Middle East (Iraq and Saudi Arabia) and a year and a half in the Balkans (Hungary, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia). He and his wife, Kasia, who was pregnant with their son at the time, were also in the Pentagon on 9/11.
His message:
“The United States is now engaged in a great political battle to determine whether this nation, founded in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal, can maintain the political resolve in its fight against a totalitarian political system, cloaked in religion, which is dedicated to the destruction of our liberty.
Pennsylvania has been the turning point in many of the great events that have determined our nation’s future as well as its character. These turning points include the founding of our nation with the signing of the Declaration of Independence to establish the political entity of our nation, followed by the Continental Army’s long winter at Valley Forge and its crossing of the Delaware to capture Trenton on the long road to military victory. The Constitutional Convention defined the structure of this nation, the Battle of Gettysburg determined that such a nation could long endure, and Lincoln’s address there clearly defined the purpose of that most difficult of this nation’s struggles. The passengers of Flight 93 turned the tide of battle on September 11 over the skies of this great state and diverted what would have been the most devastating of the blows to this nation. In this war against Islamic Radicalism, the political battle of the 2008 election in the Pennsylvania 12th Congressional District is a critical turning point of this war.
The people of the 12th District have a choice between continuing on a path of economic stagnation and undermining our Soldiers in the fight with an enemy that seeks to destroy us or of growing the next generation of entrepreneurs and supporting our most precious national resources as they engage an enemy we cannot afford to lose to. It is a choice between a corrupted, long time Washington insider who is playing into the hands of the enemy and a new comer with 28 years of honorable Active and Reserve military service to this nation in war and peace. It is a choice between an incumbent who encourages the enemy to kill more of our troops with his calls for withdrawal and a new candidate who has served with our troops in the streets of Ad Daluhya and Kirkuk, and understands this enemy is seeking to weaken our political resolve. It is a choice between a politician who has accused a Marine from this District of the cold blooded murder of innocent civilians for his own political ends (when in fact that Marine was facing four armed enemy combatants at extreme close range), and a professional Soldier who understands this enemy was looking to create a My Lai type incident for propaganda purposes and knows our brave Service Members need our faith and support. It is a choice between an extreme practitioner of cronyism who brings in earmarks that benefit a few close supporters while providing few long term jobs and a practicing small businessman who knows that real jobs and economic growth are produced by men and women who respond to the demands of the free market. It is a choice between a political player who continually creates dependence on pork barrel projects that dry up every two years and a practicing entrepreneur who wants our children to start and own their own companies rather than work for them.
In this election, surrender on the political, military, and economic fronts is not an option. We must turn the tide toward victory.
Throughout this campaign, I will be visiting with people of every county and township in this district to listen, learn, and assist in developing free market and small business based solutions to meet the economic challenges of this part of South Western Pennsylvania. I believe I have a unique background as a soldier, small businessman, and student of international relations to help turn the tide economically for the 12th district and for our nation’s security.
I deeply appreciate those supporters who have already welcomed this career Army transplant, who grew up as an Air Force brat and has lived in 11 different states and seven foreign countries. I invite all voters to follow suit.
I thank you for your time, interest, and support.
Very Respectfully,
William T Russell”
Johnstown, Pennsylvania 15907
http://www.williamrussellforcongress.com/ ……his website …….. he has a lot of things there you can read as well.
william.russell@williamrussellforcongress.com ……his email
(814) 248-3435
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Hooray William T. Russell, for taking on that bloated, elitist, earmark-plundering POS Murtha. Murtha is a curse!
I love those Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns. They are some of my favorite westerns and this is a neat idea how the person did this video. hahahaha
….LOL this is great, thank you Jack. Jack’s wonderful blog Conservative Insurgent
New York Times
France’s president, Nicolas Sarkozy, burst onto the Washington scene on Tuesday, clearly reveling in his first official visit to the White House and asking the United States to embrace him as a friend.
Mr. Sarkozy has met President Bush several times, so the brief visit was a vehicle for Mr. Bush to reward him for his friendship and for the French leader to introduce himself and his team to official Washington.
Setting aside the recent anger he has shown because of his divorce, Mr. Sarkozy backslapped and hugged his way through the day. He also proclaimed his determination to be a reliable partner of the United States.
“I come to Washington to bear a very simple message, a message that I bear on behalf of all Frenchmen,” he said in a toast at a formal White House dinner in his honor. “I want to reconquer the heart of America.”
In his toast, Mr. Bush welcomed his guest with the words “Bienvenue à la Maison-Blanche.”
Earlier in the day Mr. Sarkozy, calling France’s opposition to the American-led war in Iraq “a disagreement,” told the French American Business Council: “I never quite understood why we had to fight with the United States. I never quite got it.”
Here’s some Sarkozy quotes from tonight at the Bush’s BLack Tie Event
“I come to Washington with a very simple message. I want to reconquer the heart of America, and to reconquer the heart of America in a lasting way. I have come to tell you one thing, it is that France and the United States, we are friends, we are allies, always and forever (that is mangled from “depuis toujours et pour toujours,” sorry). I have come to tell you that we can be the friend of America and win elections in France, it is not a miracle, it is a reality. (laughter) …”
Sarkozy also assured the audience that he had no electoral ambitions in the US:
“So here I am in Washington on a first Tuesday in November. (Laughter.) Now, I have no electoral ambitions when it comes to the U.S.even though I know it’s a very special day because it’s the day on which Americans elect their President.”
Finally, despite language that was at time painful in its diplomatic and historical niceties, Sarkozy did briefly touch on common foreign policy challenges:
“We need to take up a challenge of nuclear proliferation, of religious extremism and of fanaticism. And we need to respond to the demands and challenges of peoples who wish to claim their rightful place in a new world, the world of the 21st century — and a new order, that of the 21st century, which is no longer the order of the 20th century. And we need also, together, to find a new balance between man and nature, in order that we may save this planet of ours — and not only save it, but leave it as a legacy to our children in a better state than that in which we found it. Together we must vanquish abject poverty, because it is on abject poverty that terrorism worldwide feeds.”
“A great economy needs a great currency…You have quality labor, some extraordinary companies, you don’t need a dollar that is too weak.”
“We love America, but we love America that is true to its values…We love an America which supports creators but not speculators, we love an America that believes in free trade but also in honest competition.”
“I will say to our Chinese friends, ‘you have been spectacularly successful…you don’t need an undervalued currency to win…It is not even useful. It creates imbalances and, at the end of the day, these imbalances impact you too.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
What a difference Sarkozy is then America hating Chirac. We will see how Sarkozy does, but so far it appears he wants to be friends with America and that has hope in it.
Debate on Cheney Impeachment Narrowly Averted
House Democrats on Tuesday narrowly managed to avert a bruising debate on a proposal to impeach Dick Cheney after Republicans, in a surprise maneuver, voted in favor of taking up the measure.
House Republicans, changing course midway through a vote, tried to force Democrats into a debate on a resolution to impeach Vice President Dick Cheney on the grounds he purposely led the country into war against Iraq.
The GOP tactics reversed what had been expected to an overwhelming vote to table, or kill, the resolution by longshot Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich.
Midway through the vote, with instructions from the GOP leadership, Republicans one by one changed their votes from yes — to kill the resolution — to no, trying to force the chamber into a debate and an up-or-down vote on the proposal.
At one point there were 290 votes to table. After the turnaround, the final vote was 251-162 against tabling, with 165 Republicans voting against it.
“We’re going to help them out, to explain themselves,” said Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. “We’re going to give them their day in court.”
Kucinich, an anti-war Democrat from Ohio, has long pushed for a vote to impeach Cheney, but has failed to win the backing of the Democratic leadership. After Kucinich introduced the resolution, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., immediately moved to table it.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “has said that impeachment is off the table and that the new direction Congress is focused on responsibly and honorably redeploying our troops out of Iraq, covering 10 million uninsured children and meeting our national priorities long neglected by the Bush Administration,”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
All those dems thinking there is no way this will pass, then the GOP pulls a vote switch trapping the dems-BRILLIANT!
“We’re going to help them out, to explain themselves,” said Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas. “We’re going to give them their day in court.”
That’s funny as heck! And what the heck is Cheney guilty of anyway! LOL Governing while Republican????
God bless VP Dick Cheney!
How to steal an election
By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist
Boston Globe
RECENT story that didn’t get nearly the attention it deserved was the New York Daily News report that 46,000 registered New York City voters are also registered to vote in Florida. Nearly 1,700 of them have had absentee ballots mailed to their home in the other state, and as many as 1,000 have voted twice in the same election. Can 1,000 fraudulent votes change an election? Well, George W. Bush won Florida in 2000 by just 537 votes.
It is illegal to register to vote simultaneously in different jurisdictions, but scofflaws have little to worry about.
As the Daily News noted, “efforts to prevent people from registering and voting in more than one state rely mostly on the honor system.” Those who break the law rarely face prosecution or serious punishment. It’s easy — and painless — to cheat.
I learned this firsthand in 1996, when I registered my wife’s cat as a voter in Cook County, Ill., Norfolk County, Mass., and Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and then requested absentee ballots from all three venues. My purpose wasn’t to cast illegal multiple votes but to demonstrate how vulnerable to manipulation America’s election system has become.
It was a simple scam to pull off. “Under the National Voter Registration Act — the `Motor Voter Law’ — states are required to accept voter registrations by mail,” I wrote at the time. “No longer can citizens be asked to make a trip to town hall or the county office. No longer do they have to provide proof of residence or citizenship. In fact, they don’t have to exist. Motor Voter obliges election officials to add to the voter list any name mailed in on a properly filled-out registration form. Anyone so registered can then request an absentee ballot — by mail, of course. The system is not only open to manipulation, it invites it.”
As journalist John Fund shows in an alarming new book, “Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy,” the United States has an elections system that would be an embarrassment in Honduras or Ghana.
It is so unpoliced, he writes, that at least eight of the 9/11 hijackers “were actually able to register to vote in either Virginia or Florida while they made their deadly preparations.”
How fouled up are the voter rolls? So fouled up that in some cities there are more registered voters than there are adults. So fouled up that when the Indianapolis Star investigated Indiana’s records a few years ago, it discovered that hundreds of thousands of names — as many as one-fifth of the total — were “bogus” since the individuals named had moved, died, or gone to prison. So fouled up that when a Louisiana paper filed 25 phony voter registration forms signed only with an “X,” 21 were approved and added to the voter list.
Illegal aliens have been registered, too, since under Motor Voter, any recipient of government benefits can sign up to vote, no questions asked.
Did that wide-open door to fraud cost former GOP Congressman Robert Dornan his seat in Congress? An investigation by the Immigration and Naturalization Service following Dornan’s 1996 defeat by Democrat Loretta Sanchez found that 4,023 noncitizens may have cast ballots in that election. Dornan lost by 984 votes.
It shouldn’t take a degree in rocket science to fix a system this sloppy and chaotic. But not everyone wants to fix it. Some operatives don’t mind cheating if it brings more of “their” voters to the polls. Fund cites the findings of Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson and political scientist Larry Sabato, co-authors of a recent book on corruption in American politics. Some liberal activists they interviewed go so far as to justify voter fraud on the grounds that such “extraordinary measures” compensate for the weaker political clout of minorities and the poor.
One simple fix — requiring every voter to show ID when registering and voting — would seem to be a no-brainer. Opinion polls show that the vast majority of Americans favor such a reform. After all, ID is required when boarding an airplane or buying liquor. Why not when voting?
Yet, incredibly, powerful political interests have long fought to block an ID requirement. The NAACP and La Raza liken it to the poll tax that Southern states once used to keep blacks from voting. A Democratic Party official says that “ballot security” and “preventing voter fraud” are simply code for voter suppression. That willingness to play the race card is not merely dishonorable; it is undemocratic. For as Fund notes, “when voters are disenfranchised by the counting of improperly cast ballots, their civil rights are violated just as surely as if they were prevented from voting.”
The drift toward Third World-caliber elections in the most advanced democracy in the world is scandalous. Then again, if Americans can’t be bothered to scrub the voting rolls or to make sure that voters are properly ID’d, maybe they’ve got the election system they deserve.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
After 9/11, the Justice Department found that eight of the 19 hijackers were registered to vote.
When I read this I also remembered how the Dems had buses go and pick up homeless people and promised then coffee and doughnuts on their way to the voting booths. amazing!
…Thank you Jack for sending this to me. Jack’s blog is Conservative Insurgent Blog.
Just CLICK the link below, it is fun and it goes faster as you progress. You can also reload along the way if needed and then it goes faster too. hahahahhaa
He speaks of his 100 percent pro-life voting record and reminding voters that “our rights come from God and not from government,” Senator Fred Thompson launches a pair of television ads set to begin airing on Wednesday statewide in Iowa and nationally on Fox News. This is the 60 second version.
‘Special Report’ Panel on Uproar at the State Department
Fox News for complete article
JACK CRODDY, FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER: It’s one thing if someone believes in what is going on over there and volunteers. I am sorry, but, basically, that is a potential death sentence, and you know it.
And then another thought—who will take care of our children? Who will raise our children if we are dead or seriously wounded?
REP. DUNCAN HUNTER, R-CALIF.: I think we should fire those folks that don’t want to go. You can’t have people on the payroll who refuse to be deployed to the tough places.
BRET BAIER, CO-HOST: There you see some of the back-and-forth over this issue at the State Department this week at a town hall meeting, where some officers said they did not want to be assigned to go to Iraq.
Now the Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has weighed in with a cable to all diplomats, sending it out today, saying “Regardless of how the jobs may be filled, they must be filled. It is our duty to do our part towards succeeding in the vital mission in Iraq given to us by the President.”
Some of the back and—it was amazing to watch that town hall meeting, Jeff. The vitriol for some of these Foreign Service officers about possibly being assigned to Iraq—there has not been a decision yet, but it might be that.
JEFF BIRNBAUM: That’s right, they may be forced to go. And they should be forced to go. I think that is part of their duty.
Hunter’s Press Release that tossed gas on the fire:
Washington, D.C.
U.S. Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, will be meeting with President Bush today regarding his Wounded Warrior proposal to Congress. During today’s meeting, Congressman Hunter intends to also suggest that State Department personnel who refuse deployment to Baghdad be replaced with wounded veterans at Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals.
“When the State Department appears to be filled with reluctant personnel, let’s turn to those who have bravely followed the American flag in the most dangerous of assignments,” said Congressman Hunter. “The U.S. Marines, soldiers, airmen and Navy personnel presently recovering at our national military hospitals have all the character required by the Department of State. They are brave, loyal, intelligent and fiercely determined to win the War on Terror.
“They are veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters and you can be sure that when called on for difficult assignments, they won’t convene a town meeting to protest. Especially for those whose mobility has been impaired by wounds, State Department positions, not only in Baghdad but around the world, will provide excellent jobs as well as availing our nation of their enormous talent.”
Hunter will recommend a team of State Department recruiters be immediately sent to Walter Reed and Bethesda hospitals, as well as posting application forms on relevant employment websites.
“Let’s replace these reluctant Nellies with America’s finest citizens,” concluded Hunter. “Our wounded warriors will serve our country efficiently, effectively and with undying patriotism.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Yesterday Nick and I were talking about this and he said, they should send Veterans, soldiers that served in Iraq. They know Iraq now, they know the people, and how to deal with them.
Then when I just read this that Duncan Hunter said I agree. I see why it might be a great idea. I agree if we want intelligence, courage, and honor in our diplomatic postings, send vets.
The jerks with the State Dept. Firing them is also a great idea for any reason.
JACK CRODDY, FOREIGN SERVICE OFFICER: It’s one thing if someone believes in what is going on over there and volunteers. I am sorry, but, basically, that is a potential death sentence, and you know it.
And then another thought—who will take care of our children? Who will raise our children if we are dead or seriously wounded?
I’m willing to bet Mr. Croddy’s political affiliation does not begin with an “R.”
David Obey (D-WI) on Iraq: ‘We’ve Run Out of People to Kill’
The Hill
If violence is decreasing in Iraq, it may be because insurgents “are running out of people to kill,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) said Monday.
“There are fewer targets of opportunity,” Obey said in a speech to the National Press Club.
Obey was responding to a question about reports touted by Republicans that security is improving in Iraq and that President Bush’s “surge” strategy is working. He stressed that military success has not led to political reconciliation.
“The issue has never been military,” Obey said. “The issue has always been political improvement.”
As the House’s top appropriator, Obey has his hands on the nation’s purse strings, giving him a significant say on the war in Iraq.
In his speech Monday, he stuck by his pledge not to approve any more money for the war until President Bush changes course on Iraq. He also offered a spirited defense of a new surtax to pay for the Iraq war, admitting that he knew it wouldn’t pass when he offered his support for the plan. But he said it highlighted the fact that Bush has loaded the cost of the war onto the national debt while pushing tax cuts tilted to the wealthy.
The surtax plan, which is backed by Reps. John Murtha (D-Pa.) and James McGovern (D-Mass.), would raise $150 billion a year for the war.
“That may not be a popular thing to do, but it’s a hell of a lot more responsible than sending the bill to your kids,” Obey said.
Obey is the point man among House Democrats on the looming spending battle with Bush, which Obey called a “manufactured controversy” and an “unnecessary diversion.” President Bush has threatened to veto any bills that exceed his requested spending levels, which together are $22 billion less than what Democrats have proposed.
He also accused President Bush, his allies and his aides of hypocrisy and an unwillingness to negotiate that is immature.
He said that when Democrats were in the majority, they worked with Republicans “like adults” to get spending bills passed.
“I believed that the way politics is supposed to work is that we are supposed to first define our differences and then work like adults to find ways to resolve them,” Obey said.
But this year, he said, Republicans have engaged in “filibuster by amendment,” trying to delay the process and then complaining when Democrats maneuvered to get bills passed by combining them.
“I find it interesting that [Bush] now raises objections, because we are doing what his party did for so long,” Obey said
Obey and his fellow Democrats combined the bill for labor, education and social spending — which is disliked by Bush — with the military construction spending bill, which includes the budget for veterans’ affairs and is popular with Bush. But Republicans have said the maneuver could stall veterans’ funding.
“That claim is enough to give hypocrisy a bad name,” Obey said, noting that last year, Republicans failed to pass any stand-alone domestic spending bills, including for military construction.
White House budget office spokesman Sean Kevelighan said the difference is that previous GOP Congresses abided by President Bush’s “top-line” overall spending cap.
“We’re in a different environment in this Congress,” Kevelighan said. “Unfortunately, what we’re finding with this Congress is that the reaction to everything is to raise taxes or spending more taxpayer dollars.”
“With time running out this year and not a single bill complete, Democratic leaders may want to start focusing on the work that must be done now instead of blaming everyone but themselves for their pork-filled, shoddy work,” said Brian Kennedy, spokesman for House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio).
Wild Thing’s comment……..
OMG excuse me a second LMAO this guy is an idiot! Yeah…There’s only 5 Billion infidelss left! They are getting si hard to find.
OH how I wish, hope and pray our Republicans USE this baloney in TV ads in the Presidential campaign. hahahaha
The Democrats are grasping at straws. Up to now, they have insisted that what creates terrorism in Iraq is the very presence of Americans. Now that the violence is declining while the Americans haven’t gone anywhere, that position becomes less tenable.
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